Wooden false fireplace. How to make a wooden fireplace with your own hands, a fake fireplace from chipboard, plywood

You can look at the fire endlessly, but few people can afford such luxury in an ordinary apartment - it is too difficult to get permission, and it will take a lot of money. There is a low-budget way out - to make an imitation of a fireplace. They build a portal that looks like a real one, install electrical devices, candles or bio-fireplaces inside. These structures are called differently: artificial, decorative or false fireplace. This idea has become very popular in recent years - you can make a decorative fireplace with your own hands in a few days, and you can get by with a very small amount.

What is the portal made of?

You can make a false fireplace portal from any material. Indeed, from anyone - even from an old cabinet or table. But the most commonly used materials are:

They make portals for a false fireplace and from plastic panels, wood or cardboard. But they are used much less frequently. You can even use glass and metal, but working with them is more difficult.

What to put inside

No matter how beautiful the fireplace portal is, without fire, or at least its imitation, it has an unfinished look. There are several options:

Decorative plywood fireplace: photo report

An electric fireplace with simulated flame was purchased. It was decided to make a frame for it from plywood. Furniture plywood 8 mm thick was used. The self-made portal was made in a few hours, its finishing took almost two days.

A frame is cut out of plywood according to the size of the front panel of the fireplace. At the bottom, the frame is wider by 10 cm, on the other three sides - by 7 cm.

The side parts are cut out according to the outer dimensions of the frame. The screen of the electric fireplace should be slightly “drowned” deep into the structure, and these details are the front part of the portal.

We collect all three parts into a single whole. To do this, you need a bar 10 * 20 mm and strips of plywood, 7 cm wide. From all this we assemble the front wall of the false fireplace.

Under the existing front panel, we make the rest of the frame. To add rigidity, we put jumpers at the top, along the upper edge of the front panel. We also install a bar at the bottom. A platform under the fireplace body rests on it. We sheathe the side walls with pieces of plywood cut to size.

Actually, a decorative fireplace with your own hands is almost ready. Remaining finishing work. Two types of ceramic tiles were chosen for decoration - gray “stone-like” and white “brick-like”. We begin to glue it on liquid nails. Work is progressing slowly - you have to cut into small pieces.

Partially cutting is obtained on a tile cutter, but often you have to use a grinder, and this is dusty, requires concentration - you can’t saw off more, and the edge should be even. The edges of cut tiles that remain open are sanded. And it's time again. Because facing takes a lot of time, the work is tedious.

Almost in the middle of the work, an insight came: in order for the corner tiled to look neat, the edges of the tiles must be grinded at 45 °. It is very inconvenient to cut with a grinder at 45 °, it is much easier with a circular (found with a neighbor). Then the joint turns out, if not perfect (due to chips), then much more attractive.

All the seams between the tiles are sealed with grout of a suitable color, the joints began to look great. A tabletop is installed as the top panel. It turned out a false fireplace and at the same time a TV stand. The result pleased.

Drywall artificial fireplace

Drywall and profiles allow you to create decorative fireplaces of any size and configuration. First of all, you need to decide on the size of the portal you want to make, draw it on a piece of paper or in one of the design programs, put down the dimensions, and think over the type of finish. Only then, according to the finished drawing, you can start working. So do it right.

Calculation of proportions and preparatory work

To make it easier to estimate the proportions, you can use the finished drawing. It is possible and necessary to change the dimensions to suit your conditions - this is not in which all dimensions must be observed for normal operation, but only its imitation. So we boldly adjust the dimensions to our own ideas and the dimensions of the “fire” source.

If an electric fireplace is to be inserted into the portal, it is necessary to bring the power line to this area in advance. When laying the cable, use the laying rules: bring the wires to the outlet from above, strictly vertically (not at an angle or arbitrarily). In this case, when attaching drywall profiles to the wall, you definitely will not get into the wiring, since it is visually easy to determine its location - above the outlet. Fasteners are simply not installed in this space.


If you are going to make a portal for candles, the dimensions can be even smaller. One of the drawings of a candle fireplace in the following drawing.

First, draw the main lines of the portal on the wall. Then, along them, we fasten the starting profile cut into pieces (it looks like the letter “P” in cross section without shelves on the sides).

Then, according to the drawing, we create a three-dimensional frame for a false fireplace. Vertical strips are immediately installed, marking the dimensions of the portal. The same frame is assembled on the floor as on the wall. The dimensions are on the drawing, but it would be useful to compare them with the actual ones so that there are no distortions. The finished frame is set at the desired distance, fixed with short sections of the profile, creating a voluminous box.

Lastly, a frame is assembled for a small podium in front of the “furnace” of a decorative fireplace. If you do it earlier, it will be inconvenient to work.

Features of working with GKL

Often questions arise when creating arches. To get a rounded line, the sidewalls of the profile are cut every 5-6 cm, leaving the "back" intact. In this form, it bends easily. During installation, each “petal” is attached to the crossbar (on both sides).

After the frame is ready, we sheathe it with drywall. It is cut with an ordinary clerical knife. In addition to it, you still need a long ruler. We mark the line on the drywall along which it must be cut. We attach a ruler to it and draw a knife along it. The main task is to cut the top sheet of cardboard; there is no need to cut through the gypsum. A bar is placed under the cut line, knocking on the sheet from one side or the other. The plaster breaks along the cut line, all that remains is to fold it and cut off the second cardboard elephant.

Rounded lines on drywall can be cut with an electric jigsaw, if available, or break off the gypsum in small pieces, and then level the edge with a knife (the gypsum is well turned).

How to fix

Drywall sheets are fastened to special self-tapping screws with a screw at the end. Due to their small size, they are called "fleas". They must be twisted so that the heads are recessed, but the cardboard cannot be broken through. The installation step is 15-20 cm on straight sections without load and 10-15 cm on sections with bends. In short, this is all the wisdom of installing drywall.

To bend a sheet of gypsum covering the arch of the “firebox”, it is cut on one side in strips 5-7 cm wide. Gypsum is broken along the cut lines, but the second sheet of cardboard is not cut. It turns out that the gypsum strips hang on this cardboard, because of this the strip bends well. It is applied to the profiles that form the bend, fastened with self-tapping screws. When installing, be careful, put the fasteners in the middle of the strip - pieces may break off at the edge.


After the portal for the artificial fireplace is sheathed with drywall, you can start finishing. You can putty and paint it, you can tile it under a brick or stone, another option is an artificial facing stone.

It is more convenient to glue the lining on drywall with liquid nails or special glue for the selected material. It is only important that it can be used with drywall.

To make the portal for an artificial fireplace seem more voluminous, so that the “flame” game is more interesting, the part that goes to the wall is covered with a mirror (if an electric fireplace is not installed). The mirror can be ordinary, on glass, or maybe - flexible - acrylic. It is preferable because it does not beat.

DIY decorative fireplace

The seams between the tiles are sealed with grout. Often it is chosen in a dark gray color, similar to a solution. Then from a distance the portal looks like a real one.

As you can see, making a decorative fireplace with your own hands is not too difficult. Especially for those who have at least a little experience with drywall. A more complex version, with stucco made "in place", see the video.

Photo of fireplace imitations in the interior

Imitation of a fireplace with candles - the main thing is to choose the right design

Decorative fireplace fits in

A fireplace can make even the dullest interior of a room much cozier and more comfortable. But such a pleasure is quite expensive, and it is not always possible to install something similar in an apartment. But there is a way out. You can make a fake fireplace with your own hands of absolutely any shape and size, and it is so simple that the process itself does not take much time and does not require special skills.

Can a fireplace be artificial

A false fireplace is a structure that looks like a real fireplace, but without a chimney. In some cases, this is just an element of the decor of the room, in other cases there is still an element of imitation of a living flame, for example, as in electrical installations.

A false fireplace can be a great decor in a room of any size.

The main advantages of this design can be considered absolute safety (unless, of course, you decide to install a lot of candles in the portal) and low cost compared to a real fireplace. In addition, there are other advantages of false fireplaces:

  • allowed for installation even in an apartment, while it is forbidden to mount a real fireplace in an apartment building;
  • with it, you can mask the defects and shortcomings of the room, for example, hide a battery or a pipe, and it is also advantageous to use the so-called dead zones, for example, a corner;
  • top and side you can equip shelves for decor and storage of various small things;
  • emphasize the stylistic direction of the room design, for example, when choosing a baroque or other classical style.

A false fireplace will be appropriate even in a children's room

Types of structures

There are several types of false fireplaces that you can install in your own apartment:

There is another classification, which is based on the installation site of such a design:

  • suspension;
  • wall-mounted;
  • angular;
  • built-in;
  • island.

What can be made

If you are a fan of making crafts, then you can use absolutely any building material to make a decorative fireplace, including:

  1. Brick. It allows you to create an artificial hearth as close as possible to the present. For installation, you can choose a decorative or facing brick. The disadvantages of this design are a significant mass, which means that it can be mounted only after checking the overlap for the ability to withstand such a weight. However, there are also advantages, in addition to naturalness. Such a false fireplace can not be faced with anything.

    Brick false fireplace is as similar as possible to the real one

  2. Plates with laminated coating. Before using this material, it is imperative to draw up a drawing, on which it is necessary to indicate all the dimensions of the future structure. The drawing is needed in order to cut the material. Chipboard sheets have similar properties, however, such a design requires further finishing, for example, with foam plastic "bricks".

    A fireplace made of laminated sheets looks very concise

  3. Polyurethane. As a rule, this material is used to finish an already finished structure. However, special pieces such as mouldings, architraves and half-columns can be glued directly to the wall and decorated accordingly. Using decor and trying various techniques with highlighting, it can be turned into an unusual piece of furniture. There is one more advantage - if desired, such a fireplace can be repainted in any color. This allows you to update the interior with minimal investment in a short time.

    Polyurethane fireplace can be simply glued to the wall

  4. Drywall. This material is most popular for the manufacture of false fireplaces. It has undoubted advantages - ease of assembly and combination with other finishing materials. If desired, the plasterboard construction can be decorated in any style, which means it is suitable for any interior. In addition, you can build a structure of any complexity. An artificial hearth can be deep, with a square or round portal, with columns or minimalistic. You can change the lining without disassembling the entire structure, which is very convenient.

    Most often, a false fireplace is made of drywall.

  5. Wood. Using this material, you can make a false fireplace, which will be part of the furniture set, which means it will be made in the same style as the entire design of the room.

    Wooden false fireplace can be artificially aged

In addition to those listed, for the manufacture of a false fireplace, you can also use improvised materials, for example, cardboard boxes or old furniture.

Dimensional drawings

The dimensions of the structure largely depend directly on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where it will be installed. For example, a corner unit for a small room might be 330 mm deep and 1,300 mm long.

A small room can also be decorated with a wall-mounted false fireplace. At the same time, the dimensions of the structure are recommended to be slightly reduced, for example, to make a portal with parameters of 1,360 * 500 * 1,050 mm.

In a small room, you can install a wall or hanging fireplace

When installing a false fireplace in a medium-sized room, more opportunities appear:

  • you can make a more massive structure by decorating it with additional decorative elements, for example, columns and stucco;
  • it is allowed to use not only shelves, but also countertops, but only if the partition is able to withstand such a design;
  • you can place an artificial fireplace in the center of the room, and not just near the wall.

The drawing should indicate the dimensions of each part.

When decorating a room in a classic style, a false fireplace can be massive with appropriate decorations. For example, the dimensions of the bottom can be 1500mm, the top 1490mm and the depth 345mm.

If you want an artificial fireplace to look attractive, expensive, and high-status, then it is recommended to use artificial and natural stone, forged elements, valuable wood for decoration.

In a large room, a false fireplace can be installed in the center of the room

When making a copy of the fireplace for a large living room, you can follow the following rules:

  • island location, thanks to which you can create a very massive and unusual design that will perform several functions at once;
  • you can not use a hinged structure;
  • the partition wall for a false fireplace must be such that it does not deform under the influence of a large weight of the structure.

A false fireplace can also look like a home oven

How to make a fake fireplace with your own hands - step by step instructions

You can make a fake fireplace with your own hands from any building material. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.

From drywall

The corner construction of drywall looks very original. Such a fake fireplace can be installed even if the room is too small for any such devices, because it can also be used as a storage space. To make it, you need to prepare:

  • metal profile - 13 pcs.;
  • drywall 9.5 mm thick, better moisture resistant - 3 sheets;
  • tiles - 5 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 200 pcs.;
  • grout for ceramic tiles of the corresponding color;
  • LED strip imitating fire;
  • decorative grille.

It is necessary to make a corner decorative fireplace from drywall in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Correctly calculate the dimensions. In the event that you close the battery with the design, this must be done in such a way that it has free access.

    From drywall you can build any complexity

  2. Install the frame. To do this, you can use a ceiling metal profile.

    Ceiling profile suitable for the frame

  3. Lay electrical wiring if an electric fireplace is installed in the portal. Such a fireplace should have at least three exits: two on the facade and one above the shelf. For additional illumination, an LED strip is suitable.
  4. Finish the fire hole. Here you need to make two walls, between which you need to lay any non-combustible material.

    The fireplace insert must have two walls, between which non-combustible material must be laid.

  5. Now the frame can be sheathed with drywall. Details must be pre-cut from the sheets according to the drawn up drawing.

    You need to cut out the parts from drywall in advance

  6. Make a few holes in the casing. They are needed so that warm air can circulate freely.

    Holes are needed for air circulation

  7. Revet with ceramic tiles or any other material. It is better to give preference to facade tiles, as they are resistant to temperature changes and negative external influences. You can also use gypsum tiles imitating stone. In this case, it is recommended to use a heat-resistant adhesive.

    When using facing bricks, you can make a fireplace very similar to a real one.

Such a fireplace will occupy an area of ​​​​only 1.5 m 2.

Video: plasterboard false fireplace

Reuse of cardboard boxes

You can also make a decoration in the form of a fireplace from large cardboard boxes. They should be as dense as possible, should keep their shape well. For this you need to prepare:

  • cardboard boxes of different sizes (4 pcs. large and 5-6 pcs. small);
  • white paper that can be replaced with wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • colored cardboard, paints or wallpaper with a pattern of bricks.

It is necessary to make a false fireplace from cardboard boxes in the following sequence:

  1. Place the boxes in the order in which they should be in the finished version.

    For the fireplace, you can use boxes of different sizes.

  2. Now you can connect these boxes to each other. It is very convenient to use tape for this.
  3. After the frame is made, it must be pasted over with white paper or wallpaper. For this purpose, you can use either adhesive tape or PVA glue. All edges should be even, for which you need to cut the paper in the corners.

    You can use tape or glue to attach.

  4. Separately, make the top shelf, which is also pasted over with white paper, and then fixed on the prepared frame.

    The shelf at the cardboard fireplace should also be

  5. Cut out bricks from red cardboard, which are then glued to the frame using clerical glue. Instead of colored cardboard bricks, you can use decorated wallpaper. Also, bricks can simply be drawn.

    Bricks can be made from cardboard

  6. The top surface can be left undecorated or covered with paint.

    Cardboard fireplace is very light and mobile

Video: do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes

from wood

Using a similar technology, you can make a structure or chipboard or plywood:

  1. According to the drawing, cut out all the necessary details.
  2. Assemble the frame from the timber. All other wooden parts will need to be attached to it. In this case, you can use several methods of fixation at once: tongue and groove, gluing, connecting with hardware. The choice of method of fastening depends on the exclusivity of the required reliability of fixation.
  3. Fix on the assembled frame decorative elements from bars of different sizes, moldings.
  4. External finishing. There are several options for exterior finishes. Such a false fireplace can simply be covered with white paint, tiled or decorative bricks.
  5. The decor of the firebox, which will give maximum credibility to the fireplace. For a wooden structure, it is recommended to use natural and decorative accessories, such as fir branches, cones, dry firewood.

In order to make the structure less massive, some wooden parts can be replaced with plywood elements.

Video: do-it-yourself decorative fireplace


To make a false fireplace from this material, you must first choose the style of the product, and also, in the case of using an electric fireplace for the portal, take into account the dimensions of this device, the way it is connected, and the need for ventilation. Additionally, you need to prepare:

  • polyurethane portal;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • facing material.

The installation process itself takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Decide on the installation location. It is best to do this on the side wall of the room. Moreover, it is necessary to place a false fireplace made of polyurethane so that it does not interfere with free movement.

    A polyurethane fake fireplace is very easy to do yourself

  2. Socket installation. This stage is necessary if an electric fireplace will be located inside the portal. The wiring must match the voltage used, while the outlet itself must be placed as close as possible to the false fireplace.
  3. Wall surface preparation. It needs to be leveled and cleaned.
  4. Application of markings on polyurethane. This information can be taken from a drawing prepared in advance.
  5. Fixation of polyurethane parts. To fasten parts, you need to use special contact glue and self-tapping screws. This will increase the reliability of the structure and extend its service life. During this process, care must be taken to ensure that the corners of the parts correlate with each other. In advance, for self-tapping screws, you need to make holes with a drill.

    For ease of manufacture, the entire structure can first be laid out on the floor

  6. External finishing. There are several options for a raised polyurethane fireplace. Stucco molding can either be attached to a special glue, or with self-tapping screws. The second option is more reliable, but there is a risk that the caps of the screws will be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, when using a mechanical method of fastening, additional decoration of the joints is recommended.

    You can cut polyurethane with a hacksaw

It is possible to give aesthetics to the structure if it is puttied, primed and painted after manufacturing.

Video: installation of polyurethane false fireplace moldings

From old furniture

Turning an old wardrobe or chest of drawers is the most budgetary option for making a false fireplace. To convert you will need:

  • plywood;
  • grinder with a nozzle for wood;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint, best acrylic;
  • putty;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • plaster molding.

After preparing all the necessary tools and material, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Remove the doors from the sideboard, remove extra drawers and cabinets.

    All doors and drawers must be removed from the sideboard

  2. Install two beams in front.

    In addition to the frame, you will also need bars and plywood sheets.

  3. Attach plywood sheets with which to form a portal hole.

    You can set the dimensions of the furnace yourself

  4. Make a hole for the blower. It can have any shape, the most ergonomic will be a semicircle. Also, the space can serve to wound firewood.

    The blower can be used to store firewood

  5. Make a pedestal and a decorative shelf. For this purpose, you can take the backs of an old bed, first you need to unscrew the legs of these parts.

    The fireplace needs a pedestal and a shelf

  6. Proceed to the external decoration of the false fireplace. All polished surfaces of the cabinet must be processed with a grinding machine, then primed, puttied and carefully leveled. After the putty has dried, sand the surface with sandpaper. Now the false fireplace can be painted, and then finished with a facing material, for example, facing bricks. You need to finish the work by gluing all the decorative elements and installing the shelf.

    For finishing, you can use any facing material

  7. Arrange the space of the firebox. Why lay an orange or yellow LED strip around the perimeter. At the bottom you can lay stones or shells.

    To simulate fire, you can use an LED strip

By following these instructions, you can create a raised fireplace in any style.

No one will guess that a sideboard was turned into a fireplaceFalse fireplace made of decorative bricksFor a false fireplace made of large bricks, a foundation may be required

from brick

A false brick fireplace looks the most natural. In its manufacture, it is necessary to strictly follow the masonry technology, otherwise the structure will be unreliable and quickly collapse. You need to prepare in advance:

  • brick - 25 pcs.;
  • steel strip for overlapping;
  • solid board with a thickness of 4 cm or more for a mantelpiece;
  • cement mortar.

For a fireplace, you can set the standard dimensions of the base 900 * 250 mm and the firebox 500 * 380 mm. The mass of such a design will not exceed 100 kg, which means that an additional foundation will not be needed.

A large brick false fireplace may require a foundation.

The technique for making a false brick fireplace is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare a solution. It is better to purchase a special powder designed for such work. It is enough to dilute it with water in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Lay out the brick base in half a brick, after which you can go to the walls and the firebox. Lay the walls brick-thick with overlapping seams.
  3. Lay a shelf on top of the frame or attach a countertop.
  4. Decorate the firebox. To do this, you can stick a film with the image of a brick on the back wall, put candles or brushwood in the firebox itself. Instead of a film, you can use a mirror, so that the depth of the firebox will appear larger.

What to make fire

In no case should a real fire be kindled in a false fireplace, even if the structure was made of brick. To simulate a flame, you can use:

Video: how to make an artificial fire

How to decorate

Anything can be used to decorate a false fireplace. Depends on the occasion and your imagination, whether it's a mystical Halloween, a fabulous New Year or a cozy photo shoot, just add extra elements and cute details.

Candle decor is probably a classic of all time. A composition of them can be placed in the firebox or on the top shelf, while it is not necessary that the candles be the same in height. The design will look much more interesting due to the combination of both large and small items in it.

Candles can be not only inside the firebox

You can also fill the firebox with logs, because this is what the fireplace is used for. If desired, they can be painted to match the color of the false fireplace itself.

Logs in the fireplace can be laid either in a slide or cut outward

Books in the firebox of a false fireplace look very unusual. And it can be a very peculiar way of storing them.

A false fireplace can serve as a place to store books

Most often, a false fireplace is decorated for the New Year. Christmas socks for gifts, fir branches, wreaths and garlands.

Photo gallery: ideas for inspiration - decorating an artificial fireplace

Logs in the firebox of a false fireplace will look very appropriate. It is customary to hang socks for gifts on the fireplace.

For a long time, fireplaces have ceased to be bulky brick structures that are used to heat homes. Now they are increasingly used for decorative purposes, and heating occurs due to electricity. More and more people live in city apartments, where it is impossible to install a real fireplace, and it is not necessary. Therefore, electrical analogues are installed or imitations are created from various materials. In the latter case, the most popular material for creating such a decorative element is drywall.

They make a decorative fireplace with their own hands from drywall for two reasons:

  1. Protect the room from heat sources and increase their efficiency. In this case, a special device is bought that is powered by the mains and simulates a flame, but gives off heat. In this case, refractory drywall for the fireplace is used.
  2. For decorating the interior with a fake fireplace without a heat source. For plating, any GKL is suitable.

Regardless of the reason, you can create a fireplace from hl with your own hands, because the order of work will be the same. This design has a number of advantages:

  • security. The absence of open fire and the use of GKLO reduce the risk of fire to a minimum;
  • homemade plasterboard fireplace has a simple design. Although it is possible to create such complex projects that they can occupy huge areas;
  • the use of GKL allows you to create any shape of the fireplace, even the most bizarre. You can even create a design with a chimney;
  • the size of the room does not play a big role, because the installation of the structure can be carried out anywhere, even in the corner;
  • lining can be carried out using any materials.

Varieties of false fireplaces

All false fireplaces can be divided into three categories: authentic, conditional and symbolic. Having understood which of the options you are interested in, you can begin to implement it.

Decorative chimney gives more authenticity to the whole structure

Authentic fireplaces are made to be exact replicas of the original designs.. If this option is used outside the apartment, then you will never think that this is an imitation. A characteristic feature of such structures is the use of furnaces, where various types of fuel are burned. The imitation comes out so good that it has the appropriate dimensions and design principles. Such a plasterboard fireplace in the interior can look very massive, and it is rational to install it in a cottage where there are large rooms.

Having the dimensions of the future design, you can calculate how much profile, fasteners and GKL will be required. Let us remind you once again that you need heat-resistant drywall for a fireplace only if there is a heating element inside the structure being created. Otherwise, the material for finishing the metal frame is suitable.

To make it easier to work, you need to make a drawing of a plasterboard fireplace with dimensions. After that, the dimensions can be transferred to the wall so that you can see exactly where to mount the frame. At this stage, you will need a level (ideally a laser one) so that the finished structure is not skewed. By the way, for work you will need the following tools and fasteners:

  • level to create a smooth structure;
  • metal guide profile to create a frame;
  • metal scissors for cutting profiles;
  • tape measure for performing various measurements;
  • electric drill and dowels for attaching the frame to the wall;
  • drywall for sheathing the frame;
  • knife for cutting GKL according to the given dimensions;
  • a screwdriver and self-tapping screws for attaching the frame elements to each other and drywall to the profile.

Additionally, materials for finishing will be required (trowel, putty, tape for seams and facing material). At the very end, we will consider the question of how to finish a plasterboard fireplace.

Assembly and fastening of the frame

There should be markings on the wall and on the floor so that it is clear where the do-it-yourself plasterboard fireplace frame will be installed. For its assembly, rack or guide profiles can be used. You can assemble the frame separately, and then attach it to the wall, but it is better not to resort to this method. You can miss with a hit in the markup, and it is inconvenient to mount the entire bulky structure. It's better to do everything in sequence. You need to make do-it-yourself fireplaces from drywall step by step, and not try to combine several stages into one or skip them.

It is advisable to provide a stand in the frame

First of all, the guides are attached to the wall and to the floor. To do this, you need to outline the places of their fixation, after which holes are drilled with a drill, and the profiles are attached to the wall and to the floor with dowels. It is not necessary to cut the profile into many pieces, because it can be cut with scissors, and then simply bent at a right angle. In this case, the guide on the floor and the wall will be the same, and there will be no need to worry about everything being installed on the same line.

Vertical guides are checked with a plumb line to ensure they are fixed evenly. Ideally, use a laser level.

Racks are inserted into the guide profiles on the floor, which are fastened with metal screws. These posts run from the bottom profiles to the top, where they will be fixed into rails that are mounted parallel to the profile on the floor. You should get some kind of parallelepiped if you assemble the simplest design. This will be the main frame, in which you will still need to make a place to insert a heater. A drawing of a false plasterboard fireplace will help with this.

Frame option without anchoring to the floor

Jumpers between the racks are installed at the height at which the electric fireplace will be installed. One of the guide profiles at this height is attached to the wall. It turns out a quadrangle, which will be the bottom of the niche. For greater reliability, you can add a few more jumpers inside this rectangle (relevant for heavy heaters). All other elements of the frame are assembled in a similar way. For example, you can create a drywall fireplace box that will mimic a chimney.

Plasterboard sheathing

On top of the fireplace, you can install a wooden tabletop for decor

GKL must be cut so that it can be used for sheathing the assembled frame. It is not difficult to guess how to sheathe the structure with drywall. Just take drywall sheets and fasten them with self-tapping screws. Facing the fireplace with drywall with your own hands begins with a niche for an electric fireplace, into which it is then inserted. If mistakes were made, then part of the structure may have to be reassembled again. If the fireplace went perfectly, then we take it out and continue to work.

The main characteristics of wall (GKL) and refractory (GKLO) drywall
NameSize in mm.Leaf area in sq.m.Sheet weight in kg.Colour
GKL1200x2000x12.52,4 23 Grey
1200x2500x12.53 29
1200x3000x12.53,6 35
GKL1200x2000x12.52,4 26 Pink
1200x2500x12.53 31
1200x3000x12.53,6 37

After sheathing the internal space of the structure, you need to move on to the outside. We fasten everything with small self-tapping screws in increments of 15 cm. The procedure is quite standard and ordinary. Do not forget that the caps of the self-tapping screws should be flush (do not protrude and not be pressed in too much). Now you know how to make a fake drywall fireplace, but that's not all.

It is possible to provide specially double walls for the furnace hole (if it is used for its intended purpose). A non-combustible insulation is laid between these walls, for more efficient heating of the room.

Features of corner fireplaces

I would like to dwell on the option of installing a fireplace in a corner. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk about the benefits:

  • You can save space, since the occupied area is smaller in the corner.
  • The space of the corner of the room is used, and usually the corners are empty.
  • Less consumption of materials and lower cost of the entire structure.
  • Looks original and stylish.

Unfortunately, a do-it-yourself corner false fireplace made of drywall will also have disadvantages. There is not always a free corner of sufficient size so that there is no window with a radiator. Even if the window is far away, then there are curtains that will interfere. Therefore, always two corners in the room cannot be used.

Imitation of a chimney will not steal space and will look stylish

The remaining two corners are usually formed by the part of the wall where the doors are located. For some people, if a do-it-yourself corner decorative fireplace made of drywall is located in such a place, then this is unacceptable from the point of view of room design.

Step-by-step instruction

For the most part, the creation of corner false fireplaces from plasterboard is not much different from the above procedure for frontal structures. The main difference is in the shape of the frame.

Do-it-yourself drywall corner fireplace - step by step instructions:

  1. Size calculation. Everything needs to be accounted for. For example, a heating pipe running along the corner of the wall that needs to be hidden. It can interfere with assembling a solid frame. If the battery is hidden, then you should definitely provide for a design feature that will make it easy to get to it if necessary. When a drywall corner fireplace is assembled, the dimensions of all elements must be carefully considered.
  2. We mount the frame. For this, the cheapest profile or the one with which it is most convenient to work will fit. There are no special requirements for guides.
  3. We provide electrical wiring. These can be sockets or wiring to illuminate the finished structure. Especially additional lighting is relevant if the work is carried out with a large frame.
  4. The frame is sheathed with sheets of drywall.
  5. Finishing coating is being carried out.

Here's how to make a drywall fireplace yourself. You just need to follow the sequence of work in the instructions.

Finishing - the last step

The fireplace must harmoniously fit into the interior of the room where it is installed. That is why it is so important to choose the right finish. The most popular materials for such work are decorative bricks, ceramic tiles and artificial stone. However, for these purposes, ordinary paint is often used.

With the right finish, no one will guess the use of drywall

Before painting a drywall fireplace, it is puttied, making all surfaces smooth. Then everything is painted twice with water-based paint using a brush. For other types of finishes, you will have to use plaster compositions so that nothing falls off. All this significantly increases the weight of the structure. So you need to know in advance whether the drywall will be faced with ceramic tiles (stone) or not.

It is not so difficult to make a fireplace in an apartment with your own hands from drywall, as it may seem. The main thing is to correctly carry out calculations and use the level, do not forget about jumpers and finishing.

The fireplace is a symbol of the hearth, warmth and comfort. But a modern fireplace is more likely not a source of heat, but an interior item that has a romantic pastime.

Flickering flames, crackling burning flames, a cozy armchair, a warm blanket - what else do you need for relaxation and a pleasant unhurried conversation.

But, as you know, it is not possible to arrange a fireplace in an apartment for a number of reasons.

A decorative false fireplace has become an excellent invention of designers, which has found a place in many modern apartments.

Today we will talk about options for installing a false fireplace and decorating it.

  1. False fireplaces can only conditionally resemble a real hearth. The "Firebox" is decorated with candles, stacked logs, a picture of fire and much more.
  2. The second option for a false fireplace device is a portal for installing an electric fireplace, which imitates a flame and looks more like a real one.
  3. And finally, the bio-fireplace is a modern invention on safe fuel. The burning flame of a biofireplace and logs made of heat-resistant ceramics imitate a real hearth as much as possible.

False plasterboard fireplace

The easiest and cheapest way to install a false fireplace is to build a plasterboard portal structure. It can be placed against the wall of the opposite sofa area, where the TV will subsequently be located, or arrange a corner raised fireplace in a separate relaxation area. A false fireplace finds its place in the bedroom, in the nursery, and in the office.

To install a fireplace portal, you will need metal guides or wooden bars, drywall, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. We mark the dimensions of the future structure on the wall, according to the completed drawing, we construct the frame and sheathe it with GVL sheets.

The dimensions of the portal are individual and depend on the final purpose of the structure. If the mantelpiece will be a place to install a TV, then the height of the fireplace with a shelf should not exceed the allowable values ​​for comfortable viewing.

For each room it is individual, it depends on the distance from the TV to the place of its viewing and on the size of the diagonal of the screen, but, as a rule, does not exceed one meter.

We decorate the portal of a false fireplace

Making a false fireplace from drywall is extremely simple. The difficulty lies in decorating the box. Plastering and painting, facing with stone, tiles, and heat-resistant tiles are traditionally used for finishing fireplaces. In our case, the false fireplace will not heat up, so we do not need a heat-resistant finish, we will focus on the decorative finish.

False fireplace in antique style. The portal was finished with a polyurethane molding.

Now on sale you can see a large assortment of this material - columns, cornices, pilasters, rosettes with a smooth and embossed texture.

The next type of finish is imitation of brickwork. It can be a brick tile or brick-like wallpapering.

The fireplace looks great, the finish of which combines stone and wood. The design is solid, even massive, will take pride of place in a respectable living room.

An additional element of decor can serve as a glass screen covering the "firebox". Add accessories in the form of a fireplace set and firewood to the composition, and your false fireplace will look like a real source of heat and fire as much as possible.

A corner false plasterboard fireplace decorated with artificial stone is an interior decoration in a modern style.

Fireplaces can be wall, built-in and island. Here we see a built-in biofireplace. The wall is lined with decorative artificial stone.

But such an unusual shape of a high-tech fireplace can inspire you to create an individual design.

For a fireplace device, you can purchase a ready-made portal made of natural or artificial stone. The photo shows a portal made of white marble.

An interesting use of a false fireplace as storage for books and documents. Aged, as if worn, the surface of the portal is an element of vintage style.

Often, an imitation fireplace is built to create an accent in a room. A white portal against a bright wall or vice versa - a bright element against a light background will attract attention and become the center of the overall composition.

Decorated with candles and attributes of Christmas and New Year, a false fireplace will make the holiday special, fill the house with warmth and expectation of a fairy tale.

Shelving imitating a fireplace. There are candles in the lower part, and trinkets dear to the heart and a framed family photograph on the upper shelf.

The firebox filled with real firewood is an interesting design find that will undoubtedly decorate the interior of the living room.

False fireplace made of boards stacked on top of each other. To achieve the "banding" of the facade, you can use all kinds of impregnations for wood. Eco-friendly and very nice design - a bold, extraordinary solution.

Imitation of a fireplace in a children's room in the form of a toy rack is the center of the composition. Over time, you can hang a mirror over the mantelpiece, the rack will turn into a dressing table for a grown girl.

And this fireplace is made of cardboard. Don't believe? But it is so. The use of non-standard materials in recent years has become a fashionable trend in interior design.

On the site of the fireplace insert, you can hang a reproduction depicting a fire or make a drawing on a plastered surface in the style of a fresco. This decision is reminiscent of the fairy tale about Pinocchio, where in the closet of Pope Carlo a hearth was painted on the wall, behind which a secret door was hidden. And who knows, maybe happiness will come to your house, and not fabulous, but real: it will warm your souls, fill the house with warmth and a pleasant atmosphere.

Useful video

In a cozy house you want to return again and again. This article will focus on how to improve the interior with a dummy fireplace. About a hearth that anyone can build with a little effort.

The fireplace will perfectly fit into the interior of any room, will give an additional atmosphere of comfort and will be a reason for the pride of its creator. Do-it-yourself home fireplace - easily, you will say to bewitched guests and household members.

It is not necessary to be a professional builder to make a model that is visually close to the original. But the business requires careful preparation, desire and capital investments.


First, let's decide on the room in which the fake fireplace will be located. If this is a room in a private house, then you can construct a brick fireplace. For a city high-rise apartment, such a design will be difficult. We will talk about plasterboard, plywood, stone, brick, foam and cardboard fireplace models. The last two materials require minimal costs for tools and materials. But the other selected materials are more durable, look more spectacular and richer.

Manufacturing process

Step-by-step instructions will help you easily plan the construction of a dummy hearth in your apartment.


First, choose a place for decoration. Given that the flame in the false fireplace is not real or very weak, you should not place the fireplace opposite the window if you plan to light it during the day - it will be hard to see. For evening and night gatherings, any location is suitable. Think of a comfortable corner around your design. A soft carpet and beautiful furniture will nobly complement the fireplace and give the whole room warmth and sincerity.

Product design

Choose a design for a fake fireplace so that it harmoniously fits into the interior of the room. Not only the appearance, but also the size of the hearth, it is important to choose the right one. After you need to decide what to put inside your dummy.

In the event that one of the functions of your fireplace is to heat the apartment, then take care of the outlet near the building. An outlet to electricity will also be needed if a plasma TV is installed that imitates fire on the screen.

Hearth drawing

Consider drawing a fireplace. The result of your work depends on a properly constructed foundation. Take into account the features and dimensions of the room. After that, feel free to go to the store to purchase the right materials in the right quantity.

Procurement of materials for construction

We determine what the hearth frame is made of. It can be a metal profile or wooden slats. Will the fireplace be static and attached to the wall, or portable?

Drywall, foam or brick? When you use stone or tile as the main material, the frame needs to be made more durable.

We choose fastening tools (screws, glue, etc.) and decoration elements.

Drywall is easy to process and affordable. For beginners in the fireplace business - just right. The composition includes ordinary cardboard impregnated with a special substance. Fire resistance is the main advantage of the material. Also, a decisive role in its choice is played by resistance to moisture and temperature changes. But drywall does not withstand heavy loads.

Plywood is also easy to process and affordable. Environmentally friendly natural product. If you install a fireplace in the bathroom, kitchen or any other room where dampness is present, remember: plywood does not like moisture.

Styrofoam and cardboard structures are the easiest to build. It is possible to make a false fireplace out of them using glue and tape. The main thing is to make a drawing correctly. Please note that such a fireplace is extremely short-lived.

Stone and brick materials are heavy, so before installing, make sure that the product will not bring down the ceiling. These materials do not require a frame, but be sure to make a drawing version of the decorative hearth in order to purchase the right amount of a rather expensive material and make sure that the laying process is correct.

It remains to purchase the necessary tools that you do not have. Depending on the materials you choose, you may need:

  1. Metal profile or wooden slats;
  2. Screwdriver (nails do not fit tightly);
  3. Glue (when the fireplace is made of foam or cardboard);
  4. Perforator;
  5. Hacksaw for cutting;
  6. Brushes, spatula, putty

Or it can be tile, mosaic, stone, wallpaper, wood, etc. There is only your discretion and possibilities.

To make sure the product is perfect, get a level for alignment.


We cut out the parts from the selected material and fix them with screws (or glue). Act carefully, observe safety precautions.


Based on the chosen interior solution, start creating. This is perhaps the most interesting part of the process of creating a fireplace model.

At home improvement stores, you'll find a variety of ready-made materials that will make your fireplace look sophisticated and unique. Starting from putty, similar to leather, stone or wood, ending with ready-made decorative cuttings made of foam or drywall. A budget option can be wallpaper with any suitable pattern or self-adhesive paper.

If you can draw, you can use paint to create any pattern that comes to mind. And by adapting the household to the business, you will create a family heirloom.

Fire in the hearth

To heat a room, consider options such as an electric fireplace or a convector. Subject to the recommendations on fire safety, it is not forbidden to decorate a fireplace product with artificial or real firewood.