Rules for choosing a reliable entrance metal door: expert advice. How to choose an entrance door How to choose an inexpensive front door

My home is my castle. It was noticed long ago and not by us, but for sure. And what fortress can be without a strong gate? An illiterately chosen and installed door cannot serve as a reliable barrier for intruders. The most correct choice today is to install an entrance metal door into an apartment.

It will keep the property and the owner's peace of mind in any situation and will serve for many years. Metal entrance doors to the apartment will adequately represent the face of the owners, if the choice of design, type of decoration and accessories correspond to modern ideas about the front door. The assortment is so great today that the question is which one is better to supply.

Requirements for an iron door and burglary resistance classes

The choice is always associated with meeting some criteria. To understand which ones are more suitable in each case, you need to decide on the main tasks. It is difficult to formulate modern requirements for an entrance metal door in a nutshell. The main ones are the following:

  • High burglar resistance.
  • High level of access control.
  • High quality heat and sound insulation.
  • Presentable appearance and at the same time ease of use and maintenance.
  • Long term warranty service and service.

The main requirement for an entrance door is a high class of reliability. That is, resistance to burglary.

There are four classes of door burglary resistance:

  • First. The doors are so flimsy that they can be broken open with a simple tool. This is an economy class and you can choose it, but not for a house or apartment. The most prominent representatives of this class are products from Chinese manufacturers.
  • Second. Such structures are able to withstand the pressure of mechanical tools, but will easily give up in front of a conventional drill. It is also better not to put this in the apartment. You can choose for a cottage, a small summer cottage or a garage.
  • Third. This structure is cracked with an extremely powerful power tool in the hands of a specialist. Experts recommend choosing this for installation in an apartment or a private house.

  • Fourth. Structures of this class are called armored because they can withstand a rifle shot. These are the best doors, but they are also the most expensive.

Structural elements of a metal door

The best, reliable metal entrance doors to the apartment, which you need to choose, differ in the complexity of the design and workmanship. In general, any structure is a set of the following elements:

  • Door frame. This is the core of the design. It holds the canvas, it is she who resists the main attempts of burglars when trying to enter the protected area.
  • Door leaf. This structural element performs anti-burglary and aesthetic functions. Thieves often try to cut holes in it, so the canvas must be strong. The appearance of the door to a greater extent depends on the quality of the finishing of the leaf.
  • Lock. This is the very constipation that prevents unauthorized entry during smart burglary. It should be easy to use, strong and durable. Which ones you need, decide for yourself.
  • Hinges. The quality of the hanging of the canvas and its functionality, and sometimes the burglar resistance of the block as a whole, depend on them.
  • Platbands. These elements not only decorate, but also protect from access to the opening between the wall and the box.
  • Heat and sound insulation and seals. Thanks to these elements, the house is warm and cozy, no noise or odors are heard.
  • Peephole or video intercom. These optical devices provide remote control of the situation outside the front door.

The best products are equipped with a lot of accessories, including bollards, burglar-proof pins, etc.

Manufacturing material

Cold rolled and stainless steel are ideal materials for making metal doors. The canvas should not have unnecessary seams. Choose the right one from a solid sheet. Door block frames made of solid-bent elements are considered the most reliable.

As for the thickness of the metal, the best representatives can boast of a sheet thickness of 2 to 4 mm, between two sheets of which stiffeners are mounted. The more, the better. You can choose with at least three, one of which is installed vertically and two of which are horizontal. More reliable products have a third sheet of canvas mounted between the two main ones. Moreover, there are stiffeners between each layer. If there are increased safety requirements, it is better to choose such a door.

The pipes or corner from which the box is made must have a metal thickness of at least 3-4 mm. You can, of course, choose a thicker metal, but such a product will weigh too much.

The best hinges and canopies are made from extra strong grades of steel, and use hinges and bearings in their design. Loops are of two types:

  • Outdoor.
  • Hidden.

Access to the hidden ones is difficult, so that they cannot be cut off. It is recommended to make a choice in favor of a door with just such. The outer hinges are not protected by anything, except for the strength of the material from which they are made. The number of canopies is limited only by the weight of the structure. If the door weighs more than 70 kg, then three or more are used, and usually 2-3 pieces.

Anti-burglar pins are used to fix the blade in case of cutting the hinges. The time required to break the door depends on their thickness and material. You need to choose the strongest and most durable.


According to statistics, if thieves spent 15 minutes on a door lock and could not open it, they leave. Locks differ in type, installation method and reliability. Immediately, we note that it is recommended to protect the front door to the apartment with at least two locking devices. The choice depends on the capabilities of the wallet, since the range of prices is very large.

Locks of the following types are installed on entrance metal doors:

  • Suvaldnye. These are the most reliable and the best in terms of burglary resistance. The last quality of such products depends on the number of levers. If there are more than six of them, it is impossible to open the lock with a simple master key. There are devices with 10 plates. Recommended for use as main locks. The only drawback is the large size. The choice is made taking into account the thickness of the canvas.
  • Cylinder. These mechanisms provide a high level of protection against intelligent hacking, but are recommended for use as secondary or additional ones.
  • Smartlocks or electronic locks. These devices are distinguished by high functionality and burglary resistance, but poorly prevent mechanical opening. In addition, they require constant power supply. They are used as additional security measures for the door.

There is a wide selection of lever and cylinder locks on the market with the possibility of re-coding. If you lose your key, you don't have to buy a new lock. A special key reprograms the lock for the second set of keys.

By the type of installation, the locks differ in:

  • Overhead. Installed directly on top on tightly. In this regard, they are not very reliable. It is more often used on second doors. The choice in favor of such is made if there are no options for insertion.
  • Mortise. They are built into the canvas. Provide maximum strength and reliability of the locking structure.

There are models with transom systems spaced along the perimeter of the canvas. These are the best and most common types for entrance doors.

Sound and heat insulation

The best entrance metal doors should provide a reduction in heat loss and the penetration of extraneous noise into the apartment. In order to improve the quality of their products, manufacturers use insulation and seals.

The following materials are used as a heat insulator:

  • Mineral wool. The material has good heat and sound insulation properties. It does not rot and is absolutely harmless to humans. The best products are insulated with basalt wool.
  • Polyurethane foam. This material is better than the first in its properties. Completely eliminates the appearance of the drum effect. Absolutely environmentally friendly and does not absorb moisture.

Particular attention is paid to the seal and its installation. Sealing strips are installed in the porches on the door leaf and frame. This is done in such a way as to exclude the occurrence of even the smallest gaps, which are often the cause of noise and heat leakage.

The seal can be made of various materials - silicone, plastic or rubber. Rubber is the best choice because it retains its properties longer. For greater efficiency, the seal is glued to both the front and rear of the web.

Heat and sound insulation, as well as appearance, is strongly influenced by the quality of the finish.

External finishing

Most often, the following materials are used for this:

  • Solid wood. Wood has low thermal conductivity, so it keeps heat well.

And she looks gorgeous. But it is very expensive. This is exclusive today.

  • MDF panels. The material is not much inferior to wood in its thermal insulation qualities, and in appearance too. It costs significantly less and is used more often.
  • Laminate. PVC film significantly reduces heat loss, but cannot compete with wood or MDF. Inexpensive doors have such a coating.

The video shows the rules for choosing an iron front door:

  • Faux leather. It is rare today. As a heater, ordinary cotton wool or foam rubber is stuffed under the artificial leather. They quickly fill with moisture and rot.
  • Powder coated. This is an anti-vandal coating. No heat insulator made of paint. Today, coatings with hammer paints and enamels that imitate silk are very popular.

It is recommended to buy an entrance door directly from the manufacturer, that is, in a company store. Before going to the store, you should decide on the purpose and main functions of the door. The first step is to define a budget. Then remove the dimensions of the box. Directly from communication with the seller, find out the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model, as well as familiarize yourself with the product passport. All data on materials and their quality should be reflected there.

Cases of the correct choice of an entrance metal door that fully comply with the conditions of use and purpose are quite rare. We have collected several tips and rules that will help you choose the right door in accordance with the requirements for it and not overpay.

The cost and complexity of the front door device should be determined by its burglary resistance. It, in turn, should be consistent with the value of the property and the likelihood of an attempted illegal entry. In any case, it is necessary to take as a golden rule not to provide excessive resistance to burglary and carefully check whether the proposed technical solutions are really capable of performing their functions.

What size should the door be?

The actual size of the door is determined by the dimensions of the opening, from which the values ​​of the technological gaps and the thickness of the post elements of the door block are subtracted. The width of the opening according to SNiP should not be less than 910 mm, the height can vary from 210 to 230 mm, taking into account a 70 mm thick stand, which cannot be knocked down. However, these norms are directly related only to secondary housing; in new buildings and on private objects, the size of the openings can be completely arbitrary.

Therefore, it is so important to monitor the observance of technological clearances for correct installation when measuring. The opening in panel and precast-monolithic buildings should be at least 10 mm larger than the assembled door block on each side, in brick - by 25 mm. It is desirable that the gap is no more than 50 mm, this will lead to a "suspended" installation method, reduce the strength of the fastening and will not allow using the door for the first time after sealing.

How to choose the thickness of the blade?

The thickness and grade of sheet steel in the door leaf is one of the most important factors in burglary resistance. In general, the thicker the door is, the more reliable it is, but you should not bend it. Firstly, the vandal opening of the canvas is carried out only if comparable forces failed to break the locks. Secondly, due to the increased weight of the door, it will be necessary to strengthen the hinge group. Door leaves weighing over 150 kg require the installation of a door closer and an opening limiter. The optimal sheet thickness ranges from 1.5 to 3 mm, and for doors of class III and IV burglary resistance - at least 4.5 mm.

The material for making the canvas is much more important. The hardness of the steel to resist the axial tool should be at least 55 HRC, 35-40 HRC will be sufficient for resistance to most cutting edges. The drilling and cutting resistance of steel is almost irrelevant for composite blades in which a layer of abrasive material is sandwiched between two relatively thin sheets of steel. It should also be remembered that the hardness of steel below 60 HRC is not decisive for resistance to abrasive and oxy-fuel cutting, most of the so-called burglar-resistant blades can be burned with a hand-held balloon cutter.

What is the best rib system?

High web stiffness is one of the most important barriers to spinning. Most budget doors have only a thin corner steel frame and a stamped surface. In this case, the door is indeed curved with difficulty, but with a metal thickness of less than 1 mm, it can simply be crumpled.

It is optimal if the door is reinforced along the contour of the vestibule with a rectangular profile with dimensions of at least 40x40 mm with a wall thickness of at least 2.5 mm. You can also focus on the cross-section of the reinforcing element, it should not be lower than 400 mm 2. In addition to the framing frame, it is desirable to have one or two horizontal braces and diagonal braces in the formed cells. Too tricky reinforcement system should not be fenced off: stiffening ribs negatively affect heat and noise insulation, increase the weight of the canvas.

Do doors need insulation and what kind?

It would be more correct to call the so-called insulated doors filled, because the material inside the canvas provides not only a decrease in heat loss. It is also a sound insulator, in some cases interspersed with layers that make it difficult to make a full passage.

Thermal insulation is a mandatory option for the front door of a private house, even if there is a vestibule. In other cases, the presence of filler is optional. Honeycomb corrugated board, expanded polystyrene and PUR filler have the best performance in ascending order. Mineral wool is not quite suitable for doors: after several years of operation, it shrinks with the concomitant formation of cold bridges.

Why do we need safe doors?

The safe door is a sheet that does not protrude beyond the plane of the installation box or casing to exclude the possibility of wringing out with a lever tool. At the same time, such a door is filled with concrete inside to increase anti-vandal resistance.

Almost all safe-type canvases belong to the fifth, highest class of burglary resistance. However, it makes sense to install such a door only if it is equipped with locks of the appropriate class, moreover, such a choice should always be due to practical necessity. Otherwise, the safe door becomes a useless investment of money: it is 2-3 times more expensive than the usual one due to the complexity of organizing the unlocking system and the need to install a reinforced hinge group.

What are the most reliable hinges?

There are a lot of loop designs, but in general they can be divided into two groups: hidden and external. The latter type is simple and cheap, most heavy, but inexpensive metal doors are equipped with visible hinges. This is due to the fact that they can withstand the high weight of the canvas much better, in addition, the door frame is cheaper due to the unnecessary use of a hollow profile and the device of seats for hidden-type mechanisms. However, visible hinges show themselves worse in terms of burglary resistance, it is recommended to purchase a hinge group made of hardened steel with rotating pins, which are very problematic to cut.

Flush-mounted hinges are complex multi-piece hinges. Their advantage is the lack of direct access to the loop group and the preservation of the integrity of the outer side of the web. Providing high burglary resistance, they have characteristic drawbacks: they need adjustment and maintenance, they can creak and sag over time due to metal fatigue. If, when completing a blade weighing more than 200 kg, the choice fell on hidden hinges, it is better to purchase the highest quality products possible, thereby guaranteeing a high service life.

Which locking system to choose?

Modern doors are closed not only directly with the pins of the lock. In the cavity of the door leaf, there is usually a synchronous locking mechanism, which, when the lock is turned, expands the crossbars on three sides of the porch. This is good and bad at the same time: a door with such a system is less susceptible to squeezing, but at the same time a burglar can access the mechanism through a window cut in the canvas, thereby bypassing the secret of the lock.

It is optimal if the locking mechanism is located in the cavity of the profiles that act as stiffeners, or the central unit, together with the lock, will be closed by an armored plate. Also, the system of passive transoms located on the hinge side will not damage.

How many locks should a door have and which ones?

To answer this question, let us turn to the configuration of the classic factory-made doors, which are often unknowingly called Chinese. They have three locks: the upper one, otherwise called fast, the lower one, which sets in motion the locking mechanism on the vestibule, as well as the "night" bolt, which does not have the physical possibility of opening from the outside. Such a set of locks is basic, in modern doors it cannot be more scarce.

Burglar resistance can be increased, for example, by replacing the central cylinder lock with a lever lock. The highest class of burglary resistance is characteristic of locks with the possibility of reprogramming for a new key, as well as those equipped with a secret-trap, which resets the locking bolts when trying to move the lever separately. Opening such locks is possible only by making a duplicate key from a mold. It is possible to further increase the resistance to burglary by installing a radio lock or a hidden drive of the locking mechanism, but in this case it is imperative to monitor the technical serviceability and maintain the charge of the built-in battery.

Does the presence of a peephole affect burglary resistance?

It is believed that the hole under the door peephole greatly reduces the opening time. Indeed, if a burglar is familiar with the structure of a typical door, knocking out a peephole, he can manually set the internal mechanism in motion. Also, the hole for the peephole serves as a vulnerable spot in case of a vandal break-in: through it, you can start cutting the canvas without noise and unnecessary effort using lever scissors.

Of course, you can only avoid a peephole if you install a video intercom or a hidden surveillance camera. In other cases, it is recommended to purchase a modern type visor with separate fastening of the halves of the case. Its peculiarity is that the diameter of the mounting hole does not exceed 5-6 mm, which is not enough for the entry of the scissors. Also, instead of a peephole, you can install a camera, for the connection of which a hole of 2-2.5 mm will be enough, through such a gap, manipulations with the internal mechanism are absolutely impossible.

Which fastening system to choose in the opening?

If neither the door leaf nor the locks lend themselves to burglary, attackers can try to vandalize the entire door block. This is all the more possible if the technological gaps are not observed during the installation process, or due to the filling of the assembly joints with foam, and not with cement mortar. It is possible to complicate the task of burglary by ensuring high-quality fastening of the door block.

We are talking about a system of anchors that are buried in the body of the wall for at least 1/4 of the width of the canvas. For anchors, ordinary steel reinforcement is suitable, which was inserted into the holes before the block was installed in place with a step of 80-100 cm along the perimeter of the opening. After positioning and fixing the door, its flashing box is welded to the anchors, thereby the block acquires an almost monolithic connection with the wall. Naturally, this installation method will not work when installing sheet metal doors.

How important are aesthetic qualities?

Do not be surprised, but the outer finishing of the door is most directly related to ensuring high resistance to burglary. The presence of an overlay, glued over the entire plane, allows you to hide the manufacturer and model of the door, the type and quality of steel. Also, burglars will not be able to appreciate such specific subtleties as welding marks or the location of hidden loops.

The overlay should not be provocatively pretentious, a smooth MDF sheet with bevels is enough. At the same time, it is recommended not to install branded keyhole covers that come with the locks. It is much better to use fittings without identification marks, this will make it difficult to determine the model of the lock.

What should be the completeness of a quality door?

The door installation process must be monitored personally, to monitor compliance with the geometry and positioning of the door unit. At the same time, the assembly team is obliged to remove the internal decorative strip, demonstrating the presence and conformity of the type of insulation, and also showing the customer clearly the principle of the synchronous locking mechanism.

The classic set of the door block is as follows: the door leaf assembled with locks, hinges and other fittings, a flashing frame and outer platbands. Finishing of internal slopes is carried out by the customer independently from accessories for interior doors. Another important point: it is imperative to make sure that the set of keys is sealed in an opaque bag with factory markings and intact seals. All locks pass the first test at the installation site; in the event of a factory defect, the door manufacturer is obliged to replace them within the agreed time frame.


As a summary, it remains only to remind you that when choosing a door, you definitely need to know when to stop. The correct blade, locks and installation system can provide a really high resistance to burglary, but the more difficult it will be for emergency workers to act in the event of an emergency.

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Today there are a large number of doors on sale, but not all of them are suitable for installation inside an entrance, where a lot of people walk, make noise and can be smoked. It is important that it is warm and protected from intellectual burglary, and for this it is worth paying attention to the design features and locking mechanisms. Knowing the characteristics of insulating materials and surface coating options will help to understand which front door is best to put in an apartment. You can choose a good and inexpensive design by examining the manufacturer's rating.

What is the best front door to install in the apartment

A good entrance door installed inside the entrance should be able to protect the apartment from various negative factors and resist external influences on its own surface in order to maintain a beautiful view. Possible negative phenomena include the following:

  • smoky air;
  • accidental grazing of the surface of the canvas with bags or carrying bulky items;
  • noise from the trampling of passers-by and their conversations;
  • drafts;
  • attempts of forceful or vandal break-in.

To resist all these phenomena, doors must have certain characteristics. For example, the thickness of the steel on the box and the frame of the canvas from 1.2 mm will help protect the structure from breaking out. The most optimal would be 1.5-2 mm. Although it is less likely at the entrance that intruders will make noise with a tool, due to the inaction of neighbors, robbers may have a margin of time and such an opportunity. It is better to put in an apartment an entrance door created by bending solid sheets of steel, since such a box and a sash will be more durable to resist deformations, such as pulling the edge of the canvas.

To prevent bending of a part of the web, it is important to have at least two stiffeners, located vertically through the entire cavity. Even more appreciated is the combined spacing scheme, where one edge is welded across the cavity, and two in a vertical position. So that cutting the hinges does not lead to the door falling out of the opening, it is better to buy a product with anti-removable pins. These are rods with a diameter of 14 mm located inside the structure between the canvas and the box. In the closed position, they connect the box post and the sash profile.

To resist accidental scratches from bags, skis, strollers and other carried objects, the surface of the canvas must have a durable coating. The best entrance metal doors to the apartment are painted for this with powder coating or supplied with MDF board covered with PVC film. Both options have a dense structure and retain their beautiful appearance for a long time despite mechanical stress or moisture. They are suitable for installation on the ground floor, even with strong evaporation from the basement.

Many buyers, judging by the reviews, like the door with a wooden lining on the inside. This serves as additional insulation and decorates the hallway, giving it a more homely look. As finishing materials for this use:

  • laminate strips;
  • MDF overlays;
  • pressed veneer boards;
  • natural solid wood.

The wooden surface can be milled or have a mirror, which is very practical. These overlays have a wide choice of colors and pattern structures.

What insulation and locks should be on the doors to the apartment

To understand which front door is better to install in an apartment for security reasons, it is worth considering that such barriers are often overcome by intruders by intelligent opening. To resist these attempts, it is important to choose products with locks of the 3rd and 4th classes of burglary resistance. This will delay the robber for 40-50 minutes. For so long, no one will bother at the door in the entrance. Even greater protection is provided by a combination of lever and cylindrical locks, since they have different mechanisms and operating principles. So that the insides of the locking devices cannot be drilled out, an armor plate is provided.

If the staircase closes common doors and there are good windows, and it is also heated, then a sash with foam and two sealing circuits is sufficient. To protect an apartment from the cold in entrances without windows or located on the ground floors, it is worth buying a product with a filler in the form of mineral wool or polyurethane foam. This gives a high insulation against noise and heat transfer. If the neighbors smoke a lot on the staircase, then the best front door to the apartment with four contours of the seal around the perimeter can protect against the penetration of tobacco smoke.

The best manufacturers of metal doors

Often, when choosing an entrance door, buyers are looking for information about which company is the best, which helps to narrow the search. Here are the TOP of the most popular metal door factories with good characteristics:

  • Yoshkar Ola;
  • "Citadel";
  • "Door Continent";
  • "Doors South";
  • Zetta;
  • Bulldors;
  • Lex.

The listed best manufacturers of entrance doors have modern equipment for the production of boxes and door frames by bending solid steel sheets with a thickness of 1.2 to 4 mm. All firms use welding semiautomatic devices and contact equipment to make accurate and durable seams on the structure. They have at their disposal milling machines with a variety of patterns, allowing them to create beautiful designs on wood panels. The price of products varies from economy to premium class.

The company "Reliable Doors" is an official dealer of the above and other manufacturers of metal doors. From us you can choose and buy a door to an apartment with high-class burglary resistance locks, mineral wool or polyurethane foam insulation, powder-coated and decorative panels.

It is impossible to turn a house into an impregnable fortress without a reliable, strong and durable front door. Metal doors are considered ideal in almost all respects, which significantly surpass their wooden counterparts in terms of protection and safety. However, the door of the door is different - the modern market is so oversaturated with different options that can be found both flawlessly and one that even an inexperienced burglar can easily break. How to choose a metal front door so that it provides, pleases with its appearance and impeccable service? Let's dwell on the most important points that everyone should know before going to a store or a specialized company.

Attention! In the process of reading our material, you will understand that when choosing an entrance door, there are many nuances and they are all important. In turn, manufacturers are forced to sacrifice some parameters in order to make their product competitive in price for the mass consumer. In the event that you are not ready to compromise and are ready to pay for a high-quality door according to your optimal characteristics, it is better to make a door to order directly from the manufacturer, where you can stipulate and prescribe all future nuances in the contract.

# 1. Design features of a metal door

The strength and reliability of the door to one degree or another depends on the characteristics of each of its constituent elements:

  • door leaf - the main and largest part of the structure in terms of area, consists of a frame, inner and outer skin, as well as stiffeners and;
  • door frame;
  • lock;
  • loops;
  • seal in one or more circuits;
  • , and other accessories.

Door leaf made of sheet steel, which is obtained as a result of hot or cold rolling, on which the properties of the door largely depend:

  • hot rolled steel differs in dark color, but it is not visible under the decorative coating. It is a relatively cheap material and is more susceptible to corrosion;
  • cold rolled steel will cost more, but in terms of performance this is the best option - no atmospheric influences are terrible for the material.

Strength is also greatly influenced by the frame.... The most reliable door will be the one in which the frame is made. from a profile pipe with one seam... Less durable is the frame of four sections of hot-rolled profile pipe, between each other. The most unreliable will be a frame in which each of the four segments is welded from two corners of the same length. Simply put, the fewer welds in the frame, the better, because each of them reduces the resistance to mechanical stress. The outer part of the door leaf must only be made of monolithic non-welded sheet otherwise, hitting with a medium sledgehammer will damage the integrity of the structure.

No. 2. Thickness of steel

The most important aspect that needs to be clarified when choosing a door is the thickness of the steel sheet. This parameter may fluctuate from 0.8 to 5.0 mm: the higher it is, the more reliable and durable the door will be. Along with the increase in safety, the price and weight also increase, which is also important to consider.

The scope of use of doors with different steel sheet thicknesses is significantly different:

Some manufacturers use steel sheet only from the outside, insisting that this is enough to create a solid structure and making the inner panel, for example, from MDF. To be completely confident in your own safety, it is better to choose a door with two steel sheets. On sale you can find options that reinforced with another additional sheet of steel located between the main external and internal - this is the ideal of strength. Such doors are much more expensive than their simpler counterparts, weigh more and will not be useful in all cases.

When choosing a metal door, it is recommended to pay special attention to castle area since it often takes up most of the load when broken. It's great if this place is covered with a reinforcing sheet of steel, or even - this is a huge plus in terms of reliability, even if the door is made of not very thick sheets of steel.

No. 3. Number of stiffeners

Between the outer steel sheet and the inner panel, no matter what it will be made of, there must be stiffening ribs, which are necessary to achieve maximum strength and resistance to mechanical stress. Stiffeners can be located vertically, horizontally or diagonally: it is important that they are located evenly throughout the structure, which is why it depends.

The minimum set of stiffeners is two vertical and one horizontal... It is better if there are more of them, but without busting, because they significantly increase the weight of the entire structure.

Stiffeners can be produced:

No. 4. Heat insulation and sound insulation of a metal door

Metal is not the best insulator against cold and extraneous sounds, therefore, earlier, when metal doors had just begun to appear massively in the domestic space, it was common practice to put two at once: one - metal to protect against unauthorized access, the second - wooden to preserve heat in the apartment ... Today the situation has changed significantly: although there are cold bridges in the metal door (these are the frame and stiffeners), but it can become an independent protection against drafts, odors and cold.

High heat and sound insulation characteristics are achieved due to the following elements:

Thermal insulation material is inserted between the frame and the stiffeners, filling the entire space between the outer and inner sheet. Often in the production of steel doors, the following heaters are used:

  • mineral wool- the most common option. The material has excellent sound-insulating and noise-absorbing properties, retains heat, does not burn and does not emit harmful substances, however, it is prone to subsidence, therefore, it may require additional lathing;
  • has excellent heat and sound insulating properties, is durable, resistant to temperature and humidity changes, but flammable and is more expensive than mineral wool;
  • Is one of the cheapest options. The material retains sounds and heat well, but is highly flammable, and the gaps between the foam and the stiffeners will need to be filled;
  • penoplex in many ways resembles mineral wool, but is slightly inferior to it in terms of resistance to fire;
  • foam rubber and synthetic winterizer are used infrequently, since a layer of 10 cm is required to achieve more or less acceptable insulating qualities;
  • paper and pressed board- good insulators, characterized by low cost and low weight, but inferior in terms of moisture resistance to other materials.

It is important that the manufacturer also filled the inner cavities of the metal profiles with insulation, otherwise there is no need to talk about high thermal insulation qualities. It is not difficult to check this - it is enough to knock on the surface with a metal object: a dull sound indicates that the insulation is done efficiently.

No. 5. External and internal finishing of a metal door

The steel sheets of the door leaf need decor. When choosing interior finishes it is worth starting only from personal preferences and the nuances of the arrangement. External finishing must be resistant to moisture changes, precipitation and sunlight if the door leads to the street, and withstand mechanical stress if you have pets. In the case when the door leads to the vestibule or entrance, there are no special requirements for its external decor.

The most popular finishes are:

  • powder coated involves the application of special paints to the surface, which, under the influence of high temperature, form an anti-vandal film. There are many shades and types of coverage, so there will be plenty to choose from. Among the main advantages are excellent performance, resistance to any weathering and low price of the coating. Doors that lead from the street to the premises, it is recommended to cover both sides with powder paint, without using wood and materials created from its fibers, so that changes in humidity and temperature do not force frequent repairs;
  • solid wood- the most expensive, environmentally friendly and beautiful way to finish the door leaf. Using painting and carving, you can get a real work of art. In addition, the tree will serve as an additional heat insulator;
  • made on the basis of wood chips, have a thickness of 7-20 mm, covered with paint, film with a pattern or, a thin cut of valuable wood species. Such panels allow you to design the door as you like, are not cheap, the range of prices depending on the type of decorative coating is decent. Another advantage is good heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • vinyl leather- once the most popular material for decorative door trim. Can be of any color, well imitates the structure of natural leather, inexpensive, but not durable enough;
  • - a budget option for finishing the door, the choice is wide, caring for them is simple, but the durability is low;
  • lamination with PVC film allows you to give the door any pattern, simulate leather or wood. The material is cheap, but short-lived, it looks rustic;
  • painting and varnishing can even be performed independently, but the stability of such a finish is low, as is the price.

In principle, the possible options for finishing the door leaf are not limited to these materials. Recently, it has become popular to decorate the interior: this expands the space and allows, if it does not have large dimensions.

No. 6. Focus on hinges

When it comes to choosing an entrance door, there are no trifles. The canvas can be three times reliable, and the lock can be cunning and complex, but without good hinges, the apartment will still be an easy prey for a burglar.

Today, metal doors are installed these types of loops:

As for the quantity, for a canvas weighing 70 kg (the most common option with a steel thickness of 3 mm) two loops are enough... If the door weighs more or is intended for active operation with opening / closing more than 50 times a day, then it is better to install 3-4 pieces of hinges. For massive doors, the hinges are selected with support bearings, which will greatly facilitate the process of opening the leaf and avoid squeaks.

No. 7. Features of choosing a lock for a metal door

The front door must be reliably protected not only from "rough" burglary with, autogenous or sledgehammer, but also from attempts of "intellectual" intrusion. Of course, if a door is chosen for a country house, which is rare, then equal attention should be paid to the strength of the structure, but for an apartment in an apartment building, the trick of the lock is even more important, because the noise from forceful opening methods will hardly go unnoticed by the neighbors. However, there is no lock that could not be opened, especially to an experienced thief, so the task is reduced to ensuring that choose a lock that will take as long as possible to open: this will increase the chance that someone will notice the attacker, or he himself will surrender and leave, risking being caught red-handed.

Types of locks for entrance doors:

The perfect pair is lever and cylinder locks., and it is necessary to place them at a distance of 25-35 cm from each other. For the front door, choose only mortise locks, and preferably 3 or 4 security classes, relying on the products of reliable manufacturers. Remember that any lock can be opened, so if an apartment or house can attract "qualified" ones, it is better to put additional ones.

No. 8. Door security classes

Like locks, entrance doors are divided into classes for the level of safety and security:

No. 9. The size of the entrance metal door

The front door, ideally, should be made for a specific opening, and not the opening to be finalized for a specific door. Responsible large companies offer their customers a comprehensive service, from measurement to installation, and during manufacturing they take into account the individual parameters of the doorway, but this pleasure will cost more than using a standard door.

It is desirable that the width of the door is more than 90 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to bring large pieces of furniture into the room. The structure can consist of one leaf, two or be one and a half - if the opening is wide, then one sash may not be enough.

By opening method doors can be right and left, external and internal. From the point of view, it is better when the door opens to the inside of the room, but this design makes it easier for thieves to enter the apartment, because they can squeeze out the canvas with a 5-ton jack.

No. 10. Entrance door manufacturers

Only a high-quality door should protect the house. Trusting your home with products from dubious manufacturers means making an apartment vulnerable, and insignificant savings when buying a door can turn into sad consequences. At the moment, the largest and most proven ones are:

  • Elbor Is a domestic company founded in 1993. Today it is the largest enterprise in the sphere in the country, has a developed dealer network, and provides warranty service. Entrance doors are presented in different price categories, 3 and 4 security classes, a wide choice of decorative panels, accessories and components of our own production;
  • "ProfMaster"- a small, relative to other eminent competitors from the list, trading and manufacturing enterprise. The company has been operating since 1998 and is known to the consumer thanks to the popular street doors of the "Nord" series. The peculiarity of the company is that it is aimed at the individual production of doors under the client's order. Almost any entrance door can be made here at the request of the customer, which should not be expected from large manufacturers who manufacture doors on a conveyor strictly in accordance with their model range. The company operates in the Moscow market, but delivers some individual products directly to customers in neighboring regions by a transport company.
  • "Guardian" Is a large holding company operating since 1994. The structure includes several enterprises of different fields of activity, incl. CJSC "Portal", specializing in the production of doors. The company has representative offices in all regions of the country and in the near abroad, doors are produced in standard and non-standard sizes, in dozens of different designs, weighing from 50 to 140 kg, 3 and 4 protection classes. Locks and fittings of our own and European production;
  • "Doors Granite" offers not the most extensive range of doors, but they all have the highest burglary protection. Guarantee - 10 years;
  • "Torex"- this is the widest range of doors of different prices, degrees of protection and design. Everyone can choose the right model, the warranty period depends on the specific model;
  • "Bastion"- a domestic company, which from the very beginning of its activity (1997) set a course for the production of affordable doors. Today the assortment includes designs with different thicknesses, locks and fittings from different manufacturers;
  • company "Oplot" the first to release a bimetallic door, in which there is an additional one between the two main sheets of metal. Mineral wool and polyurethane foam are used as insulation, locks are from the best manufacturers, the range includes almost a hundred different models. Prices are not the lowest, but the reliability is worth it;
  • Dierre Is an Italian company renowned for its advanced developments in the field of door protection. At the moment, the manufacturer is working on creating;
  • Gardesa Is an Italian company with several representative offices in Russia. The quality and price are high, the manufacturer uses the locks of the best Italian companies, which are developed for him according to an individual order;
  • Galant and Novak- Polish companies offering good doors at reasonable prices, but domestic counterparts are not inferior to them in quality.


When choosing a metal front door, also pay attention to quality of fittings: It's a shame if it falls apart after a year or spoils the appearance of the door. The eyelet, handles and chains must be functional, practical and reliable. Always put reliability first, not aesthetics.

Metal doors are used to equip apartments and houses. Such products are highly durable, wear-resistant, do not lend themselves to moisture and retain heat well.

When choosing models, pay attention to the security system and technical reliability.

How to choose a metal door

  • The base of the metal door is made of aluminum or steel. Steel structures are more durable, provide high-quality noise and heat insulation.

Aluminum sheets are lightweight, so they are easy to assemble. This material allows for a wide variety of finishes.

  • Pay attention to the way the door is opened. It is better to choose designs that open on both the left and right sides. To choose external or internal doors depends on taste preferences.
  • Take into account the technical characteristics of the model, because it will constantly be under mechanical and temperature effects. To keep the product looking longer, choose powder coating or oak paneling.
  • The level of noise and heat insulation are important criteria. As a rule, a metal door is insulated with mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, corrugated cardboard.

Mineral wool is best suited for the internal filling of the product; it is an environmentally friendly material with high thermal insulation properties. Other materials are less expensive but can crumble quickly.

  • The door must have a reliable security system against intruders. In metal structures that are used for domestic purposes, locks of 1-4 classes of burglary resistance are built in.

By type, locks are divided into lever locks with increased secrecy and cylinder locks, which are subject to re-coding in case of loss of keys. As a rule, modern models are equipped with these two locks.

  • Pay attention to the quality of the fittings. It includes door hinges, handles, chains, eyes, and other decorative elements. The aesthetics and beauty of these details also testifies to the reliability of the accessories.

  • Pay attention to the door hinges. Do not buy products that have less than three hinges. Consider the opening angle of the structure: 90, 120, 180 degrees. The higher the number, the better.
  • It is better if the model is made of a one-piece bent profile.
  • When choosing a door, specify the thickness of the door leaf. The minimum indicator is 40 mm, but the structure will not be protected.

The thicker the canvas, the more reliable the protection and the higher the thermal insulation characteristics. In conditions of severe winters and constant frosts, the best option would be a thickness of 80-90 mm.

  • Pay attention to the thickness of the sheet, the optimal figure is 2-3 mm. Do not purchase products with a steel thickness of less than 0.5 mm, such structures are prone to dents and have a short service life.

The thickness of the door frame must be twice as large in order to withstand the fastening of the hardware.

  • The most vulnerable parts of the door leaf must be sealed with stiffening ribs. This improves the performance of the product and reduces the risk of deformation.
  • Pay attention to whether the product is equipped with an armor plate, this is a mandatory part of the kit.
  • Choose models with ball hinges and anti-cuts that attach from the hinge side.
  • The tightness of the structure is provided by a double-circuit seal, which protects against the ingress of third-party odors, drafts and retains heat well.
  • The diameter of the locking bolts must be at least 16-18 mm.

    • The design and decoration of the door depends on your preferences. A popular finish is plastic panels, which are durable and shockproof.

With the help of polymer painting, the structure acquires a new color and protective characteristics. Varnish painting is a type of coating with a high level of resistance. Wood trim is the most environmentally friendly and efficient way to decorate.

  • When choosing a color, be guided by your taste, but keep in mind that dark canvases will retain their presentation longer.
  • It is advisable that all parts of the fittings are made by the same manufacturer.
  • The presence of a manganese plate will prevent the door from being drilled out.

Best metal door with thermal break

NORTH used in severe winters, withstands temperatures up to -39 degrees, vulnerable areas are reliably sealed by circuits. The thickness of the blade is 80 mm. The design is robust as it is equipped with 10 locking points.

The average weight of the model is 100 kg. Stylish design and beautiful appearance are provided by polymer-powder coating of the model. The door is easy to install, easy to maintain, wear-resistant and durable when used correctly.


  • weight - 100 kg;
  • dimensions - 860 by 2050 (960 by 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing contours;
  • 10 locking points;
  • blade thickness - 80 mm;
  • polymer powder coating.


  • the design does not freeze, no frost;
  • reliable security system against penetration;
  • multilayer insulation system;
  • functionality;
  • thermal resistance;
  • wear resistance and durability;
  • average weight, transportability;
  • high-quality fittings, reliable fasteners;
  • convenient installation and door maintenance.


  • high price.

The best metal door with a thick leaf

Canvas Trio Metal insulated with mineral wool, thickness - 80 mm. The model is sealed with three contours in places that wear out quickly. Bearing hinges allow the door to open 180 degrees, a peephole provides a wide view.

The set includes 2 locks and a night latch. For interior decoration, a moisture-resistant PVC coating of bleached oak color is used. A product with reliable protection against burglary, high heat and sound insulation.


  • blade thickness - 80 mm;
  • dimensions - 2050 by 880 (980) mm;
  • the canvas is filled with mineral wool;
  • three sealing contours;
  • finishing with MDF panel;
  • a door with a special powder coating;
  • fittings (2 locks, night latch, hinges, peephole, handle).


  • resistance to mechanical damage and weathering;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • convenient equipment, reliable fittings;
  • stylish and high quality interior and exterior decoration.


  • weighty and large-sized product.

The best metal door made in Belarus

Design Вeldoors Chocolate available in two sizes. The door opens from both sides. Nice design and high quality PVC finish. The simplicity of the geometric shapes and the dark chocolate color give the design an elegance and special charm.


  • dimensions - 860 by 2060 (960 by 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing contours;
  • filler - ISOVER mineral wool;
  • cover - structured MDF panel;
  • fittings (2 hinges with bearings, 2 locks, night slide, anti-removable pins).


  • the possibility of opening from the right and left sides;
  • environmentally friendly insulation;
  • external and internal finishing of MDF;
  • compaction of vulnerable areas of a metal sheet;
  • the main lock is protected by an armored plate;
  • stylish design;
  • high-quality headset.


  • difficulty in leaving;
  • accumulation of dust.

Best metal soundproof door

Design LEGANZA FORTE ideally combines aesthetic appearance and high quality: noise insulation, insulation. Adjustable hinges prevent the door leaf from sagging. Robust tamper-resistant product, powder coated exterior.


  • modular layout;
  • blade thickness - 60 mm;
  • 5 stiffeners;
  • double porch;
  • weight - 85-115 kg;
  • the maximum size of the opening is 1020 by 2300 mm;
  • fittings (hinges, locks).


  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • recoding locks;
  • built-in protection against the most popular hacking methods;
  • high sound and heat insulation;
  • equipping with adjustable hinges that prevent the web from sagging;
  • comfortable and practical design.


  • large-sized door;
  • low transportability.

Best apartment metal door

Design Akron 1 reliable, wear-resistant, durable. The doors are made of 65 mm thick metal sheet and provide good sound insulation. In vulnerable places, they are sealed with special contours.

Reliable protection is provided by fittings: hinges, locks, anti-removable pins. The door has the main lock Guardian 10.11 with the second class of burglary resistance.

Mineral wool is used as a filler, the material is environmentally friendly, safe for health.


  • blade thickness - 65 mm;
  • filler - mineral wool;
  • 2 sealing circuits;
  • strengthening the canvas in unreliable places;
  • fittings (locks, anti-removable pins, hinges).


  • burglar resistance;
  • dense canvas provides excellent sound insulation;
  • reliable fastening of accessories;
  • strength and durability;
  • durability subject to the rules of operation;
  • high sound insulation.


  • heavily transported.

Best metal door with MDF finish

Design Profdoor-MD10 weighty and large, suitable for decorating the entrance and front doors of the apartment. Thanks to the built-in stiffening ribs, the elastic metal sheet becomes reliable and durable.

The door is equipped with a reliable security system, there are lower and upper locks, a peephole. The noise and heat insulation of the model is at the highest level, this design will bring comfort and coziness to the house. MDF finishes are used to create a natural effect.


  • sizes - 200 by 80 cm;
  • weight - 70 kg;
  • 2 pyramidal stiffeners;
  • MDF finish;
  • reinforcement with a profile pipe;
  • noise and heat insulation of the door vestibule;
  • fittings (two locks, a peephole).


  • the structure is protected from intrusion;
  • high-quality insulation of the model;
  • high sound insulation;
  • stiffening ribs ensure durability and reliability of the structure;
  • MDF finish brings the model closer to the natural design.


  • weighty design.

The best metal door for a private house

Wear resistant Arma Standard-1 tight design with two sealing circuits. For the manufacture of the door, a bent metal profile with stiffening ribs is used. The product is equipped with a cylinder and lever lock, an eyelet, chrome-colored fittings.

Anti-removable pins provide reliable protection against burglary. The metal door is powder painted, resists corrosion and mechanical damage. Although the structure is heavy, it opens easily and without unnecessary sound effects.


  • canvas dimensions - 880 x 2050 mm;
  • thickness - 80 mm;
  • filler - mineral cloth "URSA GEO";
  • MDF finish;
  • external powder coated copper;
  • fittings (sealing contours, hinges, pins, night slide).


  • large thickness of the metal sheet;
  • high level of noise insulation;
  • high-quality filler, high-quality insulation;
  • reliable protection against burglary;
  • the possibility of opening from both sides;
  • beautiful external design, stylish design;
  • convenient equipment.


  • heavy construction.

The best metal door for technical rooms

2DP-1S installed in buildings and places of public use, made of high-quality and wear-resistant materials.

The door is designed taking into account the latest technologies, it is equipped with reliable burglary protection and fire resistance. Two types of seals are used. Stylish design and beautiful powder-coated finish.


  • dimensions - 1400 by 1000 (2350 by 1750) mm;
  • external finishing with powder-polymer coating;
  • two contours of a rubber seal, a thermally expanding seal;
  • execution of the box (with a threshold and without a threshold, in the invoice or in the opening);
  • equipping with fire-fighting mechanisms;
  • accessories (crossbars, locks).


  • high technical safety;
  • several design options;
  • high-quality exterior finish, beautiful design;
  • reliable insulation;
  • supply with a fire safety system.


  • rather heavy construction;
  • difficulties in transportation.

Best double leaf metal door

DZ-98 designed for wide doorways. Approximately the same weight is distributed on both parts of the door leaf, therefore, the load on the hinges is significantly reduced.

The construction is strong, wear-resistant and durable. Among the fittings there are two locks, a peephole with a 180-degree view.


  • type - front double doors;
  • dimensions - 2000 by 800 mm;
  • finishing (powder coating);
  • equipped with upper and lower locks;
  • number of loops (2);
  • insulated with mineral wool;
  • equipped with a peephole with a 180-degree view.


  • uniform load distribution;
  • reliable protection against penetration;
  • wear resistance, durability;
  • stylish design and good finish;
  • the structure is insulated;
  • convenient equipment.


  • only suitable for large openings.

The best metal door with internal opening

DS-7 intended for installation in office and residential premises. The structure is made of one-piece bent door leaf (two metal sheets, 4 stiffeners). The product is equipped with locks of 3 and 4 class of burglary resistance.

Durable, dual-circuit design, insulated with environmentally friendly mineral wool. Stylish design, wide choice for decorative finishes. High-quality fittings will provide reliable protection, comfort and coziness.


  • 4 stiffeners;
  • dimensions - 2000 by 880 (2100-980) mm;
  • two contours of the seal;
  • the structure is insulated with mineral wool;
  • accessories (hinges, peephole, overlays, handle).


  • a wide range of decorative finishes;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high-quality fittings;
  • insulation with mineral wool;
  • 5 available sizes;
  • the design is wear-resistant and durable;
  • burglary protection (class 3 and 4);
  • durability and reliability.


  • there are no anti-removable clamps.

Which metal door is better to buy

Let's compare the main technical characteristics of the models in order to find out which of them are best suited for equipping an apartment or house.

  • The thickness of the metal sheet must be at least 2-3 mm, the structures presented in this rating correspond to the indicator.
  • Pay attention to the thickness of the canvas, there are models with high (80-90 mm) and medium (60-70 mm) parameters. Sealing contours and stiffening ribs are used to support the shape of the metal sheet.

Among the best doors are Sever, Trio Metal.

  • An important criterion is the level of heat and sound insulation, which depends on the thickness of the door leaf and the insulation used. All structures from the rating are insulated with environmentally friendly mineral wool.

The anti-corrosion LEGANZA FORTE model has excellent sound insulation.

  • We pay attention to the quality of execution of accessories: locks, hinges, door handles. Buy models Akron 1, Arma Standard-1, they are equipped with the necessary accessories.
  • The security system determines how much the structure is protected from burglary. Products with high-quality protection - LEGANZA FORTE, Sever, Profdver-MD10.
  • The finishing of the products is varied, there are models with powder coating (LEGANZA FORTE) and MDF (Trio Metal).

All models are distinguished by stylish design, the most original is Beldoors Chocolate.

So, among the best models are Sever, Trio Metal, Вeldoors Chocolate, LEGANZA FORTE. These are products with high wear resistance of metal sheet, good sealing and insulation, reliable protection system and good external finish.