How to install a Christmas tree. How to install a Christmas tree in an apartment without a stand

Since ancient times, the tree has been considered an integral attribute of the New Year. Bringing it into the house, we bring into it a piece of a fabulous mystery that will unfold before our eyes for two whole weeks. Therefore, the laborious processes of installing and decorating the forest beauty do not burden, but are pleasant pre-New Year's chores.

Of course, each of us wants the New Year's guest to delight us with her presence as long as possible. You can achieve this with a few little tricks.

An important role is played by the correct choice of the Christmas tree. Give your preference to a tree with resilient and well-bent branches. Do not be afraid to waste precious time, bend a few branches of the fir tree. If they break, then, most likely, this beauty "was taken from the forest" long ago, and this, in turn, can significantly spoil the holiday atmosphere in your home. The crackle of the branch when bent should also alert. Such a spruce will not suit you either.

Having chosen and bought a Christmas tree, carry it home with the top of your head back. In this position, it will not ruffle its lower branches and will not lose a large amount of needles. But it is necessary to bring the tree into the house with the top forward, so as not to accidentally damage or break it.

In no case should a sharp temperature drop be allowed. Your guest needs to adapt to the new place of residence. Keep it cool for a while, such as a balcony. And only after that invite to the room.

Now is the time to take care of the support for the tree. You can use a bucket filled with wet sand or water as it. Or you can refuse such fillers and wrap the tree trunk with a piece of cloth, which will have to be moistened periodically. But it is preferable to use a special tree stand with a water tank. This uncomplicated device will securely fix the tree and allow optimal moisture supply to the trunk.

The choice of the place for the tree is also very important. Make sure that there is no heat source nearby. Neighborhood with a fireplace, heater or radiator will adversely affect the needles, which will ruin the New Year's atmosphere in the house.

Before installing the tree, remove the branches at the base of the trunk. Don't forget to renovate your tree structure. This will allow moisture to quickly penetrate into the trunk of the New Year's beauty.

Now is the time to attach your green guest to the stand and fill the tank with water. Make sure that the tree frame is constantly in the water. After all, a felled tree loves to "drink". And the evaporation process will do its job.

To extend the life of a New Year's beauty, you can use traditional tips that have stood the test of time. So, the water that you will add to the tank must be defended so that chlorine evaporates from it. When updating a cut of a tree, it will not be superfluous to remove the bark from the bottom of its trunk at a distance of 10 centimeters, the cut itself should be made at an angle of 45 degrees. The exposed part of the trunk must be completely in the water.

These simple rules will extend your neighborhood with the forest beauty until the old New Year.

To celebrate the New Year, you need to create suitable atmosphere... And a real forest beauty will help with this. It is very important not only how the tree will be decorated, but also how it is installed. Of course, many people have artificial Christmas trees in their pantries and closets, which can be quickly assembled before the celebration and disassembled after it. But these plastic counterparts will never compare with the real smell of pine needles, with fluffy "spruce paws" and with the beauty of wildlife.

Purchase stand it is not difficult, they are sold not only in stores, but also at points where they sell the trees themselves. This method is not even worth mentioning, but you can assemble the stand yourself. Wooden crosspiece it is done easily and simply from two bars, which are sawn and fastened together. The tree is attached with long self-tapping screw, which is screwed into the crosspiece, and then into the tree trunk.

The easiest way that many people have used before is regular bucket... It filled up to the middle sand or gravel, then a Christmas tree was placed in the center, and the sides were compacted with the selected material until the tree acquired stability. But this method has a few drawbacks... For example, get sand in December in the city is not so easy (if you do not go to the hardware store for him). In addition, you most likely cannot avoid getting this very sand on the carpet and laminate. What to do in such a situation?

The most common ones will help to solve the problem. plastic bottles with a capacity of one and a half liters. Such "Modernized" way involves using water-filled bottles instead of sand. They placed around the perimeter inside the bucket, and a Christmas tree is placed in the middle. If the tree is unstable, then you need to stick small pieces of cloth between it and the bottles.

Having bought a living tree, I want to see it green and fresh long weeks, not days. But very often the tree begins to lose its needles right away. What is the reason? If you buy a tree that was stored in the cold, then do not rush to immediately bring it into a warm apartment. Let the spruce stand a little in the pantry or on the staircase, adapts to new temperatures... Only then can you bring it into the house.

All housewives know that flowers need to be cut. So they absorb water more actively and live longer. But the tree trunk also requires similar maintenance. Gently cut a thin piece of wood to provide the tree with a more active flow of useful fluid.

The water in which the tree will stand must contain antiseptic... Use the most common aspirin which prevents the development of bacteria. To nourish the forest beauty, dissolve in water a pinch of salt and dining room spoon Sahara... Such a "cocktail" will keep her life for many weeks.

The ancient doctrine of the correct arrangement of objects in the house allows you to distribute Chi energy in the right way and activate the desired side of life. Someone dreams of love, while someone else is more important than health, someone has problems with a career, and someone with finances. To be successful in the new year, put tree in the center of the room then you can strengthen all sides equally. And for those who know exactly what area needs special help, the Bagua net will come in handy. Arrange tree in the desired zone and look forward to changes in the new year.

We are all looking forward to the arrival of the New Year holidays. Every person since childhood associates the New Year with miracles, with the beginning of a new, unknown. But what a real New Year's holiday can be without a Christmas tree. Each of us independently determines. But after acquiring the coveted tree, the question arises: how to place it correctly so that it delights the eyes of family members for as long as possible and creates a unique holiday entourage.

There are simple, uncomplicated rules, following which you can prolong the life of a New Year tree for a long time.

  1. You should not immediately bring the tree into a warm house from frost. Better to give it some time for temperature acclimatization in a cool place.
  2. It is better to install a coniferous tree directly shortly before New Year's Eve, and until that time, store it in a cool place. For example, on the balcony of an apartment.
  3. It is necessary to put the tree at the maximum possible distance from the heating devices.
  4. We can distinguish two main ways of installing and fixing a Christmas tree: installation using a tripod; installation in a bucket of sand.

Let's take a closer look at the installation methods

  1. When placing the tree on a tripod, if necessary, cut the lower branches so that the distance from the saw cut to the nearest branches is at least 20 centimeters. If the tripod is metal, then the tree trunk must be fixed in it with clamping screws, and in their absence, with wooden wedges. If the tripod is wooden, then screws are used to strengthen the tree trunk.
  2. When placing a Christmas tree in a bucket of sand(without a stand), you must first clear the tree trunk from branches by 25 - 30 centimeters. The end of the trunk near the saw cut is cleared of bark, it is advisable to update the saw cut itself. After installing the tree, water is poured into the sand.

The water must first be prepared: 1 aspirin tablet and 3-4 tsp are used. sugar per 1 liter of water.

"The holiday comes to us", and along with it the New Year's troubles come.
Take care of purchasing a Christmas tree in advance.

1. Barrel... Arriving at the bazaar and pulling out from the heap of branches, cones and needles what you liked, you need to hit the butt (the lower part of the trunk, which was once a single whole with the hemp remaining in the forest) on the ground.
If, as a result of such an action, needles fell on the ground, then you can safely put this "miracle" in place.
If the test is successful, carefully inspect the barrel for mold, mildew and other impurities on it.
As a rule, trees for sale are cut on time, upon reaching the age of eight, and in this case, with a tree height of one and a half meters, the normal weight is five kilograms, and preferably all seven.
A very thin trunk is a sign of illness. In a healthy tree, the trunk should be at least 6 centimeters in girth, if it branches - it's okay, the tree looks even fluffier.

2. Needles. Fresh spruce has a bright green color. Lightly rub the needles between your fingers: if the tree is fresh, then you can feel a slight oily and fragrant smell of needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch, then something is wrong with the tree, most likely, it is frostbitten.

3. Branches. The tree should be fresh, dry in two to three days will begin to crumble. In a fresh tree, the branches are elastic, it is not easy to break them off, while in a dry tree they easily break off with a characteristic crackle. The branches should stretch upward.

4. Transportation of the tree. In order not to break off the branches on the way home, it is best to wrap the tree in burlap and tie it with rope. Bring the purchased Christmas tree home with the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not fray. When you bring the tree into the house, its top, on the contrary, should be in front.

5. Installation of the tree. If the tree was purchased in advance, then it is better to keep it in the cold before the onset of the holiday itself: by hanging it out the window or placing it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was bought directly on December 31, then it is impossible to immediately bring it into a warm room, install and decorate it: from such a temperature drop, the Christmas tree can get sick and die. If the frost outside is below -10 ° С, do not carry the tree directly into the apartment. Let it stand in the entrance for about 20 minutes to thaw.

Before installing the tree, you need to clean the bark from the trunk by 8-10 cm and peel it off with a sharp knife (to open fresh pores) under running water. You can also cut the top of the spruce obliquely, and anoint the fresh cut with Vishnevsky's ointment.

You can install the tree in different ways:

A bucket of sand. A bucket of clean, wet sand is ideal. A liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which a small amount of glycerin or gelatin is previously dissolved. Another option - like for garden flowers - an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. Some advise adding a small amount of a suitable liquid fertilizer along with the water. It is better to install a Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is closed by at least 20 centimeters. The sand should be watered after 1-2 days.

A container with water. At the time of installation, the water must be hot and contain acid - acetic or citric. The acidic medium can be replaced with effervescent aspirin tablets. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.

Barrel wrapping. The easiest option - but far from ideal: wrap the barrel at the cut point with a damp cloth, which must be periodically moistened. Then strengthen the tree in a crosspiece, on a stand or in some other way.

Spruce twigs can be sprayed from time to time from a spray bottle - thus the tree will retain its freshness longer.

Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without a Christmas tree. We look forward to the moment when we go for the most important decoration for the winter holiday. Holding the tree in our hands, we begin to think: how to preserve the aroma and freshness of the tree for a long time.

In order for the New Year's beauty to please you with its appearance for a long time, you must adhere to certain rules for its installation and use. Thanks to these tips, you will significantly extend the "life" of the New Year tree.

First of all, do not immediately bring the tree into a warm room. Especially if it's freezing outside. Place it in a cool place for several hours to allow the tree to undergo temperature acclimatization.

To fully experience the aroma of pine needles, install the tree on New Year's Eve. Until that time, it is best to store it on the balcony or in a cool room. But not in the cold!

Heat significantly reduces the freshness time of the tree, so it should be placed away from heaters and radiators.

There are several options for installing a Christmas tree. In any case, before placing a tree in a specific device, you need to perform the following actions. Cut the lower branches to expose the trunk by 20-30 centimeters. Remove additional bark. Be sure to update the saw cut by the tree, and cut it to the required shape.

The most common option for installing a Christmas tree is a tripod (cross). If it is made of wood, then it is necessary to additionally drive wedges near the trunk. Tighten the screws on the metal mount. Such actions will allow you to place the tree evenly and fix it in the device.

But the New Year's tree in the crosspiece will wither and crumble very quickly. Therefore, it is best to purchase models with a water compartment. Moisture will keep the needles juicy. And to make it convenient for you to add water to the container, tie a tube to the trunk and bring it to the upper branches of the spruce. Lower the lower end into the reservoir.

If it is not possible to buy such a tripod, then put its central part in a jar of water.

Or tie a strip of fabric to the trunk and dip the free end into water.

Often a Christmas tree is placed in a bucket of sand. This is a solid base, but the sand needs to be tamped well around the tree trunk. Then pour water over it well and periodically make sure that the moisture does not evaporate. Otherwise, the sand will dry out and the tree may become unstable.

When you install the Christmas tree correctly, it will delight you with its beauty throughout the New Year holidays. Happy New Year!

Perhaps, the main chores, in addition to preparing festive dishes, on New Year's Eve are created by a Christmas tree: to find, choose, buy, install and decorate so that it would be without unnecessary nerves and expenses, and the result turned out to be beautiful and safe ... Having reached the installation, many owners are alive forest beauties may face difficulties if the farm does not have a special stand. But with some ingenuity, dad can always find an alternative and still install a live Christmas tree at home.

How to do it?

If the tree is artificial, then there should not be any special problems with its installation: all such models are equipped with ready-made stands, which only need to be correctly assembled according to the instructions.

But what to do with a live one if there is no special device or it was, but it broke?

There are 3 most common ways to install a green beauty without a special stand:

  • in a bucket;
  • on a homemade crosspiece;
  • with additional fastening (if the tree is too high).

The most common method is a bucket of sand (or sand and gravel). However, you can get sand in winter only in a hardware store. Yes, and the process of such an installation cannot be called tidy - the sand will surely spill onto the carpet. But if you want the Christmas tree to stay alive as long as possible, it is wet sand that will come to the rescue.

The tree must be prepared in advance: update the cut of the trunk (how the stems of flowers are cut), cut off the lower branches so that 20 centimeters of the trunk fit into the bucket. Sometimes, in order for the tree to become more stable, it is necessary to thin out or shorten some branches at different heights.

Now you need to put the Christmas tree in a bucket, fill it with sand, compact it properly, making sure that the trunk is clearly vertical, and then pour the sand with water with the addition of an aspirin tablet.

If instead of a Christmas tree, a fluffy, branched pine tree was bought, for additional stability it is advisable to first fix the trunk in a bucket using gravel or stones, and then sprinkle it with sand.

Also, if there is no stand, plastic bottles filled with water can be used instead of sand. They are installed in a bucket in a circle, a tree trunk is placed in the center. For greater stability, the voids are filled with pieces of fabric.

If it was not possible to purchase a real, industrial stand, you can replace it by making a simple cross from two wooden bars, sawn in the middle and fastened together. To install a Christmas tree on it, you need to place it in the center of the cross, screw a long self-tapping screw first into the cross (from below), and then directly into the trunk.

If there is a financial opportunity, purchase a forest beauty already in a tub. It will be constantly alive, it will not crumble, it will last for several years. And you don't have to install it at all: it will be enough just to put the tub with the Christmas tree in the right place.

How to install a Christmas tree if there is a small child at home?

This situation radically changes the approach to the issue of the place and method of fixing a Christmas tree or pine.

To begin with, we need to clearly understand which concept we will adhere to: we will give the baby the opportunity to explore the world and get our personal life experience, closely following it, or we will try to protect as much as possible from possible injuries, because we do not have the opportunity to be there every second. Further actions will depend on this.

For the first option, the stability of the tree and the safety of toys for the baby are important. Therefore, the deepest bucket is chosen. If the parents settled on the option with a cross, then it is, if possible, fixed directly to the floor.

It makes sense to cut the lower branches.

Toys must be unbreakable: foam, plastic, textile, cardboard.

If the tree is quite high (more than one and a half meters), it becomes less stable, which means that it is easier for a small child to knock it over. In this case, it is advisable to additionally secure the Christmas tree by tying the trunk with ropes to a nearby support (curtain rails, heating pipes, etc.) or by fixing the ropes to the wall or ceiling.

The crumbling needles will need to be constantly collected so that the baby does not accidentally swallow them or get scratched.

If parents seek to prevent possible troubles from contact of the child with the tree, it should be out of his reach. That is, it can be placed on a table, chest of drawers or inside the arena.

As an extravagant option, you can suggest fixing the Christmas tree upside down under the ceiling. There, the baby will definitely not get her, but he will be able to admire as much as he wants. True, it is not so easy to fix and decorate a tree in this position.

New Year is perhaps the brightest and most grandiose holiday for every family. And nothing should darken him. A properly installed Christmas tree will eliminate the need to periodically raise and reinstall it, distracting from the celebration and losing its magical mood.