Installation bar countertops. Fastening diagram of various bar rack elements

Once the bar racks were used only by appointment: sit down and drink in the Pite Center. Somehow they moved into the kitchen, and they got talked. The item was very convenient, especially since it suffered noticeable changes and a modern bar counter for the kitchen has a variety of design. Its options can be very different in design and style, and the functional purpose they can also be different.

Purpose and species

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen allows, the bar counter in the kitchen is put on direct purpose: sit down a cup of coffee or something stronger, something to eat. Then "Equipment" with her respective: holders for glasses, fuels, glass, near the shelf / molders of juices, bottles, etc. They put it with one edge on the wall or edge, sometimes placed in the form of the island - in the middle of the free zone.

In small kitchens, it is often multifunctional. It can be used as a separator for zones - dining room and kitchen, on very small squares is often used as a dining table. Moreover, it can be located non-standard - at the wall.

In the kitchens of medium sizes - 10-12 meters - often performed in the form of a peninsula - a small protrusion on the side. In order to more rational use of space, the place under the tabletop is occupied by the shelves or cabinet. Such a design is very simple - the bar stand bar often relies on several pieces of direct or inclined pipes fixed on the table of the cabinet.

Bar rack in the kitchen - Peninsula

Similar multistage kitchens have recently become popular: different operations in the kitchen are more convenient to perform on surfaces with different heights.

But, nevertheless, more often, the bar stand for the kitchen is present in the studios apartments to distinguish between two zones: or from the hallway - who has something united. Moreover, it is often a continuation of the desktop-island or peninsula.

They are still in the form of a partition. In this case, the base is most often of the drywall, and it "adds" to it - from above or side - the surface.

In general, variations, variations and different species a lot. Adjust the idea that I liked under your conditions, and you can proceed to implementation.

Dimensions and dimensions

There are no strict standards on this. There are some recommendations that are violated at about half of the cases. Recommendations relate only to the height and width of the table top:

  • In height, the bar counter is customary to do 1.1-1.2 meters. Then there are special high chairs near her.
  • By width - at least 30 cm, optimally 50-60 cm. Less than 30 cm should not be done: even a small plate on such a tabletop will be in danger. And it's just uncomfortable: neither elbows put it, nor lean.

Long, shape, quantity and shape of the legs are all at your discretion. By the way about legs. Traditional racks that were in the Pite establishments are a tabletop on the end. But for some reason a tabletop on one tube from the floor is considered for the kitchen "classics" for some reason.

By the way, in this form it is almost not used. More functional analogs with cabinets and couches are predominant.

Bar rack for kitchen: Stages, Methods of manufacture, Photo reports

The easiest option is the classic one: the table top attached by one edge to the wall or furniture, and the second rest on the pipe. There are options with the worktop:

  • Make a wide board, preferably not a coniferous breed - they have too soft wood.
  • Order in the same company where the kitchen set did. If you bought ready, you will have to look for a similar material on a photo or carry with you a small spare part with you to demonstrate what you need.
  • Make from thick plywood, then decorate something - paste plastic, tile, mosaic.

Everything else is better to choose in the store selling furniture fittings. The choice is very wide, and the variation of prices is at all amazing. For example, the pipe of the same diameter can cost three times more. But such a difference is not good. With cheap Chinese pipes / grids / basket Chrome starts after some time with flakes with flakes. German accessories have a very high price tag, but a lifelong warranty, Poles - in the middle and by price, and in quality. The choice is yours.

In the photo above - the homemade bar counter, which made from the thick board. It relies on the one hand to the shelf attached to the wall (also from the boards of the inches). The second support is a traditional tube. A hole of the suitable diameter is drilled under the tube of the tabletop. Under the table top on the pipe is installed nozzle-focus "Ring Fastening", the hole is closed with a decorative ring. There is also a "sank" or universal fastening of the pipe to the floor and ceiling, as well as different holders and shelves on it.

If the countertop is attached directly to the wall, the corners usually use for these purposes. You can take reinforced, and choose the color on the basis of the finish. But this type of fasteners are installed so that it is not visible - several centimeters retreating from the edge. You can put several small corners, or one solid.

If it is decided to make a bar counter in the kitchen along the wall, you can use the decorative brackets for the shelves. Their carrier ability should be enough for a worktop, especially since you can deliver a few pieces. An example of assembling a bar with a simple design with a pipe in a photo below.

Photo report №1: homemade tabletop rack and pipes

The countertop was cut out of the window sill (array), the edge was rounded, polished, toned and covered with varnish. Parts - Bar leg, brackets and retainers to the floor - bought in the furniture fittings department.

Connect the stopper to the table top, to the edge - corners. It gets all the screws with a flat hat. Work takes about 7 minutes.

Attail the collected rack against the wall, mark on the wall of the place where you need to install a dowel. On the floor, we supply the pipe with a marker: on this label we will exhibit the backbone. By labels, mount the stop for the rack, put a dowel into the wall.

We put the rack in place, creating screws. Everything. Ready.

Bar racks with shelves

If the design with the pipe does not like, you can do without it, but you will have to remove the upper part, which is under the ceiling. Instead of a leg, for example, you can make the same shelf as near the wall. The species will be immediately more dynamic and modern.

And in general, the whole design can be collected from wide boards, I joking them at right angles. Looking at the photo below, you will understand what it is about.

Bar rack for the kitchen in a modern style (for minimalism and high-tech too)

In modern interiors, broken lines fit in general. If the kitchen is in the style of minimalism or hai tech, then the classics is hard to enter there, but something consisting of broken lines will look very good (several sketches in the picture below).

A slightly more traditional option is presented in the photo. From this he did not become less interesting. A non-standard approach even in minor doses changes significantly perception.

Option Bar Stroke - Table

Bar rack based on

All this we considered options without reason. But the countertop can be attached to some tumbler. If the countertop is accurately over the surface of the table, we take the pipe and standard fasteners to horizontal surfaces. If, as in this case, the surface of the bar rack is shifted, there is a special sloping fastener.

Countertop attach to the wardrobe - easy and simple

The tube can be made it yourself. Actually, the main thing is to collect the framework. It can be seen with furniture plywood or other finishing material - it depends on the style of your kitchen. The frame can be made of wooden (dry) rails, and you can cook and metal corner.

As an option - to collect from the profiles for drywall, to obey them or GVL. Another option is to fold the foundation of the brick. But this, if the carrier ability of overlapping allows.

With the basis of plasterboard: photo report number 2

Frequently select the device from the plasterboard. The material is inexpensive, the technology is tested, the mechanics are familiar, the result is at least good. In order of work, no news: collect the framework. In this case, wooden bars are used, but it is also possible to use profiles.

The main thing is to observe the vertical and horizontal planes, put the racks exactly at 90 °. It is checked with a good construction level, the verticality is better to keep track of the plumb: it does not have errors. When the frame is assembled, from two sides is trimmed with a hikington or GWL.

Footprints from self-tapping screws, corners and joints put sand. Further depends on the selected type of finishing: under some need a putty (painting with water-emulsion), there is no under any. In our case, textured paint was chosen, it is applied with a thick layer, and can be directly on plasterboard.

It remains to install on the bar counter desktop. Choose what is more suitable for the rest of the furniture in your kitchen.

Photo report number 3: Bar rack with washing

It was the first experience in creating furniture (and in general something feet) with their own hands, as a result some structural shortcomings are admitted. Not the most successful thing turned out, although it's not arguing about tastes.

Source materials:

  • inexpensive countertops purchased for sale;
  • remnants from the cabinet of;
  • bars;
  • a couple of remedy doors;
  • plumbing filling: washing, siphon, mixer and required pipes-fittings.

Table tops are composed of the letter "g", are connected by steel plates, the sidewalls are attached

On the floor face down the countertops are unfolded. They are connected in the form of the letter "g" with the help of glue, which are promoted ends and steel strip with perforation, into which the self-tapping screws are spinning. The band, of course, is fixed below.

The sidewalls were supposed to be created (presumably laminate), because the remains available in the farm are the old door and a piece of the cabinet. They are fastened with the help of the corners, aligned along the edge of the tabletops. And this is the first mistake. And visually such a stand is hardly, and sitting uncomfortable. The sidewalls must be moved from the edge at least 10 cm.

After the sidewalls are installed, the end is turned over, put on a permanent place. All other works were performed in place. The hole was drunk under the sink, the plumbing part is installed and connected.

Along the floor, the rails are nailed - along the walls and slightly retreating from the outer edge (5 cm retreat is made, it is possible 10 - more convenient), shelves are made. The cabinet from the sink side is closed by the door, the shelves left remained open. The space is partially decorated with wooden planks.

At first, they thought to put several different "increments" on the pipe, but semicircular edges remained from the worktops. It was decided to use them on the pipe. A panels for decorating balconies (bought in Lerua) are used as the outer finish of the couch. They almost approached the size, and the remaining gaps closed with a twisted cord. As a result, a homemade bar stand with a wardrobe for washing see the photo below.

There are still comments on finishing. The first - cord will soon be soaked in various liquids, will have a pale appearance and strong "aroma". To push the time of the odor, it can be covered with something, at least the same PVA glue. Second - table tops just docked. Water will fall into the gap, a variety of fine garbage will be blocked. In the "docking" stage of the edge, it is necessary to wash the sealant (transparent, silicone, not acrylic). You can also need to process the edges of the cutout for the sink. Then the countertop will not swell. Countertops can be separated by furniture overlays, or similar to use and instead of a cord. Another budget option is plastic corners and the same T-shaped strips.

Bar rack for kitchen on wall residues

If the kitchen was combined with a balcony, a piece of wall remains. The place where there used to be a window. If there is no desire to destroy it, you can make a bar counter.

There are two options:

  • At that height that is, put the worktop. It will be another work surface or shelf. Above it on pipes at an altitude of about 1.1-1.2 m to fasten another plane, which will actually be bar.
  • Check / peel the wall to the desired height and put the worktop.

Both are not bad, but the one is in the photo on the right, more practical: two surfaces in the kitchen are always better than one. Please note that the size of the table top is greater than the width of the "legs". This is not by chance: so you can sit more or less comfortable, without turning sideways.

And if it's not too lazy to remove this wall, you can make something more comfortable - so that you can put the legs. Example - in the photo.

Photo-ideas of registration

Desktop - as the basis

Bar Rack of Brick or Stone - Stylish

Video on the topic

If you want to put a bar rack on an open, idea can be borrowed in this video. The guy from the Koragovy and Tolstoy Plank found in the forest built an interesting rack.

Most often questions arise about how to make a tabletop for a bar counter. You can separate it with a mosaic. And how - look in the video. In general, the laying technology of the mosaic is simple: on a special white glue with the subsequent grouting of the seams between the tiles. It is difficult to form an uneven edge. That's how to do it - look in the video.

Countertop glued from bars

Modern often assumes the presence of a bar counter. It is great for both ordinary cuisine and the studio apartment. This compact design is simply indispensable in situations where a light snack is required or a relaxed meeting with friends is planned. And besides, the functional and comfortable bar rack is quite realistic to make it yourself.

When the design of its bar rack is thought out, it is necessary to repel from 3 rules:

  • Functionality;
  • Separation of space;
  • Convenience and aesthetics of construction.

Bar rack, located in the studio apartment or in the kitchen-dining room, can be an excellent tool for zoning the room.

Design Bar Racks for Kitchen: Photo

Choosing materials for table top

We take off the choice of materials for the table-top seriously - it should be not only moisture-resistant, but also to resist the temperature and mechanical stress characteristic of the kitchen. In order for the countertop, it should be focused on the texture and color from the overall interior, you should navigate the materials from which the rest of the furniture in the kitchen is made.

1. Countertop from chipboard

The table top for home bar from the chipboard is simultaneously stylish and easy, but waterproofing is extremely important for this popular tabletop.

Photo: Tabletop from chipboard very not practical


  • inexpensive material;
  • the coating may be any color;
  • easily amenable to change.

But has a wide choice of colors and affordable price.


  • does not like moisture, prone to blown and deformation.

Important: The high quality chick says a tightly adjacent edge.

2. Tabletop made of natural wood

This bar countertop will cost more than from the chipboard, but it looks more respectable.


  • the tree is the most natural material for the table top;
  • perfectly fits almost any interior.

Photo: Stopper Bar Strokes Massiferous Tree


  • requires careful care;
  • may be deformed and swell over time;
  • bounds and depressions can spoil her look.

Important: On a wooden tabletop should not be spilled drinks.

3. Stone Bar Countertop

The stone can be both natural and artificial.


  • little exposed to external influences;
  • very durable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • easy to care.

Stone Countertop for Bar Rack


  • it is bad to change the size and shape.
  • it costs the chipboard and wood.

Important: If you need a relatively unpretentious and inexpensive countertop - stop your choice on artificial stone.

4. Glass Bar Countertop

Such table tops are fragile, but very elegant in appearance.


  • original appearance;

Glass Bar Countertop


  • susceptible to mechanical damage;
  • it is immediately noticeable traces of fingers, dust and stains.

Important: When installing a glass bar tabletop, pay attention to the absence of even small cracks.

5. Bar countertop from a combination of materials

In such a countertop, glass can be combined with natural wood or stone, there may be inserts from another material.


  • unusual design;


  • suts at the joints of such countertops require special attention;
  • different materials need different care.

Important: At all, it is not necessary to make a tabletop from the material from which the base of the bar rack is made.

Choosing, it should be taken into account not only the possibility of its budget, but also the design and power of the design itself.

Materials for the base

Materials for the manufacture of the base of the bar rack can be:

  1. Furniture chipboard. Bar racks made of furniture chipboard are often equipped with a variety of cabinets and shelves.
  2. Wood;
  3. Plasterboard;
  4. Brick;
  5. Artificial or natural stone.

Photo: Basis Bar Countertops of Brick

In addition to the foundation of the bar counter, you will need accessories. Often this design is decorated with chrome pipes, in abundance offered in the construction markets.

Tip: On the chrome pipes of the bar rack, not only the blades and scales, but also dishes are: plates and cups.

Determine with materials and tools

Before you begin to independently make a bar counter, you need to carefully examine the installation process, since its correct installation requires compliance with certain conditions.


  • Screwdriver Set;
  • Drill, rolled;
  • Electrolovik;
  • Round file;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Grinding bar;
  • Clamps;
  • Putty knife;
  • Paint brush.

The competent manufacturer of the bar counter requires the strength of all its parts, so first we glue the sheets of plasterboard or chipboard among themselves, so that it turns out dense stoves with a thickness of 3.2 cm. Two chipboard plates or drywall are left unchanged.

A classic bar stand is a table barrier in a pietary institution. Because of its convenience and multifunctionality, she found its place in the houses of people, in the kitchen.

The designers use a huge number of methods and materials to create a bar counter racks.

Independently make this subject of the interior, unfortunately, it is sufficiently difficult. But do not be upset, you should arma the instructions, advice of professionals, and the creation of such a design from a tree, chipboard or any other material will be quite real.

Types of bar racks and their need

If there is enough space in the room, the rack serves in its immediate destination: near her there are visitors.

Some notice that this design is a truly indispensable object in the house for breakfast or coffee.

The feature of the racks is directly in filling itself: it is impossible without glasses of holders, wine glasses, a variety of glasses, fruit VAZ, as well as a large number of other details.

Bar racks for small cuisine are designed quite rare due to limited space. But if the customer has a desire to equip his kitchen with a resistant, it is usually attached to the wall in such cases. This option is not standard, but very practical.

Installation of bar racks in the kitchens of the middle and large area

With the equipment of the kitchen of the midline come to the installation of the rack - "Peninsula". This means that the rack is attached to any other furniture element. We need reliable fasteners due to the fact that the design is at its height has differences with the workplace.

Note! Yellow Cuisine: Advantages and Disadvantages of Kitchen Design With Yellow Tint (75 photos)

Basically apply straight or inclined pipes, they serve as a support of the rack.

To place your piece of furniture in the kitchen of a large area, any placement method will suit. In a large kitchen, even the installation of a separate island will not take the desired space for work. In addition, it disappears in the use of decorative details.

Sometimes designers come to the use of a plasterboard wall, to which the tripod itself is attached. There is a huge set of bark kitchen designs, since it is realistic to combine different materials: for example, metal with a tree, and sometimes even with glass.

Multifunctionality and practicality

In fact, kitchen racks are most often used in situations when it is necessary to divide the kitchen zone and the living area.

Studio apartment is usually small rooms, so the owners try to use the existing area to maximize. In this case, it usually comes out the combination of a bar counter with a kitchenette.

To put your piece of furniture as conveniently possible and practical, you should listen to a few tips: it is possible to install under the desk, bedside tables, small lockers.

You can hang a variety of fasteners over it: on pipes-holders, or under the most ceiling. It is also possible to build a two-tier kitchen rack.

Dimensions of the kitchen rack

The height of the kitchen bar is usually about 130 cm. Standing, it will be quite convenient to use, but to sit down, a special chair should be purchased.

But the width already has some conditions: usually it should be at least 30 cm: if the rack is already, it is simply not convenient to put the dishes and other items.

For more comfort, rack cabinets can be equipped with backlight. Usually, LED ribbons are used for this, or lamps. This solution is a very big savings.

LEDs take a small amount of energy, they also do not have the ability to heat and serve you long enough.

Types of Bar Rack

The metal base is classic. It goes through the tabletop and scratches the first end to the floor, and the second to the ceiling.

It is recommended to buy high-quality tubes of German or Polish production. Chinese manufacturers look outdoor also, but after a short time, the paint covering them will begin to lead.

In the countertop you need to do the hole under the riser and drive the tabletop on the support. At the base end, the nozzle-stop, called another "fastening ring", with the visible eye of the part everything closes with an artificial overlay.

Fastening are used to fix tripod. Shelves, holders and so on is attached only after installing the rack. When the countertop is located along the wall, it is fixed by decorative brackets. For the strength of structures and reliability, they are put as closer to each other.

How to attach a rack to the wall?

Bar rack on the corner kitchen is mounted on the wall with the help of the corners. For this procedure, you should buy reliable corners.

There are two types of corners: simple and reinforced. The latter are used in severe and massive structures. The table top, created by itself, is usually based on one corner, and more massive - to several.

Interior of the kitchen with bar counter

In fairly large rooms, the rack can be in the middle of the kitchen, while it forms the island.

Quite often in the designs of kitchen studios on this island, the stove is placed and washing, and the bar rack closes them on the side of the guest room.

In addition, the design will have to taste lovers and cooking professionals.

For the final choice of kitchen room design, we offer you to look for a photo of bar racks in the kitchen. We are confident that it will help you decide and make a choice.

Photo Cuisine with Bar Stand

It is customary to think that the bar rack is not the most useful element of the interior in the usual urban cuisine. On the one hand, it is so - under it requires free space, and it is difficult to imagine a full-fledged family dinner for Barka. But on the other hand, a bar counter for the kitchen can be a very interesting design decision, because the exclusive never comes out of fashion!

What are the advantages of the bar counter, which are manifested even when it is installed in the usual small-sized kitchen?

  1. This is a good alternative to the dining table. Of course, gathered for her for lunch with the first and second, the whole family will look somewhat comic, but quickly snack before leaving for study / work for it is quite real and all together.
  2. Correctly placing a bar counter, you can save the kitchen space to save. To do this, it is enough to harmoniously enter it into the interior, connecting with a kitchen head.
  3. In a small apartment-studio, the bar counter may well replace the lunch table, while separating the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen from the rest of the space.
  4. Bar rack in the kitchen with their own hands is quite easy to manufacture, which is available to every home master having the minimum necessary tool kit for this business.

What are the bar racks for the kitchen?

Bar rack in classic performance is most often made as a separate element that is fixed with one side to the wall. The other side is fixed with a metal pipe, which is connected by special heels with a worktop, as well as floor (and ceiling, if the design provides such a fastener). The classic is high enough, its working surface is located at an altitude of 110-115 centimeters from the floor. Sitting at such a rack is offered at high stools or chairs having a footmented crossbar.

A more popular version of the kitchen is something mean between the classical stand and dining table, its height coincides with the main height of the working surfaces of the kitchen (on average - 90 centimeters). A large plus of this approach lies in the absence of the need to buy special, which is also difficult to use somewhere else.

A more complex combined option combines the advantages of the first two types, but it is intended exclusively for spacious kitchens and separates the living room area from the kitchen area. The tabletop such "Barka" is performed in two levels: high is located on the part of the living room, and low, respectively, on the "kitchen" side.

Another interior solution for large kitchens is the "island" bar counter, which is performed as a separate block located in the center of the room. Such racks in ordinary apartments are much less common.

We make a bar counter with your own hands: What do we need?

Bar stand in the kitchen with their own hands can be made of a variety of materials. The easiest in processing and therefore the most popular of them is chipboard. To work with it you will need only a drill and an electrolybiz, which have any fan of the "Make Him" \u200b\u200bmethod. You can use for the working surface and kitchen countertop, but for its ending it will take a special tool. Another popular material is a stone, but in the absence of experience working with it, it is better not to risk.

A chipboard is sold with the design of "under the tree" and "under the stone" of various colors, so that it will easily replace these materials. To finish the edge of the base from the furniture chipboard, the ribbon on the melamine basis is perfectly suitable, which is very easy to fix. Appropriate accessories for fastening the stand to the wall, as well as a chromed pipe that performs the role of support. If you want to decorate the rack, it is easy to make a smaller diameter with the same pipes, and accessories for the bar rack and ordinary dishes can be fixed.

All this is purchased in a specialized store or in the construction market, where you will always be prompted, what kind of fastener will be optimal in the conditions of your apartment, and will also tell about the intricacies of its installation.

In addition to the electric jigsaw, you will need a screwdriver drill, a hacksaw for metal, as well as an ordinary electric iron.

Bar Stand Production: Action Plan

As in any other case, before you work your hands, you should work your head. It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail starting from the form and ending with the finest elements of the design. Variations of the manufacturer of the bar counter - a great set, so in this article we will focus on the most popular of them: the bar counter from the furniture chipboard, which is attached to the rack from the chrome pipe.

How to cut a table top right?

If you think about how to collect a bar counter for the kitchen, start with the markup of the chipboard sheet, from which the countertop will be cut. When it is discharged, it is necessary to follow the three main rules, and then the slice will turn out to be smooth, beautiful and without chips:

  1. Lobzik should install a new pot. If the cloth even is blinking a little, it can be a story during working with chipboard, because the state of the peel is critical when working with this material. As a result, you will receive either the end of the end, or unevenly performed cut.
  2. Choose a pet with small teeth that should look up. If you do everything on the contrary, the edges of the cut will be torn, which will be almost impossible to fix.
  3. Want to get the perfect slice on which there will be no small chips? A little secret: Clean the place on the planted line the most common scotch, and you will succeed.

Now it is necessary to think about the processing of edges, which are hosted by either by special plastic or melamine tape. Plastic fasten at home is much more complicated, it is desirable to have a special construction hairdryer, because warming it with an iron can easily lead to cracking edge. The melamine tape is attached much easier - it is applied to the chipboard, after which he warms with the help of an ordinary iron. The glue base at this moment melts and reliably fixes the edge, which is already securely held after the cooling.

Fix the bar counter

Ready countertop required to fix. The easiest option of mounting to the wall is wide metal corners that are fixed by dowels on one side and self-drawing on the other. If you are more concerned about the aesthetic side of the question, you can buy hidden pollocks for which you will have to drill holes in the chipboard. But note that such fasteners can withstand a smaller load.

Bar rack made in the form of a console, the second end is attached to the pole, which can either simply sign it from below, or pass through the ceiling. Standing standard height in the form of a chrome-plated "leg" can be immediately purchased with fasteners. The second option is more reliable, but you will have to perfectly adjust the size of the pole, scuffing it at the desired height with the help of the metal hacksaw. At the countertop, the pole is attached using standard heels with a threaded connection. In the case of a passage location of the pipe you need four pieces.

It is also necessary to do the hole under the diameter of the pipe. If you do it with a jigsaw, be sure to place the smallest pink that you only have, and work very slowly. It is best to make such holes with a manual millingrer, sometimes you can make a "hole" by a milling line in the construction market when buying a chipboard sheet.

When fixing, pay special attention to the height of the table top - it must correspond to the height of the remaining working surfaces.

Variations of the Bar Stand Production

We described the easiest option, but you can come up with your own individual project: a kitchen with a bar with his own hands can look completely different. Someone prefers to equip "Barca" by the shelves and cabinets, someone decorates it, and the foundation makes from a variety of materials - right up to drywall and bricks.

But no matter how the original project you are invented, remember that the tabletop material must meet the following requirements: it should not be afraid of scratches, high humidity, fat, not to absorb kitchen smells, and also be resistant to any impacts that can be rendered to it in Kitchen conditions.

Yes, there will be a light: Light the bar rack

Having understood with how to make a bar counter in the kitchen, it is worth thinking about its backlight. Such an exclusive subject of the interior, and also made independently, needs good highlight. The ideal option for this is the use of halogen lamps mounted in a beam, located above the table top.

If there is no possibility to mount such a beam, special chandeliers or plaffones are suitable, which are suspended directly to the ceiling. It is best to connect them not directly, but using dimmers - the lighting intensity regulators. By setting up a muffled backlight at the right moment, it is easy to achieve perfect similarity with a bar atmosphere.

It will be correct to mount the bar rack in close proximity to the distribution and electrical sockets, but you can use the extension that it will not look so aesthetic. If you do not want to spoil the interior solution with the wires of extension cords, but there are no close sockets, a separate outline is performed to the rack.

It is recommended to think about it before the start of repairing the premises, planning simultaneously with its holding and installation of the bar counter. In this case, you can hide the wires under the surface in the prepared strokes. But if you have tried late, it is enough to purchase special boxes for wires.

Cable is laid? You can only mount the junction boxes and display the wires for connecting the lighting devices. After checking wiring for performance, switches are mounted, and - voila - the lighting is ready.

  • The best chairs for the bar counter - adjustable in height, with backrest and footrest.
  • We decided to use a stone for the table top - order his sawing specialist.
  • Want to save place - think the storage system in the form of shelves for accessories and hangers for glasses.
  • Chose the "island" bar rack - make sure the area of \u200b\u200byour kitchen is at least 15-18 squares.
  • The most popular solution in the form of a console with a pole to the ceiling at the same time and the most reliable.

How to make a bar counter racks for the kitchen with your own hands - rather, the question of the design sphere, and not optimal work with the material and tools. Do not limit your fantasy, and the most independently Bar Stand will be a real pride in the circle of friends and loved ones!

Also familiarize yourself with the article.

The exclusive and stylish kitchen interior almost always includes a bar rack. It can be located not only in the kitchen, but also serve as a separator between the kitchen and dining room, and can become a homemade minibar. The process of creating such a design itself is not too expensive, but requires preliminary preparation and design.

If you can harmoniously enter a bar counter in the kitchen interior, it will become its central element. However, it is worth remembering that the bar stool is not as convenient as a traditional dining, and therefore for family dinkers still there must be a separate table. However, modern designs can solve this problem, and our article will help you to answer the question: how to make a bar rack with your own hands? In "Studios", this design will become an excellent zoning element, separating the recreation area from the place of food use, and will also allow guests to be a friendly company.

Bar rack materials

To perform a bar rack at home, you must first choose the materials. Do not forget that in most kitchens are made in the mini format, in this case, the grand construction is not foreseen.

Bar rack with their own hands can be made of the following materials:

  • Plastic - cheap and lightweight material, with a variety of color solutions, convenient in processing, but not too durable;
  • Laminated chipboard - more and more difficult in work, but more durable compared to plastic, produced in a wide range of colors, with surfaces imitating multicolored marble and noble wood;
  • Plasterboard allows you to create structures of any shapes and styles - from the classics to the loft; The material is easy to paint in any color suitable for the interior of the house;
  • Valuable wood breeds - such a design will look noble, solid and expensive, but for its creation, elementary carpentry skills will be required.

Types of Bar Stacks

When creating a bar stand at home, the following typical solutions can be used:

  1. Stationary bar stand.

It can be performed in the mini format. The maximum height of the table top in this case is not more than 1.2 meters from the floor. Here you can use the traditional bar stool - high, with a footrest, with backs and armrests.

  1. The combination of the dining table rack will be the best option for a small kitchen. The height of the working surface here is about 900 mm. As a supplement - a standard stool.
  2. Two-level design when a high bar stand is adjacent to a typical dining table. This is an excellent option for the zoning of the house - the low part remains in the kitchen, and high - ended in the living room.

We make a countertop - the whole process

Bar rack with their own hands for the kitchen is created in several stages. Moreover, the base element here is a countertop - it is it that creates the necessary interior accents. Therefore, the slab used as it is obliged to be attractive, durable and unresponsive to wear. To make a tabletop yourself, you will need a chipboard, veneer or other lumber. It is cut out of the desired form (electrolovka). In the places of cutting, the edge is thoroughly cleaned and is covered with a special tape from the end.

Tip! The original tabletop color is easy to change using the self-adhesive film.

If you do not want to make the manufacture of table top on your own, then buy a finished product from chipboard or acrylic stone.

Base "Bar" - the main rules of construction

Production of a bar counter for the kitchen (standard or mini) requires the construction of the relevant base. Here are the following options:

  1. The brick base is laid out of the brick on the cement mortar so that the form of the rectangle has solved. It is better to use a red facing brick that does not require additional decoration. Other types of material will be asked to plain. The "bar" can be located on island type and will become a central element of the room. Such structures are stable and massive, and products from thick wood or marble are used as countertops.
  2. You can perform a frame basic design. For this, a metal corner is up to 50 mm wide or a wooden beam with a cross section of 40x40 mm. The elements of the design are connected to each other (welded or twisted), after which they are cleaned, painted and shed. To give the base of strength, it is additionally fixed to the wall or nearby furniture. Since the design of this type is lightweight, massive countertops are not used here.

Below, we present you a step-by-step photo-instruction of the creation of a bar counter with your hand from a veneer on a frame of wooden bars. You can use: chipboard (but this material is not the most reliable), Faneru, Feds, MDF and drywall.

We will need:

  • Wooden bars or cutting boards 100-120 cm long (in this case, edged boards 5 cm thick, 15 cm width, 105 cm wide) will be used;
  • Sheets of plywood, veneer, sheets of fiberboard (in this case - veneer oak);
  • Carbag nails, as well as screws 3.8 cm and 50 mm;
  • Glue joiner;
  • Moldings, decorative plinths or trimming plywood, as well as 2 - 5 brackets if desired;
  • Morilka, as well as wood lacquer or two-component epoxy resin.

Tip! Create a bar counter of any design, including mini format, you need to pre-fulfilled the drawing. It is better to use a three-dimensional model, but a scheme on millimeter paper is also suitable. Such an approach will create a harmonious design suitable for the size of the room and the interior. You can also immediately choose a chair and a suitable set of equipment for a rack.

But the bar racks made by their own hands on the same principle, but in another design.

But other ideas for lovers make your own hands.

Bar rack lighting and suitable equipment

So that the bar table is better fit into the kitchen interior you need to think through its lighting. With the correct backlight, even a minibar will be a seating area and comfort.

It is best to cover the bar rack with halogen lamps, having them in a special beam above the worktop. However, mini-plasters or chandeliers suspended directly to the ceiling are suitable for this purpose.

The photo presents various ways of illumination of the bar rack.