Heightened sense of responsibility. How to get rid of the constant accuser within yourself? Psychology

The responsibility of employees in the process of performing their job duties is a very important point. Often, subordinates shift it to the management, arguing that this is a lack of authority. Although, in fact, this is an example of a standard avoidance of responsibility that is found in so many companies. How to teach subordinates to be more responsible?

In the master class "The path of a winner: managerial struggle" describes in detail the tricks of the employees that they use in relation to the leader. For example, a subordinate turns to his boss with the question of how to resolve a certain situation. The boss is in charge. Who is responsible for the outcome of resolving the situation? Of course, the leader is in the opinion of the subordinate. The employee is satisfied, the issue has been resolved, the discomfort has been eliminated. In case something goes wrong, who will be asked? Well, of course, from the one who proposed a solution to the problem.

How to teach subordinates to take responsibility for themselves? In a situation where the manager is considering an employee's question, he should not offer his own version, but directly ask:

- How would you answer this question?

If subordinates are provided with several alternatives, the manager should also not point to one of them. Better to clarify:

- Which answer of the three do you think is the best? Right. Why did you come to me? Do you want me to be responsible for this?

Another way to upset the tricks of the employee, as Vladimir Tarasov notes in his book, is to load him with responsibility. You need to motivate him so that he checks the assignment for you as conscientiously as if he did it for himself. To load with responsibility means to build in his picture of the world a technological chain linking the quality of his verification with the consequences that are inevitable and important for him personally. The attitude to trifles shows the degree of skill in business, life and other experience, the measure of a person's civilization.

A responsibility - an uncomfortable experience that can be observed not only in professional activities, but also in personal life. I always want to find someone who could make a decision for us, or even better - completely remove responsibility from us. Each person in his life plays the role of both a subordinate and a boss. The leader himself acts in some areas of life in the role of a subordinate, and, of course, knows about all the tricks of the game called "transfer of responsibility."

Alexander Fridman on the responsibility of subordinates

What is the responsibility of subordinates? There are people with different thresholds of responsibility - some have better developed this quality, some worse. People with a high level of awareness think over their actions, do not need confirmation of every step they take, and use their heads "as intended." Such people can be conventionally called "samurai". There is an opposite type - the so-called "rastamans". They are not able to control themselves, they do not want to and cannot answer for anything. There is also an intermediate type of people who in different situations behave both responsibly and irresponsibly, depending on what the external circumstances will be.

How to increase the external responsibility of employees? recommends adhering to these rules:

  • develop and implement a coordinate system (introduce rules, principles, even terms);
  • give employees the right to amend the design of this system;
  • set up a feedback channel between employees and the manager;
  • control the fulfillment of subordinate conditions of the coordinate system;
  • to encourage employees who work according to the rules of the system.

British entrepreneur Richard Branson said: “If you don’t know how to teach your subordinates to be independent, you need to give them freedom. Allow employees to come to work at any time, if a person needs a two-month vacation - give it! ". What did the businessman expect from people? Manifestation of the best qualities - responsibility, independence in conditions of freedom and the absence of "canons" in the workplace.
Can you agree with the British businessman? Only partly. Not all people placed in such conditions will show their best qualities. Only people with a high degree of internal responsibility will use the given freedom correctly. Others will see it as a favorable breeding ground for the implementation of their tasks, but not the goals of the company.

What's the secret to Branson's approach to work? It can be assumed that the selection of personnel is well established in his company, and people with a low threshold of responsibility are simply not hired. The second option - a person without strict selection is accepted into the company, given freedom, and then they watch how he manifests himself in the process of work. If you fail, they are fired. Failure to comply with such conditions would lead to the fact that Branson's company could simply become "a haven for lazy and well-fed cats."

Many Western companies preach rather tough principles that no one talks about, but they are well known, they are known by default. For example, if a person asks for a long vacation - yes, please, but first complete the tasks that you have to do. If you do not do it, you are fully responsible for it.

How to increase the independence of subordinates: down with irresponsibility

If you analyze the actions of employees in the company, you can determine the degree of their responsibility. Low rates will be in the presence of such signs:

1. Employees constantly and persistently perform a lot of meaningless, routine work.
2. There is no autonomy in actions: colleagues are additionally involved in tasks that can be performed by one person.
3. Responsibility for the results of work is not defined: it is transferred from one subordinate to another.
4. Employees are lack of initiative, lack of motivation.
5. There is a high degree of aggression in the team.

How else to increase the responsibility and independence of subordinates in the company? First of all, it is necessary to introduce changes in the corporate culture, to analyze the motivation system. This is a long individual work with all parts of the company - the system process should affect all segments of the organization.

It facilitates decision-making in the company when there are clear rules and instructions for business processes. All employees should be responsible, regardless of their position. The attention of the HR department includes, first of all, those departments in which there is low independence.

A step towards increasing the independence of subordinates is the rejection of the traditional management pyramid and the transition to decentralization. The company's employees are provided with new boundaries of opportunities. They take part in the discussion of issues, business processes, solving difficult work moments. Initiative, independent work is encouraged.

For example, in the company "Masterfiber" (Moscow), the question of how to increase the independence of employees is not raised. Subordinates are prohibited from referring to the management to solve the problem. There are clear rules: in relation to what issues subordinates rely on their own authority, and in what cases they need the approval of the management, and in writing. Yes, it’s an approval, but not a decision. In writing, the employee directs the problem and suggests options for resolving it. The manager examines the information provided, approves one of the options or asks to choose another.

Solving work problems for subordinates, the leader devalues ​​their work, turning the company's staff into a gray mass consisting of uninitiated, irresponsible performers.

If an employee is given the opportunity to resolve the issue on his own, he will feel more confident, treat his organization "like a business" and show responsibility in any work situations that require a correct and quick solution.

Sense of responsibility - an inner feeling of responsibility to be responsible and a willingness to be responsible for this or that.

A particular person's sense of responsibility may be in one area and absent (not expressed) in another. A person can be extremely responsible in his obligations to others and little responsible for his own health, his destiny and life. Look

A sense of responsibility is a sense of "I can" and "I must" fulfill my obligations, together with an internal responsibility to answer for the consequences of my actions.

For an active and positive person, this is, first of all, an attitude towards business, an understanding that agreements, obligations and duties - all this must be done, fulfilled. For an emotional and negative person - anxiety for possible failure and the experience of guilt in case of failure.

In any mood, a sense of responsibility is reliability, a person's willingness to honestly and diligently fulfill agreements and their obligations (willingness to carry what is supposed to), plus a willingness to pay for punctures. Willingness, if reasonably necessary, to take on difficult moments in life.

When they talk about a sense of responsibility, they usually mean social responsibility, a sense of social responsibility. - near, but this is different: this is an inner understanding that this matter needs to be done, and it is me who must do it.

A person with a developed sense of responsibility -.

A responsible position is more active than a sense of responsibility. It is a willingness and reasonable need to take on difficult moments.

A developed sense of responsibility is a sign of adulthood. Not willingness to bear anything serious and be responsible for anything is a sign. Avoiding carrying anything and responding for anything (paying) is a person with the position of a Dependent. Cm.

Sense of responsibility should not be confused with feeling. does not replace a sense of responsibility: once it interferes with business, but sometimes it is useful.

There is an old rule: the engineer who built the bridge stands under it while the first train goes. This is called “responsibility for the result”. The willingness to pay with life for the result is an indicator of a high degree of responsibility.

Responsibility is a powerful tool for changing the quality of life and an effective means of shaping the desired events in your life. Responsibility, as one of the most important social, can be developed, and in its absence -.

If you wish, you can instill a sense of responsibility in yourself. Look

A heightened sense of responsibility is a tendency to. A person with an undeveloped sense of responsibility is called irresponsible.

In difficult or unpleasant situations, people of a high level, people who are responsible, think about responsibility and take responsibility. People of a lower level of culture in these situations either, or seek, (throw off their aggression on him, relieve himself of responsibility).

Can you answer for your love? See Responsibility in love

How much, when and why take personal responsibility?

Taking personal responsibility means seeing yourself as the source of all actions in your life and their consequences.

Taking on all responsibility is as foolish as running away from responsibility or shifting all responsibility onto others. How to approach this wisely - look and

How to learn responsibility

Responsibility is a skill. It can be developed and nurtured both in yourself and in the people around you. Look - .

How to manage responsibility?

How to technically increase or decrease responsibility, how to delegate part of the responsibility to others - see

Consequences of a responsible and no position

Either you take responsibility, or you suffer and envy.

The inhibition of intellectual activity can lead to "... and a sense of increased responsibility. This is most noticeable when the results shown by the participants of any responsible competition, be it a sports game or an Olympiad in mathematics, before which the coach (teacher)" pumps up "the participants for a long time, explaining what happens if it fails. Each problem should have its own level and nature of motivation.

I had a chance to experience this law on myself. Once on the TV show "What? Where? When?", I passed the qualifying rounds brilliantly (this is not bragging, but the assessment given by the organizers of the selection). But as soon as I sat down at the gaming table, I was literally locked up. I considered it an annoying failure, especially since the game was still easy off the table - I clicked on any question. Again I sit down in a TV game - and again I brake hard. Exactly according to the saying popular in our game: "The probability of error is inversely proportional to the distance to the table."

This powerlessness in play has literally become an obsession. In the end, I decided that I had to leave the game. But then Andrey Kamorin and Sergey Tsarkov invited me to the newly created team. And I decided: I will play the last game. And in the latter, of course, responsibility is less: all the same, it will not affect the future fate. But when the score was 0: 3, sports anger accumulated - and in conditions when motivation was no longer pressing, the game finally started. The psychological vicious circle opened and I finally started playing at full strength.

High voltage in a neural network, like in an electrical one, breaks through insulation and creates dangerous closed circuits. To avoid breakdowns, it is advisable to prepare yourself in advance for actions under the pressure of motivational stress - to train in conditions, as they say, as close as possible to combat ones.

Latypov N.N., Guide to the convolutions. Intellect training, M., "Veche", 2010, p. 65.

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Feelings of guilt are an indicator that we did something wrong. But if you feel guilty after correcting your mistake or in general for other people's actions, then most likely you are suffering from unhealthy feelings of guilt.

site offers to deal with this problem.

How do you know if your guilt is unhealthy?

  • You feel guilty almost every day.
  • You often ask for forgiveness.
  • You feel guilty when someone else breaks the rules (talking on the phone at the cinema, being rude to the cashier, etc.).
  • If someone says that your job is bad, you think that you yourself are bad.
  • You are worried if they understood you correctly and what they thought of you.
  • In response to criticism, you seek excuses and cannot answer directly.
  • You always strive to “save the day,” even if you are not asked to.
  • You hide a lot and do not talk, so as not to offend the person.

Why is there an unhealthy sense of guilt?

1. Raising parents

Parents often, without realizing it, instill this painful feeling in their children. For example, they say: "Because of you, I had to blush at the meeting!", "Because of your music, I got a headache!" Unfortunately, this is the most common reason that teaches a person to feel chronically guilty.

2. Perfectionism

As a child, we were praised for the A and the washed dishes, and scolded for torn jeans and a mess in the room. So it turns out that the installation is fixed in my head: if there is something wrong nearby, it means that I am wrong.

3. Hyperresponsibility

Everyone is responsible for their actions and attitude towards life - it is high time to understand. But if you feel responsible for the actions of your colleagues, relatives, or a bystander on the street, this is already abnormal.

Why is it difficult for us to get rid of our feelings of guilt?

How to get rid of unhealthy feelings of guilt?

  1. Try it find reasons your unhealthy feeling. Remember if your parents criticized you, think about why you need to take first place all the time. Understand that these reasons no longer have any effect on you in real life.
  2. Praise yourself... Take time each day to remember (or better write) your positive qualities and merits. If at work you spent the whole day communicating with a client, but he did not sign a contract, this is also a merit - you fulfilled your duties, besides, one more person will now know about your professional qualities.
  3. Don't compare yourself to others.... Remember: you don't need to be better than someone else, you need to be better than you were in the past.
  4. Stop saving all the "drowning", because you risk falling out of the boat yourself. Recognize that everyone is responsible for their own lives.
  5. Speak openly what you like and what you don't like. Unhealthy guilt is unspoken aggression directed at oneself.
  6. Try it write an official explanatory, why and for what you are guilty, what consequences it led to. Most likely, it will turn out to be illogical nonsense.
  7. Don't get hung up on mistakes learn from them.
  8. Don't try to please everyone. Be yourself.
  9. remember, that mistakes are not a crime... Mistakes are a lack of knowledge and experience that you will accumulate over time. Remember the following truths:
  • You are not to blame for the way your interlocutor reacts.... If he is angry with you, these are his feelings, and it is up to him to decide what to do with them.
  • It's not your fault that you don't know something... We are not born with a ready-made set of knowledge and skills, we acquire them throughout life.
  • It is not your fault that you are not able to do something.... You will learn everything if you want.
  • You are not to blame for the behavior and actions of other people.... Don't let anyone sit on your neck.
  • Your loved ones will not stop loving you... Love will not run away from one mistake.

Admit it, it happens like this: you walk like this, everything does not work out, you think that everything does not work out, not a damn thing will change, and if it does, then only for the worse. Because life is decay and all that. And why am I so unlucky, sometimes you think.

What is there - sometimes, you constantly think so. Do not remember when you felt calm and happy. When I was enjoying the moment. Because you are constantly in the race, you are always careful, you often expect a catch and trouble. You think that now something will certainly come flying from around the corner, it will collapse with your whole body, just hold on. It will certainly be so, you think and squat from expectation. It can't be all right. It just can't be. Something's going to happen. You constantly live in a state of "something is going to happen."

Sound familiar? Don't even tell, don't explain and don't make excuses, because I know the mood is familiar. Moreover, this is your permanent mood and state. Do you know why I know? Because she lived with him for a long time. And now I don't live.

Now I am divorced from him, with this alarming state. We categorically divorced, did not even divide the property, I just put it out the door. Without things and suitcases. And it, this state, took offense at me, said that it would never talk to me again, did not want to see me, turned around and left. It is not known where. And I did not invite another partner. Now I am happily living in other relationships. Do you know with whom? With a sense of responsibility.

Now I am happily living in other relationships. Do you know with whom? With a sense of responsibility.

Why is it important to have a sense of responsibility?

A sense of responsibility is what makes us happy, calm and confident. I calmed down a lot when I took responsibility for my life. When I realized that no one was to blame for my failures. Just me. When I once and for all realized for myself: my victories, successes and failures depend only on me. Nobody is responsible for my life. It has nothing to do with genes, education has nothing to do with it - it's all me. And huh, I exhaled. I calmed down, stopped worrying, thinking about tomorrow with apprehension. Because I gained faith in myself. I realized: tomorrow anything can happen, but I can handle it, I will mobilize, I will find a solution. Because this is my life. Because it's not external factors that make me unhappy. And I myself make myself happy. And this is a great feeling. A sense of responsibility is a sign of maturity, wealth and maturity. Please get one. It will help you.

I realized: tomorrow anything can happen, but I can handle it. Because this is my life. Because it's not external factors that make me unhappy. And I myself make myself happy.

I know what will make you calm and your life conscious

See what the power of responsibility is:

1. You yourself know your strengths and weaknesses

You are on "you" with you. You know where you can give up. And what, on the contrary, can lift you up. You are not relying on someone. You rely only on yourself. And that's why you are always calm. You will do less unreasonable stupidity. Because you know you can't dump the guilt of failure on someone. Only you are responsible for your life and your actions.

2. You recognize your real self

Finally, you will have a reason to stop, not run anywhere, sit down, close your eyes and dive into yourself. Finally, you will get to know the real yourself. You will learn how to calm yourself down, how to cheer yourself up if need be. You get to know yourself, damn it. And you will surprise yourself, you can be sure.

3. You will not make empty promises

First of all, myself. You will throw away these to-do lists that no one ever does. You will be honest with yourself. You will learn to do only what you really need and what brings you joy. And everything else - until better times. You will stop making promises to others. Because suddenly you will realize that you have grown up, that you are already an adult in order to deceive, that stupid excuses do not suit you. That a businesslike and smart girl is adorned with obligation. And if you cannot keep your word, you will not give it. This awareness comes to your home along with a sense of responsibility.

4. You will learn to make decisions

Finally, you will not look back at others when you need to make a decision. You will take your life into your own hands. Yes, I want it, you tell yourself. And you will calm down. Because you won't have to cheat and pretend. Because you yourself wanted it. Finally, you will start living your life and enjoy it.

5. You will have hobbies

And this is very important. As soon as you stop blaming someone and live your life, as soon as you pay attention to yourself, you will have your own hobbies. In which you dive headlong. And not because all your friends are addicted to it, not because it is fashionable, useful and important. And because (attention!) You yourself want it. Your life will become rich and interesting as soon as you understand that only you are responsible for your actions, words and thoughts.

6. You will learn to live consciously

Finally, you will understand what a conscious life is. And not from books you will understand, you will not hear at a lecture, but you yourself will understand it. Because, before you take a step, you stop and think: do you need this. Maybe you can easily do without this shaker and new belt? Do you need this wallet, because you have three hundred and fifty similar models at home?

7. You will learn to say no

And this is a very important skill. Sometimes this is more important than the ability to say "yes" :) You will outline your boundaries. And you will understand that this is not yours. You are not ready to sacrifice your time, waste your energy and your knowledge on what you do not need. You will also use other people's resources. Very deliberately and thoughtfully. Because you yourself will go through it.

8. You will learn to respect yourself

You will look for questions for answers in yourself. You and only you will be your teacher. You will not wait for advice from others. Because you yourself will learn to deal with your problems. You will not be confused by doubts. Because your decision will be final. Because you will understand that you accepted it. And that you could be wrong. It's okay to be wrong. And then draw conclusions.

When you learn to take responsibility for your life, then you will have the most important thing - self-esteem.

You will stop blaming others for your failures. You won't be looking for an excuse. You will stop worrying. Because you will understand that whatever is done is only your decision. And you can and have the right to control it. There will be no more "something went wrong" in your life. Because you will understand that there are no failures and mistakes. From everything, from everything that happens to you, you will make a lesson. And this was not a mistake, but an opportunity for growth and change.

I don't know what else to tell you so that you finally become an adult and take responsibility for yourself. Believe me, sooner or later you will grow to this. And then peace will come to your life.