How to independently drain water from a stretch ceiling. How to drain water from a stretch ceiling: simple tips for solving the problem yourself How to remove water from a stretch ceiling

No one is immune from force majeure, and everyone who has acquired a stretch ceiling may someday have a similar situation. In this article, you will learn what to do if water has leaked onto your film or fabric stretch ceiling for one reason or another, and you can also watch several useful videos on this topic.

How water can get on the ceiling

If you think that the water in a stretch ceiling may be the result of flooding by neighbors from above, you are right, but this is only one of the reasons. This can be a consequence of condensation, and it can also get there due to:

  • breakthrough of a neighbor's or your pipe with water or sewage;
  • breakdowns of neighboring household appliances (washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioner);
  • damage to the roof or runoff caused by heavy rain or melting snow;
  • leaks of technical fluids in heating systems.

Since flooding with boiling water will damage the material and inevitably replace the ceiling, we will only consider situations with cold water, which just needs to be properly drained.

In addition to water, there may be plaster on the canvas from the first damp ceiling, rusty metal from pipes or other consequences of a breakdown, which will be clearly visible through a transparent or translucent film.

How do fabric and film ceilings react to the flood

A recent experiment has shown that approximately 10 m2 of film can withstand up to 540 liters of water... And this is taking into account the fact that the material lay for a couple of years in an unheated warehouse and was exposed to unacceptable temperature extremes.

Absolutely new canvases can withstand up to 120 liters per 1 m2, hold out for 2-3 days with a fairly strong flood and 2 weeks if up to 5 buckets have leaked in them. This is encouraging, but nevertheless it is undesirable to hesitate in solving the problem, tk. the ceiling can sag a lot during this time.

Therefore, immediately after you notice a bubble or "belly" on yours, it's time to do something.

Unlike film ceilings, fabric ceilings cannot be stretched. Moreover, the fiber from which they are made has many micropores through which water will flow. A large amount of it can cause the fabric to fall out of the profile and fall. If the PVC film gives you some time to think, then in the case of the fabric, you need to react as quickly as possible.

How you can drain water from a fabric or film stretch ceiling yourself, you are about to find out.

Where to begin

There are 3 important points from which to start draining water. Necessary:

  • turn off the electricity;
  • find out the reason for flooding;
  • prevent an increase in water volume.

To avoid a short circuit and fire, you should turn off the electricity in the apartment. Especially if water is already flowing through the lamp.

The reason can be suggested to you by the neighbors, who will come to repent and help in eliminating the consequences. You can ask for help in the housing and communal services or the Ministry of Emergencies. If the source of water remains unclear, and the bubble is increasing, then you urgently need to close your own, and possibly the common riser with water.

The color of the water can also make you think about the origin of the waterfall - you can always tell the difference between clean water and sewage.

What's next?

So, the reason has been clarified and the bubble on the ceiling does not grow. Then you can ask for help from specialists or act on your own. If such a service is included in the warranty, it will greatly facilitate the situation. But more often than not, this is not the case.

Turning to the masters, do not forget to ask them for a check for services after restoring the ceiling. You can show it to your neighbors who flooded you, housing and communal services or other culprits of what happened to pay off the costs.

But given the fact that the flood loves to happen in the evenings or on weekends, as well as how much it costs to drain the water professionally, you might want to try doing it yourself.

How can you remove water from the ceiling yourself

There is an opinion that it is impossible to do this yourself without damaging the canvas, but it is easily refuted by hundreds of successful examples.

But what we think: you can, if you are careful. This video shows it well:

In order to remove water from film ceilings, you will need:

  • assistant, or better 2-3 (it may be the same neighbor);
  • ladder;
  • putty knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • flexible hose or dropper;
  • large plastic wrap, or better - several;
  • paper table napkins;
  • container for water (bucket, basins; the larger the container and the wider it is, the better);
  • a gas gun, a construction hairdryer or a regular hair dryer.


  • make sure that the electrician is really disconnected, for example, using an indicator screwdriver;
  • cover the furniture with plastic, remove the carpet, curtains and remove other items from the room that may be damaged by water;
  • under no circumstances pierce the film, as this can lead to a much larger hole and replacement of the ceiling;
  • make sure that the bubble is not punctured by sharp furniture or other sharp interior items;
  • do not forget that you can tear the film with your fingernail or leave an unnecessary dent with your finger, you should handle it as carefully as possible;
  • always count on more water than you think.

If there is a chandelier near the bubble on the ceiling(or a lamp), you can unscrew it and drain the water through the resulting hole. To do this, you will need an assistant who will push or, rather, roll the bubble in your direction with smooth movements.

The main thing is to substitute the bucket in time. When it is full, press the hole with your palm against the ceiling, blocking the water until the next container is substituted. A hose or drip can be used.

All this will help to get water, but after a strong flooding, you will still need to dry both the stretch ceiling and the main ceiling, and perhaps get out pieces of plaster or wipe the stretch canvas from dirt or rust. And for this it will need to be removed, at least partially. You can also entrust this to a team of specialists.

If the flood was small or you do not care about the consequences of damp ceilings, then after pumping out the water, you put the chandelier in place and dry the sagging ceiling with hot air so that it stretches and regains its former appearance.

To do this, you can use both professional equipment (gas cannon or construction hair dryer) and a regular hair dryer.

It is better to connect to the network from neighbors

It is better to keep it at a distance of 30 cm from the ceiling, directing the streams of hot air to and around the sagging place for about 2-3 minutes. If the ceiling does not stretch right away, dry it again or give it 2-3 days, and then repeat drying again.

Partial dismantling of fabric and film ceiling

To drain the water from the ceiling without lamps or for better drying of the canvas, you need to pull out the part of the ceiling closest to the water bubble from the aluminum or plastic profile on which it is held. In this case, the place in which you will shoot the film should be away from pipes and corners.

It would be nice to know the mounting method that was used during installation.

This will help you figure out how to proceed: neat or very neat. If you have uneven walls, there is probably a camouflage insert or frieze under the stretch ceiling that hides these irregularities. It will need to be removed.

Whichever method is applied to your ceiling, the essence is the same - you need to carefully pull out a small piece of canvas (40-50 cm) from the profile.

To do this, you first dry the canvas around the planned segment with a hair dryer (it will somewhat soften the so-called harpoon, which is attached along the perimeter of the canvas and fixes it on the profile), slightly bend the profile and carefully take out a small piece of film, but sufficient to drain the water.

With fabric ceilings, everything is very simple in this matter, after all, their material is not afraid of mechanical damage, so it can be easily removed from the clip, drained, dried and put back without the need for alignment, because the fabric does not sag.

The film requires great care: you need to pull it out gradually, without jerking, while pulling the harpoon joints is also impossible - you can easily tear the canvas. After draining the water, you can wipe the ceiling with a microfiber or suede cloth and leave it to dry while watching the events unfold. Depending on the severity of the situation, you need to wait from 1 to 7 days.

After that, you need to return everything to its place. To do this, you align the previously bent profile (you can also tighten it with a screwdriver), wrap the spatula with 2-3 napkins, making it not so sharp and carefully tuck the ceiling back. After that, remove the sag using the method described earlier.

Now you know exactly what to do if water suddenly leaks onto your real or hypothetical stretch ceiling, and we are only happy about that. We wish you beauty and comfort!

Whoever, like the tenants of an apartment building, is well aware of the everyday situations associated with flooding an apartment. This is largely facilitated by careless handling of household communications, dilapidated water supply and heating systems, as well as unprofessional apartment renovation. Such situations are not common, but when this happens, there is very little pleasure in this force majeure. During the flood, everything suffers, from personal belongings and household appliances to elements of interior decoration. Especially unpleasant are the cases when expensive repairs have been made in the apartment relatively recently.

In a flooded room, most of the interior and interior design elements become unusable. Something will definitely have to be changed, but something can still be tried to be saved and repaired. When a room with stretch ceilings is flooded, the situation can still be saved. This is almost the only element in the home interior that can withstand a flood. You will need a quick reaction and the right action. You can correct the situation on your own or with the help of specialists. Let's figure out what is the peculiarity of tensioning systems, and what actions need to be taken when flooding rooms with this type of ceiling design.

Behavior of tensioning systems during a flood

Situations when water gets into the house from above are different. Ceilings are the first to suffer from flooding. It should be noted that an ordinary, painted or whitewashed ceiling surface after flooding with water can be quickly put in order on its own. On the contrary, with plasterboard ceilings, the situation is catastrophic. Suspended structures made of gypsum plasterboard will have to be changed, either locally or completely. With stretch ceilings, fabric or film ceilings, the flood problem looks completely different. Your stretch ceiling has been flooded - don't despair. The thing is that the tension structure keeps water, preventing the spread of water throughout the room.

To begin with, it is important to establish the cause of the flooding and determine what your apartment is flooded with. As a rule, flooding occurs:

  • cold water from main water pipes;
  • hot water from the centralized heating and water supply system;
  • sewer drains;
  • rainwater that has got inside from storm sewers;
  • soapy water from broken washing machines;
  • antifreeze or technical liquid flowing from an autonomous heating system.

Having established a place and eliminating the leak, determine what kind of liquid medium your ceiling is flooded with. The scale of damage and the volume of restoration measures depend on what the stretched canvas had to contact with.

On a note: cold tap water is the least damaging to stretch ceilings. Soapy water also does not differ in aggression towards the stretched canvas. The situation is worse with hot water and sewage. Here we can talk about a significant deformation of the structure of the canvas and the loss of the aesthetic properties of the ceiling surface.

Flooding is already an unpleasant event in itself. However, it is important here to calculate the extent of the damage. Thanks to the stretch ceiling, only the ceiling part suffers from the flood, which can be either corrected or replaced with a new surface. Everything else in the room, household appliances, furniture and other elements of interior decoration remain untouched. Considering this fact during the planning of repairs, you can protect yourself in advance from unforeseen expenses and troubles.

The fact is that the design and structure of the fabric or PVC films used as the main canvas are able to withstand the pressure of water that has got inside from the outside for some time. The canvas stretched in the upper part of the room performs a protective function, representing a sealed bag that retains moisture.

Technological features of tensioning systems

Even when you purchase a stretch ceiling, pay attention to the product labeling. Usually, bona fide manufacturers indicate the technical properties and characteristics of the material in the marking. One of the important points in the list of technical properties should be moisture resistance and parameters indicating how much accumulated water a square meter of stretch ceiling can withstand. For a fabric base, this indicator can vary within different limits, but for PVC film there is a certain value - up to 100 l / m 2.

High-quality material is able to withstand the pressure of water for a certain time, the volume of which depends on the design features of the room.

For reference: in case of flooding, you should not test the strength of the canvas, but it is better to immediately begin to eliminate the accident.

Water that gets inside the room accumulates on the ceiling. As a rule, the canvas, due to its elasticity, sags under the weight of the water. The ceiling surface takes on the appearance of a hanging drop. If you properly drain the water and dry the canvas, you can count on the fact that you will be able to restore the ceiling to its original form. However, not every material is able to recover from massive contact with water. In some cases, the damaged blade will have to be replaced. Stretch ceilings made of different materials, fabric and PVC foil behave differently.

Fabric ceilings

These products are produced on a fabric basis. The material is pre-impregnated with a polyurethane compound, which provides the fabric with the necessary strength, stability and elasticity. It is through the impregnation that the fabric becomes waterproof. For conscientious manufacturers, this indicator is necessarily indicated in the labeling and corresponds to reality.

On a note: do not rely entirely on the fact that the water accumulated in the fabric stretch ceiling will last indefinitely. The canvas does not have a strong structure, so water will still start to seep between the fibers. If measures are not taken in time to save the situation, the canvas will have to be changed to a new one.

You need to remember right away. Ceiling stretch surfaces on a fabric base should not be done in the kitchen and bathroom. It is these premises that are most often susceptible to flooding due to the large number of water supply communications.

PVC film ceilings

Tension systems made from PVC films are an option that can reliably protect your home from flooding. The film, unlike the fabric, does not allow liquids to pass through, therefore, such a ceiling during a flood turns into a container for collecting water. Water collects in the central part of the ceiling surface, covered with film, forming a large PVC bag. The strength and stability of the film is sufficient to withstand the pressure of water for a long time, provided that the flow of water inside the room has ceased.

In the future, it remains to simply remove the water, dry the interceiling space and you can proceed to the restoration of the damaged ceiling surface. With proper water drainage, in most cases, it is possible to completely restore the stretch ceiling, returning it to its previous shape and attractiveness.

How to remove water from a stretch ceiling

If you are flooded, don't panic. All your subsequent actions should be aimed at eliminating the consequences of the accident. You can do this yourself or use the services of professionals.

Important! The first thing to do in this situation is to de-energize all the premises in which the water leaked. Often it is required to disconnect the entire apartment from the power supply. This must be done for safety reasons until you can accurately determine the extent of the flood and the location of the accident.

After the apartment is de-energized, try to identify the cause of the flooding as quickly as possible and stop the flow of water. Next, examine the extent of the damage and inspect the stretch ceiling. In most cases, the water that gets into your apartment accumulates there. It is highly undesirable to try to immediately drain the water without preparing for this.

On a note: If you do not know how to properly and professionally drain water from a flooded stretch ceiling, consult a specialist, read this article or contact a cleaning company for help.

Often there are situations when time does not stand and it is urgent to remove water from the stretched ceiling surface. It is not a fact that the fabric or the fastenings of the tension structure can withstand further stress. It is better to try to eliminate the consequences of flooding yourself by removing the accumulated water. Thus, you will prevent the risk of rupture of the web and the collapse of the entire ceiling structure. First, estimate the volume of liquid you need to remove. This will help you find the right containers and drainage containers.

The water is drained in two ways:

  • through the hole in which the lamp is installed;
  • through the angle of the stretched surface closest to the water bubble.

Each of the methods is effective in its own way, but these options are used in different situations.

  • The first way is to drain the water through the ceiling hole for the fixtures. This method is practiced in situations where a large area has been flooded. The place of installation of the luminaire is selected for draining. It is important that the top of the water bubble is in a different place. To move the bubble away from the hole for the lamp, use props that can be used to raise the bubble and drive the water to another place. This must be done very carefully, trying not to damage the canvas.

After the bubble has moved away from the drain, you can begin to remove the water. The process of removing water is time-consuming and tedious, so it is better to work in three or in pairs. One holds a hose through which water flows, the other drives the water along the stretched surface, and the third removes and changes the containers being filled.

It will not be possible to drain all the water through the hose, therefore, in conclusion, you can lower the canvas and let the remaining water drain by gravity through the hole.

Important! Never try yourself to remove water in stretch ceilings, pierce or cut a stretched canvas. This will permanently damage the product. Such a surface cannot be restored, and it will not be possible to stretch the canvas in its previous form.

  • The second method is suitable in those rooms in which there are no spotlights and central lights on the ceilings. Usually these are bedrooms or rooms with combined ceilings.

In this case, the drainage of water from the stretch ceiling is carried out through the corner of the stretched surface. Select the corner closest to the water bubble and use a spatula to remove the edge of the fabric from the ceiling mount. Only work with tools that do not have sharp edges or edges.

In the resulting hole, also insert the hose and begin to drain the water. The water bubble can be adjusted neatly closer to the launch site. It is better to do this, as in the previous case, in pairs, in order to control the flow of water and change the container filled with water.


When you have removed all the water from the tensioned surface, proceed to drying the ceiling of the flooded room. Drying time should not be limited. Otherwise, mold will appear in the space between the ceiling, a musty smell and a feeling of dampness will remain. Such a ceiling, even when restored to its normal state, will not last long.

Drying is carried out using a heat gun, which will subsequently be needed to restore the canvas to its previous form.

In general, we can safely say that flooding is not so terrible for those premises that are equipped with tension suspended structures. Subject to certain rules and technology, you can eliminate the consequences of the accident. To get it right, remember the following aspects:

1. Stretch ceilings are the only elements of an apartment interior that can withstand flooding

2. Fabrics are not so resistant to moisture

3.PVC film is resistant to water pressure and does not allow water to pass through

4. Use two methods to remove accumulated water:

  • through the hole for the lamps;
  • through the corner closest to the water bubble.

5. Never pierce the water bubble. The canvas will become unusable

6. Stretch the canvas only after the surface and base ceiling have completely dried.

It would be nice to know how to organize the drainage of water from a stretch ceiling, and independently, just in case, to everyone who invested in expensive repairs. It is impossible to foresee everything, and a flood can happen in any apartment. Poor quality water tap, old worn out or defective pipes, unprofessional installation. If the owners are not at home, or they could not eliminate the accident, then the water will flood the floor and flow down, and there a stretch ceiling awaits her. The ceiling material does not allow water to pass through, and this will save your things, furniture and walls from getting wet.

But it is necessary to get rid of the consequences of the flood as soon as this trouble is discovered. A water bubble on the ceiling is not aesthetically pleasing, and certainly not hygienic, moisture contributes to the development of bacteria, and later mold. Water is dangerous because it can get to the electrical wiring and make a short circuit. And if your ceiling has a fabric base, then its waterproof impregnation may not withstand for a long time and leak. So, let's figure out how to drain water from a stretch ceiling if necessary.

We call professionals to drain water from a stretch ceiling

If there is water on the stretch ceiling, then you need to call specialists to drain it. Better to call the company that installed the ceiling. As a last resort, any other similar company will be ready to provide a service for draining water from the ceiling.

A qualified team will come with the necessary equipment and not only get rid of unnecessary water, treat it with an antifungal agent, but also return the stretch ceiling to its previous shape. There are times when plaster falls off from the main ceiling during the flood. This means that the stretch ceiling will need cleaning and will have to be reinstalled.

What should be done before the arrival of specialists? Turn off the electricity in this room first. Take out things that are at risk of deterioration from water, household appliances, electronic devices. Find out the cause of the flood, you may need to call the emergency team and shut off the water.

How to drain water from a stretch ceiling yourself

It is definitely better to remove water from a stretch ceiling with the hands of a specially trained person. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to call the master to get rid of the water in the near future. The flood happens both late in the evening and on holidays. Leaving everything as it is for a few days is also not an option. There is a risk of leaks. Therefore, it is useful to know what you can do yourself. And yet, if the leaked water is hot, it is better not to touch the ceiling, wait for specialists. Hot water can make the linen fragile, and additional problems will arise as a result of unprofessional handling. Keep in mind that even after you have drained the water from the ceiling yourself, you will still have to call specialists in order to return it to its "presentation". After all, water will surely leave stains on the back of the coating and you will not be able to simply wash the stretch ceiling.

At the sight of a bubble of water, many have a desire to pierce the canvas and release the water. Do not do that. Even a tiny hole under the pressure of water will tear the canvas, it will not be possible to restore it later.

Water from a stretch ceiling is most often drained using holes for lighting fixtures.

Get everything you need ready. Firstly, something on which you will be standing under the ceiling for quite a long time: a table or a step-ladder. Secondly, the water tank. It is quite difficult to accurately determine at a glance the volume of drained water. Therefore, cook the container as much as you can find. In addition, you may need a hose. When there is very little water, then you can do without it.

Remove the lamp. Pull back the mounting ring, place the hose to the hole. Gently direct the water from the bubble towards the opening. Gently lift the bubble with your hands, try to act so that the water does not run all over the ceiling. For the procedure of draining the water, you will need helpers so that, while you are at the top, fill the containers with water at the bottom and then empty them - especially if there is a lot of water.

In addition to the hole for the chandelier, water can be removed by opening the edge of the stretch ceiling. Free the section of the canvas from the ceiling plinth or other attachment. Slowly pull back the material by substituting the water container or hose. Gently drain the water to the edge, drain and replace the skirting board.

After removing the water, the canvas must be thoroughly dried, preferably with a construction hairdryer. This is a lot of work, and hands will quickly get tired of holding the hair dryer, but without drying, the ceiling may remain wrinkled. To speed up drying, remove all ceiling lights, if present. This will create air movement in the space between the canvas and the ceiling.

Even if you have already got rid of the water yourself, it still makes sense to contact the company and call specialists to process the canvas from possible stains, quickly and thoroughly dry the material and return the ceiling to its original appearance.

Only after the canvas is completely dry can the lamps be returned to their place.

In theory, there is nothing particularly difficult in draining water from the ceiling on your own. But in practice, the success of this operation will depend not only on your hands, but also on the quality of the canvas. Not every canvas is able to restore its former appearance after the flood.

It is safe to say that stretch ceilings are increasingly replacing the usual types of apartment finishes. Compared to the usual plaster and drywall boards, PVC film and synthetic canvas are much more convenient and cheaper. If quite recently it took a lot of time to carry out a small cosmetic repair, a large construction team and serious investments, now you can leave the keys to a specialist when leaving for work, and when you return, get into a completely new apartment, modern and comfortable. What is a big plus - there is no need to carry out a long cleaning after the end of work. The new method allows you not to leave behind construction waste.

There can be many situations in which, after returning from work, you find yourself in an apartment with things floating on the floor. The most common situation is the forgetfulness of neighbors who, leaving the house, did not close the tap in the kitchen or bathroom tightly. The water that got into the sink began to flow through the ceiling and fill your apartment. It happens that the management company performs its duties poorly, and the pipes of the risers are not of good quality - such an attitude leads to breaks in the main pipes. Inexperienced installation of washing machines and dishwashers can add variety to the daily life of neighbors. In private houses, the main problem is a poorly made roof, which unexpectedly leaks during heavy rain. Whatever the reason for the flooding, there is little pleasant. If you have a film stretch ceiling, then financial losses in such a situation can be minimized.

What to do in the event of a flood?

The main thing is not to panic and follow simple rules of conduct.

  1. Be sure to de-energize the apartment. Property can be restored, and an electric shock can be fatal to health.
  2. Shut off the common riser as the water will not stop flowing on its own.
  3. Don't fuss or try to fix things immediately. First, record the damage as detailed as possible on photo or video equipment.
  4. Call the district police officer and draw up an act.
  5. If the property is insured, call the inspector.

How to properly remove water from a stretch ceiling

PVC film is a fairly elastic and durable material. It does not allow water to pass through and can hold a large volume of liquid, stretching to the floor. Do not pierce or tear the blade. It is necessary to use one of the existing methods for removing liquid from the surface of the stretch ceiling. After that, the dried canvas will take its original position and can serve you for more than a dozen years without replacing it with a new one.

If a reputable company installed your ceiling, call them. Usually, the contract specifies that they provide such services free of charge for a year or two. If you have hired workers assembled the structure, without a license, then you can find many other proposals for the qualified performance of such work, but in this case you will have to pay a certain amount. The price is negotiable.

The easiest and most common way is to drain the liquid through the hole for installing lighting fixtures. If a lot of water has leaked, then it is better to start releasing the liquid with a hose, inserting it over the edge of the mount or the same holes for the lamps.

What materials for stretch ceilings can retain water well

You should be aware that, by their structure, fabric canvases are not designed to prevent flooding. They are a mesh of artificial threads impregnated with a special compound. Such a fabric has a porous structure and provides excellent ventilation in the room, however, for the same reason, such material will not retain water if a "flood" occurs.

Film ceilings, in addition to visual appeal and ease of use, perfectly resist moisture penetration. Due to its properties, the plank can easily hold up to one hundred liters of water without tearing. Sometimes the accumulated liquid stretches the canvas to the floor itself, while remaining intact and not missing a drop. Another useful quality of the material in such a situation is that, freed from moisture, the stretch ceiling can take its original form and you do not have to change it to a new one.

How is the process of retention of liquid on the surface of the tension web

Flowing down the ceiling beams, walls and ceilings, the liquid enters the inner surface of the stretch fabric. If the fastening of the structure is carried out correctly and has sufficient strength, then the liquid accumulating on top will gradually stretch the film. The property of PVC material allows it to withstand high mechanical tensile loads. A certain container is formed into which liquid is collected, while it cannot spoil your furniture and things in any way.

By purchasing a film ceiling from a trusted, well-known manufacturer, you can be sure that in an emergency it will help keep your property from damage and damage. Under the influence of water, the PVC film does not lose its color and plasticity. It remains attractive and does not require replacement after drying. There will be no streaks or smudges on it. It is enough to wipe it with a dry cloth - and the stretch ceiling will delight with its pristine beauty.

How to drain the stretch ceiling yourself

If the trouble happened at night or on a weekend and there is no way to seek help from a specialist, you can get rid of the liquid accumulated in the stretch ceiling yourself. It is not very difficult if you follow simple instructions.

  • First, try to find yourself an assistant who will hold the hose and help take out the accumulated liquid.
  • Prepare a container, it is best if it is a large saucepan or boil. Several buckets will work too.
  • It is easier to free a bubble that has appeared in the bathroom or in the kitchen, it is enough to bring the end of the hose into the sink.
  • Decide on the place through which you will drain the water. A hole for installing lighting fixtures is best. It has a solid edge and it is enough to remove the lamp, as you get access to the accumulated liquid. If the ceiling is solid, you need to choose an angle through which you can insert the hose without damaging the film.
  • After removing the masking tape that closes the gaps technologically, bend the corner and insert the hose into the resulting bag. If you use the light hole, be sure to remove the light.
  • Make sure the hose is long enough and try to lower it to the bottom of the bubble. Squeeze the end of the hose while the helper is removing the running water. After removing the bulk of the water, lift the resulting fold with your hands and try to completely remove the liquid from the inner surface of the stretch ceiling.
  • After draining the water, be sure to call a specialist with a heat gun, who will dry the room and help give your coating its original appearance.

How the water is drained through the opening of the lighting fixtures

Most importantly, do not forget to de-energize the room and remove the lighting fixture from the mount. After that, insert the hose into the hole formed. Observe that its end is immersed as deeply as possible in the formed bubble. Make sure that the hard edge of the hose does not damage the film. When draining, clamp the end of the hose with a clamp, if you need to remove the container with water. If you have an assistant, he must change the container, taking out the accumulated water. The bubble must be supported by hands - this will speed up the process of removing the accumulated liquid.

How to drain water from the edge of a baguette

With a monolithic ceiling that does not have holes for lamps, one edge should be freed from the decorative film and the freed edge of the baguette should be slightly bent. We insert a hose into the resulting gap and drain the water in the same way as through the hole of the lamp. If there is no hose, you can drain the water by lifting the bubble with your hands and substituting the container under the hole. In this case, several people will be needed to evenly lift the stretched film. All actions must be carried out carefully, trying not to damage the film.

What mistakes can lie in wait for self-draining water

  • There is a great desire to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. Many people think that by making a small puncture, you can quickly drain the water, and then seal the hole. This is a big mistake - under pressure, even a very strong canvas will surely tear and you will have to re-install the ceiling. In addition, all the water will be on the floor and you will have to shell out a lot of money for repairs.
  • Take your time and do not help to get rid of the liquid with your hands. Only at the very end, when very little water remains, can the accumulated moisture be helped to leave the bubble. When doing this, take care that the surface of the film is not damaged - even a minor scratch can lead to tearing.

The simplicity of the procedure only seems to be such, it is better if you entrust the work to a specialist, in this case you can be sure that the work will be done efficiently and with minimal financial costs

If you are in trouble and your neighbors are flooded, the main thing is not to panic. Remember that this has already happened and it is only necessary to get out of this situation as quickly as possible and with minimal losses. The help of a good master at this time is simply necessary. Ultimately, the work of a professional will help you save money and get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

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One of the most popular methods of finishing the ceiling is a stretch canvas, which has a number of advantages, it is easy and quick to install, takes a minimum of time, installation is possible without prejudice to the repairs already made in the apartment. Such a finish leaves behind a minimum of garbage, but the most attractive is the opportunity to emphasize the interior design, to carry out zoning and taking into account the main stylistic idea.

When choosing, one should take into account the factor that neighbors from above can flood, and therefore preference should be given to a durable PVC film that retains water for a long time. Despite the long water retention due to the strength of the material, it is recommended to drain the water from the stretch ceiling as soon as possible. This can be done by calling the specialists who were engaged in the installation or independently, armed with a bucket and a rag.

In most cases, the flood happens unexpectedly and at the wrong time. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to call a specialist to eliminate flooding, since this can happen at a later time, on a weekend or a public holiday. Despite the fact that the canvas is able to retain water for a long time, it is still recommended to act immediately in order to exclude accompanying problems. If the ceiling does not hold water, and it flows, then the following conclusion can be drawn - it was produced poorly. If water appears in the stretch ceiling, what should be done first? Necessary:

  • turn off the electricity to avoid a short circuit in the wiring;
  • move valuables in the form of household appliances to another room;
  • cover furniture, especially soft furniture, with plastic bags;
  • prepare containers for collecting liquid.

These actions must be performed first. It is also recommended to notify the neighbors, perhaps the water leak has not yet been eliminated, in this case, you should not proceed to draining the water from the ceiling. After the above actions have been completed, you can proceed directly to the actions of draining water from a sagging stretch ceiling.

How to drain water from a stretch ceiling correctly: common common mistakes

It is quite possible to drain the water from the stretch ceiling on your own, especially if the situation is critical or there is no way to wait for the arrival of specialists. The procedure for draining the water itself is not difficult and almost everyone can do it, the main thing is not to make typical mistakes, which will subsequently lead to disastrous consequences and the need to completely replace the canvas, as well as repair the floor.

In most cases, a person is not able to correctly assess the volume of water that has accumulated inside. And this must be done as accurately as possible in order to prepare empty containers for collection, otherwise water will simply spill over the room, which already entails other consequences.

Some have a desire to pierce the sagging bladder and drain all the water from there. At first glance, this may seem like the right decision, but even the smallest small cut or puncture will lead to the fact that the canvas will immediately burst and all the accumulated water will pour out from there. It is strictly forbidden to pierce the bubble, regardless of its size. In addition, it will no longer be able to protect it from water if the neighbors flood the next time.

The correctness of determining the volume of accumulated liquid is very important, since during the draining process there will not be time to look for additional containers, and therefore you should prepare in advance.

Using the mounting ring of the luminaire to drain water from a stretch ceiling

Unfortunately, not all modern stretch ceilings have a special valve in their design, which is used to drain the liquid in case of flooding. In this case, it is necessary to use other methods that will help to simultaneously remove all water and save the canvas for further use. An excellent solution is to use a mounting ring for, through which all the liquid can be drained.

Important! Before carrying out work, it is necessary to de-energize the apartment in order to avoid a strong electric shock, since water is a very good conductor of electricity.

To drain the water from the stretch ceiling through the mounting rings installed for the luminaires, you will need additional tools, namely:

  • ladder;
  • empty containers prepared for water in advance;
  • drain hose.

The first thing to do is remove the chandelier or light fixture installed in the mounting ring. Then install a hose into this ring, first, directing its second end into an empty container or bucket. After that, with careful movements, it is necessary to lift the bubble with the accumulated liquid and redirect it to the mounting ring. It will be very difficult for one person to perform such work, since you will need to hold the hose, change the containers under it and direct the water from the bubble to the hole. To carry out such a procedure, you will need at least two people. The process of work itself will not cause difficulties, and therefore calling a specialist to eliminate the flood in the presence of a stretch ceiling is not necessary.

Draining water over the edge of the stretch ceiling surface

It also happens that the ceiling sheet does not have special holes for the chandelier. In this case, you can drain through the edge of the canvas closest to the bubble. To perform this procedure, it is advisable to involve assistants so as not to spill water on the floor and not damage the canvas itself. The first thing that needs to be done is to remove all finishing materials from the edge of the canvas, remove the baseboard and masking tape. The next step is to release the edge from the frame as carefully and carefully as possible, it is important to hold the canvas so that water does not spill.

For draining, you can also use a hose by carefully inserting it into the cavity, as an option, you can substitute empty containers directly to the edge of the canvas and thus drain the accumulated liquid. Do not smooth out the bubble too actively with your hands, these actions can lead to the fact that water spreads over the entire surface of the canvas and in the future this will cause dampness and mold formation. The whole procedure must be carried out very carefully and slowly so as not to damage the tensioning fabric.

Specialist help in drying a stretch ceiling after a flood

After flooding, the stretch ceiling sheet is deformed and has an unattractive sagging appearance after all the liquid has been eliminated. Do not despair, it is not at all difficult to return the ceiling to its original appearance with a perfectly flat and smooth surface, however, you will have to seek help from specialists. In most cases, companies involved in the installation of stretch ceilings provide warranty service. If the warranty period has not expired, then you need to contact the company's employees who will dry with special equipment and return a smooth surface to the ceiling.

If the warranty period has already expired or the installation was carried out by masters who do not represent the interests of a particular company, then a professional drying procedure can be ordered from any of the firms that are engaged in the installation of a stretch ceiling. Specialists use special heat guns to dry and flatten the canvas.

Alternatively, you can try to dry the canvas yourself, using a special building hair dryer or a regular one, turning it on at full power. After heat treatment, the ceiling gets a smooth and even surface, without compromising the appearance and interior design.

Stretch ceiling water drain on video

In the event of a flood and the formation of a bubble on the stretch ceiling canvas, do not despair and panic. It is important to understand that high-quality installation guarantees water retention for a sufficiently long time. At the same time, you can drain the water yourself without damaging the ceiling. The procedure for eliminating water itself is not complicated, the main thing is to follow the instructions on the video, which clearly demonstrates the whole process of work. But to return it to its original perfectly even look, you will need the help of specialists who perform drying using special equipment.

Photos showing the correct drainage of water

After flooding, it is recommended to drain the water as soon as possible. You should not wait for the arrival of specialists, because the whole process takes a little time and is not complicated. The main thing is to involve several assistants in this case. From the photo, you can study in more detail how the whole process of removing water takes place and, following the prompts, perform the same actions. The quality of the stretch ceiling canvases is quite high, and therefore can easily hold large volumes of water. In addition, the canvas can be completely restored and returned to its original appearance, the main thing is not to make typical mistakes that can lead to the need for its complete replacement.

remove the lamp

pushing the hose

pour water into a container