Where to put air conditioning in a 3 room apartment. Where is it better to install air conditioning in a three-room apartment

How nice it is to be at home in the summer heat under a cool stream of air from. Without this apparatus in our time, nowhere, especially if the windows face the south, sunny side. Closed tightly curtains or blinds still do not save from the heat. That is why such a device as an air conditioner is so popular in our time. There is a huge variety of air conditioners, they differ in type, power and other parameters. The power of an air conditioner is measured in kilowatts, but an ordinary buyer is much more understandable when the power is described by the size of the area that this unit is able to cool - for example, an average air conditioner with a capacity of 2.5 kilowatts is designed for an area of ​​30-35 square meters.

However, what to do if the area at home or apartments larger than this value? Get a more powerful air conditioner? After all, the area of ​​​​a completely ordinary two-room apartment is about 50 square meters, and there are much more extensive houses. Also, ceilings between rooms become an obstacle - a powerful air conditioner, turned on to the maximum, will effectively cool only the room in which it is installed, air exchange between other rooms will be insufficient. Therefore, you will have to enjoy the coolness in only one room. If you set a lower temperature on the air conditioner regulator for better cooling, then it will be comfortable in the neighboring rooms, and in the one where the air conditioner is installed there will be a "freezer". This is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous to health - hypothermia and temperature changes can lead to colds. Therefore, a large number of people who live in large houses or apartments often think about buying and installing a second air conditioner. Consider in what cases a second air conditioner is really necessary, and when you can get by with one.

Firstly, it depends on the type of apparatus that cools the air in indoors. There are three main types - room, window and two-block split systems. In the case of using room air conditioners, one should not be surprised that their work is enough for only one room, even with open interior doors - this type of air conditioner is rarely more powerful than 1.5 kilowatts. This is due to the fact that an increase in power leads to an increase in the noise level that the device emits. In this regard, when using an indoor air conditioner, you need to buy several of these models - if you want comfortable air cooling throughout your house or apartment.

window air conditioners slightly more powerful than indoor ones, but also unable to cool an area of ​​more than 50 square meters, and even if such a powerful window air conditioner is used, it will bring a lot of inconvenience due to noise. Therefore, when using such a model, the issue of installing a second air conditioner is also quite relevant. However, we must not forget that window air conditioners are very voracious in terms of electricity (they exceed this figure with equal power for both indoor air conditioners and split systems), therefore, the more such devices are installed, the more electricity bills will come. But the entire apartment of considerable size cannot be cooled by a window air conditioner, that's for sure.

Appearance on the market air conditioners, designed on the principle of a two-block split system, has made a real revolution. Now these devices have got rid of the main shortcomings that bothered all people who used old models of air conditioners - firstly, the noise level that accompanies the operation of this device has been significantly reduced - the most "noisy" components of the air conditioner (mainly the compressor) are moved outside the residential premises. Reducing the requirements for noise level resulted in an increase in power and area of ​​effective cooling up to 5-8 kilowatts and up to 100-120 square meters. In addition, it became possible to connect several indoor units to the outdoor compressor unit at once. In other words, you can make several from one air conditioner at once. Therefore, with the advent of efficient and powerful split systems, the question of installing a second air conditioner has disappeared, it has become more important to find out how many indoor units need to be installed in an apartment. A typical scheme for a two-room apartment looks like this - one outdoor unit and three indoor units (one for each room and one for the kitchen). In most cases, each of the indoor units has autonomous control, which allows you to set a comfortable temperature in each room separately. Of course, installing so many units can be expensive, but in general, all this will cost less than buying and installing three separate air conditioners by 1.5-2 times. By using only one compressor, the energy consumption of the air conditioner is also reduced.

In addition, it is important to remember that it is impossible, even with an apartment area of ​​​​100 square meters, to buy a powerful air conditioner with only one indoor unit. In this case, only one room will be cooled, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich, as a rule, does not exceed 25 "squares". And to cool quite strongly, which entails a health hazard. Reducing the degree of cooling on the air conditioner regulator is impractical - it turns out that you bought an expensive powerful device only to cool only part of your home. Using multiple indoor units will distribute the cold air more evenly and make the air conditioner more efficient.

Unlike a one-room apartment, which can be cooled by a low-power wall split, for a three-room air conditioning solution, a variant with duct wiring is used (central air conditioning under a stretch ceiling with a ventilation grill in each room). The second way to properly design the air conditioning of an apartment is to install low-power autonomous split systems in every room and in the kitchen.

Not every owner of modern luxury housing is ready to endure the indoor unit of a domestic air conditioner in the interior of their rooms. If the splits in the bedroom and in the children's room are not striking, then in the living room, decorated in antique English style, even the best precision air conditioner will be out of place. We can offer decorator services and place a wall or floor air conditioner under a false interior element (columns, panels, colonnades, niches).

After answering the question - where to install the air conditioner, StroyEngineering will help you choose the model and brand of the device. We take into account public opinion (reviews, ratings) when selecting domestic air conditioning systems. The latest recommendations are inverter split systems. Air conditioners with an inverter are able to cool (heat) 30% more area than conventional two-case devices of the same capacity. The advantage of the inverter is that it works at t ° below zero. This property is indispensable in the country. Country summer houses without central heating can be heated with economical inverter splits.

An additional component when choosing an air conditioner for an apartment is the price of installation and delivery. In "StroyEngineering" they resort to the services of trusted carriers.

The services of companies transporting goods will greatly facilitate the process of moving

Moving to another apartment, dacha, when it is necessary to transport furniture, home belongings, causes panic horror in many people, originating from Soviet times. Such an idea of ​​moving is always associated with drunk movers, dropping furniture, swearing obscenely, spending a lot of time, physical strength, and always some kind of loss - a broken cabinet door, scratches, chipped corners of a wall, table or favorite chair, or even the loss of property. when loading. Modern transportation services provided by numerous transport companies allow you to forget the terrible moments of independent moving. Companies professionally engaged in the transportation of goods have solid training and work experience in their field, provide customers with high-quality, fast delivery of furniture, being responsible for its safety and integrity.

When contacting the company and ordering a move with the delivery of furniture, the client initially consults with the manager about the scale, assessment of the order and the list of relevant services. The manager receives data on the quantity, dimensions, carrying capacity of the furniture being transported, its value, in cases of antiques, the distance of transportation and provides the necessary services: ordering a vehicle, loading and unloading operations of varying complexity with reliable furniture fastening. The service of ordering the appropriate transport directly depends on the received data. Transport must have the appropriate area, body dimensions, fastening, packaging equipment so that the furniture is loaded, secured and delivered to the client with maximum safety from damage and breakage. It can be a large furniture van with upholstery of the inner walls with soft materials, a stationary fastening system of belts, twine, or a small covered truck equipped for transporting a small amount of small-sized furniture.

The quality of transportation depends on the professionalism and responsibility of the movers whose order is included in the service. Payment for the order implies hourly work of loading and unloading furniture. The client can additionally order the dismantling of furniture in the interior, the dismantling of its parts, the entire packaging process with the provision of appropriate materials. When a dacha move is organized, furniture transportation services may include the delivery of indoor plants, pets. Such a move corresponds to a special billing for the duration of distances, the complexity of travel conditions, and the unloading of furniture.

I will raise this topic ... There is not a soviet shirt (vest) - a new building. It is forbidden to install external split blocks to the East and South, so as not to spoil the facades of the building. The western part of the house faces the courtyard - installation is allowed. The apartment is very sunny! Due to these restrictions, only the scheme for installing a channel air conditioner comes to mind and the scheme will turn out - "for the whole apartment." There is a place for a channel, but I don’t really like the scheme itself. A supporter of installing separate splits - where necessary, but not possible. Supply ventilation is also planned, but this is a separate issue, since I would not want to link it with a duct, even if there is a fresh air admixture function. Are there any other options? Advise?

1. As already mentioned, the problem of one conduit for the entire apartment, including a duct, is the same temperature in all rooms (provided that it can do this and the correct air distribution, which, in principle, a powerful wall fixture in the corridor cannot), regardless of whether it is necessary you or not. the same problem from the other side - the air conditioner is guided by 1 temp sensor, i.e. if the sensor is on the south side, then it will not stop until it cools the south, and on the north side it is already very uncomfortable. 2. When a large split is installed on a corridor, the following happens - it quickly cools this corridor to a given T, then the compressor turns off, then the cold air is replaced by warm air from the rooms, then the compressor turns on again, again rapid cooling, and so on in a circle .... called cyclitis. In this mode, it usually dies in a couple of seasons.3. This option of EE consumes a lot, it will be cheaper separately. Here, two 9 houses per 1000 burn in a month with far from round-the-clock use, but it’s not a pity for the stsuko ... 4. Pipes.... if you don't put them in strobes, then this kind of porn.................................. I would even said with sadomaso .......... if small conders in rooms can fit into short routes and pipes of small diameters bend to much smaller radii, then for 24 models a 5/8 copper pipe at 90 degrees is a radius cm 10-15, and a crease is also possible, in short, an ass .... 5. condensate from the corridor or into the channel (if nearby) or into the street ... at an angle across the room ...... beauty.6. Powered by small ones from a regular outlet. On a large one, in theory, it is necessary to pull a separate 2.5 kV of copper from the shield through a 25A automatic machine. You can think of something else but reluctantly. And what's the problem to hang all the blocks in the yard and stretch the track under the ceiling? Water can be on the facade if you agree, or you can in the gate to the canal. And how did you think to buy apartments on the red line?

When choosing a place to install an air conditioner, the first thing to consider is that the coolest air will be at a distance of 2-3 meters from the device. Place it in such a way that this area does not include a bed, sofa or other place for sleeping or long rest. In addition, when choosing where to install the air conditioner, it is worth choosing a place remote from all heating appliances. Anything that emits heat or steam is a bad neighbor for an air conditioner, unless of course you want to arrange room tornadoes 🙂. It is also undesirable for pieces of furniture to stand in the way of the air flow, otherwise the operation of the device will not be effective enough.

When choosing how to properly install an air conditioner in a room, the location of the windows is also taken into account. If you have a sunny side, then the flow of cooled air should go perpendicular to the influx of heat from the windows, in which case the temperature will be distributed most evenly. It is also not recommended to place the split system opposite the door to the room so that the cooled air does not go to other rooms.

When installing the air conditioner under the ceiling, you must also take into account the necessary indentation - at least 15 cm from the ceiling, in order to provide space for air movement. Since most split systems do not provide air from the street, but only cool the existing one, for a healthy microclimate, it is better to put the air conditioner in the same room as it will supply fresh air, and the air conditioner will cool it to the desired temperature.

If you decide how to properly install the air conditioner in the bedroom, then the best solution is to place it above the bed - in this case, the coldest zone will be outside the bed, and the air during sleep will be at a pleasant temperature.

If we talk about how to properly install the air conditioner in the kitchen, then, in addition to moving away from heat sources, which include the stove, you need to take into account the fact that if the air flow enters other rooms, then the smells from the kitchen will go throughout the apartment . If you have a gas stove, then you should not place the air conditioner opposite it either, since the air from it will blow out the flame. In the kitchen, there is often not enough space to install a split system in accordance with all the rules, in which case you can choose a corner or compact installation, now such options are also available on the market.

When purchasing climate equipment for an apartment, many people think about which option is preferable: an apparatus for each room or one powerful air conditioner for two rooms.

What to choose?

Among the offers there are a lot of air conditioners serving 40 - 50 square meters. This is the area of ​​a small two-room apartment. Moreover, in the apartments of the old layout, the rooms are adjacent, separated from each other only by doors. Owners in pursuit of savings often want to purchase one air conditioner for many rooms.

However, store consultants tend to be skeptical of such ideas.

Why? Do they just want to make more money? Maybe even offer to put two air conditioners in one room? Not at all.

The price of air conditioners for two rooms will be 30 - 50% higher than one more powerful one. And also installation, delivery and launch. These are additional costs.

If the apartment is small, then one air conditioner can be enough for a room and for cooling the kitchen! Moreover, the height of the ceilings in the houses of the old building does not reach 3 meters, the main thing is to install the system correctly!

But this is a very superficial view of the question.

The problem is that the room in which the air conditioner is installed will cool a little more.

And only a small part of the coolness will reach the other. Some residents of the apartment are freezing, as if there are two air conditioners in one room. Others may not even notice the effect of his work. This is especially true for apartments in which rooms are delimited by a corridor, even one meter wide. One standard split system categorically cannot cope with cooling.

Such owners can be offered one multi-split air conditioner. This is an air conditioner for 3 rooms and even for 5 rooms. 3 indoor units are attached to one outdoor unit. Indoor units can be of different types: for example, cassette for the living room, and wall-mounted for the kitchen. It all depends on the design of the premises and the preferences of the owners.

It is more convenient to do wiring when all rooms go to one side.

But even with rooms opposite each other, installation is possible. The freon route will have to be pulled through the entire apartment, so it is better to think about installing such an air conditioner before redecorating the apartment.

Expensive but high quality

An even more convenient option for air conditioning for 3 rooms or more is a duct system. It serves any number of premises. But it is necessary to conduct ventilation ducts around the apartment. Therefore, the presence of suspended ceilings is desirable. Although some owners skillfully mask the channels and even turn them into a design element, such as a ceiling beam. The price of an air conditioner for two rooms will be slightly higher, but such systems also ventilate the premises.