Is it possible to throw clothes in the trash. How to throw away old things

It's time to start the general cleaning! Again, turn the contents of all the cabinets and nightstands onto the floor and begin to sort through the heaps of junk. “It seems that this box is not needed, but it is so beautiful! But this blouse recalls the student years ... Magazines of the early 2000s, it seems, are not relevant already, but there are beautiful pictures and recipes interesting, although there is absolutely no desire to cook. ”

That's how the mountains of garbage accumulate in the house, from which there is absolutely no benefit for many years, and they occupy plenty of space. How to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment?

In every house there is a bag or two of unnecessary things. Most often, such objects fall under this concept:

  • old dishes, extra sets;
  • outdated or broken equipment;
  • clothes;
  • toys
  • magazines, newspapers, notebooks with notes;
  • empty jars and boxes;
  • stationery;
  • footwear;
  • all sorts of little things like accessories and hats;
  • expired cosmetics;
  • pieces of furniture.

Get ready to get rid of everything that does not bring you good and only interferes with life, because it takes away free space and spoils the atmosphere of comfort.

Getting rid of the excess: 10 unusual ways

To begin with, it does not hurt to do a general cleaning and throw away everything that is not a pity. But this is only the beginning, and further parting with things will be more difficult. Therefore, we offer you 10 tricks that will help you master the art of getting rid of unnecessary things.

Crucial 12 months

The best way to find out which things to throw away is to track what you use throughout the year. Going through the boxes, try to remember the last time you met each item.

Everything is simple with things in the closet: hang clothes on hangers and unfold them with the back side. Unfold every thing you wear at least once with your face. In a year you will see what remains untouched. I don’t put it on for all this time - you’ll hardly wear it later. The same goes for other items.

Imaginary Moving

Imagine that the time has come to move to a modest comfortable apartment. The space in the boxes is small, so you can take with you only what you really need. Can you do without a juicer and a toaster? There is a reason to get rid of them. In the “new” house, you are also unlikely to need clippings from ten-year-old magazines and cute dresses from school times. But put your favorite shoes and a folder with documents away from the bin!

Psychology of poverty

There is a theory according to which people who lack financial resources to arrange their life are prone to saving, but not money, but garbage of things. This is due to the desire to leave something "for a rainy day, but what if it comes in handy?"

If you do not consider yourself poor and strive to improve the quality of your life, immediately eradicate this habit.

Soon you will notice that life really began to improve. Positive thoughts and a new atmosphere in the apartment are powerful prerequisites for achieving well-being.

Create cosiness

It is impossible to achieve a warm, cozy atmosphere if the home is littered with trash. From this pile, select items with which you can make the house more comfortable and cozy. For example, hang old family photographs on a wall, put a plaid on a chair, make a panel of memorable trifles. And do not forget to read.

But everything that turns out to be superfluous, send to the trash. Believe me, the apartment will become more spacious and much more comfortable.

Down with the broken stuff!

Remember the main rule: never store broken things. These include torn clothes or broken utensils. If something was not repaired immediately, the situation is unlikely to change in the future.

Pantyhose with an arrow, even after darning, will look “not so hot”. You don’t need to try to glue the broken favorite cup or vase - all the same, the seams will be noticeable, and such objects attract bad energy. In addition, there is a good reason to buy a new thing.

The ten rule

This is a very useful and tricky trick. Its essence lies in the fact that every week you need to throw 10 unnecessary items. For example, after 7 days, used cosmetics jars, run-down batteries, a stack of scribbled papers, holey socks, etc. may accumulate. The rest will be found in the bowels of the cabinet or on the mezzanine.

Do not forget that different types of garbage need to be disposed of in different ways. In particular, this applies to batteries and accumulators, plastic and glass containers.

Thanks to this technique, you will soon get rid of most unnecessary things, and absolutely “painlessly”.

Gifts for no reason

Another way to part with unnecessary things is to give them away. Surely, in your closets are worthless purchases for you, never tried gifts and other nonsense. Think about it, maybe someone from your friends they would be more useful. For example, almost a new food processor can be a friend who loves to cook much more than you. Well, what if your gift does not do her good? Well, then relax, this is not your problem :)

Learn to share

Children's things, books read, toys are memorabilia, but you can do without them. But there are people who lack these very useless things. Learn to share, no need to arrange a junk warehouse at home.

    Find out, maybe someone from your friends needs items that you have in your “reserves”.

    Call the orphanages and specify the list of necessary or immediately directly transfer them the packages with the selected "good".

    Take things to a volunteer center, so people in need have the opportunity to get what they lack.

So you will do a good deed and parting with the accumulated will not be so hard.

Source of additional income

There is another very useful way to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment. Organize a sale! It is very simple to do this today, no need to stand in the market or in the courtyard of the house and offer goods to passers-by.

    Create an ad on free sites selling things. If the thing is expensive, it will not be superfluous to advertise it for a symbolic price.

    Place an ad on your page in social networks. You can ask friends to repost or send a message to thematic flea market groups.

    Hand over things to the commission center. This is especially true for electronics and household appliances, as well as children's things and furniture.

An alternative is to barter. You can agree with friends or on special sites. For example, in this way you can exchange a skirt that you are tired of for beautiful jewelry or a blouse in a fashionable shade.

Limit space

To prevent garbage from accumulating again after general cleaning, limit the space available for storage. The cabinets should be spacious and comfortable. Leave a separate box or bedside table for the most expensive and memorable things, highlight a suitcase or a beautiful box, but nothing more. Balcony, mezzanine, attic, upper shelves of the cabinet, drawers in the chest of drawers - this is not a place for storing trash! Here, keep only what you really need.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk throwing something really important and necessary. To prevent the accumulation of trash in the future, reorganize the storage system of things. Surely you will free up a lot of space, so there is reason to make a small rearrangement and update the interior.

This is perhaps the most important question in this situation. Of course, you can start with little things. Go through cabinets, chests of drawers, a desk and nightstands. However, experts advise starting with large, oversized items. It may be old furniture that can no longer be repaired. Or non-working household appliances that gather dust and just take up space. Therefore, it is better to start cleaning the house from trash from the pantry, balcony or loggia, where unnecessary things usually accumulate. Only after the removal of large items can you start on the little things.


The next step is to review your wardrobe. And here, too, you need to know how to throw away old things and shoes. After all, some have a completely salable appearance, but for some reason for a long time they simply lie on the shelves. Of course, you can show creative imagination and try to redraw something, give a new life to your favorite clothes. But if you wondered, from the trash, be more determined. Here you need to choose things according to two criteria: in good condition, but not suitable for you in size, style, etc. and in poor condition. The first group can be managed in two ways: give it to those in need or sell it through special stores on the Internet. As for the second group, these things are best simply thrown away or burned.


The kitchen deserves special attention. After all, it is here that a huge number of objects are concentrated, which very often become worthless, but remain in their former places. This applies to chopped utensils, worn kitchen textiles (towels, apron, pot holders), inoperative household appliances. Go through and the jars of cereals and spices. Everything old and stale is better to update. Also note whether everything in the kitchen is in place. Perhaps, among the many dishes and other utensils, extraneous things were lost. They either need to be returned to their place, or because of uselessness they should be thrown away.

What should not be thrown away?

This list should include antiques. Old things mean unnecessary, not historical value. Coins, decor items and even furniture marked “retro” cost a lot of money, but trash - not at all. There are also certain items that you can use in the hand-made to create original decor items. If you are truly a home designer, do not rush to part with such valuable materials. Some things and old furniture can be transported to the country. Just do not be zealous so as not to take everything with you. And finally, children's toys and things in good condition are best passed to friends or to orphanages.

Once the trash is collected and packaged, it can safely be carried to a landfill. No matter how painful it is to part with old things, remember one thing: you no longer need them. It is necessary to get rid of them.

1. Hopelessly spoiled things.   Shirts with stubborn stains, stretched T-shirts and moth-beaten sweaters have no place in your closet. Why keep what you’re unlikely to wear again?

2. Clothing that does not fit you in size.   The reason, I think, is clear.

3. Old shoes.   If it can be brought into a divine form, do it. Pairs that cannot be recovered are sent to the trash.

4. Well-worn underwear.   When the bra is no longer able to support the breast properly, it is time to replace it with a new one. About torn underpants and talking awkwardly - into their trash, that's all.

5. Stockings and tights with puffs or holes.   Yes, yes, they can also be sewn up and worn under jeans or trousers. Either sew at last, or get rid of obviously useless things.

6. Leaky socks.   Here it is the same as in the previous paragraph: to sew up or throw it out - you decide, if only the socks do not continue to lie idle.

7. Jewelry that has lost its former appearance.   Everything is clear with jewelry: a broken lock, a torn chain or a dropped strassik are quite good reasons to throw out a bracelet or necklace. Jewelry should not be scattered, it is better to give them an repair.

8. Old holiday dresses.   Do you think the chances are good that you will ever wear an outfit that sparkled at the school prom? If the dress is in good condition, try selling it. If not - well, even with such things you must be able to say goodbye.

9. Shabby bags.   And the wallets there too. Agree, the chance that you will one day decide to go out with a worn bag is zero.

10. Old swimwear and swimming trunks. Say goodbye to all the sprawling and faded specimens without regret.

11. Spare buttons for clothes that you no longer wear.   In the end, what will you do with a set of completely different buttons?

Cosmetics and personal care

12. Old cosmetics.   Firstly, since you still haven’t used it, it is unlikely that these shadows, lip gloss or foundation will ever come in handy. Secondly, it has an expiration date. When it came to an end, it was time to say goodbye to the product.

13. Dried nail polish.   Even if you dilute it with a special liquid, it still can not be compared with fresh. Throw away without torment.

14. Samples of toilet water.   Why save them if you don’t like the fragrance?

15. Samplers of cosmetics.   Either use, or discard, there is no third.

16. Old toiletries.   A bald toothbrush and a cracked soap box are not something that should be carefully stored for many years.

17. Stretched hair bands.   Here there is good news for connoisseurs of gum-telephone wires: bathe gum in boiling water, they will be as good as new.

18. Invisible hair clips.   Shake the box with cosmetics or the box where you store jewelry, you will probably find several hairpins there. Since you do not use them, then there is no point in storing this.

19. Almost ended cosmetics and household chemicals.   At the bottom there was a little money left, like it’s time to throw it away, but the toad strangles. Give the toad a worthy rebuff and send almost empty bottles and jars to the bin.

Food and Cookware

20. Spoiled products.   Will you eat them? So no one will be, so feel free to send the old-timers of your refrigerator into the bin.

21. Old spices and seasonings.   Like other products, they have. When it comes to an end, it's time for the spices to leave your kitchen cabinet.

22. Waste circles.   Throw away those with cracks and chips, and take the whole ones, which for some reason you don’t use, to work. There they are definitely useful.

23. Old sponges for washing dishes.   They, by the way, are regularly worth changing, and you need to do this before the sponge starts to smell.

24. Pots and pans with scratched non-stick coating.   What is the use of this cover when one name is left of it?

25. Empty cans and jars.   Why store them at all is unclear. Apparently, in the hope that someday all this will come in handy. Let's honestly come in handy at least once? If not, goodbye, jars!

26. Kitchen utensils that you do not use.   Give brand new to your friends, discard the used ones.

27. Food containers that you do not use.   And at the same time those that have lost their former appearance - the lid cracked, for example.

28. A variety of dishes.   Once upon a time there was a tea pair, then the cup broke, and the saucer survived - or vice versa. It seems okay, but using such dishes is not very pleasant. So it's time to send her to rest.

29. Broken kitchen utensils.   And again: you can use them, but not very nice. So why store it?


30. Old towels with stains or holes.   To wipe oneself upright is unpleasant, so throw them away without hesitation.

31. Well-worn bedding.   If it just shed, it still went nowhere, but torn sheets and duvet covers are a direct road to the landfill.

32. Shabby rugs from the bathroom and hallway.   Their life was not easy anyway, why prolong the suffering?

33. Old pillows.   All the same, they are no longer as plump and soft as before.

34. Extra hangers.   Leave as much as you need to hang clothes, and the rest - in the trash.

35. Waste flower vases.   Redistribute, sell or dispose of them in any other way.

36. Trinkets.   A pig figurine, presented to you on the occasion of the onset of the year of this animal, is appropriate once every 12 years. Release the mumps free, do not torment. An excellent company will make her souvenirs from travel and fridge magnets.

37. Christmas decorations that do not please.   A garland where several bulbs are not lit, a glass ball that instead of a factory mount is held on a cleverly curved wire - do not turn the Christmas tree into a junk exhibition.

38. Broken electronics and household appliances.   If you still haven’t fixed it, then you don’t really need it.

39. Spare parts for furniture.   Collect all these parts and screws, which seem to be propagated by division, and send them straight to the bin.

Waste paper

40. Old checks and bills.   Since the warranty period has ended, it means that there is no sense in saving a check either. But utility bills should be kept at least.

41. School and university textbooks.   You are unlikely to need them. Give them to the library, so there will be at least some benefit from the books. And you can throw out notes with a clear conscience.

42. Cards and invitations to weddings.   If they are dear to you as a memory, leave it, but it makes no sense to keep a stack of postcards with the wishes of happiness and health on duty.

43. Newspapers and magazines.   Including those that you wrote back at school for foreign language lessons. You never know, suddenly you still keep them.

44. Discount card stores that you do not go.   It is logical: since you don’t go, you don’t use cards.

45. Discount coupons that have expired.   You will no longer be given a discount on them.

46. \u200b\u200bJunk from the mailbox.   Catalogs of amazing products, discount flyers from the nearest store, and similar printed products should be stored where they belong: in the bin.

47. Instructions for assembling furniture.   It is unlikely that you regularly disassemble and reassemble a cabinet or chest of drawers.

48. Guides.   Why save paper brochures if you can use electronic versions of guides?

49. Children's drawings.   Be it your creations or drawings of your children, it is difficult to part with it. Pull yourself together and leave only those that you like best.

50. Duplicate photos.   In case you do not trust cloud storages and prefer to store printed pictures in photo albums. And with clouds you are in vain so, they are much more convenient.

51. Old diaries.   Once they are dead weight in you, throw them out already - and it's up to the end.

Various little things

52. Boxes from household appliances.   Those that are stored by thrifty citizens on cabinets. When the warranty period ends, the boxes should be sent to the trash.

53. Expired medicines.   It is unlikely that any comments are needed here.

54. Old cell phones.   Is your nostalgia for bygone days so strong that you still keep it that is unlikely to ever turn on?

55. Unnecessary accessories for a smartphone.   Sooner or later, you still have to get rid of them, so why put it off for later?

56. Dried flowers.   Deny sentimentality and throw out these dust bags.

57. Old stationery.   Stickers, dried markers and pens, paper folders, and so on.

58. The wires are unknown from what.   Everything is simple here: if you know exactly why this cable is needed, and at least sometimes use it for its intended purpose, let it live. The rest should disappear from your home.

59. Old CDs and DVDs.   Music that you no longer listen to, computer programs that you are unlikely to ever use, films that you have watched more than once ... Why do you need all this?

60. Souvenirs from promotions.   Suppose, they handed you a T-shirt, where the logo of the milk producer flaunts in full chest. Will you wear it? No really?

61. Gifts that you do not use. Or the ones you just don't like. Give them to people who appreciate gifts.

62. Used batteries.   Take them for recycling, for sure your city has a collection point for batteries and accumulators.

63. Toys for animals.   Of course, those to which your pet is indifferent. It is unlikely that he will ever change his mind and decide that a mouse on wheels or a squeaking rubber chicken is the dream of his life.

64. Board games where there is not enough detail.They really can’t play in them.

65. Rumpled bows and ribbons for gift wrapping.   Since they have lost their former appearance, then it is not worth decorating them with a gift.

66. Small coins.   However, you can not throw them away, but put them in a piggy bank. A decent amount will be collected - exchange at the bank.

The order in the house is the order in the head, so make it a rule to arrange such cleaning from time to time. By the way, what would you add to this list?

how to throw away old and unnecessary things without regret

Most of us have a lot of unnecessary things at home. It happens that we save them for years and even decades. Often we cannot force ourselves to take out even outright rubbish in the trash.To uda to do old things - throw a pity and friends or relatives do not need? How to get rid of the habit of leaving everything in reserve and getting rid of unnecessary property in time, read below.

Where did the habit of accumulation come from?shedding unnecessary things

Think for yourself - this is a hallmark of most of our people. And there are serious reasons for this. Our history is full of wars and upheavals, every family in all generations has suffered hardships and losses. It is not surprising that accumulation has become ingrained in us, our people are preparing for troubles at a subconscious level and collecting everything that can come in handy at the time of deprivation.

The older the person, the more. This is easily explained - it is simply that older people saw much more difficulties in life than youth. Therefore, you can’t reproach your parents or grandmothers for the love of trash. Just help them, and yourself at the same time, learn to look into the future with optimism.

Sell \u200b\u200bold things

If you do not want to get rid of years of accumulated trash, then do not do it! There is no point in deliberately causing yourself discomfort. Do it easier - sell everything you don't need. Believe me, even on trampled boots or a charred skillet there is a buyer. If you are reading this article, then you have already matured the thought thatwhere to do old things   throw a pity, but to sell and get income from this is a completely different matter!

Algorithm receive money for unnecessary trash:

  • Register on Avito or Yule. These are the most popular platforms for all kinds of sales.
  • Download the Avito or Yula app on your smartphone.
  • Take a picture of your property for sale on the phone.
  • Through the application on your phone, upload the resulting image to Avito or Yulu. Why through the phone? Just then you don’t have to bother downloading photos to your computer from the camera.
  • Search for items that are similar to what you want to sell and remember their price.
  • Set your price. Want to sell faster - the price should be slightly lower than that of competitors. If your product is better than others, feel free to put a great value. If in doubt, set the Avito average price.
  • Indicate your contacts and wait for buyers.

Caution scammers

If you decide to sell the good accumulated over many years through the Internet, be careful. Unfortunately, scammers often hunt through Avito and similar sites. They use different schemes, you will not list all. But there are several popular divorces, which often come across not only older people, but also young people.

Sample cheating schemes on Avito and Julia:

They call you and say that they are ready to buy your item without looking and immediately transfer the entire amount to a bank card. But there is a problem - the person at that end of the connection needs some information about your card for reporting. Standard details, such as a phone and a card number on the front side, are not enough for them. Fraudsters ask them to indicate the secret number on the back of the card, the code from the SMS from the bank, or the check with the details from the ATM.

If something guards you in a conversation with customers, it’s best to immediately stop communicating and block the incoming call. Otherwise, instead of earning on the sale of trash, you can lose your money.

Or, as an option, immediately indicate in the announcement that payment is accepted only in cash.

Gave a thing - improved karma

If you do not want to sell for any reason, then think about giving away unnecessary good. If it is not useful to your relatives and friends, give it online. Each city has its own groups in Vkontakte like “I will give it for free”. Just drive this name into the search engine or immediately on the social network, and choose the community in your city. In the group, post photos and wait for letters with a request to give this thing.

Or you can go to the temple closest to you, usually in the church they collect things for the poor.

An unnecessary thing can help some person, at least a little.

This option impresses our Russian mentality. We always help everyone - relatives, friends, just acquaintances and even entire countries. A good deed will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem and self-awareness, which means it will help you personally feel a little better.

Throw La   old things - changela life for the better

For those who believe in Chinese wisdom called Feng Shui, getting rid of unnecessary trash is easiest. Many people know that Feng Shui preaches that throwing junk opens the door to something new and good. So do not spare unnecessary things - according to Chinese wisdom, wealth and prosperity will come to your house in return. Agree, a worthy reason to understand.


In addition to the above-mentioned buns, after releasing your closet and home from all unnecessary things, you will have a lot of free space to follow the original Russian tradition again - to save trash! This is a joke, of course, but there is some truth in it ...

1. Hopelessly spoiled things.   Shirts with stubborn stains, stretched T-shirts and moth-beaten sweaters have no place in your closet. Why keep what you’re unlikely to wear again?

2. Clothing that does not fit you in size.   The reason, I think, is clear.

3. Old shoes.   If it can be brought into a divine form, do it. Pairs that cannot be recovered are sent to the trash.

4. Well-worn underwear.   When the bra is no longer able to support the breast properly, it is time to replace it with a new one. About torn underpants and talking awkwardly - into their trash, that's all.

5. Stockings and tights with puffs or holes.   Yes, yes, they can also be sewn up and worn under jeans or trousers. Either sew at last, or get rid of obviously useless things.

6. Leaky socks.   Here it is the same as in the previous paragraph: to sew up or throw it out - you decide, if only the socks do not continue to lie idle.

7. Jewelry that has lost its former appearance.   Everything is clear with jewelry: a broken lock, a torn chain or a dropped strassik are quite good reasons to throw out a bracelet or necklace. Jewelry should not be scattered, it is better to give them an repair.

8. Old holiday dresses.   Do you think the chances are good that you will ever wear an outfit that sparkled at the school prom? If the dress is in good condition, try selling it. If not - well, even with such things you must be able to say goodbye.

9. Shabby bags.   And the wallets there too. Agree, the chance that you will one day decide to go out with a worn bag is zero.

10. Old swimwear and swimming trunks. Say goodbye to all the sprawling and faded specimens without regret.

11. Spare buttons for clothes that you no longer wear.   In the end, what will you do with a set of completely different buttons?

Cosmetics and personal care

12. Old cosmetics.   Firstly, since you still haven’t used it, it is unlikely that these shadows, lip gloss or foundation will ever come in handy. Secondly, it has an expiration date. When it came to an end, it was time to say goodbye to the product.

13. Dried nail polish.   Even if you dilute it with a special liquid, it still can not be compared with fresh. Throw away without torment.

14. Samples of toilet water.   Why save them if you don’t like the fragrance?

15. Samplers of cosmetics.   Either use, or discard, there is no third.

16. Old toiletries.   A bald toothbrush and a cracked soap box are not something that should be carefully stored for many years.

17. Stretched hair bands.   Here there is good news for connoisseurs of gum-telephone wires: bathe gum in boiling water, they will be as good as new.

18. Invisible hair clips.   Shake the box with cosmetics or the box where you store jewelry, you will probably find several hairpins there. Since you do not use them, then there is no point in storing this.

19. Almost ended cosmetics and household chemicals.   At the bottom there was a little money left, like it’s time to throw it away, but the toad strangles. Give the toad a worthy rebuff and send almost empty bottles and jars to the bin.

Food and Cookware

20. Spoiled products.   Will you eat them? So no one will be, so feel free to send the old-timers of your refrigerator into the bin.

21. Old spices and seasonings.   Like other products, they have. When it comes to an end, it's time for the spices to leave your kitchen cabinet.

22. Waste circles.   Throw away those with cracks and chips, and take the whole ones, which for some reason you don’t use, to work. There they are definitely useful.

23. Old sponges for washing dishes.   They, by the way, are regularly worth changing, and you need to do this before the sponge starts to smell.

24. Pots and pans with scratched non-stick coating.   What is the use of this cover when one name is left of it?

25. Empty cans and jars.   Why store them at all is unclear. Apparently, in the hope that someday all this will come in handy. Let's honestly come in handy at least once? If not, goodbye, jars!

26. Kitchen utensils that you do not use.   Give brand new to your friends, discard the used ones.

27. Food containers that you do not use.   And at the same time those that have lost their former appearance - the lid cracked, for example.

28. A variety of dishes.   Once upon a time there was a tea pair, then the cup broke, and the saucer survived - or vice versa. It seems okay, but using such dishes is not very pleasant. So it's time to send her to rest.

29. Broken kitchen utensils.   And again: you can use them, but not very nice. So why store it?


30. Old towels with stains or holes.   To wipe oneself upright is unpleasant, so throw them away without hesitation.

31. Well-worn bedding.   If it just shed, it still went nowhere, but torn sheets and duvet covers are a direct road to the landfill.

32. Shabby rugs from the bathroom and hallway.   Their life was not easy anyway, why prolong the suffering?

33. Old pillows.   All the same, they are no longer as plump and soft as before.

34. Extra hangers.   Leave as much as you need to hang clothes, and the rest - in the trash.

35. Waste flower vases.   Redistribute, sell or dispose of them in any other way.

36. Trinkets.   A pig figurine, presented to you on the occasion of the onset of the year of this animal, is appropriate once every 12 years. Release the mumps free, do not torment. An excellent company will make her souvenirs from travel and fridge magnets.

37. Christmas decorations that do not please.   A garland where several bulbs are not lit, a glass ball that instead of a factory mount is held on a cleverly curved wire - do not turn the Christmas tree into a junk exhibition.

38. Broken electronics and household appliances.   If you still haven’t fixed it, then you don’t really need it.

39. Spare parts for furniture.   Collect all these parts and screws, which seem to be propagated by division, and send them straight to the bin.

Waste paper

40. Old checks and bills.   Since the warranty period has ended, it means that there is no sense in saving a check either. But utility bills should be kept at least.

41. School and university textbooks.   You are unlikely to need them. Give them to the library, so there will be at least some benefit from the books. And you can throw out notes with a clear conscience.

42. Cards and invitations to weddings.   If they are dear to you as a memory, leave it, but it makes no sense to keep a stack of postcards with the wishes of happiness and health on duty.

43. Newspapers and magazines.   Including those that you wrote back at school for foreign language lessons. You never know, suddenly you still keep them.

44. Discount card stores that you do not go.   It is logical: since you don’t go, you don’t use cards.

45. Discount coupons that have expired.   You will no longer be given a discount on them.

46. \u200b\u200bJunk from the mailbox.   Catalogs of amazing products, discount flyers from the nearest store, and similar printed products should be stored where they belong: in the bin.

47. Instructions for assembling furniture.   It is unlikely that you regularly disassemble and reassemble a cabinet or chest of drawers.

48. Guides.   Why save paper brochures if you can use electronic versions of guides?

49. Children's drawings.   Be it your creations or drawings of your children, it is difficult to part with it. Pull yourself together and leave only those that you like best.

50. Duplicate photos.   In case you do not trust cloud storages and prefer to store printed pictures in photo albums. And with clouds you are in vain so, they are much more convenient.

51. Old diaries.   Once they are dead weight in you, throw them out already - and it's up to the end.

Various little things

52. Boxes from household appliances.   Those that are stored by thrifty citizens on cabinets. When the warranty period ends, the boxes should be sent to the trash.

53. Expired medicines.   It is unlikely that any comments are needed here.

54. Old cell phones.   Is your nostalgia for bygone days so strong that you still keep it that is unlikely to ever turn on?

55. Unnecessary accessories for a smartphone.   Sooner or later, you still have to get rid of them, so why put it off for later?

56. Dried flowers.   Deny sentimentality and throw out these dust bags.

57. Old stationery.   Stickers, dried markers and pens, paper folders, and so on.

58. The wires are unknown from what.   Everything is simple here: if you know exactly why this cable is needed, and at least sometimes use it for its intended purpose, let it live. The rest should disappear from your home.

59. Old CDs and DVDs.   Music that you no longer listen to, computer programs that you are unlikely to ever use, films that you have watched more than once ... Why do you need all this?

60. Souvenirs from promotions.   Suppose, they handed you a T-shirt, where the logo of the milk producer flaunts in full chest. Will you wear it? No really?

61. Gifts that you do not use. Or the ones you just don't like. Give them to people who appreciate gifts.

62. Used batteries.   Take them for recycling, for sure your city has a collection point for batteries and accumulators.

63. Toys for animals.   Of course, those to which your pet is indifferent. It is unlikely that he will ever change his mind and decide that a mouse on wheels or a squeaking rubber chicken is the dream of his life.

64. Board games where there is not enough detail.They really can’t play in them.

65. Rumpled bows and ribbons for gift wrapping.   Since they have lost their former appearance, then it is not worth decorating them with a gift.

66. Small coins.   However, you can not throw them away, but put them in a piggy bank. A decent amount will be collected - exchange at the bank.

The order in the house is the order in the head, so make it a rule to arrange such cleaning from time to time. By the way, what would you add to this list?