The main malfunctions of water supply pumping stations and methods for their solution. The borehole pump does not pump water: the causes of breakdowns The water station for the house does not pump water

One of the manifestations of the presence of system malfunctions is a situation when a characteristic hum and vibration emanate from the units, but there is nothing in the pipes except air. When the pumping station works, but pumps water, the reasons may be different, but you need to find the one that disabled the system and eliminate it. Most breakdowns can be repaired on your own.

Frequent breakdowns of the water station

In most cases, the answer is simple - the liquid level in the source has decreased. Then the intake does not reach her, and the equipment runs idle. The danger is that, operating in this mode, pumping stations quickly fail.

When the pump does not pump water from the well, the cause may be a clogged coarse filter. Sludge, sand, clay, and debris will clog the mesh and prevent the hose from drawing normally. In this case, it must be cleaned and rinsed under a stream. But if the pumping station does not pump water, this may not be the reason. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how the units work.

The pump turns, but does not pump water

Such a manifestation may be evidence that:

  1. Mechanical components worn out. The submersible pump does not pump if the blades are broken, the wheel is disconnected from the shaft, or there is a depletion on the walls of the working chamber. In addition, the pumping station is humming, but there is no liquid in the pipes when the bearings crumbled and the debris jammed the wheel.
  2. The water intake is disconnected. Depressurization leads to the fact that instead of liquid, air is pumped into the hose. This can happen if the clamp has rotted or the flexible tube has become unusable due to mechanical stress. In any case, the consequences of this breakdown can be seen without disassembling the pump.

There are other reasons, but they are much less common. Faults in internal components suggest that the pump is de-energized, disconnected and will have to be disassembled. Worn parts must be replaced immediately.

The unit runs without stopping

If a serviceable borehole pump does not pump water when all connections and pipes are in order, then the reason may lie in the improper operation of additional equipment or the system as a whole. If the voltage of the electric current is insufficient in the network, then there is simply not enough power to raise the liquid from the ground to the surface.

In this case, there is no pressure in the pipeline, and the relay does not trip. The danger is that the unit overheats and may fail completely. The way out is to measure the voltage, and if the situation in the region is considered normal, you need to include a step-up stabilizer in the system. Asking why the pump does not pump water from the well, the voltage is checked first, and the equipment is immediately de-energized.


All of these consequences can be avoided by conducting periodic audits. The fact that the system is able to work autonomously does not mean that its functioning can be left to chance. But most importantly, most of the reasons that the pump hums, but does not pump, are due to the fact that mistakes were made when selecting equipment or when installing the system.

Insufficient capacity of the pumping station is also the reason for the lack of water in the pipes. Overloading and overheating is detrimental to equipment if it is not adequately protected. The electric motor turns, but its power is not enough to raise water from the depth of the well to the surface.

It makes sense to recalculate all parameters, and compare the required and actual characteristics of the equipment. The calculation takes into account the depth of the aquifers, the distance of the consumer from the source, as well as its flow rate. If it is too small, then after switching on there will be water, but when there is not enough inflow, the level drops, and the intake begins to suck in air instead of liquid.

As you know, the hydroaccumulator (membrane tank) used in pumping stations in combination with automatic pump on / off acts as a buffer, as well as a pump control unit.

At the moment the pump is turned on, it takes over the excess load on itself. When a certain pressure level is reached, the pump switches off as it fills.

Gradually, with the flow of water, the pressure in the system begins to decrease, which is fixed by the automation that turns on the pump.

As a rule, at pumping stations, a pressure range is regulated in which the pump is turned on and off. The minimum range can adversely affect the operation of the pump because it will turn on too often.

What to do if the station stops working after the expiration of the warranty period? How to find the cause of the pumping station malfunction and fix it yourself? Here are the main recommendations by which you can easily repair a pumping station manufactured by Jileks, Marina, Whirlwind, Gardena (GARDENA), Belamos (BELAMOS), ELITECH, Caliber, Karcher (KARCHER), Hammer (HAMMER), DENZEL, ALCO (AL-KO ), Host, Bison, METABO and a number of other manufacturers. The principle of operation of the equipment is the same in all cases, the differences are only in the design features of some elements.

The main causes of malfunctions

Problems in the operation of stations can be very different:

  1. The engine is running, but there is no water.
  2. The station often turns on, the water pressure jumps.
  3. The pump pumps properly, but the water supply is intermittent.
  4. The pumping station does not turn off.
  5. The pump does not start at all.
  6. The motor hums but does not rotate.

Adjustment and repair of pumping stations

All these malfunctions of pumping stations can be easily eliminated at home. Let's consider each specific example separately.

The station works (the pump rotates), but does not pump water

  • First of all, you need to check whether the tightness of the suitable pipelines is not broken and whether the check valve, which is in the water in a well or a well, is holding it. It is necessary to carefully check all the joints and the non-return valve (possibly foreign particles, sand, jammed, broken spring, etc.).
  • Also check that there is water in the piping between the pump and the well. The pump itself must also be filled with water. If it is not there, then it is necessary to fill it through the filling hole.
  • It is possible that the water in the well or borehole has simply run out. In this case, you can try lowering the suction hose or tubing deeper. Do not forget that the distance from the pump to the water level in the well (well) should not exceed the maximum value allowed for this pump.
  • There is also the possibility of a large build-up between the pump casing and the impeller, which can be caused by the high content of abrasive substances in the water (eg sand). In this case, the pump works for itself. Here it is worth replacing the impeller and housing, or, if they are not on sale, the entire pump (but not completely the pumping station).
  • There may be another reason - low voltage in the network. In this case, everything will work, and you will not wait for water, because the electric motor is not gaining momentum.

The pump very often turns on and shakes jerkily

Here you need to pay attention to the readings of the pressure gauge located on the automation unit. If the arrow of the device rises to the pressure to which the pumping station was set (the pump will turn off at the same time), and then it drops sharply until it is turned on, there may be several reasons.

  • The membrane in the tank has torn (diaphragm, bulb). This can be checked through the nipple located on the back of the tank. If, when pressed, water flows from it instead of air, it is necessary to change the membrane (see photo 1, 2, 3, 4). Detailed instructions for replacing the accumulator bulb using the example of the Jileks Jumbo pumping station are here.
  • Photo 5 After assembly, we bring the receiver to the required pressure There is no air pressure in the hydraulic tank. If there is no water, then you need to measure the pressure with a pressure gauge and, if there is a lack of it, bring it to normal with a pump (see photo 5). The manufacturer pumps 1.5 - 1.8 atmospheres. Sometimes corrosion cracks appear in the tank body and air quickly escapes. Repair of the pumping station in this case consists in detecting this leak and sealing it, for example, using "cold welding".
  • The pressure switch that controls the activation of the pump does not work.

The pump is running, but the water is intermittent

  • Somewhere air is being sucked in. It is necessary to check the water level in the well, the suction pipe from the pump to the well and the joints.

The pump regularly pumps water, but does not turn off

  • It is necessary to adjust the pressure switch (see photo 6). To adjust it, two springs are used in the old RDM-5 relay. A large spring adjusts the upper and lower limits for turning on and off the pump. A small spring adjusts the pressure difference between the lower and upper limit. After a long-term operation of the pump, its moving parts are depleted, and the pump can no longer create the pressure that was originally set at the factory. Therefore, with the help of a large spring, it is worth reducing it by turning it in the direction of the arrow to (-). But do not get too carried away with such adjustments. Photo 6 The device of the pressure switch RDM-5 The pressure switch RDM-5 is a device of the last century, it is very inconvenient to adjust. To date, an arrow pressure switch has appeared in Russia. I set the low and high pressure markers and ALL with the adjusting screws. The relay has a plug and socket. NO screw terminal connections. The cost of this relay is COMPARABLE with the cost of RDM-5. You can buy a digital relay in China. I don’t write where to buy, because advertising is inappropriate here. Who needs to be found.
  • With poor water quality, hardness salts are sometimes formed, which clog the inlet of the pressure switch, and the switch stops responding and needs to be cleaned.

You can learn more about setting the pressure switch of the pumping station in the next article - "Repair and adjustment of the pressure switch of the pumping station".

The pump does not turn on - what should I do?

  • Check the presence of power supply with a tester, inspect the contacts of the pressure switch. If they are burnt, clean them.
  • Check the motor, ring the windings for continuity. If the electric motor burns out, which you will immediately understand by the characteristic smell of burnt insulation, then it is better not to experiment and entrust the repair of the pumping station to specialists.

The pump hums and does not spin - what to do?

  • It often happens that the pumping station has been lying somewhere in a barn all winter, and in the spring they pulled it out and try to turn it on. The pump starts to hum. For the simple reason that it remained motionless and without water for a long time, the pump impeller "stuck" to the body. It is necessary to manually twist the engine impeller from the back side, and then plug it into the network.
  • There is a possibility that the capacitor located in the branded box of the electric motor has failed. The pumps are equipped with three-phase motors and use a capacitor to connect to the 220 V network.
  • Insufficient mains voltage.

In this material, we examined the most common problems in which you can do the repair of the pumping station with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists.

And if you are interested in the repair of pumps such as "Trickle", "Aquarius", "Baby", etc., then the most common causes of malfunctions of such pumps and ways to eliminate them are discussed in the most detailed way in our article on the repair of submersible vibration pumps.


The pumping station is not gaining pressure: reasons and solutions

Good day! The husband himself connected the pumping station. I filled it with water as expected, but air gets there and it does not gain pressure. How to fix it?

You did not indicate the model of the pumping station, did not attach a photo of it to the question along with the piping. It is likely that, given the necessary information, the answer would be more specific and useful. Our recommendations will be of a fairly general nature and not the fact that they will be useful.

What are the reasons for airing the pumping station?

There are several options:

  1. The suction tube (if it is not a submersible pump) is located at or above the level of the water mirror. If the flow rate of a well or well is low, the liquid level can quickly drop when turned on, and air can enter the pipe. The dry-running sensor will prevent this phenomenon. How to fix: accurately determine the flow rate of the well, lower the suction tube to the required level.
  1. The supply line is leaking, there are leaks at the joints of the fittings. How to fix: check the tightness: tighten all the fasteners, you will have to check the pipe itself by pumping compressed air or water into it.
  1. When filling the pump, air remains in it. A small amount is enough for it to become airy, superimposed on the cavitation phenomenon. This is the most popular reason for launch failures, especially for laymen. How to fix: The remedy depends on the cause:
  • If the bubble remains inadvertently, draining and filling again thoroughly, you can expect that the pressure will rise to the prescribed value.
  • The bubble could remain in the supply pipe due to the fact that some part of it is laid with a reverse slope. It can be "expelled" by filling it under pressure from above.

What to do

The troublesome option with self-assembly-disassembly, merging-filling and checking of all elements will not suit you. There are two possible solutions:

  1. Contact a specialist. If your spouse is not good at technology and hydraulics, this will be the best solution. The craftsmen have the necessary equipment and, most importantly, experience. Spend money, but save time and nerves.
  1. Try to squeeze out the airiness. Let's make a reservation right away: this may be effective only for the above-described reason for airing No. 3, in case of 1 or 2 it is useless. The plan is as follows: most likely, the pumping unit contains a gas-air mixture with a large number of small bubbles that prevent normal pressure from being created. This "oxygen cocktail" needs to be removed. This can be done by increasing the pressure in the supply line. In front of the station, cut into the supply a tee with an additional pipeline, into which water is supplied parallel to the main intake. If possible, temporarily connect from a neighboring water supply. It does not work - place an open tank with a filler neck as high as possible. The capacity must be large: it is necessary that there is enough liquid for pumping. If the capacity is small, you will have to monitor the level and pour through the funnel.

It is advisable to place additional capacity higher.

If the start-up of the station by this method is successful, the additional system should not be disassembled. It is advisable to leave a section of the tube from the tee to the shut-off valve. If bubbles appear in the feed, a significant part of them will fall into this vertical section, which is a kind of air trap. By opening the valve, the accumulated air can be released.


Why is the pumping station not gaining pressure?

Being an effective solution to such an important problem for the inhabitants of a private house as the organization of water supply, pumping stations from the very beginning were simply doomed to popularity.

But in the work of any equipment from time to time, failures occur, and in the case of a water supply system, its owner must meet them fully armed. Consider one of the most common problems - the pumping station does not gain pressure, the reasons for this phenomenon.

Why is station pressure so important?

To understand how exactly the pressure in the pipeline affects the operation of the pumping station, you need to familiarize yourself with its design. Obviously, the main actor in this system is the water pump.

He, or rather the electric motor that is part of it, has one weakness: at the moment of start-up, this element experiences overloads, so if these moments are repeated too often, the engine will quickly become unusable.

There is only one way to reduce the frequency of pump start-ups: to introduce a storage tank - a hydraulic accumulator - into the system. In centralized rural water supply systems, the role of such a capacity is played by a water tower. It provides pressure in the pipeline due to the height of the water column, and the pump is turned on / off by a level sensor.

Modern stations are equipped with a more practical storage device that does not need to be installed high above the ground. The required pressure is created by the force of elasticity of the air, which is compressed when the accumulator is filled with water. But with such a design, it is fundamentally impossible to use level sensors, therefore, the moments of switching on / off the pump have to be determined by the pressure in the pipeline.

For this, the station is equipped with a third component - a pressure switch. As soon as the pressure in the system drops to a certain minimum value (switch-on pressure P1), the relay will start the pump. And after the unit fills the accumulator and raises the pressure to the maximum (switch-off pressure P2), it will be turned off.

What are the failures associated with?

Why is the pumping station not gaining pressure? Most often, disturbances in the operation of the pumping station are caused by the following reasons:

The power of the electric motor turned out to be insufficient

Here are some of the situations the equipment owner might face:

  1. Due to errors in the calculation, the required power of the unit was determined incorrectly (turned out to be underestimated). In this case, problems will begin immediately after the first start of the pumping station.
  2. The pipes were replaced or the configuration of the water supply system changed, as a result of which its hydraulic resistance in the system increased. That is, the station used to work normally and stably, but after the repair work it suddenly went awry.
  3. The mains voltage turned out to be insufficient. It's no secret that in the countryside, the quality of power supply, to put it mildly, is not ideal. If, instead of the required 220 V, the "engine" of the pump receives only 205, of course, it will not be able to develop the passport pressure.

In all these cases, the pump must be replaced with a more powerful one.

If you are not yet able to do this, adjust the relay. By slightly unscrewing the nut of the small spring, you will reduce the pressure P2, while P1 remains at the same level (the small spring sets the range between P2 and P1).

If you release the large spring, both P1 and P2 will drop, while the difference between them remains the same (the large spring sets the value of P1).

In order to immediately select a suitable pump, check the voltage in the network with a multimeter for several days before purchasing it.

Elements of the pump delivery mechanism are worn out

In pumps of the most common type - centrifugal - water is spun by means of an impeller rotating at high speed.

At the same time, the solid particles in the water cause abrasion of the parts with the efficiency of sandpaper.

If the pumping station worked well, and then suddenly, without any external reasons (voltage is normal, nothing has changed in the pipeline), it suddenly does not turn off, you may have to replace something in the pumping mechanism.

If there is sand in the water, it is better to purchase a pump with liners in the working chamber. In case of wear, it will be necessary to replace not the entire injection mechanism, but only these very liners.

The pipeline is leaking

Of course, an accident such as a blown off crane is very difficult not to notice. But leaks can also be hidden. If your pumping station has stopped turning off, it makes sense to carefully examine the water supply system, especially the connection points.

If a crack is found in a pipe or one of the pipeline parts, for example, in a bend, it can be temporarily wrapped with metallized plumbing tape.

But as soon as possible, the element, of course, needs to be replaced.

If a leak appears in one of the threaded connections, then there is not enough seal in it. This often happens if the owner assembled the pipeline on his own, without sufficient experience.

For beginners, craftsmen are advised to use the thread "Tangit Unilok" for sealing threaded connections. It is extremely easy to use, and in the event of a small "overdose", unlike flax or tow, it will not be able to damage the screwed part.

A check valve installed on the suction pipe can also leak. Usually it is not allowed to completely close the accumulated dirt. In such a situation, the pump manages to "get" to the pressure P2 and turn off, but very soon it turns on again, although no one used the water supply (especially noticeable at night).

The elastic element in the accumulator burst or the air pressure in it was too low

In this state of affairs, the pump will gain pressure P2 and turn off, but as soon as one of the users opens the tap, it will start working again.

That is, it will work as if there is no accumulator at all.

First of all, you need to press the spool pin through which air is pumped into the drive. If water pours out of it, then it's time to change the cylinder or the membrane of the accumulator.

If no water appears, check the air pressure. It should be 10% lower than the P1 pressure, the approximate value is 1.5 atm. If necessary, the air is pumped up with a conventional pump.

With a shallow source depth, stations with self-priming pumps are used. Such units work properly only if no air enters the suction line and working chamber. Otherwise, the pump becomes airy, as a result of which its head drops.

Reasons for airing the pumping station

Here's what could be causing such a nuisance:

  1. In the process of pumping out water, its level in the source turned out to be lower than the suction line branch pipe, as a result, the pump “grabbed” the air. In this case, the hose must be lowered or a float switch for the pump must be installed.
  2. The suction hose is cracked and air enters the system. You need to replace the hose or wrap it with tape.
  3. A leak has occurred in the connection between the suction hose and the pump inlet. You need to tighten the nut or add a seal.
  4. Due to the fact that the pump was not filled correctly before the first start-up, air remained in the system. The pump must be re-filled.

Sometimes, to restore the pump's performance, the gas-air mixture formed in it has to be squeezed out. To do this, water must be supplied to the suction line through a tee cut into it under good pressure - from a neighboring water supply system or from a container installed high above the ground. The pump should be running at this moment.

Why doesn't the pumping station turn off?

After getting acquainted with the principle of operation of the pumping station, the reason for the non-stop operation of the pump becomes quite understandable: not being, for one reason or another, capable of developing pressure P2, it cannot force the pressure switch to open the electrical circuit.

This relay has a contact group, on which, on the one hand, the force of water pressure acts (through the membrane), and on the other hand, springs dressed on studs, the compression force of which (the springs are compressed by nuts screwed onto the studs) determines the values ​​of pressures P1 and P2. But before we start adjusting the relay, let's try to find out why the station stopped gaining the required pressure.

If you live in your own country house with an autonomous water supply, then you definitely need to study the device of the water pump, the reasons for possible breakdowns, know why the pump does not pump water from the well and how to fix this problem.

Searching for a reason

To troubleshoot the water pump, it is important to first find out the cause of the breakdown. But first of all, it is necessary to determine those conditions without which the normal operation of the device is impossible:

  • The amount of water that the pump will lift up. A decrease in its level can affect the pressure.
  • The electrical supply parameters must correspond to the technical characteristics of the pump. In other words, you need to correctly select the power of the device in accordance with the depth of the well and the calculated water flow.
  • Serviceability of the pump.
  • Taps, filters, valves, pipes and other elements of the device must also be in good working order. Failure of at least one component of the system will lead to malfunctions.

Often, tap water in a private house is needed not only for internal consumption, but also outside (for watering a garden, washing a car). Therefore, the cause of the malfunction should be sought in three directions - in the hydraulic system, indoors and outdoors. How to determine the cause? Let's use the elimination method.

First, we disconnect the supply hose located in the caisson. If water flows out at the same time, then there is a problem either in the room or in the pipes on the street.

If there is no liquid, then the reason may be hidden in the well itself or in the pump parts. Sometimes this situation also happens - the device hums, but there is no water. Then the following reasons are most likely:

  • Incorrect installation or some parts of the pump that are not quite suitable.
  • Decreased water in the well, as well as surges in the electrical network, can also be the culprits of water supply problems.
  • Phase loss during operation of the electric motor.

If, until recently, the device worked properly without breakdowns, perhaps the reason should be sought in voltage drops in the power grid or problems in the water supply of the well. If the system is completely new, then finding the cause will be more difficult.

Most likely cause of failures

If water does not come from the well, and the system hums, the problem may be due to clogging or mechanical damage to the parts of the water supply system. Try to remember if the water quality has changed recently? Has the pressure decreased? If so, then we can safely assume that the cause of the pump breakdown was an ordinary blockage. Small algae, sand, silt - this is what can pollute the system and cause it to break.

Clogging is primarily characterized by the appearance of sand and foreign particles in the water flowing out of the tap. Then its quantity and pressure gradually decrease until the water stops flowing at all. Yes, the pumps have protection against so-called dry running, but it may simply not work. And then water does not come from the well, but the motor and all other parts continue to work.

Clearing the blockage

To remove the blockage, you must perform the following steps:

  • We lift the submersible pump to the surface from the well.
  • We pump out the water.
  • We clean and disinfect the entire area of ​​the internal space.
  • We pump out the water again.

If the water does not go, do not worry - in any case, cleaning will benefit both the pump and all other parts of the water supply system. It must be performed regularly.

Further action plan

Why does the pump not pump water from the well even after cleaning? This can be caused by the following problems:

  • Malfunctions of the electrical system.
  • Breakdown of the mechanical parts of the pump.
  • Violation of the tightness of the pipeline. Holes and cracks in pipes are also possible.
  • Malfunctions in the pump control units.

In order to understand exactly what has broken down, we take the pump out of the well and immerse it in a container filled with water. It can be a large basin or a barrel. If the motor is running, then there are no breakdowns in the electrical system. If the engine does not start, you need to call a specialist.

Attention! Do not attempt to repair the electrical system of the motor! This should only be done by a professional!

While the engine is running, visually assess if there are any holes or cracks in the pipes and hoses. Remember that even slight deformation will lead to a drop in pressure. For a more accurate result, close the outlet with your hands. Then the pressure inside the pump will increase and even small places where there is a leak can be seen.

If any hose is damaged, it is not necessary to glue it. Better to buy a new one. The fact is that even after a well-done repair, the hose will not last long due to its operation under water pressure - the adhesive tape will constantly break off, and the glue will be washed off.

The pump is running, but not pumping water

What if you don't find any problems with the electrics, or with pipes and hoses? Most likely, the reason is in the pump itself. Before pumping water from the well, we carry out the following actions:

  • First of all, you need to check the filter and the non-return valve. They should either be cleaned or completely replaced. It all depends only on the degree of clogging and wear of the part. Since these components are not that expensive, we recommend changing them at the first sign of deformation and aging.
  • The unit responsible for shutting down the system when the water supply is cut off may break or burn out. This part does not need to be repaired, but replaced immediately. This will allow you not to worry about the pump stopping supplying water again. In doing so, do not forget to check the adequate supply of water to the well. The fact is that this unit can overheat when the water level drops critically.

A number of other reasons

There are several more reasons why the pump stops pumping water from the well:

  • Significant decrease in the water level in the well. The main reason for this is improper drilling. The water level often drops in summer, during dry periods. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to contact only trusted companies for drilling wells, as well as to use the protection system against working "on dry". Cleaning the well with the help of special means will not be superfluous.
  • A centrifugal pump can pump out water faster than a well can be refilled. It is necessary to choose the right pump based on your personal needs. At the same time, it is better to buy a device with a capacity slightly higher than necessary, because guests may come, or you will need to water the garden with a lot of water. Do not forget to save it as much as is reasonable - do not open all the taps in the house at once and do not pour water in vain.
  • Weak pressure. Another problem that arises if you choose the wrong pump. For example, the well is about 50 meters deep. And the device is designed for a shaft length of about 30 meters. Of course, he will not be able to raise water to the surface with the required pressure.
  • Power outages can negatively affect the operation of all devices, including the water pump. In this case, it is recommended to buy a voltage stabilizer, or connect the pump to a generator.
  • Disconnecting the pipeline. With this option, you can hear the "gurgling" of water. It is necessary to check the water supply system and fix the problem.
  • Clogged pipes or filters in the system. Often occurs during the first, trial run of the pump and water well. During this time, particles of sand or clay may enter the hoses or pipes. The main reason is incorrect or insufficiently high-quality assembly of the system. It is important to observe accuracy and accuracy during installation. To eliminate such a problem, the pump can be flushed in a container with water, having previously disconnected the pipeline and the check valve.
  • If the sound of a running engine is clearly audible and all possible causes of malfunctions have been checked, and there is still no water in the house, we recommend that you remove the pump and take it to a repair center.

The private sector is characterized by the presence of individual sources of water supply, which means that a pumping station is a mandatory attribute in this communication. The equipment is designed for high-quality lifting of water from a well and transporting it through water supply pipes. But what if the pumping station does not build up pressure and does not supply water to the pipeline? You will have to figure it out step by step in order to find out what are the reasons for such a failure (why it happens) and eliminate them.

For those who do not quite understand why it is so important that pump-type water equipment gains a certain pressure, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the station and its structure. Thanks to this knowledge, it will be much easier to carry out repair work and eliminate the causes of a possible breakdown on your own.

So, the main actor in the work of the water supply station is the pump itself. It is he who is designed to raise water and supply it to the system. But the pump is a powerful unit, but quite sensitive. Its operation is based on constant engine switching on / off, which can adversely affect the service life of the mechanism. That is, the pump will fail faster due to engine burnout. To prevent this from happening, a lot of people equip the pump with a hydraulic tank, and this is already a water station.

The hydraulic tank (also called a hydraulic accumulator) is already responsible for the pressure in the system, creates its specified limits and controls the operation of the pump. In addition, it acts as a storage tank for water. That is, first the pump pumps water into the tank. After that, water is supplied to the pipes when the taps are opened from the reservoir. The pump is resting at this time. As soon as the pressure in the tank drops (namely, the water runs out), the pressure switch is triggered, which activates the pump. Water is taken from the well until the accumulator is completely filled. The cycle repeats over and over again. And if the pump does not turn off, then there is no required pressure in the system. It is necessary to find out why.

Important: the working pressure indicators of the lower and upper limits on the relay are marked with the symbols P1 and P2, respectively.

Reasons for station malfunction

But it so happens that the water station for water supply does not turn off. That is, water simply enters the tank, but there is no upper pressure. Accordingly, the pump does not turn off. It is not only possible to deal with such a situation with your own hands, but it is also necessary. And for this, we will consider the main reasons for the breakdown (why this happens):

  • Pump motor power too low... Here, either the required capacity of the equipment was initially incorrectly calculated, or during the operation of the water supply system, changes were made in communications. For example, a water mirror went down or the configuration of the pipeline at the site was changed.

Important: to determine the pump power, always before buying, you need to take into account the depth of the water mirror in the well, the diameter of the pipes, the number of people living in the house and the purpose for which the water will be consumed. When buying, it is advisable to choose pump models whose engine power slightly exceeds the required one.

  • Insufficient voltage in the network... This situation is especially common in villages far from the city. In this case, the pump simply cannot develop the pressure indicated in the passport. This means that the pressure in the system will not rise. That is, the unit seems to be working, it seems to pump water, but it does not turn off. It is worth checking the output voltage in the network and the engine power according to the passport. For example, the pump motor is designed for a voltage of 220, and only 205 watts are supplied to the network. Accordingly, the unit does not pump water at a predetermined pressure and from this does not contribute to a rise in pressure in the system. Either installing a good stabilizer will help here, or changing the pump to a more powerful model.
  • Incorrectly set pressure switch... This small element controls the operation of the water station, regulating the lower and upper pressure limits in the tank. Most likely, the upper limit is set incorrectly. In order to lower the P2 (upper pressure) threshold, you need to slightly unscrew the nut of the smaller spring. The indicator will decrease and the station will turn off in time.

Important: The large spring nut simply lowers both pressure limits while maintaining the range between them.

  • It is possible that the reason for the uninterrupted operation of the water supply station is the wear of the pump mechanism parts. This option is especially relevant for centrifugal pumps. Since the impeller of such units works at high speed, passing water through itself, then fine particles of sand and other inclusions in the water also pass through the impeller blades. At this point, they work on the principle of sandpaper, abrading the pump elements. Accordingly, the pumping mechanism of the water station gets loose and breaks down. That is, the pump works, but does not supply water in the specified volumes to the hydraulic tank. Accordingly, there is no upper pressure threshold in the accumulator. In this case, you will either have to replace the entire pressure wheel in the pump, or buy a new unit. And to prevent this from happening, it is better to buy pumping equipment with a special filter insert in the working chamber. Especially if the water contains sand or clay impurities.
  • Leaking pipeline.

This reason for the malfunction of the water station is one of the most common. Moreover, the place is often a latent leak. That is, the pump works, pumping water, and does not supply it to the hydraulic tank in full. Somewhere water is leaking from the system. It is from this that there is no required upper pressure limit in the hydraulic tank. To identify the problem, it is necessary to carefully inspect the water supply network, starting from the borehole water supply pipe to the hydraulic tank itself. If even the slightest drop is found, the section of the pipeline must be replaced. If a leak is found in the place of the threaded connection, it is necessary to strengthen the seal in this place. A good solution is the Tangit Unilok sanitary seal. Even in the case of "busting" the material, it shrinks and does not damage the thread.

  • Leaking check valve... Here, the water simply flows back into the water supply system, preventing the pump from reaching the P2 mark. That is, there is no upper required pressure in the water supply system, and the pump does not turn off. A clear sign of such a malfunction is the spontaneous activation of the pump at night, when no one is using the water station. As a rule, a check valve fails due to dirt accumulated in it. You need to either clean (flush) the non-return valve, or completely replace it.
  • Burst of the elastic element in the accumulator... That is, the rupture of the membrane responsible for filling the tank and adjusting the pressure in the water supply system. In this case, the pump works, almost reaching the upper pressure mark, and immediately turns off. But as soon as you open the water in the tap, the water supply station works again. In this case, it is necessary to check the spool through which air is supplied to the accumulator. It is enough to press on its pin and observe it. If water starts to come out through it, then the tank membrane is torn and you need to change it. Or change the entire accumulator. If it is dry near the spool when you press the pin, you should pay attention to the air pressure in the tank. Its indicator should be below the P1 mark (lower pressure) by 10% (approximately 1.5 atm.). If the indicator is lower, then you can simply pump air using a simple pump.

Self-priming pump: station pressure problems

For the operation of the water supply system at a shallow depth of the well, self-priming types of pumps are most often used. In this case, the reasons for the drop in pressure in the hydraulic tank and water supply may lie in the airing of the impeller and the working line of the unit. Air entering the pump system can be caused by:

Falling water level in the well. If this happened, then, most likely, the pump hose took a sip of air and fed it into the water supply system. To remedy the situation, it is necessary to check the level of the water mirror and lower the hose deeper if necessary.

The seal between the inlet pipe of the pumping equipment and the intake hose is depressurized. Here it is imperative to tighten the nuts or reinforce the gasket.

It is also possible that the pump during the start-up phase was filled not only with water, but also with air. In this case, the reliable operation of the pump is not solid, and you will have to restart the equipment with a new water filling. Sometimes it is necessary to squeeze the air lock out of the pump. To do this, a tee is connected to the suction line of the pump and water is poured into it from a reservoir installed much above ground level. In this case, the pump must be switched on.

Thus, we have cited the most common causes of failures in the operation of the water station, namely, the inability to reach the upper working pressure in the tank chamber. Knowing these nuances of the station operation, you will be able to fix the breakdown yourself or at least identify the cause of the failure. And this is already half of the savings in the family budget. After all, you never know what the cause of the breakdown will be announced to you in the service center! No, no, yes, and tell the master the true reason for the failure of your pump or hydraulic tank.

The pumping station is the heart of the water supply system of a summer cottage or a private house. It is a simple yet functional device that can provide good pressure and can be purchased at retail with a selection of the optimal model. When properly installed, pumping stations are reliable, stable, and do not require periodic maintenance. However, failures in their work inevitably occur over time. It is necessary for every owner of such equipment to know the malfunctions of the pumping station and how to eliminate them. In some cases, it is quite possible to carry out repairs yourself.

A pumping station is a complex of a pump, a hydraulic accumulator-compensator and control automation. Such a system is capable of:

  • supply water to the network at home and maintain the required pressure level in it;
  • provide pressure control to supply water to the second floor or to meet the maximum consumption level;
  • protect the pipe system from water hammer that can lead to the destruction of parts of the water supply system;
  • store a certain amount of liquid inside the accumulator, which will come in handy when the power supply is cut off or the water source is exhausted.

The specific engineering solution of the pumping station may be different. For example, for deep wells, submersible pump... When taking water from a shallow well, it is used surface blower... The volume of the accumulator may be different, depending on the consumption parameters calculated for a private house.

Automation and safety equipment

To understand how to quickly diagnose and eliminate malfunctions, you need to know about the pumping station's controls and how it works.

  1. The reasons for pump failure include dirt and mechanical suspensions. Therefore, it is mandatory to install on the supply pipe coarse filter.

  2. In order not to have a problem when the station does not pump water, it is necessary to mount it on the supply pipe return valve... It will prevent water from going back into the well and will prevent air from entering the working circuit.

  3. - the main device for monitoring the operation of the station and the state of the water supply network. Installed on the outlet pipe, it displays pressure and allows instant evaluation.

  4. The pressure parameters are adjusted corresponding relay... It is included in the list of components of the accumulator and is responsible for turning on and off the supercharger engine.

Everything works quite simply. At the initial start-up, the pump pumps water into the accumulator. Inside it is a membrane, a rubber bulb. Filling with water and expanding, it compresses the air in the container. The sensor monitors the rising pressure. When the set level is reached, the relay switches off the pump. At the same time, the pressure gauge shows the pressure that has been reached in the water supply system. When a faucet is opened inside the house, water enters the network, being taken from the accumulator pear. When the pressure drops below the set limit, the relay activates the pump and the cycle repeats.

Malfunctions and methods of their elimination

Unfortunately, over time, the pumping station may start operating in an abnormal mode. It is impossible to avoid this, since eternal materials do not exist, they constantly occur oxidation and leakage processes, in addition, dirt accumulates in the station nodes during operation. If the water supply system begins to work poorly, you should slowly check the condition of the pumping unit and eliminate the shortcomings that you can deal with on your own.

The pump does not start

There may be several reasons why the pump does not respond to start commands and does not start.

  1. Checked power supply status... The integrity of the power cable is assessed (there should be no frayed insulation, no fractures).
  2. Tested mains voltage... When low, the pump does not work.
  3. Checked quality of connection of contact groups(sockets, operability of circuit breakers).

If the checks showed that everything is in order, and cleaning the contacts did not work, the problem may be pressure sensor operation: it doesn't fire. The accumulator control unit is partially disassembled, the state of the relay (contacts, springs) is checked, if necessary, the parts are cleaned of corrosion and dirt.

If the pump does not start after the measures taken, the problem may be in the burning of the windings. Such repairs at home cannot be carried out.

Engine hums but pump won't start

When the station is idle for a long time, its owner may face a situation when, when turned on, the pump hums, but does not pump. The reason is the sticking of the turbine impeller, its sticking to the casing. The problem is resolved as follows.

  1. The station is disconnected from the mains, it is necessary to shut off the inlet and outlet pipes.
  2. With the help of a drain, it is necessary to drain the water from the supply system.
  3. Partial disassembly of the pumping station is in progress.
  4. The impeller can be rotated manually or removed.
  5. It is recommended to remove the impeller from the pumping station in order to thoroughly clean the inner surfaces of the housing and the part itself.

Advice! After a long downtime, they may lose their properties and other functional elements. If you have already had to disassemble the station, it is recommended to check if the oil seal and parts of the sealing system need to be replaced.

The pumping station works in jerks, does not hold pressure

With frequent switching on and off of the pump (it works in jerks), as well as when the station does not hold pressure, it is worth looking for the source of the problem in the accumulator unit and pipelines... There may be several reasons:

  • violation of sealing;
  • low air pressure in the accumulator housing;
  • water leaving the system through a non-return valve;
  • leaks when the rubber element is damaged.

The last problem on the list is the easiest to diagnose. If, when the spool or nipple outlet of the pressure control on the accumulator is weakened, water comes out of it, and not air, then it is necessary to change the bulb. With long-term use, rubber (including due to the chemical composition of water and impurities in it) loses its flexibility and may crack.

How exactly the replacement of a pear is done, it is worth learning from the documentation for a specific model of a hydraulic accumulator. Individual manufacturers can use different sealing systems, provide a unique installation scheme for elements and a membrane design.

Advice! Before such a repair, you need to purchase or order a pear for a specific hydraulic tank model.

Hydroaccumulator parameters control

If everything is in order with the pear, and when the control outlet is opened, air comes out of it, you need to check the correctness of the parameters of the accumulator. Back pressure in the tank body checked by a pressure gauge... It is connected to the spool or nipple outlet of the hydraulic tank. In the case when there is no pressure at the level of 1.5 - 1.8 atm, it must be adjusted. Usually the value shown on the pressure gauge is less. The air must be pumped in with a compressor or bicycle pump directly through the test port.

Check valve malfunction

Another reason for the drop in pressure and the operation of the station in jerks is the violation of the functions of the check valve installed on the supply pipe. This node needs to be cleaned, check its performance. If it is impossible to repair, it is necessary to make a replacement, after which all the commissioning work for the station must be carried out again.

Leaks and leaks

The last reason for jerking is leaks and leaks. To make sure there are no water leaks, check all connections of inlet and outlet pipes... If no flaws are found, then the problem is in the accumulator and air leakage. Checking the tightness of the case is carried out as follows:

  • a soap solution is diluted;
  • a soap emulsion is applied to problematic points of the structure (welding lines of installation elements, to places with scuffs, traces of corrosion);
  • leak points are determined.

Advice! It is recommended to eliminate leakage points with a welding machine. However, if we consider that such a do-it-yourself repair of a pumping station requires special equipment and skills, the holes found can be closed with a composition of the "cold welding" type.

The pump does not build up pressure or does not automatically shut off

Problems of pressure mismatch with the set parameters and the lack of shutdown are always associated with the operation of the hydraulic tank control relay. Salts are deposited on the elements of this node, and its contact groups can oxidize over time.

If the pump does not gain pressure, but it turns off automatically - relay can be overridden without the skills of parsing and cleaning contacts. This is done by enumerating the position of the regulator and monitoring the pressure indicators according to the pressure gauge installed at the outlet of the station. In the case when the blower does not turn off for a long time, it is recommended replace relay... If this cannot be done, the station must be disconnected from the network, partially disassembled by the control unit and thoroughly cleaned all elements of the sensor structure. It is recommended to pay special attention to traces of corrosion... You can get rid of them with the help of special tools.

Important! It is highly undesirable to operate a station that does not turn off automatically. This can lead to a very early failure of its functional elements or rapid breakdown of the pump engine, turbine parts.

Pressure drops or the pump is frequently turned on in surface-blown water lifting systems can be caused by ejector problems... This unit has a plastic diffuser, which is extremely negatively affected by impurities in the water. If it breaks down, the ejector does not pump water, and the pump cannot independently cope with the task. To check the condition of the diffuser and other elements, the entire assembly must be disassembled. Repair is limited to replacing broken parts or thorough cleaning and reassembly.

The station does not pump water

The reason that the station stopped pumping water may be its banal absence in the supply pipe. First of all, they check Is the suction hose immersed in the fluid source?... The condition of the filter at its end is also assessed.

If everything is in order, check check valve condition... Due to accumulated dirt, this unit may not open and block the access of water to the station system. The minimum repair of the check valve is to disassemble and thoroughly clean it. If individual structural elements are deformed or damaged, the unit must be replaced as a whole.

The most difficult and troublesome breakdown - pumping out... The impeller and casing wear out during operation under the abrasive action of mechanical impurities in the water. At the same time, the maximum supply pressure drops, and at some critical wear indicators, the pump stops pumping water.

Inspect the impeller, measure the gap between it and the casing, assess the degree of wear only after disassembling the pump. If, during such an inspection, an excess of the permissible parameters (given in the passport to the device) is found, the damaged parts of the mechanism should be replaced.

In the most difficult cases, you will have to change the case that, with certain pump designs, it can be a big problem that requires skills, knowledge, and money to eliminate it.

Air in the pumping station

Another reason that the pumping station does not supply water or does not turn on when the idle speed prevention sensor is triggered is the presence of air in the supply pipe. To eliminate such a problem, even at the stage of equipment installation, it is required to provide a branch pipe for forced filling of the system. Until the inlet pipe is filled with water, the station will not work. In some cases, you can use a simple technique: pull out the supply hose, raise its end above the pump installation point and pour water into it manually.

Advice! In order not to face the problem of air entering the pumping station, it is recommended to buy a model with a so-called self-priming pump. It provides a unit for automatic filling of the supply line, without human intervention.

What to do if the pumping station is frozen

As a conclusion, it is worth touching on the issue of resuscitation of the pumping station. Despite the clear instructions for operating the equipment only in a warm room, situations when the pumping station froze up happen. Water can turn to ice:

  • inside the underwater pipe into the house, on the border of soil freezing;
  • in the supply pipes coming from the well or well;
  • in the part of the pipeline directly adjacent to the pump:
  • in the most difficult cases - inside the pump mechanics.

If, during the inspection of the condition of the pipes and the pumping station, cracks in metal, plastic, structural elements are found, the repair is reduced to disassembling the equipment, part of the water supply network and replacing damaged parts and pipes. However, when the liquid freezes, it does not immediately burst the metal, and there is a non-zero chance of saving the equipment.

Important! Before defrosting work, the station must be disconnected from the water supply network, if possible, open the shut-off valves or unscrew the flanges of the problem area, creating vanishing points for expanding water.

The procedure for working with pipes depends on their type, as well as the tools and tools available. Leads can be defrost with boiling water, steel tubes warm up with a blowtorch... The temperature rise should be gradual so as not to cause damage by sudden changes.

Advice! Before pouring boiling water on the pipes, they should be wrapped with a cloth and spilled with cool water. The blowtorch should be started with caution, slowly increasing the intensity of the exposure.

The most effective but time-consuming way to defrost pump mechanics is installation of incandescent lamps... The heating object must be placed in any limited space, for example, surrounded by a box turned upside down, the walls of which are 200 millimeters or more from the heat source. After that, the lamp turns on, its power must be at least 100 watts.

Pipes can be reheated heating cable, which is not difficult to purchase at any store that sells electrical heating systems. Having wrapped the frozen area and applied a voltage of 220V to the cable, you can quickly and fire-safe defrost the system. Good results of using this method are also observed when working with pump mechanics.

A pumping station requires correct installation for reliable operation. To guarantee a long trouble-free operation, you need:

  • install the pump on a level, rigid platform or support that does not allow vibration;
  • operate the station only at positive temperatures;
  • prevent overheating in the area where the pump is located (temperatures above 40 degrees), for which it is rational to provide a blowing or ventilation system;
  • use only pipes of the diameter recommended in the documentation for supplying and discharging water, so that the pump can show its declared characteristics;
  • prevent pipe bends;
  • provide a drainage system for emergency discharge, as well as pipes for filling water into the supply circuit.

If water is taken from a shallow well by a surface pump, care must be taken to ensure that the turbine impeller is always in the water. To do this, the end of the hose or pipe is immersed in water, making sure that as much of its length as possible is in the liquid. The best way to guarantee security is equipping the intake line with a float... Its task is to raise and lower the end of the hose, constantly keeping it submerged in the water.

The list of periodic system maintenance includes control of pressure parameters... The air in the pumping station is checked through a spool or nipple outlet on the accumulator body. By attaching a pressure gauge to it, it is easy to see the indicators. Nominal pressure - from 1.5 to 1.8 atm. If there is a lack of it, air is pumped through the outlet with a compressor or a bicycle pump.