The procedure for tying screw piles with a bar is a step-by-step instruction with a photo. How to do the strapping of a house with a bar Double strapping from a bar 200x200

In many cases, a pile foundation is preferable to other types of foundations, especially in the field of low-rise construction, since it allows you to significantly save on its construction. The stage of strapping screw piles with a bar is mandatory and is one of the most difficult and responsible. But before considering the procedure for conducting it, you need to understand why you need to do this and how important the quality is.

What is a pile? Hollow tube made of high quality steel, which has one tapered end with welded "blades". After it is screwed into the ground, only a part of the "trunk" rises above the surface, on which there are diametrically drilled holes (technological). After finishing and preliminary alignment, the “tops” are cut off. How to mount the walls of the house on them? That is why, before starting their construction, the craftsmen are engaged in the installation of a kind of "layer" between the base and the structure itself.

Why do you need a harness?

It solves several problems:

  • rigidly connects all installed piles into a single structure;
  • allows for a more accurate alignment of their upper sections in one plane (horizontal), since it is difficult to avoid technological errors in the process of screwing in the supports, especially if the work is done independently;
  • evenly distributes all the load on the foundation around the perimeter;
  • partially protects the walls from the effects of soil.

For strapping, various methods are used (for example, the construction of a grillage is one of its varieties) and materials - a log, a channel (shown in the figure).

But nevertheless, the best option is not just strapping with wood, but with a bar, since it has a rectangular cross-section, which somewhat simplifies the work of its installation (including the fastening of the lower row of walls).

Single strapping

The most effective method is the combined one, in which 2 methods are combined - fixation with self-tapping screws (anchors) + clamps (corners, plates).

Installation of heads

Such elements are attached to the “tops” of all piles. As a rule, these are metal plates that are welded to the ends of the supports.

But in the case of strapping with a bar, given its strict dimensions, it is advisable to install flanges (the letter "P" upside down). The distance between the “legs of the letter” depends on the parameters of the blanks, since they will fit between them (the minimum section of the timber for strapping is 150 mm). Naturally, the holes for the fasteners are prepared in advance.

Preparation of blanks

At their ends, cuts are made, and the master decides what type of connection of the timber to choose. It is clear that the first is much simpler and does not require much experience, but it is less reliable. Additionally, grooves for logs are prepared.

Laying and fixing the timber

The first thing to do is to lay all the flanges with a waterproofing material (the cheapest is roofing material). As an option - bitumen + polyethylene film. The task - the wood should not come into contact with the metal. If only because moisture will condense on it during operation and gradually be absorbed into the timber.

Work always starts from the corners. The first 2 adjacent beams are pre-joined, leveled, after which the conformity of the 90º connection is checked (using a square). After additional adjustment, the workpieces are fastened with hardware. Self-tapping screws are much better than nails, since they are easier to remove if necessary to make repairs. The rest of the corners are the same.

After that, the correctness of the perimeter geometry is checked (by comparing the diagonals). And only after making sure of their equality, you can continue editing.

Laying the timber on the sides is not difficult, given that all products have the same (calibrated) length. Their connections, from the point of view of maintainability, it is desirable to make "end-to-end". They are fastened together with metal plates and brackets (possible options are shown in the figure).

Inside the perimeter, the technique is not much different from the above (an example is in the figure).

All joints, in order to avoid the appearance of "cold bridges", must be insulated (for this it is advisable to use a jute tape).

Strapping processing

As a rule, the timber is covered, on top of which the waterproofing material is applied. After that, you can proceed to the next stage of construction.

Feature of double strapping

It is considered more reliable and maintainable.

The technology is not fundamentally different, but there are several nuances:

  • for the 1st "level" a bar of 200 mm is taken;
  • for the second - with a section of 100 x 150; while laying the 2nd row is carried out by setting the blanks "on the bottom" (the smaller side);
  • in the 2nd level, cuts are not made for lags;
  • the joints of the bars along the rows should be spaced.
  • For strapping, a coniferous timber is recommended. The best option is larch. Since the material will be located directly above the ground, moisture will intensively affect it. Its effect is reduced by various impregnating compositions, but they also have a validity period. The peculiarity of larch is that this tree only becomes stronger when wet.
  • After the end of welding work, it is advisable to treat all places that have been exposed to temperature with an anti-corrosion compound. The fact is that the piles have a protective coating, which is damaged by welding.
  • For more accurate alignment of the bar horizontally, at the place of its laying on the flange, either a wedge is placed, or a small cut is made.
  • In the absence of a grillage, you can additionally strengthen the foundation with metal "jibs".

There are recommendations on how to make "gluing" (like a bar) from boards for strapping. And the argument is given - it will come out cheaper. No matter how skillfully the text is written, no matter what the advantages of such a technique are given - you shouldn't do it... Perhaps, "homemade" and will come in handy somewhere else, but when it comes to the foundation, it is better not to experiment - any alteration will come out much more expensive.

The reliability of the pile-screw foundation, as, indeed, of any other building foundation, depends on the observance of technological recommendations, as well as on the correctness of its geometric parameters. Today we will consider the main points regarding the arrangement of the wooden strapping of the pile-screw foundation. We learn from the experience of FORUMHOUSE users about possible errors and rules that must be followed.

In this article, we will consider the following questions:

  • What is the design of the wooden strapping is considered a gross violation of existing technology.
  • What is the best way to mount the strapping of screw piles - from a solid or from a type-setting bar.
  • How to correctly join the timber on the pile heads.
  • How to prepare timber for installation on piles.
  • In what sequence is the wooden harness mounted?

Suppose that the pile part of the foundation is already ready: the piles are screwed into the ground, the heads are welded, and the deviation of the horizontal level of the screw piles corresponds to the permissible errors. We will not take responsibility for discussing what distance should be between the piles, to what depth they should be screwed into the ground. Also, we will not give advice on a suitable pile diameter. Only professional designers will reasonably answer these questions, who should be contacted for appropriate calculations. To begin with, we want to warn you against a serious mistake, which many non-professional developers are tempted to make.

Removal of load-bearing walls outside the pile foundation

Sometimes private developers try to find solutions that save on the purchase of building materials and on the work of screwing in additional piles. At the same time, they forget about the strength of the building structure, which can be broken very rashly.

Here is an example of a gross violation of construction technology, the photo shows the removal of the outer wall outside the pile row.

What can you recommend for people who prioritize questionable savings? The most important thing is not to allow amateur performances, and then everything will work out for you. If building codes provide for the installation of piles under every corner or wall of the future room, then so be it. There is no need to make any overhangs and indents that are not supported under them in the form of a pile firmly screwed into the ground. This will not lead to a reduction in the cost of construction, but it will provide the developer with additional problems.

Guffych FORUMHOUSE user

If you make an overhang or indent, then this structure will hang on the logs. In this case, you will have to make a double strapping from the inside and connect it in some way with the external overhang (so that the structure does not completely disperse). Cheaper (due to savings on piles) will not work, since you will have to spend money on strengthening the lower floor, but this will add specific problems.

If it is planned to attach additional architectural elements to the house (a veranda or, for example, a porch), their corners should also rest on metal piles.

Landlord FORUMHOUSE user

In general, according to the technology of building a pile-screw foundation, piles must be placed under all cuttings, corners and load-bearing walls. This is the most important rule.

A bar or a board - which is better?

Let's talk about what material is best to use to create a wooden trim. Construction standards allow the use of a solid wooden bar (150x150, 150x200 200x200) or a bar sewn from several boards (50x200). The stacked bar qualitatively replaces the solid bar and even surpasses it in some characteristics. Three boards sewn together replace a 150x200 bar, while four boards are similar to a 200x200 bar.

A beam, one side of which is 200 mm, is laid on the head with the smaller side. In this case, the height of the strapping is equal to 200 mm.

Both options (with a bar and a board) are popular and both are correct. At the same time, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each material, many developers make their choice in favor of a stitched board.


Why would you use a bar 150 * 200? Knock down 3 boards 50 * 200 instead of him and do not suffer with this log. This topic is constantly raised on the forum.

The word "log" was mentioned by the user for a reason. Solid timber is a relatively heavy building material and in conditions of a limited number of working hands it will be very difficult to transfer it from place to place (even in a small construction site). In addition, solid timber does not resist bending well (worse, in any case, than boards placed on the edge), which makes its use less practical.

Boards, unlike timber, must be firmly connected to each other before installing on piles. And these are additional costs, and this, perhaps, is their main disadvantage.

builder FORUMHOUSE user

The boards are hammered together with nails in two rows with a pitch of 20 cm. On each head they are fastened not with one capercaillie, but four.

As for the length of the nails: for a composite beam of three boards (50x200), nails 90 - 120 mm long are sufficient. They make their way from both sides in a checkerboard pattern, as the user builder pointed out. The distance between the nails is 20 ... 45 cm. If the timber is made up of four boards, at first 3 boards are knocked together, then the fourth is attached to them (with the same exact nails).

Now let's talk about the “wood grouse” mentioned in the quote. "Capercaillie" is a fastening element - a self-tapping screw, the head of which is made in the form of a hexagon (for a wrench or wrench).

With the help of the "wood grouse", the timber is attached to the pile head (the wood grouse is screwed in from below).

The diameter of the wood grouse for attaching the strapping bar is 8 ... 10 mm, its length is 100 ... 150 mm.

To prevent the timber or split beams from splitting during screwing of wood grouses, a hole must be drilled in the wood beforehand.

A small table will help determine the diameter of the drill.

Beam connection and extension technology

The length of the timber (both solid and composite) rarely corresponds to the distance between the pile heads. In order to fit the beams to the dimensions of the foundation, they have to be cut or stitched together. When building up a timber, one important rule must be observed.

Any joints must have a fulcrum underneath. This also applies to type-setting beams and solid timber.


The joints of the boards do not need to be made hanging. Dock the boards on the pile heads.

By splicing the timber in this way, you will increase the consumption of wood, but ensure the strength of the pile strapping.

Splicing the timber on the pile heads also needs to be done correctly. If a solid bar is spliced, then cuts are made on two adjacent beams. On one beam, the upper half of the bar is sawn, on the other - the lower one. After that, both beams are connected to a lock. This connection is called a "half-tree connection".

At first glance, everything looks extremely simple. But there is an important rule for joining two elements of one load-bearing beam: both adjacent beams must rest on the pile head at the point of connection of the load-bearing beams, and not one. Let's start with an example of a wrong connection.


The platform for supporting the beam on the head (at the junction of two purlins) must have a length of at least 90 mm. In the figure, the beams at the junction are "gouged". One has the upper half "stabbed", the other - the lower one. If the beam rests on the pile head only with the "cut" part, then its working section should be taken as the section of only this part. If the bar rests on the head completely (at least 90 mm in length), then everything is correct: the strapping will work like a solid bar.

In this case, the run is a supporting beam in the harness of a frame house.

This rule also applies to trim gussets. Here are examples of the correct joining of the bar.

Basic connection diagrams of the timber (top view).

In order for the beam to have a sufficient support area, the pile heads must initially have dimensions corresponding to the cross-section of the beam.

The question naturally arises: how to lay a bar at the junction of several beams (for example, if three beams are joined at one head at once)? Here's what our user experience suggests.


Beam abutments can be arranged in two ways. In the first case (when all beams are load-bearing), in order to provide a sufficient support area, it is necessary to increase the head. In the second (when only one beam is the carrier), we put the supporting beam on the head, and the auxiliary one can be attached to the suspension - such a detail (in fastening stores it is called the "beam holder").

The increase in the reference platform is carried out according to the following scheme:

With the correct placement of the piles, even the auxiliary beams will have several support points, which will make the foundation structure strong enough.

If the design of the strapping is approached more rationally, if, where possible, beams of small width are used, then there should be no problems with the construction of the correct abutments. Here is an example of strapping a frame house.


I designed the harness as follows: the purlins (main structural beams), marked with green arrows, are structural. The outer beams consist of 3 boards 50x200, the middle one consists of 4 boards 50x200. And the beams marked with yellow arrows are auxiliary (not load-bearing) and consist of 1 board 50x200. They serve to increase the overall rigidity of the structure.

Stacked load-bearing beams (plank beams) at the abutment points must also have a sufficient support area. We present to your attention examples of the correct connections of the typesetting bar in various sections of the strapping.

Preparing timber for installation on piles

Preparing the harness for installation on piles consists in processing wood with antiseptic compounds, as well as cutting off workpieces of the required length. For antiseptic treatment, bioprotective compounds are best suited, at the same time capable of performing the functions of a primer. You can get acquainted with the recommendations of developers regarding the use of certain protective compounds here.

Some developers strive to dry the timber to the optimum moisture content before installing the strapping. What should be the moisture content of the timber used for the construction of the strapping? Experienced FORUMHOUSE users believe that if the wood has a marketable appearance, if its moisture content does not differ beyond extreme values, then it is better to use it for the construction of the strapping in the form in which it was purchased. And drying a board or timber at home will do more harm than good.

Kedruchu FORUMHOUSE user

It is necessary to dry the timber in a special chamber, and not behind a shed or under a film. The harness is built immediately after the purchase of wood, and it dries already inside the building structure. All that had time to lie down before the construction, then only for firewood is good, alas.

This advice is for those who do not want to get a timber twisted in all possible directions after inept drying.

The sequence of construction and fastening of the harness

First of all, the timber, impregnated with an antiseptic and cut in accordance with the previously thought out markings, is laid out on the pile heads. The cuts and grooves in the wood are also made in advance.

After that, you can proceed to the most important stage - to align the strapping along the diagonals and along the length of the beam.

Remember: it is normal for inaccuracies to be made when screwing in piles. The pile heads by 1-2 cm can be shifted away from the straight line, but the piping that is installed on them must have a perfectly flat geometry.

If you have a rhombus at the base of the house (instead of a clear rectangle or square), then you will never be able to align the walls and roof of the house. It is for this reason that the focus should be on the geometry of the strapping, and not on the alignment of the heads.

The diagonals of the harness, which have been laid but not yet secured to the piles, need to be checked and leveled several times. Only then can the timber be fixed at the corner points of the pile foundation.

After fixing the corners, you should check the geometry of the side and internal beams. To do this, use a rope stretched between the corners along each side of the harness.

The side and inner beams should be fully attached to the pile heads one by one, checking them for displacements away from the straight line.

Leo060147 FORUMHOUSE user

Do I need to put anything between the heads and the timber during the construction of the harness? There is no point in such waterproofing. Unlike concrete or other porous materials, metal has no capillaries. Therefore, capillary moisture from its surface cannot get onto the timber or any other material in any way.

For those who wish to learn from people wise by experience, we recommend visiting the appropriate topic open for discussion on our portal. An article about how to help you save well on time-consuming construction activities. And a video about how important functions the pile strapping is designed to perform will be interesting for everyone who plans to start building a wooden house in the near future.

Developers quite often resort to using a pile-screw foundation. It received the greatest distribution when erecting houses from a bar or light frame buildings. This type of base is favored by its low price and quick installation. In some situations, a screw foundation is the only solution due to the special characteristics of the soil with difficult terrain.

This type of foundation has a more complex structure. Its creation requires more time from builders. The width and height of the formwork are selected on the basis of the design calculations, which take into account such parameters as the mass of the roofing and the rafter system, as well as the height, width and material of the load-bearing walls.

Reinforced concrete strapping is performed in several stages:

  1. Installation of wooden formwork along the perimeter of the external walls of the internal load-bearing partitions. The strength of its bottom must be such as to withstand the weight of the concrete being poured. During the installation of the formwork, the upper parts of the support pillars are passed into its box. In this case, the box will not be mounted on the heads. However, this approach requires the creation of temporary supports that will need to be dismantled after the solution has solidified. For the arrangement of the formwork, a board or plywood with a thickness of 15-20 mm is used.
  2. Covering the formwork box with waterproofing material. For these purposes, an inexpensive roofing material or plastic wrap is most often used. The waterproofing is attached to the edge of the formwork in several places. It is done so that in the process of pouring the concrete solution, the film remains in place, and does not slide under the influence of the weight of the concrete to the bottom of the box. Neighboring waterproofing sheets are laid with an overlap of 20-25 cm. Also, the formwork waterproofing helps the concrete to gain strength and does not allow it to lose water.
  3. Reinforcement of the future grillage. First of all, this process is carried out in relation to piles. Reinforcement rods are inserted inside the supports. First, they need to be tied into the frame structure with special jumpers. After installing the reinforcement, the cavity of the supports is filled with concrete.
  4. Reinforcement of the remaining grillage structure. This is done only after the concrete in the piles has hardened. The grillage frame is attached to the parts of the rods peeking out of the supports.

Creation of reinforced concrete hinged grillage
  • If the depth of immersion of the piles in the ground exceeds 2.5 m, then sand must first be poured into them and carefully tamped. To make the basis for the reinforcement rigid, crushed stone of a not very coarse fraction (no more than 20 mm) is poured there. Only after these procedures are completed, a tied or welded structure is inserted into the support, consisting of several reinforcing rods 120-150 cm long.It is necessary that these rods protrude upward to a distance that allows them to be linked to the upper belt of the reinforcing frame of the tape.
  • In certain situations, it is allowed to weld reinforcing rods to the outer surface of the pile. This is done in cases where the supports rise above the ground to a height of 35 cm. However, internal reinforcement is always a better option.
  • After the installation of the reinforcement structure is completed, the opposite walls of the box should be fastened to each other using jumpers. This is done to give it rigidity.
  • To fill the formwork, concrete of at least grade 300 is used. To remove air pockets and obtain the maximum density of the solution, it is necessary to vibrate it. After that, the surface must be leveled.
  • A prerequisite for a high-quality grillage is that all planes should be filled with concrete within a few hours. Otherwise, it will not work to achieve the required solidity of the structure. This should be considered before ordering ready-made concrete or in the case of its own preparation.
  • After the end of the pouring, the grillage must settle until the concrete gains strength and solidifies completely. It is worth removing the formwork after 10-14 days. It is not recommended to start subsequent work related to the manufactured belt earlier than after 30 days. At low air temperatures, this period will be increased.
  • Gently cover the finished reinforced concrete grillage with an insulating layer and only then proceed with the following procedures. This is done by hot or cold laying strips of roofing material on the horizontal planes of the grillage.

After completing all these operations, you can start building the walls.

Air in reinforced concrete grillage

One more very important nuance should also be mentioned. Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation of the foundation. If the concrete harness is at a height of 30-40 cm from the ground, then it is not necessary to make ventilation holes in it. The air will circulate thanks to the vents in the intake, which is the structure that forms the basement of the building. If the grillage is installed near the ground or on its surface, the aforementioned holes should be provided in advance. This is done even at the stage of formwork installation. In the places provided for by the project, cut pieces of plastic sewer pipes are mounted. Thus, when pouring the mortar, through holes appear in the grillage. The total cross-sectional area of ​​such vents should be about 0.25% of the base area.

Even with such a wide variety of technologies and materials that make it possible to equip grillages for pile foundations, the tree has not yet lost its popularity. This is due to the ease of processing, low price and relatively low weight. Also, the advantages of wood include the ability to independently install the strapping without attracting additional forces to work.

Binding of screw piles with beams is performed using softwood lumber, for example, spruce, pine or larch.

The installation of the bar is carried out on the head. The presence of a waterproofing "misfire" of wood from metal is a prerequisite. To do this, a waterproofing material, for example, roofing felt, is laid on the heads.

Before installing the wooden trim, it is necessary to process the wooden elements with an antiseptic composition. In this case, preference should be given to the composition with the maximum duration, since the foundation has been in operation for several decades. You can continue to work only after the protective antiseptic is completely absorbed and the timber is completely dry.

It is best to use a timber that has undergone an atmospheric drying procedure to a "carpentry" humidity, which is equal to 12% ... Such a bar is less prone to deformation during operation.

In any case, it is allowed to change the size of the sawn timber. In this regard, regardless of the method of connection and the type of material, you should not immediately mark and cut it. Experienced craftsmen advise to first place the material on the heads and mark and saw in this position. The ends of the beams formed after cutting must also be treated with an antiseptic before installation.

Most often, a bar measuring 200x150 mm is used for the grillage. If it is planned to build a large house with two floors on the foundation, then it is better to choose a bar measuring 200x200 mm.

A bar with a section of 200x150 mm is mounted on tops with a side of 150 mm. Thus, the height of the strapping beam will be 200 mm.

The process of tying a pile foundation with a bar

Suppose that, according to the project, the house being built will have a large area, and the pile supports are 70-75 cm higher than the ground level.

Therefore, after screwing in the piles, a lower strapping is required. For this, shaped pipes will be used. A welding method is used to fix the lower strapping.

The heads have the shape of a square due to its convenience for installing "packages" of boards or timber. The upper plate, which serves as the "sole" of this element, has dimensions of 250x250 mm or 200x200 mm.

Several holes must be drilled on the "sole" (3-4). They are needed for attaching the strapping beams and the head. A plumbing screw 120 mm long and 10 mm in diameter is usually used as a fixing element.

Next stage- laying of waterproofing roll material on the heads. For this, roofing material or one of the modern materials, based on bitumen, can be used.

The cut pieces of waterproofing should be slightly larger than the headboard by about 20 mm on each side.

The presence of waterproofing linings helps to protect the wood from moisture penetration into it. The main problem is that the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of metal and wood differ greatly in their values. In the event of a strong temperature difference, condensation accumulates on the metal surface. That is why the site becomes wet. And everyone knows that wood must be dry throughout its entire service life. The waterproofing layer is designed to separate these materials and prevent the penetration of condensed moisture into the wood, thereby preventing its biodegradation and premature "aging", which has a positive effect on the durability of the entire foundation.

With a head size of 200x200 mm, a square-shaped fragment of waterproofing should have a size of 220x220 mm.

To prevent the waterproofing from shifting from the head, bitumen mastic is preliminarily applied to the site.

So, the place for the strapping is ready. It's time to start installing the timber.

  • As previously mentioned, correct installation implies the expansion of the timber along the perimeter of the structure. After that, it is necessary to check the perpendicularity of the beams. This is done by measuring the diagonal of rectangular sections of the foundation. If they match, then everything is done correctly.
  • The installation process must begin with the joints of the timber at the intersection of the beams.
  • The connection of the timber is carried out "in half a tree". This method is the simplest and far from the most perfect. Experienced craftsmen resort to more reliable connecting nodes, one of which is "in the paw".
  • The ends of the timber after cutting should be smooth and neat. Otherwise, when joining them, it will not be possible to achieve a snug fit.
  • It is recommended to additionally grease the joints with wood glue.
  • Self-tapping screws with a hex head, which are used to fix the timber to the heads, are screwed in from the bottom.
  • To make it easier to screw the screws into the wood, you must first mark the holes. This is done by creating a hole with a smaller diameter. This must be done after the timber has been laid on the heads. A socket wrench is used to tighten the self-tapping screws.
  • The cut-in of the timber inside the perimeter of the foundation is carried out “in half a tree”. At the joints, cuts are made and excess wood is removed. Then you need to remove part of the edge of the timber, which is supposed to be cut into the main harness. The fragment to be removed is 150 mm long and half the thickness of the beam.
a) Corner connection; b) internal connection
  • In the groove, the cut-in part of the timber should sit tightly. In this case, the lintel becomes flush with the surface of the main outer trim.
  • For additional fastening of the connecting nodes, steel staples 25 cm long, made of a rod with a diameter of 8 mm, are used.
  • These fasteners are considered optional. In some cases, the length of the plumbing screws may not be enough to ensure reliable fixing of thick beams to each other.
  • The bracket is driven into the beam at the joints of the beams from above. The legs of the staples are driven into whole parts of the beam, and not those that have been weakened due to the selection of grooves "in half a tree".
  • Sometimes it is extremely difficult to drive the bracket to the required depth (flush with the surface of the beam) due to its large thickness. In this regard, this operation is carried out according to the following algorithm:
  • Lay the bracket to the place of its installation and mark along it.
  • Cut along the marked line. Cutting width - 78 mm, depth - 10 mm.
  • In the places where the legs are driven in, drill holes with a diameter of 56 mm. This will avoid cracking.
  • Treat drilled holes and cuts with an antiseptic compound.
  • Place the staples in their designated places and drive them in flush with the surface of the timber.
  • In the joints at the crosshairs of two beams, the docking is performed “in half a tree”. Self-tapping screws are screwed from below, and brackets are driven in from above, forming a square.
  • In places where the staples are driven in, the surface of the bar must remain flat. Otherwise, the protruding parts of the brackets can significantly complicate the process of erecting walls.
  • After the end of the fastening of the beams to the heads, it is necessary to check the resulting structure for horizontalness.
  • To do this, you need a building or water level. The building level is used when the sides of the foundation are not too long.
  • The installation of a bar can have a difference on the line from one corner of the building to another within 5 mm. The linear parameters of the structure and its horizontal position must correspond to the data presented in the design documentation.
  • If there are errors, they will need to be taken into account in further calculations carried out for the construction of walls.


Due to the technical characteristics of some materials, it is possible to independently install the strapping without the involvement of a team of professionals and the use of sophisticated equipment. But when erecting a massive structure and lack of experience from the owner of the site, it is still recommended to seek help to specialists. When arranging the foundation, mistakes must not be made. This is not the kind of work by which one should learn to build.

Do-it-yourself strapping of screw piles with a bar. A country house is a large-sized building, which means that the support must necessarily be strong, and this applies even to the case when the foundation is made of separate piles. Do-it-yourself strapping of screw piles with a bar is needed so that the mass of the building is evenly distributed.

Thanks to such a reliable coupling, it will be possible to connect the piles into a single structure - the foundation.

Separately placed elements that are placed along the line and do not contact each other in any way will form the basis of the pile. In order to connect the piles into a single structure, which will serve as the basis for laying the foundation, the support of the building, a special head should be added to each pile, and strapping should be made on it. And even more, such a strapping will help to align the entire line located on top, along which the piles go into an even and uniform plane (horizontal). This is very important - the stability of the house will depend on it. We note right away that the pile-screw foundation is an ideal option for making a base for construction.

Also, this type of foundation is considered environmentally friendly, it is cheaper than many analogues in cost, lightweight and can be quickly installed compared to other types of foundation. A residential building from a bar can be built and at the same time it is profitable. The house itself is built with their own hands on the principle of a constructor. When laying the foundation, screw piles begin to screw into the ground, the work is similar to screwing in self-tapping screws. There is a likelihood of encountering certain difficulties when tying screw piles. Since during the installation process, it is imperative to form a grillage. Remember that the result will depend on how well the work is done.

Performing load calculations

During the installation of a pile-type foundation on screw supports, you will have to work with a base for a small load. This scheme is perfect for small sheds, as well as for baths, garages made of timber. A weak support is perfectly compensated for by the speed of construction and low costs. The foundation on the strapping of screw piles with a bar is designed from supports that are installed vertically, as well as horizontally located. Usually 4 supports are used for such a system, but more can be used.

In this case, the harness is presented. I make it from a material that is suitable for making a beam. It can be wood, metal, concrete. Wood is laid at the base of a bar, a corner is made of metal, and blocks are made of concrete. The strapping helps to connect the beams to the grillage and to each other. How long the process will last directly depends on how carefully you follow all the requirements of the instructions for laying and installation work.

By all means, the pile heads should be on a single horizon line, and this is easy to control when the supports are immersed in the ground. The width of the timber must be 1.5 times the diameter of the piles. Another prerequisite is that in the center of the supports, the axis must necessarily pass only through the center of the beam. The harness helps to connect the beams and supports using a threaded connection, either on clamps, or for welding.

How and what to tie?

Strapping material

The installation will depend on the characteristics of the material used for the manufacture of the beam and the foundation. Timbering of screw piles is a common option. But most are interested in the question of whether it is required to use a technology with the use of a bar, if it is possible to use materials with greater reliability, metal or concrete. We note right away that the timber is the best option for the construction of a frame house or a house made of wood, since the timber has great strength and high resistance to temperature extremes. During the treatment with an antiseptic, which helps to protect the wood from decay, the service life of the timber increases and becomes longer than that of steel beams. Tying piles with a bar is carried out using a technology that provides for fastening the beams to the thread, or fixing each part of the grillage with a clamp is performed.

Installation on thread

This technique is used only for a foundation that is U-shaped. A bar must be installed in the depressions on the flanges and fixed with a self-tapping screw. Roofing material is placed between the piles and beams. The beams are connected into a thicket or paw at the corners. Corner fixing can be done with tenons. For corners outside, elements in the form of corners are used. This technique makes it possible not to waste time on the system of grooves and ridges.

Note, that the best strapping of screw piles is to lay the fastener element on the outer corner. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws to the bars.

Using the clamp

This method of fastening is used in systems that use piles and do not have a flange. On top of the pile head, you need to weld a platform in the shape of a rectangle, and on top of it a grillage tank is laid. The U-shaped collar is placed on top of the beam, and its width must necessarily be equal to the width of the beam. The hanging ends of the clamp should be welded or threaded to a vertical support. At the corners of the beam, the connection is made using metal corners.

Using an I-beam and channel

If the structure is not heavily loaded, you can make a grillage from a channel. This design includes a barn or a bath. A grillage made of metal and piles are tied with welding. Structural elements and bases are attached to a circular seam. The assembly procedure consists in installing the channel on the head. The element can be reinforced in such a way that the side edges seem to look down. Tying the screw piles with a channel is also performed in the opposite direction, in this case the edges are directed upward.

With such an arrangement of the channel, the resistance to loads on the transverse parts of the structure will be many times better. Thus, you get the formwork, which should be poured with mortar, and it will turn out to form the wall masonry for the armopoyas. In order to ensure the high strength of the strapping, an I-beam of the same size is used instead of the channel. When the beams and channels are joined at the corners, welding is used. At the end of tying the supports, the grillage is covered with a product that prevents corrosion from forming.

Board strapping

Do-it-yourself strapping of screw piles with planks often involves the use of material from larch, cedar, spruce or pine. Fastening in this case begins with the manufacture of a beam, at the base of which boards are used. The elements should be glued together and fixed with self-tapping screws or installed on a bolted system. When using thin boards in the construction of the foundation, they should be additionally pressed down with plywood sheets. Be sure to make sure that all joints are located on different piles. We connect the boards together in half a tree. The beams should be placed on the edge and secured with piles.

Pile tying using this technology is performed as follows:

The use of profile pipes for strapping with an I-beam

If you want, you can make the strapping with an I-beam, and then choose a material with perforated holes. The I-beam should be welded as tightly and back to back as possible. The preference in choosing this material is low weight and high strength. The profile pipe in this structure will play the role of a spacer, which will increase the durability and improve the operational characteristics of the building. For strapping, the profile pipe should be welded from the outside along the entire perimeter of the base.

Is piping required during construction?

Quite often, future owners of their own home begin to think about whether screw pile strapping is required or not. The foundation on piles is a structure made of supports that are deepened into the ground. The installation of these supports is carried out extremely carefully, but even such supports do not always meet all the strength requirements and are not fully reliable. The floors can skew with the further use of the house, and the strapping will definitely not give an opportunity to lose the strength of the base of the building, which will make it strong, and the house will serve for many years.

Important! The sturdiest building materials should be used. The beam will make it possible to make a sufficiently strong base that can withstand heavy loads.

When selecting a strapping from a bar, you should adhere to a certain order of work:

Helpful advice! You can check the geometry of the future building if you measure the diagonals of the frame with a simple rope or tape measure outside.

  • The joints of the timber should be laid according to the paw-to-paw principle from the end side.
  • When everything is checked, the bars can be attached to the supports using screws, which should be 0.8 cm in diameter and 15 cm in length, it is required to screw in with a wrench.
  • In advance, you should make a hole in the timber with a drill with a diameter of 0.6 cm and a length of ¾ the length of the screw. This is necessary so that the timber does not crack.
  • A more reliable way of attaching the structure is to use bolts with a diameter of 0.8 cm.To do this, make a hole in advance with a drill, it should be 1 cm deep.This is required in order to attach the bolt head and washers, the diameter should not be less than 3 cm.

Note, that when the strapping of screw piles with a bar for the foundation is completed, you should check again that the geometry of the structure is correct and everything is in order with the diagonal, and then we can assume that everything is ready and you can start building the house.

They also call the harness. At the moment, it is the best option, which is of high quality and greater reliability when strengthening the foundation on piles. You can create a reliable support for the house with your own hands, but before starting work, you will need to prepare roofing material and a building level, self-tapping screws. Don't forget about metal corners and a hammer. The selection of the remaining tools and materials will depend on the technology, ideally, use the technology when using clamps and threaded connections. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the correct strapping must also be processed, which will protect the wood from moisture and bacteria.

Log houses can be built not only cheaply, but also profitably. In this case, most of the work is done independently. This applies to the assembly of the house itself, which involves the use of the constructor principle.

At the stage of laying the foundation, screw piles will need to be screwed into the ground; in this case, you will have to act according to the technology of screwing in ordinary self-tapping screws. You may encounter some difficulties only when tying screw piles. This is due to the fact that during the operation it will be necessary to form a grillage, and the success of construction depends on the quality of the work.

If you decide to install a pile foundation laid on screw supports, then you will have to work with a lightly loaded foundation. The design is suitable for low-rise log houses, garages, sheds and one-story baths.

The bearing capacity of such foundations is compensated by the impressive speed of construction and a modest estimate. The foundation on piles has vertical supports and straps in the structure, which are located horizontally. As for the supports, there can be 4 or more of them. The horizontal strapping is represented by a grillage. It can be created from any material that is suitable for forming a beam.

For this, they are usually used: The last option is the basis of the timber, a corner or channel can be made of metal, as for concrete, it is represented in this case by blocks. The binding of screw piles provides for the connection of the beams to each other and to the grillage. The success of this process will depend on adherence to the guidelines. The pile heads should be at the same level, which will be controlled when the supports are immersed in the soil.

The width of the beam for the grillage should be 1.5 times greater than the diameter of the piles. The third condition that must be met is that the central axis of the supports must pass through the center of the beam. The binding of screw piles can involve the connection of supports and beams using one of three technologies, among them installation: for welding; threaded connection; clamps. the technology is possible depending on the design features of the material of the beam and the strength of the foundation. Binding of screw piles with a bar is done quite often. However, many home craftsmen are wondering whether it is worth resorting to this technology if there are stronger and more durable materials such as concrete and steel.

But the timber is the best option for the grillage of frame and wooden houses. It has high heat resistance and impressive strength. If the timber is treated with an antiseptic that can protect the material from decay, then in terms of durability such structures will be able to compete even with steel beams. The strapping of screw piles with a bar can be carried out according to one of two technologies, the first involves the installation of beams on a threaded pair, while the other involves fixing the grillage elements on clamps.

Threaded mounting

This technique is applicable only when the foundation has a U-shaped pommel. A timber is installed in the flange recess and fixed with a support with through pins or self-tapping screws. Roofing material or oiled cardboard is placed between the pile and the beam. Beams in the corners can be connected using the classic technology: in a paw or a bowl. Fastening of a corner structure can be carried out using a groove and a ridge or tenon.

For corner mating, you can use an external corner connector, which saves time that could be spent on tongue and groove elements. Correct strapping of screw piles in this case consists in applying the fastening element to the outer corner. Fastening in this case is carried out with self-tapping screws to the mating beams.

Using clamps

Fixation with clamps is carried out in those systems that have piles without a flange as a base.

In this case, a rectangular platform is welded on top of the pile head, where the grillage beam is laid. A U-shaped clamp is placed on top of the beam, the width of which should be equal to the corresponding value of the beam. The ends of the clamp that will hang down should be screwed together or welded to a vertical support. In the corners, the beams are connected using a metal corner or other technology.

Using an I-beam and channel

If we are talking about a lightly loaded structure, then you can erect a grillage from a channel. This should include: change houses; baths; sheds; garages. Roofing from rolled metal and piles are tied by welding. All structural elements and bases are attached to a circular seam.

The assembly process provides for the installation of the channel on the head of the piles; the element can also be positioned with the side faces down. The strapping of screw piles with a channel can also be carried out in the opposite direction, in which case the side edges will be directed upwards. The first option provides sufficient strength. If the channel is positioned in this way, it can resist lateral loads more efficiently.

Turning over the channels, you get a formwork, which is usually filled with mortar, forming a reinforcing belt for the wall masonry. If you want to provide the grillage with high strength, then instead of the channel, you can use an I-beam of the same size. Channels and beams are butt-welded at the corners - the welding method should be used. After completing the strapping of the supports, the grillage must be covered with an anti-corrosion agent.

Board strapping

The binding of screw piles with planks quite often involves the use of coniferous wood, namely:

    larch; cedar; ate; pines.

Strengthening the foundation in this case begins with the manufacture of a beam based on a board.

The elements of the material are glued together and fixed with self-tapping screws or bolts. When using thin boards, you must additionally attach them with plywood sheets. In order to achieve the strength of the structure, it is important to ensure that the joints of the boards are on different piles.

The connection of the boards to each other is carried out in half a tree. The beams should be located on the edge and secured with piles.

If you decide to tie screw piles using this technology, then you can create the inner, outer and middle contours according to the herringbone principle, collecting and fixing the elements in turn. Between the channel (if any), the pile heads and the piping, there must be a waterproofing layer of roofing material. When the height of the strapping exceeds 40 cm, the base should be additionally reinforced with a professional pipe.

When deciding to make an I-beam strapping, you should prefer professional material, the walls of which have perforations.

The I-beam is tightly welded to the heads and has the advantage of high strength and low weight. If the binding of screw piles is carried out using this technology, then the professional pipe can act as spacers in order to increase the life of the foundation. As a strapping, the pipe is welded from the outside along the perimeter of the foundation.

The need for strapping

Quite often, novice home craftsmen ask themselves whether screw pile strapping is needed or not.

The fact is that the foundation on piles is a structure made of supports that are deepened into the ground. Their installation can be carried out as carefully as possible, but even in this case, they will not meet the requirements of strength and reliability. Under such conditions, the floor will help to distort when operating at home, but the strapping will not allow the base to lose its strength, making it durable and reliable.

Strapping is the connection and fastening of the pillars of the structure to each other. To do this, you should use the strongest building materials. For example, a timber allows you to get a solid foundation that will be able to withstand impressive loads.


Another name for the strapping is the grillage. Today it is one of the options that is distinguished by high quality and reliability when strengthening the pile foundation.

To carry out the work, you have to prepare a roofing material and a building level, as well as anchors and self-tapping screws. Do not forget about the presence of a hammer and metal corners. The list of other materials and tools will be dictated by technology.

You can choose it yourself or listen to the opinion of professionals. The most optimal, according to many experts, is the use of clamps and threaded connections. But the strapping from the timber necessarily requires the use of antiseptic agents that will be able to protect the wood from destruction under the influence of bacteria and moisture.

In many cases, a pile foundation is preferable to other types of foundations, especially in the field of low-rise construction, since it allows you to significantly save on its construction. The stage of strapping screw piles with a bar is mandatory and is one of the most difficult and responsible. But before considering the procedure for conducting it, you need to understand why you need to do this and how important the quality is.

What is a pile? Hollow tube made of high quality steel, which has one tapered end with welded "blades". After it is screwed into the ground, only a part of the "trunk" rises above the surface, on which there are diametrically drilled holes (technological).

After the completion of the installation, the “tops” of the preliminary alignment piles are cut off. How to mount the walls of the house on them? That is why, before starting their construction, the craftsmen are engaged in the installation of a kind of "layer" between the base and the structure itself.

Why do you need a harness?

It solves several problems:

    rigidly connects all installed piles into a single structure; allows more accurate alignment of their upper cuts in one plane (horizontal), since it is difficult to avoid technological errors in the process of screwing in the supports, especially if the work is done independently; evenly distributes all the load on the foundation around the perimeter; partially protects the walls from the effects of soil.

For strapping, various methods are used (for example, the construction of a grillage is one of its varieties) and materials - a log, a channel (shown in the figure).

But nevertheless, the best option is not just strapping with wood, but with a bar, since it has a rectangular cross-section, which somewhat simplifies the work of its installation (including the fastening of the lower row of walls).

Single strapping

The most effective method is the combined one, in which 2 methods are combined - fixation with self-tapping screws (anchors) + clamps (corners, plates).

Installation of heads

Such elements are attached to the “tops” of all piles. As a rule, these are metal plates that are welded to the ends of the supports.

But in the case of strapping with a bar, given its strict dimensions, it is advisable to install flanges (the letter "P" upside down). The distance between the “legs of the letter” depends on the parameters of the blanks, since they will fit between them (the minimum section of the timber for strapping is 150 mm). Naturally, the holes for the fasteners are prepared in advance.

Preparation of blanks

At their ends, cuts are made, and the master decides what type of connection of the timber to choose. It is clear that the first is much simpler and does not require much experience, but it is less reliable. Additionally, grooves for logs are prepared.

Laying and fixing the timber

The first thing to do is to lay all the flanges with a waterproofing material (the cheapest is roofing material).

As an option - bitumen + polyethylene film. The task - the wood should not come into contact with the metal. If only because moisture will condense on it during operation and gradually be absorbed into the timber.

Work always starts from the corners. The first 2 adjacent beams are pre-joined, leveled, after which the conformity of the 90º connection is checked (using a square).

After additional adjustment, the workpieces are fastened with hardware. Self-tapping screws are much better than nails, since they are easier to remove if necessary to make repairs. The rest of the corners are the same.

After that, the correctness of the perimeter geometry is checked (by comparing the diagonals). And only after making sure of their equality, you can continue editing.

Laying the timber on the sides is not difficult, given that all products have the same (calibrated) length. Their connections, from the point of view of maintainability, it is desirable to make "end-to-end". They are fastened together with metal plates and brackets (possible options are shown in the figure).

Inside the perimeter, the technique is not much different from the above (an example is in the figure).

All joints, in order to avoid the appearance of "cold bridges", must be insulated (for this it is advisable to use a jute tape).

Strapping processing

As a rule, the timber is covered with bituminous mastic, on top of which a waterproofing material is applied. After that, you can proceed to the next stage of construction.

Feature of double strapping

It is considered more reliable and maintainable.

The technology is not fundamentally different, but there are several nuances:

    for the 1st "level" a bar of 200 mm is taken; for the second - with a section of 100 x 150; at the same time, the laying of the 2nd row is carried out by installing the blanks "on the priest" (the smaller side); in the 2nd level, no cuts are made for the logs; the joints of the bars along the rows should be spaced.

Its effect is reduced by various impregnating compositions, but they also have a validity period. The peculiarity of larch is that when wet, this tree only becomes stronger. After finishing the welding work, it is advisable to treat all places that have been exposed to temperature effects with an anti-corrosion compound. The fact is that the piles have a protective coating, which is damaged by welding. For more accurate alignment of the timber horizontally, a wedge is placed on the flange at the place of its laying, or a small cut is made. In the absence of a grillage, you can additionally strengthen the foundation with metal jibs.

Why do you need a pile tie

To better understand why strapping is needed, first we will briefly consider the essence of the pile foundation.

This type of foundation is usually erected for buildings where high weight loads are not expected to be set in the future. At the same time, the foundation on piles is quite profitable in terms of money, since the cost of its construction is relatively cheap compared to other more reliable types of foundations. Moreover, time is saved, since a house on stilts is being built much faster than other houses.

Piles are pillars firmly nailed into the ground, which are located at a certain distance from each other. Even planted on concrete, such posts by themselves cannot guarantee maximum strength and the absence of distortions in the floor in the house in the future. It is for this reason that strapping is required.

The strapping process itself is a connection of the foundation posts with each other with strong reliable materials. This will make it possible to obtain a solid foundation that will withstand the permissible loads. Pile strapping with a bar is called a grillage and is considered one of the most reliable strapping today.

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Scheme of strapping a screw foundation with a bar.

So, before you start the strapping process, you need to clearly determine the type of installation and the choice of materials and tools. Today, there are 3 most effective and reliable options for installing piping to piles.

Thread landing. This type of tie is great for timber piles that are thick enough and have high timber strength. The calculation of the thread is very important here, since if the pile thickness is insufficient, it is easy to make a mistake.

Installation of piping by welding. This method refers to those that are mostly used for piles made of metal. The fact is that welding in this case will be practically the only win-win option, since any other strapping on the metal will not hold firmly.

Fastening the piping to the piles with clamps.

This method is considered acceptable for almost any wooden pile. And it also works great even in cases where the pile thickness is not too large. For some types of metal piles, clamps are also used.

So, it becomes quite clear that the specific method of fastening the strapping will directly depend on the material, quality and thickness of the pile foundation. And, of course, on your specific wishes and financial capabilities.

Diagram of the device for strapping the foundation of a house from piles.

Before proceeding directly to work with the strapping of screw piles with a bar, you need to purchase a calculated amount of a wooden bar. In order for the work to go quickly and efficiently, prepare the following tools:

    building level; self-tapping screws; small anchors; hammer; metal corners; roofing felt; drying oil; device for welding.

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Experienced builders have found that the highest quality when tying screw piles with a bar is given by a combination of two technologies - landing on threads and on clamps. In this case, the bar will serve for a rather long time and firmly hold the pile foundation. The only thing that will be required additionally from you is to impregnate the whole tree with special antiseptic solutions in order to prevent rotting and destruction of wood in the future.

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Diagram of options for the grillage device.

We start the strapping process with a thread landing. It will be most convenient to carry out this method if the screw piles are located in the form of a flange (the letter P turned down). We start the process by taking a block of the required length and placing it between 2 racks.

Before this, it is extremely necessary to put small ruberoid gaskets oiled with linseed oil on all sides of contact with the pile. At the same time, the timber is attached to the side posts using self-tapping screws, and to the lower base it is attached using small-sized anchors or through studs. After the block is fixed, it is necessary to additionally knock it down slightly with a hammer.

For added strength, you can strengthen the connections at the outer corners using ordinary spikes or a small metal corner. It is best to select a corner exactly according to the size of the corner of the pile with a bar, and it is recommended to fasten it with self-tapping screws. Using this method, it will be necessary to make a strapping on absolutely all piles, without leaving untreated places.

It should also be taken into account that if the piles under the foundation are installed in such a way that it is impossible to fix small bars between them from the bottom and along the edges (there is no flange shape), then the process of threaded connection is usually neglected and immediately proceeded to strapping with clamps.