Back massage with stick. Creole massage: we correct the figure quickly and painlessly

Bamboo sticks are the working tool of a massage therapist who practices Creole massage. And a lot depends on the quality of the tool, starting with the service life and ending with customer reviews.

I'll start with the problems. The most difficult problem is that Russian bamboo is practically non-existent or not available at all. Despite the fact that we have regions in which it grows beautifully.

The problem is because the stems are brought to us from other countries (Laos, Vietnam, China) for a very long time, and most of the bamboo has time to lose the properties we need. It just cracks, and for us the integrity of the stick is categorically important. There is also bamboo from Abkhazia on the market, but it is processed in a very specific way, which makes it difficult to make sticks. I'll start with him.

Let me tell you, they are NOT bad! Sticks are usually long and light. The walls of the reed are thin, which allows you to adjust the weight of the sticks. The more rice, the heavier, the less rice, the louder and lighter. They are convenient to use in anti-cellulite practice, in lymphatic drainage massage and in the study of muscles.

Now for the cons. As a rule, Abkhazian bamboo is "shot through" along the length of the cane. This gives it strength and the stick is less likely to crack longitudinally.

But this form of reinforcement requires additional sealing of the stick. In this connection, the wand loses its authentic appearance, but a good master with the help of plasticizer and varnish can turn it into a tool that can not only do Creole massage, but also perform elements of Shiatsu and acupressure. Examples in the photo:

Usually it is more convenient for men to work with such sticks. But not always. We must remember that this is a plant and it grows as God puts on the soul. There are also reeds in terms of their indicators that are more suitable for a female hand.

If the practice of acupressure does not appeal to you, you should look for unshot Abkhazian bamboo. This happens, but rarely. In such sticks, knots should be turned and polished, in those places where the leaves grew. If necessary, stress zones are ground off to protect the stick from longitudinal cracking. The stick is covered with natural impregnations based on oils of resinous plants, which additionally strengthens it. In this case, the wand will serve faithfully for many years.

Sticks of Lao and Vietnamese origin, as mentioned above, travel from afar and lose the qualities we need. As a result, durability cannot be guaranteed. Most often, to increase the service life, sticks are made from the lower parts of the trunk. Where the knee length is small, and there are many knots. By the way, they make very competent sets.

note on what composition the sticks are covered with. You must understand that it is unacceptable to use construction and other non-specialized varnishes in the production of sticks. The presence of epoxy resin is unacceptable in any form. These substances are toxic and can cause skin irritation and even cancer.

Laotian and Vietnamese bamboo supplied to Russia usually has sharp knots. They absolutely need to be ground down! This is a rather time-consuming process and the masters are sometimes lazy and do not grind the knots, which can be dangerous with cuts on the client's skin.

The advantages of such bamboo are many. The most authentic Creole massage sticks are made from it. The stem is covered with smooth, shiny bark. Sticks can be of various shades: from light green to dark brown. There are also spotted specimens, but extremely rare.

Such bamboo is quite weighty, which is good for anti-cellulite practice and for working with muscles.

Pay attention to how the sticks are polished. Due to the hardness of the bark, the edges of the sticks can flake off and develop burrs that can scratch and even cut the client. Again, due to the density of the bark, such sticks are more difficult to soak with strengthening oil, which means that in the sanded parts where the wood is exposed, the master should not save oil. It is also desirable that the barrel be impregnated from the inside. This will increase the life of the sticks.

Weight of sticks.

The weight of the stick determines the strength and depth of impact when tapping. Heavy sticks are excellent helpers in the study of subcutaneous fat. Due to the width of the stick, the impact energy remains at the level of the PKZh. As a rule, lighter sticks have a more sonorous sound. And they are more suitable for the classic "Creole massage", which combines rhythm, sound and massage. What will be your massage, you decide. Many masters make individual sets to order, where there are classic sticks, heavy (anti-cellulite) sticks, and 2-3 squeezer sticks for drainage.

stick size

The length of the sticks is classically considered to be the length of the bent elbow to the end of the straightened hand. In this case, the work will be ergonomic and you will not get tired. After all, you are working with a lever equal to the length of your forearm and hand.

Bamboo is a completely unusual plant, endowed with healing properties since ancient times.

It is believed that bamboo sticks restore energy balance and contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

With the help of massage using this equipment, it is possible to improve the overall well-being of the body, relieve stress, increase immunity and mood.

The main thing is to make the right choice before buying, with which we will try to help you in this article.

Bamboo is a natural antiseptic that relieves inflammation and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

The plant has a lot of useful properties. It is rich in silicic acid, which evens out the skin and heals them.

The composition of the bamboo plant includes antioxidants, fiber, protein, polyose, phenolic acid, lactone and flavones. Thanks to such a variety of elements, bamboo tones, improves heart function, and relieves spasms of muscle fibers.

It is also a wonderful helper for depression, bamboo restores strength and stimulates the nervous system.

Bamboo symbolizes energy, beauty, strength, grace, adaptability and vitality. Bamboo sticks used for massage perfectly fit the curves of the human body, they are strong, but at the same time quite flexible.

Techniques that are performed with bamboo sticks:

  • Stroking. Relaxation of the body and soul, stress relief.
  • Trituration. Muscle fiber tone.
  • Pressing. Elasticity of the skin, improved blood flow.
  • Pat. Breakdown of subcutaneous fat.
  • Rolling. Treatment of diseases of internal organs and systems, restoration of the normal functioning of the body.
  • Stretching. Improving the transfer of oxygen and trace elements to every cell of the body, filling muscle fibers with useful substances.
  • Screwing and twisting. Relieve pain and tension.

How to choose the right bamboo sticks for massage

Properly selected bamboo sticks are the key to success. Sticks of various lengths and cross-sectional diameters are suitable for each part of the body. In total, six bamboo sticks may be needed for the massage.

  • Standard sticks for the back, buttocks and thighs stick sizes: length 40 cm, diameter 35 mm.
  • Narrow sticks for feet and hands: length 18 cm, diameter 30 mm.
  • Wide sticks for: length 40 cm, diameter 60 mm.

Inside, each of them is half filled with sand or fine grain, the second part is hollow. This is necessary to create a characteristic rhythmic sound during the session. The sticks should have an optimal weight, conveniently located in the palm of the massage therapist.

It is better to purchase bamboo sticks in a trusted spa or in a specialized store. It is important to check that the seller has certificates and licenses confirming the high quality of raw materials.

Buy bamboo sticks for massage: price

The cost of bamboo sticks and other devices for massage from natural massage in different massage parlors may vary. Average prices in Moscow and other major Russian cities:

  • A set of 2 standard bamboo sticks: 1400 - 1700 rubles.
  • Samurai broom made of bamboo rods: 1200 rubles.
  • A set of one wide stick made of bamboo for push-ups: 990 rubles.

Many salons prefer to form sets from different bamboo sticks, providing the versatility of such a set. C The price of the kit varies from 2500 to 4000 rubles, several types of sticks can be included in it.

Bamboo sticks are suitable for Samurai, Brazilian and massage.

Benefits of massage with bamboo sticks

Massage with bamboo sticks was invented by the Mauritanians who lived on the coast of the Indian Ocean. This people paid great attention to the beauty of the human body, harmony and health.

It was the Mauricans who concluded that bamboo sticks work well on fatty tissues, giving the skin firmness, elasticity, and toning the muscles.

Massage with bamboo sticks (or Creole massage), due to vibrational techniques, relieves hypertonicity, improves blood flow and the functioning of the lymphatic system, and helps to remove toxic substances. The procedure is indicated for excess weight, in the presence of orange peel.

The result of the massage course is visible to the naked eye:

  • the skin becomes smooth, elastic, cellulite disappears;
  • the girth of the hips, waist, abdomen decreases;
  • gluteal muscles come in tone;
  • the body returns to normal after stress, fatigue;
  • prevention;
  • improves the functioning of the heart muscle, blood vessels;
  • metabolism is accelerated.

This effect is due to the fact that during all forty minutes the muscles continue to work, the vessels narrow and expand. At the same time, mental stress is relieved, bad thoughts go away, the emotional state of a person improves.

For muscle pain, essential oil is additionally used: fir - for acute pain, peach - for hypotension, lavender - for cramps, lemon and pine - for muscle rigidity.


Bamboo sticks work on the skin and muscles, but do not bring any discomfort or pain. These devices can be used on the feet, palms.

You can complete the procedure with a chocolate or clay wrap to enhance the effect and achieve the desired results faster.

No doctor and medicine will help if your internal self-healing mechanisms does not work. To start your internal first-aid kit, you must always influence the body in the right way. Of course, you need to adhere to the regime, eat well, be a little nervous. But in the East, massage is considered a key aspect in maintaining one's health.

But even better is self-massage, the methods and techniques of which were formed in the process of many years of practice.

Self-massage with a stick is the launch of self-healing mechanisms, this technique is especially suitable for those who are limited in time. All you need is a smooth stick about 70–90 cm long and 2–3 cm in diameter. A gymnastic stick will also work. Editorial "So simple!" will tell you how to do such a massage. The effect after several sessions will please you!


Self-massage at home

Self-massage of the cervical spine

Self-massage of the back and buttocks

By the same principle, you can perform. Rub with a stick until you feel a pleasant, light warmth and reddening of the skin. It is also very useful to roll a stick with your foot: it removes heaviness in the legs, calms the nervous system, improves the functioning of the circulatory system. The described exercises can be modified and improved in the process of execution. Do it daily to feel more alert and less sick.

On the example of this woman, you can see one of the options for self-massage with a stick.

Creole massage with bamboo sticks - the procedure is not yet relevant enough in our country. However, interest in it is growing. Therefore, modern SPA-salons are increasingly offering this service.

This type of massage is one of the body shaping procedures. It is very difficult to get rid of cellulite tissue with diets and sports activities, because. it is burned six times slower than healthy adipose tissue. And here the Creole anti-cellulite massage comes to the rescue. With its apparent simplicity at first glance, it is inherently diverse: health-improving, preventive, anti-stress, and cosmetic. But why bamboo sticks?

bamboo features

Yes, because they perfectly match the contours of our body. They are quite flexible and durable. They can be rubbed, and pressed, and stretched, and twisted. In a word, all surfaces of the wand are involved in the massage. In the East, bamboo symbolizes grace and beauty, long and painless old age.

It is curious that this plant has an antiseptic in its fibers. Therefore, it is used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory and tonic, as well as for asthma. Since bamboo contains a sufficient amount of silicic acid, it contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, the growth of hair and nails, and the smoothing of the skin. It has a calming effect in depressive states. It is not surprising that with such a variety of healing properties, it is bamboo that is used as a “massage”.

Benefits and indications

This type of massage originates on the island of Mauritius in the western part of the Indian Ocean 5 thousand years ago. Even then, great attention was paid to beauty and health. Today, Creole massage with bamboo sticks is known for effectively fighting fat deposits, making the skin supple and smoothing its relief.

The procedure itself relieves tension in the muscles, normalizes blood circulation, has a positive effect on the lymphatics, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

Creole massage helps with excess weight and cellulite. And in combination with bamboo, it can become a powerful antidepressant that relieves nervous tension. There are no contraindications to this type of massage.

This can be either a separate procedure or performed in combination with honey, anti-cellulite, Thai massage. The recommended course is 10-15 sessions 2-3 times a week. It would be ideal to undergo hydroprocedures before the massage: taking a sauna or swimming in the pool. Well, after - you need to lie down for 20-30 minutes, drink a glass of water, you can also do a wrap with seaweed or therapeutic mud. And if you want to look even more attractive and in a short period of time, you want:

  • to tone the skin
  • reduce the hip
  • lift the buttock

It means that such a procedure is exactly what you need.

Such a massage can not be called relaxing. The body throughout the session, and it lasts 30-40 minutes, is in good shape. This happens due to the narrowing and expansion of blood vessels and allows the body to get rid of physical as well as mental overstrain. Most often, they massage the thighs and buttocks. However, at the request of the client, the back and stomach are subjected to such an exotic procedure. Before you decide to experience this healing, tonic and pleasant exotic on your body, you can familiarize yourself with the specifics of the work of all parts of the body with bamboo.

Features of Creole massage

Lying on your back

The tool, as you already know, are bamboo sticks. They are 30 cm long and 3 cm in diameter. To obtain a sound effect, they are filled with sand or grain. It creates a certain pace. The blows are made in the rhythm of 100-115 beats per minute. Such a massage can be done on a dry body. It is possible - and with the use of oils. Best suited: sesame, avocado, nutmeg, cypress, guava, papaya oil. The procedure takes place in stages, starting from the foot, without exerting strong pressure on this very sensitive part of the body:

  • Light tapping
  • Rolling
  • Kneading with the butt of a stick
  • Rolling
  • tapping

After working the foot, there is a smooth transition to the whole leg in the same order. Starting massage with lung tapping, you gradually adapt to the sticks. Then, again rolling away from the foot, up. One of the main conditions smoothness movements. Such a massage is not done in a hurry. All rolls are performed from the bottom up.

The next technique: kneading the calf muscle. Since this part of the body is very sensitive, the main thing here is that the movements are not very pressing, with easy effort.

And again, rolling. This time with two sticks. Along the calf, as if clamping it with sticks, movements up and down are made. Grabbing caviar with chopsticks, you can shake it. This approach is called vibration. After vibration - light tapping. After that, there is a transition to the thigh. When working on this zone, you can use two sticks for a greater effect, not reaching the intimate zone of 5 cm.

And finally, the buttocks. Massage is done in the same way. For any woman, all these techniques improve blood circulation in the pelvic region. At the end, you can tap again on the entire leg.

Massage with sticks is done on the back. However, there are some features that must be remembered so as not to cause harm. It is necessary to avoid blows in the region of the kidneys and spine. Best of all, tapping is done in the area of ​​​​the rectus muscles of the back. During rolling, it is also impossible to go on the spine and, if the shoulder blades are sharp, touch them.

Lying on your stomach

And again, the massage begins with tapping the feet. On the calf muscle, this is done only from the inside and outside, because there is a bone on top. Then comes the process of squeezing: the sticks are placed cross-on-cross and the leg is squeezed from the periphery to the center, smoothly moving to the thigh. And, again, in the same order: rolling, kneading. First with one stick, and then with two, without exerting much pressure. All movements are performed smoothly. And, finally, vibration and light tapping is done. Having done such a massage, you probably felt strength in your legs.

belly massage

To avoid negative consequences, do not forget that the stomach must be empty. And do not disregard diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, if any. This should be reported to the specialist. Tapping on the stomach must be performed only in a clockwise direction. The following techniques - rolling and kneading are performed effortlessly, very easily. Well, have you already felt that your stomach has become elastic?

Hand massage

You are still lying on your back. And we can't do it without your help. It is necessary to take hold of the wand with your hands and you will begin to make light vibrational movements with your hands behind your head. Nice feeling. Feel how your back muscles work. You seem to be stretching, becoming slimmer.

Neck massage

A bamboo stick is placed under the neck and, increasing efforts from bottom to top, rotational movements are made. Kneading the neck can be done with one stick or two. Do you feel your spine stretch? The neck becomes a little longer, even the movements of the head become more graceful.

Created background music

Usually Creole massage is done to national music. This is the traditional melody of the inhabitants of the island of Mauritius. A rhythmic shoga dance is danced to it. Such rhythms can put a person into a trance. It is performed on three musical instruments: maravan, triangle, ravan. The music is pleasant. It traces African and Indian rhythms. Such musical accompaniment will help you relax and prepare yourself for the upcoming procedure, as well as enjoy its process.

You can effectively influence the body with a popular massage, which was borrowed from the Creoles and the Japanese.

Bamboo massage has a healing effect on the entire body.

The history of massage with bamboo sticks and brooms

Massage with bamboo sticks of different sizes and shapes and massage with bamboo brooms have been used by the tribes of Africa and America since ancient times. The Japanese performed a massage with a bamboo broom for samurai after fights in order to quickly restore the body. Russian sorcerers-healers treated patients in the bath with rhythmic tapping with long slivers. A similar shock-resonance technique introduced the patient into deep relaxation and sleep. Probably, for healing, Russian people began to use brooms made of birch, oak and linden branches in the bath.

Bamboo massage is performed with solid bamboo wood, inside of which sand or grain is poured (½ of the volume of the internal container). Bamboo sticks of different shapes and sizes are intended for each part of the body. For tight and painless contact of sticks with the body, massage with bamboo sticks is performed when oil with a therapeutic effect is applied to the body. For each massage, a certain bouquet of essential oils is used. Below are some examples of the use of massage oils.

Bamboo massage for muscle pain and tone disorders

  1. Massage oil for acute pain: mix olive oil (50 ml) and essential oils (in drops) - eucalyptus, fir, lemon and lavender - 5 each.
  2. Massage oil with a weak tone: mix peach oil (50 ml) and essential (in drops) - rosemary (10), mint and lemon (5 each).
  3. Massage oil for spasms and convulsions: essential oils (in drops) are added to 50 ml of flaxseed oil: fir or cypress, lavender, sage and eucalyptus (5 each).
  4. Massage oil with general muscle rigidity: essential oils (in drops) are added to 50 ml of corn oil - lemon (10), coriander, fir or pine (5 each).

Anti-cellulite bamboo massage

Massage oil: essential oils (in drops) are added to olive, coconut or almond oil (50 ml) - cypress and geranium (6 each), grapefruit and lemon (2 each), juniper, rosemary and lavender (3 each).

As a base, you can use any vegetable oils: coconut and avocado, sesame and almonds, olives and seeds, corn, flax and other plants, wheat germ and roses.

Bamboo stick massage technique

Before starting the massage with bamboo sticks, the specialist warms up the patient's body with rubbing movements in oil until slight hyperemia appears. Performs kneading, vibration and stroking movements for complete relaxation of the patient.

Creole massage with bamboo sticks is performed to pleasant music of different rhythms, which depends on the purpose for which this massage is performed. The rhythm of the music sets the pace for the massage movements.

Bamboo massage begins to be performed with two small sticks, 35-40 cm long, having a diameter of 3 cm. Their filling is different: one contains sand, the other contains grain. This is necessary so that when massaged with bamboo sticks, a different sound effect is created.

Massage oil will ensure the sticks move smoothly over the skin. In addition, the oil will have its healing and moisturizing effect, both on the body and on the skin.

Bamboo massage is performed with light blows (shot) on the body at a speed of 100-120 beats / min. Rhythmic ethnic music is just needed here to create rhythm and relax the patient. The blows of the bamboo sticks are directed tangentially, so the patient can only feel the vibration caused by their internal contents.

Massage with bamboo sticks includes rolling movements with one stick, twisting, squeezing movements with a bunch of several sticks. These movements have a special effect on the muscles of the human body.

With a therapeutic purpose, massage with bamboo sticks is combined with such types of procedures as anti-cellulite and honey massage, silhouette and restorative. It is especially good to combine anti-cellulite massage and vibroacoustic massage with a bamboo broom. At the same time, a thorough study of the buttocks and thighs is performed.

Bamboo broom massage technique

An ancient samurai massage with a bamboo broom improves blood circulation, stimulates the skin, restoring metabolism, blood flow and lymph flow, improving the delivery of oxygen, trace elements and vitamins to all cells and organs of the human body. A broom is a thin bamboo sticks from 30 cm or more, tied into a bundle. Acting with a broom on the body (muscles) relieve pain and muscle tension. It is good to massage with a bamboo broom after a bath and body peeling, both before and after steaming.

If massage with a broom is performed before steaming, then bamboo sticks are heated with hot water. The patient is placed on a solid massage table and they begin to quickly and rhythmically pat the heated broom along the massage lines. The frequency and strength of the pops increases, but does not cause pain to the patient.

Complete physical and emotional relaxation of the patient is achieved by performing a massage with stroking movements with a bamboo broom. When exposed to active points of the body with a bamboo broom, acupressure is performed and, thereby, various diseases are treated.

Performing anti-cellulite massage, they combine massage with bamboo sticks and massage with a bamboo broom to create additional vibration that breaks down fat in the subcutaneous tissue.

Indications for the use of massage

Massage with bamboo sticks and a broom is performed by:

  • for the treatment of obesity and cellulite;
  • to normalize the body after physical and mental overwork;
  • to relieve stress and muscle tension;
  • to improve blood circulation and prevent varicose veins;
  • to improve the functioning of the vascular system and the heart;
  • to activate metabolic processes in organs and skin;
  • to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood circulation.

Massage contraindications

It is contraindicated to perform massage with bamboo sticks and a broom in the presence of:

  • skin and blood diseases;
  • neoplasms and tumors;
  • varicose veins, tuberculosis, HIV diseases;
  • diseases of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • pregnancy or menstruation;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • flu, SARS, tonsillitis;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • high fever, pressure and headache.

Benefits of massage with bamboo sticks and brooms

Massage with bamboo sticks is performed on the back, legs, arms and feet, as a separate procedure, or in combination with other types of massage to apply additional movements: twisting and twisting the skin, stretching, rolling. It is good to combine bamboo massage with a bath and sauna, body peeling.

Bamboo sticks are flexible and durable, do not cause injury or pain to the patient. It is especially useful to massage the feet and palms with bamboo sticks, where the acupressure points of all organs of the human body are located.

After the massage, you can make a mask or body wrap: chocolate, coffee, seaweed and clay. The massage lasts 30-60 minutes or more with a course of 10-15 sessions, 2-3 sessions per week.

Massage with bamboo sticks and brooms video