Aerated concrete blocks pros and cons. What are the pros and cons of using aerated concrete blocks? Comparison with other materials

Today, aerated concrete is the most popular stone material. It is widely advertised and so let's take a look at all its advantages and disadvantages.

Autoclave and non-autoclave

In the manufacture of aerated concrete, 2 technologies are used: autoclave and non-autoclave hardening of blocks. Their differences appear only at the final stage of material production. Before processing semi-baked workpieces in an autoclave or an electrically heated chamber, both technological processes are identical and include the following steps:

  • mixing of components;
  • pouring the solution into large forms;
  • waiting for the mixture to swell as a result of a chemical reaction;
  • cutting the increased volume of the monolith into separate blocks.

Aerated concrete production technology has its pros and cons. So the impact on the workpiece with water vapor in an autoclave requires a lot of energy, which increases the cost of production, but improves the technical characteristics of the finished product. Autoclaved aerated concrete is stronger, has higher frost resistance and precise geometry. This is due to the fact that the technological processing of aerated concrete under pressure is available only in industrial conditions, while a non-autoclave gas block can be manufactured at any construction site.

The main advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete

Advantages of aerated concrete blocks:

  • Perfect geometry.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Low specific gravity.
  • Flame retardant.
  • Resistant to mold and mildew.
  • Wide range of side sizes.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Easy to handle.
  • Economical in finishing.
  • Good vapor permeability.
  • Ecologicaly clean.
  • Pest resistant.
  • High construction speed.
  • High thermal insulation.
  • Frost resistant.

Cons of aerated concrete blocks:

  • Fragile.
  • Poorly holding fasteners.
  • High water absorption.

Pros and cons in construction

Aerated concrete block is easy to process. Sawing, drilling, giving to an element of any required shape is done without unnecessary effort. A porous gas block is no less pliable than a tree. The indisputable advantage of aerated concrete is its environmental friendliness. The artificial block does not contain harmful impurities and does not emit toxic substances both during standard operation and in extreme conditions.

Has a large assortment of blocks of all sizes and shapes. For window and door openings, as well as for reinforcing the floor base, special U-shaped blocks are used. Which is very convenient, you don't need to invent anything.

In addition to the thermal insulation properties of the building material itself, which are manifested while maintaining a sufficient thickness of the masonry, thin seams serve as additional thermal protection for the house. The price of special glue for cellular gas blocks significantly exceeds the cost of sand-cement mortar. But the cost of an adhesive composition for aerated concrete elements is not more than the cost of a conventional masonry mixture in other types of construction due to the economical consumption of the connecting material.

Aerated concrete is positioned as a material that provides a favorable microclimate in the house. The honeycomb block really provides good air circulation and vapor absorption inside the house, provided that this is not impeded by the low permeability of the finishing materials. In addition, the aerated concrete block is highly hygroscopic. To protect the material from waterlogging, the consequences of which may be deformation of the finish, a number of special engineering and technical measures must be used during the construction of a house. Aerated concrete block contains residual lime in its chemical composition. The presence of this element contributes to increased corrosion of metal inclusions that are parts of various communications at home.

The high fire resistance, which is characteristic of the aerated concrete block, serves as a weighty argument for the use of this material in the construction of fire-resistant walls, ventilation and elevator shafts.

The aerated concrete block is characterized by geometric dimensional accuracy, which ensures the minimum thickness of the connecting seams and a perfectly flat wall from the outside and inside. In this case, it becomes much cheaper to decorate the walls. There is no need to apply a thick layer of plaster and spend a lot of time and effort on leveling. Therefore, the construction of a house from aerated concrete is carried out in a short time. Cellular blocks are made 2.5 times faster than traditional bricks and can be done by hand. Technologically this is a simple process, the main thing is to be attentive and accurate in work.

The choice of the foundation depends on the feasibility study, but most often in the construction of aerated concrete, strip and shallow laying is used, since the walls of aerated concrete blocks in low-rise construction weigh significantly less compared to classical brickwork. But it should be borne in mind that the slightest mistake in the choice or construction of the foundation will lead to deformation of the base and destroy or crack the wall.

The porous structure of the blocks has a good effect on their frost resistance. But it depends on the density of the block, so the higher the density of the block, the worse it keeps heat. In some cases, low-density aerated concrete is used as insulation for a brick house. With such a combination, the already meager disadvantages described above are killed. The brick is strong and holds heavy bookshelves well. This is a very good combination for your own home.

In general, as in the case of any other building material, aerated concrete block has its own set of disadvantages and advantages. The pros greatly outweigh the cons, which during construction can be taken into account and used to your advantage. And of decisive importance in the choice of materials are the specific conditions in which the construction of the house will be carried out.

There are two diametrically opposite points of view on aerated concrete. The first is loud glorification of his merits. The second point of view is based on the denial of the possibility of using such material for the construction of residential buildings. This article discusses the main pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks. The information presented here will allow everyone to form their own opinion about this masonry material and use it most effectively. This knowledge will help you choose the right material, optimize construction work.

Features of aerated concrete blocks

To understand the technical characteristics of aerated concrete blocks, you need to know what material it is made of, what technologies are used in this case.

Useful information:

In total, there are 2 methods for the production of aerated concrete:

  • autoclave;
  • hydration.

The first stage of the manufacturing process is the same for both methods.

  1. A set of measures to prepare the molds for filling. The main work of this stage is related to cleaning. It is carried out both with collapsible forms and with caps. Collapsible ones consist of several elements: sides, pallets, lintels. Jumpers allow you to vary the size of the blocks. Caps are not disassembled, they are intended for the manufacture of large batches.
  2. Preparation of the mixture. Depending on the components used to prepare the mixture, the final product acquires certain properties. The standard set for preparing the mixture includes cement (M 400, M 500), aluminum powder (0.04% of the total amount of components), fine sand, lime, water. The volume of water can be up to 0.8%. The largest part is cement, it is taken from 50% to 80%.
  3. Pouring process. First, the molds are heated, then the mixture is poured into them, leveling it. The temperature of the molds at the time of casting should be about 400 ° C.

Next comes drying. The technology for carrying out this stage varies. If the autoclave method is used, the molds are placed in an autoclave, where a pressure of 12 bar is generated and the temperature rises to 2000 ° C. At the same time, the appropriate level of humidity is maintained. As a result, products are obtained, the level of strength and reliability of which makes it possible to recommend them for the construction of walls, including load-bearing ones.

The hydration method consists in using boxes for drying, where the temperature also rises and the desired level of humidity is created. The resulting aerated concrete blocks are used for insulation.

If the material is used without the use of special equipment, it is not endowed with either strength or durability, therefore it is impractical to use handicraft blocks. Poor quality is due to the lack of special conditions for drying products in molds. They go through this stage in premises unsuitable for this production.

Varieties of aerated concrete sides

There are several brands of aerated concrete blocks. The material is divided by brand depending on the strength.

In addition to standard products, they produce heat-resistant varieties and or blocks endowed with high soundproofing performance. To obtain the above types of products, special chemicals are added to the mixture. The resulting masonry material is used for the construction of special-purpose structures.

There are various classifications of these products. By the type of binder component, the following are distinguished:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • cement.

Classification by the type of filler gives the following blocks:

  • ash;
  • sandy;
  • slag;
  • from recycled materials;
  • from ferroalloy production waste.

The use of fillers meets the requirements of GOST. However, the type of filler has little effect on the properties of the product.

Block sizes

Basically, aerated concrete blocks are parallelepipeds with a system of grooves and ridges. The specific gravity of the material is low, therefore, these blocks have dimensions that exceed the parameters of conventional bricks. The length is standard - 625 mm, the height also does not change - 250 mm. But the width can be from 100 mm to 400 mm. For the manufacture of reinforced lintels, for use as a heater, blocks with a different size range are produced.

Advantages of aerated concrete blocks

The widely discussed advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks can be summarized in the list below.

  1. Good thermal insulation. This is the main advantage of aerated concrete. The ability to keep warm is the undeniable advantage of this material. It corresponds to the indicators of thermal insulation that a regular brick has, but a wall made of aerated concrete is much cheaper.

  2. Combination of geometric precision and large size. Since the blocks have the correct shape, it is easy to work with them, the laying is carried out quickly and without interruptions. Therefore, the walls being erected have no level deviations. The presence of a system of grooves and ridges eliminates the penetration of cold.

  3. Possibility to carry out masonry without cement mortar. In order to reduce heat loss, adhesives are used to connect the blocks. The volume of glue is much less than that of cement mortar (almost 5 times).

  4. Good vapor permeability. High breathability. Blocks let air through almost as well as wood. Therefore, the microclimate of the premises built from these blocks is comfortable.

  5. Fire resistance. The material copes well with the effects of fire, withstands contact with aggressive media with dignity.

  6. Low weight. The use of such a lightweight material significantly reduces foundation costs.

  7. Ease of processing. Aerated concrete can be cut, sawed, drilled.

  8. Environmental Safety. Of course, this is not wood. However, it does not have any negative impact on humans.

  9. Resistance to biological factors. Aerated concrete blocks are not subject to destruction by rodents, bacteria, easily tolerate other biologically aggressive influences. But with constant contact with water, the blocks can become covered with a green coating.

  10. Frost resistance. The material can withstand 50 freeze / thaw cycles. These are very high rates.

Cons of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete has its drawbacks. The following are especially actively discussed.

Many people, living in small apartments, dream of building their own home. Gradually accumulating financial resources, they come to the idea of ​​starting construction. This is a responsible decision. How to start to carry out the task at hand? What material should you give preference to? We recommend building a house from a gas block. This will reduce the estimated cost, as well as greatly simplify the construction process. The gas block surpasses traditional brick and wood in its characteristics, ensuring the stability and durability of a private house.

DIY aerated concrete house: construction features

We are preparing to build a house from aerated concrete blocks - we study the standards

Thinking about how to build a house from a gas block, you need to study the regulatory framework:

  • provisions of state standards;
  • requirements of building codes and regulations.

Regulatory documents contain technical information related to the construction of a gas-block house:

  • technical requirements for aerated concrete used as the main building material;
  • requirements for the design and construction of walls of buildings from porous concrete blocks;
  • characteristics of steel reinforcement used to increase the strength of gas-block walls;
  • recommendations for the construction of the base of the building, ensuring the stability of the structure.

The standards also contain requirements for thermal insulation, noise protection, as well as a set of other issues that are inextricably linked with the construction of aerated concrete house. Do-it-yourself construction of houses from aerated concrete requires the study of standards.

Gas block house - advantages and disadvantages

Building a house from aerated concrete

Aerated concrete blocks, successfully competing with other building materials, have a number of advantages and, at the same time, have weaknesses. The properties of aerated concrete affect the construction technology, as well as the operational characteristics of the aerated concrete building.

Consider the main advantages of the material:

Thanks to this complex of advantages, many developers carry out the construction of houses with their own hands from aerated concrete. Along with the advantages of gas blocks, there is a disadvantage - the ability of an unprotected cellular array to absorb moisture. The increased humidity of the aerated concrete material causes the development of mold and is the cause of freezing.

Having studied the properties of the material, we can conclude that aerated concrete blocks are a good option for building a private house.

We plan to build a house from aerated concrete with our own hands - where to start work

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to carry out geodetic surveys and determine:

  • soil characteristics;
  • ground water level;
  • the depth of freezing.

Based on the results of the survey, a construction project is developed, documents are prepared, and a permit for construction work is issued. You can use a typical project for the construction of a private house or order the development of professional designers.

DIY armopoyas for aerated concrete

The standard project contains:

  • floor plans with sections;
  • foundation drawings;
  • documentation for the truss structure;
  • strength calculations;
  • consumption rates of materials.

The project documentation also contains information on the implementation of finishing activities.

How to tie masonry when building a house with your own hands from aerated concrete

The construction of the walls of a gas-block building is carried out using the following compositions:

  • cement mortar;
  • special glue.

Developers face the question of what is better to use for laying blocks. After all, each composition has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of using glue:

Disadvantages of the adhesive mixture:

  • release of toxins upon drying;
  • increased, in comparison with cement mortar, cost.

Benefits of using a cement mixture:

  • ease of preparation;
  • affordable price.

Weak sides:

  • differences in height when laying blocks;
  • increased solution consumption;
  • the formation of cold bridges after solidification.

Having analyzed the structure of aerated concrete, you can make the right decision - to use glue. After all, the blocks are characterized by increased porosity and hygroscopicity. The cellular array accelerates the absorption of moisture that is present in the cement slurry. As a result, the cement composition loses its working properties, impairing the strength of the masonry. The adhesive mixture is devoid of these disadvantages. It is applied in a thin layer, which helps to save the binder composition.

Concrete mix for aerated concrete

We build a house with our own hands from gas blocks - preparatory measures

The construction of the block structure is preceded by preparatory work:

  • supply of electrical energy to the working area;
  • preparation of a place for storing gas blocks;
  • organization of a warehouse for building materials and tools;
  • delivery to the site of equipment, inventory, building materials;
  • study of the design features of the future building;
  • familiarization with work methods;
  • organization of safe working conditions at the site.

When carrying out preparatory work, the requirements of the project as well as the temperature conditions should be taken into account. In hot seasons, at temperatures above 25 ºC, water will be required to constantly wet the surface of the blocks.

We are going to build a house with our own hands from a gas block - we are preparing tools and equipment

The list of materials is limited to three items.

Laying of foam concrete blocks

It will take:

  • gas blocks;
  • glue;
  • fittings.

You also need a tool:

  • a drill complete with a mixing nozzle;
  • container for the preparation of glue;
  • "Grinder" or metal saw for cutting reinforcement;
  • wall chaser for making grooves for reinforcement;
  • a brush for cleaning the strobes and surfaces from dust;
  • a rubber mallet designed to settle blocks;
  • aerated concrete planer or grater, accelerating the leveling of the surface;
  • a file that allows you to adjust the size of the block;
  • flat and notched trowels for grouting and glue application;
  • cord, level and plumb line for quality control of masonry.

To eliminate minor irregularities, you will also need a sanding board.

Do-it-yourself construction of houses from aerated concrete - technology of work

Aerated concrete house foundation

When building a house with your own hands from gas blocks, it is important to follow the given sequence of technological operations:

  1. Determine the need for materials. Dividing the total area of ​​the walls (without openings) by the area of ​​the side surface of the block, we obtain the required amount of material, which should be multiplied by a safety factor of 1.05–1.1 and rounded up.
  2. Select the type of foundation. Choosing between a monolithic and a tape base, it is worth giving preference to a tape base. It is necessary to dig a trench according to the marking, install the formwork, fill up the gravel cushion, place the reinforcing cage in the formwork and pour concrete.
  3. Construct the basement of the building. The basement can be a continuation of a concrete foundation, rising above the zero mark by 0.5–0.6 m, or it can be constructed of bricks laid in four rows on the waterproofed surface of the foundation.
  4. Build an aerated concrete box. Lay the first row of gas blocks, starting from the corners, check the levelness of the level. Cut a groove in the center of the bottom row, clean it and lay the reinforcement. Lay the next rows on top of the adhesive, reinforcing every 5 rows.
  5. Reinforce the masonry in the area of ​​the openings with reinforcement. Reinforce openings for the installation of window frames and door frames with a steel profile at the top. When installing the corners, provide a supporting surface on each side of the opening of at least 15 cm.
  6. Build an armored belt, install an interfloor overlap. To pour the armored belt, fix the formwork elements at the upper level of the masonry, lay the reinforcement grille and fill it with concrete. The floors can be made of wood, as well as aerated concrete slabs and hollow panels.
  7. Install the roof structure. To do this, assemble the truss, fix the crate, attach a waterproofing coating to it. It remains to install the roof covering, for which you can use a variety of modern materials.

Aerated concrete house - start of construction

At the final stage of construction work, the installation of window and door frames is carried out, external cladding is carried out, as well as work on internal improvement.

We build a house with our own hands from aerated concrete - work schedule

The total duration of the construction cycle consists of the duration of the individual stages of work:

  • the construction of the foundation will take 15–20 days, but it is advisable to start it before the year of the beginning of construction, so that the concrete will acquire strength;
  • the construction of the box of the gas-block house and the construction of internal partitions will take 3-6 weeks;
  • the construction of the truss structure and the fastening of the roofing material to it will require from 2 to 5 weeks;
  • installation of doors and windows in openings, laying the floor and work on thermal insulation will take up to one month;
  • for the facade finishing of the foam block structure, it will take no more than a week, depending on the materials used;
  • dissolve communications inside the building and connect them quickly - in a period of 2 to 4 weeks;
  • the duration of the event for interior decoration depends on the requirements of the owners, as well as the characteristics of the finishing materials used.

If you independently perform construction work, the construction of an aerated concrete building will take up to six months. By entrusting the construction work to professionals, you can complete the construction at an accelerated pace within two months. The duration of construction activities is determined by the complexity of the project being implemented, the level of mechanization, the degree of training and the number of construction personnel.


Having carried out the construction of a house with your own hands from gas blocks, you can realize an old dream of your own home, as well as master the skills of performing construction work and significantly save money. Aerated blocks have increased performance characteristics that ensure the stability, reliability, strength and durability of the aerated concrete building. It is worth thinking about how to decorate a house with your own hands from aerated concrete to give it an original look.

Aerated concrete is the newest building material, it is a type of aerated concrete. Aerated concrete, the pros and cons of which are determined by materials and manufacturing method, is produced from several components.

The blocks are composed of a binder: quartz sand and lime.

The blocks are based on a binder (Portland cement is most often used), lime and quartz sand.

The cellularity of the blocks, that is, a large number of pores in the material, is ensured by one of the additives - aluminum powder. It serves as a gas generator.

All components are mixed, and a large block is formed from the resulting mass. It is kept in a chamber with high humidity for some time, then it is cut into blocks of the desired size. They are sent to an autoclave oven, where they are treated with high temperature and steam pressure.

This technology gives the blocks precise geometries, strength and other unique material properties.


Diagram of the advantages of aerated concrete.

Aerated concrete blocks are one of the most suitable materials for building a house. It has many advantages that allow you to build a reliable home that can maintain all its characteristics for a long time. Positive properties include:

  • good moisture resistance;

This property of the blocks is determined by their unique porous structure. Even with an unlikely air humidity of about 90% in reality, the maximum of this indicator for elements made of aerated concrete is about 8%. Such a low moisture capacity is indispensable when building a house in regions with high humidity.

  • lightness of the material;

Gas silicate blocks are so light due to the relatively low density of the material (up to 1200 kg / m3). The lighter the material, the easier it is to use in construction.

That is why houses are built quite quickly compared to some other building materials. The lightness of the material also does not require a powerful foundation; it will be necessary to strengthen the base only in the case of finishing the house with heavy materials, for example, brick.

  • high frost resistance;

Wall vapor permeability diagram.

Gas silicate products have the ability to withstand the effects of freezing that are destructive to many materials. Changes in temperatures and, as a result, constant freezing and thawing also do not affect the operational properties of the blocks.

Such frost resistance allows even in the harsh northern climate.

  • high coefficient of fire resistance;

There are simply no materials in the blocks that would support combustion. In addition, gas silicate systems do not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere when exposed to high temperatures.

Due to the high class of fire safety, aerated concrete can be used for the construction of residential buildings and socially significant facilities.

  • resistance to biological effects.

Mold and mildew does not form inside the blocks, which significantly saves time and money on expensive processing of building material with antiseptic agents.

Additional benefits

  • convenient overall dimensions;

On the walls made of aerated concrete devices, the joints will be invisible, which will make the structure look monolithic.

Productivity when carrying out construction work using aerated concrete products is an order of magnitude higher than, for example, when working with bricks. This is due to the rather large dimensions of the elements that fit into the desired structure and quickly fill the required volume.

In addition, on the wall made of aerated concrete devices, the joints will be almost invisible, and in general the structure will look monolithic.

  • durability;

Aerated concrete blocks will retain their original appearance and all the properties laid down by the manufacturer for many years. Even under unfavorable external conditions, the service life is about 100 years.

  • high environmental friendliness;

According to this indicator, only natural wood is superior to elements made of aerated concrete. And given the fact that wood is treated with various chemicals to increase its resistance to the negative effects of the environment, aerated concrete may well compete for leadership in environmental issues.

  • low thermal conductivity;

Aerated concrete blocks, due to their structure with a large number of pores, perfectly retain heat. The walls do not require additional insulation with foam plastic or "warm plaster". It will always be warm and comfortable.

  • good sound insulation.

Gas silicate products have low sound permeability. The noise of cars or a party under the windows of the house will not deliver any disturbance to the inhabitants of the house made of this material.

There are a lot of pluses. It is perfect for the construction of buildings for a wide variety of purposes in any climatic conditions. But despite all its advantages, aerated concrete has several disadvantages.

Disadvantages of blocks

The disadvantages, as well as its advantages, are determined by the raw materials from which it is produced. The disadvantages include:

  • hygroscopicity;

The disadvantages include: hygroscopicity, the possibility of cracking, the cost of the material.

Aerated concrete does not allow moisture to enter the room. But due to the large number of pores, he keeps it inside himself. Over time, this leads to a significant decrease in the stability of the structure, destruction of the material. This disadvantage can be dealt with by strengthening the waterproofing of the room. This can be done using, for example, waterproofing tape.

  • the possibility of cracking;

Due to incorrect calculations of the maximum load, aerated concrete begins to crack and crumble some time after the end of construction. To avoid the appearance of these defects, all construction calculations should be made only by professionals, relying on the production characteristics of a particular block.

  • material cost.

Compared to some traditional building materials, such as foam blocks, aerated concrete blocks have a relatively high cost. Although this disadvantage can be considered controversial, since in most cases the price is fully compensated by the high quality of aerated concrete and its unique properties useful for construction.

Aerated concrete is a fairly new material, and so far it has not been tested by time. Its projected service life is about 100 years, but the houses built from aerated concrete blocks were built quite recently, and it is difficult to say what will happen to them in reality in many years.

Therefore, conservative people prefer to build houses from well-known and well-studied materials.

Construction technologies are evolving along with the requirements that people place on living or working spaces. What the house is built from or what materials its interior decoration is made of, how safe and durable it is - all this is very important for a modern person.

Modern building materials must meet many parameters. Today, the buyer makes a number of mandatory requirements for the product:

  • environmental friendliness - sometimes the pursuit of cheapness turns into not immediately manifested diseases, because the category of more affordable building materials does not have an environmental passport and usually contains formaldehyde, phenol and other carcinogens;
  • ease of use or styling;
  • high wear resistance index;
  • frost resistance;
  • light weight;
  • incombustibility;
  • high index of thermal insulation parameters;
  • soundproofing;
  • affordable price.

Did you know?To have a good rest, a person needs to sleep in a wooden house- 6 hours, in a brick - 8 hours, in a multi-storey building made of concrete slabs - 12 hours. Aerated concrete house in this list takes second place after a wooden one. Scientists have found that a person will need only 7 hours to rest in it.

Almost all of these requirements are met by aerated concrete - a modern building material that is classified as lightweight foamed concrete and is widely used in individual construction.

It represents blocks of different sizes from aerated concrete, in which about 80% of the volume is occupied by gas bubbles.

In its production, only environmentally friendly ingredients are used. The main component of the mixture for future blocks is quartz sand (60%), lime and cement (20%), aluminum powder (0.5-1%) and water are used in equal parts.
According to the method of its production, autoclave and non-autoclave aerated concrete are distinguished.

The autoclaved concrete production process has the following scheme:

  • quartz sand is placed in industrial ball mills, balls are inside the drums, which grind the sand to a state of dust;
  • crushed sand, cement and lime are mixed in a special container;
  • water and aluminum paste are added to the dry mixture. As a result of the reaction of lime and aluminum slurry, hydrogen is obtained. It forms in the mixture (and then in the finished product) a huge amount of voids - from 1 to 2 mm in diameter;
  • the finished mixture is poured into molds, leaving its fourth part empty. At this stage, the mixture resembles yeast dough - after 2-3 hours it not only rises to the edge of the mold, but also has time to harden. The humidity in the room where aerated concrete is produced must be increased;
  • the solidified material is cut into blocks of the same size, the outer side of which is sanded;
  • After that, the blocks are placed in an autoclave, in which the steaming process takes place for 12 hours at a temperature of 191 ° C and at a pressure of 12 atmospheres. Autoclaving makes it possible to obtain such changes in the molecular structure of aerated concrete, which form an artificial mineral - tobermorite, which has unique performance properties, including increased strength and reduced shrinkage. Immediately after heat treatment, the material has a moisture content of about 30%, which decreases to 5-10% during the year;
  • finished blocks are packed and sent to consumers.

The production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete differs only in that the final product bypasses the autoclaving stage. It is a solidified porous cement-sand mortar, significantly inferior in quality to its counterpart.

Video: technology for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete

Types of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks differ in their purpose and shape.

Did you know?Aerated concrete is actively used by sculptors, because its lightness and affordable price allow you to create masterpieces with less physical and financial costs. Thanks to this artificial stone, a whole trend in sculpture arose.-Ytong Art.

By appointment, they are:

By form:

Did you know?In terms of the use of this material, France and Germany are in the lead (80% of construction). In second place is Spain (55%). Conservative Great Britain also pays tribute to this building miracle - it ranks third in Europe for its use - 40% of construction projects were built from aerated concrete blocks.

The advantages of this product are many:

  • environmental friendliness - only natural ingredients are used in its production;
  • low price - this artificial stone is much cheaper than other building materials;
  • high strength;
  • light weight - allows not to attract additional equipment for construction and does not exert unnecessary and undesirable load on the walls and foundation of the building;
  • provides good thermal insulation - this is facilitated by the cellular structure of foamed concrete;
  • ease of installation - due to the large block sizes, grips, grooves and ridges, the material can be easily transported and given the desired size;
  • thermal insulation - a layer of aerated concrete blocks placed on top of the facade of the house will ensure the preservation of heat in the house for many years;
  • soundproofing;
  • vapor permeability - the porous structure allows the steam to freely leave the room;
  • guaranteed quality - control and availability of a quality passport for products are required at factories;
  • fire resistance - it contains no combustible and combustion-supporting components.

Cons of aerated concrete blocks

Although the list of advantages of aerated concrete is quite impressive, the material also has its drawbacks. The latter include:

  • low density (especially when compressed);
  • the ability to absorb and retain moisture;
  • the need to use special fasteners;
  • the appearance of microcracks and cracks in the masonry over time.

When buying building material, you can seek advice from the shop assistant, or ask for advice from friends who are familiar with this industry.

Video: what types of blocks are there and how to choose the one you need

Important! When choosing gas blocks, you need to correlate the purpose of use and the technical characteristics of the purchased product.

If you decide to choose gas blocks yourself, then you need to know the basic criteria for quality products. Each product advantage or disadvantage has a numerical expression:

  • thermal conductivity- the lower its coefficient, the warmer it is in the room. The coefficient is from 0.075 W / (m K) when marking the density D350 and 0.25 W / (m K) when marking the density D700;
  • density- the higher the brand, the stronger the product and vice versa - with lower marking, the strength indicators fall (but then the block wins in weight and, if possible, perform various construction operations with it). Usually aerated concrete has the following density indicators: D300; D350; D400; D500; D600; D700; D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200 kg / m3;
  • strength- this characteristic is denoted by the letter M followed by a figure measured in kgf / cm2. It indicates the average strength value. How much the quality of the material can fluctuate is indicated by the B marking followed by a figure in MPa, indicating the guaranteed strength. The lowest strength class is designated as B0.35 (M5), and the most durable materials have a density index of 350-400 kg / m3;
  • refractoriness- aerated concrete is classified as a non-combustible product. Structures made of it can withstand a flame for several hours;
  • vapor permeability- this indicator determines the possibility of removing steam and moisture from the room. It is calculated in mg / (ppm Pa). Vapor permeability directly depends on density: the lower the density, the higher the vapor permeability. With a density of D 600, vapor permeability will be 0.023-0.021 g / m * hour, D 700 - 0.020-0.018 g / m * hour, D 800 - 0.018-0.016 g / m * hour;
  • soundproofing- this indicator is calculated in decibels (dB). The higher it is, the better the sound insulation performance. The thickness of the walls and the density of the material from which the house is built also affect the noise insulation coefficients. The higher they are, the less sounds will penetrate into the dwelling;
  • the size- the permissible deviation from the declared should be 0.5-0.8 mm. If this figure is higher, the product is a defect.

Storing aerated concrete blocks is not difficult, but it requires certain rules to be followed. When storing outdoors, you should first of all:

  • prepare in advance a flat, covered with crushed stone, platform;
  • take into account the peculiarities of the area - if it rains often, then the block storage area should be at a slight slope for the outflow of rainwater.

Important!You cannot store aerated concrete blocks by dumping them on a pile. This can irreparably damage most of the product.

It should be noted that the blocks are not afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, even the coldest winters are not afraid of them.

If the original packaging has been opened, and some of the products have already been used, then the rest of the material in the printed packaging should be covered.

For this, a film, tarpaulin, roofing felt, pieces of old linoleum are suitable. In this form, gas blocks can be safely stored until the heat and the beginning of a new stage of construction.
It must be remembered that the material is reluctant to release water. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that precipitation (rain, snow, melt water) does not initially fall into the materials. For this, the packaging pallet must be at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. It is worth checking the reliability and integrity of the shelter (film, tarpaulin, etc.).

The presence of a canopy facilitates the already uncomplicated storage of gas blocks. Here only melt water should be feared, so it is necessary to provide for the possibility of finding the material at a sufficient height from the ground.

Aerated concrete is a modern building material. In addition to its environmental friendliness, affordability and other advantages, it is perfectly combined with other materials, and is used in construction work of any complexity (even in sculpture).

Its versatility is in increasing demand and allows us to call it one of the most demanded and popular building materials on the modern market.