Problems of education. Why should you study physics at school? Why do we study physics?

In the section on the question why is physics needed? given by the author Yoasha Mikhailenko the best answer is Physics is the science of nature in the most general sense, part of natural history. She studies matter, matter, energy and the interaction of nature with the outside world.
This science has described many principles that exist in our world, many still remain in question. Almost everything that surrounds us is to one degree or another connected with physics, buildings, cars, computers, etc.
This list can be very long. As a science, physics helps develop analytical thinking, build cause-and-effect relationships and think logically. According to the Americans, theoretical physicists occupy the first position in terms of IQ level (on average per capita), doctors were given second place
Physics is a good lubricant for rusty brains, this science will help you in everyday life. Physicists quickly analyze what is happening and can make the right decisions.

Answer from simplify[guru]
why do you need a brain?

Answer from compound[master]
To be smarter.

Answer from Flush[guru]
Don't ask stupid questions, go and learn!

Answer from Yafael Khamitov[guru]
Without physics there would be no airplanes, mobile phones, cars, etc. Well, without physics, almost everything that we have would not exist

Answer from Larisa L.[guru]
Boy Sasha! Don't ask stupid questions, better sit down and study physics! Otherwise you won’t know why the apple falls to the ground.

Answer from Apple slice[guru]
To calculate the operation of various mechanisms, for example, cars, pistons... without physics, now we would not have tap water at home.
Physics also helps to create optical instruments. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't know the word "megapixel".
And also - microscopes, lenses, telescopes... and the same glasses - and here the merit of physics!
And also - the melting point of glass, the boiling point... = thermometers, beautiful vases, hot milk on the stove...
Physics helps us in many areas of our lives, but we are often simply unaware of it!

Why does every person need to study physics at school?

Physics is needed in order to get acquainted and learn different ways of understanding nature. Then this can be transferred not only to nature. But physics shows how you can study something, how to pose questions. Posing a question is probably the most important thing that physics teaches in school.

Knowledge of the physical laws of the structure of our world is one way or another useful to any person. This is the same part of the general cultural basis as knowledge of the basic rules of the Russian language, as orientation in geography or history, as the ability to count money, as familiarity with the general principles of biological evolution...

And, by the way, people need to be taught physics so that they master a certain new style of thinking - model thinking. Mathematics develops the logical side of thinking, and physics makes it possible to think model-wise. That is, a person must understand: a phenomenon is happening - what is important there, what is not important.

The fact is that physics, the teaching of physics at school, is not aimed at communicating useful information, but at human development. And physics is an extremely convenient tool for this... And the fact that mathematics and physics are not really needed in the life of a normal person later, well, thank God. If a person has developed intelligence, and then he forgot how to solve some equation, then he has not lost anything in life.

Intelligence is not so much memory, attention, speed reading, knowledge of languages, etc., it is, first of all, ability to think !

Physics educates people who can analyze, generalize, draw conclusions - think! The Internet has been developing successfully for a long time. And, thank God, its resources do not yet know how to think, but only know how to look for information in it. And it will take much less time! So what then is the power of people? And if they are not trained to think, then they won’t be able to do anything... Computers with their crazy speed even when trying out options, not to mention using heuristic techniques, can only lose to a person who knows how to think. And you need to learn this!

Students, and sometimes their parents, say: “My child is a humanist, he draws (dances, sings) great, he doesn’t need physics at all.” The eternal debate between physicists and lyricists. Science and art. These areas of our culture are often considered almost as antipodes: in science - calculation and logic, in art - feelings and emotions; Science reflects, art experiences. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin, the difference is only in emphasis. The poet Alexey Sissakin said this very accurately and succinctly.

Science is dead without art,

It makes her feel better.

Art is meaningless without science:

Masterpieces are created by both mind and hands

Not only schoolchildren, but even adults sometimes wonder: why is physics needed? This topic is especially relevant for parents of students who at one time received an education that was far from physics and technology.

But how to help a student? In addition, teachers can assign an essay for homework in which they need to describe their thoughts about the need to study science. Of course, it is better to entrust this topic to eleventh graders who have a complete understanding of the subject.

What is physics

In simple terms, physics is Of course, nowadays physics is moving more and more away from it, going deeper into the technosphere. Nevertheless, the subject is closely connected not only with our planet, but also with space.

So why do we need physics? Its task is to understand how certain phenomena occur, why certain processes are formed. It is also advisable to strive to create special calculations that would help predict certain events. For example, how did Isaac Newton discover the law of universal gravitation? He studied an object falling from top to bottom and observed mechanical phenomena. Then he created formulas that really work.

What sections does physics have?

The subject has several sections that are studied generally or in depth at school:

  • Mechanics;
  • vibrations and waves;
  • thermodynamics;
  • optics;
  • electricity;
  • the quantum physics;
  • Molecular physics;
  • nuclear physics.

Each section has subsections that examine various processes in detail. If you don’t just study theory, paragraphs and lectures, but learn to imagine and experiment with what is being discussed, then science will seem very interesting, and you will understand why physics is needed. Complex sciences that cannot be applied in practice, for example, atomic and nuclear physics, can be considered differently: read interesting articles from popular science magazines, watch documentaries about this area.

How does the item help in everyday life?

In the essay “Why is physics needed” it is recommended to give examples if they are relevant. For example, if you are describing why you need to study mechanics, then you should mention cases from everyday life. An example would be an ordinary car trip: from a village to a city you need to travel along a free highway in 30 minutes. The distance is about 60 kilometers. Of course, we need to know at what speed it is best to move along the road, preferably with some time to spare.

You can also give an example of construction. Let's say when building a house you need to correctly calculate the strength. You can't choose flimsy material. A student can conduct another experiment to understand why physics is needed, for example, take a long board and place chairs at the ends. The board will be located on the backs of the furniture. Next, you should load the center of the board with bricks. The board will sag. As the distance between the chairs decreases, the deflection will be less. Accordingly, a person receives food for thought.

When preparing dinner or lunch, a housewife often encounters physical phenomena: heat, electricity, mechanical work. To understand how to do the right thing, you need to understand the laws of nature. Experience often teaches you a lot. And physics is the science of experience and observation.

Professions and specialties related to physics

But why does someone who graduates from school need to study physics? Of course, those who enter a university or college majoring in the humanities have virtually no need for the subject. But in many areas science is required. Let's look at which ones:

  • geology;
  • transport;
  • electricity supply;
  • electrical engineering and instruments;
  • medicine;
  • astronomy;
  • construction and architecture;
  • heat supply;
  • gas supply;
  • water supply and so on.

For example, even a train driver needs to know this science in order to understand how a locomotive works; a builder must be able to design strong and durable buildings.

Programmers and IT specialists must also know physics in order to understand how electronics and office equipment work. In addition, they need to create realistic objects for programs and applications.

It is used almost everywhere: radiography, ultrasound, dental equipment, laser therapy.

What sciences is it related to?

Physics is very closely interconnected with mathematics, since when solving problems you need to be able to convert various formulas, carry out calculations and build graphs. You can add this idea to the essay “Why you need to study physics” if we are talking about calculations.

This science is also connected with geography in order to understand natural phenomena, be able to analyze future events, and the weather.

Biology and chemistry are also related to physics. For example, not a single living cell can exist without gravity and air. Also, living cells must move in space.

How to write an essay for a 7th grade student

Now let's talk about what a seventh grader who has partially studied some sections of physics can write. For example, you can write about the same gravity or give an example of measuring the distance he walked from one point to another in order to calculate the speed of his walking. A 7th grade student can supplement the essay “Why is physics needed” with various experiments that were carried out in class.

As you can see, creative work can be written quite interesting. In addition, it develops thinking, gives new ideas, and awakens curiosity about one of the most important sciences. Indeed, in the future, physics can help in any life circumstances: in everyday life, when choosing a profession, when getting a good job, during outdoor recreation.

Not only schoolchildren, but even adults sometimes wonder: why is physics needed? This topic is especially relevant for parents of students who at one time received an education that was far from physics and technology.

But how to help a student? In addition, teachers can assign an essay for homework in which they need to describe their thoughts about the need to study science. Of course, it is better to entrust this topic to eleventh graders who have a complete understanding of the subject.

What is physics

In simple terms, physics is the science of nature. Of course, nowadays physics is moving more and more away from it, going deeper into the technosphere. Nevertheless, the subject is closely connected not only with our planet, but also with space.

So why do we need physics? Its task is to understand how certain phenomena occur, why certain processes are formed. It is also advisable to strive to create special calculations that would help predict certain events. For example, how did Isaac Newton discover the law of universal gravitation? He studied an object falling from top to bottom and observed mechanical phenomena. Then he created formulas that really work.

What sections does physics have?

The subject has several sections that are studied generally or in depth at school:

  • Mechanics;
  • vibrations and waves;
  • thermodynamics;
  • optics;
  • electricity;
  • the quantum physics;
  • Molecular physics;
  • nuclear physics.

Each section has subsections that examine various processes in detail. If you don’t just study theory, paragraphs and lectures, but learn to imagine and experiment with what is being discussed, then science will seem very interesting, and you will understand why physics is needed. Complex sciences that cannot be applied in practice, for example, atomic and nuclear physics, can be considered differently: read interesting articles from popular science magazines, watch documentaries about this area.

How does the item help in everyday life?

In the essay “Why is physics needed” it is recommended to give examples if they are relevant. For example, if you are describing why you need to study mechanics, then you should mention cases from everyday life. An example would be an ordinary car trip: from a village to a city you need to travel along a free highway in 30 minutes. The distance is about 60 kilometers. Of course, we need to know at what speed it is best to move along the road, preferably with some time to spare.

You can also give an example of construction. Let's say when building a house you need to correctly calculate the strength. You can't choose flimsy material. A student can conduct another experiment to understand why physics is needed, for example, take a long board and place chairs at the ends. The board will be located on the backs of the furniture. Next, you should load the center of the board with bricks. The board will sag. As the distance between the chairs decreases, the deflection will be less. Accordingly, a person receives food for thought.

When preparing dinner or lunch, a housewife often encounters physical phenomena: heat, electricity, mechanical work. To understand how to do the right thing, you need to understand the laws of nature. Experience often teaches you a lot. And physics is the science of experience and observation.

Professions and specialties related to physics

But why does someone who graduates from school need to study physics? Of course, those who enter a university or college majoring in the humanities have virtually no need for the subject. But in many areas science is required. Let's look at which ones:

  • geology;
  • transport;
  • electricity supply;
  • electrical engineering and instruments;
  • medicine;
  • astronomy;
  • construction and architecture;
  • heat supply;
  • gas supply;
  • water supply and so on.

For example, even a train driver needs to know this science in order to understand how a locomotive works; a builder must be able to design strong and durable buildings.

Programmers and IT specialists must also know physics in order to understand how electronics and office equipment work. In addition, they need to create realistic objects for programs and applications.

In medicine, physics is used almost everywhere: radiography, ultrasound, dental equipment, laser therapy.

What sciences is it related to?

Physics is very closely interconnected with mathematics, since when solving problems you need to be able to convert various formulas, carry out calculations and build graphs. You can add this idea to the essay “Why you need to study physics” if we are talking about calculations.

This science is also connected with geography in order to understand natural phenomena, be able to analyze future events, and the weather.

Biology and chemistry are also related to physics. For example, not a single living cell can exist without gravity and air. Also, living cells must move in space.

How to write an essay for a 7th grade student

Now let's talk about what a seventh grader who has partially studied some sections of physics can write. For example, you can write about the same gravity or give an example of measuring the distance he walked from one point to another in order to calculate the speed of his walking. A 7th grade student can supplement the essay “Why is physics needed” with various experiments that were carried out in class.

As you can see, creative work can be written quite interesting. In addition, it develops thinking, gives new ideas, and awakens curiosity about one of the most important sciences. Indeed, in the future, physics can help in any life circumstances: in everyday life, when choosing a profession, when getting a good job, during outdoor recreation.

Physics is the science that created the modern world. Thanks to the discovery of the laws of physics, our homes are equipped with a variety of appliances, and everyday life is simplified with communal amenities. Therefore, when asking a question regarding the relevance of studying physics, it is worth looking at the root of this science and understanding where it all began.

Patterns of the surrounding world

Many natural patterns were noticed by the first people. At that time, these phenomena were inexplicable and therefore remained useless or even dangerous. Gradually, by solving problems and conducting experiments, scientists collected information about how the world works. The accumulated experience and further discoveries led to the fact that man subjugated many elements and made his life safe and comfortable.

Even those who are not interested in science use knowledge of physical laws in everyday life and everyday life. Operating electrical appliances, using hot water and heating all require knowledge of basic physical laws. Computers, telephones, televisions and all home equipment appeared as a result of the study and application of physics.

Practical benefits

Thanks to physics, we know the origin of almost all natural phenomena. Over the years, solving problems in physics has opened up enormous prospects for scientists. Man has learned to receive energy and use it for his own purposes. Physical formulas are necessary for large-scale construction, industrial development and production.

Speaking about theory, it is worth mentioning that physics is useful for the development of logical thinking. By studying this science, a person improves in many areas, learns to correctly calculate strength and use all his mental potential. In the process of solving physical problems, the relationship between cause and effect is established, solutions are found for important issues, and current conditions are analyzed.

Expanding your horizons

The laws of physics underlie astronomy and the study of celestial bodies. Knowledge of physics has allowed humanity to achieve tangible results in the conquest of outer space. This has made satellite communications and global forecasting a reality for most people.

Physical calculations underlie the invention of all types of transport, including aircraft and spaceships. Communication between people is also ensured by knowledge of physics - radio, television and the Internet are entirely dependent on the correct use of waves and signals.

Physics has allowed man to go beyond the familiar world and discover new horizons. With her, life became richer, richer and more interesting. Therefore, when wondering about the need for physics, it is worth remembering that almost the entire world known to us was created on the basis of this amazing science.