Interesting riddles about accounting finance money. Poems, songs, anecdotes about the accountant

Once it was an ordinary day. I came home from school, ate and climbed onto the windowsill. I have long wanted to sit by the window, look at the passers-by and do nothing myself. And now was the right moment for that. And I sat down on the windowsill and began to do nothing. At the same moment dad rushed into the room. He said:

- Are you bored?

I answered:

- No ... So ... And when will mom finally arrive? No, it's been ten whole days!

Dad said:

- Hold on to the window! Hold on tight, or now you will fly upside down.

Just in case, I clung to the window handle and said:

- What's the matter?

He took a step back, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, waved it from afar and announced:

- Mom is coming in an hour! Here is a telegram! I ran straight from work to tell you! We will not dine, we will all dine together, I will run to meet her, and you tidy up the room and wait for us! Deal?

I instantly jumped off the window:

- Of course we did! Hooray! Run, dad, with a bullet, and I'll clean up! A minute - and you're done! I will bring chic and shine! Run, do not waste time, take your mom as soon as possible!

Dad rushed to the door. And I started to work. I started an emergency, like on an ocean ship. An emergency is a big tidy, and just then the elements have calmed down, there is silence on the waves - they call it calm, and we, sailors, are doing our job.

- One, two! Shirk-shark! Chairs in places! Stand still! Broom scoop! Sweeping is quick! Comrade Paul, what kind is this? Shine! Now! So! Dinner! Listen to my command! On the stove, on the right, one by one "platoon", pan by pan - stand! One or two! Sing along:

Daddy only match teal! And the fire will snort now!

Keep warming up! Here. What a fine fellow I am! Assistant! You need to be proud of such a child! And when I grow up, do you know who I will be? I will - wow! I will even wow! Ogogugago! This is who I will be!

And I played for so long and bragged about recklessly so that it would not be boring to wait for mom and dad. And in the end, the door flew open, and dad flew in again! He had already returned and was all agitated, with a hat on the back of his head! And he alone portrayed a whole brass band, and the conductor of this orchestra at the same time. Dad was waving his arms.

- Dzum-dzum! - Dad shouted, and I realized that they were beating huge Turkish drums in honor of my mother's arrival.

- Puff, puff! - the copper plates gave in to the heat.

She was standing by the hanger with a bundle in her arms. When she saw me, she smiled at me affectionately and said quietly:

- Hello, my boy! How did you get on here without me?

I said:

- I missed you.

Mom said:

- And I brought you a surprise!

I said:

- Airplane?

Mom said:

- Look!

We spoke to her very quietly. Mom handed me a package. I took it.

- What is it, mom? I asked.

“This is your sister Ksenia,” my mother said in the same quiet voice.

I was silent.

Then my mother turned away the lace sheet and I saw my sister's face. It was small and you couldn't see anything on it. I held her in my arms with all my strength.

- Dzum-boom-trum, - suddenly dad appeared from the room next to me. His orchestra was still thundering.

He squatted down in front of me and put his hands under mine, probably afraid that I would drop Xenia. He asked his mother in his normal voice:

- Who does she look like?

“At you,” Mom said.

- But no! Dad exclaimed. - She in her kerchief looks very much like the pretty People's Artist of the Republic Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, whom I loved very much in my youth. In general, I noticed that little children in the first days of their life are all very similar to the famous Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya. The nose is especially similar. The nose catches the eye directly.

I still stood with my sister Ksenia in my arms, like a fool with a written sack, and smiled.

Mom said anxiously:

- Be careful, I beg you, Denis, do not drop it.

I said:

- What are you, mom? Do not worry! I squeeze a whole kid's bike with one left hand, will I drop such nonsense?

And dad said:

- We will bathe in the evening! Get ready!

He took the bundle from me, which was Ksenka, and went. I followed him, and my mother followed me. We put Ksenka in the open drawer from the chest of drawers, and she lay there quietly.

Dad said:

- This is for one night. And tomorrow I will buy her a crib and she will sleep in the crib. And you, Denis, keep an eye on the keys, no matter who locks your sister in the chest of drawers. We will then look for where we have gone ...

And we sat down to dinner. Every minute I jumped up and looked at Ksenka. She slept all the time. I was surprised and touched her cheek with my finger. The cheek was soft like sour cream. Now that I examined her closely, I saw that she had long dark eyelashes ...

And in the evening we began to bathe her. We put a tub with a cork on Dad's table and applied a whole crowd of pots filled with cold and hot water, and Xenia lay in her dresser and waited for a bath. She was obviously worried, because she creaked like a door, and dad, on the contrary, kept her mood all the time so that she would not be very afraid. Dad walked back and forth with water and sheets, he took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and flatteringly shouted to the whole apartment:

- Who swims best among us? Who is the best diving and diving? Who is the best at blowing bubbles?

And Ksenka had such a face that it was she who dives and dives better than anyone else, - Dad's flattery acted.

But when they began to bathe, she became so scared look that, good people, look: father and mother are now drowning their daughter, and she looked for her heel and found the bottom, leaned on and only then calmed down a little, her face became a little more even, not so unhappy, and she allowed herself to be watered, but that's all- I still doubted if daddy would let her choke ...

And here I slipped under my mother’s elbow in time and gave Ksenka my finger and, apparently, guessed right, did what was necessary, she grabbed my finger and completely calmed down. So tightly and desperately the girl grabbed my finger, just like a drowning man at a straw. And I felt sorry for her because of this, that she was holding on to me, holding on with all her might with her sparrow fingers, and from these fingers it is clear that she alone entrusts her precious life to me and that, to be honest, all this bathing is for her torment, and horror, and risk, and threat, and we must save ourselves: hold on to the finger of an older, strong and brave brother.

And when I guessed all this, when I finally realized how difficult it was for her, poor fellow, and how scary, I immediately began to love her.

My sister Ksenia

Once it was an ordinary day. I came home from school, ate and climbed onto the windowsill. I have long wanted to sit by the window, look at the passers-by and do nothing myself. And now was the right moment for that. And I sat down on the windowsill and began to do nothing. At the same moment dad rushed into the room.

He said:

Are you bored?

I answered:

No ... So ... And when will mom finally arrive? No, it's been ten whole days!

Dad said:

Hold on to the window! Hold on tight, or now you will fly upside down.

Just in case, I clung to the window handle and said:

What's the matter?

He took a step back, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, waved it from afar and announced:

Mom is coming in an hour! Here is a telegram! I ran straight from work to tell you! We will not dine, we will all dine together, I will run to meet her, and you tidy up the room and wait for us! Deal?

I instantly jumped off the window:

Of course we did! Urrah! Run, dad, with a bullet, and I'll clean up! A minute - and you're done! I will bring chic and shine! Run, do not waste time, take your mom as soon as possible!

Dad rushed to the door. And I started to work. I started an emergency, like on an ocean ship. An emergency is a big tidy, and just then the elements have calmed down, there is silence on the waves - they call it calm, and we, sailors, are doing our job.

One, two! Shirk-shark! Chairs in places! Stand still! Broom scoop! Sweeping is quick! Comrade Paul, what kind is this? Shine! Now! So! Dinner! Listen to my command! On the stove, on the right, one by one "platoon", pan by pan - stand! One or two! Sing along:

Daddy only match

And the fire now

Keep warming up! Here. What a fine fellow I am! Assistant! You need to be proud of such a child! When I grow up, do you know who I will be? I will - wow! I will even wow! Ogogugago! This is who I will be!

And I played for so long and bragged about recklessly so that it would not be boring to wait for mom and dad. And in the end, the door flew open, and dad flew in again! He had already returned and was all agitated, with a hat on the back of his head! And he alone portrayed a whole brass band, and the conductor of this orchestra at the same time. Dad was waving his arms.

Dzum-dzum! - Dad shouted, and I realized that they were beating huge Turkish drums in honor of my mother's arrival. - Puff, puff! - the copper plates gave in to the heat.

She was standing by the hanger with a bundle in her arms. When she saw me, she smiled at me affectionately and said quietly:

Hello my boy! How did you get on here without me?

I said:

I missed you.

Mom said:

And I brought you a surprise!

I said:


Mom said:


We spoke to her very quietly. Mom handed me a package. I took it.

What is it, Mom? I asked.

This is your little sister Xenia, ”my mother said in the same quiet voice.

I was silent.

Then my mother turned away the lace sheet and I saw my sister's face. It was small and you couldn't see anything on it. I held her in my arms with all my strength.

Dzum-boom-trum, - suddenly dad appeared from the room next to me.

His orchestra was still thundering.

He squatted down in front of me and put his hands under mine, probably afraid that I would drop Xenia. He asked his mother in his normal voice:

Who does she look like?

At you, ”Mom said.

But no! Dad exclaimed. - She in her kerchief very much looks like a pretty People's Artist of the Republic Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, whom I loved very much in my youth. In general, I noticed that little children in the first days of their life are all very similar to the famous Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya. The nose is especially similar. The nose catches the eye directly.

I still stood with my sister Ksenia in my arms, like a fool with a written sack, and smiled.

Mom said anxiously:

Be careful, I beg you, Denis, do not drop it.

I said:

What are you, mom? Do not worry! I squeeze a whole kid's bike with one left hand, will I drop such nonsense?

And dad said:

We will bathe in the evening! Get ready!

He took the bundle from me, which was Ksenka, and went. I followed him, and my mother followed me. We put Ksenka in the open drawer from the chest of drawers, and she lay there quietly.

Dad said:

This is for one night. And tomorrow I will buy her a crib and she will sleep in the crib. And you, Denis, keep an eye on the keys, no matter who locks your sister in the chest of drawers. We will then look for where we have gone ...

And we sat down to dinner. Every minute I jumped up and looked at Ksenka. She slept all the time. I was surprised and touched her cheek with my finger. The cheek was soft like sour cream. Now that I examined her closely, I saw that she had long dark eyelashes ...

And in the evening we began to bathe her. We put a bathtub with a cork on Dad's table and applied a whole crowd of pots filled with cold and hot water, while Ksenia lay in her dresser and waited for a bath. She was obviously worried, because she creaked like a door, and dad, on the contrary, kept her mood all the time so that she would not be very afraid. Dad walked back and forth with water and sheets, he took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and flatteringly shouted to the whole apartment:

Who swims best among us? Who is the best diving and diving? Who is the best at blowing bubbles?

And Ksenka had such a face that it was she who dives and dives better than anyone else, - Dad's flattery acted. But when they began to bathe, she looked such a frightened look that, good people, look: father and mother will drown her daughter now, and she looked for her heel and found the bottom, leaned on and only then calmed down a little, her face became a little more even, not like that. unfortunate, and she allowed herself to be watered, but still she doubted if daddy would let her choke ... And then I slipped under my mother’s elbow in time and gave Ksenka my finger and, apparently, I guessed, did what was necessary, she was by my finger grabbed and completely calmed down. So tightly and desperately the girl grabbed my finger, just like a drowning man at a straw. And I felt sorry for her because of this, that she was holding on to me, holding on with all her might with her sparrow fingers, and from these fingers it is clear that she alone entrusts her precious life to me and that, to be honest, all this bathing is for her torment, and horror, and risk, and threat, and we must save ourselves: hold on to the finger of an older, strong and brave brother. And when I guessed all this, when I finally realized how difficult it was for her, poor fellow, and how scary, I immediately began to love her.

Once it was an ordinary day. I came home from school, ate and climbed onto the windowsill. I have long wanted to sit by the window, look at the passers-by and do nothing myself. And now was the right moment for that. And I sat down on the windowsill and began to do nothing. At the same moment dad rushed into the room. He said:

Are you bored?

I answered:

No ... So ... When will mom finally arrive? No, it's been ten whole days!

Dad said:

Hold on to the window! Hold on tight, or now you will fly upside down.

Just in case, I clung to the window handle and said:

What's the matter?

He took a step back, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, waved it from afar and announced:

Mom is coming in an hour! Here is a telegram! I ran straight from work to tell you! We will not dine, we will all dine together, I will run to meet her, and you tidy up the room and wait for us! Deal?

I instantly jumped off the window:

Of course we did! Hooray! Run, dad, with a bullet, and I'll clean up! A minute - and you're done! I will bring chic and shine! Run, do not waste time, take your mom as soon as possible!

Dad rushed to the door. And I started to work. I started an emergency, like on an ocean ship. An emergency is a big tidy, and just then the elements have calmed down, there is silence on the waves - they call it calm, and we, sailors, are doing our job.

One, two! Shirk-shark! Chairs in places! Stand still! Broom scoop! Sweeping is quick! Comrade Paul, what kind is this? Shine! Now! So! Dinner! Listen to my command! On the stove, on the right, one by one "platoon", pan by pan - stand! One or two! Sing along:

Daddy only match teal! And the fire will snort now!

Keep warming up! Here. What a fine fellow I am! Assistant! You need to be proud of such a child! And when I grow up, do you know who I will be? I will - wow! I will even wow! Ogogugago! This is who I will be!

And I played for so long and bragged about recklessly so that it would not be boring to wait for mom and dad. And in the end, the door flew open, and dad flew in again! He had already returned and was all agitated, with a hat on the back of his head! And he alone portrayed a whole brass band, and the conductor of this orchestra at the same time. Dad was waving his arms.

Dzum-dzum! - Dad shouted, and I realized that they were beating huge Turkish drums in honor of my mother's arrival.

Puff-puff! - the copper plates gave in to the heat.

She was standing by the hanger with a bundle in her arms. When she saw me, she smiled at me affectionately and said quietly:

Hello my boy! How did you get on here without me?

I said:

I missed you.

Mom said:

And I brought you a surprise!

I said:


Mom said:


We spoke to her very quietly. Mom handed me a package. I took it.

What is it, Mom? I asked.

This is your little sister Xenia, ”my mother said in the same quiet voice.

I was silent.

Then my mother turned away the lace sheet and I saw my sister's face. It was small and you couldn't see anything on it. I held her in my arms with all my strength.

Dzum-boom-trum, - suddenly dad appeared from the room next to me. His orchestra was still thundering.

Attention, - said the dad in an announcer's voice, - little sister Ksenia is handed over to the boy Denis. Length from heels to head fifty centimeters, from head to heels - fifty-five! Net weight three kilos two hundred and fifty grams, not counting the container.

He squatted down in front of me and put his hands under mine, probably afraid that I would drop Xenia. He asked his mother in his normal voice:

Who does she look like?

At you, ”Mom said.

But no! Dad exclaimed. - She in her kerchief very much looks like a pretty People's Artist of the Republic Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, whom I loved very much in my youth. In general, I noticed that little children in the first days of their life are all very similar to the famous Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya. The nose is especially similar. The nose catches the eye directly.

I still stood with my sister Ksenia in my arms, like a fool with a written sack, and smiled.

Mom said anxiously:

Be careful, I beg you, Denis, do not drop it.

I said:

What are you, mom? Do not worry! I squeeze a whole kid's bike with one left hand, will I drop such nonsense?

And dad said:

We will bathe in the evening! Get ready!

He took the bundle from me, which was Ksenka, and went. I followed him, and my mother followed me. We put Ksenka in the open drawer from the chest of drawers, and she lay there quietly.

Dad said:

This is for one night. And tomorrow I will buy her a crib and she will sleep in the crib. And you, Denis, keep an eye on the keys, no matter who locks your sister in the chest of drawers. We will then look for where we have gone ...

And we sat down to dinner. Every minute I jumped up and looked at Ksenka. She slept all the time. I was surprised and touched her cheek with my finger. The cheek was soft like sour cream. Now that I examined her closely, I saw that she had long dark eyelashes ...

And in the evening we began to bathe her. We put a bathtub with a cork on Dad's table and applied a whole crowd of pots filled with cold and hot water, while Ksenia lay in her dresser and waited for a bath. She was obviously worried, because she creaked like a door, and dad, on the contrary, kept her mood all the time so that she would not be very afraid. Dad walked back and forth with water and sheets, he took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and flatteringly shouted to the whole apartment:

Who swims best among us? Who is the best diving and diving? Who is the best at blowing bubbles?

And Ksenka had such a face that it was she who dives and dives better than anyone else, - Dad's flattery acted.

But when they began to bathe, she looked such a frightened look that, good people, look: father and mother will drown her daughter now, and she looked for her heel and found the bottom, leaned on and only then calmed down a little, her face became a little more even, not like that. unhappy, and she allowed herself to be watered, but still she doubted if daddy would let her choke ...

And here I slipped under my mother’s elbow in time and gave Ksenka my finger and, apparently, guessed right, did what was necessary, she grabbed my finger and completely calmed down. So tightly and desperately the girl grabbed my finger, just like a drowning man at a straw. And I felt sorry for her because of this, that she was holding on to me, holding on with all her might with her sparrow fingers, and from these fingers it is clear that she alone entrusts her precious life to me and that, to be honest, all this bathing is for her torment, and horror, and risk, and threat, and we must save ourselves: hold on to the finger of an older, strong and brave brother.

And when I guessed all this, when I finally realized how difficult it was for her, poor fellow, and how scary, I immediately began to love her.

Once it was an ordinary day. I came home from school, ate and climbed onto the windowsill. I have long wanted to sit by the window, look at the passers-by and do nothing myself. And now was the right moment for that. And I sat down on the windowsill and began to do nothing. At the same moment dad rushed into the room.
He said:
- Are you bored?
I answered:
- No ... So ... And when will mom finally arrive? No, it's been ten whole days!
Dad said:
- Hold on to the window! Hold on tight, or now you will fly upside down.
Just in case, I clung to the window handle and said:
- What's the matter?
He took a step back, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, waved it from afar and announced:
- Mom is coming in an hour! Here is a telegram! I ran straight from work to tell you! We will not dine, we will all dine together, I will run to meet her, and you tidy up the room and wait for us! Deal?
I instantly jumped off the window:
- Of course we did! Urrah! Run, dad, with a bullet, and I'll clean up! A minute - and you're done! I will bring chic and shine! Run, do not waste time, take your mom as soon as possible!
Dad rushed to the door. And I started to work. I started an emergency, like on an ocean ship. An emergency is a big tidy, and just then the elements have calmed down, there is silence on the waves - they call it calm, and we, sailors, are doing our job.
- One, two! Shirk-shark! Chairs in places! Stand still! Broom scoop! Sweeping is quick! Comrade Paul, what kind is this? Shine! Now! So! Dinner! Listen to my command! On the stove, on the right, one by one "platoon", pan by pan - stand! One or two! Sing along:

Daddy only match
And the fire now

Keep warming up! Here. What a fine fellow I am! Assistant! You need to be proud of such a child! When I grow up, do you know who I will be? I will - wow! I will even wow! Ogogugago! This is who I will be!
And I played for so long and bragged about recklessly so that it would not be boring to wait for mom and dad. And in the end, the door flew open, and dad flew in again! He had already returned and was all agitated, with a hat on the back of his head! And he alone portrayed a whole brass band, and the conductor of this orchestra at the same time. Dad was waving his arms.
- Dzum-dzum! - Dad shouted, and I realized that they were beating huge Turkish drums in honor of my mother's arrival. - Puff, puff! - the copper plates gave in to the heat.
Then some kind of cat music began. The combined choir of a hundred people shouted. Dad sang for all this hundred, but since the door behind Dad was open, I ran out into the corridor to meet Mom.
She was standing by the hanger with a bundle in her arms. When she saw me, she smiled at me affectionately and said quietly:
- Hello, my boy! How did you get on here without me?
I said:
- I missed you.
Mom said:
- And I brought you a surprise!
I said:
- Airplane?
Mom said:
- Look!
We spoke to her very quietly. Mom handed me a package. I took it.
- What is it, mom? I asked.
“This is your sister Ksenia,” my mother said in the same quiet voice.
I was silent.

Then my mother turned away the lace sheet and I saw my sister's face. It was small and you couldn't see anything on it. I held her in my arms with all my strength.
- Dzum-boom-trum, - suddenly dad appeared from the room next to me.
His orchestra was still thundering.
- Attention, - said the dad in an announcer's voice, - little sister Ksenia is handed over to the boy Denis. Length from heels to head fifty centimeters, from head to heels - fifty-five! Net weight three kilos two hundred and fifty grams, not counting the container.
He squatted down in front of me and put his hands under mine, probably afraid that I would drop Xenia. He asked his mother in his normal voice:
- Who does she look like?
“At you,” Mom said.
- But no! Dad exclaimed. - She in her kerchief very much looks like a pretty People's Artist of the Republic Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, whom I loved very much in my youth. In general, I noticed that little children in the first days of their life are all very similar to the famous Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya. The nose is especially similar. The nose catches the eye directly.

I still stood with my sister Ksenia in my arms, like a fool with a written sack, and smiled.
Mom said anxiously:
- Be careful, I beg you, Denis, do not drop it.
I said:
- What are you, mom? Do not worry! I squeeze a whole kid's bike with one left hand, will I drop such nonsense?
And dad said:
- We will bathe in the evening! Get ready!
He took the bundle from me, which was Ksenka, and went. I followed him, and my mother followed me. We put Ksenka in the open drawer from the chest of drawers, and she lay there quietly.
Dad said:
- This is for one night. And tomorrow I will buy her a crib and she will sleep in the crib. And you, Denis, keep an eye on the keys, no matter who locks your sister in the chest of drawers. We will then look for where we have gone ...
And we sat down to dinner. Every minute I jumped up and looked at Ksenka. She slept all the time. I was surprised and touched her cheek with my finger. The cheek was soft like sour cream. Now that I examined her closely, I saw that she had long dark eyelashes ...
And in the evening we began to bathe her. We put a bathtub with a cork on Dad's table and applied a whole crowd of pots filled with cold and hot water, while Ksenia lay in her dresser and waited for a bath. She was obviously worried, because she creaked like a door, and dad, on the contrary, "kept her mood all the time so that she would not be very afraid. Dad walked back and forth with water and sheets, he took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and flatteringly shouted to the whole apartment:
- Who swims best among us? Who is the best diving and diving? Who is the best at blowing bubbles?
And Ksenka had such a face that it was she who dives and dives better than anyone else, - Dad's flattery acted. But when they began to bathe, she looked such a frightened look that, good people, look: father and mother will drown her daughter now, and she looked for her heel and found the bottom, leaned on and only then calmed down a little, her face became a little more even, not like that. unfortunate, and she allowed herself to be watered, but still she doubted if daddy would let her choke ... And then I slipped under my mother’s elbow in time and gave Ksenka my finger and, apparently, I guessed, did what was necessary, she was by my finger grabbed and completely calmed down. So tightly and desperately the girl grabbed my finger, just like a drowning man at a straw. And I felt sorry for her because of this, that she was holding on to me, holding on with all her might with her sparrow fingers, and from these fingers it is clear that she alone entrusts her precious life to me and that, to be honest, all this bathing is for her torment, and horror, and risk, and threat, and we must save ourselves: hold on to the finger of an older, strong and brave brother. And when I guessed all this, when I finally realized how difficult it was for her, poor fellow, and how scary, I immediately began to love her.