Aluminum weapons. How to make a Viking sword out of aluminum

For casting aluminum, you will need a ready-made model, "in the image and likeness" of which the Viking sword will then be cast. In this case, an ordinary cheap Chinese plastic toy is used as a prototype, which will first need to be divided into two halves.

A wooden flask is required for a sand and liquid glass molding mixture into which molten aluminum will be poured. You can do it yourself - for this you need boards of a suitable size, from which a rectangular box without a bottom is made. You can use nails or self-tapping screws as fasteners.

The main stages of work

Quartz sand is required to prepare the sand. In contrast to the river, its granules have sharp edges, which has a positive effect on the strength of the form. You also need to prepare liquid glass and a suitable container for mixing. When adding liquid glass to the sand, the main thing is not to overdo it. You need to add it in small portions, stirring the solution until a homogeneous wet mass.

Ideally, the Viking sword model should be divided into two halves: one is laid on a flat surface and compacted with sand on top, after which it is turned over and joined with the other half (for example, using double-sided tape). Then it is covered with the second part of the investment ring and also rammed with sand.

If it is not possible to divide the toy sword in half, then you can go the other way - the model will have to be pressed into the already compacted sand, after which it is covered with the second part of the investment ring and covered with sand. In order for the molding mixture to become solid, it must be "blown" with carbon dioxide. Then the surface is dusted with talcum powder.

Aluminum casting process

After drying (about 12-15 hours), the finished mold is disassembled and holes are drilled for the sprues. Then you need to melt the aluminum and pour the mass into the sprues, starting from the narrow part - the blade of the sword. This is followed by the stage of mechanical processing, during which all sagging and irregularities on the surface are removed. At the last stage, a layer of copper is electrolytically applied to the handle.

Greetings to those who like to work with metal. I bring to your attention the instructions for casting aluminum on sand. In this way, you can cast various parts and other parts for homemade products. The author decided to cast a sword from aluminum as an example, which is a rather difficult option.

It is better to take quartz sand for pouring, it molds perfectly, unlike ordinary river sand. Despite the fact that the author bought quartz sand, they sold him river sand, nevertheless, even with him it turned out to cast a sword. For high-quality casting, the sand must be fine. Well, let's take a closer look at how this is all done?

Materials and tools used by the author:

List of materials:
- river sand (it is better to take quartz sand);
- source of aluminum;
- wooden boards;
- self-tapping screws;
- copper sulfate, battery electrolyte, distilled water and copper wire (for copper plating);
- talc;
- carbon dioxide;
- sulfuric ointment (to make the pen black).

Tool list:
- hacksaw;
- forging furnace;
- screwdriver;
- grinder;
- vice;
- power supply unit (for copper plating);
- gas-burner.

The process of making homemade products:

Step one. Casting mold
We are starting to make a mold for casting. It is made of boards, and consists of two halves. We collect two forms using self-tapping screws. You should have two identical frames. They need to connect to each other and center. For this, the author equipped a special wedge-shaped mechanism made of wood.

Step two. Filling out the forms
When the forms are ready, you need to fill them with sand. The part to be produced will be in the middle, that is, between the two parts of the mold. We take our sand and stir it with water. The mass should be wet, but not flowing, it should be molded. If you blow carbon dioxide on the correct solution, it should solidify.

The solution can be laid, we fill in the first form first. The sand needs to be tamped, put it in layers. As soon as this is finished, you can place the copied object, in our case it is a plastic sword. We lay down the sword, press it a little and tamp it in a circle with sand. When everything is ready, pour talcum powder on top, this will allow you to separate the two halves later. That's all, after that we install the upper part and fill up the sand, not forgetting to tamp it well again.

Step three. Separating the halves
The author did not manage to separate the two halves the first time, since the sand was not what was required. As a result, the upper part had to be filled up again, and after that the author left it to dry for 15 hours. Then, again blowing all over with carbon dioxide, the halves were neatly disassembled.

After the sword is removed, sprues can be made. Our product is quite large, so you need to make more sprues, you can cut off the excess. We carefully drill the sprues with a drill. We make grooves from the holes so that aluminum enters the mold. That's all, now we reassemble the shape back.

Step four. Pouring aluminum
We start melting aluminum, for this we need a furnace. Such stoves are made of gypsum, but such structures do not last long. It is best to make such a furnace out of kiln refractory clay, such a design will last for more than a year.

Having melted the required volume of aluminum, it can be poured. Fill from the part where aluminum is needed the most. Ideally, the aluminum should then exit through another sprue at the other edge. If this happens, then the product is cast. But the author decided to pour aluminum into all other sprues for reliability. In any case, cutting off the excess will be very simple.

Step five. Mechanical restoration
After casting, there will be many defects on the product, they need to be cut off. First of all, we cut off the sprues, this can be easily done using a grinder. Well, then, in the same way, we cut off all other casting defects. Once this is done, we make a finer grinding with a grinding disc. You can use the flap disc attachment on the grinder. If desired, the blade itself can be polished to a shine, but we will copper the handle.

Step six. Copper the handle
To copper the handle, we need a constant current power supply, some craftsmen even use phone chargers, but with such a power supply, the coating will grow very slowly. Before immersing the sword in the solution, we clean it with "Mole" or caustic soda, like the author.

We also need to make an electrolyte, for this we take 3 liters of distilled water and pour a kilogram of copper sulfate there, and also pour a liter of automotive electrolyte. That's all, the solution is ready, we immerse the sword in it with the part that needs to be copper. We fix the sword, the author screws it to the board, which is clamped in a vice. Copper will still need to be immersed in the container, the author has adapted copper wire for this. The wire must not come into contact with the sword, otherwise a short circuit will occur!

That's all, it remains to connect the power supply. We connect a minus to the product, and a plus to copper. It remains only to wait for the copper coating to grow on the sword.

Step seven. Finishing touches
When everything is ready, we clean off the copper from those areas where it is not needed with a drill, as well as my product. You need to wash well, under running water.

According to the idea, the pen should be dark in color, to make it such, you will need sulfuric ointment, which can be bought at the pharmacy. After applying it to a copper plating, the copper will begin to darken immediately. To speed up this process, the author warms up the handle with a gas burner, it is not necessary to heat much.

Once upon a time, a good sword or dagger was not only an item denoting the status of the wearer. The life of its owner often depended on the quality of the blade. Nowadays edged weapons perform rather a decorative function, but many want to know how to make a blade.

A handmade sword can be an excellent interior decoration and pride of its owner.

A simple way to make a sword at home

To make a blade at home, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • sheet steel with a thickness of about 5 mm;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • electric emery.

The contour of the template is outlined with a marker on the forging and cut out on the roughing wheel.

The work begins with a sketch of the future sword on paper. After that, the contours of the blade are transferred to the metal, taking into account the machining allowances.

  1. Holes are drilled along the drawn contour in the corners with a drill if the shape of the sword is complex enough. This will make it easier to cut the contour with the grinder. Make holes for attaching the handle.
  2. Cut the workpiece along the contour on the metal. In the absence of a grinder, this operation can be performed with a chisel and hammer.
  3. Further processing is carried out on an emery or a file: excess metal should be removed, giving the product the shape of a sword, thickened towards the center and thin at the cutting edges. The relief on the blade in the form of valleys or other details is performed with the same tools.
  4. The blade is tempered and released. The process is described below, in a more complex way of making weapons with your own hands.

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How to forge a blade with your own hands?

To obtain the desired thickness, align the plane of the blade by moving it back and forth in a circle.

Forging involves the formation of a metal product by striking a red-hot material, which, due to exposure to high temperatures, becomes ductile and soft. To make a sword by forging, you will need:

  • low-carbon steel (bar or strip);
  • hammer;
  • anvil and forge.

If you start to forge from a bar, then the first step is to hammer it into a square or rectangle along its entire length. Then, from this workpiece, a strip is accelerated, the thickness of which corresponds to the thickness of the intended product, plus the excess, which will be removed during further processing.

It is necessary to try not to cool the metal too much, since its inevitable bending during forging is best straightened before the next heating of the workpiece.

The allowance along the butt is grinded together with the debris and leveled against the side surface of the circle.

From the end of the strip, a distance recedes, which will be slightly less than the required length of the handle, given that when this part is thinned, it will lengthen. The workpiece is heated up to the red light of the metal and the shank is cut. To do this, at the desired distance on the edge of the anvil or on the pad tool with the sharp end of the hammer, a "step" is formed - the shoulders of the blade body. The thinner part is called the shank. Pull the shank taper.

The body of the blade is given the desired outline. Downs from the middle to the edges can be formed on emery or forged by striking at a strictly defined angle from the edges to the center of the strip. To maintain a constant position of the hammer during forging, the elbow of the carver pressed to the body will help. So the blows will be applied strictly vertically, and the inclination of the striker to the plane of the anvil is controlled by fixing the brush in a certain position. The dales on the blade are traditionally forged using a template.

Dross particles, remaining on the metal, make its surface uneven, covered with dents of different depths. To remove scale during the forging process, the hammer and anvil are periodically moistened with water.

The bottom of the blade is satin-finished along the entire length, then the transverse line of the heel is processed.

After the final finishing of the blade, it is annealed to eliminate internal stresses: it is heated to a red color and left to cool in the furnace. Then they start hardening:

  1. The blade is heated to a barely noticeable red glow as evenly and slowly as possible. The air flow from the blast must not enter the product. At the quenching temperature, it is kept for some time, which is calculated by a coefficient of 0.2 of the heating time.
  2. A large volume of cold water is needed to quickly cool a heated blade. It is immersed in a container vertically or at an angle completely.
  3. A portion of the blade is cleaned to a shine and the blade is placed back in the forge for tempering after quenching. Heating is carried out until the stripped area acquires a golden color. The sword is air-cooled.

We make it today from scrap materials. To get the weapon of your dreams, you just need a lot of free time and a bit of perseverance.

DIY lightsaber

From childhood, each of us remembers the phrase that a real Jedi sword must be made by hand. Indeed, why not feel like a real Jedi, holding a legendary weapon in your hands.

The Jedi's dueling tool consists of a hilt and a glowing blade. At the heart of such a sword is a transparent tube (PVC or polycarbonate). An LED strip is inserted into it, which is fixed on a special rod. It creates the illusory glow characteristic of this type of weapon. In order for the blade to glow, the LEDs are connected to the power supply - you can make it yourself or "borrow" it from an ordinary flashlight. When choosing such a block, take into account its size - it must fit into the handle.

If you want to have a weapon not only with light, but also with a characteristic sound, try making it on Arduino (special board, batteries, mini-processor and mp3-player). This is a fairly high-tech filling that will give your product the maximum similarity to the original diy. Particular attention should also be paid to the hilt of the sword - it is the hallmark of every hero of the star saga. For example, Count Dooku has a special crescent shape. But the weapon of the main villain Darth Vader does not stand out in anything special - the usual straight line, but with horizontal notches for ease of use (this is evidenced by more than twenty years of the history of the sword). But the guard of the weapon of Kyle Ren served both as a decoration for a sword and as a ventilation.

When arranging a light weapon, make sure that it not only matches the chosen Star Wars hero as much as possible, but also has strong and durable connections. To do this, sink the polycarbonate tube into the handle by 5-10 cm.

How to make a paper sword with your own hands?

For theatrical performances or children's matinees, weapons can be made out of paper. True, the usual will not work here - it is better to buy a Whatman paper or cardboard. But even the thickest paper folded in two layers will bend, which means that your sword will look completely unnatural. Therefore, the strip of the material you have chosen should be of such a size that it can be folded with an accordion in 7-10 layers (each of them needs to be glued with PVA). This is the only way to make an excellent blade out of paper - all that remains is to attach the guard and the handle to it. A paper sword can also be made according to a pattern, but its assembly will be more complex and multi-stage than in the version presented by us.

You can also make a blade using the origami technique. By repeatedly bending a sheet of paper according to the drawn pattern, you will definitely get a very beautiful sword. However, it is worth considering that it has a purely decorative purpose.

DIY wooden sword

Unlike paper options, wood blades are quite suitable for both training battles and friendly battles. Before proceeding with the manufacture of such weapons, it is worth considering that correct drawings are simply necessary for it. This is primarily necessary so that your work is conscious, and you can accurately imagine the end result. In addition, with the help of a drawing, you can break down all preparations into successive stages.

To make a wooden blade, you will need a wooden bar from which the blade is cut. Use a jigsaw and wood chisels to shape it to the desired shape. You can also apply different patterns to the blade if you like.

The handle of the sword should also be carved out of wood - it can be either a one-piece structure or a prefabricated one. The material for the handle can be the same wooden beam, sharpened in a special way. You can also add a beautiful plywood guard in the form of wings or simply carved from a thin board. Whichever option you choose, remember that wood is a specific material that is in dire need of grinding (otherwise, you cannot avoid splinters).

How to make a sword from iron with your own hands?

You can easily make a solid combat sword from a spring, having processed it properly on an anvil. Of course, forging remains the ideal option for making a blade to this day, but this method is not always available. But if you have the opportunity to forge a sword yourself - do not even hesitate. A blade made in this way is incredibly reliable and durable, and certainly won't let you down at the most inopportune moment. However, it is worth noting that such edged weapons have a rather impressive weight and their use is available only to real masters. For beginners, there is a lighter alternative - an aluminum blade.

You can also make miniature copies of famous swords from a nail or from a file. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to duel with such blades, but they can serve both instead of a regular knife and as a training base.

Types of swords and features of their making with your own hands: a brief overview of the sword of heroes and other heroes

Each blade has its own characteristics that make it part of the hero image. The pirate's sword has a wide blade, sharpened on one side (falchion or flamberg), which is convenient to inflict lacerated and chopped wounds when boarding. In addition, the sword was also a pirate weapon - it was used during close combat.

Strange, but weapons can sometimes create. An example is the so-called Kolesov sword, which is intended for planting a forest. However, it would be a stretch to call it a "weapon".

But back to the types of swords that are widely represented in popular games. In Minecraft, a double-edged blade with a guard is most often used. Similar forms of weapons and in "The Witcher", however, there you can also find elven models with one-sided sharpening and a forbidden sword with a blade of a special shape.

From time immemorial, the gladius, a short Roman sword, whose center of gravity is shifted due to a counterweight on the handle, has earned honor among connoisseurs of weapons since time immemorial. It was also recreated in games along with the titanium weapon (a blade with a very wide blade).

If you want to recreate the Slavic swords that were used by epic heroes - be prepared for the fact that a weapon forged from iron with a heavy double-edged blade will not even be so easy to move - with an average length of 80 cm, it can weigh up to 10 kg. By the way, the weapon of the Spartans was up to 60 cm and weighed 1.5 kg, which can be considered a very illustrative example.

Also, if you have the skill, you can try to build the Corvo sword, which, although it consists of thin metal plates, has an excellent folding property.

DIY katana sword

The samurai katana sword is distinguished by a long, thin, slightly curved blade. Its blade is sharpened only on one side, which, however, does not reduce its lethality (which is very useful for a samurai). You can make it from a thin steel plate by sharpening and polishing it. Do not think that it will be easy - you will need two to three months of hard work to perfect the katana. Next, the blade should be hardened and polished again to a shine. But you don't have to bother with the handle - you just need to wrap it with ordinary lace or twine.

DIY sword for a child

For a child, you can make a sword from absolutely any material except iron. Even for a teenager, a metal sword is a potentially dangerous toy that can injure yourself or someone else. Lightsabers are great for kids, but they don't have to be as close to the original as possible. For this type of weapon, it is enough to take two PVC pipes and an LED strip and just decorate the unsightly details. But you should not do a chain laser sword for a child with your own hands - you will kill a lot of time, and a child can break all the bells and whistles like Arduino in no time.

A toy wooden or paper sword will appeal to schoolchildren who like to arrange comic duels. However, when handing your child even a toy blade made of wood, do not forget to talk to him about the rules of safe handling.

DIY sword scabbard

The scabbard is a kind of cover for your weapon, from which the sheath of the handle peeps out. They should be made from wooden plates with an iron mouth and a tip, which are fastened with thin leather strips.

In general, making a sword with your own hands is a rather laborious process, but the result will certainly delight you.

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