How to quickly make repairs in an apartment. Cheap but stylish renovation of a small apartment

"Yes, so that repairs in your apartment do not end!" - a passer-by throws over his shoulder and leaves home. And you stand and think: “And what is he? Did you wish for wealth or, on the contrary, ... overlaid it? " Indeed, the issue of repairs is not a pleasant business for the average citizen. With today's prices for materials and services, construction Jedi will have to fork out seriously. And how much time and nerves you will have to spend, and even live in a ruined apartment! You will not wish on the enemy. But repair is a vital necessity, and sooner or later you will have to face it anyway. Some craftsmen, even in a crisis, still manage to make apartment renovations with their own hands quickly and inexpensively. But how do they do it?

In fact, the renovation is not so terrible as the attitude towards it. If you are a resourceful, sociable person and know what a grinder, drill and trowel are, chances are high that you will succeed. We will devote this article to more than just how to choose cheap wallpaper or dilute glue for them yourself. We will share with you some interesting ideas and findings that will help you make a completely worthy apartment renovation with your own hands quickly and inexpensively.

Lying on the couch

A piece of whitewash fell off the ceiling and flopped right onto the bed? Then one thing is clear: there will be repairs! And this means that some amount of money must be collected, and then ruthlessly spent on materials. Therefore, start procrastinating now. There is no need to plan repairs immediately: "I'll start right tomorrow." Take a few months time out - you will really need them. So you will collect some money, and you will get along with everything you need, and most importantly - clearly understand for yourself what you really need to replace, paint, glue or remove. Do-it-yourself apartment renovation, done in a hurry, will certainly bring its unhealthy fruits: it has peeled off, it has flowed, something is missing here, and this is why it is not clear. In the meantime, start small, but the main thing - with a plan.

Plan + goal = result

Get a small notebook. In it you will write down all ideas, prices and phone numbers of stores or specialists. But the main thing is that it will contain a plan for your repair and an expense estimate. The plan needs to reflect all your wishes: on plastic, a suspended ceiling or just whitewashing, new tiles in the bathroom, wallpapering or a couple of new sockets in the kitchen. Write exactly what you want. If you have decided on a wallpaper, it means wallpaper; if you want decorative plaster, then so be it. The pipes are buzzing - replace, the chipped toilet bowl - throw it away. You may think that based on your desires, do-it-yourself apartment renovation will not work quickly and inexpensively. But you probably do not know this, but only drive yourself into a frame. It will turn out - you will, if not - not a great loss, it's just a note in a notebook. Next, get down to the estimate: what exactly do you need and in what quantity. How many meters of tiles, grout, bags of putty, wallpaper, chipboard and other things. You can always correct these entries.

To find out what kind of materials, what quality and prices you need, go to online stores and construction forums for help. Carefully study the characteristics and pricing policy, approximately calculate the expense. And at the same time, figure out how to change the faucet yourself, glue the wallpaper or install drywall. Determine for yourself: I can do it myself, but here you need to look for an electrician or plumber. Write it down.

Friends and comrades, or an ode to the instrument

A construction tool costs a lot of money, so it's better not to spend money on it. As an option - to rent it for a while, it is rented everywhere. And it will be even better if you borrow it from acquaintances, friends or relatives. And be sure to thank the person for their help. How? You know better. Take this opportunity to ask if they can help you with finishing the apartment. Especially if your friends are familiar with the construction certificate. It will also help to make do-it-yourself apartment renovation quickly and inexpensively, and even with high quality. And surely your friend will make a significant discount from old memory.

How to buy for free

There are many options. To begin with, remember: it is better to buy materials for apartment renovation in the cold season - the price is much lower. But summer is the construction season. In winter, you can stumble upon a 50% discount or a "Buy 2, and 3 - as a gift" promotion in building markets! So you can buy the same wallpaper at a low price, but of a much better look and quality. And if they lie for a couple of months in a dry pantry or closet, then nothing will happen to them.

Explore local forums, especially if you live in a large city. There you will probably find many people who have already done an inexpensive apartment renovation with their own hands. Photos of finishes, tips, addresses and phone numbers of specialists you will probably find in the same place. And also stumble upon the heading "repairs" and "leftovers". Periodically review who is selling or giving away what is interesting. People often have materials after repairs that no one will buy at the selling price, but it is a pity to throw them away. So, you can buy a couple of bags of putty or even Spanish tiles for a ridiculous price. The person has an extra 2-3 meters left, there is nowhere to put them, but the toilet will be fine for you. There you can also find the remains of a cable or grout "for a chocolate".

More impressive people, settling in new buildings, often change brand new plumbing fixtures or PVC windows for more expensive ones, and these are given for next to nothing. Why? Because they want "Rehau" or "only France", and even such a window will do for you. Everything is better than the old wooden one. When you get rich, buy yourself a Rehau.

Barter is power!

All is fair in war. And even more so if you started an inexpensive apartment renovation with your own hands. By the way, do not forget to take a photo "before" and "after" (just for memory). Each of us is a specialist in something. For example, you are a car mechanic, and your neighbor often goes on business trips and makes expensive repairs for people. But he has not been able to assemble his car for a month already. Or maybe he knocked off his feet, dashing around law offices, and you, as luck would have it, are a lawyer. Help the person with the lawsuit, and he will help you lay the tiles or deal with the electrician. Let in the evenings or on weekends - as convenient. The main thing is that it will come out for him and completely for nothing, and you will get an inexpensive apartment renovation with your own hands. Well, or almost their own.

We do not litter

Today you have to pay not only when you buy, but also when you throw it away. Have you redeveloped, and you ended up with a lot of broken stone and other debris? To order a car for pick-up? Stop! Go to the same forum and advertise: “I'll give away construction waste for free! Self-pickup ". Enter your phone number and address. They will come, load and take away. Where to? Someone is building a house, and rubble is needed, but it costs money. Your garbage will completely replace it, and most importantly - for nothing. Yes, and you are a good help and another piece of advice in the piggy bank "how to make repairs in an apartment with your own hands cheaper."

Changing the old toilet and sink, and where do you plan to dispose of them? If the whole and quite working, write on the forum: “I will give it to builders. Self-pickup ". Not only do you want to renovate your apartment quickly and inexpensively. Demand a chocolate bar.

The new is the well-forgotten old

It is expensive to buy a new bath today, and it is irrational to change real cast iron for brittle acrylic. But what if your font is frankly yellow and has colorful streaks? Therefore, it will not be possible to make repairs in the apartment inexpensively? With your own hands, you can return the bath to its original whiteness! Don't believe me? Go to the store. Buy 5-10 packets of citric acid and durable rubber gloves. Take the family for a walk and get busy. Pour 5 bags of acid with a liter of boiling water and coat the bathtub and sink with this solution (work only with gloves). Leave for 20 minutes, and then wash well. Your bathtub will be as good as new! Don't like the result? Repeat one more time. If it fails this time, then the bath will have to be painted. Fortunately, they sell a huge amount of bath paints, and it's easy to work with them.

Sleight of hand and no fraud

Well, here are some tips on how to make repairs in an apartment with your own hands cheap and cheerful. Following such a simple tactic, by the time of the planned renovation, you will have collected the required amount of money, and even be able to stock up on the necessary materials at the most convenient price. Or maybe you will already have time to complete some work. Now all that remains is to buy the missing material and complete the planned on the appointed day.

If you re-read your first page of the notebook marked "plans", you will be clearly surprised. It turns out that what seemed too heavy initially, you can easily master without extra investment. And if something did not work out for you, do not be discouraged. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the repair cannot be completed, it can only be suspended.

Renovation in the apartment is necessary not only in order to replace the outdated cladding with a new one, but also in order to create better comfort for living. New design and high-quality repairs can get out of any depression, but there are not always a lot of financial resources for repairs. Consider how to make cheap repairs in an apartment.

We plan the estimated costs

The purchase of the necessary materials and tools for work is the main consumable item. In order to start purchasing, it is necessary that a repair plan has already been drawn up. It is important that you have a rough idea of ​​the financial costs required to complete the repair, because the budget should be sufficient for all stages of work.

After calculating your budget, make sure that you have enough funds to purchase all the necessary materials, rent or purchase tools, as well as elements of the arrangement of utilities. If this item is calculated incorrectly, then the money may run out when the repair is still in progress.

When drawing up a repair plan, it is necessary to indicate the sequence of preparation of the premises, redevelopment, decoration, and so on. Follow your plan exactly, on the basis of which the estimate will be made. The estimate indicates the entire range of work required for each room, as well as the amount of materials, devices and tools. It is advisable, after the calculations, to add 25% to the planned calculations for unforeseen expenses, this will help secure the process from force majeure situations, for example, from a price jump.

When purchasing materials and tools, be sure to visit several stores to compare prices and choose the best option, be interested in the availability of promotions that can greatly save your budget.

Preparatory work

There are two ways to make an inexpensive repair: the whole process is completely done by hand, or you can only do the preparation yourself, and invite specialists for the main work. The advantage of the first method is in the price, since doing everything with your own hands is cheaper than with the help of professionals. But in this case, you must have some experience and skills in construction work. For example, if you plan to decorate the walls with textured plaster, then this technology is not easy for a beginner, and repairing mistakes does not forgive.

What can everyone do on their own? Without the help of specialists, you can dismantle plumbing, remove old finishes and other coatings, remove sockets and switches, remove shelves, and so on. But for the main repair work that requires a professional approach, you can invite specialists.

The main ways to save money on repairs

Asking the question of how to make inexpensive repairs in an apartment, many believe that you can save only on the services of specialists and materials. But in fact, there are much more secrets of inexpensive repairs.

  1. Start renovation during the "off" season - in winter. During this time, it is possible to hire skilled workers who have few orders in the winter, at a lower cost than they work in the height of summer. The discount can sometimes even reach 40%! But it is also worth considering the fact that winter climatic conditions are unfavorable for construction and repair work and that is why most people organize repairs in summer.
  2. You can save money if, instead of imported materials, you choose not less high-quality, but cheaper domestic counterparts. Imported materials do not always meet expectations, but are much more expensive than the materials of our production.
  3. Most of the repair costs are materials. If, instead of vinyl wallpaper, you take paper, which now can be no less beautiful, then you can sometimes even save 2-3 times on wall decoration. But instead of a plasterboard ceiling or a suspended ceiling, you can use special paint, which will cost you much less. Of course, in cases where it is necessary to level the ceiling, it is still better not to save money and make the ceiling out of plasterboard.
  4. Sometimes the services of specialists are more expensive than the materials with which they work, therefore, before choosing a team for repair, look through several offers and do not rush to grab the first specialists that come across.
  5. For an inexpensive kitchen renovation, you can use fiberglass wallpaper or vinyl wallpaper, best glued to the ceiling, and tiled the backsplash area. But with the aim of even greater savings, you can replace the tiles with plastic panels with a tiled pattern, the working area can be pasted over with self-adhesive film.
  6. If there is no money for expensive tiles in the bathroom, then the walls in this room can be finished with acrylic paint or washable vinyl wallpaper. Also, plastic wall panels for the bathroom look very aesthetically pleasing, which, for all that, are inexpensive.

Features of inexpensive wall renovation

Inexpensive repairs in an apartment do not mean poor-quality repairs. It is easiest to update walls at an inexpensive price in the corridor, because there are no plumbing and engineering systems. For uneven walls, putty and primer are required, so you can hide all the depressions and irregularities.

A more stylish decor for the corridor can be paper or vinyl wallpaper, which can be trimmed with contrasting inserts or other decor. It is not even necessary to buy branded wallpaper glue, because you can make it yourself from starch and wheat flour. Such glue must be boiled, and it is recommended to use it only if you are sure of the correct preparation of the adhesive composition, otherwise the wallpaper may fall off and the repair will have to be done again.

For renovations in a rented apartment, there is no desire to lay out a large budget, so the ideal option to refresh the walls in such an apartment is painting. These walls will be clean and tidy until the move. If the walls are well prepared, that is, primed, then using a spray gun and water-based or acrylic paint, you can make the perfect wall surface. For the bathroom and kitchen of a rented apartment, you can use oil or enamel paint, which at the same time can be used to paint the batteries, if there is such a need.

For inexpensive repairs in your own apartment, you can also fork out for wall panels, which are plastic, wood and cork. Sometimes high-quality plastic wall panels so successfully imitate various expensive materials (natural wood, marble, and so on) that an ordinary layman at first glance cannot distinguish such walls from walls from expensive finishes. Moreover, the plastic will serve you until the time when you can carry out the "renovation".

Inexpensive flooring

The cheapest way is to repair the floor, but if there is a need to replace the worn-out coating, then you can use linoleum. This is one of the most inexpensive and practical floor coverings, but it also has expensive cousins: linoleum with a warm backing or natural linoleum. But linoleum in its traditional version is inexpensive.

It is very easy to clean floors of this type, and if you want to insulate linoleum, then you can spread a rug on top.

Even cheap linoleum has a lot of advantages: it can be used in any type of premises, it is unpretentious in maintenance, wear-resistant, easy to install and clean. And if it loses its appearance over time, then few people know that it can be refreshed with oil or acrylic paint. But this is only if there is absolutely no money for a new floor covering, but you want to make repairs. PVC tiles are also a good alternative to linoleum, they are moisture resistant, look good and are inexpensive.

Floor preparation for marmolenum is almost never required (in 90% of cases). You will have to use tiles for the bathroom, since marmoleum is not suitable here. The good news is that the bathroom usually has a small square, so very few tiles are required here. For a bathroom as a floor finish, you can use laminated hardboard, which is a hygroscopic material that does not require preliminary surface preparation.

Cheap and beautiful ceiling

If you need to make cheap repairs, then you don't even have to think about a suspended or stretch ceiling. For an inexpensive ceiling, there is no better alternative than paint, just choose a special ceiling paint. Since the ceiling is sometimes called the "fifth wall", the finishing of this surface can be the same: leveling with putty, primer and painting.

You can also paste over the ceiling with wallpaper, but this is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. You can choose wallpaper for the ceiling with an interesting pattern, which will help to visually make the room higher. Wallpaper with an interesting design can be chosen even from among inexpensive ones. For finishing the ceiling, you can also use decorative panels made of plastic, chipboard or fiberboard. It is worth noting that such panels are finished with a decorative film that can imitate any of the most expensive finishing materials.

We make repairs ourselves

Inexpensive repairs can be like this only if you do it yourself, because the wrong decision would be to save on materials, but spend a lot of money on the work of specialists. Unfortunately, not everyone can do all the repair stages on their own without the help of professionals, because many types of finishing work require appropriate skills. In this case, you can use the services of home-grown builders who work for themselves, and not for a reputable construction company.

Most of these specialists have quite a lot of work experience, relevant skills and recommendations, so you can learn about such workers from your friends who have already used their services.

The main thing is to draw up a contract indicating the terms and types of work.

Where is it difficult to save money on repairs, and where is it possible

Any repair, regardless of whether it is expensive or not, must be carried out on a quality basis. It is necessary to have a flat floor, smooth walls and 90 degree angles. The unevenness of the walls will mean that, due to the loose abutment of the baseboards to the walls, a gap will be visible, which will ruin the appearance. If the angles of your walls differ from 90 degrees, then this problem will become acute when installing cabinet corner furniture. In turn, a curved floor will not be able to provide stability to cabinets and other furniture. Therefore, you cannot save time or money on creating a high-quality base for repairs.

In addition, if your repair involves installing a stretch ceiling, pouring floors or decorative plastering of walls, then this work should be done only by specialists. Having saved once, you risk losing a large amount on reworking repairs and correcting errors.
You should not save on laying pipes in an apartment or wires. Engineering communications must be of high quality and installed by specialists. As for finishing works, even the most expensive decorative finishing will look ugly if it is laid out crookedly or with gaps.

The only stage of repair, in which it will be very difficult to cope on your own, is the rework of the electrical wiring. For those who want to save money here too, there is a way out - negotiate with an electrician who maintains your house, but he will be able to do the work only in his free time. Such a master is unlikely to be a joke, since he will have to serve your apartment in the future. It is better not to save on the wiring itself, since your safety will depend on its quality. But sockets with the same purpose of saving can be installed independently.

Repair tools, if you do not have them, you will have to buy or rent. But a more economical option is to ask neighbors or acquaintances. A list of the necessary tools should be drawn up in advance so that in the midst of the repair itself you will not be left without tools at hand.

Windows and doors

It is possible to obtain high-quality heat and sound insulation of a room only with the installation of modern metal-plastic windows, therefore, it is not recommended to save in this regard. But to make the installation of windows more profitable at a price, you can ask about the availability of shares for window installation, which sometimes generously provide companies in the constant struggle with competitors. Sometimes you can save up to 20% on the cost of windows.

Also, you cannot save on entrance doors and locks, because your safety and the safety of your property largely depend on this. Only strong and reliable entrance doors can provide an atmosphere of comfort and safety for residents. Metal doors with several secure locks are the best option. Today, manufacturers allow you to choose a door with any sound or heat-insulating fillers, fire-resistant, heavy-duty doors, so you can choose the appropriate option.

Why go to construction sales?

Since the bulk of the cost of repairs falls on the materials, in order to maximize savings, you can visit construction sales. Since all finishing materials have a limited lifespan, construction companies that produce these materials sell products at a bargain price at the end of the season, so you should look at such ads in advance.

How to save money on plumbing?

With self-economical repairs, it is not always possible to allocate finances for expensive plumbing today, so if the plumbing fixtures just look bad, then they can be cleaned or even painted. But if the plumbing has already cracked, then only a replacement remains. You can also save money on the removal of construction waste if you organize it yourself.

Laminate sheathing is considered a very economical option for decorating the walls of residential premises. If the owners are a little wealthier, then you can use a more expensive MDF. Large labor and financial costs exclude the fact that when cladding on a wooden crate from a slab, it is not necessary to level the walls. To save even more, you can sheathe the walls to the chest or even to the waist, and paste over the rest of the non-woven wallpaper.

    We will come to evaluate the work for free

    And the next day we will send a detailed estimate. It is free and non-binding.

    Materials at wholesale prices

    We will buy high-quality roughing and finishing materials at the best price in Moscow!

    Complete control of repairs

    The personal foreman communicates with the foreman every day and comes to check the work in person 2-3 times a week.

Price from 75 000 ₽

Draft materials at wholesale prices
until the end of February!

When signing a contract before the end of February for any repairs, we provide the purchase of building materials at wholesale prices from the Petrovich trading house. Save up to 20% on building materials with PBT!

Repair work in an apartment always requires spending not only time, but also finance. The repair includes two items of expenditure - the services of craftsmen and building materials. Contact the RVT-Moscow company and order a budget apartment renovation in Moscow. Our services cost an order of magnitude less than other companies. At the same time, you are guaranteed to receive professional service and an impeccable result that meets all Russian and international standards and regulations.

Inexpensive redecoration 71,704 p. View estimate

What is included:

  • Priming all surfaces
  • Laying tiles on walls and floors
  • Wallpaper gluing
  • Laying linoleum
  • Installation of skirting boards
  • Ceiling painting
  • Replacing the bathroom, sink, toilet

Apartment renovation (cosmetic)
Name of works Quantity Price per one. total cost
Combined bathroom
Priming of walls, floors (full cycle) 16 m2 100 1600
Laying wall tiles (st / sizes) 13.5 m2 900 12150
Laying floor tiles 2.5 m2 1300 3250
Grouting: walls, floor 16 m2 150 2400
Installation of PVC ceiling 1 PC 2000 2000
Installation of ceiling luminaires 4 things 250 1000
Bath installation (steel) 1 PC 2500 2500
Sink assembly 1 PC 1200 1200
Installation of a GKL box on KhGV pipes 1 PC 2000 2000
Installing a standard toilet 1 PC 2000 2000
TOTAL: 30100
Kitchen room
61.9 m2 100 6190
Wallpaper gluing excluding the apron 39 m2 260 10140
Laying linoleum 19.9 m2 200 3980
Installation of floor skirting boards 17.8 p / m 130 2314
Ceiling painting 19.9 m2 300 5970
Chandelier installation 1 PC 600 600
Apron device 3 m2 5000
TOTAL: 34194
Priming of walls, ceilings (full cycle) 15.5 m2 100 1550
Wallpaper gluing 12.5 m2 260 3250
Laying laminate 3 m2 280 840
Installation of floor skirting boards 4 p / m 130 520
Ceiling painting 3 m2 300 900
Installation of the luminaire 1 PC 350 350
TOTAL: 7410
Total: 71704

Hide estimate

To place an order and call a measurer, you can use a special form on the website or call us on the contact phone indicating the acceptable time for a specialist's visit.

Find out the cost of your repair

Apartment renovation in Moscow inexpensively from "RVT-Moscow" - features of the service

Apartment renovation is inexpensive, available to all our clients. To do this, we offer reasonable prices for all types of repairs and select materials, adjusting to your budget.

Most often, our clients, with limited finances, order inexpensive redecoration of apartments. This is due to the fact that this type of repair measures affect only the renovation of the final finish. A small range of services significantly reduces not only the total cost of repairs, but also the timing of its implementation. If you prefer a major overhaul, we will do everything to ensure that its price meets your capabilities, and the quality meets your wishes.

Firm "RVT-Moscow" cooperates with suppliers of building materials on wholesale terms. Thanks to this, you can save up to 50% on this cost item. Reliable building and finishing materials will be used in your home, which will last a long time without losing their appearance and properties, while they will cost significantly less than in most hardware stores.

Services of specialized specialists of our company also cost less. You get about 30% savings when contacting us in comparison with the offers of other companies. At the same time, our specialists strictly follow building codes, observe technologies and work rules, use professional tools and equipment. This makes it possible, with optimal effort and time, to achieve an excellent result - a beautiful and durable repair.

You don't have to leave your home

No need to move out during the renovation

The toilet and water supply remains in working order.

No prepayment required. Repair takes place in 3-4 stages, each is paid separately as soon as it is ready

We adjust to your schedule

We work as you like. If you say to carry out repair work from noon to eight, we will.

Benefits for RVT-Moscow clients

Become our client and get a lot of benefits:

  1. Purchase, delivery and lifting to the floor are carried out by our forces and are included in the cost of services.
  2. Long term guarantee. If any repair defects appear within 2 years, we will fix them free of charge.
  3. Professionalism. Masters with more than 5 years of experience will work at your facility.
  4. A complex approach. You just need to sign a contract, and then accept the finished object. We take care of all other concerns.
  5. Adequate pricing. We work without intermediaries, so we do not overstate the cost of services and materials.

How to order an inexpensive turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow?

To use the services of the company "RVT-Moscow", just call our manager and name a convenient time for you to check out the master. He will assess the premises and the scope of work, carry out measurements of the premises and photograph it. After that, we will draw up an estimate according to the selected list of works and materials. When the contract is signed, the start date of the work is selected together with you. Our employees purchase materials, and then proceed to the direct implementation of repair activities. Upon completion, we will take out construction waste and carry out cleaning before handing over the object.

You will not make any prepayments. Cheap apartment renovation, like all other types of renovation, is paid upon the provision of services according to a phased plan. We draw up an estimate and indicate a fixed price for the repair in the contract. Thanks to this, apartment renovation will cost inexpensively, the prices for it at the same time depend on the area of ​​the premises, the complexity and amount of work. As a rule, the estimate makes it possible to save up to 30% of the total budget, since it eliminates unforeseen expenses.

Our company guarantees

We work under a contract

The scope of work, term and price are fixed in the contract. We give legal guarantees to complete the work in full and to meet the declared quality.

No contractors

Only permanent employees work, you do not have to overpay for mediation

2 years warranty for all work performed

We will assist in the purchase of draft materials

No prepayments

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Find out how we achieve the best service among the repair companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Look at the quality of our work at all stages - from the application to the finished repair.

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When changing your life for the better, you should start with yourself, your environment, goals, ideals, but it is important to make changes in your own home. A beautiful, comfortable, cozy house is a guarantee of a good mood, positive emotions, and spiritual harmony. Therefore, you should not be afraid to start changes in the apartment, even in the absence of financial capabilities. Repair is indeed very expensive, but having organized it correctly, the result is always justified. The main thing is desire and hands.

An example of an apartment before and after renovation

How to renovate an apartment on a small budget?

Prices on the construction market have been biting lately, but with a competent approach to business, cost planning, it is easy to avoid overpayments and purchase high-quality materials. Having planned the repair work in the apartment, you should initially carefully consider the sequence of actions. Initially, you need to decide on the following nuances.

  1. The whole apartment will be subject to change, or maybe a separate room?
  2. With what "scope" to re-glue boring wallpaper, change linoleum or change electrical wiring, heating, make other global changes?
  3. How to replace old furniture, is it possible to restore it on your own?
  4. Where can I get ideas for updating the interior design, ways to bring them to life with minimal financial costs?

To repair even one room a year is already progress

Often, a budget renovation implies a gradual transformation of each individual room. For the case when the owners of the apartment live on one salary, this is ideal. To repair even one room a year is already progress, do not despair when there is no financial opportunity to carry out repairs quickly.

Basic rules for budget repairs. Where to begin?

Starting such an important matter as a budget apartment renovation with your own hands, it is worth very meticulously assessing the state of electrical wiring, water supply, sewerage, heating. After making sure that everything is fine with these communications, you can proceed to assessing the premises themselves. As a rule, the following elements of the apartment are subject to alteration.

The best option would be to make a stretch ceiling

The main stages of budget repair

When starting work, be sure to take into account the following important steps that will need to be taken.

Renovation in the bathroom

The bathroom requires a responsible approach; often, in the absence of good ventilation, it is here that such hated mold appears. To prevent this from happening, you should definitely check the ventilation, if it is completely absent, you need to install it. The most popular material for bathroom wall and floor cladding for many years has been ceramic tiles and their derivatives. It costs differently, it is quite possible to find a budget option, as a last resort, you can always take plastic (lining). It washes well, does not absorb moisture, is easy to install, but it “grows old” a little faster. If you plan everything carefully, it is not at all difficult to carry out a budget repair of an apartment with your own hands.

Bathroom renovations should be handled responsibly

We decorate living rooms

Thanks to the availability of the Internet, you can find a lot of options for ideas for the decorative transformation of your home. The main thing is not to miss what can be given a second life. For example, decorating the doors of an old wardrobe with inexpensive full-length mirrors, it will definitely not be worse than modern wardrobes. Apply mosaic, decoupage to the glass doors of Soviet cabinets, sideboards, or paint them in bright, juicy colors, paste over with self-adhesive tape. All this is quite affordable.

An example of restoration of an old cabinet

When there are many things or objects on the farm that need to be kept away from prying eyes, you need to build a so-called wardrobe yourself, simply by attaching sheets of chipboard, OSB plates to special corners, and hide numerous shelves behind fabric screens of interesting colors or prints. An exquisite option is very fashionable today - to decorate a hall or bedroom with "wicker" curtains. It is easy to make them, there are many instructions on the Internet.