How to plant flowers from seeds. Varieties of flowers without seedlings

Have you already finished the summer season, "mothballing" the house for the winter and saying goodbye to your plants until spring? There is a reason to visit the cottage again, because you did not sow flowers before winter! This process will bring a little trouble, and in the spring you will thank yourself for your foresight. After all, annual and perennial flowers sown before winter are practically free seedlings of flowers, which, moreover, will bloom two weeks earlier. What flowers can be sown before winter, we will tell in this publication.

Letniki that can be sown before winter

1. Alyssum marine and lobularia marine

Winter sowing of these very similar (both externally and in care), but still different colors, allows you to get strong, hardened seedlings adapted to open ground conditions.

A bed for sowing is chosen with loose soil, with acidity close to neutral. Alyssum seeds ( Alyssum maritimus) and lobularia ( Lobularia maritima) are very small, so they can be sown in a mixture with river sand. Seeds are sown in frozen ground, it is desirable to mulch the crops.

2. Annual aster, or Chinese Callistefus

When sowing asters (Callistephus chinensis) in winter, the risk of fungal diseases that cause serious damage to these flowers is reduced. And the plants themselves bloom much earlier than when sown in the spring.

For the winter sowing of asters, it is very important to choose the right place. Plants for growth and flowering need a sunny site with loose soil and neutral acidity. As predecessors, it is desirable to choose marigolds or calendula. You can not plant asters after the asters themselves, tulips, gladioli.

It is advisable to prepare a bed raised, 15-20 cm high, water will not stagnate on it, and in spring it will warm up quickly enough.

In no case should fresh manure be introduced into the bed for sowing asters. After preparing the grooves for sowing, they must be shed with Maxim and Fitosporin preparations to prevent the spread of fungal diseases.

Aster seeds remain viable for no more than three years, and the closer the expiration date of the seeds, the worse they germinate, therefore, before winter, asters seeds need to be sown quite often, on the basis that not all of them will germinate. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm, covered with prepared dry soil from above. You can additionally mulch the bed with sawdust or peat.

3. Marigolds

There are conflicting opinions about the possibility of sowing marigolds (Tagetes) before winter. The thing is that marigold seeds need heat to germinate. And with a lack of heat and excess moisture, the seeds can simply rot. Therefore, it is better to sow heat-loving marigolds before winter in regions with not very cold winters and early spring.

In cold climates, such sowing is quite risky. Experienced gardeners advise trying sowing marigolds before winter not in open ground, but in a greenhouse. Be sure to cover such crops for the winter with a layer of peat.

4. Godetia

An elegant flower for flower beds, borders. Godetia is also very good in flowerpots and containers. Planting godetia seeds before winter allows you to achieve earlier and more abundant flowering. Similar to sowing marigolds, godetia seeds are recommended to be sown in regions with fairly warm winters. But many flower growers from colder regions successfully grow Godetia and sow before winter.

It is desirable to sow seeds immediately in a permanent place. The plant prefers a sunny location and fertile soil. Crops need to be mulched to protect against frost and excessive moisture.

5. Calendula, or Marigold

Even for inexperienced flower growers, sowing and growing calendula (Calendula) does not cause any difficulties. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. Calendula is a cold-resistant crop; it sprouts without problems in the spring after sowing before winter.

You can sow calendula seeds in almost any soil. Crops can be done on a seedling bed or immediately to a permanent place - the plant easily tolerates a transplant. If you plan to grow calendula in containers, then you can sow seeds directly in them, be sure to make drainage there.

6. Kosmeya, or Cosmos

Cosmos (Cosmos) - very beautiful and at the same time unpretentious flowers, for which they are loved by many summer residents. Sowing cosmea seeds before winter will not cause any problems. It often propagates itself by self-sowing. In this case, in the spring, extra shoots can be removed.

Sunny areas with well-drained loose soil are ideal for sowing cosmos. If the soil is too nutritious, the plant will begin to grow green mass at the expense of flowering, so do not abuse the fertilization. As a rule, cosmea is sown immediately in a permanent place.

7. Lavater

Lavatera, popularly also called the wild rose, is another unpretentious beautiful flower. It is an ideal plant for a low maintenance flower garden and is suitable for growing in containers, flowerbeds and borders.

The plant is very unpretentious, but still it develops better in well-lit areas with light, loose soil. The plant is absolutely undemanding to mineral nutrition; fertilization for planting is necessary only on very poor and depleted soil.

Lavater seeds before winter, as a rule, are sown immediately in a permanent place. It is desirable to mulch crops for the winter.

8. Phlox Drummond

The seeds of the annual phlox (Phlox Drummondii) are frost-resistant, so the plant can be successfully sown before winter. However, it should be borne in mind that with prolonged thaws, the seeds may germinate ahead of time, and the seedlings may die from recurrent frosts. Therefore, it is necessary to provide shelter for crops with phlox.

The ideal option is small arcs or an inverted vegetable box with a stretched covering material.

9. Eschsholzia Californian

Sowing eschscholzia (Eschscholzia californica) before winter is one of the simple methods of growing it. With this sowing, the seeds undergo natural stratification, and seedlings bloom much earlier than in spring. Eschsholzia does not tolerate transplantation, so it is immediately sown in a permanent place.

The site for sowing is selected sunny with loose, breathable soil. It is desirable to mulch crops.

In addition to the annual flowers described above, before winter you can sow: field cornflower, annual delphinium, iberis, cochia, snapdragon antirrinum, annual poppy, mattiola.

Biennial and perennial flowers that can be sown before winter

10. Aquilegia

Aquilegia (Aquilegia) - a charming plant with openwork foliage. It is widely used to decorate flower beds, borders of borders, mixborders. Very popular because of its unpretentiousness.

Aquilegia seeds must be stratified in cold conditions, so autumn sowing is preferable. Aquilegia does not like transplanting, it is better to sow it immediately in a permanent place. The plant prefers partial shade and loose, humus-rich soils. When sowing, the seeds do not need to be deeply buried in the ground, it is enough to sprinkle them a little. The bed with crops must be covered with mulch.

11. Alpine aster

Growing aster alpine (Aster alpinus) from seeds is not difficult. It can be sown before winter or in spring in May. Autumn sowing is preferable; after stratification under natural conditions, the seeds germinate much better. Asters seeds are quite small, it is better to sow them in boxes or containers, and then dig into the ground. But you can immediately to a permanent place.

For growing asters, you need to choose sunny places or partial shade. The bed must be on a slightly elevated place. The plant does not grow well in damp or damp places. Crops are sprinkled with a thin layer of humus. For the winter it is better to mulch them.

12. Badan

The process of growing bergenia (Bergenia) from seeds is quite difficult. Seeds need cold stratification for germination, and in spring they need to be at a certain temperature. Seeds and seedlings are very small, besides, seedlings develop rather slowly. For this reason, when sowing bergenia seeds, it is important to adhere to a certain technology:

  • seeds before sowing must be treated with a fungicide to prevent diseases, for example, "Fitosporin";
  • seeds should be sown in boxes with loose soil to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm;
  • The box with crops will need to be kept outside, under the snow. Thus, the stratification of seeds will take place.

In the spring, at the beginning of March, the boxes must be brought into a room where, at a temperature of 18-19 ° C, the seeds will germinate for about a month. Crops should be kept in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

As the seedlings appear, you need to monitor the soil moisture. The soil should not be dry and excessively wet. Seedlings develop very slowly, they can be planted in pots when they reach a height of 10-12 cm. Plants will bloom for 3-4 years.

13. Gypsophila

Gypsophila (Gypsophila) does not tolerate transplanting very well, it must be sown immediately to a permanent place. In one place, gypsophila can grow for a very long time, so it is important to immediately choose the right one for them. Plants grow strongly over the years, so the gypsophila is placed quite freely - 2-3 plants per square meter.

For sowing, you need to choose an open sunny place, preferably with loose sandy loamy soil. If the soil is dense, be sure to add small pebbles and sand to it. The site must be dry enough, without stagnant water - gypsophila can die with strong moisture.

14. Heuchera

Heuchera (Heuchera) propagates well by seeds, but it must be borne in mind that the seeds do not remain viable for so long. Seeds and shoots of geyhera are very small, so sowing and caring for seedlings can be quite troublesome. It is more convenient to sow geyhera in boxes with loose, well-drained soil. The soil should not be acidic. Seeds do not need to be buried, it is enough to press them down a little.

15. Gentian

An interesting plant for rocky hills, rock gardens. Gentians (Gentiana) are not yet very common in flower beds, perhaps because they are not easy to grow from seed. To get seedlings of gentian, you need to know that she definitely needs long-term stratification in cold conditions. Under conditions of exposure to temperature changes, soil moisture, processes occur in the seeds that contribute to their germination.

It is better to sow gentian in boxes or pots with loose soil. Sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil and dig the containers into the ground in a shady place. In the spring, you need to make sure that the soil in them does not dry out.

Gentians sown in autumn usually germinate in May-June. It also happens that the seeds that did not sprout in the spring sprout the next year. Therefore, do not rush to throw the earth out of the boxes. Boxes should be kept in partial shade and keep the soil moist. And in winter, leave them outside again.

16. Delphinium

Growing delphinium (Delphinium) from seeds is quite difficult. When sowing, be sure to consider the following:

  • the delphinium needs cold stratification, so it is preferable to sow it before winter;
  • only fresh delphinium seeds germinate well. If planting is postponed until spring, then the seeds must be stored in the refrigerator;
  • they can only be sown in light, loose soil. In heavy clay soil, they usually do not sprout.

Delphiniums do not tolerate transplanting well, so it is advisable to sow them immediately to a permanent place. For sowing, you need to choose a sunny, wind-protected flower bed. Seeds are sown not deep, 2-3 mm, crops for the winter should be covered with mulch.

17. Carpathian bell

Usually the Carpathian bell (Campanula carpatica) is sown just before winter. A well-lit place is chosen for sowing. The soil is preferably well-drained with acidity close to neutral.

Soil preparation is standard, it consists in digging and fertilizing. Humus and sand are introduced into heavy soil. If the acidity is high - lime, dolomite flour or ash.

18. Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula) is a very attractive plant, but quite tricky when grown from seed. If you are unable to achieve seedlings of her seedlings, try sowing lavender before winter. The thing is that she definitely needs to go through the stage of cold stratification. If you sow in the spring, you will have to put the bowls with crops in the refrigerator.

For sowing lavender in open ground, you need to choose a sunny, wind-protected place, always dry, without stagnant water. The soil for growing lavender should be loose and fertile. The plant does not grow well on acidic soils, therefore, with increased acidity, lime or wood ash must be added in advance.

When planting, the seeds do not need to be buried too deep into the soil, by about 3-4 mm. You can sprinkle the grooves with seeds with river sand. After sowing, the bed must be mulched for the winter, and with the onset of persistent frosts, throw more snow on the bed.

Shoots usually appear in May-June. Seeds may sprout later, so do not try to dig the bed too early. When the seedlings appear, you need to control watering - the soil should be moist, but not flooded with water.

19. Lupine

Perennial lupins (Lupinus) are not only a bright flower bed decoration, but also a valuable green manure plant. Although, usually, as green manure, one-year-old lupine is sown. Unlike spring crops, when sown before winter, the seeds give friendly shoots.

It is better to sow lupine immediately in a permanent place. When sowing, you need to take into account the size of adult plants, seeds should be planted with a distance of at least 25–30 cm. For sowing, it is advisable to choose a sunny place or partial shade, soil with acidity close to neutral. The plant does not tolerate close groundwater.

20. Primrose

It is not very easy to get primula (Primula) from seeds, not every grower can do it. Primrose seeds require stratification, so it is desirable to sow it before winter. It should be borne in mind that the germination of seeds is quite low, especially if the seeds are not just harvested. The seeds of the flower are small, and the seedlings are very small at first. Therefore, it is recommended to sow it not in the garden, but in a separate box.

The soil must be carefully prepared before sowing. If the soil in the area is very dense, it will be difficult for small seedlings to break through. Therefore, the soil must be loose, well-drained. You can even stock up on sowing primrose with good store soil. This soil will not contain weed seeds. And as a rule, ready-made soils of good quality are very loose and light.

Primrose seeds are sown superficially, slightly falling asleep with soil. It is better to put a box with crops in partial shade so that the spring sun does not burn the tender shoots. You need to carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil. Small seedlings can die even with a short-term drought, and with an excess of moisture, they can suffer from waterlogging. Primrose seedlings develop rather slowly. And all this time the crops need careful care.

21. Nivyanik, or "garden chamomile"

Leucanthemum seeds, or garden chamomile, as gardeners often call this flower, have good winter hardiness, they can be sown both before winter and early spring. With this sowing, the entrances will be stronger and more hardened.

The preparation of beds and soil for sowing is standard; you can sow cornflower on a seedling bed, or you can immediately to a permanent place.

Dear readers! In addition to the plants listed above, you can sow aconite, arabis, buzulnik, gaillardia, gelenium, doronicum, saxifrage, clematis, levisia, flax, lychnis, spurge, shaving, sedum, rudbeckia, garden yarrow before winter. From biennial flowers - mallow, daisy, forget-me-not, Turkish carnation.

As you can see, the list of flowers that can be grown by sowing before winter is quite large. Podzimny sowing gives indisputable advantages, especially sowing perennials.

And besides, it's convenient. Therefore, try, if in doubt, sow part of the seeds in the fall, the other in the spring.

Small seeds planted in the spring can bring great joy. It is annual flowers that bloom all summer, without seedlings, that are bright colors in the garden until late autumn, as well as enjoying the pleasant aroma of fragrant plants. Sometimes for this you don’t even need to mess around with seedlings, all that is required is to plant flowers immediately in the ground. A well-prepared, weed-free bed gives life to each seed so that it can establish itself in the new soil and germinate.

If there is not much space in the house to plant seedlings and keep them in trays and mini-greenhouses for several months, then flowers without seedlings would be ideal. Landing in this case is carried out immediately in the ground. Seeds are scattered either in a free order, right on the site of the future flower bed, or according to a predetermined color scheme.

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), Helianthus (Helianthus laetiflorus), Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Iberis (Iberis umbellata), Douglas Limnanthes (Limnanthes douglasii), Foxglove (Digitalis fontanesii), Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), Damask Nigella (Nigella), zinnia (Zinnia), shown in the photographs below.

Time and the whole process of landing

For seeds without seedlings to take root and germinate quickly, wait until the soil is warm and moist. Usually the best time is mid-spring and early summer (April-June) or pre-winter sowing in autumn. If it is possible to make a greenhouse, then the seeds can be planted in March. Sowing times are listed on seed packets, so check them out as well.

Outdoor planting tips:

  • The flower bed must be dug up to allow the seeds to germinate. It is enough to do this to the depth of a shovel. If you are going to sow in a new place, it is better to loosen the ground twice. You can pre-prepare fertilizer or manure.
  • Cover the ground with plastic or film, so you warm it up and additionally protect it from weeds.
  • When it's time to sow, lift up the foil and make a greenhouse awning. Be sure to water the ground with water before planting, otherwise you will flood the newly planted seeds.
  • Make shallow holes by sticking sticks into the ground, or use a rake, and then carefully place the seed on the bottom at least 10-15 mm deep. Don't overdo it, leave at least a finger width space for small seeds.
  • Carefully rake the ground with a rake and, if necessary, put up a canopy. If you cover with a film, you can put bricks or water bottles around the edges so that it is not blown away by the wind. Be careful, as the seeds can be pecked by birds, and caterpillars and snails are very fond of young bores.
  • In order not to forget what was planted and where exactly, put signs or stick labels with the name of the plant.

unpretentious pets

cornflowers(Centaurea cyanus).


It can be an annual, perennial or even a semi-shrub. For one and a half to two years unpretentious cornflowers (pictured) can grow to a height of 0.5-1 meters. And their blue and blue flowers will add spring mood to the garden. Prefer sunny places with sandy or clay soil, preferably with humus and good drainage. Pests are not attracted, but can suffer from powdery mildew in constant and abundant humidity.

helianthus, or decorative sunflower (Helianthus).


Perennial herb 1 to 2 meters high. flower seeds planted straight into the ground, give shoots that open in late summer - early autumn, bright yellow spots will delight until the first frost, because this type of helianthus is frost-resistant. In addition, it is drought tolerant, but prefers the sun. As well as clay and sandy soils.

Iberis(Iberis umbellata).


Choose calcareous, clay or sandy soil for Iberis. Be sure to drain well and plant in full sun. Height - from 10 to 50 cm. Flowers can be white, raspberry, purple, pink. After the plant has faded, it must be cut, so that next year it will delight you again.

The success of any design is a harmonious combination of its key elements, which is achieved with the right…

Blooming all summer

Sweet pea(Lathyrus odoratus).

Sweet pea

A very easy plant to grow and care for. Most of its seeds are large and take root well if planted in open ground. The unpretentious well-known varieties Colorcade and Old Fashioned produce tall shoots. Slightly lower are Cupid, Bijou, and Potted Fragrance, which can pass as groundcovers.

Limnantes Douglas(Limnanthes douglasii).

Limnantes Douglas

A flower that looks like a boiled egg is yellow in the middle and white around the edges. Spreads by self-seeding, suitable for most types of soils and lawns. Its unobtrusive beauty will be revealed in rockeries and borders. Limnantes is such a compact plant that it fits perfectly in a small garden, growing up to 15 cm in length. Likes sun or a little shade.

Digitalis(Digitalis fontanesii).


It is a biennial or perennial that blooms for several years. The creamy yellow bells contrast with the dark green stem that can grow from 50 cm to 1 meter. Foxglove blooming all summer prefer chalky, clay and sandy soils. Drained, well-drained soil with an acidic or neutral pH is fine for them. They are undemanding to lighting, but partial shade is best for them. Cutting the stem will encourage the growth of new flowers. Please note that foxglove is susceptible to attacks by aphids and caterpillar nematodes.

Nasturtium(Tropaeolum majus).


A half-meter annual or perennial plant that can easily do without seedlings. Feels great in the bright sun, unpretentious to the soil composition. Shades are varied - from delicate cream and yellow to rich orange and red. Of course, nasturtium will fit into any garden composition, and if you cut it at the end of autumn, it will bloom next year. The only caveat is that it attracts caterpillars, midges and aphids. But the use of appropriate drugs can reliably secure it.

Nigella damask(Nigella damascena).

Nigella damask

Annual. Plant the flowers directly in the ground to admire their white and blue flowers in the summer. Sandy, clayey, calcareous soils and a sunny side are the necessary conditions for it. In one year, the nigella can grow up to 50 cm, which allows it to be used as a border plant or in mixborders.

Planting and caring for zinnia is not difficult and will not frighten even an inexperienced gardener. Perfect for a rustic garden.

15 plants for the first children's flower bed

Every mom knows how hard it is to keep kids indoors in the springtime in fine weather, so why try? Put things aside and invite your child to be a gardener and start their first small flower garden.

The fastest
On average, annual plants take 60-90 days from germination to flowering. To a child, this will surely seem like an eternity. Therefore, it is imperative to sow the fastest among annuals. To do this, do not forget to buy these flowers:

Eschscholzia Californian

From shoots to the beginning of flowering 30-40 days
Plants are light and heat-loving, but can tolerate frosts down to -4-5˚С. Sowing of seeds is carried out in April or October immediately to a permanent place. Gives self-seeding. Seedlings are thinned out, maintaining a distance between plants of 20-25 cm. Transplants are not tolerated. Blooms profusely from June to October.

Gypsophila graceful

From germination to the beginning of flowering 40-50 days
The plant is light and heat-loving, grows in sunny, dry places, undemanding to soils, but prefers light, well-limed soils. A very fast growing plant. Gypsophila is used in plantings in combination with escholzia, godetia; marigolds and other brightly colored large-flowered plants, for arranging bouquets. Varieties with pink and reddish flowers are significantly inferior in decorative effect to elegant gypsophila. Gypsophila is often used in winter bouquets as a dried flower.
Propagated by seeds - sowing in the ground:
for summer flowering in April - May
for early - in October (before winter)
for autumn flowering - in June.
Blooms 1.5-2 months after sowing. The distance between plants after thinning is 15-20 cm.


From germination to flowering 45 days
It does not require special care, usually two fertilizing with mineral fertilizers during the growth period and during the budding period, loosening the soil and watering as needed. Godetia blooms in mid-July and blooms until frost. Blooms profusely, prefers a sunny location.
Godetia is usually planted with seeds directly into the ground in April and May. If the bed is covered with a film, then shoots appear after 7-10 days, young plants are not afraid of frost. In the phase of two or three true leaves, seedlings are thinned out or planted, leaving a distance between plants of 20-25 cm.

Easy to Grow Annuals or Hardy Annuals


The plant is easy even for a beginner in floriculture. If, as it blooms, you cut off faded baskets, calendula will bloom until frost. Calendula medicinal plant. Dried inflorescences are used to prepare tinctures, decoctions that have anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant and soothing effects. Blooms from June to November.
For planting, you should choose a sunny place, tolerates frosts down to -5 ° C.
Seeds of calendula are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm in early spring. Shoots appear after 1-2 weeks. They bloom in ten weeks. Gives self-seeding.

Iberis umbrella

Iberis blooms 40-50 days after sowing
Propagated by sowing seeds in open ground in spring or late autumn. Gives self-seeding. Seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance between plants of 20 X 25 cm. Iberis is undemanding to soils, but prefers light loam, the location is sunny. Plants easily tolerate spring and autumn frosts.
In a dry summer without watering, flowering is abundant only for a month. The flowering period lasts a month, so you can sow it in several stages. Aromatic.

Nigella damask(nigella, girl in greenery)

Nigella is propagated by seeds, sowing them in open ground in early spring or before winter. Thinned out at a distance of 15-20 cm. Blooms 1.5-2 months later, 60-65 days after sowing. After flowering, the plants retain their decorative effect due to the original shape of the fruit.

Zinnia graceful

Annual, upright, spreading or compact plant, 15-120 cm high, with rounded green or purple-greenish shoots, pubescent with coarse coarse hairs.
The color of the inflorescences is the most diverse - white, red, yellow, orange, pink, lilac, purple. It tolerates high temperatures and dry air well, in damp cold weather it blooms poorly, and sometimes the inflorescences rot. It blooms well and develops on fertile soils with organic fertilizers applied since autumn. Zinnia graceful blooms in July - September.
Zinnia is propagated by seeds, which are sown for seedlings in March - early April. Large seeds germinate in 5-6 days. With a rare sowing of seeds in boxes, you can do without a pick. Planting seedlings in a permanent place is carried out in late May - early June, when the danger of the last spring frosts has passed, since zinnias do not tolerate low temperatures at all. The distance between plants during planting is 25-30 cm. The grown seedlings can be pinched to speed up the tillering of plants.
You can also sow seeds directly in open ground in early and mid-May; crops must be protected from May frosts with covering material.


This letnik from the Malvaceae family with like silk flowers has been known for a long time, but today it is experiencing its second youth. Plants up to 1 m high with beautiful large leaves and abundant "satin" funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm are very elegant in mass. Therefore, lavater is planted in groups, included in mixborders.
Its flowering lasts from July to October. Photophilous, drought-resistant, not afraid of light autumn frosts, undemanding to soils.
Lavater is sown directly into the ground in early May. Germination temperature 15-20°. Shoots appear in 10-14 days (in modern varieties sometimes earlier). Withered flowers must be removed. Lavatera is excellent for cutting.

interesting plants
When choosing flowers for a children's flower bed, you need to focus not only on plants that are easy to grow, but also on those that attract children's attention. These are, first of all, fragrant plants (plant them at some distance from the playground and places where children often gather) and unusual in their shape. Some of these plants you can plant with your child, and some of them you can buy or grow seedlings.

To mocking twice-pinnate

Cosmea is unpretentious, and is suitable even for a novice gardener. It is ideal for dry, hot climates. Cosmea bushes can be cut, giving them different shapes. A simple and unpretentious flower from childhood, which girl in the summer did not make herself “false nails” from cosme petals?

Depending on the variety, the double-pinnate cosmos (C.bipinnatus) can be from 60 cm to 1.5 meters in height. Inflorescences-baskets are large, up to 10 cm (according to some sources - up to 15 cm) in diameter, consist of marginal flowers, commonly called petals, and tubular, small, most often yellow, forming a small disk. In this case, the marginal flowers can be of various colors - from white through pink to red or purple, of various shades and degrees of saturation. Flowering begins in mid-July and lasts until frost.
Kosmeya is usually planted with seeds in open ground in May. Seedlings appear after 8-15 days at a temperature of 18°C. Seedlings develop normally at a temperature of 15-18 ° C, they are not afraid of small frosts. 15-20 days after germination, the seedlings are seated or thinned at a distance of 30-35 cm.
When planting seedlings in early April, young cosmea plants are planted in the ground at the end of May, in which case flowering occurs a month earlier. Gives abundant self-seeding.

Kosmeya prefers a sunny, wind-sheltered location. The soil is suitable for any, drained, relatively poor. On fertile soils, it grows to the detriment of flowering. Feeding practically does not require.

Amaranth tailed (Fox's tail)

A tall original letnik (1-1.5 meters), from the tops of the stems of which thick tail-shaped inflorescences of crimson or red tones (up to 75 cm in length) hang picturesquely. There are varieties of amaranth with whitish-green and emerald inflorescences-tails of the same length. Of the other amaranths, the most common is the deciduous-decorative Indian amaranth, tricolor. Low and high varieties - from 40 centimeters to 1.5 meters tall, carry leaves variegated in yellow, green and red tones. Tailed amaranth brings seeds in abundance and sprouts in spring from autumn self-sowing.
Sowing is carried out in April in open ground or under protected ground frames in heavily fertilized humus soil. Seedlings appear on the third or fourth day, they are planted in pots and a little later the tops are pinched to cause branching.
Plants are planted in open ground after the end of severe frosts, in late May - early June. The location should be sunny, the ground should be moist, well seasoned with organic fertilizers. Landing distance 40-50 centimeters. Landing is carried out in independent groups or in front of shrubs.

Kochia (summer cypress)

Kochia perfectly tolerate shaping pruning, which will additionally interest the child when caring for her. And in autumn it becomes a beautiful purple color.

Dense bushes similar to cypresses up to 1 m high and 60-70 cm wide turn purple-red in autumn. Kochia are planted in one row along paths (at a distance of 1 m from each other) or in small groups, alone on lawns. Kochia often sprouts from autumn self-sowing

Shoots and seedlings of kohii tend to quickly stretch when sown in rooms. Crops are produced in April under protected ground frames or directly into open ground. Seeds are pre-germinated. Seedlings appear on the fourth or fifth day. You can use early spring seedlings of autumn sowing or self-sowing cohias. The strongest seedlings dive to the cotyledons one by one in 5-7 cm pots, which are dug under the frames of protected ground and kept under strong ventilation.
As they develop, the plants are transferred to larger pots with nutritious humus soil. Planted in open ground in early June in sunny places with nutritious soil.


Among these beauties from India, we single out comb and feathery. Celosia comb has a soft cock-like comb that you always want to touch, while cirrus has spectacular bright panicles. Celosia is a dried flower, the inflorescences are cut in full bloom, until the flowers that bloomed first have faded. The color of panicles and leaves is perfectly preserved.
Celosia needs sunny, warm and wind-protected areas. The plant loves fertile soil, but does not tolerate the introduction of fresh fertilizers of organic origin. Regular watering is necessary. Flowering - from late June until frost. It blooms without losing its decorative effect until frost.

Celosia is propagated by seeds that are sown in specially knocked down boxes or greenhouses in the last days of March - early April. In open ground, seeds can be sown after it warms up well and in the absence of frost. The optimal distance between individual plants is 15-20 cm.

Celosia comb (cock's comb) reaches a height of 25-35 cm, has a compact bush.
The flowers are small, collected in a comb-shaped spectacular inflorescence, shaped like a cockscomb. Flowers are yellow, pink, orange and mostly purplish red.

Celosia pinnate reaches a height of 50-90 cm. The bush is compact. Inflorescences paniculate, bright, make up 1/3 of the height of the plant.

Physalis ornamental, or Physalis Franchet
Elegant lanterns are often used in winter bouquets, for which they are cut and dried in September. There are also vegetable forms of physalis.
Physalis is propagated by seeds that are sown immediately in open ground. To obtain seedlings, the sowing of seeds is carried out in the second half of April, and after the end of frost, the seedlings are planted in open ground.
Until the seedlings take root, the physalis seedlings need protection from the hot sun and regular watering. Physalis do not stepchild, as the fruits are formed on numerous lateral branches.
Perennial physalis have creeping rhizomes, which contribute to the rapid vegetative propagation of the plant, so that the plant does not "spread", it is best to limit it when planting.

decorative sunflower

Sunflowers grow quickly and children will be interested in watching their rapid growth. Sunflower is very fond of the sun, but tolerates short shading. Sunflowers growing outside need to be supported as they can fall over in windy conditions.
In the southern regions, sunflower can be sown in autumn so that the plants use the moisture of winter precipitation. In Central Russia - directly into the ground in mid-May, nests of 2-3 seeds, at a distance of 35-45 cm. If the plants are planted one at a time after 15 cm, they will be longer and the flowers smaller. You can also grow sunflower seedlings, but in this case it is necessary to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of light, otherwise the stems will be weak and bent. Sunflower seedlings appear 6-8 days after sowing. The plant is afraid of frost.

Mallow pink (stock-rose)
This plant seems to be created for a children's flower bed and simply must grow near the playground. Which of us did not make funny dolls out of her in childhood?

Perennial plant, cultivated as a biennial. In the first year it forms a rosette of large lobed, serrated pubescent leaves along the edge, and the next year - straight, unbranched flowering stems from 100 to 250 cm high. Flowers 10 - 15 cm in diameter, simple or double, collected in inflorescences (brush), numbering up to 150 flowers. Coloring white, yellow, pink, red, burgundy, black-red. Flowering in July - September.

Mallow is photophilous, drought-resistant, unpretentious. It works best in well-fertilized, breathable, well-drained soils. The best location is sunny, protected from cold winds. In dry times, daily watering is necessary. In winter, mallow can freeze, so it should be covered with dry leaves.

Propagated by seeds through seedlings or by sowing directly into the ground. Flowering occurs in July next year. With early sowing in March-April, the plants bloom in the first year.
Used for planting in groups, mixborders, along hedges and walls, for decorating outbuildings. Arrays planted in small groups of 2-3 plants every 3-4 meters on both sides of the path look spectacular.

Nivyanik (chamomile, popovnik)

This favorite flower is simply obliged to grow on the playground. He is loved by children for the opportunity to tell fortunes for love.

Prefers well-lit places. In shaded places, there is a significant deterioration in the development of plants and their flowering. The biggest leucanthemum tolerates the lack of light especially badly. soils should be fertile, cultivated to a depth of 25-30 cm, sufficiently moist and well-drained. On poor soils, as well as with a lack of moisture, the flowers become smaller. Does not tolerate light sandy or heavy clay soils and wet areas! In one place, without a transplant, the cornflower grows only three to four years. If the plant is not transplanted, its inflorescences become smaller, winter hardiness decreases
Nivyanik propagated by seeds, division of rhizomes and cuttings. Small seeds of the plant are sown in autumn or early spring. When spring sowing shoots appear after 18 - 20 days. Seedlings grow quite quickly, and bloom in the second year. They are planted in a permanent place in the flower garden in the fall in the first year after sowing.
You can divide the rhizomes and transplant the cornflower in early spring or autumn. They are divided into small parts. The delenki are planted shallowly, but trying to cover the rhizome. Transplanted delenki grow very quickly.
For cuttings, small basal rosettes of leaves are used. The cuttings are cut in the second half of summer with a piece of rhizome - “with a heel”. This way they root better.

Looking at annual flowers is always pleasing to the eye. With their shapes and the most unusual coloring, they will decorate any flower bed. Any garden or summer cottage can be turned into a paradise if you treat flowers with love and plant them harmoniously. At the same time, every year a flower bed decorated with annual flowers, unlike perennial ones, will always look different.

To harmoniously plant flowering plants in the garden, you can choose different combinations. Here you can show your creative abilities and turn any bed, any garden into a work of art. Even if you plant different flowers on a garden bed randomly, then such a bed will also look beautiful in its own way. Annual flowers that bloom all summer, no matter where they are planted and in what order, will still decorate the garden.

The main feature of the beds, on which beautiful annuals grow, blooming all summer, is that they will be blooming and beautiful until frost.

Unpretentious flowers for the flower bed, blooming all summer, divided into three groups:

  • flower bed annuals;
  • climbing annuals.

Each of us wants to turn our summer cottage or garden into a paradise and make it so that it is better than our neighbor. This can be done by planting annual plants on the site. There is no need to know the names. It is enough just to go to the market and buy seeds, even if they are completely unfamiliar plants. There shouldn't be any problems with them. After all, there is nothing difficult in caring for such flowers. In addition, every year you can change the composition, so the beds will always look different.

We will not give a complete catalog of flowering plants, we will limit ourselves to only the most common flowers.

Mirabilis or beauty of the night- This is an annual that blooms only at night. Its second name - this beauty of the night got it precisely because of this. Mirabilis flowers turn yellow, pink or crimson, bloom at sunset and bloom all night. They close in the morning.

In care, this flower is unpretentious. If, for example, it is not watered, then it will not dry out soon. It has a tuberous root system, thanks to which it tolerates summer drought well.

Mirabilis is propagated by dividing the bush or by seeds. In order for the seeds to sprout faster, they are recommended soak in warm water for 1-2 days. It is recommended to sow mirabilis seeds in pots of two seeds. Pots must be filled with fertile soil so that the flowers feel comfortable. At the same time, it is necessary to guess the sowing of seeds in pots about a month before transplanting seedlings into beds. When the seeds sprout, one of the shoots should be removed from each pot and the strongest one should be left. When the spring morning frosts completely stop, you can transplant flowers into open ground.


Marigolds or in other words tagetes are beautifully flowering annuals that can be painted in different shades of yellow and white. There are evenly colored, and there are striped ones. An interesting feature of these annuals is that they can be small, only up to 15 cm, or they can be straight giants that can grow up to 80 cm.

Caring for marigolds is easy. They, like mirabilis, also tolerate dry summers well. Therefore, additional watering is not particularly needed. They have enough rain. Marigolds, as already mentioned, do not need watering, but without weeding and fertilizers, they will not feel comfortable. When these flowers bloom in full force, then some of them begin to dry out, therefore, in addition to weeding dried flowers should be removed.

Seeds must be collected in preparation for next summer. They should be collected in late July or early August. Pre-soaking and planting seedlings is not necessary. Seeds can be sown on beds immediately after the cessation of morning frosts. It is impossible to say when the seeds should be sown outdoors, as it depends on the region. In each region, weather and climatic conditions are different, and therefore these terms are different in each region. When sowing seeds, they should not be deepened by more than 2 centimeters. Seeds germinate in about a week. Marigolds begin to bloom only after 2 months.

There are four varieties of marigolds:

  • upright;
  • Thin-leaved;
  • Rejected;
  • Anise.

All these varieties of marigolds are beautiful in their own way and can decorate any garden, any garden bed or cottage.


This garden flower is not annual, but perennial, but you can also pay attention to it, because in harsh winter conditions this flower can't overwinter. That is, this plant, depending on the region, can be both annual and perennial. Such flowers are usually planted along the roadsides or in the center of the flower bed composition. There is also a variety that is planted in tall flowerpots. This is an ampelous variety.

Snapdragon flowers need to be watered regularly. After watering, the soil must be loosened. This flower does not need additional care. Watering should be done with a spray bottle. Dried inflorescences must be removed with tweezers. In addition, you need to regularly remove weeds, otherwise the plant will not feel comfortable. Tall varieties, among other things, must be tied to a support.

The main feature of this garden plant is that its seeds can lie "in the closet" for several years, waiting for planting in open ground. Seeds may not lose their germination for several years in a row. Before planting in open ground, the seeds of these plants must be sown in pots with fertile soil. The seeds do not need to be deepened. They must be scattered on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with coarse sand. First shoots appear in half a month. After the appearance of the first shoots, the pots must be taken out to fresh air. They should be placed in the shade or in places where the midday sun does not hit. When five leaves grow on the seedlings, it is advisable to pinch the stem shoot so that the plant does not grow up, but in width.

At first, seedlings grow rather slowly and at this time they are very vulnerable. It can not be filled with water when watering. This must be remembered so as not to accidentally destroy the plants.


This flower looks like a fabulous plant. The bush of this plant reaches a meter in height. It grows single flowers-bells, painted in yellow, white and blue tones. The leaves have an uncomplicated oval shape. The buds on this plant grow large and grow up to 20 centimeters.

In care, this plant is quite whimsical. Datura is desirable to water more often. If you water it irregularly, then it will drop the buds and be just a bush. This flower is very thermophilic, therefore it is necessary to choose a sunny place when transplanting seedlings. If this flower lacks the sun, it will die.

These plants should be planted in pots. Seeds have rather poor germination. In order for them to sprout, they need a lot of moisture. Before sowing the seeds in pots, they must be soaked in warm water for ten days. In order for such a flowering plant to feel comfortable, the air temperature must be at least 30 degrees. Seedlings germinate for quite a long time. This can take a whole month, so you need to think about sowing in advance.


Zinnia is a truly magical flower. The variety of plant shapes and bud colors is amazing. This flower can be found in almost any cottage because he is everyone's favorite. They can decorate any garden bed and everywhere it will harmoniously fit into the overall combination. This annual plant can grow in height from 20 to 100 centimeters. The buds are located at the top of the stem. This magical flower blooms all summer almost until frost.

In the care of zinnia whimsical. This is a thermophilic plant. It loves the sun very much, therefore, when planting seedlings in open ground, you should choose the hottest and sunniest place possible. It needs to be watered every day. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the buds. You also need to regularly remove weeds from the soil. If the moisture for this flower, by the way, is not enough, then it will die. Although these flowers reach a meter in height, they do not need a garter to a support, since their stems are strong and strong enough to support their own weight.

Zinnia propagates by sowing seeds, which are characterized by good germination. Even old seeds germinate well. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in warm water for a day. Seeds germinate and the first shoots appear after a few days. This plant does not tolerate picks, so the seeds should be sown immediately in peat pots.


Kosmeya is a favorite of many summer residents. She can decorate any garden. It refers to annual flowers that bloom all summer without seedlings. That is, it does not even need to be planted. It can be found in many suburban areas. It can grow up to a meter in height. The buds of this plant are usually painted in white, pink or blue colors. The leaves of cosmea have an openwork shape, very similar to dill and look quite beautiful.

In care, this annual plant is so unpretentious that even a beginner can handle it. You need to water once a week. Also once a week you need to weed these plants and remove weeds. Kosmeya does not need feeding, but additional fertilizer will not hurt her. It is important not to abuse the fertilizer in this matter, otherwise you can overfeed the plant, and it will die. Dried stems and inflorescences should be removed. Thus, their flowering is prolonged.

You need to propagate cosmea by planting seeds. You can sow seeds in open ground immediately after the snow melts. It is not worth deepening the seeds when sowing, two centimeters is enough. Cosmea reproduces by self-seeding. If in the first year of sowing the kosmeya took root on the site, then in subsequent years it is able to reproduce by self-sowing.


Gazania is an annual flowering plant with leaves and buds similar to chamomile. Buds can be colored yellow, orange and red. These flowering plants look beautiful both in beds and in flowerpots.

In care, such annual flowers for giving are unpretentious. To achieve good flowering, you need water the plant regularly and remove weeds. If you water it irregularly, then nothing terrible will happen, since the gazania is not afraid of drought. This flower is also unpretentious to the composition of the soil. This letnik grows even in infertile soil, for which it is often jokingly called a weed.

The seeds of this plant can be sown immediately in open ground in March. The soil must first be loosened and moistened. After sowing, one should not forget to cover the soil with glass in order to create a favorable atmosphere for seedlings. Gazania should be fed two weeks after the appearance of the first shoots.

Benefits of annual flowers

If we touch on the topic of the advantages of annual flowers, then it should be noted that they are unpretentious in care relative to perennials. When caring for these flowers, there is no need to constantly worry about how will the flowers winter. This is a big plus in favor of annuals. Another advantage is that, unlike perennials, the beds with which always look the same, you can arrange the composition in the garden in advance and every year such a bed will not look the same as a year ago.

There are annual flowers that tolerate the open sun perfectly, and there are those that love the shade and bloom only in the shade. And there are flowers that bloom only at night. And it should be noted that they all look incredibly beautiful and always pleasing to the eye.

Of the positive characteristics of annuals, the following can be distinguished:

  • there is no need to worry about how the flowers will overwinter;
  • such plants can decorate both flower beds and summer cottages;
  • annual flowers in care, as a rule, are unpretentious.

Annual plants and flowers

I am a young summer resident and prefer marigolds. These flowers are my favorite. In our country house, other different flowers are planted along with them. I will not enumerate. All annuals. As for the question, which flowers are better to plant in country beds, I must say that it is better to plant annual plants, since in this way it is possible every year diversify flower beds and plots.

Dmitry Zagorodny

Agree. I am already an old summer resident and also prefer annual plants. But I also love perennial flowers. They just need to be planted immediately at the "permanent place of residence". For example, rose bushes at the gate every year beautifully decorate the entrance to the dacha, and I don’t want to change them every year at all.

Mila Kharkova

I also have a cottage. I also love annual flowers. I like to decorate the summer cottage with flowers, and every year I am busy on the plot among the flower beds. And I must say that perennial flowers are boring. Over the years, they simply begin to callous their eyes and they want to be replaced with other colors. The annual plants devoid of this shortcoming. because they allow you to decorate your summer cottage in a different way every year.

Sergey Tkachov

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Colorful and bright flower beds always fill the garden with rich colors. Annual flowers for summer cottages are good because they allow you to create elegant picturesque and unique plant compositions every year, which act as a bright decoration of the site. Using such plants, you can update the appearance of your site every season, transforming the garden in accordance with your mood and taste preferences.

What flower beds are better to make from annual flowers

It is thanks to annuals that you can create a truly luxurious landscape on the site. Most often, they form flower beds, modular flower beds, etc.

The main advantage of flowering annuals is the ability to go through the entire vegetation cycle in just one season, pleasing the eye with rapid development and lush flowering throughout the summer.

Flower beds are plant compositions that have a certain shape and clear boundaries. Basically, flower beds are given traditional round, square and diamond shapes.

Ornamental arrangement of flower beds provides for the arrangement of elements of the composition in one plane. The main advantage of such flower beds is their mobility: containers can always be rearranged to more lit areas, decorating empty places on the recreation area, or, on the contrary, decorate quiet corners in the garden with them.

Modular flower beds are picturesque plant compositions, the design of which uses all kinds of containers

A feature of mixborders is the selection and arrangement of plants in such a way that as a result, multi-level compositions are formed in which, instead of flowering plants, others bloom.

What to look for when choosing plants?

When planning to supplement a perennial flower garden with several varieties of plants for one season, or wanting to create a flower bed entirely from annuals, a number of factors must be taken into account:

  • Flowering period. All annual garden flowers are famous for their long flowering, but still some of them ripen earlier and others later. Among the spring can be distinguished: pelargonium, begonia, petunia. Already from the beginning of June, zinnia, marigolds, marigolds and cornflowers will appear. And until late autumn, flower beds will be decorated with: aster, lavater, snapdragon and calendula.
  • Place of planting. When arranging a front garden, low and colorful marigolds, nasturtiums and cornflowers are perfect. A spectacular decoration of the fence or walls of the gazebo can be: decorative sweet peas, morning glory or curly beans. Geranium, begonia, petunia are well suited for planting in containers.
  • Palette. Choosing beautiful flowers for the garden, every gardener gets a great opportunity to paint his site in his favorite shades.

Annuals are sun loving plants. In all its glory, they appear only in a rich, sufficiently moist area, well lit by the sun's rays.

You can bring bright yellow colors to a blooming green garden by planting coreopsis, calceolaria, sunflower and snapdragons

You can dilute the composition with blue tones by planting Russell's eustoma, iberisolist brachycoma, cornflowers or bindweed

Bright touches of red are easy to add with the help of the beauty of salvia, balsam "lights" or terry "pompoms" of stock roses.

Beautiful flowering undersized annuals

Low-growing plants, whose height does not exceed 30 cm, against the background of taller "brothers" always look unusually elegant. Often they are planted as ground covers that successfully fill the "gaps" between clipped ornamental shrubs and rose bushes.

The lowest unpretentious annuals blooming all summer - Iberis, which forms snow-white "clouds" of inflorescences, pale blue nemophila, night violet with its unique aroma and unusually elegant dwarf viola

Lush “pillows” of ageratum will become a bright decoration or. The undersized plant forms dense flowering mats of various shades, starting from soft white, and ending with blue and even rich lilac.

Like sunbeams, sparkling with golden tints, compact marigold bushes with miniature flowers decorate the site from the first days of summer until late autumn.

Lovely heads of tiny daisies framed in pale green foliage or flowers of dwarf snapdragon varieties will decorate the borders along the garden path

Among the low, beautifully flowering and at the same time picky annuals, compact varieties of silver cellosia, phlox, ragwort, forget-me-not, and lobelia can be distinguished.

Medium-sized varieties of annual plants

Flowers up to 80 cm high are good not only for creating mixborders and flower beds, they often form the basis of discounts, parterres and other mixed flower beds. Therefore, when choosing plants for mixed compositions, it is important to select varieties that will be in harmony with other plantings in shape and color.

The range of medium-sized varieties is quite extensive, which allows you to create the most incredible compositions that will become a real "highlight" of the site.

Flower beds can be decorated with spherical inflorescences of verbena, bizarrely shaped flowers of antirrinum, scarlet poppy “caps”, or outlandish lilac spikelets of salvia

Among the medium-sized "brothers" that are popular with gardeners due to their extraordinary beauty and ease of care, one can distinguish: dimorphoteca, cosmea, eschollia, mattiola

When creating complex flower beds with annual plants, they fill empty spaces after faded bulbs or free spaces between conifers. Their seeds can be sown directly into the ground in a permanent place, but to get earlier flowering it is better to use the seedling method.

Tall varieties

Tall handsome men, reaching a height of 1.5 meters, look spectacular both in a solitary performance and in a group planting.

Dahlias, cochia, amaranth, fragrant tobacco and decorative corn will serve as an original addition to the mixborder. Some varieties of such plants require a garter to a support, which should be considered when choosing a place for planting a vending plant.

The center of any composition can be: aruncus with white paniculate inflorescences, or datura, decorated with snow-white flowers that look like a bell

For single plantings, which look most impressive against the backdrop of a bright green lawn, delphinium, castor oil and annual terry varieties of mallow are better suited.

Tall flowers fill the background in multi-level flower beds, they decorate the unsightly walls of buildings and are used as hedges.

Among the vast family of annual plants, there are even fast-growing ones that can decorate unsightly walls of outbuildings, fences and fences in just three to four months.

In areas where perennial vines are planted that still do not give the desired effect, planting sweet peas, foreign nasturtium, morning glory or ornamental beans will be an excellent help.

Annuals are versatile plants for landscaping and decorating the site. Even after cutting, the breeze, helichrysum, bristle, and gomphrena do not lose their decorative effect. Florist lovers use them to create winter bouquets.

For decorative design of garden plots, annual flowers that bloom all summer are in great demand. Their colors are brighter than those of perennials, allowing each season to diversify the flower beds with new colors.

Benefits of annual flowers

Many gardeners consider these plants ideal for growing in their gardens. With their help, you can create modular flower beds using a variety of flowerpots, mixed compositions from plants of different heights. Unpretentious annual flowers that bloom all summer do not require special care, they do not need to be prepared for wintering, worry that the plants may be subjected to the first frost. A variety of colors allows you to create the most amazingly beautiful compositions that decorate the site throughout the summer. An advantage is the ability to choose plants that are suitable for height. Many of them reproduce by self-sowing and produce more than one crop during the season.

Undersized varieties

These flowers look good up close and look especially attractive. They are used to decorate borders or borders when creating a flower bed. You can pick up undersized varieties of calendula, snapdragon, phlox, nasturtium. These annual flowers, blooming all summer, are suitable for decorating flower beds, as well as for creating a rock garden.

Ageratum. Forms dense inflorescences of white, blue or lilac. Prefers well-lit areas.

Viola. The height of the plant does not exceed 25 cm, and the flowers can have a wide variety of colors. Even with the onset of frost, it does not stop throwing out new flower stalks.

In the shade and in the sun, one of the shortest varieties, lobelia, feels great. It is planted in seedlings in early May, both in a flower bed and in containers of any size.

The flower garden in which there is a begonia looks beautiful. There are several dwarf varieties of this plant, whose height is from 15 to 20 cm.

Medium-sized varieties

Marigolds are annual flowers that bloom all summer. Without seedlings, they reproduce well even by self-sowing. They will decorate any garden, they are very unpretentious, they only need abundant watering. They are compact small bushes up to 30 cm in height.

Zinnia - considered by gardeners to be a lifesaver, due to the wide variety of varieties of very different colors. The flowers are similar to dahlias, they can be quite large - up to 12 cm in diameter. Seeds germinate very quickly, so seedlings are sown later than other varieties.

One of the most popular flowers is the petunia. Its small seeds are sown in February directly on the surface of the soil without backfill. Petunia does not have a high germination rate, so the amount of planting material should be several times higher than the norm.

Tall varieties

These beauties can look equally great both in single plantings and in a common flower bed. Some gardeners prefer to grow annual flowers that bloom all summer without seedlings. For them, amaranth is an ideal option. This is a real giant of almost three meters in height. Very effective thanks to its fluffy catkins and leaves of various shades. Seeds planted in open ground successfully take root and give excellent germination. This flower is also loved for the fact that after cutting it is preserved for a very long time.

Rudbeckia - these annual flowers, blooming all summer, attract the eye in any corner of the garden, wherever they are. Propagated by seeds, as well as dividing the bush. This picky plant requires only top dressing with mineral fertilizers 3 times during the summer. Under favorable conditions, it can grow up to 2 meters.

Castor oil. For its high growth and impressive size of the leaves, it is also called the Russian palm. In addition, these annual flowers, blooming all summer, feel great under the most sultry rays of the sun and do not tolerate the cold. When planting castor beans in a permanent place, you need to make sure that the gaps between seedlings are at least 1 meter. Good watering and drainage of the soil is all that this plant needs for normal growth.

Selection of annual flowers

In order for the flower garden to please the eye throughout the summer, you need to properly approach its layout and choice of plants, balancing them in terms of flowering time, height and some other features. Usually, low-growing flowers are placed around the flower bed, which act as a border, then medium-high ones follow, and the tallest plants are planted in the center.

For planting in containers, it is recommended to use petunias, geraniums, begonias and others as ampelous flowers. Weaving flowers, such as morning glory, nasturtium, curly beans, will help to decorate a gazebo, fence or arch. For the design of alpine slides, annual flowers that bloom all summer are great - verbena, snapdragons, brachikoma. Tall flowers look good as hedges near front gardens, fences or building walls.

flowering period

This is an important factor when choosing planting material for site design. Only taking into account the flowering time of each plant, you can create continuously flowering flower beds. Poppy, begonia, cornflowers, lavatera are the very first to bloom. Other plants bloom a little later, but these are annual flowers that bloom all summer. Their names are very familiar to everyone - aster, nasturtium, calendula. Curly petunia, marigolds, balsam, zinnia will decorate the garden plot for the longest time. They do not stop flowering until almost frost.

Annual flowers - planting and care

Most annuals are grown from seedlings or directly sown with seeds in the soil. In any case, you need to be sure of the quality of the planting material. Therefore, it is best to purchase seeds from well-known manufacturers who have already proven themselves in the flower market.

Before sowing, shallow grooves are made, no more than 2 cm, into which the seeds are planted at a short distance from each other. It is recommended to double their number by sowing annual flowers for a flower bed in open ground.

Plants that bloom all summer still need some care, despite their unpretentiousness. They need watering in hot and dry weather, as well as during the flowering period. The soil needs to be loosened if required, but it is best to mulch.

Top dressing is applied periodically. First, 2 weeks after transplanting, when 3-4 true leaves appear on the plants. The next dressing is applied when the buds are formed, then during flowering and after it. In the spring it should be organic fertilizers, and from the moment the plants begin to bloom - mineral.

Flowers that grow in containers need more frequent fertilization.

In order for the garden to be filled with colors from spring to autumn, the best option is to plant annual flowers that bloom all summer. Photos of all kinds of compositions that can be created with the help of bright annuals are simply amazing in their magnificence and diversity. It is only necessary to correctly approach this issue.

It is difficult to imagine a suburban area without flowering plants. Perennial and annual garden flowers are an excellent material for decorating the territory, and all kinds of flower beds, flowerbeds, mixborders and rock gardens are actively used in landscape design.

Benefits of Annual Plants

Annual flowers are those whose life lasts one warm season, as well as perennialsthat do not tolerate our harsh winters. Sometimes this group also includes biennials (representatives of the flora that bloom in the second year after planting). So what are the benefits of these colors?

    • One of the most important advantages of annuals is their diversity. There are hundreds of species and thousands of varieties of these plants that will satisfy the most demanding taste and will be able to solve a variety of tasks in the design of the site.

    • Annual flowers are often more hardy and unpretentious compared to perennial relatives.
    • The use of annual plants in landscaping makes it possible to create new compositions every year.
    • Annuals bloom much longer and brighter than perennial relatives, and due to their diversity, it is much easier to find "material" for continuous flowering beds.
    • With the help of annuals, you can create the correct geometric patterns, and any pattern on the flower bed will look neater - because, unlike perennials, these plants practically do not grow and do not win space from their neighbors.

What compositions are created from annual flowers

Annual plants are suitable for almost all types of flower beds, it is thanks to them that the greatest brightness and harmony of the composition is achieved.

  • Modular flower garden - a composition of several types of annuals planted in containers. As a rule, such landings have regular geometric shapes, but there are exceptions. Most of all, modular flower beds, located horizontally, are suitable for regular gardens, and vertically directed ones are a real flight of fancy, here you can experiment with the shape of the containers, and with the arrangement methods, and, of course, with the color scheme of plants.

Mixborder of annual plants

  • A mixborder of annual plants is a very spectacular landscape composition, here it is important to choose the right flowers in height and plant them in groups.
  • A flower bed is perhaps the most popular composition, which can be both regular and spontaneous. Annual garden flowers here can be a great addition to the already growing perennial representatives of the flora, or be the basis. The creation of such a flower garden is limited only by imagination and the available free space.
  • Borders and annual borders are also quite common. They are organized along garden paths or fences, other compositions or structures are decorated with strips of undersized plants. When creating such a flower garden, they are limited to one or two species.

Borders and borders from annuals

The color palette is a key point when creating a flower garden and depends on personal preferences. Among the variety of annual plants, you can choose species and varieties that meet any request.

  • It is interesting to look flowerbeds, selected from different shades of the same color, for example, in pink or blue tones. A good addition here are plants with white flowers.

  • A continuously blooming flower bed in yellow tones will bring a sunny mood to any corner of the garden.
  • Flower garden in the "rustic" style - a bright classic summer cottages. The main thing here is to correctly select the shades so as not to get too colorful composition, from which the eyes will get tired.

Light requirements

When choosing species for a flower garden, it is important to take into account their requirements for growing conditions, such as soil composition, necessary humidity and lighting. If the first two factors can be “adjusted” to any flower, then nothing can be done with the amount of light - it remains only to select exactly those varieties that will grow at this level of illumination.

The easiest way is if the flower garden is located in a sunny place or in diffused lighting, because most annual garden flowers are light-loving plants and open in all their glory only with enough sun.

With flower beds in the shade, the situation is more complicated, but even here there is plenty to choose from. Some types of flowers are shade-tolerant and can grow both in the sun and in partial shade. So, shade-tolerant and shade-loving annuals:

    • diascia;
    • fragrant tobacco;
    • lobelia;
    • begonia ever flowering;
    • balsam.

diascia Fragrant tobacco Balsam

plant height

The size of plants is an important parameter that must be taken into account when drawing up a plan for a flower garden and choosing its "tenants".

Undersized species and varieties

Plants whose height does not exceed 30-40 cm are considered undersized. This is the main material for filling flower beds and creating borders. Low flowers occupy the foreground, planted as a background or frame, they can also be seen on alpine slides and in rockeries.

Iberis- a strongly branched plant 25-40 cm high, its stems are erect and densely strewn with dark green small leaves. Flowers collected in inflorescences-umbrellas, which can be white, pink or lilac in color, appear in the second half of summer and densely cover the bush, forming an almost continuous carpet. Iberis prefers sunny places with sandy or rocky soil, is drought-resistant and does not tolerate stagnant moisture. This flower is best planted by direct sowing in the ground.

Lobelia has forms with both erect and ampelous stems 15-45 cm high. Its numerous branches are covered with small nondescript leaves, in the axils of which medium-sized, only 1-2 in diameter, flowers appear. The color of flowers can be white, pink, blue, dark blue or lilac. This plant prefers light soil and sufficient moisture, heat and drought can lead to the cessation of flowering. Lobelia is sown early for seedlings, as it grows and develops slowly.

Nemophila has semi-recumbent branched stems that rise above the ground by a maximum of 20 cm. Its leaves are pinnately dissected and covered with pile. Flowers similar to large bells can be white, purple, blue. Some varieties have a dark blue "eye" inside the flower. Nemophila loves high humidity and loose soil, and is grown in seedlings.


medium height

Medium-sized flowers have a height of 40 to 80 cm, and their place is the middle and background of a flower bed or mixborder.

Calendula- a plant reaching a height of 30-60 cm, with a strong stem and lanceolate leaves. Its flowers-baskets are quite large, 5-7 cm in diameter, and can be simple, double and semi-double, the color varies from cream to orange. Several inflorescences can be located on one stem. This flower is unpretentious, tolerates drought and small negative temperatures. Calendula is propagated by direct sowing in the ground.


Poppy- an annual with oval or slightly pointed leaves at the ends and pubescent stems. Flowers are located on peduncles singly and can reach a diameter of 7-8 cm. Their color is usually scarlet, but there are varieties with white, yellow and even purple petals. It is unpretentious and can grow on any soil. It is sown directly into the ground, including before winter.

Snapdragon- a flower whose parameters vary depending on the variety. The stem can be single or branched, the color of the leaves varies from light to dark green, and the growth of the entire bush is from 10 to 70 cm. The color of the columnar inflorescences can also be different, there are varieties with white, pink, raspberry, burgundy and dark red flowers. This plant prefers light soil and moderate watering, and is grown in seedlings.



These are large flowers, whose height exceeds 80-100 cm. They are planted in the background of flower beds, as well as along fences and buildings.

Decorative sunflower, like its oilseed counterpart, can grow up to 3 m in height. Inflorescences-baskets, terry or simple, have petals of different shades of yellow, red and orange and reach a diameter of 10 to 30 cm. This is an indispensable annual for the garden in the strength of "country". It is unpretentious, and propagated by direct sowing in the ground.

Amaranth- a plant with powerful stems up to 1.5 m high. Its leaves are large and can be either green or purple. The flowers are small and collected in drooping inflorescences of crimson or red. This annual prefers nutritious neutral soils, does not tolerate waterlogging at all and is afraid of cold weather.

Flowering time

The timing of flowering also plays an important role, because knowing them, you can choose exactly those annuals that will serve as a garden decoration for the longest time. Annual flowers blooming all summer are a fairly large group, and some of its representatives are described below.

Annuals that bloom all summer

Fragrant tobacco- a modest small plant with lanceolate leaves and star-shaped flowers that have a wonderful aroma. Flower color can be white, yellow or pink. Tobacco prefers fertile soil and moderate watering. It is propagated through seedlings.

Zinnia has many varieties that differ in height, shape and color of flowers. There are varieties with double, semi-double, simple and complex inflorescences. Coloring is also varied and can be all shades of red, orange and yellow. In general, zinnia requires regular watering, good lighting, and wind protection. Grow it through seedlings.

diascia- a low strongly branching annual with shiny bright green leaves of a lanceolate shape. Flowers resembling shells are located at the ends of the shoots and can be colored in all shades of pink. Diascia can grow on any soil, as long as there is no stagnant moisture. It is propagated by direct sowing in the ground.

Marigold- a popular annual, the inflorescences of which are painted in all shades of yellow and orange. Depending on the variety, the growth of the bush ranges from 20 to 100 cm. This flower is unpretentious, and it can be sown directly into the ground.

Verbena- a plant, one stem of which turns into a whole bouquet. Its primrose-like flowers are collected in thyroid inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm and can have a variety of colors: white, pink, red, purple. There are also varieties with two-color buds. Verbena is unpretentious, but categorically does not tolerate organic fertilizers. Grow it through seedlings.

Petunia- Another popular annual. Depending on the variety, its bushes are strewn with small and numerous flowers, or a small number of bright and large ones. The plant is quite capricious, it needs fertile soil and moderate watering. Large-flowered forms lose their decorative effect due to rains.

autumn annuals

Aster, or Callistephus sinensis- a well-known annual, of which there are thousands of varieties. Pretty unpretentious flower, which can be grown both through seedlings and by sowing in the ground before winter.

Ageratum- an unusual annual with triangular, rhombic or rounded leaves and loose inflorescences of fragrant flowers, white, lilac or blue colors. Blooms until frost.

Aster, or Chinese Callistephus Ageratum

Growing annual plants

Annual garden flowers are grown by direct sowing of seeds in the ground or through seedlings. The second method takes much more time and effort, but allows you to get stronger specimens. In addition, such plants bloom much earlier than planted immediately in the ground.

Annuals from seedlings

When receiving flowers in this way, it is important to observe the planting dates, which depend on the region. The slowest growing species begin to be sown in February-March, and the fastest growing ones can be planted in mid-April.

  • Soil for seedlings should be light and nutritious enough, it can be purchased at garden stores or prepared independently.
  • Seeds before planting are recommended to be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and treated with growth stimulants - this allows you to protect the plant from diseases.
  • Depending on the size, the seeds are planted at a shallow depth or on the surface of the soil.
  • The containers are covered with cling film, which is periodically lifted to ventilate, otherwise mold may start.
  • Very small seeds can be mixed with coarse sand for a more uniform planting.

After the appearance of the entrances, the film is removed, and the boxes with sprouts are transferred to a brighter place. And after the formation of several pairs of true leaves, the sprouts are planted in separate containers of 1-3 pieces, where they grow up to planting in the ground.

Seedlings will be strong if fertilized every week. The first top dressing is carried out 7-10 days after picking - the plant is watered with a diluted solution of complex mineral fertilizers.

Seedlings are planted in open ground with the onset of heat, depending on the region. Cold-resistant species can be sent outside in early to mid-May, but heat-loving plants are planted no earlier than the end of May - the beginning of June.

seedless way

Not all plants tolerate transplanting, and it is not always advisable to grow seedlings. In such cases, apply landing immediately to a permanent place.

They do this, as a rule, in early to mid-May, when the soil has already warmed up enough and unexpected cold will not destroy the seedlings. Heat-loving species are best planted in the second half of the month.

Seeds are sown in holes in several pieces (the distance between the holes is maintained according to the recommendations for this species), and sprinkled with light soil. The shoots that have appeared are thinned out after the appearance of several pairs of true leaves so that 1-2 of the strongest sprouts remain in the “nest”.

Cold-resistant annuals can be sown before winter, in already frozen ground.

Annual garden flowers are unpretentious, but in order to obtain full flowering, several conditions must be observed:

  • Do not plant specimens too closely, this negatively affects the development of plants, and, accordingly, the quality of flowering.

  • Watering should be regular, but on hot days it is better to transfer the “water procedures” to the evening or morning.
  • Some annuals (for example, large-flowered varieties of petunias) lose their decorative effect when water gets on them, so they can only be watered under the root.
  • Fertilizers are required for annuals only in the period before flowering. Wood ash and complex fertilizers for flowering plants are used as dressings.
  • Withered flowers must be removed, this allows you to keep the decorative effect longer and avoid self-seeding. After all the flowers have faded, the plant can be removed from the flower bed and a new one planted in its place.

Everyone wants their site to look beautiful. Green spaces, of course, are pleasing to the eye, but, you see, the bright spots of flower beds cheer up even more, especially on cloudy days.

If you want your site to delight you with bright rich colors for many months, plant flower crops on its territory.

And spring is the perfect time for that.

Ways to plant flowers in spring

There are three options for planting flower crops in open ground:

1. seedlings - seedling method;

2. seeds - seedless;

3. tubers, rhizomes - planting as a result of the division of perennials.

seedling method

Of all the options listed, seedlings are the most expensive and time-consuming, but the results are worth it. The advantages of this method are that the plants bloom earlier and longer. There are flowers that can only be grown by the seedling method, in particular crops with small seeds: viola, etc.

Seeds are sown for seedlings from January to April, the specific period depends on the length of the growing season of a particular species. Sowing dates are usually written on bags of seeds.

For growing seedlings, any universal soil mixture is used, either forest or garden soil, which is previously disinfected from weeds and pests. All seedling containers are also disinfected before use.

Seeds are sown in shallow boxes and covered with foil or glass. Germination occurs at a temperature of 20-24°C, they do not need lighting at this stage. From time to time, crops are watered and ventilated.

When shoots appear, the box is transferred to a bright place, in some cases additional lamp lighting may be needed. The temperature at this stage of development is 16-18°C.

When the first true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted (dive) into small containers (cups) for better development of the root system. It is planted outdoors when the threat of frost has passed, around mid-May.

seedless way

Those who want to create a flower garden on the site, making a minimum of effort and cost, choose the seedless method. I threw a seed into the ground, watered it, it grew, and there were no problems with seedlings.

However, only frost-resistant plants can be grown in this way. And some crops do not tolerate transplants at all, so they are grown exclusively in a seedless way. For example: cosmea, cornflowers, gypsophila, nasturtium, mignonette and others.

The exact timing of sowing in open ground primarily depends on the local climate and the current weather.

Timing is also affected by the length of the growing season. For example, cold-resistant crops with a long growing season are sown early (approximately in mid-April). And for heat-loving crops with a short growing season, late sowing is used (from about mid-May to early autumn).

Sow the seeds in prepared soil. Grooves are made for small seeds, nests for large ones. The planting depth of the seed should be equal to the sum of 2-3 of its diameters. And the distance between the seeds is not less than 1 cm.

Then the crops are thinned several times. The first time - when the first real leaves appear, 5 cm are left between the seedlings. They are thinned again 10 days after the first, but the distance is already left longer - 10 cm between small plants, 30-40 cm between large ones.

Flowers can be grown from seedlings or sown from seeds directly into open ground. With the seedling method, earlier flowering of crops occurs, but the seedless method is less laborious, therefore it is very popular among gardeners.

Perennials are planted immediately in the ground, many types of annuals that have a not too long period of time from planting to flowering, as well as plants that do not tolerate transplantation - poppies, nasturtium, escholzia, morning glory, mattiola, lupine, cornflowers, kosmeya, etc.

The timing of spring planting depends on the climatic zone, on average, seeds are sown from April to the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed.

In mid-April, seeds of alissum, escholcia, sweet pea, flax, calendula, matthiola, poppies, godetia, fragrant mignonette, ornamental grasses can be sown in open ground.

Already in late April - early May, delphiniums, various types of carnations, annual phloxes, nasturtium, gypsophila, asters, various varieties of marigolds, purslane are planted.

At the end of May, crops are planted that germinate at high temperatures - morning glory, daisies, forget-me-nots, pansies.

Seeds of some flowers (asters, cornflowers, lavender, cochia, cosmea, lavater, delphinium, yarrow, etc.) can be planted in the fall, before the first frosts. This method allows you to go through natural hardening and stratification, as well as get earlier flowering.

Soil preparation

Before planting, the soil must be dug up and fertilized. Heavy soil (clay, loam) is dug up just before sowing crops, as it tends to compact very quickly. In such soils, it is good to add compost, peat or sawdust (in autumn) to improve their structure. In loose and light fertile soils, the seeds germinate well and amicably, due to this, earlier flowering of plants occurs.

Planting seeds in the ground

Flower seeds can be pre-soaked in a solution of special preparations - growth stimulants. Such treatment will allow them not only to sprout faster, but also improve resistance to diseases, and also accelerate the further development of seedlings.

Too small seeds are sown dry. For a more even distribution over the surface, they are sometimes mixed with sand.

Wet soil is pre-leveled with a rake, then the seeds are sown in special grooves, or scattered and sprinkled with a layer of soil. Too large seeds are planted in separate holes (nests). The depth of planting depends on the type of plant, but according to the general rules, it is equal to twice the diameter of the seed. Then they are covered with a layer of soil and watered if necessary.

The seeds of some plants - purslane, petunia, etc. tend to germinate only in the light, so they are evenly scattered over the surface and not sprinkled, but only slightly pressed down to the ground.

Before the first shoots sprout, the soil must always be kept moist. To reduce moisture loss, you can cover the surface of the soil, before the first shoots appear, with a film.