Build a hobbit house. Impressive hobbit houses in the design of your dacha

On December 1, the premiere of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies took place, completing the trilogy about the adventures of Bilbo Baggins and the 13 Dwarfs. On the screens of Russian cinemas, the picture will be released on December 11 this year. For fans of fantasy and adventure, we decided to make a selection of amazing buildings inspired by the works of John Tolkien.

The Hobbit Village scenes were filmed in the Matanama Hills in New Zealand. Today, these little houses have become a tourist attraction, as well as shelter for sheep from a nearby farm. The interiors were filmed in a film studio, so you are unlikely to find anything interesting inside the premises, but there is something to do in this place - you can go to the sheep farm and pet the lambs.

Briton Ollie Wotherspoon built a “hobbit hole” behind the family home in the garden for his children. The creation of housing based on the book of John Tolkien took 2 weeks and 4 thousand pounds. A wood-burning fireplace, carved furniture and a secret tunnel are dug into the ground approximately 1.2 m. The height of the ceilings inside the hobbit house is almost 2 m.

Simon Dale from Wales erected a house that looked like a hobbit hole. The work cost only 3 thousand pounds and took about four months. The self-taught builder used only local natural materials, and also made some of the furniture with his own hands. The hobbit house is equipped with a stove, cellar and solar panels.

Steve Michaels created the Hobbit House Hotel in Montana. The author spent 410 thousand dollars on the construction of the hotel. The main house of 93 square meters is hidden in a hill at a depth of 9 meters. In addition, 8 hectares of property are equipped with a troll house, several small holes, as well as many sculptures and products.

Bilbo Baggins' home in the hobbit village is charmingly cozy, but unsuitable for adults. But the children will have a place to frolic and feel like in a magical world.

Architect Peter Archer designed a holiday home in Chester County, near Philadelphia, USA. A team of artisans have built a magical home inspired by The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Specialists from Christian Muller Architects and SeARCH have created an unusual “hobbit house” with all the comforts of a modern home. In addition to the recreation area and the guest room, there is an underground tunnel in the room.

Friends, in anticipation of the holidays, the wonderful ideas of hobbit houses, I think, will be the best way to set you up for a fabulous perception of life. Similar buildings in your summer cottage or country house can be used both as children's play areas, and as a pantry, and as a cellar.

It can be a simple frame sheathed with plywood and treated with a protective impregnation. The roof can also be made of clapboard or wooden boards coated with a layer of wax or varnish.

Do not forget about the traditional round doors and windows for hobbit houses. This will make the building very attractive and cozy.

Let's take a look inside the house! Windows - portholes are recommended to be made on both sides, shelves can be arranged on the side slopes.

A beautiful solution that also combines raised stone flower beds, plus a small window in the roof.

In some cases, for example, if you decide to make a cellar, it will be appropriate to cover part of the roof with earth. In this case, even in the summer, the ideal temperature for storing food will be kept indoors.

In some projects, the windows are of a classic square shape, but note that the door is still round!

In the West, there are enthusiastic people who make similar hobbit houses to order. It's amazing, but it's in high demand! Beautiful cellar, isn't it?

Or here's another option, in general, almost completely buried in the ground. The walls in this case are made of stone.

Or like this, a children's version for games. The house is installed on a wooden platform, sheathed with a board, on top of which, on the roof, a flexible tile is mounted.

In general, I must admit, such a house can become an excellent place for solitude and creativity, I say this as an artist who needs space for painting, his own workshop.

A beautiful house, with a door and windows, in combination, resembling an animal's paw.

Cellar houses with an earthen roof, dug into the hills, are, of course, labor costs. But such a structure can certainly be used to store their supplies.

Amazing ideas, it seems to me, of course, you can only admire, but to do on your site, probably simpler, lighter options, without land.

A beautifully decorated, painted, similar house will delight you and give your children a lot of summer impressions both from relaxing in the country and from the opportunity to be in a fabulous hobbit house.

How to solve a housing problem for only $5,000? Simon Dale from Wales knows the answer. He decided not to pay rent or deal with bank loans, but to build his own “hobbit house” in the forest on the hillside, like in the movie “The Lord of the Rings”. During the construction, only natural materials were used. This project was completed in just 4 months - a much shorter time than waiting for the completion of the construction of his apartment in modern high-rise buildings. Simon Dale is neither a builder nor a carpenter. He built this house with his father-in-law and friends. View from the window: It took only about $4900, 4 months and 1000-1500 man-hours to create it.
During the construction of the house, they dug a pit right in the hill. The stone and soil from the excavation was used for the retaining walls and foundations. The tree was taken from the surrounding forests, and the insulation of the floor, walls and roof was made with straw. Architectural project:

The main tools were a chainsaw, a hammer and a chisel. Foundation:
Frame construction:
The frame of the future oak house:
The house has a natural refrigerator - always a cool cellar; water from the nearest source; solar panels generate electricity for lighting, a small music center and a computer. During the day, light enters through the glass dome in the roof of the house. View from the balcony on the 2nd floor:
Another option for lighting the “hobbit house” in the evening is candles. Beautiful and romantic
The house is plastered with lime plaster, so the walls breathe. The house is heated by a wood burning fireplace. The chimney passes through a large stone, which heats up and gives off heat for a long time inside the house. East window:
House inside:

Fireplace: Here's a "hobbit house":

Thinking that so many of you, dear readers, are in love with the film "The Lord of the Rings" based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien, we decided to develop a special post.

Design and architecture are our forte, so a selection of some of the most striking projects that resemble the scenery of famous fantasy novels will not leave anyone indifferent. Enjoy!

Simon Dale from Wales built a charming house on a hill in the beautiful countryside.

The original style immediately attracts attention, and the dimensions, which can be considered “fabulous”, correspond to the small hobbit dwellings from The Lord of the Rings. The project is bold, very practical and cost the owner just £3,000.

Probably, many wanted to settle in such a cozy place. A good way to avoid the monthly electricity bill, don't you agree?

2 Secluded residence on the island of Barbados

Had it not been built in 1975 (long before the film itself), some would probably argue that Ian Morrison's 1,500 square meters of multi-level hilltop home in Barbados was created by an avid Hobbit movie fan.

Surrounded by a stunning landscape with cozy interiors that seem to energize with life, the house immerses you in a magical atmosphere.

This is exactly what visitors to our popular forum can “almost” feel in the photos.

Many scenes from the famous trilogy were filmed on the slopes of the green hills near the city of Matamata, New Zealand.

Now the little hobbit houses have become a tourist attraction and a great home for some of the neighboring farm's sheep.

The interiors of these white buildings are not finished, as many of the scenes filmed inside were actually shot in the studio.

Although this place, where the fairy village is located, is not an amusement park, here you can learn more about the animals and even pet the lambs.

Although the architect William Morgan (Atlantic Beach, USA) did not set out to design the house in a fantasy style, the project may evoke some interesting correlations in Tolkien's readers.

Originally built in 1975, this original residence consists of two nearly identical 150-square-meter spaces, each with a bedroom and bathroom.

Such an unusual architectural style for this dwelling was due to the creative search of the architect Christian Müller. This “hobbit house” includes all the conditions for a comfortable stay, for example, a guest room, an entertainment area.

And also "specialized" interiors - underground paths resembling holes. The entrance is a wide oval opening framed by a traditional stone staircase.

Large windows make it very visible and draw attention to the interior decor.

We invite visitors to the informative forum to admire another amazing work. Peter Archer designed a beautiful little structure in the countryside, reminiscent of Chester County.

This place is located about 25 kilometers northwest of Philadelphia, USA. “We wanted to be in harmony with nature, to find a quiet corner that was ideal for buildings that were scaled down.”

This is a kind of secluded place for the owner to come and take a walk, gather his thoughts and just be alone with his creation,” the architect explained.

Fantastic abodes based on two famous novels - "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings", were built in collaboration with a team of craftsmen, and they do not claim to be recognized by Hollywood at all, although they are very popular.

Let's admire the charming shingle roof, asymmetrical walls built by craftsman Chris in Bainbridge Island, Washington.

It fully meets our idea of ​​a fantastic home. The project has a total area of ​​1200 square meters, is ideal for human life and was built from pure passion, with no intention of making headlines in the press.

8 Hobbit house in Montana, USA

Fairy-tale villages have come to life and resemble the real "Shir" - the place where Tolkien settled his fictional characters.

During the spring and summer months, enthusiasts can stay in this wonderful community for a fee starting at $195 per night.

It is here that you can come across a charming hobbit house, the interior of which does not experience problems with the comfort of modern life.

The standard elements of a real magical dwelling are round windows and an entrance door, surrounded by earthen ramparts and grass cover, this is how it should look!

Admit it, would you like to settle in such a cozy little monastery, even if it requires some sacrifice? At least for a while - to spend an unforgettable weekend.

And in conclusion, it is worth visiting the pretty haven of one of the main characters of the film. This hobbit dwelling is located in a village in Montana, USA.

It will seem especially attractive at first glance, since you can only look inside, but it is very difficult to live inside it.

Agree, fantasies embodied in reality are an amazing sight.

Places: . .

Modern architects are transforming the homes of little Lord of the Rings characters into a themed hotel, a farm, an inflatable dome, and a toy mock-up with a map of Middle-earth, a miniature library, and beer in an authentic container. This review features ten charming underground houses that look like a hobbit mink.

Futuristic eco apartments Binishells- project Nika Bini (Nick Bini). The designer borrowed the construction technology of the “mink” from his architect father. Dante Bini (Dante Bini) has developed a dome-shaped structure that can literally be inflated to the desired size (maximum diameter - 36.5 m). The base is built from alternating cement and polymeric materials, after which the voids between the layers are pumped with air. You can learn more about the hobbit mink from the future on the company's website. Binishells.

"Dug" inside the hill dune house from William Morgan (William Morgan) is a real underground townhouse, decorated in the Art Nouveau style and at the same time in the spirit of The Lord of the Rings. The modern "mink" duplex is located in Atlantic Beach (Florida, USA). “When I open the door, I want to see the ocean, not the neighbor’s house,” said William in an interview for Wall Street Journal.

Most can be seen in the village of Lammas ECO (West Wells). Simon(Simon) and Jasmine Dale (Jasmine Dale) built the house on their own, spending 4 months and $4425.

The property is much larger than it appears from the outside. In addition to the minimum "kitchen-bedroom-hall", the layout includes an extensive pantry, two guest rooms and a study.

An entire hobbit-style eco-village has been created in Switzerland. AT swiss cluster there are both very small and spacious seven-room “minks”. From a distance, these nine houses look like ordinary hills.

Another Swiss hobbit house designed by SeARCH and Christian Muller Architects, with all the desire you can’t call it a “mink”. After all, a full-sized two-story cottage with all modern amenities is equipped on a hill.

Located on the territory Alexander Family Farm. Merino sheep now live here, who do not mind the lack of furniture and other amenities.

Hobbit Minks from The Lord of the Rings

But in mini Hobbit Home from Maddy Chambers (Maddie Chambers) the situation corresponds to that shown in the film. It took the miniaturist 720 hours to design, "build" and decorate the toy house. A long-time fan of the epic saga, Maddy took the trouble to sew tiny clothes, draw a map of Middle-earth, make a copy of Frodo's notes, recreate Bilbo's library and even the exact label on a bottle of hobbit beer.

The guests of New Zealand still have the opportunity to "be hobbits". waiting for tourists woodlyn park(Severny Island). Fortunately for people who are far from being a meter tall, the height of the ceiling in the rooms here allows you to walk without bending over three deaths.

Modern variation of the hobbit dwelling is presented in the conceptual design "Stay Separate" (stay grounded). The authors of the idea are Italian creatives from Materica Studio. The supposed address of the semi-underground village is Ferrera, Italy. The advantages of houses of this type, in addition to environmental friendliness, the architects include the closeness of personal space emphasized in the name - the absence of windows in the elevated wall of the housing and the courtyard protected from prying eyes.

And hermits heading to Scotland have a chance to rent a cottage that fits into the landscape of this hilly region in every sense. A modernized secluded hobbit house is located on the island of South Uist.