Things for a hamster with their own hands. Houses for hamsters: the choice of material, manufacturing steps and useful tips For hamsters with their own hands from improvised materials

All kinds of toys? Speaking of the last question, there is a whole list of possible options: stairs, swings, house, labyrinth, etc. Pet stores offer a fairly wide range of products on this topic and choosing toys for a hamster is not difficult. However, prices often “bite”, which does not mean at all that you cannot please your pet. Many toys and entertainment can be made with your own hands, and we, in turn, will tell you how to do it.

Hamsters are famous for climbing on various objects. They also enjoy climbing stairs and not sitting in one place at all. If you want to please your pet, you can build a ladder for him from absolutely natural and rodent-safe materials - ice cream sticks, which can be easily found in stores or pharmacies.

For a beautiful staircase, you need to collect sticks and treat them with boiling water to remove food debris and disinfect. Next, you need to glue the sticks together in such a way that you end up with a ladder. The dimensions of the toy and the distance between the steps should be chosen based on the size of your pet.

To prevent your hamster from being poisoned by glue, it is better to use a non-toxic or non-stick. Wait for the glue to dry completely so that the design is reliable. The resulting toy can be placed in a cage at an angle or hung. It can also be used as a bridge leading from one toy to another. In other words, only your imagination limits you, and your pet will be incredibly happy with your efforts.


Hamsters are naturally terribly curious animals, so they explore various labyrinths with great pleasure, and also hide there. So why not give your rodent such joy, especially since making a labyrinth for a hamster with your own hands is quite simple?

To make a hamster maze, you need several empty toilet paper rolls or paper towels. You will also need hamster litter, small cardboard boxes, a knife or scissors.

First, cut out round holes in the boxes, corresponding to the size of the bushings. These boxes will serve as additional entrances and exits from the labyrinth. Then you need to insert the pipes into the boxes and secure with non-toxic glue. Sprinkle the finished labyrinth with sawdust or filler so that it does not catch the eye, and also causes more interest for the hamster.

Complex maze for a hamster from bushings

To make a complex maze for a rodent with your own hands, you again need toilet paper or paper towel sleeves, and the more the better. The complexity of the maze that your pet has to go through depends on this. Alternatively, you can use plastic water or sewer pipes (support the diameter of the pipe according to the size of your pet).

To assemble a toy for a hamster, you should insert the pipes into each other, but it is important to ensure that the dimensions match. It is also necessary that the deformation of the bushings does not occur and the presentable appearance of the new toy does not deteriorate. To make the labyrinth last longer, glue the bushings together with safe glue. Another labyrinth can be made from under the box for cereals or milk packaging by installing barriers inside. To attract your hamster to a new toy, place a treat at the end of the maze.

Hamster house

It is very important for rodents to have a secure hiding place where they can cope with stress or hide food. To make a do-it-yourself hamster house, you will need two small boxes, glue, cardboard sleeves, fabric, scissors and a ruler.

It is best to choose square boxes. We cut a hole in them corresponding to the size of the hamster. Next, put the boxes one on top of the other so that the holes come out in different directions. Then we measure the distance between the holes, it is this length that we will make a ladder or a path (see instructions on how to build a ladder above). You can also make a track out of cardboard bushings, fastening them with glue and attaching fabric to them to make it easier for the hamster to get up and down. It is important to note that too steep a climb will be extremely uncomfortable for the hamster, so it is better not to put the stairs at a big slope.

Coconut hamster house

Some craftsmen make a hamster house out of coconut. For this you will need:

  • coconut,
  • hacksaw for metal and wood,
  • screwdriver, drill or knife

So, first we need to prepare the nut. Wash it well, wipe it dry with a towel and cut off the fibers so that they do not interfere when working with a hacksaw.

Pour all the juice into the glass through the hole made. Leave the coconut in this position for 5-10 minutes to allow the juice to drain completely.

Using a hacksaw, start sawing the coconut. It is not necessary to cut exactly in the middle. When cutting, consider the size of your pet.

We need a hacksaw for metal in order to outline a strip for further cutting. If you start working immediately with a hacksaw on a tree, then the cut line is even, most likely, will not work. Having well marked the place for cutting, we take a hacksaw for wood and are already working with it until we cut the coconut into two parts.

Place a towel under the nut, so it will slide less on the surface and it will be easier to saw. It is best to use a small garden saw.

After cutting, we clean all the pulp from the coconut, after which we rinse it well with water and leave to dry.

After the halves of the nut have dried with a sharp knife, we make an entrance for the pet and process it with a small file to eliminate possible burrs or irregularities.

Remember! Hamster toys must be safe first and foremost!

Obstacle course.

Another interesting toy for your rodent can be a real obstacle course made by yourself. Hamsters are very playful creatures and, therefore, will be extremely happy with such a game. To make a new entertainment for your pet, you will need plastic glasses, bushings, cubes ... In other words, anything, only the safety of materials for a rodent is important. To start the game, place your obstacles in the bottom of the cage or in a shoebox and send your hamster in there. Your pet will enjoy going through the obstacle course, especially if you lay out some treats.

Important rules if you are making hamster toys.

If you do not want the toy to harm your hamster, it is very important to pay attention to the following components:

  • Do not use toys with sharp edges/corners/projections
  • Materials must be non-toxic and safe
  • Before removing the toy from the cage, check if the rodent has hidden there.
  • Be prepared for the fact that cardboard toys do not last long, and sooner or later the hamster will bite or break them. But do not worry about this, because. can quickly make a lot of new toys for your pet.

We hope our advice will help you and it will no longer be difficult for you to build toys for a hamster with your own hands.

Plump and clumsy at first glance, the hamster is very mobile and curious. He will be bored in a perfectly clean cage without the ability to run, explore, climb into holes and houses. No need to spend money on store entertainment, it’s cheaper and more interesting to make toys for hamsters with your own hands. They will delight the pet and its owner.

When a fluffy ball appears in the house, constantly busy looking for food and adventures, the question arises of what can be done for the hamster with your own hands. In practice, it turns out that a lot:

  • ladders;
  • labyrinths;
  • swing;
  • carousels;
  • wheel;
  • houses.

And all this will be done with things that are not needed in the household, but it is a pity to throw them away. In addition, the time will be pleasantly spent, and the children will be busy with creative and useful work.

Any improvised means are suitable for making toys.

When making toys for a hamster, one must be prepared for their fragility. The rodent quickly cope with them, gnaw. Shop also will not be able to survive.

Before starting creativity, get from the mezzanine:

  • unnecessary boxes;
  • remnants of plastic pipes and fittings after repair;
  • stocks of sticks from eaten ice cream;
  • boxes of used cosmetics;
  • rolls of towels and toilet paper;
  • plastic bottles.

To this wealth, you can add sticks from trees, a thin cord and glue.

How to make a hamster toy with your own hands in a few minutes. The easiest way is to build a ladder or a slide for him. The material for this is sticks on which there was ice cream or branches.

  1. It is necessary to place the material in a large saucepan and boil. Remains of food, bacteria, fungus will be eliminated.
  2. Make the base of the ladder from two guides, and glue the crossbars to them.
  3. The ladder can be substituted to the house so that the animal climbs on top of it.
  4. Make another similar ladder and connect them with vertices. You will get a double-sided stepladder - a slide. The rodent will be able to travel on it.

DIY hamster ladder

The second side can be replaced with a paper towel sleeve and the animal will travel through the tunnel with interest.

The distance between the steps must be adjusted to the size of the pet's paws. Make the slope small so that the hamster can easily overcome it.

The design can be made from the same material as the ladder, and additionally use cardboard. Just make sure there are no sharp edges.

  1. The swing platform is glued from sticks.
  2. Holes are made in the corners, a cord is threaded. It must pass under the created platform.
  3. The swing is suspended at a small distance from the floor so that the pet can freely climb onto it.

Hamster swing

A bridge is assembled from several sites. It is attached between two stationary surfaces, such as a house and a slide.

When used for the construction of branches, a hole is drilled in them, a strong thread is threaded. The structure holds well if grooves are made at a short distance from the ends and a thread is attached to them, wrapping around the branches.

To make the most interesting entertainment for a hamster with your own hands, you must first come up with a design and try to make it. It can be simple, from 2 - 3 moves, and complex, multi-tiered.

It is better to start with a simple maze of plastic bottles.

  1. Trim the neck and bottom of all bottles.
  2. Mark holes in the largest. To do this, 2 smaller ones are applied on the same side or different, but in the same plane.
  3. Cut holes according to the marking.
  4. Remove sharp quacks. To begin with, the easiest way to do this is with electrical tape or adhesive tape. Preference is given to natural materials. A tape is glued to the ends.
  5. Insert the cylinders from the former bottles into the holes prepared for them and secure with the same insulation.

Inside the labyrinth, you can pour sawdust, hide goodies under them and your hamster will be happy spending time in it. The design can be complicated and increased.

DIY hamster maze

While a curious pet will enjoy a new toy, it is necessary to prepare a more complex maze for him.

Take a shoebox. Its sides should be higher than the rodent on its hind legs. It shouldn't come out freely.

  1. Several cardboard boxes should be cut to the size of the box, along its length and width. Put, creating a kind of cell. You can use ready-made ones if the house has a cardboard box for detergents or cosmetics.
  2. At the junction of the strips, make cuts and insert them perpendicular to each other.
  3. Now you should make a cascade of arches so that the hamster can get into all the branches of the labyrinth. First mark with a pencil, then cut out.
  4. Assemble the entire structure and fix by gluing to the bottom of the box and its sides.

Now you need to put nuts and seeds in the cells. Let the furry traveler look for them. For complexity, you can sprinkle everything with sawdust or put goodies in rings cut from cardboard sleeves.

Labyrinth of plastic pipes

Using ladders, cardboard sleeves, bridges, you can make a multi-level complex labyrinth. In addition to arches, make understatements and throw bridges over them. Use small boxes with cut holes to create platforms at a height. In a large box, elements of the labyrinth, small houses, tunnels will also fit.

The labyrinth is also made from the remains of plastic pipes. Select everything that the hamster freely passes through. Use fittings to connect them.

In plastic pipes and all other opaque elements of the labyrinth, many holes or longitudinal grooves must be made from above.

With a dark maze, a hamster can get scared and get lost. It is difficult for him to breathe, because there is no free access of air. Holes allow you to see exactly where the animal is and what it is doing.

First, the structure is pre-assembled. Then the necessary holes are made, all sharp corners are cleaned and after that the labyrinth is assembled.

The simplest house is made from a cardboard box. It can be turned upside down, mark the windows and the door - the entrance. Cut out holes and glue over with colored paper or paint with paints.

Large windows should not be made, the hamster should have a shelter where he can hide from everyone and feel safe. This is a place to sleep, stock and hide. That's where supplies can be hidden. Therefore, it is necessary to pour sawdust or their substitute inside and outside.

A hamster house can be made from a regular box

For a more complex house, you will need at least 2 boxes of different sizes. The larger one is below, the smaller one is attached to its “roof”. The ladder must be made in such a way that the hamster can freely climb into the upper house.

If you want to create a permanent structure, you can use plywood or thin boards. Sketch, mark and cut out 4 walls and 2 parts of the roof. The number of floors and rooms, the presence of transparent walls and balconies is determined only by the owner's imagination, the desire to create for the pet and free time.

To satisfy the desire to actively move the hamster is easiest in the wheel. To do this, you need to prepare the details:

  • solid foundation;
  • rack slats;
  • 2 washers;
  • knitting needles;
  • cylinder or 2 rims;
  • nut.

Hamster wheel

A cake box is suitable as a running disc. The inner diameter of the wheel should be 1.5 - 2 times the length of the animal's body. If less, then the back will strongly sag during the run. Will no longer rotate under the traveler's weight.

  1. A massive base is necessary so that the wheel does not turn over. Racks in the form of A are attached to it.
  2. A hole is made in the upper part, the axis is fixed horizontally.
  3. The frame of the treadmill is made of spokes diverging in rays and one rim attached to them.
  4. The treadmill is a cylinder inserted into a structure of axes radiating from the centers and rims. You can stick ice cream sticks, cardboard and other material on the inside to the rims, or just a cake lid.
  5. From the side of the spokes, the side should be closed so that the hamster does not cripple. A hole is made in the center.
  6. Put a washer, wheel and second washer on the axle, secure with a nut.

The wheel should be at a height accessible to the hamster. It is desirable to put the rack against the wall. The surface of the treadmill should be smooth but not slippery.

Starting with simple structures, you can gradually make a complex entertaining labyrinth for the hamster with transitions, houses and ladders.

Hamsters are nimble animals that need a house that meets all their requirements. The necessary paraphernalia is quite expensive. Therefore, the owners of rodents often think about self-construction of housing for a pet. It is rarely possible to make a cage for a hamster with your own hands from improvised means. But with effort and buying the necessary materials, you can build a real palace. The cost of a homemade cage will be lower than the finished one purchased in the store.

Homemade hamster cage

Building an “apartment” for a pet is a task that requires certain skills and abilities. Do not be afraid of failure, even if you have not done such things before. Sometimes, even acting strictly according to plan, you have to make adjustments to the project, and the cell turns out to be a completely different look.

To make a pet cage at home you will need:

  • Metal mesh with a small distance between the bars.
  • Narrow pliers.
  • Nippers for metal.
  • Aluminum wire.
  • Paints for metal surfaces or enamel.
  • Hard wire for hooks.
  • Solvent (for example, white spirit).
  • Paint brushes.
  • File.
  • Plywood.
  • Fasteners for plywood.

Instead of plywood, you can use PVC. Then you need not fasteners, but glue. Both materials are intended for the manufacture of a pallet house.

A wooden house is more environmentally friendly and safer for a pet, but difficult to assemble. When using PVC sheets for the pallet, it should be remembered that the glue will dry for at least a week, since it is poisonous to rodents.

To cut plywood or PVC, you will need a jigsaw.

Before you start building a cage, think over a home plan. Draw a drawing, consider the location of toys, feeders and drinkers.

The principle of assembling a homemade iron cage:

  1. Create a cell frame from a grid.
  2. Cut out all the necessary holes - windows and doors.
  3. Finish the edges of the grill so that the hamster cannot cut himself. Bend them with pliers, and process with a file.
  4. Treat the grate with solvent and paint. Use only rodent-safe paints.
  5. Connect all parts with aluminum wire.
  6. Make hooks for closing the door from hard wire.

When the frame is ready, proceed to the manufacture of the pallet:

  1. Calculate the required parameters of the pallet. Cut out the necessary blanks.
  2. Fasten the sides and bottom together.
  3. Inside the pallet, attach plastic beams that will close the joints between the parts of the product.
  4. If the cage is too heavy, make stiffeners at the bottom so that the pallet does not sag.
  5. For structural reliability, stick plates on the corners that additionally support the pallet.
  6. Make the cage legs out of the same material as the pallet. Install them on the bottom of the pallet in the corners.

Do not forget that it takes at least a week to dry the pallet after assembly so that the toxic substances evaporate.

How to make a hamster cage out of the box

The rodent house is not made from an ordinary cardboard box. Cardboard is a fragile material. Such a cage will not be able to hold the animal. The hamster will quickly gnaw through the walls and run away. A do-it-yourself hamster cage can be made from household plastic containers. These items are perfect for both Dzhungars and Syrians. The container of the required size is easy to pick up in a regular hardware store.

The animal cage must be well ventilated, for this part of the wall and cover is cut out. A small grid is installed in this place. It should be carefully processed so that the rodent does not get injured.

The plastic is easily cut with scissors or a knife. The mesh is attached with self-tapping screws or screws and nuts. Mounting holes are best prepared in advance. Make holes with a hot awl or use a drill. The sharp ends of the mounts should not look inside the cage, the animal may get hurt. Insert the fasteners with the cap inside.

The container house can be made two-story. This design looks like a rack. The second floor can be used as a house for another pet. When installing one container on another, it is required to additionally install a wall with gratings for ventilation.

For the arrangement of bunk housing for one pet, the problem of an “elevator” is solved by installing a tunnel from the first floor to the second. This way of moving will please the animal, it is safe for health. Hamsters are active pets that love to run in tunnels, wheels and just around the house. The construction of the second floor will expand the habitat of the rodent, place additional entertainment and make the life of the pet richer and more interesting. Tunnels are sold in various stores. Sometimes they are made from improvised materials at home. Usually tunnels are made from plastic bottles.

To create a tunnel, cut the bottom and neck of the bottle so that the diameter of the remaining part is the same at all ends. Wrap the edges of the bottle with tape. Connect the bottles together with electrical tape and check the strength of the connection. Choose the width of the container according to the size of the hamster. For Djungarian hamsters, a 1.5-liter container is enough.

Additionally, plastic and corrugated pipes are used for the "elevator" for the installation of wash basins. Their disadvantage is the opacity of the product.

Cage for hamsters from plastic bottles

For temporary keeping of the animal, a home-made cage made of plastic bottles is suitable. Use three 6 liter bottles. Cut off the top of the container so that the container of the same diameter remains. Separate the threaded neck from the cut off part. Treat the edges of all parts with electrical tape. Make a hole in the lid so that one threaded “washer” remains.

Proceed to the assembly of three-room housing. Set the containers in one row, bottom down. Not far from the bottom, cut holes with a diameter that matches the size of the neck. These are future tunnels between rooms. Make holes in the rest of the rooms at the same level.

Set the bottles next to each other. Insert the neck into a specially made hole on one side, and secure with a “washer” on the other side. Acting in the same way, connect all the rooms with each other with impromptu tunnels.

Fill the bottles with hay or sawdust, install the necessary devices for feeding and entertaining the animal. The "apartment" can be expanded by attaching additional bottles. Broken parts can be easily repaired by simply replacing them with new ones.

DIY hamster terrarium

The glass terrarium provides odor isolation and reduces noise penetration. Through the glass it is more interesting to watch the rodent. Disadvantages of this property:

  1. The heaviness and fragility of the house.
  2. Difficulty attaching a special drinker and wheel.
  3. High humidity inside the pet's home.

For a terrarium, glass containers are usually used, covered with a mesh for ventilation. If the aquarium is quite high, the material of the grate is not important, since the pet will not reach it with its teeth.

Glass houses can be cold for a pet. It is recommended to line the bottom with plenty of hay or sawdust. Plexiglas cages are warmer and lighter, but visibility is compromised by the quality of the material. Plexiglass scratches quickly.

What else can you make a house for a hamster

As a house for a hamster, you can use cabinets and bookshelves. To do this, replace the top of the furniture with a ventilation grill, make several holes for air, fasten the wheel and drinkers. Such a dwelling looks quite unusual. To equip a cage for a comfortable stay of the animal is quite simple.

It is impossible to make high-quality and reliable housing for a hamster using paper or cardboard. The animal will gnaw through the material and run away.

Coconut can be used as additional "houses". Such accessories look unusual and cute. Fluffy pets will grind their teeth and get useful substances. Making such a house is quite simple: extract the milk and. Cut off the "lid". Drill some ventilation holes.

There are many ways to make hamster cages at home. The most interesting and safe are wooden houses and structures. But making them yourself is quite difficult. The most economical, light and interesting will be a house made of plastic containers. Show your imagination when building a house for a pet. It will be much more interesting for a hamster to live in a high-quality, spacious dwelling, and for the owner to watch a nimble animal.

Anyone who wants to get a hamster needs to know how important housing is for him, because the animal needs a reliable shelter. The house for a hamster should be spacious, interesting and cozy. Even the health of a small pet depends on this. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain certain sanitary standards in the home and provide some activities for the rodent.

The stores offer a huge assortment of various houses, but a home-made design will bring more joy and cost less.

Which option to choose for the house

Before you build a house for a hamster with your own hands, you need to decide what it should be like. The task of such a dwelling is to hide the pet from prying eyes. When deciding what to make a house out of, you need to give preference to non-toxic materials, as the animal will definitely try them on the tooth. Housing must be cleaned periodically.

A house for any hamster can be made of paper or cardboard. Boxes, slats, plywood and coconut are also adapted for this. There are various design ideas that allow you to make a real interior decoration out of your pet's home.

The designs of home-made products must be safe, without protruding and sharp corners. It is better not to make it out of plastic, as the animal can eat up the polymer material.

How to make a cozy house for a hamster with your own hands largely depends on its size. And they are selected taking into account the size of the animal. A Syrian pet will require a larger dwelling than a Dzungarian.

A good shelter will not only be an excellent place to sleep, but also protect against drafts. You can make different houses for hamsters, the photo shows interesting options for such designs.

Wooden house

Consider the option of building a wooden house for a hamster. It is important to choose a length so that the animal is not cramped, and there is also enough space to create supplies from products. In addition, it is necessary that the animal can climb its apartments.

It is important that the structure has ventilation. To do this, several holes are made in the surface. All parts and holes must be carefully sanded so that the pet does not get hurt.

Now let's figure out how to make a house for a hamster with your own hands. First of all, you need to prepare a wooden board or plywood sheet. Plywood housing will be cheaper. And this material is easier to process. The approximate height of the wooden building should be 10 cm. The lower part is left open. For the top on the sheets, you need to set aside 17 * 12 cm. This will prevent the roof from falling inward. A window and an entrance are sawn out on the front surface. To fix parts, you can use rails.

The assembly process consists of the following steps:

  1. Each detail must be processed with a file, and then sanded with sandpaper.
  2. The walls are assembled with screws or nails.
  3. The roof is placed on top without fixing, which makes it easy to clean the room.

Housing from a box

By analogy with a dwelling made of wood, you can also make a house out of a box. First, suitable patterns should be made from cardboard. The walls are fixed with some kind of safe glue. The window and entrance are made with scissors or a clerical knife.

You can also make a house out of a paper napkin box. In such a container there are already holes that will be used as an entrance.

bottle house

You can build a nice house out of bottles. Here's what to do:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle. Then it is turned upside down and the entrance is made in a semicircle.
  2. Along the perimeter of the product, it is necessary to make holes for ventilation with a hot knitting needle.
  3. The cut edges of the bottle must be treated with electrical tape so that the animal is not injured.

Coconut variant

If you don’t like the previous options, then you can figure out how to make a house out of coconut. This option is not difficult, but you have to clean the pulp from the fruit. The dwelling is more suitable for a jungar.

To make a house out of coconut, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Poke holes in the eyes of the coconut and pour in the milk.
  2. Near the eyes is the most vulnerable spot, where you need to knock with the blunt side of the knife. If a crack forms, then the part can be cut off with a knife, and if not, then sawed off.
  3. To make it easy to remove the pulp, the fruit is put in the freezer for half an hour.
  4. An arch is cut out on one side. The edges of the entry and ventilation openings must be sanded.

The coconut house is installed with a sawn hole down. This will prevent the structure from rolling.

How to equip a shelter and where to put it

The house needs to be washed or cleaned well, and a layer of shavings should be poured onto the bottom. Hamsters love to dig into it. In the corner you need to put some straw, which will become a bed for the pet.

There should be fresh food and water inside. This animal eats little, but there should always be a supply of food.

The home should have toys and wheels so that the pet can play. After all, rodents love this way of life. Toys are fixed to keep the pet safe.

Important! Housing should not be located in a draft. It is better if you put it in a dry and warm place.

Hamsters are usually purchased at the request of children. And after the pet arrives at a new place of residence, you can make him a cozy house with your own hands with the help of all household members. It should have a nook for sleeping, a place for food and supplies. It is important not to forget about the necessary accessories for games and hygiene, about safe bedding, a toilet and many other obligatory little things for a hamster.

What materials can a hamster house be made of?

In order for a fluffy pet to feel comfortable and safe in a homemade home, it is made from environmentally friendly materials, because it is a rodent and is used to trying everything “by the tooth”. For the house choose cardboard, paper, plywood, wood or food grade plastic. Its dimensions depend on the size of the hamster. What are the housing options?

A hamster house can be made with your own hands from almost any material.

From a plastic container

For such a house, you need a food plastic container of the appropriate size (as an option: 640 * 460 * 300), a construction grid, a marker, a ruler, a pencil, a knife, a lighter and plastic clamps. In the lid of the container, you need to cut a hole-entrance, using a knife heated with a lighter for this. The mesh is easy to fix with plastic clamps by making holes for them with a hot knife. A simple house for a hamster is ready.

From plastic bottles

Such a house can even replace a whole cage - in this case, you need at least three five-liter water bottles. The necks of the bottles are cut off in the widest part, and a threaded ring is made from the caps. The upper parts of the containers are cut off, and holes are made 3–5 cm from the base, into which cut necks and rings are tightly inserted (in the form of a tunnel from one container to another). So connect three bottles. One of them is a bedroom for a hamster, in which a “mink” is placed (from a Lego constructor or other material), a dining room is placed in the second, and a toilet in the third, the fourth container is used as a play area, where a hamster wheel is placed. The reliability of fastening the details of the house is ensured with the help of adhesive tape and superglue.

From coconut shell

It is necessary to make a hole in the coconut, drain the milk, mark the entrance for the hamster. A hole with a diameter of 5 cm is drilled, the fruit is cleaned of pulp with a chisel. To facilitate this process, you can put it in the freezer overnight. After removing the internal contents, the coconut is washed and the edges of the entrance are sanded with sandpaper. The finished house is placed in a cage.

From cardboard tubes

This is the simplest version of the hamster house, it is suitable for miniature rodents. In the course are 2 tubes from toilet paper rolls or paper kitchen towels. One of them is flattened and semicircular segments are cut out in it on both sides, the same is done with the second tube. After straightening, they are inserted one into the other crosswise. It turns out a mini-maze.

The hamster feels cozy in a house made of cardboard tubes

From wooden sticks

For this design, you need 80-120 wooden ice cream sticks, wood glue, a knife and a ruler. Preliminarily make a drawing of two side walls, a floor, a ceiling and two roof details. From sticks glued in parallel, repeat all the necessary details of the house. Glue the walls, ceiling and floor together. You can decorate the joints with the same sticks.

The roof rafters of the hamster house (for rigidity) are made by placing the sticks first along and then across. Until the glue dries, you can “insure” parts of the structure with rubber bands. If desired, the house can be two-story or higher. It is not difficult to attach a ladder of the same sticks to it in front.

We have put the most popular options for making a house for rodents into separate subsections below and described in more detail.

DIY wooden house for a hamster

The most interesting and reliable design is a wooden house. You can also make a fence by placing a multi-room mansion behind it. It is easier to use plywood for these purposes, but the tree is more beautiful and lasts longer. The wood is preliminarily treated with an antiseptic, then stained, and to facilitate cleaning of the future premises, they are also covered with furniture varnish. The principle of creating this house for a hamster is the same as that of a birdhouse.

Wood is the best material for making a house

The best option for making a hamster house is a 4 cm thick hardwood plank, multilayer plywood is also great. You also need a drill, sandpaper, small carnations with a hammer or glue for wooden surfaces, a drill and a jigsaw.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. Mark the blanks. For small hamsters, the front and back walls are 15 by 10 cm, and the side walls are 10 by 10 cm, for the top you need 17 by 12 cm, then the roof will be slightly wider than the perimeter of the house.
  2. Saw out windows in front for entry and ventilation of the dwelling.
  3. To make it more convenient to fasten the parts together, nail narrow slats at the points of their connection.
  4. Sand each element of the house and clean the edges with sandpaper.
  5. Knock down the walls with nails or fasten with self-tapping screws. For ease of cleaning, the roof does not need to be fastened to the frame.
  6. It is important that the tips of the nails do not stick out inside the dwelling. Beat them in a way that is safe for the hamster so that they do not hurt him.

Cardboard hamster house

It is much easier to build a cardboard house for a furry friend with your own hands than a wooden one. But he will also serve, given the sharp teeth and the baby’s habit of constantly chewing everything, will be much less. Some rigidity to such a structure will give pasting with adhesive tape. You can print a suitable template for a hamster dwelling on a color printer and, attaching it to a sheet of cardboard, cut out a blank on it. It needs to be bent in certain places, glue both parts and do not forget to cut an entrance for the hamster on the front surface. But there is another option.

Necessary tools and materials

A cardboard box from paper napkins of sufficient size, several cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls or paper towels, scissors, PVA glue.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. Lay the box on its side so that the napkin hole is on the front surface.
  2. Fasten several toilet paper rolls together crosswise, as mentioned earlier.
  3. Insert one of these elements into the napkin hole, and connect the others to it and to each other. The result is a house with a labyrinth exit.
  4. Secure all connections with glue. The hamster house is ready.

Features of buildings for the Dzungarian and Syrian breeds

The sizes of houses for the Syrian and Dzungarian hamster should be different

Each house for a hamster should be designed taking into account the dimensions and habits of a fluffy pet. It is important that mobile and nimble jungars have the opportunity to play, rodents should be comfortable and safe in the house. Dzungarian or Syrian hamsters need material for building a nest, it must be soft, environmentally friendly. It can be cotton wool, napkins, but not a newspaper - lead alloy for casting typographic fonts is dangerous for animals.

It must also be taken into account that small animals can escape from the house through the cracks that have arisen due to poor-quality fastening of parts during manufacture; gnaw a hole, finding his weak spot. And larger Syrian hamsters can get stuck in a tunnel that is too narrow, which will scare them very much. Therefore, you need to provide for all the little things and constantly check the home.

Home accessories

In order for the rodent to like the house, the baby grew up healthy and active in it, housing must be filled with suitable accessories.

Hamster Educational Toys

  1. Running wheel. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of the rodent: for the Dzungarians it is a twenty-centimeter toy, for large specimens, including Syrian ones, up to 30 cm. The track on it must be continuous, it is not permissible to use a mesh fraught with injuries for this. It is important to know that hamsters like to stay awake at night, so the toy must be silent.
  2. Tunnels. They should be spacious and well ventilated.
  3. Hammocks for a hamster from tubes of different diameters or a swing in the form of four racks, a crossbar and perches for sitting.
  4. Wooden bridges or other items for developing hamster teeth. It is good to use mineral stones and crayons. Cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls, branches of fruit trees are also suitable for these purposes.
  5. Walking ball made of safe plastic in different colors with ventilation holes and recesses for the legs.

Equipment for drinking and food

It is very important to choose the right feeder and drinker for the rodent.

For drinking in the house should be a special drinker. You can make your own or use a bowl that should be covered to keep food or bedding out. Smaller types of hamsters like to dig up pieces of food, so you can put them in the bedding. Large specimens need a stable food bowl that is difficult to turn over.

It is better to provide 2 containers - one for wet food, and the other for dry food. Usually rodents like to sit in the feeder, so it should be spacious enough. It is also important that there is a separate “pantry” for supplies that the hamster will definitely make. It can be a container in a secluded corner of the house. The hamster himself will "tell" where he has a hiding place, you just have to carefully observe him, and then substitute a bowl there.

Hamster bed

Bedding is very important for maintaining cleanliness in the house and creating comfort and coziness. It can be pressed sawdust, but not too small, so as not to clog up the baby's nose or get tangled in his fur.

If wood pellets are used, they should be odorless and quickly turn into dust. Sawdust of coniferous trees can cause an allergy in an animal, and fabrics and cotton wool are dangerous because they can break into fibers in which the hamster will get entangled.

The best bedding materials for a hamster in a house are pieces of corn on the cob with grains, which can also be buried. Paper napkins or white odorless toilet paper are suitable for this.

The floor layer should be at least 6 cm deep, because hamsters love to play and burrow into it. As it cools, its thickness increases. It needs to be cleaned daily and changed once a week. Add some granules from the old bedding to fresh litter so that a familiar smell remains, otherwise the animal will be nervous.


Hamsters are clean, so they need a separate place in the house for the toilet. You will have to clean it daily, removing waste and adding clean bedding. A cardboard tray is well suited for this purpose; this material is replaced quite often, because. it absorbs urine well, partially absorbing its smell.

The toilet is often filled with special clean sand, in which the animal likes to rummage, scattering around. But sand does not hold odors well, so it needs to be changed frequently. Cat litter or mineral granules are not suitable for this - they can provoke poisoning or allergies in a furry friend.

sand bath

This is an important element of equipping a house for a hamster who does not like water procedures. They are successfully replaced by bathing in special sand for chinchillas. To clean the fur from grease and dirt, a high container with a ladder is placed in the house. Let's say a variant with a hole cut on the side. From above it is closed with a lid that prevents the contents of the container from spilling out. The volume of the bath should be twice the size of a fluffy pet, and its sides should be high enough.

Housewarming: introducing your pet to a new home

A hamster, like any other pet, needs time to adapt to a new home and owner.

A newly acquired hamster, being in a state of stress, is afraid of everything. It will take him at least a week to gradually get used to the new house. During development, it is better not to disturb the baby. As he gets used to it, he begins to actively mark his territory, so at first you should not change the litter.

Hamsters are inquisitive by nature, so sooner or later, if the baby does not feel danger, he will show interest in exploring the house and be sure to examine it.

It is important for young animals to be potty trained immediately. They themselves will designate a convenient place for him. By carefully observing the behavior of a settled newcomer, you can correct errors in the equipment of his house by making some rearrangements or improvements to his liking.

For example, when the game wheel is poorly reinforced and makes sharp sounds when moving, the hamster gets scared and does not play in it. After strengthening, lubricating the axis of rotation, or replacing it with a less noisy option, your furry friend will be happy to run and somersault.

Video: DIY hamster house

Before you get a hamster, you need to familiarize yourself with his habits using information materials. After all, this is not a living toy, but a creature with its own disposition, requiring care and attention. You should think about a house for a potential friend, about all the little things about equipping this home. The best options are to make it and some necessary accessories with your own hands from natural and safe materials. This will bring the family together and allow everyone to participate in preparing for the arrival of its new member, help children (the usual instigators of acquiring a hamster) feel responsible for the fate of a little friend.