How to protect a brick base from moisture. Protecting the basement of the foundation from moisture and water

The brick material is able to absorb moisture. During the construction of a brick basement, moisture in the soil is dangerous, so the question of the need to create waterproofing is very relevant. There are a number of methods for creating a basement protection from moisture, which are quite affordable for self-fulfillment.

The need for waterproofing

In most cases, circumstances develop in such a way that during the construction of the foundation it turns out that one cannot do without reliable protection of the house from moisture. The following factors force you to think about the need for waterproofing a brick base:

  • the location of groundwater on a high horizon;
  • construction is carried out in a lowland, which is associated with the risk of accumulation of precipitation;
  • the presence of a nearby reservoir;
  • rainy climate;
  • significant temperature fluctuations in winter;
  • The house has a basement.

Important: If the house is equipped with a basement, then the waterproofing device should be carried out more carefully. Only under the condition of a dry basement can it be used for its intended purpose without damaging the structure of the entire building.

Protecting the basement from moisture is a must, no matter how high the floor is and what it is intended for. As a result, the following goals are achieved:

  • the overhaul period increases and the operational life of the entire structure increases;
  • the development of fungi and mold is not allowed;
  • there is the possibility of year-round use of the premises located at the basement level in the basement.
Brick plinth needs waterproofing

The structure of the brick is characterized by hygroscopicity and a tendency to cracking. Without reliable protection of the surface of the material, moisture will move through the capillaries to the walls, where it will continue on its way, destroying the structure. In this case, favorable conditions arise for the development of mold, the fight against which, as a rule, does not give a positive effect. None of the facing materials is able to withstand the effects of microorganisms, so the interior will be irretrievably damaged. In addition, bacteria adversely affect human health, and make things and clothes unusable.

Options for protecting the plinth from moisture

In order to create a barrier to the movement of groundwater in the brickwork of the basement, vertical and horizontal waterproofing is used. The device of the first of them is made by applying the coating vertically, during the construction of the second, the material is laid horizontally. With their correct combination, the maximum effect of protective measures is achieved.

Moisture protection of a brick base

Horizontal protection

waterproofing material

To prevent the development of destructive processes from the effects of moisture on the basement, two layers of waterproofing are organized using roofing felts or roofing material. In this case, a characteristic mistake can be made: insulation is arranged before the start of laying the wall of the house, that is, it excludes the possibility of moisture penetrating into the wall, and the basement remains exposed to groundwater. In such conditions, it very quickly becomes unusable.

To prevent this from happening, you should not cut costs by saving materials. It is recommended that waterproofing work be carried out in two areas. The first of them is located at a height of 200 mm relative to the blind area, and the second - on top of the base.

Atmospheric precipitation is observed periodically, and the damage they cause is incomparable with the damage from ground moisture. Experts do not insist on the construction of waterproofing on the basement, but consider this event desirable.

blind area

Brick is a quality material

To exclude the possibility of moisture penetration into the brick basement, drainage is being constructed, followed by a blind area, which is located around the perimeter of the house. Its design should provide for a slight slope of the order of 2-3 °, directed from the house. The width of the blind area is 700-800 mm. It is desirable that this value be 200 mm larger than the eaves. This will prevent soil erosion in the immediate vicinity of the house.

During the construction of the blind area, increased requirements are placed on the place where it joins the plinth, since there is a high risk of cracking. This is due to the shrinkage of the blind area on the compacted soil. Suitable sealing materials based on urethane and thiokol.

Performing external waterproofing

Types of vertical insulation

It is advisable to arrange the waterproofing of the basement during the construction process. Otherwise, inconvenience and problems cannot be avoided when carrying out work in a building that is in operation.
Outside, the plinth necessarily requires the creation of protection against moisture.
A waterproof layer can be obtained using a coating, gluing, painting or penetrating waterproofing.


Creating a common waterproofing of the outer part of the foundation with a plinth is the best solution for creating a comprehensive protection. For this purpose, the use of liquid rubber or bitumen-polymer emulsion is recommended.

Liquid rubber is characterized by good adhesion to the surface made of any material. The result is a coating in the form of a monolith, excluding the formation of seams along the entire height. It penetrates into the cracks and pores of the brick and makes them waterproof. The high elastic qualities of the material do not allow the integrity of the coating to be violated even if cracks occur in the foundation.
If it is necessary to organize the protection of large areas, a spraying method is used, which requires the use of special equipment. In the case of small volumes of work carried out manually. This material is considered the best for waterproofing masonry.

Bitumen is a widely used material. The technology of its application consists in repeated application of the material to the treated surface. Such protection is effective when building on dry ground and will last a maximum of three years. It has a limited service life and after its expiration it cracks and fails. However, the use of bitumen can significantly reduce the cost of waterproofing construction. It can be applied both inside and outside.

If the economic side of the construction of waterproofing is not the main one, then the best option is to create a protective layer of liquid glass. This material retains its properties over time. The use of such a coating is best suited for construction on wet soils.

Defects in the form of swellings, delaminations or cracks caused by shrinkage may occur on the coating. To eliminate them, they resort to cutting, stripping and applying a new layer of a water-repellent mixture.

Waterproofing works


To create this type of waterproofing, materials supplied in rolls or in the form of sheets are used. These include stekloizol, hydroizol and a number of roofing materials, the application of which occurs by fusing.

Wall protection can be made with rolled roofing material. Its price differs little from the cost of bitumen, but the material has a fairly high reliability. The application of roofing material requires the creation of a flat and dry surface. Heated bitumen is laid in layers overlapping on the prepared surface.

The application of hot mixes implies the need to comply with a certain temperature regime. In case of overheating, the bitumen loses its viscosity, which causes breaks, cracks and swelling of the material.

Multilayer membranes can serve as a material for pasting waterproofing, the application of which is carried out without any difficulties. To do this, with the help of a burner, the insulator is heated and pressed against the wall surface of the brick base with force. After that, using a roller, the membrane is smoothed. The material is able to serve as a reliable protection against moisture and prevent the formation of cracks.

Violation of technology during surface preparation also leads to defects. In case of breaks and cracks, the place is cleaned, mastic is applied and a strip of rolled material is glued. In the presence of swelling, a cross-shaped incision is made, the water is removed, and the edges are again glued with mastic. A patch of the same material is mounted on top of this area. In case of punctures or breaks in the surface of the insulator, sealing takes place using overlays with a configuration corresponding to the shape of the damage.

Painting shop

This plinth waterproofing serves as a reliable protection against erosive processes, prevents surface chipping and prevents the formation of small cracks. The cost of the material and the ease of work on the protection device have made such protection against moisture very popular. A short service life is the main disadvantage of such compositions.

The technology of work includes careful preparation of the walls with mandatory subsequent drying. The presence of cracks, shells and seams is not allowed. Sealants are used to remove them. After that, an insulating material is applied in 2-6 layers.

At the joints and in the corners, it is necessary to use a reinforcing mesh or fabric. At the end of the preparatory phase, the surface is primed with a mastic with suitable properties. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out the whole complex of works, which is described above.

Careless preparatory work can lead to the formation of streaks, blisters, cracks. Wet surfaces can also cause them to appear. Elimination of defects is carried out by cleaning the damage and re-applying the selected coating.

Finished plinth

Penetrating waterproofing

Often there are situations when the basement room has been flooded. In these cases, the most effective way to waterproof a brick base is to use penetrating compounds. Due to their properties, these materials penetrate deep into the brick, where they crystallize, which prevents water from entering the pores.

The technology of applying a protective composition can be carried out by the following methods:

Injectable. Previously, to create a cut-off waterproofing, drilling is carried out over the entire surface area of ​​the holes in a checkerboard pattern. Their depth should be 2/3 of the masonry width, diameter - 25-32 mm, pitch - 250 mm. Then the mixture is introduced under pressure into the resulting cavities.

Plaid shirt. In this case, the top layer of masonry is removed by cutting, the seams are embroidered, followed by filling with material that is not subject to cracking. Next, the plaster is applied, which includes penetrating substances. Finally, penetrating waterproofing is applied according to the manufacturer's instructions.

The basement withstands the main load, like the foundation, so it is made thicker than the walls. The protruding part is under the negative influence of precipitation. Water, penetrating through concrete pores, accumulates and, freezing in the cold season, destroys the foundation. To prevent this, a basement tide is installed.

Ground floor

The basement is a kind of basement. The main difference is that part of the basement is located above the ground. The basement may vary in structure:

  1. Falling - the walls of the building protrude above the walls of the basement;
  2. Parallel - are on the same level;
  3. Speakers - the walls of the building are thinner than the walls of the basement.

In the latter version, the protruding part of the plinth is exposed to the negative effects of the weather. This leads to a violation of the appearance, the destruction of the basement and, which leads to the need for major repairs. To avoid fixed costs, it is necessary to install socle ebbs.

Types of basement ebbs

Protecting the top of the plinth is not only an important part in construction. A variety of materials and a large selection of colors allow you to choose a basement ebb for any design solution. Moreover, if the color can be chosen based on personal taste preferences, then the material is worth considering.

Socle ebbs are made of various materials, which allows you to choose the best option. In addition to ready-made options, you can make an ebb yourself from any moisture-proof materials. In this situation, you should pay attention to strength - fragile materials that are easy to damage will not work.

There are ebbs from the following materials:

  1. plastic;
  2. From galvanized steel;
  3. Made of aluminum or copper;
  4. Concrete;
  5. Clinker products.

Plastic ebbs will look good if the walls are finished. In this case, the color can be chosen as a contrast, and suitable in tone. Quality products have good water resistance, durable, have good resistance to climatic influences. Inexpensive models made of thin material can be fragile, so you should opt for thick, durable models. It must be borne in mind that the socle ebbs are located at the bottom.

Metal castings are in great demand. This is facilitated by a large range of products, and quality, and a large price range. The most inexpensive models are made of galvanized steel, the polymer-coated ebbs have the highest price. Metal ebbs are impact-resistant, the coating contributes to the safety in a very long period of time.

At the same time, great attention is paid to appearance. Aluminum sills are very light and durable products. They are increasingly preferred, as copper requires more care.

Installation of such ebbs is not difficult - it is enough to fix them on self-tapping screws. They should be installed overlapping each other, without cutting off the edges, to prevent ebbs from corrosion.

Concrete tides will favorably emphasize the appearance of a building made of brick or natural stone. They are made from cement grade M450, which is frost-resistant. For plasticity, plasticizers are added. Cement is poured into silicone molds, which allows you to give any desired shape. Installation of concrete ebbs is made in advance in the construction project. You can choose a color from those offered, pick up to order or paint with ordinary facade paint.

Clinker ebbs are expensive, but high-quality fixtures. They are used on buildings covered with clinker tiles. They need to be installed by professionals, as this requires attention and specific skills. The installation of these ebbs is also brought into the project in advance.

The choice of tide material for a wooden house requires more attention. For better protection of the foundation, metal tides are mainly used.

Sometimes they prefer wooden, impregnated with a water-repellent compound. It should be remembered that from time to time they should be processed again, otherwise they lose their protective function and can lead to the destruction of the foundation.

When choosing a tide, you should not pay too much attention to the price - a correctly selected and installed tide will quickly pay off by saving on repairing the basement and foundation. It is necessary to look first of all at durability, resistance to climatic changes and durability.

What coating to choose for a metal tide - powder or polymer?

When choosing a metallic sheen, the question may arise which coating to prefer. Metal castings need protection against corrosion, for this they are coated with zinc, but the polymer coating also has water-repellent properties.

When painting galvanized metal with paintwork, the effect of double protection and aesthetic appearance is achieved. In factories, coloring is carried out by powder method or polymers of various types. The galvanized part is always treated with oil. Before powder coating, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the part, which is usually not always done in the proper quality. For this reason, factory powder coating is inferior in quality to polymer coating.

Ebb with your own hands

It is not difficult to make an ebb on your own. After carrying out the preparatory work, including the preparation of the base, measurements of the horizontal surface are carried out. At least 5 cm are added to the width for bends. The measured strip of metal is located on a metal corner. With a rubberized mallet, bends are made with careful movements. It should be borne in mind that the upper limb should be shorter than the lower and bent upwards. The lower limb is turned down. In order not to spoil the decorative coating, you can put felt under the mallet.

Creating a low tide angle

When overlaying one ebb on another at the corner joint, an unsafe angle is obtained, which, moreover, can spoil the appearance of the house. To make a corner, you will need one ebb strip. You need to measure the width and mark the center.

From the center we set aside the width of the tide, make a mark. After that, from the mark to the center and along the center line, cut out a triangle. You need to make an incision on the bottom bend. On the opposite side of the center line, we cut only the upper limb. We connect the corners of the triangle, getting an even, beautiful angle.

We coat the joints with a sealing agent. For a more aesthetic appearance, you can attach a decorative strip to the joint with screws. You can use a falsetto lock, but this may require additional skills.

Installation of plastic or metal casting

The shape of the tide was not chosen by chance. The top fold allows you to easily fix the shelf to the wall, preventing water from entering the angle between the wall and the plinth. The lower fold directs moisture downwards, preventing the accumulation of precipitation. The shelf itself is angled, which also allows water and snow to roll down to the ground unhindered. At the same time, the tides should move away from the walls by no more than 5 cm.

Before installation, it is necessary to make sure that the wall is intact and that the plinth is level and level. All cracks must be sealed with a hermetic compound. If the horizontal surface is not level, it must be leveled. Otherwise, the tide will not fit snugly against the base, and water will penetrate into the foundation. After that, you must wait until all the solutions dry.

For a tighter fit of the ebbs, it is necessary to install slopes. To do this, pull the cord, aligning it strictly horizontally in level. The slopes are made from a thick solution, at an angle of 15 degrees, guided by the cord. Wait at least 24 hours for the solution to harden.

Before installing the tide, you need to lay a vibration-absorbing tape to soundproof during rain. The ebbs are mounted on metal screws to the rails or on the dowel - nails to the wall. The first option will help to avoid additional work when facing the walls. You also need to fix it in the middle of the width of the shelf, this will give more rigidity, help to avoid noise and separation of the ebb. The ebbs are overlapped by 3 cm. These places, as well as the joints with the wall, must be treated with a sealant. Corners can be made from the remnants of the material or buy ready-made overlays. The ebbs extending from the wall by more than 5 cm are additionally attached to the brackets.

With proper fastening of ebbs, their cost quickly pays off. The protected foundation does not need to be repaired, as it is not exposed to the damaging effects of the weather. At the same time, decorative remains much longer.

Methods for connecting ebbs to each other

There are several ways to fasten ebbs to each other:

  1. overlap;
  2. Seam method (falsetto - lock);
  3. Planck.

1. For overlapping it is necessary to lay the strips one on top of the other by at least 3 cm. For additional rigidity, they can be fastened with rivets; it is necessary to coat the joints with a hermetic compound.

2. When installing the ebb in a folded way watertightness can be guaranteed without the use of additional means. It is more difficult, but also more economical.

3. Plank connection- this is a more expensive way due to the use of additional decorating strips, but also more aesthetic and durable at the same time. It does not require the hassle of using a falsetto lock, while freely allowing the ebb material to expand and contract according to climatic conditions.

Drain fasteners for a log house without finishing

In the initial turn, it is necessary to make cuts in the lower crowns of the wall of the house to fix the ebb. At the same time, the angle of inclination of the shelf must be observed. A wooden block with a beveled top is fixed to the horizontal surface of the plinth. The angle of inclination must correspond to the angle of inclination of the tide. The upper limb of the ebb must be inserted into the cut. Fix the ebb directly to the bars.

The slope, like all adjacent wall crowns and the basement itself, must be treated with a composition that prevents rotting, burning and the occurrence of insects. Also, for additional protection, it is necessary to use a sealing compound.

Installation of concrete or tile ebb

It is more correct to mount these types of ebbs simultaneously with, since installation is difficult to fit. For fasteners, a special cement-based adhesive mixture for outdoor use is required. It is allowed to make such a mixture yourself from sand and cement. The cement mortar should have a thick consistency.

Installation starts from the corner. It is necessary to apply the adhesive solution to the ebb and tightly attach to the markings. After the solution dries, it is necessary to go through the joints and seams with a sealing compound. After the solution has completely dried, you can begin to clad the walls of the house.

It is important to remember that concrete sills are difficult to process, so they should be prepared strictly in size. Clinker can be cut with a special cutter.

Ebb for the base of the fence

If the fence is made of stone or brick, then it is also necessary to make a low tide on the base of the fence. For these materials, ebbs from natural stone, concrete or clinker ebbs are chosen. They are superimposed in the usual way, given some of the design features of the fence.

In addition to basement ebbs, it is necessary to install water-repellent caps on fence posts. If the caps are made of metal, then it is better to make the basement outflow from metal.

  1. When choosing, it is necessary to choose the material and color that best harmonizes with the walls. It must be remembered that the ebb will perform not only a protective, but also a decorative function.
  2. It should be noted that metal ebbs are suitable for almost all types of wall decoration. Wooden ones look favorably on log houses. Concrete fit to massive buildings with a large plinth. Clinker tiles favorably emphasize the corresponding wall decoration. Plastic ones are installed for walls finished with siding.
  3. Since some types of ebbs must be taken into account when designing a house, you must first select the material from which the ebbs will be made. If necessary, invite specialists.
  4. Before buying an ebb, you need to measure the basement. The width of the tide should be no more than 5 cm. During installation, it is necessary to maintain one angle of inclination along the entire length.
  5. For the right choice, it is necessary to take into account its protection from climatic conditions and the qualities you need.
  6. When finishing the walls with sandwich panels, the ebb must be fixed under the first panel. Due to this, moisture will be removed completely along the entire length of the facade.
  7. When calculating the required length of the shelf, it must be taken into account that the fact that the ebb is mounted with an overlap, therefore, when calculating the length, it must be taken with a margin. It is worth considering the design of the corners.
  8. If the walls of the building are made of wood, it is necessary to treat the plinth and walls with an antiseptic and a sealing compound.
  9. After installing the basement ebbs, it is necessary to mount the shelves for the windows, and only after that proceed with the decoration of the walls.
  10. Copper has good water-repellent properties, is resistant to corrosion, and over time looks even more expensive due to the noble plaque. At the same time, ebbs from it are quite expensive. Slopes made of aluminum are cheaper, lighter, and also resistant to corrosion. But due to the softness of the metal, scratches or dents can remain, which degrades the appearance.
  11. Slopes from the solution can be replaced, which needs to fill all the voids.
  12. Start the installation of the ebb should be from the corners and protruding elements of the foundation. Straight sections are mounted last.

From time to time, TV channels tell us how a whole house or part of it suddenly collapsed somewhere. We do not want to scare you, as idle TV people do. But let's say that there is no "suddenly" in the case of the destruction of the building. Any building starts with a foundation and rests on it. If it is not strong enough and moisture resistant, then the house will not stand for a long time. The most common reason for the destruction of the foundation is dampness, moisture, loose and water-saturated soil, heterogeneous soil, the beginning of the construction of a new house or road nearby. It just seems that the foundation is heavy and will withstand everything. No, it is, first of all, a mobile structure that is sensitive to any loads and changes in the environment. Polyurethane mastic will help protect the foundation from destruction.

How to understand that your foundation is in danger

There are several signs that will help identify the problem in the first stage. Usually, thin cracks, spots, mold on the walls inside the house, distortions of door and window structures appear on the foundation, then the exterior finish begins to collapse, the floor deforms, some parts of the building collapse, and the soil along the building collapses. If you notice cracks, then it is worth checking the stability of the base.

The most common problem in Russian latitudes is excess moisture. Usually, concrete is used for the foundation. It is a porous material capable of receiving some water. But if there is too much of it, then concrete can not cope. In addition, moisture can linger inside, freeze and thus destroy the material.

How to save the foundation

The easiest way is to take care of the strength and waterproofing of the foundation, to provide drainage and drainage along the building at the construction stage. The main thing is to make sure that water does not accumulate at the base of the house. If you don’t think about drainage at all, then after a few years the foundation of the house will begin to crack. This happens even with the highest quality materials.

Which waterproofing to choose

There are several basic types of waterproofing. To choose the best option for you, you need to understand what type of soil you are dealing with, how deep the groundwater runs, at what depth the foundation is located, what it is made of, what size the building is.

There is one easy way to check how deep the groundwater goes. In the spring or fall, dig small holes in the area where you plan to build your house. And look at the level of water in them. So you can determine how deep the foundation can be installed.

If you notice that there are a lot of marsh plants and sedges near the site, then the water is close.

We decided to arrange a basement or basement, which means that waterproofing is definitely needed.

Very often in such cases, vertical insulation is used together with bitumen-based roll materials. Another option is coating insulation. In this case, polymer compositions are applied to the surface of the foundation. Some recommend using both for maximum protection.

Polyurethane mastic or bitumen?

There are many types of waterproofing compounds on the market. With the development of the chemical industry, these products are becoming more and more perfect. If earlier it was possible to rely only on bitumen, now there are more durable alternatives to it.

What is the difference between bitumen and polyurethane mastic? Bitumen is one of the oldest building materials available and cheap. Polyurethane mastics appeared on the market not so long ago, but they are distinguished by strength and elasticity, which persists for many years. Bitumen loses these properties very quickly. Its strength lasts for several years, then the physical and chemical properties of the material weaken. Polyurethane mastics can last more than 40 years.

What to choose? If we are talking about large-scale work, then it is cheaper to use bitumen, for example, for the construction and repair of roads. Polyurethane is needed where we are faced with non-trivial tasks. For example, it is necessary to insulate the overpass, foundation, bypass, roof.

How polyurethane mastic interacts with the surface

Polyurethane mastics are easy to apply - with a roller, brush or spatula. The emulsion enters the pores of the concrete, squeezes air out of them and crystallizes. After application, the polymer forms a durable film, which, due to its physicochemical properties, repels moisture.

Polyurethane mastic from Chemtrast

Chemtrast has developed its own polyurethane mastic, which can be used not only for waterproofing foundations, but also for roofs, pools, reservoirs, basements, terraces, balconies, tunnels, as well as under screed and tiles, for repairing old bituminous insulation.

Chemtrast PUMA (1k) mastic is available for purchase in wholesale and retail volumes. If the surface for waterproofing is not so large, and you need to make minor repairs, then you can buy a liter or three-liter jar of mastic. You pay for the purchase through the online store on the company's website, then the product arrives at your home. You save your time on trips to hardware stores, markets and standing in lines.

You can also order the color of mastic that best matches the color of your home. In this case, the moisture resistance indicator will remain unchanged. High adhesion allows you to protect almost any surface from external influences.

How to work with polyurethane mastic

The concrete foundation on which you plan to apply the mastic must be clean, without gaps and cracks, without sharp joints. If you notice bubbles on the concrete, then its surface must be sanded and then cleaned of dust and dirt. It is also necessary to get rid of moisture on the foundation. The best time for work is a sunny, dry day with no precipitation.

How to check if the surface is dry enough? A few hours before applying the mastic, place a small piece of polyethylene on the surface of the concrete and check for condensation. If not, then you can start working.

For better adhesion, the company's specialists recommend applying a primer to the concrete - "Khimtrast Primer-PM (1k)". One coat of primer will be enough. An hour later, you can start applying the mastic. Before use, the material must be mixed with a mixer with a spiral nozzle.

Then take a roller or paint brush and apply the first layer of polyurethane mastic from top to bottom. The layer should not be thick, literally 1-2 millimeters. A day later, you can add a second layer of thicker mastic. To protect the surface from ultraviolet rays, use aliphatic mastic.

When you work with polyurethane mastic, follow safety precautions, work in a gas mask or protective mask, in special clothing that will cover all parts of your body.

After work, rinse all brushes with acetone, and store the mastic in a tightly closed container so that polymerization does not occur.

Chemtrast specialists are always ready to tell you which polymer is best suited for your purposes. Our warehouses can be found in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and Ufa.

All building structures are exposed to aggressive moisture. The greatest load falls on the foundation, because. it goes into the ground at least 1 meter. Atmospheric, flood, groundwater also destroys the basement that separates the base of the house from the walls. This part of the building is designed to protect load-bearing structures. The service life of the entire building depends on its resistance to external factors, therefore, careful waterproofing of the basement is necessary.

Protective measures can be carried out using various types of insulators. The choice depends on the materials from which the structure is built, operating conditions. It is important to take into account the level and degree of mineralization of groundwater. Chemicals dissolved in water provoke corrosion. Constantly affecting the foundation and basement, they cause unscheduled repairs, which leads to an increase in the cost of building maintenance.

Why waterproofing the basement from the inside and outside

For the construction of the foundation, special blocks (FBS) are most often used. They initially contain additives that protect the material from moisture. However, concrete itself has a porous structure, due to which it tends to absorb and pass water.

Residential building with basement

When moisture hits the surface of the structure, it quickly seeps in, then penetrates to the reinforcement and destroys the metal. In this case, the concrete is saturated with moisture, a chemical reaction occurs, leading to its loosening. A monolithic structure becomes even more porous, begins to crack and crumble.

The basement of the building is needed to slow down the destruction processes, but it is also exposed to moisture. The only way to prevent it is to take protective measures. Moreover, waterproofing of the basement is needed not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
If materials are chosen incorrectly or work is performed poorly, the operation of the building will turn into one never-ending repair. Hydro and thermal insulation of the basement is best done at the stage of building a house. If necessary, the activities are repeated. It is also desirable to equip the drainage system on the site, take care of the drainage of water from the building.

Ways to protect the base from moisture

There are horizontal and vertical basement waterproofing. The purpose of both protection methods is to prevent building materials from getting wet, capillary suction of water from the atmosphere, and cut off groundwater and flood waters. The difference lies only in the technology of applying materials.

Scheme: two ways to protect against moisture

Vertical waterproofing is equipped by applying insulators to the walls of the basement. It can be coating, gluing, impregnating materials. Horizontal waterproofing of the plinth is carried out by laying a water-repellent layer of rolled insulator.
For high-quality protection, both methods must be used. The joints of horizontal and vertical waterproofing are also carefully sealed to prevent moisture from entering through the seams. If the work is carried out qualitatively, the materials will last for many years.

Basement horizontal waterproofing device

For the arrangement of horizontal moisture protection, traditional materials are used - roofing felt, roofing material or euro roofing material. They are laid in two layers: about 20 cm from the blind area and on top of the basement structure. This method of arrangement involves a large consumption of material, but saving in this case is irrational.

It is not necessary to lay only one layer of insulation in front of the plinth, because. reliable protection against groundwater is no less important than isolation from precipitation. Rain and snow cause wetting of building structures less often than groundwater and capillary moisture.

Technologies of vertical moisture protection

Vertical protection involves the application of insulating materials from the outside to the basement walls. As insulators, bitumen-based mastics, liquid glass, painting, roll materials are used. Lots of options. When choosing, you should focus on the features of the building, needs, financial capabilities and plans of the owner of the house.

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Budget option - bituminous mastic. It perfectly protects structures, adheres to all types of bases. However, the insulator does not tolerate mechanical stress well and may crack at low temperatures.

A cheaper option is special hydrophobic varnishes, but they are less reliable. Roll materials will cost a little more and are not suitable for all operating conditions. In some cases, it makes sense to seek the advice of a specialist, because. developing a waterproofing project in complex geographical and geological conditions requires skills and experience.

For waterproofing a brick basement, you can use finishing with waterproof materials - artificial stone, mosaic, porcelain stoneware, siding. If the cladding is not planned, the walls of the basement are coated with liquid rubber, mastic, pasted over with rolled materials. A combination of several types of insulation gives a good result.

Vertical waterproofing

How to close cracks and cavities with your own hands

Waterproofing work begins with the preparation of surfaces. The first step is to close up the joints of blocks, cracks, cavities. To do this, use the usual cement mortar. The next stage is the priming of the entire structure, which is subject to waterproofing.

As a primer, you can use a ready-made primer of industrial production or make a solution yourself. For 10 liters of homemade primer, 200-300 g of bitumen and 10 liters of gasoline will be required. The solution must be used immediately after heating and mixing, because. it quickly thickens and loses its properties.

Sometimes, instead of a gasoline-bitumen mixture, ordinary resin is used. This is not the best choice, because after drying, the coating may burst at the slightest external influence. An excellent option is bituminous mastics. The primed surfaces become smooth, insulators adhere well to them.

Applying a primer to the plinth

What is needed for basement waterproofing

The ideal option for waterproofing the basement of the foundation is the use of combined materials. So, coating insulation perfectly complements pasting. Ruberoid, roofing felt or Aquaizol are heated and overlapped on a layer of bituminous material, pressed and air bubbles are removed from under the sheets.

If necessary, the basement can be insulated. For this, extruded polypropylene is suitable. Sheets of material are glued to liquid nails, and cold bridges at the joints are insulated with building foam. Next, it remains only to perform the outer cladding.

Rolled insulating material Aquaizol

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Features of the internal moisture protection of the base

The external waterproofing of the basement does not provide one hundred percent protection, therefore, it is necessary to process the walls from the inside. It is especially important to achieve reliable insulation of buildings built in areas with a high level of groundwater, as well as in houses where the basement is used as a utility room, garage, gym.

Materials for internal waterproofing should be such that they can later be mounted finishing - panels, tiles or plaster. The best option is penetrating compounds. They are easy to apply, do not change the surface of the bases and strengthen their structure, preventing shedding.

Penetrating waterproofing is deeply absorbed into wet concrete and crystallizes. The resulting hydrophobic compounds seal the pores of the material. A useful property of such compositions is that when moisture enters the crystals, they only become stronger and better clog microcracks.

Applying penetrating waterproofing agents is very easy. Concrete surfaces are abundantly moistened with water, after which the compositions are rubbed with a roller or brush. Dry concrete should be at least three days, regularly wetting it to achieve the best crystallization.

The disadvantage of penetrating waterproofing is one, but very significant. The compositions can only be used on concrete surfaces. They are not suitable for use with other materials. For walls made of bricks, stone, blocks, liquid rubber, membranes are used. When waterproofing surfaces, special attention is paid to seams and joints. They are additionally treated with the same insulators or pasted over with geomembranes.

Scheme of action of penetrating materials

After the completion of waterproofing and finishing work, a drainage pipe is laid. It should be below the level of the base. Where the structure is in contact with the ground, blind areas are equipped. They use concrete. Blinds are made around the entire perimeter of the building. The joints are sealed with mastic.

If the question is being decided how to treat the basement of the foundation from moisture, consider different types of materials for vertical, horizontal protection. They differ in structure and properties. Waterproofing is carried out along the outer and inner walls of the base of the house. In each of the cases, different technologies for protecting the structure are used.

Internal and external waterproofing of the basement - differences and features

With the help of moisture-resistant materials, the strength of the foundation of the house is increased. To improve the properties of the foundation, it is recommended to cover the inner and outer surfaces. The outer walls of the base of the object are more susceptible to the negative effects of precipitation. For this reason, special attention should be paid to these areas of the foundation. Vertical insulation is installed along the outer walls. The basement is protected from moisture using different types of such materials:

  • coating: bituminous mastics, polymer compositions, cement-based mixtures (combined);
  • coloring (waterproofing paints) - applied over a plastered wall, which means that other types of insulation should be laid inside the structure (between the foundation and the plaster layer);
  • pasting: roofing material, roofing felt.

Only roll materials are used as horizontal waterproofing. This is due to the fact that the coating analogs are not strong enough. Horizontal moisture-resistant coatings are used to protect residential premises from moisture penetrating from below: they are laid on the platforms between the foundation and the outer surface of the basement. Such works are part of the construction of the facility from scratch. If the building is already ready, laying horizontal insulation will not work.

Installation of moisture-resistant material outside the base of the house in most cases is carried out at the construction stage. However, if such a need arises, it is possible to isolate the foundation on the outside. For this purpose, a layer of plaster is removed, the rough surface is restored and waterproofing is installed, after which a fine finish is made. At the same time, a drainage system is being installed along the perimeter of the foundation.

Internal waterproofing can be performed both at the stage of building an object from scratch, and after construction is completed, during repair work. In this case, different types of materials are used: rolled, coating. Given that the negative impact of moisture and mechanical stress is less intense in the room, it is permissible to use coated insulation.

Penetrating waterproofing

This type of composition protects concrete structures from destruction. It is used at different stages of construction: during the construction of the foundation, as well as in cases where it is planned to carry out repair work to restore the foundation of the object. The walls of the basement of the house are protected by applying solutions with penetrating power. This activates the process of modifying the properties of the processed material.

Such formulations contain chemical additives. After they are applied to the surface, a moisture-proof layer is formed not outside, but inside the foundation. These solutions are able to penetrate to a depth of 12 cm relative to the outer surface of the base, where the active substances crystallize, closing the pores. As a result, concrete loses its adsorbing capacity and becomes water-repellent.

Penetrating compounds have many positive qualities:

  • the treated surface of the foundation does not lose its ability to "breathe";
  • increased resistance to low temperatures;
  • it is permissible to apply the solution to a wet structure;
  • no need for preliminary leveling of the foundation;
  • the base of the house is strengthened, since the reinforcing frame inside it does not corrode.

Concrete acquires such a property as water resistance after processing the entire surface or point injection (injection) into cracks or other leaks in the foundation structure. However, penetrating compounds should not be used as the main measure. They show high efficiency only along with the use of other types of insulation. So, it is permissible to use coating and gluing materials at the same time.

This type of coverage has limitations. Thus, penetrating compounds cannot be used for processing porous materials (foam and aerated concrete), since they are characterized by a larger pore size than classic concrete. The considered option of waterproofing is not recommended to be applied to brick walls. In this case, it may be ineffective. Penetrating insulation is not used to protect the foundation, which is built from concrete blocks (joints are weak points).

Roll adhesive waterproofing

Varieties of materials: based on bitumen, polymer compositions, synthetic coatings. Installation work is carried out according to a similar principle in each of the cases: first, insulation is laid, and overlapping strips are laid, coating insulation is used to mount it on the surface. This increases the reliability of the coating.

If it is necessary to protect the foundation from the negative effects of groundwater, it is recommended to use the installation option of a multi-layer coating. First, the concrete is treated with a penetrating compound. After that, with the help of liquid insulation, the roll material is attached. The steps are repeated a few more times. For the foundation, it is considered sufficient to apply 4-5 layers of waterproofing. This amount is enough to ensure the strength of the coating.

Coating waterproofing

Cement-polymer, bitumen and polymer-bitumen mixtures are popular. They process the basement of the house outside and inside. However, there are some limitations in use. So, on the outside of the foundation, it is preferable to use cement-based compositions with polymer additives. They are durable, moisture resistant, not affected by negative factors.

Bituminous and polymer-bituminous mastics are recommended to be used together with other types of materials if it is planned to apply them on the outside of the foundation. Such mixtures are inferior to analogues in terms of strength, resistance to mechanical damage. Inside, bituminous mastics are more often used. Before applying this type of waterproofing, the surface is prepared, cleaned, and primed.

How to protect a brick base from moisture?

If you plan to finish the foundation with brick, you should consider buying a more expensive material. So, there is a brick with improved characteristics - treated with impregnations that increase its strength and moisture resistance. However, you should be aware that this material requires additional protection in the form of a waterproofing coating if the question is how to protect the base from moisture.

The surface is cleaned and primed. Then coating insulation (any kind of it) is applied. Roll material is laid on top, roofing material is more often used. Then the steps are repeated 3-4 more times. In total, there should be up to 5 layers of insulation on the foundation surface.