Requirements for working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations for work

Many people want to go to work in a unit of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. If you are one of those who want it, you will have to try hard to achieve your goal. Also ask yourself: is this job really what you need? Because not everyone understands the real conditions that accompany an Emergency Ministry employee. This is not romance at all and pure adrenaline - although, of course, it cannot do without the latter. You need to see and understand the complexities of this activity - danger to life, harsh conditions, heavy psychological stress.

Have you thought about everything and made the final decision to work for the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Well, we will tell you how this can be achieved.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: requirements for candidates

Detailed information about admission to training or work can be found by contacting the local branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by phone or email. Reference information for the regions is on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The requirements for those interested are strict. The age for joining the Ministry of Emergency Situations varies from 18 to 40 years. The candidate needs to be in excellent physical shape, have an appropriate education (secondary or higher), high resistance to stress and decent psychological preparation, as well as endurance and a cool mind. But you shouldn’t have any problems with the law - if you have a criminal record, you’re unlikely to be hired.

The procedure for placement in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

First option: you can first enroll in a specialized university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. See the list of such institutions on the same website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (in the “Education and Training” tab). Then you are almost guaranteed to be able to get a job after graduation.

Second option: you go to the personnel department of the local unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and undergo an interview. If it is successful, you will need to prepare documents (application, education document, GPS insurance certificate, passport, work book, medical report, if any - military ID). It is possible to check the details of the candidate and his family. Psychological stability is also tested.

If the results are positive, you are sent to an internship, and after that you will be able to start working as a rescuer or other employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

2. A citizen cannot be accepted into the public service and remain in public service in the following cases:

1) recognition of him as incompetent or partially capable by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

2) deprivation of his right to hold public positions in the civil service for a certain period of time by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

3) the presence of a disease confirmed by the conclusion of a medical institution that prevents him from performing his official duties;

4) refusal to undergo the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by law, if the performance of official duties in a public service position for which the citizen is applying is related to the use of such information;

5) close relationship or relationship (parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents and children of spouses) with a civil servant, if their public service is related to the direct subordination or control of one of them to the other;

6) having citizenship of a foreign state, except for cases where access to public service is regulated on a reciprocal basis by interstate agreements;

7) refusal to provide information about the income received by him and property owned by him, which are objects of taxation.

3. When entering the civil service, a citizen submits:

1) personal statement;
2) identity document;
3) work book;
4) documents confirming professional education;
5) a certificate from the state tax service authorities on the provision of information on property status;
6) medical report on health status;
7) insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
8) military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service.

4. Information provided when a citizen enters the civil service, as well as when deciding on his appointment to the highest public position in the civil service, is subject to verification.

If, during the verification process, circumstances are established that impede a citizen’s entry into the civil service or his appointment to the highest public position in the civil service, the said citizen is informed in writing about the reasons for the refusal to accept him into the public service or appointment to the highest public position in the public service.

5. A citizen enters the public service under the terms of an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period or for a period of no more than five years.

The employment contract includes the obligation of a citizen entering the public service to ensure compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws in the interests of citizens of the Russian Federation.

A citizen’s entry into the civil service is formalized by an order from a government agency appointing him to a public position in the civil service.

6. Appointment of first-time or new entrants to the civil service is carried out:

for civil service positions of the junior group - by the relevant official;

for civil service positions of the senior, leading, main, highest group - based on the results of the competition for filling a vacant civil service position.

Qualification requirements for candidates for public service positions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

1. The qualification requirements for employees holding public positions in the civil service include requirements for:

1) the level of professional education, taking into account the group and specialization of public positions in the civil service;

2) length of service and work experience in the specialty;

3) the level of knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, constitutions, charters and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relation to the performance of relevant official duties.

2. Citizens applying for a public position in the civil service must have:

1) for the highest and main public positions in the civil service - higher professional education in the specialization of public positions in the civil service or education considered equivalent, with additional higher professional education in the specialization of public positions in the civil service;

2) for leading and senior public positions in the civil service - higher professional education in the specialty "state and municipal administration" or in the specialization of public positions in the civil service or education considered equivalent;

3) for junior civil service positions - secondary vocational education in the specialization of civil service positions or education considered equivalent.

Conditions and results of competitions for filling a vacant public service position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

1. A competition to fill a vacant public position in the civil service (hereinafter referred to as the competition) ensures the right of citizens to equal access to public service.

2. The competition is held among citizens who have submitted an application to participate in it, subject to the conditions established for admission to the civil service.
Civil servants can participate in the competition regardless of what positions they hold at the time of the competition.

3. The competition can be held in the form of a competition of documents (to fill vacant senior government positions in the civil service or a test competition (to fill vacant leading, main, senior government positions in the civil service).

4. The competition commission evaluates participants in the competition of documents on the basis of documents on education, public service and other work activities, as well as on the basis of recommendations, test results, and other documents submitted by decision of the relevant authorities on public service issues.

5. The test competition is conducted by the state competition commission. The test competition may include passing a test in the relevant civil service position and ends with a state qualification exam.

6. Information about the date, place and conditions of the competition is subject to publication in official publications of the relevant body for public service issues.

7. Each participant in the competition is informed about the results of the competition in writing within a month from the date of its completion.

8. The decision of the competition (state competition) commission is the basis for appointment to the corresponding public position in the civil service or refusal of such appointment.

Ministry of Emergency Situations - Ministry of Civil Defense, Disaster Relief and Emergency Situations.

Ministry of Emergency Situations – executive authority. Its functions:

  • legal regulation;
  • supervision and control of areas;
  • protecting people, their property and land from emergency situations;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • ensuring safety on the water.

Authority workers have the right to bear arms.

Features of work

People working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations are called rescuers. They are the first to arrive in places where an emergency has occurred.

This profession includes several specialties:

  • driver;
  • medic;
  • firefighter;
  • diver;
  • steeplejack (climber).

Each employee must be able to provide first aid; for example, if a person has fallen under a heavy slab, seconds count.

Arriving at the scene workers do the following:

  • assess the situation;
  • organize a rescue or evacuation plan for people;
  • help the wounded;
  • provide medical assistance (bandage wounds, perform artificial respiration, apply a splint, etc.).

In the language of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, all of the above actions are called “ liquidation of consequences of an accident". In order to get the job done, the rescuer must be brave, determined and focused.

Employees do not always have to provide medical care. Sometimes you need rescue a trapped person. For example:

  • fell through the ice;
  • the building caught fire, but the victim remained inside;
  • stuck on the roof;
  • fell into a trap while climbing a mountain;
  • unable to move due to flooding;
  • lost in the forest;
  • the lock in the house is jammed, the person cannot get out;
  • fell underground or into a well.

Very often, workers have to risk their lives, because sometimes it is necessary to act directly during emergency situations (putting out a fire before everything burns down or evacuating people during a flood).

The essence of the executive body

The regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations establish the timing and sequence of actions in emergency situations. The essence of the organ's work:

  • prevention of natural disasters and emergency situations;
  • taking action if an emergency occurs;
  • work organization;
  • saving people and property;
  • liquidation of the consequences of a natural disaster.

In addition, the Ministry of Emergency Situations carries out activities related to:

  • installation and repair of fire safety facilities;
  • repairing roads that have begun to collapse;
  • stopping the flow of water if a pipe bursts on a crowded street;
  • works based on the protection of materials or structures from water or fire.

The organization of activities is aimed at developing measures that are aimed at improving the safety of certain objects.

Exists two types of working methods:

  • establishing fire safety measures that everyone must follow;
  • ensure that everyone complies with the established measures.

This means that the profession of a rescuer does not only mean that a person is constantly at risk. Rescuers are also considered to be those people who do not leave the building of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They perform the following role:

  • draw up the necessary documentation, which describes fire safety measures that must be observed at certain facilities;
  • answer calls (dispatcher work);
  • make up distributions of areas where rescuers will work;
  • draw up duty schedules;
  • contact workers who arrived in the risk zone to provide them with site or building diagrams;
  • make reports on the actions performed by employees;
  • interact with other services (police, gas service, etc.);
  • working in the laboratory. Such people carry out examinations to find out the cause of a fire or other emergency situations.

Each city is divided into areas in which a specific team works. That is, a pipe burst in one place, one group is sent. Trouble has happened in another place, completely different people may arrive in the risk zone. Upon admission, the candidate listens to instructions, which indicate in which area and with which group he will work.


Men can do all the tasks listed above. That's why they are preferred. Men are best suited to work in risk areas. But many also do work related to documentation.

For women

At first glance, it may seem that this is a purely male profession, since it requires great physical strength. But women can also work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Their number is much less than the number of men.

Women are better suited for duties that do not require physical strength (working with documents, answering phones and writing reports).

Dispatchers must be able to determine how dangerous a situation is and who is best suited to eliminate the consequences. People who call may be very nervous and therefore speak unclearly. Must have basic psychology skills. This is more suitable for women than for men.

Women can also work in risk areas. If they do not have good physical training, they can become good doctors.

There is another specialty that is suitable for women - photographer. Such workers take photographs necessary for a report or possible investigation.

For that to get a job, women need to:

  • graduate from a law or psychological university;
  • good hearing and clear diction are required;
  • be able to plan work well.

After the army

If you have undergone military training and have a military ID, then enlisting in the Ministry of Emergency Situations becomes easy. In essence, the profession is very similar to undergoing training in the armed forces. The employment procedure for those who have graduated from the army is the same as for others. But it’s easier for people who graduated from the army, because during their service they got in good physical shape. That’s why such people are hired willingly.

We bring to your attention a video that tells you how to get into the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

How to get a job

Not every person can get a job. Exists a number of reasons why it may be refused. Among them:

  • the presence of a relative in the Ministry of Emergency Situations who holds a position subordinate or controlled by the candidate;
  • having a criminal record;
  • illness that may become an obstacle to work;
  • lack of Russian citizenship;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • providing false information or forged documents.

Required Requirements

There are some important qualities that an emergency worker should have:

  • courage;
  • determination;
  • follow discipline;
  • Be responsible for the actions;
  • respond quickly to any changes;
  • be strong, agile and have good endurance;
  • be psychologically resilient. Don't panic when taking risks;
  • be able to pay attention to everything around;
  • be able to plan your actions;
  • ability to work in a team while fulfilling one's role. Don't take on everything. Accurately fulfill only your duties;
  • be optimistic;
  • be sure that the profession of a rescuer is the most important.

But this is not enough. To become an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations you need to have special knowledge and skills. First you need to finish training at the academy. Any person who has graduated from school and is in good physical shape can try himself as a lifeguard.

You can enter the service after completing 9 or 11 grades. If you only completed 9th grade, there are only three colleges where you can be received:

  • Moscow Fire and Rescue College;
  • St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue College;
  • Cadet corps at the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Many people enroll in these educational institutions, so the competition will be great.

If you have completed 11 grades, you can apply to any educational institution that offers a lifeguard specialty.

You will need to pass several tests and standards. Tests are related to knowledge of psychology. The standards are as follows:

  • pull-up;
  • long jump;

In order to pass the standards, you need to be physically strong.

If you apply to St. Petersburg College, there will also be a math exam.

For women, physical standards are not so important. Here, much attention is paid to knowledge of psychology.

What documents are needed

When enlisting, you must submit following documents:

  • passport, for identification;
  • application for admission;
  • 6 photographs 3x4;
  • registration at the place of residence (only those who have citizenship can become a rescuer);
  • employment history;
  • an identification number;
  • military registration documents (if you have completed military training);
  • diploma and certificate (confirmation of education);
  • medical record (it must contain a certificate from a doctor confirming that you are suitable for the profession due to health reasons);
  • documents on the availability of benefits. If there are any.

You need bring originals and several copies with you. The originals are for authentication purposes only, and copies must be given to the official.

Vocation rescuer

Volunteers have begun to appear in some areas of the Russian Federation. They were not trained as rescuers, but perform all the same functions as emergency workers. Such people have the same knowledge and qualities as professional employees of the authority, but they set an example that anyone can come to the aid of people!

This profession is truly one of the most important in the country. But also one of the most dangerous.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations requires from an employee endurance, nerves of steel, courage and determination. Therefore, getting into the department is not so easy. You need to show your best side and meet the requirements for applicants. What are they like and what are the chances of getting a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after serving in the army? This is discussed below in the article.

When they may not hire you for a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations

You cannot return from the army, come to the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and declare your desire to become their employee. To do this, as with any other job, there must be a vacancy in the department, that is, an empty place. They won’t accept you with open arms either - the Ministry of Emergency Situations employs a competitive system of hiring; first, it is important to prove your personal suitability for service.

The legislation stipulates the circumstances under which the likelihood of employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations decreases:

  1. If the applicant has a relative who is already among the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, namely in the management, then there is the option of being hired as a subordinate, and this is unacceptable.
  2. The presence of a criminal record, one or more.
  3. A diagnosed illness that interferes with the performance of professional duties.
  4. If the work requires access to special secret information that is protected by law.
  5. If the applicant does not have permanent Russian citizenship of Russia or has citizenship of another country.
  6. The applicant submitted unreliable, deliberately false information about himself or provided forged documents.

Basic requirements for an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

You need to understand that responsible work requires good physical data - the employee will have to work in unusual and especially dangerous, different conditions, so his health must be good, the employee will have to constantly keep himself in shape and play sports.

Also, the level of education must correspond to the declared position, otherwise how will the employee be able to perform his work activity competently. To confirm qualifications, the applicant must pass the necessary tests and show original documents about education, skills and abilities that will be useful in work.

Mental stability is another important parameter, without which the applicant has nothing to do in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It can be extremely difficult to withstand psycho-emotional pressure, so it is better for suspicious people to find a job in another place or department of the public service.

As for the age limit, workers aged from 18 to 40 years are allowed. There is no difference between a man and a woman, the same applies to nationality, so a woman can also try her hand.

But the question remains open: what about military service, is it mandatory and does it affect placement in the Ministry of Emergency Situations? This is what we now have to find out.

Is it possible to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army?

Not everyone today expresses a desire to join the army, moreover, on various forums and blogs there are increasingly discussions about how to avoid paying back one’s debt to the Motherland, although many guys, according to psychologists, would benefit from the army. It develops the necessary skills, promotes maturation, the emergence of responsibility for one’s words and actions, and shows what qualities a man, the future father of a family, should have.

If at the beginning of his service it seems to a conscript that he has gone to hell, then when he comes out as a “grandfather” and returns home, the former soldier responsibly realizes how important it is for him to get a job and develop in civilian life, earn money and help his family. Some conscripts who especially liked the service express a desire to continue it in the Russian Armed Forces. Indeed, they are accepted into the Ministry of Emergency Situations only with the note “served in the army,” at least for the applicant, this significantly simplifies the competition.

Freudian clause: departmental management and the personnel department do not have the right to legally deny employment to someone who has not served in the army, but if there is no military ID, it is impossible to obtain official employment, which turns out to be a double-edged sword. If a military ID is available, but, for example, it says that due to health reasons you never got into the army, then you will be refused in writing, indicating that your physical health does not correspond to the proposed position.

General procedure for employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

If a citizen has completed military service and wants to join the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then he needs to go through a thorough selection procedure among other applicants; in general, the process is not particularly different from regular hiring, only the requirements change:

  1. Submit an application to participate in the competition to the territorial department of the department; they are located in Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and other cities of Russia.
  2. Bring to the accountable person responsible for collecting documents from applicants the entire list of official papers. If the list states originals, then you need to bring them; copies are considered invalid. So that you can later pick up these documents, secure a receipt from the HR department employee, in which an inventory of the original papers must be provided. Upon presentation of the inventory, your passport and other important documents will subsequently be returned to you. Do not be shy and do not rely on the integrity of the employee; after all, you are seeing him for the first time, and you have no reason to trust him.
  3. All that remains is to pass physical fitness tests; if you have acquired skills in the army, be sure to declare them, for example, you learned to drive a car or won a shooting competition.
  4. Children's awards in wrestling, karate and other types of martial arts will not be superfluous. Playing chess in this case does not affect the situation in any way.

The main recommendations of specialists already working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations boil down to the fact that those who have served in the army must try their hand at the Ministry of Emergency Situations; they are more prepared, accustomed to order and know how to behave in a stressful situation.

Where else can you go after the army?

You don't have to rush to work and earn money. Of course, you have matured and want to become independent as soon as possible. What about education? Without education in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it will also be difficult to advance in your career, even if you have enough experience. It turns out that you will still have to study, even in adulthood.

So why not go to college or technical school right now? In addition, study can be combined with work - instead of full-time study, which, apart from theory, gives nothing to the future specialist, choose correspondence and work hard, the main thing is that you have enough strength and desire.

Every day, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, risking their own health and sometimes their lives, help us in emergency situations. The work is not easy, but at the same time it is very humane, prestigious and with a good salary. Therefore, many want to join the ranks of brave rescuers. How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations to work? Let's try to figure it out.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: vacancies and requirements

The requirements for EMERCOM employees are quite high. It is necessary to go through a certain competitive selection process. First, you will need to get an appointment with the head of the HR department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in your region. Take care of the standard package of documents in advance: passport, diploma from school, higher educational institution, military ID. You will be offered available vacancies, if among them there are those that interest you, you will write an application, and a special commission will consider your candidacy. In order to significantly increase your chances and earn additional points, prepare a certificate of family members, a certificate of no criminal record, recommendations from a previous place of work, diplomas of completion of a sports school or attendance at specialized courses, etc. Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is quite stressful, so you will definitely have to pass the necessary psychological tests. If you meet all the requirements, then a medical commission awaits you, and then certification. Don't forget to improve your physical standards.

How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after school

In the list of requirements for most vacancies in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a special line is indicated - military service. Therefore, immediately after school you most likely will not be able to get into the service. Although some jobs do not require this, there is still a good chance that you will still be called to serve. Therefore, if you plan to become a specialist in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the future, it is best to serve in the army and then get a job. Also try to improve your basic subjects, actively engage in sports, and pass a medical examination. This will help you when applying for a job and during the service itself. After graduating from school, you will be able to take part in a competition for admission to specialized universities of this ministry, after which your chances of getting into the Ministry of Emergency Situations will immediately increase.

How to get to the Ministry of Emergency Situations after the army

If you have served in the army and want to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you need to contact the personnel department. Here you present your military ID and the necessary package of documents. You should be provided with a list of vacancies from which you can choose the right one. Next comes a medical examination, checking you and your loved ones for criminal records and arrests with the police. You will also have to pass psychological tests, which are checked by psychologists according to special criteria. Preference is given to masters of sports, candidates for masters, and dischargers. Chronic diseases or health problems can become serious obstacles to service. If there is no free vacancy for you, do not be upset, join the reserve. With military service, a good biography, letters of recommendation and satisfactory health, you may well get hired a little later.

As you can see, getting a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not so difficult. You need to set a goal correctly and strive for it by any means.