Letter to Catherine the Thunderstorm. A letter on behalf of any hero about the tragedy of Katerina in the drama "The Thunderstorm"

The tender epistolary romance of a Red Army soldier with his wife from the film “White Sun of the Desert” was invented by a Soviet theater director [video]

Letters to his beloved for Comrade Sukhov from “White Sun of the Desert” were invented by Mark Zakharov. Photo: still from the film

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On September 28, Mark Zakharov, the permanent artistic director of Lenkom, director, public figure, and also... the author of Comrade Sukhov’s letter, passed away. Yes, yes, Zakharov was not only the director of fashionable and innovative performances and the best Soviet films, but also composed humoresques, plays and articles on theater theory. It was to him that the director of the film “White Sun of the Desert” Vladimir Motyl turned to him.

The task was to make a living Russian person out of a stunted and academic Red Army soldier. Show his trembling soul, missing his native land. Zakharov did a brilliant job - Sukhov’s seven letters to his wife, while mentally writing them in a dream, the Red Army soldier remembers his beloved, became an unconditional element of the picture and added a sweet charm. An absolute connoisseur of the language, Mark Anatolyevich managed to find the perfect balance between the refined folk vocabulary (“like a pure swan”) - without cranberries, caricatured poskonism and rural jargon - and the official phrases of the seconded Sukhov (“the people were flexible, with a twinkle”). For example, the phrase “And I’ll also tell you, dear Catherine” is included in a collection of modern urban folklore. Like other brilliant and subtle expressions, it remained in the souls of tens of millions of viewers forever.

In those years, we were very friends with Volodya Motyl, - Zakharov told KP.- I, already a theater director, composed various humoresques for the radio. And Vladimir Yakovlevich invited me, together with him, to construct such a gentle epistolary novel by a Red Army soldier. First we talked to him about it, then we went to Leningrad together and watched the footage there in the studio. At first I didn't find it very interesting. But then, of course, I became imbued with the powerful character of Sukhov, performed by Anatoly Kuznetsov. I began to imagine myself through the eyes of Anatoly Borisovich in the hot desert. He is a wonderful actor and, unnoticed by himself, he has become such an outstanding positive hero of our cinema.

According to legend, this move came to Motyl in a dream, just as Katerina Matvevna later appeared to comrade Sukhov. In addition, there is an assumption that Mark Anatolyevich had prepared similar letters for his new film.


Letter to Katerina Matvevna No. 1. Like a pure swan

And I’ll also tell you, dear Katerina Matvevna, that you appear to me like a pure swan, as if you’re swimming wherever you want, or on some business, I’m finding it difficult to even say... only my breath is constricted with joy, as if someone were shooting out of a cannon. the emphasis went wrong. Just know, dear Katerina Matvevna, that class battles today are, by and large, over, and the hour of world liberation is coming. And it was my turn to return home to build a new life with you in my dear native land.

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White sun of the desert - letters to Katerina Matveevna.

Letter No. 2. The people came together with a twinkle

My soul yearns for you, beloved Ekaterina Matvevna, like a crane in the sky. However, we had a slight hitch. I think about three days, no more. Namely, as a conscientious fighter, I was tasked with escorting a group of comrades from the fraternal East.

It is necessary to note that the people we have chosen are flexible, one might say, sincere, with a spark, so that my feet are now running across the hot sands in the opposite direction, because our revolutionary duty obliges us to do so.

Letter No. 3. So we don’t advise you to kill yourself in vain.

“I’m writing to you back, dear Katerina Matvevna, because I had a free minute. And I relaxed in the hot sun, as if our cat Vaska was on the hill.

We sit on the sand near the blue sea, without any worries. The sun here is so bright it’s so white in your eyes. I also want to inform you that our deployment is proceeding smoothly, in an atmosphere of fraternal community and harmony. We walk along the sands and sigh for nothing except for you, the only and unforgettable Katerina Matvevna. So we don’t advise you to kill yourself in vain. This is a waste of time."

Letter No. 4. The sun is so bright, it’s so white in your eyes

“I’m writing to you back, dear Katerina Matvevna, because I had a free minute. And I relaxed in the hot sun, as if our cat Vaska was on the hill. We sit on the sand near the blue sea, without any worries. The sun here is so bright it’s so white in your eyes.”

Letter to Katerina Matvevna No. 5. Forgive me generously, a slight hitch

“And I also want to attribute to you, Katerina Matvevna, that sometimes such melancholy comes to your heart and takes you by the throat with claws. Do you think somehow you are there now? What are your concerns today? Did you get the mowing done or what? The grass must be rich this year.

Well, our separation won’t last long. I’ll help out a little more to the group of comrades, settle some matters and come to you, priceless Katerina Matvevna.

Excuse me generously, a slight hiccup. I’ll finish it next time.”

Letter to Katerina Matvevna No. 6. Anxiety

And if it’s not fate for us to meet each other, Katerina Matveevna, then know that I was and am, until my last breath, devoted only to you alone.

And since, perhaps, I will lie down in these sands forever, out of habit it seems even sad. Or maybe it’s because I’ve recently met people who are sincere, one might say, delicate.

I remain a witness to this, a fighter for the happiness of the working people of the whole earth, the Trans-Caspian International Revolutionary Proletarian Regiment named after Comrade August Bebel, Red Army soldier Fedor Ivanovich Sukhov.

Letter to the priceless Katerina Matvevna. No. 7. Return

Good afternoon, have a fun moment. Hello, priceless Katerina Matvevna. Don’t blame me for the past delay, apparently this is my fate. However, nothing of this is expected anymore, and therefore I hasten to inform you that I am alive and well, and I wish the same for you.

The best film by Mark Zakharov is....

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Mark Zakharov died. Favorite director, famous artistic director of Lenkom, Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov, died on Saturday, September 28.

Paustovsky's story is a touching instructive work about indifference and philanthropy, about love and repentance. In the center of the plot is an elderly woman Katerina Petrovna. She lives in the remote village of Zaborye. It is said that she has a daughter, Nastya, from her family, but she lives in Leningrad and has not come home for three years. The woman misses her daughter, but understands why she chose life in a noisy city.

Life in cities is vibrant and young people are interested. Therefore, Katerina rarely writes to her daughter, so as not to interfere. Nastya doesn’t write either, but for a different reason. She is afraid of her mother's tears and reproaches. The girl simply sent money, but tried not to communicate. Because of such indifference, Katerina Petrovna suffered greatly. She wanted to see her daughter. The years were no longer the same, the woman could no longer manage the housework herself. And although a neighbor girl and a watchman helped her, it was still difficult.

She loved her garden and so now she went out to at least take a walk there. But she quickly got tired, and one day she stopped to rest and grabbed a cold maple branch. The main character found out that it was a tree that she planted when she was a laughing girl. He stood there, airless, and as if sad because he couldn’t go anywhere in this bad weather.

The time of events in the story is autumn. It was especially cold, so almost all nature had faded, it was windy and rainy. And only one small sunflower in the heroine’s yard continued to fight for life. The main character, unlike him, despaired and began to worry that she would not survive this winter. A woman writes a letter to her daughter asking her to come. Katerina Petrovna begins the letter with the words “my beloved,” as if emphasizing what she missed so much - looking at her own daughter. She doesn’t ask for much, just to see each other for at least one day. Despair also forces her to express her fear that she is unlikely to survive this winter. Katerina is also worried about her garden, which has almost dried up. She doesn’t even see him now because she is very weak.

Katerina Petrovna’s letter to her daughter is a cry for help, a desperate request for the attention of a loved one. He is taken to the post office by a neighbor girl who sympathizes with the unfortunate woman.

Nastya received the letter, but did not read it right away, calming herself with the thought that if she wrote, then everything was fine. She continued to do her own thing, organizing an exhibition for a forgotten sculptor for several weeks. It is symbolic that she cared about a stranger to her and forgot about her own. And already at the exhibition, to the sound of applause, she learns from a telegram that everything is bad. She rushes home, but is too late.

If the heroine had read the letter right away, perhaps the end of the story would have been slightly different. The writer teaches us that time is fleeting and we cannot leave communication with loved ones for later.

Letter to Katerina

Hello, dear Katerina! I haven't heard from you for a long time. How are you there? What is new in your life? You probably miss home, your parents. You definitely need to visit them, otherwise they are completely tired of waiting for you. Everything here is the same: house, garden, church and home again. Do you remember how you woke up early, washed your face with spring water and walked through the garden with flowers? You often went to church with your mother to listen to a sermon or just to pray. These were your most rosy and carefree days.

We have heard rumors that the family that

You've fallen into very cruel and irreconcilable rules. They say that your mother-in-law harasses you and doesn’t let you down. Why, dear Katerina, won’t your husband stand up for you? I remember he was very much in love with you. Can't he really say something in response to this authoritarian woman? She'll completely drive you away from the world. If this continues, I think you need to leave them. This is not a worthy family if they laugh and cry only on mother’s orders, if they hug without loving, try to be virtuous with a black soul and go to church only to create the appearance of piety.

There are also all sorts of rumors about your sister-in-law

gossip. They say she secretly meets with Dikiy’s clerk and knows no shame. But what about at home, why won’t they punish her? Although, if they have such a hypocritical family, probably no one knows about it. Stay away from her, she won’t teach you anything good and won’t bring you any good. They say a certain Boris came to Kalinov, who is very good-looking, smart, well-mannered, and educated. It seems that he came to his uncle to receive an inheritance, which means he is not interested in anything else but money. Therefore, don’t get too carried away with this young man. I don’t think he is capable of sincere and pure love.

Also Katya, promise to eat well and conserve your strength. Your parents are worried about you. Please write more often. We all miss you and look forward to seeing you.

Your faithful friend, Anna

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Kuligin's letter to Boris

Hello sir! How are you doing? What do you do? Are you glad you left your uncle? And will your business there end soon? We’re really bored here without you, you know.

And here we have such things going on. Immediately after you left, this happened... Katerina rushed into the Volga! Whether it’s because you left, or whether Kabanikha is completely fed up, I don’t know. What a coincidence - she lived her whole life near the Volga, and found her death in her.

They say that if thunder doesn’t strike, the man won’t cross himself. So Kabanikha, having lost Katerina, began to return what was not yet completely lost. She found out where Varvara and Kudryash had fled, came to them, begged them to return, so Kudryash carried her out of the house by the gate and told her not to come back.

Kabanikha’s son, Tikhon, became a complete fool after Katerina’s death. Somehow, even before she died, he told me: “I’ll take the last one I have and drink away my mind; Then let my mother babysit me like I’m a fool!” And can you imagine what he’s doing now? Every day in the evening he comes home drunk. She kept saying to him: “Tisha, Tisha, what are you doing?”, so he said to her: “Leave me alone, mother, don’t you see, your son has come home from work! Instead of lamenting, I should have brought something to eat!” After dinner, Tikhon begins to beat her, after which she quietly sits in a corner and begins to cry. And Tikhon goes for a walk in a cheerful mood. He became such a reveler that one wonders: is this really that quiet Tikhon? And so, imagine, every single day. How long this family will last, I have no way of knowing, however, in my opinion, it began to collapse immediately after Tikhon’s wedding.

Your uncle also has problems. Recently, during a thunderstorm, lightning struck his house directly, causing the house to catch fire. Now he has to live with me. It’s just that no one else except me lets him in, not even Kabanikha (however, she no longer manages the house herself, even if she had let him in, Tikhon would have beaten them both), everyone is tired of him. But I asked him to deign to allocate money for the construction of lightning diversions, and he: “Robber, robber,” “As punishment, as punishment.” So let him now think that the thunderstorm came to him as punishment for his stinginess.

Your uncle's employees all ran away from him. They took an example from Kudryash (Well done guy after all - he wasn’t the only one who ran away from a bad life, but he also took his beloved with him). So now your uncle is completely ruined. Although, perhaps, there is nothing wrong with this. Let him know how ordinary people live. Now he goes around asking everyone to borrow money. And just imagine, everyone refuses him. They remind him of his attitude towards people. Of course, he still swears, shouts at everyone, but no one takes him seriously anymore, no one is afraid of him. They even make fun of him - they make up various jokes and anecdotes about him. Even the mayor stopped recognizing the Wild. He will pass by without saying hello, as if they don’t know each other at all. And all because of money. Big money, my dear, means big problems. A man had money - everyone loved, respected, appreciated him, but there was no money, the man went broke, went bankrupt - so everyone forgot about him, they don’t even want to remember. I said, sir, the morals in our city are cruel, very cruel.

The other day I read in the newspaper that the British canceled their competition. Someone there decided that it was impossible to invent the “perpetuum mobile”. That this supposedly contradicts the laws of nature. It's a pity, it's a pity. I thought, I’ll invent it, I’ll get a million, and I’ll arrange our Kalinov so that people can live better here: I’ll open a decent school, I’ll put a huge clock in the square, I’ll build a good pier and something else for the general benefit... But apparently it’s not fate. Just as our city was dying a quiet death, so it will continue to die.

Well, sir, I think I told you everything. If anything is unclear, write, I like to answer letters, but best of all, come yourself as soon as possible, so much has changed here... You can’t describe it in one letter.

See you soon, I hope!

The month of July, the 19th day of the year 1859.

In preparing this work, materials from the site http://www.studentu.ru were used