Spruce canadian conic preparation for winter. Conic spruce: care for a fluffy beauty from Canada

The culture grows mainly in the north of America. A small ephedra was discovered at the beginning of the last century. Then dendrologists Raeder and Jack visited Lake Liggan, located in Canada. Konica has become a popular variety and has become the main material for the creation of new subspecies.

Description of Canadian spruce

The conic has a rather squat crown. It consists of tightly pressed twigs. A striking, well-defined tapered crown is formed by short internodes. By the way, the clarity of the form is observed during the first 10 years of development. After that it gets a little distorted. If not pruned, it can become pin-shaped.

With proper care and planting, Canadian spruce lives up to 60 years.

Needles grow on the shoots. They are short, never more than one centimeter long. At a young age, they are soft and pale green. Over the years, they become a little sharper, like needles. By winter, the shade changes to a persistent green. If you rub the plucked needles between your palms, you can get ether, the smell of which resembles the aroma of ripe black currant, but the smell is not for everybody.

Culture rarely forms cones... Initially, the roots grow downward, then begin to spread in width. As a result, they take up space much more than a spreading crown.

Growth is slow. Canadian spruce can hardly be called a dwarf variety, since over the entire life cycle, a tree that is not at all low grows. In one season, the height of the Canadian spruce (young) increases by 3-6 centimeters. A big growth spurt is seen between the ages of 6 and 15. Then the growth is 10 cm. In Russia, such indications are not registered, since the variety does not tolerate dry air - it interferes with development.

After 10 years, the pace decreases. Now, during the season, the culture rises by a maximum of 3 cm. By the age of 30, the spruce can grow up to 4 meters. But such specimens are found only in a few European countries with a humid climate and in North America.

Application in landscape design

Rarely what composition does without the participation of ate gray. Young specimens are perfectly combined with other plants that adorn alleys, flower beds, stone gardens. Terraces are planted with low-growing varieties. They look especially organic when combined with flowers.

Konika is often planted in containers. It is very convenient. For example, decorating the front door, balcony and other resting place, you can safely move the plant to different locations.

Types and varieties of spruce

Canadian spruce (conic) not prepared for the Russian climate. There will be no cultural development in neighboring Belarus or, for example, in Ukraine. The variety is cultivated in countries with high humidity levels. Where temperature drops are rare enough. Spring in such places is predictable and the transition of seasons is smooth. But do difficulties stop someone? Especially gardeners and breeders.

Caring for her is difficult. For example, cleaning takes a long time, and also harms a person. Even gardeners try to avoid this procedure in every way. Epin treatment and sprinkling are carried out when it is no longer possible to ignore the problem.

This is how the Canadian spruce turns from decoration to shame. A culture designed to purify the air begins to pollute it. In the crown of an unkempt tree, pests begin to settle, which then become breeding grounds for diseases. Their livelihoods are not limited to one crop and they begin to spread throughout the summer cottage / garden area.

Pros and cons of growing

Blue Canadian spruce is the nightmare of any gardener, even the experienced and conscientious one. Hence the question: how did it become so popular? The plant is cultivated in countries with comfortable climatic conditions and high humidity. Nobody dealt with the issues of adaptation in our conditions. Having decided to buy a seedling, contact the nursery. These samples, to a small extent, have been able to adapt to our climate.

The advantages of the problem variety include:

  • the beauty;
  • adaptability to containers;
  • slow growth;
  • frost resistance;
  • shade tolerance;
  • small size;
  • symmetrical crown, the care of which does not require regular pruning.

Most of the shortcomings are due to the fact that the gray spruce (Canadian, conic) is not adapted to Russian conditions:

  • in sunny areas, the needles begin to burn;
  • needs regular and long-term cleaning of the crown;
  • a very complex process of culture propagation;
  • every day the culture must undergo a sprinkling procedure;
  • develops poorly and is not adapted to life in a city with a polluted air;
  • it is necessary to carry out processing and introduce foliar fertilizers every 2 weeks;
  • at the beginning of life, growth is very slow, but then the tree rises up to 4 meters. Therefore, a transplant to a more spacious place is required.

Planting and caring for the plant

Earlier it was said that buds rarely ripen. Therefore, it is difficult to wait for the seeds in a natural way. They are not available for sale. But if you submit an ad, there may be suppliers. But nobody knows what will eventually grow up. Indescribably lucky someone who still manages to find seeds that will sprout and:

  • young seedlings will be able to painlessly endure several transplants;
  • in the first 4 years they will not get sick and will not die from dry soil, insufficient moisture and many other reasons.

Planting Canadian spruce: preparation of seedlings, site

The ideal soil for planting is acidic and slightly acidic. The variety reacts well to sandy soil. The main thing is to find a site with deep groundwater. The landing hole is dug out in advance. At least 60 cm in diameter. Depth from 70 cm.

A 20 cm drainage is required. No need to tighten with Koniki fit. Soak the root system in the root solution beforehand for better development. Six hours will be enough.

The substrate should be based on humus and sod. Also make up to 150 g of nitroammofoska. The presence of high-moor peat will improve the structure of the soil. 2 weeks before planting, the hole is 2/3 filled with a substrate, poured and left in this form.

Purchase imported seedlings from trusted suppliers. Read reviews on thematic forums. When buying, pay attention to the root system. In such specimens, it should be in burlap, inside which is a moist substrate.

Neighbors ate

Planting of Konik spruce in the southern regions is carried out from October to the end of February. In the north, planting work begins in August. Container seedlings take root well, but it is better not to plant during hot seasons. The plant is planted in a shaded area, watered before the arrival of frost.

All plants adjacent to Konica, such as:, must have similar requirements for care, climatic conditions and soil, otherwise one of the neighbors will start to wither or die altogether.

You should not plant shrubs that need regular loosening of the soil. Ephedra will not tolerate this procedure.

Its small roots are located almost on the surface of the earth and can be damaged during the procedure.

It is recommended to plant large crops with dense foliage on the south side, so that they become a kind of shield for eating from the sun. But choose those that do not completely cover the beauty of the spruce. With age, the need for this protection will be less and less.

Plant transplant

If the care of the Canadian Konik spruce requires enhanced, then it tolerates a transplant better than many representatives of conifers. But this is not recommended. Only specimens up to 10 years can withstand a painless transplant. The rest have a much harder time.

In youth, it is small and does not cause inconvenience. But over the years it grows to a decent size, including in width. The plant becomes cramped, and against the background of other dwarfs, the appearance of the culture becomes inappropriate.

A couple of days before the planned transplant, the culture is watered in such a way that the earthen lump does not collapse under the weight of the liquid and the roots do not remain bare. The fossa is prepared much earlier. Only in this case, in diameter, it reaches one and a half meters in relation to the perimeter of the crown. Usually the depth of the pit is half a meter, but often it has to be additionally adjusted.

Algorithm for planting and leaving the Canadian Konik spruce:

  • A piece of old burlap is soaked well and laid side by side.
  • Around the tree, using a shovel, draw a circle equal to the perimeter of the crown - this area remains intact during excavation.
  • The first step is to take out the soil. Dig in the direction from the trunk.
  • As soon as the shovel meets the root, you need to chop it off.
  • You can try to loosen the lump and cut the roots that interfere with the process.
  • The dug out tree is transferred to a damp burlap. Be sure to secure the edges with twine or other tight rope.
  • The depth of the pit is measured as follows: 20 cm is added to the distance between the earthen lump and the root collar.
  • Landing.

If the soil has settled a little, and the plant itself is crooked, the reason may be as follows:

  • planting was carried out immediately after digging a hole;
  • forgot to fill the hole with soil and did not water;
  • did not compact the soil.

Canadian spruce: crop care

After planting, the soil must be kept constantly moist. Watering is reduced to moderate only after the plant has rooted.

Placing a crop near a pond or lake increases the air humidity to some extent. A fountain located on a site in close proximity to Konika will save the situation. Its stream should not flow down, but spray drops on the sides.

Sprinkling will help to simplify the care procedures. The crown is moistened either early in the morning or after 6 pm. If the needles do not dry out before the sun is active, they will burn and turn yellow.


Buying a multipurpose fertilizer is not the best choice. And when it comes to varietal plants, they only need special feeding. The reason is that Konika suffers from gas pollution in the city air, and the use of the wrong fertilizers will only aggravate the situation. For example, the yellowness of the needles occurs when there is a lack of magnesium, iron and nitrogen.

Soil trace elements are absorbed extremely poorly, therefore they are introduced during foliar dressing. It is recommended to treat the crown with epin. Nitrogen should prevail in the spring, and potassium with phosphorus in the fall.

Trimming procedures

Pruning is not required up to 10 years, since the plant will have its own beautiful crown. With age, slight deformation occurs. The crop tolerates pruning well. But they do it for visual aesthetics and in order to limit growth.

To enhance decorativeness, the crown is cut in early spring. Dwarf spruce pruning can be substituted for standard sanitary cleaning.

Crown cleaning rules

First, the branches are gently pushed apart. All dry needles are peeled off. To do this, the shoot is tightly covered in the trunk area and the hand is pulled along the growth. Control the power. Your goal is to clean off dry needles, not uproot the crop.

Try to break off all the dead branches located inside. Pruning each one will take a long time.

There is no need to stretch the cleaning for several days. Dry branches and needles should be cleaned out immediately in one day. Do not leave them on the ground - they are the strongest breeding ground for insects and many diseases. The best assistant will be a garden vacuum cleaner. But you can use a regular rake.

Remember to treat the culture with a copper-based fungicide after cleaning. Abundant spraying should be done near the trunk circle and in the inner part of the crown.


Jan Wen der Neer argues that without shelter, a plant is able to withstand cold only in frost-resistant areas. Other sources recommend installing protection as soon as the air temperature drops to -32C. However, our gardeners and nursery owners assure that -40C is quite normal temperature and the culture is able to endure it without protection.

Frost resistance was mentioned in the description of the Canadian Konica spruce. This is true. Where does this stability come from? It's all about moisture.

During frosts, it is low. Plants feel this, so the risk of frostbite is low. When grown in a place protected from the winds, do not worry, it will definitely withstand 40-degree cold.

Naturally, we are talking about adult specimens that have managed to take root. By the time of winter, they are only mulched. In the first year, the variety that was sick before should be covered with a white cloth. Small seedlings are protected by spruce branches.

The best month for shelter is December. You need to cover it at the moment when it drops to -10C. Don't do it in advance. Otherwise, the crown will dry out, which is even more dangerous.

Sun protection

There is no acute need for the sun. Ate it is necessary only at the end of winter and in the first days of spring. With the arrival of spring, the needles of a crop start the process of active evaporation of moisture, while the root system after winter dormancy is not yet able to adequately provide the crown with the necessary liquid.

To avoid burns, the crown must be covered with any white non-woven fabric. Otherwise, they will burn and fall off. The sprinkling procedure and spraying with epin, of course, can restore the needles, but the culture will lose its decorative properties.

Despite the moodiness, the variety grows well in the sun and in partial shade. However, the seedlings planted in a southern orientation burn. In such cases, the side with the active property is covered with plants with dense foliage.

Spruce propagation

Spruce gray Konik does not reproduce easily. Whichever method you choose, there will be many problems, since they take root very poorly, although they retain all the characteristics of the parent plant. Breeding in nurseries in Russia has begun quite recently and has not yet brought much success. Therefore, the delivery of seedlings is carried out from abroad.

But suppliers are also unable to saturate the domestic market. Amateur gardeners will not be able to master reproduction with the help of vaccination, but they do not give up attempts.

Of all the methods, it is a little easier to grow a spruce by cuttings. But be prepared for the fact that not all "material" will take root, but only a part. It will take not only years to bring the cuttings to marketable form, but also an appropriate room, a greenhouse, and transplants. Don't rely on luck. Without regular maintenance of a certain temperature, humidity, soil, nothing will work.

You can buy cuttings at any time. It is desirable that they be "with a heel." The lower part must be treated with growth hormone. Next, it is landed in perlite. You can also use a mixture based on peat and sand or pure sand. It is necessary to keep the cuttings in a stable cool and high humidity. Even a single overdrying of the soil can bring the cuttings to death.

Diseases and pests

Most often, the variety affects the invasion spider mites... Though caterpillars butterfly nun also cause significant harm. The invasion of these insects does not happen often, but lasts up to 7 years. Pests are able to eat all the needles in a few days, leaving the plant with bare bark.

Of the diseases, the variety is most often exposed to

  • rust
  • necrosis,
  • rot.

To prevent insects and diseases, the plant should be examined once a week with a magnifying glass. The first few times it will take many hours, but over time it will go much faster.

What to do if the spruce begins to dry out

First, we find out the reason for what happened. Loss of turgor is associated with rotting of the root system from overflow. Therefore, you should not grab buckets with liters of water or a hose. The culture "drowned" in liquid becomes sluggish and gradually begins to dry out.

To check the degree of soil moisture, it is enough to dig a shallow (10 cm) hole around the perimeter of the near-trunk area. If the soil is dry, then you can water it.

Next, you need to determine the permeability of the earth. The culture does not tolerate dense soil. To do this, take a match and insert it with a wooden tip into the ground at the place where the roots are. If she entered without hindrance, then everything is in order. In another case, you will need to remove the mulch, carefully loosen it around the perimeter to a depth of 5 centimeters, without thinking about the safety of the root system.

The life of a Canadian (gray) spruce comes first. In the third stage, a thorough inspection of all parts should be carried out. It is necessary to make sure that the listed areas are not damaged by any disease or pest infestation. Along the way, it is worth checking the presence of a special constriction on the main shoot, where the label was attached earlier during the purchase.

Evergreen conifers look presentable both in the summer heat and in the winter cold, so the owners of suburban areas always try to purchase them. Canadian spruce Konica is a favorite ephedra, which has become popular due to its dwarf forms and fluffy branches. This long-liver can grow in one place for up to half a century, so even great-grandchildren will have time to admire its beauty and solidity.

A miniature tree is appreciated for its beautiful conical crown, which does not need to be additionally shaped. If you look at the photos in catalogs, you can clearly see what a colorful look the Christmas tree creates in the garden at any time of the year. It is combined with many plants, but it looks dignified when alone.

Konica is a form of Canadian spruce that originated from a natural mutation in nature. This species was discovered in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century, from where it spread to Europe and became the main decoration of personal plots. In gardening, there are other names for this species:

From the above description, without looking at the photo, we can conclude that the listed conifers have an unusual color of needles and a presentable crown.

Miniature Konica reaches a maximum height of 2.5 m.On average, the herringbone grows by 1 m.The diameter of the tree can reach 2 m, but usually it takes no more than 80 cm.The crown is formed perfectly evenly, which means that the gardener does not have to prune every year. The tree has a narrow, elongated shape that resembles a cone. The height and decorativeness of the crown are the main properties for which it is valued.

Ephedra is slow growing, especially at the beginning of cultivation. In the first 10 years, it grows by a maximum of 6-10 cm per year. Further, the growth proceeds even more slowly: the tree adds 1.5-3 cm in height annually. Cones rarely appear on the tree. They have a regular elongated cone shape, their length is 6 cm.

Konica does not tolerate polluted air. In an unfavorable atmosphere, it can wither away, therefore, it is rarely grown in urban areas.

There are a number of reasons why you should choose a Canadian coniferous baby for landscaping:

  1. There will always be a beautiful design on the site, while the gardener will not need to make much effort.
  2. A coniferous plant releases aromatic substances of phytoncides into the air, which cleanse it and get rid of harmful microorganisms.
  3. The plant is resistant to diseases.
  4. The needles have an unusual green-gray shade, and their length reaches 1 cm.
  5. The root system is superficial, which means that the plant can be easily transplanted if necessary.
  6. It propagates well both by cuttings and seeds.

Landscaping Ideas: Combine With Other Plants

Conifers fit into almost any landscape composition, Canadian spruce is no exception to the list. It looks good in an ensemble with other conifers - thuja, pine, which are so diverse. Neighborhood with deciduous, cereals is also considered successful. The discreet shade of the needles favorably emphasizes flowering shrubs.

Fir trees of this type grow well in a group, from which you can create a hedge. The branches are dense, densely covered with needles, ideal for building a good curtain from nosy neighbors. Placement near a playground, a gazebo is considered beautiful. She not only decorates the site, but also purifies the air around. The tree can be used to create compositions on a rocky area. Even if you plant one tree on the lawn, it will decorate the territory with dignity.

From planting to future wintering

If a conic spruce is chosen for landscaping the territory, you need to know the following about planting and care:

It is recommended to keep the seedling at home or in a greenhouse for the first 3-4 years. You can plant in open ground at any time of the year, except for winter. If the transplant is carried out in the summer, then a clod of earth is left on the roots. It will protect the fragile root system from the heat. In spring or autumn, you can remove old soil from the roots, but this is not necessary. The best time to land in open ground is April or August. It was at this time that the active growth of the tree is noted, which means that it will quickly take root.

Planted in cool, but not wet weather, the tree will take root within a week.

For planting, first prepare a planting pit slightly wider than the seedling. A drainage layer of crushed stone and broken brick is poured onto the bottom. A soil mixture is prepared: sand, peat, leaf and sod land in equal proportions. Part of the mixture is poured onto the drainage layer. You can add a little compound fertilizer. Now the seedling is placed in a hole, covered with the remaining earth, lightly tamped. After planting, each seedling requires 10 liters of water. To retain moisture, the ground around the trunk is covered with mulch.

How to take care of a miniature Christmas tree at home and on the site?

Spruce cultivation is conventionally divided into 2 stages: at home (in a greenhouse) and in the open field. In order for the seedling to grow stronger in the early years, it is kept in a cool room in summer up to + 10 ° C degrees, and in winter up to -10 ° C. Watering is carried out as the top layer of the soil dries up. In warm weather, it is allowed to spray the crown with water from a spray bottle.

Knowing how to care for the Canadian ephedra on the site, you don't have to worry about its decorative effect. Agricultural technology is as follows:

  1. Watering is required in moderation. In the warm season, 10 liters per tree is enough 2 times a week.
  2. Sprinkling is helpful twice a week. A watering can or hose is used. At the same time, you do not need to make a swamp in the root circle, excess moisture is harmful to the roots.
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to loosen the soil around the trunk to provide oxygen to the roots. This is done very carefully, since the roots are close to the surface.
  4. After loosening, mulching is carried out with peat and compost.

Dwarf Konik spruces during the growth period at home need fertilization. Special complexes for conifers are suitable. If mineral complex fertilizers were added during planting, then they will last for several years. Organic fertilizers are also suitable. Once a season, 5 kg of rotted manure can be added to the soil.

In winter, Christmas trees growing in the garden must be protected from frost. To do this, the trees are wrapped in burlap and bandaged. The lower part of the barrel must remain open, otherwise the discussion process will begin. Shelter is needed more to protect from the first spring sun than from the cold. Canadian Christmas trees are frost-resistant representatives. The roots of young and immature seedlings can be protected from freezing by mulch. Adult specimens do not need shelter.

The pruning procedure is only needed if the branches are burnt or dry. You can safely remove them. The spruce grows well; with the onset of spring, young twigs will appear. To stimulate their growth, you need to slightly increase watering.

Canadian gray spruce lends itself to successful cultivation in home gardens for about a hundred years. Even a novice gardener can grow a decorative and healthy tree with unusual needles. It is enough just to start right: to plant in a suitable place. The rules for further caring for a coniferous dwarf are not complicated.

Now there are more and more people who want to have the Canadian Glauka Konik spruce on their site, closer to home. Including very many people want to save a small spruce tree, which was presented to them for the New Year in a pot.

However, in order for the plant to initially have everything it needs for proper growth and development, it is assumed that a number of features will be observed in planting and caring for Konica in the open field.

Canadian spruce Conica (Picea glauca Conica): description

Canadian spruce Conic (Picea glauca Conica) Is an ornamental dwarf coniferous plant with a regular conical (conical) crown shape.

Worth knowing! When you buy a very small young seedling, it does not have a conical shape and its needles are quite rare. Nose every year Konica will become denser and with time it will acquire the necessary conical shape!

Key characteristics of Canadian Koniki spruce:

A distinctive feature of Koniki is that she has a very dense crown, i.e. its short branches are so tightly spaced between themselves that there is practically no gap between them (the trunk is not visible).

  • Needles- soft, short (up to 9 mm), green.
  • Flowering and fruits- blooms in late spring, after which fruits are formed - cones, which become brown during ripening, their length is 3-6 cm.
  • Annual growth in height- 4-10 cm, width - 3-5 cm.

Note! If you decide to grow Konica at home, then you should know that it will give a maximum of 4-5 cm of annual growth.

  • Maximum height- 3-4 meters with a crown diameter (width) of 2 meters.

Interesting! According to experimental data, at the age of 10 years, the Canadian Konica spruce reaches a height of 1 meter, at 35 years old, some specimens grow up to 3.6 meters, and at 60 years old - up to 4 meters.

Requirements for growing Canadian Koniki spruce:

  • Light- according to some sources (in different sources they are quite contradictory), photophilous, but easily tolerates partial shade. It grows well in sunny places, but is very prone to sunburn (it will burn on the sunny side without shelter or shading).

It is worth considering! As a rule (according to numerous reviews), in diffused light or partial shade, Konica grows (behaves, more precisely, feels) much better than in bright light.

  • Moisture- sensitive to drought.
  • The soil- Poorly tolerates soil compaction and waterlogging (moisture stagnation).
  • Care and protection- protection from strong winds and from winter and early spring sunlight is required (in other words, it should be covered).
  • Frost resistance- very frost-resistant (USDA zone 3 - up to -37.2 ..- 39.9 degrees).

Konik spruce in landscape design

As a rule, in landscape design, Konica is used both in single and in group plantings, as well as in flower beds, mixborders and rock gardens.

It looks very impressive as a tapeworm (in single plantings) in a dump or on a lawn.

If you decide to make a composition, then it is very beautiful to plant it with other miniature (dwarf) conifers and deciduous plants.

Due to the fact that the plant is relatively slow-growing, in principle, it can also be used for container growing.

It should be borne in mind that Canadian spruce Konica not adapted to urban environment, especially to dirt, in other words, you cannot plant it near the road.

When to plant (transplant) Canadian Konik spruce in open ground: optimal timing

Plant Konika better in spring so that by winter the spruce is well rooted and strengthened, but planting can be done and in autumn... For example, for the Middle Lane, the approximate planting dates for Koniki spruce in spring are late April-early May, and in autumn - late August-early September.

However, if your autumn is long and warm (you live in the South of Russia), and in spring most often “from boots to sandals”, in other words, heat can quickly set in (and a spruce that has not yet taken root will burn in the sun), then it is better to plant Koniku is in the autumn.

Note! However, container plants can be planted all year round. Nevertheless, the period when young growths are actively beginning to form is considered not too successful.

If you were able to purchase a seedling only summer, then after planting, you should regularly (once a week) water the young spruce abundantly, pouring out at least 10 liters, and also shallow loosening (by 5-6 cm).

It is also believed that it is very good to plant conifers. in winter since at this time of the year, the trees are in complete rest (sleeping), which means they will be less damaged and, accordingly, the adaptation process will be much easier.

Planting Canadian Konik spruce in open ground

Correct planting of Canadian spruce in open ground involves choosing a suitable place for the ephedra soil and an appropriate planting pit.

Drop off location

To plant Konik spruce, you need an area protected from direct sunlight (namely midday) and drying winds, especially on the south side (so that the ephedra does not get burned in spring). In other words, the plant should be located in a semi-shady place your garden ( east or north side of the site).

A feature of Koniki is that the spring sun often simply burns the top of the plant, the needles crumble and very rarely recover.

If you have no choice, then Koniku, of course, can be planted in a sunny place(south or west side of the site), but you will have to water it more often. Also be sure to cover a young seedling for the winter, and not for the purpose of warming, but for the purpose of protection from the spring sun.

Advice! Alternatively, you can cover (shade from the sun) the spruce in January-February. special material, through which the sun's rays (ultraviolet radiation) do not penetrate, for example, spunbond.

Spruce does not like soil compaction and moisture stagnation, which means that near the landing site e should be nearby groundwater.

However, it should be borne in mind that Konika prefers moist, well-drained soil(optimally - loams).

Landing pit and soil

The size of the planting pit may vary, and in the first place depend on the size of the container from which you will transplant a Canadian spruce seedling. Naturally, herself the pit should be larger than the container both in width and depth somewhere in 1.5-2 times. As a rule, the depth of the planting pit is about 50-70 cm, as is the width.

If you plan to plant several seedlings (for example, in a row), then they should be placed at a distance of about 50-70 cm from each other.

To the bottom of the landing pit be sure to pour drainage layer(15-20 cm). To do this, you can use sand, expanded clay, broken brick and other similar materials.

Soil for filling the planting pit you should either purchase it ready-made (for conifers), or prepare it yourself, taking leafy soil, sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. It is best to use high-moor peat and coniferous litter, as well as sand or vermiculite.

Direct landing

Step-by-step instructions for planting Canadian Konik spruce in open ground:

In this case, it is very important that the root collar of the plant is at ground level. Under no circumstances should it be buried!

  • Sprinkle with plenty of water.
  • Add soil if the earth settles and water again.
  • Mulch the trunk circle with a layer of peat 5-6 cm (in summer - to maintain moisture, and in autumn - to warm the root system).

Video: how to plant a Canadian spruce correctly

Features of transplanting Koniki spruce into open ground, bought or donated for the New Year

If you bought or presented you with a Glauka Konik spruce in winter, and you were able to keep it in good condition, then with the onset of spring, when the snow melts, the ephedra should be transplanted into open ground without fail.

BUT! Where it is more correct to buy seedlings in spring or autumn, and it is obligatory in special nurseries or garden centers, not a New Year's sale.

Mandatory actions that are performed when planting Koniki, which you nursed at home, and then transplanted in the spring into open ground:

  • With the onset of spring, you should gradually begin to temper Konika, taking it out into fresh air, and preferably not in an open place, but for example, under a canopy. First for 5-10 minutes, then for half an hour, for several hours, and then for the whole day.
  • Sprinkle the needles with Epin before and after planting.
  • Spill the root system of the plant with a solution of "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin".
  • To mulch the trunk circle, and also to cover (shade from the sun) with spruce branches or white cotton cloth (for example, the same gauze) the crown.
  • It is necessary to water and irrigate the crown very carefully (preferably with settled water or rainwater), and in the first days almost every day (morning or evening).

Attention! Even if you do everything right, it is not a fact that the plant will accept and take root in the open field (it is especially important that it can survive the winter), because it is already accustomed to indoor conditions.

Worth knowing! The potted buns sold in supermarkets are temporary decorative Christmas trees that are the subject of New Year's commerce and are usually used as disposable plants.

But, of course, there is always a chance to save the plant from death ...

How to care for Canadian Konica spruce outdoors

In order for Konica to be a beautiful, lush and healthy plant, it is worth following some simple care rules.

Watering and loosening

Canadian spruce Konica has a relatively shallow root system (the predominant part of the roots is located quite close to the soil surface), therefore, especially in hot weather, it needs frequent and abundant watering (once a week, water consumption of at least 10 liters per young seedling), as well as in spraying (sprinkling) of the crown. Moreover, after watering, it is desirable to carry out shallow loosening of the soil (by 5-6 cm).

Advice! Every fall should do a powerful water-charging irrigation.

Top dressing

Konika should be fed 2 times per season, using complex fertilizers for conifers. As a rule, this is done in the spring, as well as in the fall to prepare the plant for winter (with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer).

Advice! In the spring, it is highly recommended to alternately spray the needles with a solution of "Epin" and "Zircon", especially if you notice even the slightest burns.

Video: restoration of Koniki spruce after winter (treatment of burns with Epin's solution)

Trimming (cutting and shaping)

As a rule, Canadian spruce is not pruned (and no haircuts are made). But this does not mean that you should not carry out sanitary pruning, getting rid of dry and diseased branches (namely, branches, since if the needles are dry, then it does not follow that the branch is dry - it can be quite alive). Optimally, spruce pruning is carried out in late spring-early summer, when the period of active sap flow ends.

If you want to somehow correct the shape of Koniki, then this can be done by pinching the shoots. This way they will branch out better and become more luxuriant.

Advice! If you want Konica to have one tip, then in the spring you should choose the strongest and most erect shoot, and pinch the side ones (by 1/3 of the growth).

Diseases and pests

Ephedra are very often affected. various fungal diseases. In this case, it is necessary to treat spruce with copper-containing preparations (fungicides), for example, "Oxyhom", "Hom" or (1%).

Most often, on the lower shoots, you can find Whitemycelium, which indicates the presence of such a fungal disease as snow shute.

If this rust, then it can be treated with the drug "Topaz", "Skor".

Note! All spruce treatments from diseases and pests should be carried out repeatedly(according to the instructions).

Konika is very fond of various pests, for example, the same green aphid, spruce-larch shoot moth, spruce spider mite and sawfly (its caterpillars) that live deep in the branches. If your pet has been attacked by pests, then it is necessary to treat, respectively, with insecticides ("Aktara", "Fitoverm", "Confidor", "Iskra", "Fufanon") from specific pests that are difficult but possible to identify.

Important! If you cover the spruce with pests, then under the shelter it will be more than comfortable and cozy for them to destroy your plant, so in the fall, be sure to carry out eradicating treatments against pests and diseases.

Preparing for winter (shelter)

The main task of preparing Koniki for the winter is its shelter for the winter. Moreover, the purpose of this event is not to insulate the plant (it is already very frost-resistant), but to protect it from sunburn.

Interesting! Many people think that there is no point in sheltering Konika in the fall. It is better to do this in late winter-early spring, because there is nothing to protect it from in winter, the plant can get burns only in February-March, which means that it is necessary to cover it at this time.

So, Konik, growing in a sunny place, i.e. on the south side of the site, you need to cover it annually from burns.

By the way! Alternatively, you can shade the Konik spruce only on one side (south).

Important! Young conifers in the first 2-3 years after planting are very vulnerable to sunlight, so they should definitely be covered.

How can you cover Konika for the winter (protect from sunburn):

  • white non-woven fabric (spunbond);

In principle, a gray burlap will do.

  • special shading net;

To shelter conifers (in particular, Canadian spruce) from burns, it is better to choose a mesh with 50% -75% shading. A mesh with a lower percentage of shading should be stacked in several layers.

  • white cotton cloth (for example, the same white gauze);
  • put on a ready-made cover (sold in stores).

Important! The plant under the shelter must breathe (there must be an influx of air, its circulation), otherwise the ephedra may begin to rot.

For example, in late winter-early spring (February-March), you can throw snow on the plant all the way to the top. Thus, the ephedra will not only be sheltered from the sun, but when the snow begins to melt, it will gradually receive moisture.

Note! If you planted Konika on the east or north side of the site, then later (after a year after landing in open ground) more there will be no need to cover it from burns. But on condition that every autumn careful water-charging irrigation will be carried out, and in the spring there will be no sharp temperature drop (i.e., at first there were frosts, and suddenly it became very warm).

Video: Canadian spruce Konica - basic care and preparation for winter

Thus, planting and caring for the Canadian Konik spruce is not so difficult. You just need to know some of the rules for placing a seedling on the site and the requirements for caring for an ornamental coniferous plant. In other words, every gardener, even a beginner, can grow a fluffy beauty with a dense crown of Konik spruce!

Video: Canadian spruce Konica - planting and care

In contact with

Conifers are popular and sought-after plants that landscape designers use to create amazing and unusual green compositions. Konika occupies a special place among the firs. This variety is not only unpretentious and resistant to diseases, but also has a beautiful conical shape. It is this plant that should be paid attention to for novice gardeners who want to create coniferous plantations on their site that can delight their owners not only in the warm season, but also during the New Year holidays, because it is Konika that can replace the Christmas tree.


Canadian spruce (glauca) "Konica" is an ornamental coniferous plant that belongs to the gray-gray family and has a second name, glauconic. The birthplace of dwarf glauconics is Canada. In 1900, biologists became interested in her, who began the process of its popularization. Due to its unpretentiousness and high decorative performance, spruce has become in demand and popular in all countries of the world. The maximum life span of spruce reaches 300 years. The annual growth of a young tree does not exceed 10 cm, and that of an adult tree does not exceed 3 cm.

Distinctive features of the plant are small size, conical shape and gray bloom on needles. To give the plant the shape of a cone, there is no need to trim the spruce, it will take this shape itself.

The maximum height of spruce in favorable climatic conditions can reach 4 meters, but more often you can see trees about 2 meters in size. Thanks to this size, "Konika" can be grown not only in the open field, but also in special portable containers.

The diameter of the lush and voluminous crown ranges from 1.5 to 2 meters. The needles have a rich bluish-green hue, their length does not exceed 10 mm. Cones have an oblong shape, and their size does not exceed 6 cm. Coniferous fruits are very rare on this species of spruce.

When transplanting and caring for spruce, it must be borne in mind that this species has a superficial root system with horizontal roots located in the upper soil layers, careless handling of which can lead to their deformation.

Varieties of varieties

Long and painstaking work of breeders allowed to obtain several varietal varieties of this blue spruce.

  • Elegance Compact- a variety that was bred by Czechoslovak specialists in 1950. Despite the fact that this species has external similarities with the base variety, it also has a number of distinctive features.

The annual growth of a strong and hardy tree, regardless of its age, is 5 cm.

The most striking features are a light brown shade of buds, a light green color of shoots, a bright green color scheme of needles. The maximum height of the tree is no more than 2.5 meters, the length of the cones is about 1 cm.

  • "Alberta Globe"- a variety that was obtained as a result of natural selection. The homeland of this species is the Netherlands.

The appearance of the plant resembles a shrub, and its height does not exceed 1 meter. The shape of the decorative variety resembles a ball and has a dense crown.

A distinctive feature is the radial arrangement of the shoots. The average annual growth can exceed 10 cm. The diameter of the spruce, which reaches 10 years old, is 50 cm. The soft and delicate needles can grow up to 1 cm. The shade of the old needles has a yellowish tint, but the young shoots are colored green. Sometimes small brown buds can be seen at the ends of the branches.

  • "Dwarf"- a small variety, the height of which does not exceed 1.5 meters. Lush branches are located on a narrow crown, the shape of which resembles a cone. The maximum needle size is 7 mm.

  • "Laurin" Is a very rare species with a low annual growth rate. The height of a young spruce can increase annually by no more than 5 cm, but the growth of an adult tree is significantly slowed down and the annual growth does not exceed 2 cm. The root system has the shape of a sharp cone.

  • "Maygold"- a hybrid of the classic "Konica", which has golden needles and a compact conical shape. The plant has very delicate needles, the length of which does not exceed 8 cm. Young trees are covered with yellow-gold needles, but by winter their color changes to a darker one.

  • "Desember"- an improved hybrid that has an annual growth of about 15 cm and a denser crown. The color of the needles is light green. This species can be planted on both acidic and alkaline soils. "Desember" is a favorite among landscape designers a subspecies of "Koniki", which decorate rocky and alpine slides, as well as terraces and summer grounds.

Landing rules

Despite their decorativeness, all subspecies of "Koniki" are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, resistance not only to frost, but also to temperature fluctuations. Due to its undemanding soil and growing conditions, spruce can be planted in various regions and climatic zones. The compact and beautiful plant can be grown both outdoors and in pots.

As planting material, you can use both self-grown plants and purchased ones.

It is better to buy seedlings in large nurseries, which are responsible for the goods sold.

Plants with a closed root system and a voluminous earthen lump have a better chance of accepting than cuttings without soil, which, after acquisition, must be planted immediately. If there is a need for transportation, then the root system must be wrapped with a damp cloth, which not only does not allow it to dry out, but also protects the roots from damage. Experts recommend refusing to buy diseased, dry and damaged plants.

The selected area should be protected from strong currents of cold winds, and groundwater should not run in the surface layers.

Standing water and constant dampness can provoke root rot and subsequently the death of the plant.

The selected area should not be overloaded with a large number of other bushes and trees, which will significantly slow down the growth of the already slow-growing needles. The shade from large trees will lead to a change in the color of the needles, as well as to the appearance of fading, as a result, the plant will lose its decorative characteristics.

The selected site should have a fertile soil with a moderate acidity level. To increase the nutritional value of the soil, it is better to enrich it with organic and mineral fertilizers a year before planting.

Before planting, the entire area must be dug up and leveled.

Planting stages:

  • the formation of a landing pit of the required size;
  • creating a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 5 cm;
  • preparation of a nutrient mixture, which should consist of peat, deciduous soil, turf, sand and a small amount of organic fertilizers;
  • placing a seedling in a pit while expanding the root system;
  • filling all voids with nutrient soil;
  • neat compaction of the earth;
  • abundant watering, which provides for the introduction of about 12 liters of water into one hole;
  • mulching the near-trunk area with peat, sawdust and crushed bark.

Exhaust gases and road dust will negatively affect the growth and appearance of the plant, therefore it is better not to use Konika for decorating areas near highways, but opt ​​for other conifers.

If there is a desire to plant a spruce in a pot, then it is necessary to place it only on the street. In an apartment, the plant feels bad and after a while begins to dry out. Some owners bring the green beauty into the house and dress it up for the New Year holidays. In this case, you need to choose the coldest room for it, far from the heating system.

How to care?

Despite its unpretentiousness, "Konika" needs timely care and attention, which will allow the plant to maximize its decorative properties.

To prevent the soil from drying out, experts recommend watering it twice a week. At least 10 liters of clean and settled water must be poured into one planting pit. Daily spraying has a beneficial effect on it, especially during periods of high temperatures. But one should also not get carried away by excessive watering, which can provoke the development of putrefactive processes of the root system.

Regular loosening of the surface soil layer will help to enrich the root system with oxygen and prevent the appearance of weeds.

Novice gardeners try to weed the root zone as deeply as possible, which absolutely cannot be done due to the risk of damaging the root system, which is located close to the soil.

Timely mulching will help improve the condition of the soil and prevent it from drying out. In connection with the course of natural decay processes, mulch must be constantly refilled, and difficult-to-decompose components must be replaced with new ones.

At the end of autumn, it is better to build a shelter around the young spruce trees, which will protect the plant not only from severe frosts, but also from the scorching winter sun. During the summer sun, it is better to shade the plant with burlap or cardboard.

To obtain a beautiful and healthy plant, experts recommend regular feeding, which should consist of both organic and mineral fertilizers. If nutrients were used during planting, then their subsequent introduction is permissible only after 4 months.

Further feeding is carried out every 60 days in spring, summer and autumn.

This type of spruce does not need a corrective haircut, and it acquires a conical shape on its own. But sanitary pruning of dry, diseased and deformed branches must be carried out regularly... To perform this type of work, professional gardeners recommend purchasing special tools.

It is very difficult to grow Konika at home, but if you follow all the necessary care requirements, cut it on time and feed it correctly, then in December the plant will become the main attribute of the New Year's celebrations.


In order to get young plants, you can use the following methods:

  • seminal;
  • grafting.

The most popular among gardeners is the grafting method, but only the most experienced and patient summer residents grow young plants from seeds.

If there is a desire to propagate "Konika" by seed, then you need to know that only a few seeds from the cone have all the genetic characteristics of the mother bush, all the rest of the planting material may not give the desired result.

To plant the selected seeds, it is necessary to prepare the planting soil in advance, which should consist of peat, sod land, river sand and deciduous soil. All components must be mixed in equal proportions.

The planting depth should not exceed 10 mm. All work is best done in autumn or winter, and ready-made containers must be kept in a cool place until spring. If this technology is followed, already in the spring, the planted seed can please with healthy and strong shoots. This species has almost 100% germination result.

The annual growth of shoots can reach about 20 cm. Only after a few years, when the plant forms a strong root system, it can be transplanted into open ground or into a large flower pot.

In order to get a new plant with all the genetic characteristics of the mother bush, biologists recommend using the propagation method for propagation. This method is also slow, and young plants only after 4 years become suitable for transplanting to a permanent place of growth.

The most favorable time for this type of work is the middle of summer. The first two months after the cuttings are separated from the mother bush, the cut occurs overgrowing and only after that roots begin to form.

In comfortable conditions, the plant will be able to fully form the root system, which will help it easily overwinter.

To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to follow the stages of grafting:

  • separation of cuttings from the mother bush along with a small part of the bark;
  • placing the planting material in a special solution, which accelerates the formation of the root system;
  • preparation of a nutrient substrate;
  • deepening of cuttings followed by watering with an accelerator of the growth of the root system;
  • creation of a greenhouse shelter with a high level of humidity and temperature conditions.

Diseases and pests

Due to its genetic resistance to various types of diseases, "Konika" is very rarely exposed to diseases. But despite the high level of immunity, she may have the following diseases.

  • Tracheomycosis- a dangerous disease that does not respond to treatment. At the first signs of this disease, the spruce must be dug, removing all roots from the ground, and burned away from the personal plot. Signs - the appearance of red spots on the crown and massive shedding of needles.

  • Rust- a common disease, the first signs of which are the appearance of orange growths on the crown. After a short period of time, the needles begin to dry, turn yellow and fall off the needles on the spruce. To prevent the death of a plant when the first signs of a disease appear, it is necessary to sprinkle it with special chemicals.

  • Schütte's disease- an infectious disease that is treated with copper sulfate.

The first signs are white bloom on the needles.

If you do not start treating the disease in time, after a while all the spruce needles will turn black and crumble, and the plant will die.

Not only infectious and fungal diseases, but also dangerous pests can lead to the death of "Konica". Biologists recommend paying attention to the following insects.

  • Bark beetle- a dangerous pest that affects weakened spruce. To prevent it from getting on the tree, it is necessary to carry out regular treatments of the trunk with insecticides, since it is almost impossible to destroy it. If the insect begins to destroy the wood, then in order to prevent infection of other plantations, it is better to dig up the spruce and burn it.

Use in landscape design

Canadian spruce of the Konica variety is an indispensable plant for landscape design, which can be found not only in the garden, but also in city parks, alleys and near administrative offices. Due to their beautiful shape and small size, spruce trees can be planted either one at a time or several at once.

Most often, "Konika" is planted near the entrance to the house, near summer pavilions and near playgrounds.

With the help of group plantings, you can create hedges and unusual green compositions.

Designers identify several of the most spectacular group plantings of fir trees.

  • Solitary- single plantings that can be carried out both in the open field and in pots. If the plant is planted in a special flower container, then its location can be changed depending on the mood of the owner and in accordance with new design trends.

  • Hedge- long stands that can be formed near the fence or instead of it. When planting spruce strictly along one line, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the diameter of the crown of an adult tree can reach 2 meters. Names, this value should be the base when calculating the distance between trees. The indisputable advantage is the absence of the need to trim the hedge and give it the necessary shape.
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Conic spruce (glauka) is a small coniferous tree that is only gaining popularity among Russian gardeners. The tree looks organically both in modern stylish grounds and in simple traditional front gardens. Today you will learn about the features of this plant, how to plant it on your site and provide competent care.

Description of a coniferous plant

An interesting dwarf herringbone was discovered in Canada at the beginning of the last century. After a series of studies, scientists came to the conclusion that this tree appeared from the fact that Picea glauca (Canadian gray-gray spruce) mutated. In appearance, the Canadian conica spruce looks like this:

  • the crown is cone-shaped, very dense and fluffy;
  • needles up to 1 cm in length of a light green shade densely cover the branches;
  • in the lower (widest) tier, the crown diameter averages 80 cm;
  • roots are not long, located close to the surface.

The growth of the conic is very slow, young "individuals" add about 6-8 cm per year. At the age of 10-12 years, the height of the seedling is about 1 meter. After this peak, the growth rate decreases markedly, and each year the height increases by only 2-3 cm. The Christmas tree can live for about 300-500 years.

Buying a seedling in a pot

Modern trends dictate the fashion for the preservation of natural green spaces, so you can decorate the room for the New Year by buying a spruce conic in a pot. In order not to spoil the holiday, it is worth adhering to some rules.

  • When installing a bunk as a Christmas tree, you should find a place that will be removed from all active sources of heat.
  • The tree only occasionally needs to be turned towards the light.
  • If the room where the Canadian guest is standing is heated, it is necessary to spray the crown from time to time.
  • The tree requires increased air humidity, so it is better to place a pot of water near it.

  • At the end of the holidays, be sure to remove the spruce on the balcony or loggia, since in winter this plant requires a temperature of no more than +10 degrees, and it is extremely difficult to achieve this at home. Cover the crown with burlap on top to create an optimal moisture regime for the tree. Wrap the pot with insulation to avoid freezing of the soil.
  • Dwarf Canadian gray conic spruce at home can grow for the first 3-4 years, so that it can finally get stronger. After that, the tree is ready for transplanting into the open ground of the site.

Planting a seedling on the site

Spruce glauka konik, like all representatives of its genus, cannot tolerate drying out of the roots, so when buying, pay attention to the seedlings that are sold in a container with moistened soil. Planting spruce bunks is the most crucial moment, on which the further growth and development of the tree depends. When landing, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Planting a conic in the garden should be carried out on a cloudy day in late spring.
  • Choose a sunny, draft-free location. In the shade, the correct shape of the crown may be distorted, and the tree will become less attractive.
  • The landing hole must be prepared in advance. The bottom should be covered with a layer of broken brick or rubble.
  • The soil mixture should also be prepared in advance. For this purpose, a mixture of sand, garden soil, humus and peat in proportions of 1/2/1/1 is suitable. It will not be superfluous to add a little mineral fertilizers, for example: Zircon, Epin.

The planting process looks like this:

  1. Soil is poured into the hole on top of the drainage in such an amount that then the earth from the container will fit. Well watered.
  2. The plant is carefully removed from the container and immersed in the prepared hole.
  3. The barrel is well aligned on all sides.
  4. The free space is filled with the prepared soil mixture.
  5. The filled-in hole is well watered, this will require about 10 liters of water.
  6. At the end, a small hole is created near the trunk for further watering, and the trunk itself is covered with a 5-cm layer of mulch (pebbles, gravel and other covering materials).
  7. It is better to cover the tree for the first time so that unaccustomed needles do not burn in the sun.

Decorative spruce care

If you are interested in how to care for bunched spruce, then the care can be characterized as minimal. Home bunks do not require pruning, transplanting or additional crown maintenance. Despite its unpretentiousness, minor proper care will additionally ensure the preservation of the beauty of the conica tree.

  • In not very hot and dry summers, moisture is provided due to natural precipitation.
  • On hot days, water the plant regularly (as the top layer dries), while spraying the crown.
  • Weekly watering is required for the first two months. If a crust forms on top of the soil, be sure to loosen the top layer.

Attention! A tree has roots close to the ground. Therefore, it is difficult for the plant to tolerate soil compaction or trampling of the earth in an area with a diameter of 1 m around the crown.

  • Сonica is resistant to frost, but, nevertheless, the first couple of years should be thoroughly mulched for the winter in the land in the area near the trunk.

Important! Even though the tree can be grown outdoors, it can get significant sunburn in the spring. Burns are manifested by browning the needles. Professional gardeners recommend wrapping the crown in spring with material so that it scatters the sun's rays and does not obstruct the passage of air.

Where is the best place to plant a Christmas tree?

The decorative conic spruce in the open field looks most advantageous in the most prominent areas:

  • near the gazebo;
  • at the entrance to the house;
  • At the playground.

The dwarf guest looks great, both in single compositions and in group plantings in combination with conifers of other species. The trees are especially interesting in the off-season, when there is a green lawn at the foot, well or contrasting.

The plant looks beautiful during the period of emergence of new shoots, as the tree turns into a bright green cone of fabulous beauty. In the latitudes of Russia, this period falls on May.

The most common diseases of Canadian spruce

The decorative conic spruce can be affected by various infections, and only the timely detection of sores and their immediate treatment can save it.

  • Rust - orangeish growths begin to appear on the branches, and the needles quickly turn yellow and crumble. The photo shows how badly the tree can be damaged. As a treatment, treatment of the crown with special preparations such as "Vectra" and "Glyocladin" for a month with a frequency of once a week is suitable.

  • Schütte's disease is caused by a fungus. The needles darken, then become covered with a whitish bloom and fall off. Initially, you can save the tree by spraying with a solution of copper sulfate, then processing with Trichodermin and Alirin-B, and in advanced situations, it remains only to dig and burn the seedling.

How much is a tree worth?

The price of an ornamental tree depends on its size and age.

  • A 3-year-old seedling 13-18 cm in height costs about 200 rubles;
  • you can buy a 6-year-old plant 65-75 cm in height for 1,500 rubles;
  • the cost of a 13-year-old mature seedling 155 cm in height is about 6,000 rubles.