"Sovereign of the Seas" nicknamed "Golden Death". "Sovereign of the Seas" nicknamed "Golden Death" Release schedule for the magazine series "Sovereign of the Seas"

shopProduct Object ( => Array ( => 932 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => => SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS (LORD OF THE SEAS) - a British warship of the 17th century, which was the pinnacle of military -marine construction of his time. The decision to begin work on its creation was made on the royal initiative, despite the resistance of skeptics who argued that there was no port in all of England capable of providing shelter for it. However, work began under the leadership of the father and son of Pett Phineas and Peter. and already in 1637 the ship was launched. Along with its power, the ship was distinguished by its fancy external decoration, where gilded carvings glittered luxuriously on a black background. Here it is necessary to mention the figurehead and a number of decorations made of real gold for the first time in the history of shipbuilding. the ship had three battery decks at once, and the number of guns in total was 102 pieces, and we were talking about the most powerful guns of the era. Subsequently, this number was reduced to 90 pieces, trying to improve the seaworthiness of the vessel.

=> => SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS, MANTUA MODEL, 102 fluff. English ship, ship modeling, ship models, ship models, model store, assembly kit => Kit for assembling a ship model - SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS (SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS) 102 fl. English ship 1637 Manufacturer: MANTUA MODEL. Everything for ship modeling!

SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS (LORD OF THE SEAS) is a British warship of the 17th century, which was the pinnacle of naval engineering of its time. The decision to begin work on its creation was made on the royal initiative, despite the resistance of skeptics who argued that there was no port in all of England capable of providing shelter for it. However, work under the leadership of the father and son Pett Finias and Peter began, and already in 1637 the ship was lowered from the slipway. Along with its power, the ship was distinguished by its intricate exterior decoration, where gilded carvings glittered luxuriously against a black background. Here it is necessary to mention the figurehead and a number of decorations made of real gold. For the first time in the history of shipbuilding, one ship had three battery decks at once, and the number of guns in total was 102 pieces, and we were talking about the most powerful guns of the era. Subsequently, this number was reduced to 90 pieces, trying to improve the seaworthiness of the vessel.

From the very first days of service, the ship demonstrated its capabilities to its opponents, and was nicknamed by them the “Golden Death.” During this period, England began to actively challenge the naval power of Holland, which was reflected in three wars between these countries, and the “Lord of the Seas” took a direct part in all of them. Despite all the efforts made by the Dutch, nothing could damage it. The British then allied with the Dutch to fight against the French in a conflict called the War of the League of Augsburg. Here the battleship had to measure its strength with huge French ships, and it passed the test with honor. In the end, the French fleet was well beaten in two battles, and in each of them the "Master of the Seas" played a prominent role. By 1691, the ship was considered obsolete, but despite this, it remained in the fleet. Ironically, the ship, which the enemies failed to destroy, died due to the boatswain’s oversight, who left a lit candle. The ship burned out completely, but history is silent whether it was sabotage or stupidity.

Description of the kit for building a model ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS (LORD OF THE SEAS)

A kit for building a model of a leading English ship of the 17th century is presented by the Italian company Mantua. Its products are traditionally in high demand, since there is a detailed similarity of products with the original samples. When finished, the models are in no way inferior to museum exhibits, performing decorative functions in living rooms and halls.

The body of the product is assembled from ready-made laser-cut parts. This creates high precision and clarity of outlines. Subsequently, it is sheathed with a double layer of slats included in the kit. The first of them is made of strong and durable material, and the second is beautiful, guaranteeing the ship an excellent appearance. In total, the set includes 675 metal parts, created by casting and performing decorative functions. Many of the parts in the set are molded in a special way; they are empty inside and at the same time very openwork, for example, the lanterns.

The material for the blocks and deadeyes is dark walnut; these elements are almost ready for use; there are also products made from materials such as white metal, copper and brass. The artillery includes a full set of guns, namely 102 guns, just like the original. The rigging system is created using threads of different diameters included in the kit. The set is highly complex to assemble, but the author's task is greatly facilitated by the presence of instructions and drawings on 8 huge sheets, which describe in detail each of the stages of construction of this luxurious model.

Modeling is exciting and interesting, especially when it comes to creating models of sailing ships. The World of Models company offers first-class kits from well-known manufacturers. The wooden models of sailing ships on sale for assembly allow you to recreate exact copies of ships from different times. The process is exciting for people of all ages. Creating prefabricated wooden models often becomes a family hobby, and the resulting results (for example, beautiful sailing ships) are a source of shared pride. It is always a pleasure to demonstrate such products to guests and friends.

Sailboat kits are made of wood and consist of many separate and fully compatible components. They are selected in such a way that, along with the appearance of the ship, they allow you to reliably recreate the atmosphere present on it and convey the features of maritime life. On the website you can buy a variety of prefabricated ship models from manufacturers from different countries (Denmark, USA, Italy, Germany, etc.), who have an impeccable reputation and are market leaders.

Many kits involve recreating exact replicas. Therefore, each ship model kit comes with detailed illustrated explanations and instructions (in Russian). Any missing or additional components can be purchased on the website. But most wooden models of sailing ships do not require this, since they are 100% complete, down to the smallest detail. The price of the sets is determined by the scale of the future sailboat, its complexity, and design features. There are ship models addressed to both beginners and experienced designers.

=> => 2014-07-30 15:35:08 => 2018-07-17 11:24:08 => price,18,12,16,30,31,40,93,25,26,27,108 = > price DESC => 1 => 1 => .jpg)) => derevyannye-modeli/modeli-parusnykh-korabley => 66680.0000 => 0 => Array ( => WoodenKit => Ship model => Sailboat => Ship model = > England => Mantua Models => SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS => 1:78 => 1:78 Fleet) => Array () => Array ( => shopDimensionValue Object ( => 11 => kg => weight => = > 11 => => => 781 => 19 => 228) => MANTUA MODEL => Array ( => Paper => Wood => Combined => Metal) => 1:78 => Array ( => Surface) => Military => 19th century and earlier => Ships => Array ( => Sailing) => Highest => Stacked => Purchased separately => shopDimensionValue Object ( => 1100 => mm => length => => 1.1 => => => 778 => 25 => 368) => shopDimensionValue Object ( => 320 => mm => length => => 0.32 => => => 779 => 26 => 264) => shopDimensionValue Object ( => 990 => mm => length => => 0.99 => => => 780 => 27 => 328) => Team => Models => Italy) => Array ( => Array ( => 1008291 => 932 => 2017-12-07 09:07:48 => => Kit for building a model ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 5 => 1254 => 940 => 1301912 => => MA787.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932 /images/1008291/1008291.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280937 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:49:07 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 6 => 600 => 398 => 46879 => => Image_932_180181.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280937 /280937.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280938 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:49:07 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 7 = > 600 => 400 => 45811 => => Image_932_180182.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280938/280938.96x96. jpg) => Array ( => 280940 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:49:08 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 8 => 600 => 400 => 45364 => => Image_932_180180.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280940/280940.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280908 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:32:55 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 10 => 1600 => 1200 => 870462 => => IMG_0867.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932 /images/280908/280908.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280909 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:32:57 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 11 => 1600 => 1200 => 1215305 => => IMG_0868.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280909 /280909.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280910 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:32:59 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 12 = > 1600 => 1200 => 1333376 => => IMG_0869.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280910/280910.96x96. jpg) => Array ( => 280911 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:01 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 13 => 1600 => 1200 => 1570152 => => IMG_0870.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280911/280911.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280912 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:03 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 15 => 1600 => 1200 => 1144629 => => IMG_0871.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932 /images/280912/280912.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280913 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:05 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 16 => 1600 => 1200 => 1328450 => => IMG_0872.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280913 /280913.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280914 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:07 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 17 = > 1600 => 1200 => 1191322 => => IMG_0873.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280914/280914.96x96. jpg) => Array ( => 280915 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:09 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 18 => 1600 => 1200 => 1186709 => => IMG_0874.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280915/280915.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280916 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:11 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 19 => 1600 => 1200 => 1553072 => => IMG_0875.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932 /images/280916/280916. 96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280917 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:13 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 20 => 1600 => 1200 => 1513233 => => IMG_0876.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280917/280917.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280918 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:15 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 21 => 1600 => 1200 = > 1457603 => => IMG_0877.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280918/280918.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280919 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:17 => => Set for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS Scale 1:78 => 22 => 1600 => 1200 => 1358964 => => IMG_0878.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932/images/280919/280919.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280920 = > 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:19 => => Kit for building a model ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. Scale 1:78 => 24 => 1600 => 1200 => 1577898 => => IMG_0879.jpg => jpg => => => => /wa-data/public/shop/products/32/09/932 /images/280920/280920.96x96.jpg) => Array ( => 280921 => 932 => 2015-07-13 12:33:21 => => Kit for building a model of the ship SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. 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"Sovereign of the Seas" nicknamed "Golden Death".

"Sovereign of de Seas" (its other name is "Lord of the Seas") was built by order of King Charles I. The ship was designed and built by the chief shipbuilder of the English fleet, Phineas Pett, and left the slipway in 1637 from the shipyards in the city of Woolrich (on the Thames ). Many consider this ship to be the pinnacle of shipbuilding art of its time. Its cost was enormous, it was about ten times more expensive than the average 40-gun injector frigate. For the first time in the history of shipbuilding, a ship had three battery decks, located one above the other, but the lower one was located above the waterline, so the gun ports could not be opened in stormy weather. The artwork was designed by Thomas Heywood and executed by John and Matthias Christmas for a total cost of £6,691.

Above the waterline it was painted in only two colors - black and gold. All the ornaments and the richest decorations, the figurehead and the carvings were lined with real gold! This led to the ship being nicknamed the "Golden Devil". Enemy sailors (and this ship actively participated in hostilities against the Dutch fleet) nicknamed this giant the “Golden Death”.

It was the first three-deck battleship with a displacement of approximately 1530 tons. Its main dimensions are as follows: length along the battery deck 53 m (keel 42.7 m), maximum width 15.3 m, hold depth 6.1 m. It had three battery decks : in the lower - 30 cannons (cannons and half-guns), in the middle - the same number (culverins and half-culverins), in the upper - 26 cannons of a smaller caliber; in addition, there are 14 cannons under the forecastle, 12 under the poop, and many embrasures in the superstructures for handguns.
The total number of guns on this ship was 126. The ship had 11 anchors with corresponding anchor ropes; the largest anchor weighed 4,400 pounds. It was a real giant among other sailing ships of that time - in size it was almost no different from the three-deck ship of the early 19th century. "Lord of the Seas" was painted black with gold sculptural decorations.

This ship was reconstructed several times and changed its appearance: the aft superstructures were reduced, the forecastle and aft floor deck were shortened, the rigging was significantly changed, and the fourth, so-called Bonaventure mast, was removed. The total sail area was subjected to further fragmentation up to the fourth tier - boom-frame-yards. "Lord of the Seas" remained unsinkable for 60 years until she burned down in Chatham in 1696... from a candle that was not extinguished by the cook. The many years of service of this ship testify to its strength; it was built of oak, while in other countries ships were built mostly of pine. The decks ran smoothly, without breaks or ledges, as was the case earlier, which gave the ship a solid strength.

The French also began to decorate their ships: the Soleil Royal (Royal Sun), launched under Louis XIV, resembled with its stern three floors of boxes at the Opera; At the stern of the Monarch, built in 1670, there were 27 carved figures taller than a man. But real sailors did not approve of excessive desire for decoration; other indicators were more important to them.

Sovereign of the seas(Lord of the Seas) left the slipway of the Woolwich shipyard in 1637. This ship was the pinnacle of shipbuilding art of its time. For the first time in history, she had three battery decks, the decoration was designed and executed by the best professionals in England. All the ornaments and the richest decorations, the figurehead and the carvings were lined with real gold. In 1650

Sovereign of the Seas began to be called simply Sovereign, and in 1675 the ship was renamed Royal Sovereign. The ship took part in the Anglo-Dutch Wars and was the flagship of Admiral Robert Blake. He took part in such famous battles as Kentish Knock, Beachy Head, Barfleur and La Hogue. For his combat power, he was nicknamed by his enemies the Golden Devil (den Gulden Duvel). For 60 years, no one has been able to sink this giant. But in 1696, a candle left by a cook caused the ship to burn down in Chatheim. Whether it was an accident or arson, we will never know...

Contents of the ship model kit

Detailing includes 675 cast metal parts to decorate the latrine, stern, deck and hull. Many details, such as lanterns, are made using a special casting method: they are very openwork and empty inside! This can be seen in the photographs. The hull of the ship model is made with double skinned. All wooden parts of the frame are already laser cut, which ensures excellent assembly. The blocks and deadeyes are made of walnut and are almost ready for installation. Other parts are made of brass, copper and white metal.

You will arm your ship 102 guns made of polished metal. In the manufacture of gear, threads of several diameters are used. Eight huge sheets of instructions and drawings will help you assemble this home flotilla decoration. And we have completed and are attaching translation of instructions into Russian.

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We are happy to answer any relevant questions that you have or may have. Please contact us and we will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible.
Our field of activity: prefabricated wooden models of sailing ships and other ships, models for assembling steam locomotives, trams and carriages, 3D models made of metal, prefabricated mechanical watches made of wood, construction models of buildings, castles and churches made of wood, metal and ceramics, hand and power tools for modeling, consumables (blades, nozzles, sanding accessories), glues, varnishes, oils, wood stains. Sheet metal and plastic, tubes, metal and plastic profiles for independent modeling and making mock-ups, books and magazines on woodworking and sailing, ship drawings. Thousands of elements for independent construction of models, hundreds of types and standard sizes of slats, sheets and dies of valuable wood species.

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  2. Fast processing of received orders;
  3. The photographs presented on our website were taken by us or provided by the manufacturers. But in some cases, the manufacturer may change the packaging of the product. In this case, the photographs presented will be for reference only;
  4. Delivery times provided are provided by carriers and do not include weekends or holidays. At peak times (before the New Year), delivery times may be increased.
  5. If you have not received your paid order within 30 days (60 days for international orders) from dispatch, please contact us. We will track the order and contact you as soon as possible. Our goal is customer satisfaction!

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  1. All goods are in our warehouse in adequate quantities;
  2. We have the most experience in the country in the field of wooden sailboat models and therefore can always objectively assess your capabilities and advise what to choose to suit your needs;
  3. We offer you various delivery methods: courier, regular and EMS mail, SDEK, Boxberry and Business Lines. These carriers can completely cover your needs in terms of delivery time, cost and geography.

We firmly believe that we will become your best partner!

A dream not about the sea, but about a ship with a legendary history brought an enthusiast from Moscow to Crimea. On Cape Meganom, between Feodosia and Sudak, recently you can see the outlines of a giant sailing ship - an exact copy of an ancient British ship. The one who builds it, and alone, is called both a romantic and an adventurer. He calls himself Captain Scaletto. And his “Lord of the Seas” has already become a local landmark.

Meganom is a mystical, sacred place, covered in legends and glorified in the work of Osip Mandelstam. Many believe that under this rock there is a kingdom of the dead, others see the ghost of a boy jumping from a cliff from the sea, and still others say: they noticed unidentified flying objects above this cape. Therefore, when the silhouette of a 17th century ship appeared here, no one was really surprised.

In the sea of ​​secrets and mysteries around Meganom, there is one less. The ghost ship really exists. And this is not a mirage.

“The figurehead of this ship is King Edgar the Peaceful, who in the 7th century united the seven kingdoms in England, and below him were the defeated kings,” says Victor Scaletto.

In his hands is the “Lord of the Seas,” a model of a British battleship from 1637. And he simply calls himself Captain Scaletto. For the sake of his dream of his own ship, Victor gave up his career as a designer and three years ago moved from Moscow to an almost deserted bay on the eastern coast of Crimea.

“I make it according to all the rules of shipbuilding, even with a large reserve of buoyancy. The original was made of oak, it took two thousand oaks to make, and it weighed 1,700 tons including the guns. This ship was made by 300 people over the course of two years,” continues Scaletto’s story.

This idea was born during another trip. I remembered doing modeling as a child. But there were no questions about what exactly to aim for. I decided that the old English sailing ship, which became a model for the largest warships of that time, would definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

He set up his shipyard right on the beach. Single-handedly he weaves the hull of a 70-meter sailboat from fiberglass reinforcement and fills it with monolithic fiber-reinforced concrete. According to Captain Scaletto's calculations, his ship will be stronger and almost twice as light as a wooden one.

To recreate a copy of a British battleship, Victor sold an apartment in the center of Moscow, and then his car. But there was only enough money to build two of the six decks. The romance had to spend the winter on the ship.

Scaletto plans to complete the ship of his dreams at the expense of tourists who come here on excursions in the summer. The ghost ship is open for quests and themed discos.

“But tourists leave me these notes in a bottle: “Dear pirate, a Spanish woman is writing to you, I’ve never seen anything more masterpiece than your ship in my life, you have a dream, this is great, see you on deck,” says Victor Scaletto.

“The Lord of the Seas,” which has become a tourist attraction, admits Victor, is unlikely to be able to cut through the waves of the Black Sea. It is impossible to register a ship built by an amateur almost by eye. For those who still want to go on sea voyages, Captain Scaletto promises to build a smaller ship - but also with history. The prototype could be the French ship "La Caron" of Cardinal Richelieu - also from the middle of the 17th century.