Disposal of fluorescent lamps: where to dispose of used devices. Disposal of fluorescent (mercury) lamps Where to put an energy-saving lamp

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps contain mercury and can therefore be harmful to the environment and human health if not disposed of correctly. To process waste, special treatment equipment is used, and the products are transported in trucks with appropriate markings. Disposal of energy-saving light bulbs is carried out by organizations with a license, but if they are not available, you can contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations, stores, etc.

What is the danger of fluorescent lamps for humans and the environment?

The greatest danger is mercury, which is contained in energy-saving lamps. The substance is a neurotoxin. When compiling the world classification of polluting compounds, mercury was classified as hazard class 1. Despite the relatively low content, the substance is capable of infecting a large area.

The Environmental Protection Agency reports that approximately 800 million mercury-containing lamps are improperly disposed of each year. 1 g of toxin can infect 0.8 hectares of water bodies and become a potential cause of mass death of fish and animals. On average, 800 million lamps contain 80 tons of mercury. This amount is enough to infect approximately 64 million hectares.

If lamps are not disposed of correctly, due to the mercury content, in 120-140 years, representatives of flora and fauna will die out in an area that can be compared in size to the Amazon River.

Mercury most often enters the body through evaporation. Poisoned air does not have a specific odor, so a person may not be aware of the cause of intoxication. Even at low concentrations, the substance has a destructive effect on the lungs, skin, eyes, urinary, immune, digestive and central nervous systems.

Depending on the concentration of mercury, intoxication can be mild (food poisoning), acute or chronic. Symptoms include headache, throat discomfort, muscle weakness, drooling, swollen and bleeding gums, nausea and vomiting. Patients complain of a metallic taste in the mouth. Additionally, poisoning may be accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, diarrhea, cough and chest pain.

With chronic poisoning, symptoms may subside, but the risk of developing associated abnormalities increases. Due to impaired functioning of the immune system, a person is more likely to become infected with infectious diseases. The chance of developing tuberculosis, hypertension and atherosclerosis increases. Mental abnormalities may occur. Patients complain of migraines, irritability, apathy, chronic fatigue and depression.

Why should you recycle fluorescent lamps?

Fluorescent lamps pose a threat to humans and animals. If the integrity of the latter is damaged, mercury from energy-efficient products enters the environment. This can happen even at the transportation stage, since there are no special transportation rules for the disposal of standard waste. As a result, the hazardous substance and its vapors end up in the soil, air and water. Molecules can travel long distances, so they gradually accumulate in the environment.

If the fluorescent lamp is damaged, metal may end up on the surface of plants or food debris. Drops may end up in the animal's stomach as a result of ingestion of food. Metal causes poisoning. Mercury is not digested, but can partially accumulate in the body, so the cycle repeats later. After the death of a poisoned animal or natural release from the body, mercury again enters plant food, soil, water, or directly into the gastrointestinal tract of another creature.

The toxin from mercury lamps can enter the human body. This happens not only when molecules circulate with water and air, but also when eating food. The highest concentration of mercury is observed in fish carcasses. This is the result of water pollution. With proper disposal, the penetration of molecules into the environment is excluded. Safety rules are observed at all stages of processing.

Where to donate energy-saving light bulbs?

Lamps from luminaires after their service life have expired can be returned to special places. Their addresses can be easily found on environmental information portals, local forums, administration websites, etc. However, in some cases, collection points and enterprises involved in transportation and disposal are located far away, which complicates the delivery of lamps.

Individuals can additionally contact the following organizations:

  1. A business that maintains local electrical lines. In most cases, organizations maintain optimal network conditions in several dozen or hundreds of locations. To dispose of lamps, contact your main energy supplier. Control over the destruction of mercury products is his responsibility. Sometimes an ecologist does this. However, a specialist does not always provide assistance for free.
  2. District or village administration. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation establishes that these bodies must control the disposal of hazardous waste. The administration is obliged to inform about the time and place of delivery of lamps. The waste will be transported using a special vehicle to the processing plant.
  3. UK or REU. If there are multi-storey buildings, the enterprises that service them must dispose of lamps and other household waste. The organization must enter into an agreement with the processing plant, so you can contact the employees of the management company or REU.
  4. Ministry of Emergency Situations. The district department does not recycle lamps, but must have an agreement with the recycling facility.
  5. Construction and hardware stores. Business owners are required to enter into an agreement with the recycling company. As a last resort, you can contact the store, but most often the request is refused. This is due to transportation and disposal costs.

Recycling technology

To recycle lamps, the organization must own special buildings for the safe storage of products. Before a license is issued, processing equipment and installations are checked. Before disposal, products are delivered in sealed packaging using special transport with appropriate markings.

Disposal methods

There are several disposal methods. In Russian cities, mechanical and mechanical-chemical methods are most common. In the process, mercury is intensively processed using cement dust. Once hardened, the toxin becomes harmless. The blocks can be thrown away or buried.

Modern approach

Modern factories use the following methods:

  1. Hydrometallurgical. Mercury is separated from other materials after washing with solutions.
  2. Thermal vacuum. After crushing, the lamps are heated under vacuum conditions. The vapors are collected in separate containers and frozen using liquid nitrogen.
  3. Vibropneumatic. The lamps are crushed to separate the materials. Then the phosphor, which contains mercury, is processed using temperature.

Different methods can be combined to increase efficiency.

The cost of recycling fluorescent lamps in some regions of Russia

The cost of disposal depends on the organization. Some businesses accept lamps for free because they are funded separately or are required to monitor recycling. The average cost of recycling a product is 15-20 rubles. For example, in Tyumen and Yaroslavl the price of processing is 15, in St. Petersburg – 20, and in Barnaul – 18 rubles.

Moscow has become one of the most environmentally friendly regions of Russia. And Muscovites can help her maintain this status. Read and watch how to sort your garbage yourself and where to dispose of hazardous waste on the Moscow 24 portal.

Recycling in Butovo

The fashion for separate waste collection has come to Russia quite recently: multi-colored trash cans for different types of waste are just beginning to appear on the streets. In the regions, not everyone knows and understands how it works and why it is important to sort it.

In Moscow, more attention is paid to this issue. This is also why the capital was in 7th place in the environmental rating of the country’s regions in the summer of 2017. It was published by the all-Russian public organization "Green Patrol".

For example, residents of the Northern and Southern Butovo districts united and created the “Our Butovo” community. Its active participants organize campaigns for separate waste collection and hold meetings with well-known environmental activists. In addition, neighbors help each other in everyday matters, inform each other about lost or found things, and simply share local news.

Where to take hazardous waste

If you care about the planet, you've probably encountered the fact that collection points for various types of waste are not so easy to find.

In 2015, Moscow authorities launched a map with the location of places where you can donate light bulbs, batteries, plastic and waste paper.

Light bulbs

Fluorescent lamps contain toxic chemicals. IKEA, for example, offers recycling services for light bulbs purchased in stores. You can also bring light bulbs to one of the Globus supermarkets or to the Kuskovo eco-school, an interactive environmental education center that deals with ecology and environmental protection issues.

LED bulbs are safe and can be recycled just like incandescent bulbs - pay attention to the packaging.

Photo: TASS/DPA/Julian Stratenschulte

Technology and electronics

Is your computer or landline phone broken? There is no need to take them to a landfill: this waste contains hazardous substances - mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, not to mention such valuable metals as gold, silver and platinum.

It is better to find an electronics recycling organization and even receive a symbolic monetary reward for this.

For more information on what to do with old or broken equipment, see the Moscow 24 portal.


The collection of unnecessary glass containers is carried out by the Ecoline company. Throughout Moscow you can find containers or offices of the organization. Glass bottles can also be brought to one of the collection points by activists - in the districts of Strogino, Ramenki, Nagorny, Brateevo and Tushino.

Ordinary lamps will probably soon disappear from people's lives, since they have long been replaced by energy-saving ones. They are more in demand because they save electricity and also provide more light. And they last for a longer period. But the lamps have the only drawback - they use materials in their manufacture that must be properly disposed of. It is advisable to hand them over to special points.


Considered a modern convenience. There are several types of products, each of which has its own characteristics of efficiency and light output. The most common are LEDs, as they are economical and durable, but also expensive.

Energy-saving lamps are called fluorescent lamps. They are easily used in classic bases. The consumption of such lamps is much less, since they are usually used in homes. Now in Russia almost only these products are produced, and conventional lighting is becoming less popular. The lamps provide soft and stable light.


Their cost is higher, but the payback is greater, since the service life is much longer. The products should not be used in homes where people who are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation live. There is mercury inside, and if there is damage, the vapors will escape into the atmosphere. When the expiration date has expired, it is necessary to dispose of energy-saving lamps, because they cannot be thrown into general trash.

Disposal rules

There is mercury inside the flask - a dangerous component. Not all manufacturers and buyers take this fact into account. But this can result in serious consequences. Now all organizations that use such lighting must have an agreement with suppliers. The document specifies the rules for handing over devices after the expiration date.

Not everyone properly disposes of energy-saving lamps, which leads to different consequences. This applies to organizations and consumers. Moreover, not every city has factories that perform this procedure.

Where are used products disposed of?

Unfortunately, there are no special collection points for such products in many even large cities. But there are enterprises that transport mercury and other substances. Of course, the services of such companies are paid. is also performed in a similar way, since they are harmful to health and the environment. In order not to cause serious consequences to nature, you need to follow a few simple tips.

The rules for disposal are as follows:

  • it is necessary to sort the garbage: you should not throw away energy-saving light bulbs along with other unnecessary things, it is better to put them in sealed bags;
  • It is also advisable to install special containers near the house where residents could put such unnecessary things: regularly, products should be taken to a collection point for energy-saving lamps;
  • if you don’t know where such an organization is located, then you can ask it through social networks, forums, and also inquire in stores;
  • According to the law, light bulbs and fragments from them must be accepted by institutions for the operation of premises, as well as repair and maintenance departments;
  • The IKEA store service center has a light bulb collection point.

Disposal involves sending products to factories, where they are disassembled and separated from the base and mercury. The phosphor is treated with special substances. And then they are covered with cement and sealed in a container. There is little mercury in such products, but if a lot of it accumulates in one area, this leads to air pollution.

Previously, Krypton-85 was used to make light bulbs, but it is more dangerous than mercury, which is why it was replaced. According to new developments, scientists propose using not mercury, but its alloys or amalgam. But you will still need to recycle energy-saving lamps.

If a light bulb breaks, what should you do?

Please note that mercury must be handled with care. If the light bulb is broken, you need to:

  • ventilate the room for a long time;
  • put on rubber gloves;
  • do not touch mercury with your hands;
  • carefully remove the fragments;
  • do not use a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner;
  • you need to use cardboard;
  • the fragments must be placed in a sealed bag;
  • it is necessary to wipe the place where the light bulb was broken;
  • the used rag should be thrown away;
  • The fragments must be taken to a collection point.

Disposal of mercury-containing lamps is a mandatory procedure, since the safety of people and nature depends on it.

Reception points

Disposal of energy-saving lamps in Moscow is carried out at the regional DEZ or REC, where there are special containers for this. This service is free. Organizations must submit them to other institutions. For example, you can contact NPP Ecotrom. The company is located at Varshavskoye Shosse, 93.

Since energy-saving lamps must be recycled, St. Petersburg also has collection points. Individuals and organizations should contact the State Unitary Enterprise "Ekostroy" at Volkhonskoye Shosse, 116/3.

Rules for storing light bulbs

Of course, it will not be possible to take every light bulb to a collection point for such products. It is best to build a place for this where energy-saving light sources will be stored. According to requirements, storage should be based on the following recommendations.

Each bulb must be in a cardboard container, and the bulbs are sorted by size. The room where the products are located must be ventilated. This place should not be accessible to people. If these rules are followed, then storage is considered correct. Responsibility is provided for non-compliance with these rules.

Since the storage and handling of such waste is enshrined in law, penalties are provided for violations. This is an administrative offense. For it, citizens have to pay 1 - 2 thousand rubles. Legal entities are subject to a fine of 100 - 250 thousand rubles. Officials are required to pay a fine of 10-30 thousand rubles. Other measures may be taken against entrepreneurs: deprivation of the right to engage in one or another activity. This is ordered only by the court, and no other organizations can accept the restriction of any rights.

Compliance with disposal rules ensures the safety of people and nature. Such lamps last much longer than conventional ones, which is why they are chosen by most organizations and home owners. The rules for use are simple, but do not forget that light bulbs contain mercury. Constant compliance with the rules will avoid many troubles.