How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country. What is the best remedy for treating a summer cottage from mosquitoes?

Summer is the season for barbecues, swimming in the river and family outings to the country. It would seem that this time of year has no drawbacks. But one tiny flaw still exists, and its name is a mosquito.

Small insects with transparent wings and thin legs can spoil the evening tea in the gazebo. Having driven the whole company into the house, a few mosquitoes can continue the "feast" indoors. The high notes of the buzz and the sharp bites can provide a sleepless night for the whole family. To avoid such discomfort, you need to get rid of mosquitoes in the country.

Where does the mosquito live and what does it eat?

Pisk mosquito is a small insect that lives in central Russia and in most European countries. It is commonly believed that mosquitoes feed exclusively on blood, but this is far from the case. Insects often swarm in tall grass. This is due to the fact that they feed on plant sap. For humans, only the female insect is dangerous. To reproduce offspring, the female needs proteins and iron, which are contained in human blood. And harmless males, during the “hunt” of females for humans, are content with plant sap.

Mosquitoes fly everywhere in the summer cottage. They love damp, densely planted areas. Swarms of insects can be found near rivers and artificial reservoirs. If there is an artificial pond on the territory of the dacha, mosquitoes will always concentrate around it. All insects, evenly scattered throughout the site, will certainly flock to the lamp in the gazebo. To protect yourself and your family from dozens of itchy bites, you need to take certain measures. Traps, chemical and natural remedies can be used to control mosquitoes.

repellent plants

The surest way to make the cottage as less attractive to mosquitoes as possible is to plant plants that “smell badly” for them. There are a number of flowers and herbs that look very beautiful and have an attractive aroma, but insects simply cannot tolerate them.

  • Basil. The herb used in many culinary delights is a natural mosquito repellant. Plant basil bushes around the perimeter of the garden, and this will make it unattractive to insects. Better plant lemon or cinnamon basil. In addition to the deterrent effect, this plant can be used to relieve itching after a mosquito bite. You need to grind fresh basil leaves so that the juice stands out from them. Apply a juicy gruel to an itchy bite, and you will immediately feel relief.
  • Lemon melissa, or melissa officinalis. It is a perennial herb with a delicate, sweet-lemon aroma. Melissa leaves are added to tea and used to make cocktails. The pleasant smell of melissa repels mosquitoes. Try to dilute as much melissa as possible.
  • Chernobrivtsy or marigolds. Bright red-orange flowers growing in the country are a natural remedy for mosquitoes. Insects dislike the pungent odor of the plant. Chernobrivtsy can be planted in flower beds near the gazebo, so that staying in it causes discomfort for mosquitoes.
  • Catnip, or catnip. A perennial plant that blooms for three summer months. Small blue flowers appear on long branches. The smell of catnip is intensely heard after touching the plant. If you do not like the aroma of these flowers, try not to disturb the planted bushes.
  • Garlic. Do not think that mosquitoes do not like only pleasant aromas for humans. The pungent smell of garlic is unpleasant to insects. Plant more garlic in your garden to create a natural barrier for mosquitoes.

Mint grows well in pots. It can be used not only to repel mosquitoes in the garden, but also to protect the house. It is enough to put one or more pots of mint on each windowsill.


Mosquitoes can not only be repelled, but, conversely, attracted. Traps are a great way to get rid of insects in a particular area. You can install several baits in the recreation area, at the barbecue or near the gazebo. There are three types of traps:

  • Homemade.
  • Velcro traps.
  • Electrical traps.

Homemade traps

To make this device, you will need 1 plastic bottle (1 l), sugar and yeast. Conditionally divide the bottle into 4 parts. Cut off ¼ of the bottle at the top. Pour 200 ml of warm water into the resulting container, add 5 tsp. sugar and mix well. Then add 2 g of live yeast. You don't need to stir them. Place the cut off neck of the bottle inside the container with the liquid neck down. This device will attract insects inside, but they will not be able to get back. The trap will not help to drive out mosquitoes, but will significantly reduce their number.


"Serpentine" with a sticky base is most often used to catch annoying flies. However, there is a separate type of Velcro, designed to catch mosquitoes. The tape is covered with a special glue that firmly attaches the wings and legs of the insect to the fabric. It has a specific smell, which seems very attractive to mosquitoes. Because of the aroma, insects flock to Velcro.

Sticky traps are made not only in the form of tapes. You can purchase special stickers that are attached to window sills and thresholds, on the foot of the table in the gazebo, on the ceiling near the lamp. This tool lures not only mosquitoes, but also flies, midges and even wasps. The only drawback is the unaesthetic appearance. It's not very pleasant to enjoy dinner when a ribbon with dead insects hangs over the plate.

Electrical traps

Electric trap for midges and mosquitoes can be used both indoors and outdoors. It helps to get rid of flying bugs with the help of electric current. Manufacturers of such devices claim that traps are absolutely safe for humans. During its operation, no chemical fumes are emitted into the air (as when using spirals or fumigators).

The radiated heat and a small amount of carbon dioxide attract the insect to the trap. Making its way to the electric lamp, the mosquito must fly through the grid, which is supplied with electricity. The power is not enough to harm a person or animal, but for insects, the current is detrimental. During operation, it is necessary to completely isolate the trap from water ingress.


The most popular means for “baiting” mosquitoes are plates and fumigators. They must only be used indoors. In the open air, all active substances evaporate.


The plates are impregnated with a special chemical composition that evaporates into the air when heated. This liquid contains:

  • allethrin (used to kill crawling and flying insects);
  • pralletrin (synthetic insecticide);
  • DEET (a substance used to kill flies, mosquitoes, fleas, horseflies and many other insects);
  • alcohol (isopropanol);
  • perfume fragrance.

The last component is added more for a person, and not for an insect. Many "pills" have a pleasant floral scent. The release into the air of all of these agents is detrimental to mosquitoes and harmful to humans. Substances have a toxic effect and depressing effect on the nervous system. After sleeping in an unventilated room with a heated plate, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • nausea.


Fumigators are considered less safe. There is no risk of fire from overheating the plate. The fumigator is not suitable for outdoor use. However, if the gazebo in the country is not well ventilated, the fumigator will help protect its visitors from insect attacks. One jar of liquid is enough for an average of 30 nights. Vapors help protect up to 12 sq. m.

Pressed wood flour impregnated with special substances helps to protect yourself and your family from insect attack in the open air. The product was called "spiral" because of the spiral shape. The package contains 10 spirals and a special metal stand. Manufacturers claim that one spiral smolders from 8 to 10 hours.

The substance should not burn, but smolder. During this process, dangerous carcinogens are released, which, when accumulated in the human body, can cause cancer. Never set fire to the coil in a closed room.

  • Do not use the coil in windy conditions. The “smoke” will constantly dissipate, and the spiral itself will smolder at twice the speed.
  • If you need to get rid of bloodsuckers in a large area, install several spirals on fire at once.
  • Do not install coils on the floor. They must be at least 50 cm above ground level.

Personal protective equipment

Spirals and fumigators are collective means of protection against mosquitoes. They kill insects within a certain radius. There are also individual means designed to protect one person. They come in the form of sprays, gels, creams and lotions. It is these preparations that are most appropriate to use for gatherings in the garden.

  • Sprays. They do not have foreign odors. Some preparations have a sharp floral aroma. Convenient to use. Do not leave greasy stains on clothes. After application, the skin is not sticky.
  • Creams. They have a light pleasant aroma. Quickly absorbed into the skin, does not leave a sticky feeling. Minus ─ it is impossible to apply on clothes.
  • Lotions. The body remains greasy. Grease stains may form on clothes. The smell is pleasant, herbal.
  • Bracelets. Used to protect children from mosquito attacks. The bracelet is safe for the health of the baby, as it does not contain chemicals. The product is impregnated with natural essential oils that repel blood-sucking insects.

Folk remedies

Instead of aerosols with a suspicious composition, essential oils can be applied to the body. Many scents repel mosquitoes. Folk remedies have proven themselves no worse than expensive advertised drugs.

  • The smell of camphor has a detrimental effect on mosquitoes. Set fire to a small piece of the product, and the insects will quickly “run away” from the recreation area.
  • Apply tea tree oil or any oil that smells like pine needles (cypress, juniper, pine, spruce, fir) to the body. A couple of points behind the ears, on the wrists and neck are enough to form an invisible protective layer.
  • Set fire to the juniper twig. The smell of this burning plant is a real torture for mosquitoes.
  • A couple of drops of anise or clove oil can be dropped into the fire. Evaporation will quickly disperse swarms of mosquitoes.
  • Spread freshly picked sprigs of peppermint, valerian or basil around the perimeter of the gazebo.

You can read more about all the means of protection against "bloodsuckers" in nature. If the insect attack was successful and red itchy spots appeared on the body, apply an anti-itch cream. Combed wounds can lead to scarring.

As a rule, it is overshadowed by hordes of mosquitoes. Blood-sucking insects sometimes simply drive summer residents inside a country house, and a welcome dinner in the fresh air turns into an extreme event. But there are quite reliable means of combating mosquitoes. We will talk about them.

Folk remedies

Before you start fighting mosquitoes with all sorts of means, it is worth taking some simple preventive measures that will reduce the number of blood-sucking flyers. First of all, you need to take care covering all open containers with water with a lid or film located in the summer cottage, because it is in stagnant water that mosquito larvae feel great. It is also good to completely change the water in such containers once a week.

Did you know? Only mosquito females feed on blood, they need it for the reproduction of offspring, while males adhere to an exclusively plant-based diet.

Another attractive place for mosquitoes are puddles that do not dry out for a long time and waterlogged land. The elimination of dense thickets and thinning of overgrown ones will also reduce the number of bloodsuckers, because it is in the thickets that they sit out, waiting for their victims.

Directly from mosquitoes, some types of plants protect well. For example, these insects have an unpleasant smell. But since rest among the beds will look somehow strange, then the recreation areas can be protected by plantings of such plants like tansy - they also scare away bloodsuckers.
The shores of decorative summer cottages can be decorated with plantings, which is also a good natural repellant.

A certain effect is given by leaves or branches thrown on smoldering ones. Cedar oil is also used as a repellent, as well as essential oils, eucalyptus,. They are applied directly to the skin.

Excellent mosquito repellant is a decoction that is so undesirable in the country.

It is very easy to make it with your own hands: 100 g of a crushed plant are poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
The finished decoction can be applied to the skin, or you can wet a piece of cloth with it, which will serve as a repellent.

At home, you can also build a simple trap, which, although it will not help get rid of mosquitoes, will contribute to a significant decrease in their number. To do this, they take, cut off the upper part, and put sugar and a spoon into the lower part, pour the mixture with warm water. Next, cover the lower part with the cut off top, using it as a funnel (the joints must be secured with tape).

Mosquitoes are attracted by the carbon dioxide released, they enter through the funnel and die there. For greater effectiveness, wrap the trap with something opaque, such as newspaper.

Did you know? The most effective exterminator of mosquito larvae in water bodies is a small gambusia fish. In a day, one fish is capable of exterminating several hundred mosquito larvae.

Modern technologies

The simplest modern mosquito repellents are repellents which are widely available on the market. They are available in different forms: lotions, sprays, gels, aerosols. The latter are good because they can handle not only open areas of the body, but also clothes. There are also repellent bracelets that are worn on the hand. The duration of such funds is usually from two to six hours.

A modern analogue of odorous plants smoldering on coals are open air pyrotechnic fumigators. They are made in the form of a candle or a spiral. When the tip of such a spiral is ignited, it begins to smolder, and the emitted smoke repels.
Ultrasonic repellents, or, as they are often called, "repellers", can be quite effective. These devices generate ultrasound, which keeps mosquitoes away from the area covered by the radiation. Repellers can be stationary or individual. In the latter version, the devices are attached to a belt, clothing or keychain and provide the wearer with personal comfort. Stationary models can protect up to 50 sq. m of open space.

Important! There are many types of mosquitoes, and many perceive ultrasonic vibrations differently. Because of this, repellers can be effective in one area and ineffective in another. Therefore, in more advanced models of these devices, it is possible to change the radiation frequency (manually or automatically).

Chemical treatment

In the matter of ridding the summer cottage of mosquitoes, you can trust the achievements of modern chemistry. In this case, the place where mosquito larvae develop is first processed: containers with stagnant water, country decorative ones, ditches, storm drains, etc.
Then they proceed to residential and non-residential premises, with special attention being paid to basements, where mosquitoes feel especially good. Are also processed , .

For such a procedure, it is better to involve specialized companies, since the complex treatment of a summer cottage from mosquitoes is carried out by various chemical means, and you need to know the features of their use. In addition, special protective suits and masks are used during processing, as well as special equipment - all this is available from professionals.

The chemicals used selectively act on mosquitoes and are practically safe for humans and animals. Of course, this only applies to certified chemicals that comply with safety regulations. Complex treatment helps to get rid of mosquitoes in the country quickly and for a period of one to 2.5 months - it all depends on how often it will rain.

Means for the destruction of pests

The simplest trap that destroys mosquitoes is the long-used special adhesive tape, which is attached to the ceiling of the veranda or. Insects that land on the tape adhere securely and die. Its effectiveness, in general, is very low, because whether an insect sits on it or not is a matter of chance. Of the advantages of the tape, you can only indicate its low cost. But there are also much more effective traps.

According to the principle of action, the antagonist of ultrasonic repellents are ultraviolet lamps luring and destroying insects. The principle of operation is simple: mosquitoes (like other insects) fly to a source of ultraviolet radiation, fall on a grid that is under low voltage, which surrounds the source, and die there. These are effective only at night, they can have a different radius of action, several of these lamps can be installed in a summer cottage.

Mosquitoes are lured not only by ultraviolet light, but also by thermal radiation, carbon dioxide, propane combustion products - all this imitates the vital activity of a living organism. There are also complex traps that use several factors to lure bloodsuckers, including attractants (substances that attract insects).
Methods for the direct destruction of mosquitoes in such devices are also diverse. They die not only from electric current, but also drown in containers with water, are sucked into special containers by a fan, and become victims.

Sophisticated installations are capable of protecting an area of ​​several thousand square meters. Such devices lure and destroy bloodsuckers by all available methods and provide absolute comfort in the area of ​​action. However, these super traps are expensive, massive, and need to be adjusted, replenished with consumables and serviced.

As we can see, the choice of means for repelling and destroying mosquitoes is huge. You can build biological protection by planting certain plants, use essential oils or decoctions of plants as repellents.


With the onset of good weather, we begin to spend more time in the country, enjoying nature. Unfortunately, with the advent of heat, annoying bloodsuckers - mosquitoes - also wake up. It seems that it is impossible to get rid of these stubborn insects. Meanwhile, a dacha without mosquitoes, a quiet evening in nature without the annoying buzzing of a mosquito is the desire of any summer resident. In this article, we will look at how to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage and give some tips to help you forget about mosquitoes.

Why are mosquitoes dangerous?

In most cases, a mosquito bite is quite harmless and is limited to redness and itching at the bite site. However, if a person has a weak immune system, a mosquito bite can cause severe allergies, which manifests itself in the form of severe itching, fever and headache. In rare cases, a mosquito bite can trigger the development of skin eczema. In addition, mosquitoes are a carrier of rare, but very dangerous diseases for humans. Malaria, which is carried by a special type of mosquito, yellow fever, encephalitis and others. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of unpleasant consequences from a mosquito bite, it is necessary to minimize the encounter with these insects.

Processing chemicals

Manufacturers offer various products, the so-called insecticides (mosquito repellents) are their main product. All chemical mosquito control products contain the active substance cypermethrin, which has a paralytic effect on the insect, provoking its further death. Landing on a surface treated with a solution, the insect dies. The entire territory of the summer cottage is evenly sprayed with a chemical solution: trees, shrubs, lawn, garden paths and walls of a country house.

When working with any chemicals, it is important:

  • Use personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, a respirator, waterproof overalls or a raincoat.
  • It is contraindicated to work with the funds for people prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating women.
  • During operation, it is forbidden to smoke and spray in the immediate vicinity of an open flame.
  • After treatment of the area, leave the place of spraying for a period of several hours to several days (depending on the preparation used).
  • Mosquito treatment should be carried out in dry weather, preferably in the evening.

Let's take a closer look at how to treat a mosquito site to get rid of these annoying insects.

Medilis cyper

Very effective mosquito repellant. After treatment with this agent, you will not see a mosquito or other garden pests on your site for a long time. The drug can also be used in the fight against ticks and small midges. The effect lasts for about two months. The composition of the product is safe for humans and pets. However, after the procedure, it is better for people not to appear on the territory for several hours.

Main advantage: long duration of action, from 1 to 2 months.

The main disadvantage: high cost, price from 2800 rubles. for 1 liter.

Bioneutral I 50

Powerful insecticide for mosquitoes in the country. It allows you to cope not only with bloodsuckers, but also with annoying flies and garden pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle, gypsy moth, caterpillars and others. Suitable for processing domestic premises, will help to deal with cockroaches and ants. The diluted emulsion must be used within 8 hours.


  1. Relatively inexpensive, price from 1700 rubles. for 1 liter.
  2. Weak odor, medium toxicity of the drug.
  3. Wide spectrum of action. It is effective not only in the fight against garden, but also domestic pests.

Disadvantages: short duration of action, the drug is active for 1-4 weeks.


It is effective both in the fight against pests in the summer cottage, and is suitable for use at home. Begins to act immediately after spraying the area. Professional remedy for mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs and flies. Indoors, the active effect of the drug lasts up to 3 months, in the air from 1 to 6 weeks. For greater effect, the manufacturer recommends processing twice.

The main advantage is the most economical means, the price for 1 liter is from 800 rubles.


  1. The need to process the territory in two stages.
  2. Very pungent odor, high level of toxicity.

Regardless of your decision to treat the area with mosquitoes, follow safety measures and strictly follow the instructions for the drug.

The concentrate should be diluted strictly in the ratio indicated in the instructions. Do-it-yourself chemical treatment of mosquitoes is a responsible event and requires increased attention to the process.

Folk remedies for processing

In the fight against mosquitoes, you can also use folk remedies. Of course, in their effectiveness they cannot compete with chemical liquids, but they are not toxic and absolutely harmless to humans. The proposed methods act as repellents, that is, they repel mosquitoes, but do not destroy them.

Garden plants and herbs

Mosquitoes prefer to avoid the strong scents of certain plants and herbs. You can plant rosemary, mint, calendula, marigolds, sage and mosquitoes will become rare guests on your site. Periodically, it is recommended to crush the leaves and flowers of plants so that the aroma is sharper and effectively repels bloodsuckers.

Essential oils

The pungent smell of essential oils is an effective protection against mosquitoes in a summer cottage. Mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of lavender, thyme, eucalyptus, tea tree and cloves. You can place homemade aroma lamps on the site so that buzzing insects do not spoil your dinner in nature.

You can soak a napkin or rag with essential oils and wipe the table and walls of the house with it. In a similar way, you can get rid of mosquitoes within a radius of 2-3 meters. You can add essential oils to the cream and use it as a mosquito repellant on the street.

Smoke from the campfire

Mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of smoke from a fire, so they never come close to a fire. If you decide to organize a picnic in the country with cooking barbecue on a fire, then set the table close to the fire so that annoying insects do not annoy you. For greater effect, throw a couple of sprigs of coniferous trees or pine cones into the fire.

It is impossible to completely get rid of mosquitoes with folk remedies, but you can reduce their presence in the summer cottage to a minimum.

Process it yourself or entrust it to professionals

Self-treatment of the site is a responsible and labor-intensive procedure. To qualitatively process the entire site, it will take a beginner a lot of time in this matter. Employees of the pest control service will quickly and efficiently solve this problem. To scare away mosquitoes from the site, professionals use powerful chemicals. The work uses not an ordinary sprayer, but professional equipment, which significantly speeds up the process and guarantees the quality of processing. Professional pest control from mosquitoes costs from 600 rubles. for one hundred acres.

life hack

To quickly get rid of itching after a mosquito bite, you can use a solution of acetylsalicylic acid. For preparation, you will need to mix two tablets of acetylsalicylic acid with a small amount of liquid. Stir the resulting mixture well to a thick consistency and apply to the bite site. After such a procedure, itching will stop bothering you.

Essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, thyme, geranium or lavender will help get rid of mosquitoes, midges and ticks.

If you tolerate oil contact with the skin well, you can mix 20 drops of any "anti-mosquito" oil with 30 grams of any carrier oil (preferably grape seed or wheat germ), and apply the resulting mixture to exposed skin. You can “enrich” baby oil, cream or petroleum jelly with essential oil.

If you are wary of the idea of ​​applying essential oils to your skin, you can drip them into a medallion jug and wear it around your neck.

In an apartment or country house, you can add essential oils to aroma lamps and put them near open windows. Another option is to soak a washcloth in the oil mixture and place it next to your bed at night.

Spicy cloves for mosquitoes

A proven and very effective folk remedy for mosquito bites is cloves, a popular spice. The specific smell of clove buds is pleasant to humans, but insects do not tolerate it.

Pour a tablespoon of cloves with a glass of cold water, bring to a boil over low heat, wait for it to cool and strain. With a cotton swab, apply clove decoction to exposed skin, you can spray it on clothes. This will give you protection for several hours.

Cloves can also be used to replace a fumigator or an anti-mosquito coil. Cut the lemon into thick slices and stick the clove buds into them. The citrus-spicy smell is usually associated with the Christmas atmosphere, but also works great as an insect repellent. Place the resulting composition next to the bed or a table on the veranda - and the insects will not bother you.

Vanillin - an effective remedy for mosquitoes and midges

The aroma of vanilla is associated with fresh pastries. Compared to cloves, this smell is much less harsh, and making vanilla mosquito lotion is much easier.

Dilute a teaspoon of vanillin in a glass of water - and the product is ready. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the exposed skin. You can also spray vanilla water on clothing or the room.

A solution of vanillin is especially valuable in cases where we are talking about an annoying midge - it is more difficult to scare it away than mosquitoes, and even special tools do not always cope with this task. And vanillin will provide good protection.

Vanillin does not have to be used in solution: you can add half a teaspoon of vanilla powder to 50 grams of baby cream, then mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting fragrant cream to the skin, exude a “butter” aroma - and enjoy life without mosquitoes.

Decoctions for repelling mosquitoes: wormwood, wheatgrass and valerian

Another old and proven folk remedy for mosquito bites is decoctions from the root of valerian, wormwood or wheatgrass.

For one and a half liters of water, you need to take a handful of crushed roots of any of these plants, bring to a boil over low heat, then pour into a thermos and leave for 30-60 minutes, then strain and let cool.

The resulting product is wiped with open areas of the body and sprayed with clothes, this can protect against mosquito bites for 4-5 hours. However, valerian should be used with caution by cat owners: the smell of valerian will scare away mosquitoes, but is guaranteed to attract excessive attention of a pet.

Mosquito repellents from the home first aid kit: camphor and "Asterisk"

If there are camphor preparations in the home medicine cabinet, they can also do a good job in repelling insects. Any topical agent containing camphor can be rubbed a little into the skin behind the ears or lubricated on the wrists. And to drive mosquitoes out of the house, you can boil water in a small saucepan, add a few drops of the product to it and boil for several minutes - fragrant camphor vapor will make the insects leave the room.

Another great mosquito repellent is the Vietnamese Golden Star Balm, commonly known as Asterisk. It contains clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and peppermint oils, and this “cocktail”, applied to the skin in small amounts, is quite effective in repelling mosquitoes. However, it should not be used by allergy sufferers, and "Asterisk" is not recommended for children under five years of age.

Cologne "Carnation": the best of alcohol-containing remedies

Blood-sucking insects also dislike the smell of alcohol, so for short-term protection, you can treat the skin with alcohol, vodka or even cognac. However, the best alcohol-containing folk remedy for mosquitoes is the Carnation cologne, which includes an extract of carnation flowers.

This is an inexpensive cologne with a rather pungent smell that many find unpleasant. However, as a remedy for mosquitoes, "Carnation" is very good. A small amount of cologne is applied to the skin or clothing, providing protection from insects for several hours.

A lot of things can interfere with rest in the country, but the most common cause of spoiled mood in the fresh air is mosquitoes. They buzz over the table, get into your eyes, bite painfully and leave marks, and therefore it's time to get rid of annoying guests!

Almost any evening at the dacha ends with loud applause, which does not sound like the best storyteller of jokes or even a comrade who plays the guitar masterfully, namely, mosquitoes that flock to the light and heat in our gazebo.

These little bloodsuckers interfere not only on the street, but also in the house when we are trying to sleep. They make subtle and annoying sounds as they fly over us, and then they land on any part of the body and feed on our blood while we sleep.

It seems to us that it is high time to stop this, and therefore the site recommends reading the next few sections of the article, which will tell you about the fight against mosquitoes in the country.

What is a mosquito

The common mosquito, or as it is also called, the pisk mosquito, is ubiquitous, which means that it can also be found in any summer cottage. A small insect that feeds on plant sap and mainly human blood, reaches a size of 3-7 mm, and is a carrier of many dangerous diseases.

Favorable conditions for mosquitoes on the site

Comfortable conditions for the development and growth of the mosquito population can be very many, because each species prefers its own temperature regime, humidity, nutrition. But it can be stated for sure that all such insects also have general conditions of existence.

That is why there are so many of them near water, in dense greenery, in a warm and humid climate, but also near people, because it is our blood that is food for many of them.

It is difficult to say why there are more mosquitoes in one dacha and fewer in the other, but it can be stated for sure that in the evening, near the lamp in the gazebo, they will definitely be. We will also meet them in the garden, near the artificial country pond, in the cellar and even in the summer shower. Indeed, in any of these places, the mosquito lives pretty well.

Fighting mosquitoes in the country: the best ways

It is quite difficult to fight these insects, because their number on one hundred square meters of a summer residence can reach hundreds and thousands. By killing one mosquito, you do not affect their numbers in any way, and even if you destroy a hundred with the help of poisons or repellers, you are unlikely to get rid of them forever.

But this does not mean that you need to endure bites and an obsessive squeak every evening ... at least you need to try hard and free your home and resting places in the country from the mosquito presence!

Traps for mosquitoes

The simplest bottle trap

If you want to significantly reduce the number of insects in the gazebo, near the barbecue or just at the evening table, we recommend that you make a simple trap from a plastic bottle. We made similar traps for wasps and other insects, so it will not be difficult.

Cut off the top of a plastic bottle and fill the bottom with a glass of warm water.

Next, throw 2-3 tablespoons of sugar into the water and stir well. After that, you can add 1-2 g of yeast, which do not need to be mixed. Now it remains to cover the trap with the cut neck of the bottle, only with the neck down, and install it near the resting place. A fairly large percentage of mosquitoes, and other midges, will now go there!

Velcro trap

Velcro is not necessarily sold in rolls, they can be in the form of small adhesive pieces that are placed in any convenient place - on the gazebo support, near the lighting lamp, on the window glass.

UV traps

The idea of ​​such a trap is that ultraviolet radiation attracts mosquitoes, and a certain element of the trap simply kills an insect that has approached or fallen into the desired area. But either the UV lamps in these devices are weak, or we choose not the most expensive and high-quality devices, but they are extremely inefficient. In general, there are good and not so good devices on the market, but we do not undertake to advise them for obvious reasons!

The best remedies to get rid of mosquitoes

You can completely get rid of insects only in a closed room, to which access is limited for them. Let's say this is the bedroom of a country house, where there are mosquito nets on the windows. But here a couple of mosquitoes still wound up, and buzzing insects do not allow you to sleep soundly, and even leave traces of their presence on our body. This is where modern tools that are sold today in almost every store will help.

Tablets and liquid from mosquitoes

When purchasing tablets in a store, at the same time you take a special electrical adapter that plugs into an ordinary outlet. The plate is installed in the adapter, and when it turns on, it warms up a little.

Thanks to this, chemicals that affect insects are released from that same plate.

The whole sadness is that over the years a lot of manufacturers of such tablets and plates have appeared on the market, but not all of them meet quality standards. Almost every one of us could notice that individuals do not die from the aromas of the device with a plate, but become just slightly plague, fall on the floor, bed, furniture. If they are not collected in time and crushed, mosquitoes miraculously come to life, come to their senses and take revenge on us.

For anti-mosquito liquid, we do not see the need to open a new section, since in a small flask offered for special adapters, the same components that affect mosquitoes. The liquid is a little more efficient, but here, too, a lot depends on the manufacturers.

There is a great way to quickly kill all the bloodsuckers in a house or just a closed room, but it has some danger. Due to the fact that fumigators are not always effective, some of us use them a little differently, completely forgetting about adapters. The plate is clamped with pliers or scissors, set on fire and extinguished after 5-7 seconds. At this moment, acrid smoke comes out of the plate, which kills mosquitoes, it really does. It is only necessary to walk around the room and let this smoke rise like a veil in the room. We once again emphasize that the method is effective against insects, but it is quite real that it is harmful to human health!

Outdoor mosquito coils

In addition to tablets and liquids, a rather interesting position has been introduced to the market - a spiral. It is sold in small boxes, where there can be 6-10 pieces at once.

A spiral is installed on a special metal base and ignited for 10-15 seconds. Further, it must be extinguished so that the spiral simply smolders. Depending on the brand, there are different recommendations for use. But we can say for sure that it cannot be used indoors and installed near oneself. A few meters away will be enough.

Alternative means

It's time to move on to the most modern methods and apply ultrasonic repellers. In theory, these are quite effective devices that repel mosquitoes at a short distance.

Today on sale you can find portable boxes that you can carry in your pocket and not be afraid of bites, as repellers operate within a radius of up to two meters. You can take more powerful ones that work from a power outlet and save an entire room from mosquitoes. But if we talk about how to scare away insects in the country, for example, during evening tea drinking, then something more powerful is needed, for example, electric street repellers that can work even within a radius of 50 m.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes (video)

Folk remedies

And, since we are all already experienced summer residents, such plants simply have to be on our site.

Among them there are no rare or very expensive ones, but only those that are steadily grown in the country. Tomatoes, mint, cloves, wormwood and tansy are the main “green army” that fights against mosquitoes, but for humans!

Mosquito repellants

Protection from bloodsuckers can be complex, and sometimes it is even more advisable to protect not the space around you, but yourself. For this, there have long been means that can repel mosquitoes and many other insects - repellents.

They are applied to the skin or even to clothes, the main thing is that the aroma of the component that works against insects comes from you (most often, the person himself does not feel this aroma).

Repellents are sold in the form of sprays, creams, lotions, and the most famous among them are Gardex, OFF, Argus and FLOP. Of course, you can find others on sale, but be sure to read the contents and instructions for use.

You can also use natural repellents, which are also applied to the skin, but certainly will not cause any harm to a person. This is a room lemon, the smell of which repels mosquitoes, cedar oil or a decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes, which we all consider a serious weed in the garden.

In addition to the tools and devices indicated by us, you can find a lot of offers on sale. It can be gas lamps, and traps with poisons, and essential oils that protect a person without harming him, but you should choose only what you have heard positive reviews about!

Prevention of mosquito invasion in a country house

Keeping mosquitoes away when you're relaxing is one thing, but you need to take steps to prevent them from taunting you while you sleep. So, first of all, you should think about how to keep bloodsuckers out of the house.

Mosquito nets, which are installed on windows and doors, are considered the best tool today. It is they who are an obstacle for small insects, which can no longer get inside the premises. Fresh air penetrates through the nets, but mosquitoes do not!

Before going to bed, try not to leave windows and doors open in the house, turn off the light in time to which mosquitoes flock, and also turn on the fumigator in advance, which, while there are no insects, will act as a repeller, and not as an exterminator. The simplest comprehensive measures will give you the opportunity to sleep peacefully in the country.

It is simply impossible to get rid of mosquitoes forever, but to reduce their number around you, unpleasant sounds and bites is real! Use our tips, and share your thoughts in the comments if you want to suggest an interesting way to deal with bloodsuckers.

Reviews and comments

sbar 12/28/2015

Oh, I hate mosquitoes! I'll try electric traps

Sergey 30.03.2016

It is simply impossible to get rid of these ghouls! They get used to everything. Smeared with cream or spray, do not touch for a couple of days, and then get used to it and away we go! We burn spirals and bonfires sometimes, it helps a little, but not for long. It is good to set electric traps indoors, but this does not work in the yard.

Natalia 04/30/2016

It is completely impossible to get rid of these bloodsuckers, but you can protect yourself from their bites. For example, I bought personal repellers for myself and everyone at home. I attach it to my clothes, it's very comfortable. But on the door in the house, as well as in the bath, I hung a magnetic curtain, which also saves from the invasion of mosquitoes.