When and how often can you change jobs? When to change your job Why change your job

Did it happen that you suddenly got tired of your old place of work? Do you want change? Do you want to do something different and from a different professional field?

If such thoughts come into your head, it means that the time has really come for change - dramatic changes in your life - it’s time to change your job. A passionate desire for change means that you are already mentally prepared for it, all that remains is to take this action, which for some reason begins to be hampered by emotions, perhaps even doubts as to whether you are doing the right thing.

Take courage not to be afraid of the unknown future, put aside your worries and fears, this is your life and you are not doing anything illegal. You shouldn’t worry about how your bosses at work will react, what your colleagues will think, what your friends will say. There is only one adviser in this matter - you yourself. Everyone with whom you communicate can only help in one thing - in bringing new information into your consciousness. For example, now they most likely will not be able to tell a similar story from their own life or heard from friends, but they most likely will not be able to give any practical advice. By the way, you won’t listen to other people’s advice yourself.

Time changes the rules of the game

How often you need to change jobs is up to you and no one else. Times change, morals change, and the fact that in the middle of the last century it was considered the norm to work at one enterprise for as long as possible is now perceived as an attribute of another era and is not of decisive importance.

Previously, it was important to gain continuous experience- it was reflected in retirement, encouraged by state policy, today there are different rules and priorities - nothing and no one obliges a modern person to work at one enterprise for decades. There is no negative attitude towards changing jobs; on the contrary, it is believed that in a new place a person works with greater diligence, and as a result, with greater productivity.

A change of job promises the employee new prospects, positive emotions from communicating with new people and increased wages.

Not all people know from childhood who they will be when they become adults; it happens that, already working, you suddenly realize that this place is not happy and, not that you can’t do it at all, you just want to do another job.

They say you can’t order your heart, this is true both in relationships between people and for the relationship between a person and his favorite business.
Everything said here is not advice to leave or stay, but information, so the situation is described in relatively detail and with answers to possible "Why?".

Do all people really need to change jobs? What for?

Of course, you can’t rush to extremes. If working in one single place was previously welcomed, this does not mean that now everyone must look for a new job with strict frequency.

If you are satisfied with everything, the working conditions, the salary, and the team, then it is illogical to look for a new place.
But when the existing job becomes an unbearable burden, it irritates, depresses, and then the desire to leave arises. When this happens, you will immediately feel it.

How often can you get a new job and why?

Everyone has their own reasons for changing jobs; they either arise or they don’t, so there is no correct answer to the question “How often” should you get a new job. If you are happy with everything at your current job, then there is no point in leaving; objective reasons are another matter, for example, those included in -

Professional burnout syndrome.

This accumulation of negative energy received in the process of professional activity concerns a wide range of professions and arises from many specific reasons, of which there are several dozen. Among them:

The need to communicate with people who are negative towards you;
unsuitable working conditions, lack of career growth, low salary;
daily unpredictability of work-related events;
chronic fatigue, emotional and physical exhaustion;
feeling of uselessness, apathy, indifference towards work;
irritability, constant feelings of anxiety, depression;
and many others - the list of reasons is very comprehensive.

If you think that you have reasons for changing jobs, then no one’s opinion matters if you are completely "became friends", then it doesn’t matter how long you’ve worked at it, if you think it’s necessary, leave.

For many people, it is difficult to work in one place for more than 3, maximum 5 years. By the way, according to psychologists, after approximately the same period of time, most people become tired of the routine monotony of work relationships - between the daily commute there and back, the team, the bosses, the work itself, lunch exercise - the resulting fatigue easily develops into stress. Some people cope with this condition, some don't.

On a note:
For a modern employer, a long-term job of an applicant in a previous place is not considered a positive quality; rather, on the contrary, he will prefer to employ a person who worked in his previous place for 3-4 years rather than 10 years.

Is it possible to work all your life at one job and remain an inquisitive and interesting person? Yes and no - it depends on what a particular person does and on his character. A person in a creative profession most often remains an interesting conversationalist all his life, because creativity is impossible without the development of the person himself, but there are a huge number of professions and positions where the professional range of activities is monotonous. Not all employees have the desire to work in such positions, and are not able to work for a long time.

Continuous performance of the same actions and functions in one place for a number of years creates in the employee a feeling of a peculiar situation arising around him. "warm little world", this is the so-called comfort zone, which dulls all aspirations and leads to social apathy.

Availability "warm little world" contributes to the fear of any novelty, reluctance to change, the person now no longer even thinks about changing jobs, even if the salary has ceased to be competitive. In economics there is a term - "stagnation" with meaning "stay", "not to develop", something similar happens to a person, although for him the conditions are more stringent - he cannot "stay"– it either develops or degrades, there is no middle position. The most striking example of such a situation is when, when talking with a person, it is difficult to find a topic for communication outside of his usual work. It may sound unpleasant, but that is our nature.

On a note:
Lack of desire for new knowledge is the path to depression. If a person has been “sitting” in one place for a very long time, a new employer may think: “Is everything okay with the candidate’s psyche?”, that's how things are these days.

Today, working in one place for a long time is not prestigious.

Doing the same work day after day, the employee loses initiative, the work becomes so familiar that it begins to seem tedious, possibly useless. The employee stops generating ideas; he and all his work activities move inertly at the pace gained in the first year after employment. This is how the employee becomes uncommunicative and withdraws into "in my own little world". Behavior when a person loses interest in communicating with others is called antisocial.

Thus, a generalized portrait of an applicant emerges that will be of interest to the employer, and of the two applicants for employment, the applicant with long experience in a previous place of work ends up at the end of the queue or is not noticed at all. This is how his antisocial image is perceived negatively.

How does a person feel when changing jobs?

A change of job creates an outlet in the routine of family relationships and personal conflicts, which also happen, and the new job captivates, it satisfies the natural human desire to learn new things. By learning something new, you get fresh topics for conversation, including in your family, and you again become an interesting interlocutor.

At your new workplace, for the first time you will meet people, get comfortable, by the second year you will become an expert, and by the third year you will become a specialist in your field. During this period, as a rule, one feels a surge of strength and inspiration from work.

On a note:
Do not forget that applicants who have worked in their previous place for several weeks or months will also be uninteresting to the employer. It is generally accepted that for them, changing jobs is so commonplace that its importance becomes equal to the work itself, which means that such workers will be a burden. Even names have been invented for them - "flyers", "jumpers", "runners". If you are one of them, reduce your ardor, because one day they won’t even talk to you at all.

Job search time can be lengthy

A long search for a new job can be very frustrating, but you shouldn’t despair. According to statistics, an applicant finds his desired job after many months; he is in search for six months or more. Therefore, if you are looking for a job only for another month, do not despair, this is the norm, it happens very rarely otherwise. Just continue your search constantly, and not occasionally - the more effort you put in, the faster you will achieve the desired result.

You decide how often you need to change jobs, the main thing is to pay attention to your condition, because even a seemingly insignificant, but constant feeling of fatigue can be an important signal when you need to think about changes in your working life.

Try to keep up with the times. We don’t know the rules of the future, but we know that today the morals of the past no longer work; we know that now it is in the order of things not to hold on to a workplace in a company where you are not at all comfortable to be.

Many of us don't like change because it's scary. This is especially true for careers and work. The thought of being left without a livelihood and giving up what you devoted so much time to is not at all attractive. But it is also possible that you are devoting time to something that is not your business and it is not too late to change everything?

Review these five signs and decide whether a job change is worth it or whether you're where you need to be.

Time is passing sooooo slowly

You know that if you look at the clock every five minutes, time will not move any faster. But you can’t do anything about it and still cast your gaze there. If you have now read the description of your standard work day, there is only one correct option: get out of there as soon as you can. Spending countless hours doing something you don't like - what could be worse?

And vice versa, if you don’t understand where time flies and why it’s time for you to go home, then you’re in the wrong place. Knowing whether you love your job is not that difficult, and you can easily do it by paying attention to how time passes.

Monday = nightmare

Friday passes in anticipation of Saturday, Saturday is joy, Sunday is horror of the coming Monday. We all encounter this, but for some reason we still don’t understand that it shouldn’t be this way. If you manage to find a job that doesn't make you dread Monday, you'll win the jackpot!

You realize you can provide more value elsewhere

It's bad when you bring a lot of money to the company and little money for yourself. But it’s even worse when you don’t bring money to anyone, but just sit and read this article. In both cases, you will have to learn to value yourself and your time. Once this comes, the realization will come that it’s time to change your job, and perhaps your lifestyle as a whole.

You only work for money

Yes, of course, money rules the world, and we do almost everything in our lives to make it even more. But what happens if you value your work not for the money it brings, but for the benefits you provide, for the opportunity for self-development, for interesting employees? Wouldn't your life be better if you found a job like this? Answer this question and draw conclusions. Can you do this and make money at the same time?

You don't see the future

Look into the future and tell me how you feel? Do you feel excited about what's to come? Or, rather, you see monotonous and gray movement not in the direction you would like. If there is still no light at the end of the tunnel, then you should light it yourself. But the tunnel will have to be changed.

These signs, although they seem obvious at first glance, can still give you the answer to a very important question: are you in the right place? By answering it, you can decide for yourself whether you should leave everything as it is or change your life for the better. Or worse. You won't know until you try.

Do you love your job?

Autumn is the best time to change jobs, at least according to business coaches and other representatives of the motivational community. The holidays are over and there is a noticeable recovery in the market. An increase in employer activity is an expected September trend, which often plays into the hands of job seekers. The recruitment opens in almost all categories, as a result of which candidates can find and choose the most optimal offer. If they have certain qualifications, of course. But there is also an influx of candidates who decide to change jobs just after the summer vacation.

Personnel officers are cautiously preparing for the autumn surge: resumes, applications, and therefore the volume of their work increases significantly. Not only qualified specialists are applying for jobs, but also those who have graduated from universities, who have returned from seasonal work or, for example, a summer rural garden. Increased activity is observed not only among entrepreneurs and companies, but also in the job seeker field. So why then is autumn considered so favorable, and is it even worth pursuing employment in the fall? The answer is obvious: depending on who and where!

To whom and where?

It is believed that in the fall it is most difficult to get a job with low qualifications - in a low salary range. This is, in particular, trade, a number of blue-collar professions, housing and communal services, work in large supermarket chains, etc. Often such positions are vacated in the spring - workers prefer to spend the summer period, for example, in the country, in higher-paying seasonal agricultural work or in a resort area. In the summer, many vacancies are filled by schoolchildren and students, who begin studying in the fall and again vacate their positions. But seasonal workers return in the fall, and the behavior of employers in this case is very logical and expected: Preference is given to trusted, albeit former employees - those who have already proven themselves. Naturally, “newcomers” in this case will only be able to apply for new positions opened in new organizations.

Those vying for higher positions will also have to compete. In the fall, many specialists who have reached the peak of their careers in companies where they have worked for many years decide to change jobs. Plus, they are complemented by those who decide to radically change their occupation. There are several simple explanations for this. Firstly, they are preparing for spring, after all, it is after a fruitful autumn-winter period that managers are paid annual bonuses. And this is a very pleasant increase, sometimes exceeding a couple of monthly earnings. Secondly, before starting a job at a new company, it’s a good idea to have a good rest. Everything is logical, because at the new place of work it is unlikely that vacation will be given earlier than next summer. And besides, there will be a new surge in personnel activity no earlier than after the New Year holidays, and that is still too far away.

But all this creates an increased supply in the labor market. According to the laws of economics - the higher the offer, the cheaper it is, which does not play into the hands of applicants. While this may not affect the level of salaries, the demands of recruiters definitely increase. Everything is logical: having 20-30, or even 50 resumes on the table for one vacancy, HR officers justifiably increase the requirements for candidates, finding for themselves the most optimal offer according to the “price-quality” criterion. In the summer, for example, if there is an urgent need to fill personnel holes, HR can be much more lenient towards applicants, since there is not much to choose from. But this doesn’t happen in the fall; in the fall they always demand more, but try to offer less.

Not the best odds

Personnel officers do not deny that autumn is probably the hottest recruiting season for them. And this is caused not only by the influx of candidates for employment, but also by the activity of the companies themselves. They perceive autumn as a real “fishing season” - finding a decent specialist in September-October is much easier than ever. Plus, it helps you make plans for the future. Hiring a new employee allows management to “break in” him before the end of the year, and based on the results of this 3-month “test drive”, draw certain conclusions and make financial plans for the next year. Including taking into account the requirements for the selection of employees for the post-New Year period. None of them hides the fact that the autumn selection will be really tough and not everyone will be able to pass it. Therefore, you should not quit your old job before finding a replacement - the risk of fiasco is high.

The upcoming New Year's demand forces retail chains to increase their activity; for the same reasons, sales representative offices of manufacturing companies are recruiting agents and salespeople. To implement new digital projects, IT companies select personnel, and construction organizations open recruitment for future interior work. In general, experts talk about a certain cyclical nature of the Russian labor market, which is associated with many public holidays, New Year holidays, seasonality of recruiting, etc. For these reasons, it is the autumn period that becomes the most favorable and fruitful in the HR field, which gives rise to real paradoxes for the labor market: the number of open positions is increasing noticeably, but finding a job, on the contrary, is becoming more difficult.

And then, if you understand the situation, considering the structure of the movement of labor in the market, it turns out that not everything is changing that much. So, it is quite logical that vacancies appear not only because of new projects, but as a result of the dismissal of those who decided to change jobs. They, in turn, in most cases occupy open positions in competing firms or firms from a similar industry. It turns out to be a circle of market specialists. Well, the main indicators of the surge in activity are formed due to seasonal work and offers at a low salary scale and appropriate qualifications.

The main thing is not to rush!

It turns out that September-October is not the best period for searching and changing a job?! But what about those who have already decided to make changes in life and career, but have not yet received worthy offers? The main thing is don’t rush! You shouldn’t rush to quit, you shouldn’t rush to break business ties, and you shouldn’t rush to find a job either. Of course, looking for a new job while remaining at your current job is not the easiest task, especially for a full-time specialist. However, his chances of taking a more competitive place are much higher. The logic here is very clear: an unemployed job seeker sits at home and is unlikely to wait for a good offer, so he will agree to not the best offers, because he has nowhere to go. Anyone who searches while working, on the contrary, can count on a more loyal attitude and a pleasant offer. If an employer is interested in a working candidate, they will have to “outbid” him with good conditions.

An equally important principle of September recruiting is to try to reach all employers who have generated interest. It is not recommended to focus your job search exclusively on a narrow area of ​​your activity - pay attention to other sectors. If you work as a journalist in a newspaper, try yourself in television; as a legal consultant at an enterprise, try to get into a bank or, for example, a bar. Regardless of specialization, the larger the resume, the greater the chances of finding a new and interesting job.

If you are asked about your desired income level, don’t be afraid to ask for more.. It doesn’t matter where you are trying to get a job, even in a field about which you have a very mediocre understanding. Why? Otherwise, what is the point of changing jobs if your income level does not increase?!

It's time to change jobs

But the point is that sometimes there is, and it’s very serious. Sometimes we don't notice that the world around us is changing irreversibly. How do you understand that the time has come when it’s time to change jobs? We have identified 4 obvious signs, if at least one of them is present, something will have to be changed. So, you need to change jobs when:

  1. No time for personal life. Career, experience, financial status - this is certainly impressive. But what is the point in all this when there is nothing else besides work? Hardly any careerist dreams of belonging to himself only at breakfast or, for example, in the evening shower. A good salary, a respected position, the presence of subordinates - all this makes sense if it also leaves time for life.
  2. Lack of career growth. The situation is very common when experienced employees are not promoted in order to save a place for those who come “through patronage.” There are two options here - either ask for a promotion or leave. Everything is logical - promising specialists need promotion every 3-4 years.
  3. Work is no longer interesting. The best job is the one that is interesting.
  4. Low salary. Probably the most common reason for changing jobs. And if an interesting option comes up, feel free to move on, New Year’s holidays, corporate events and pleasant bonuses are ahead.

According to a 2017 study conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation, a quarter of Russians (25%) are dissatisfied with their jobs. 37% of workers are satisfied with the salary level; accordingly, more than half of the respondents are not satisfied with the level of remuneration. 9% of Russians have two jobs, another 2% have three. The research data is provided by Interfax.

If you're among the 25% who are unhappy with their job, it's probably time to look for a new job. In addition, experts believe that, in addition to general dissatisfaction, there are certain signals that indicate the need to change your place of activity and help you understand whether to change jobs if you are in doubt.

1. You feel like your strengths and qualities are not valued.

A key sign that you need to change jobs is if you feel that your talents, core abilities, desires, and character strengths are not valuable. People who find themselves in this situation usually either receive criticism or no response at all. If you're in this position, it's worth considering an employer who can recognize your strengths and encourage them. Perhaps you are simply not doing your job, or the general background of your company does not allow you to open up. It happens.

Create your own image of a valuable employee: write posts on professional topics on social networks, appeal to your large or small audience, share your successes and thoughts, work as a podcaster, try freelancing or other promising freelance work. This will help you discover your talents and gain additional experience, as well as show yourself in the right light to a future employer.

2. You envy friends and colleagues who have changed jobs.

If a person admires the changes occurring in friends, former colleagues and peers, he receives a strong incentive to change his life. This is because we naturally compete and don’t want to fall behind those we know. If you feel this kind of envy, consider changing jobs.

The right approach to finding a new job is to be aware of market trends and be prepared for changes in advance. Constantly monitor new directions, keep an eye on other opportunities and companies with higher salaries. This way you will have tactics and strategy when moving to a new place of work. This is also good in the sense that the labor market will not turn out to be a “dense forest” for you in the event of layoffs.

3. You feel scared and repulsed on Sunday nights.

The melancholy before the start of the work week is familiar to many people. Probably everyone has encountered it at least once. But if you are constantly afraid to return to the workplace, looking for a new one and answering the question of whether to change jobs is an obvious solution.

Ideally, of course, we should feel pleasant anticipation and look forward to a fruitful week on Sunday evenings. A constant state of bliss is unrealistic and even strange. But being happy with your work and not avoiding it is something worth striving for.

4. You don't strive for perfection

If you notice that you do not care about the quality of your work, do not take initiative when the team demands it, and even skip business meetings, it’s time to pack your things. Why stay if you don't care? Can you do your job well if it doesn't matter to you and you don't believe in what you do?

Find a job that actually interests you. One where you want to be part of a team or a leader. It is extremely unpleasant to spend 8-9 hours a day in a process that does not interest you. It's boring. Get away from this.

5. Your manager doesn't give you a career path.

If your manager is consciously or unconsciously preventing you from moving up in your career, you might want to consider moving. Are you not getting an obvious raise? Don't you get a promotion when you ask for it with reason? Are you not being given duties and responsibilities for which you are clearly qualified? Then look for new management and a place of work where your skills will be valued and paid rightfully. But don’t forget to do one important thing - call your manager for a frank conversation and communicate your intentions. This works more often than you think.

6. You stopped receiving calls

Should you change jobs if you haven't done anything particularly challenging in your current position for six months? The answer is yes.

Without facing challenges, you do not develop critical thinking and solution-finding skills. And this is very important for personal growth, flexible mind and professional development. New work confronts you with new tasks and problems, and, therefore, prevents stagnation.

Enter a new environment and you will inevitably need to apply critical thinking skills. Yes, this is a way out of your comfort zone. Yes, it's scary. But this is development, that is, professional growth. And professional growth means new heights and higher income.

7. You hate it when people ask what you do for work.

This is one of the most obvious signs that it’s time to change jobs. We spend at least a third of our lives at work. Should the activity to which you devote so much attention really embarrass you?

Maybe you're not passionate about your job, or maybe it doesn't fit your idea of ​​a good career. Maybe you just don't like her enough to talk about it. Regardless of the reasons and motives, you should avoid activities that you do not want to discuss with others. Of course, there is another reason why you are reticent about your place of work - this is the case when you are involved in the shadow sector of the economy, but these are things of a different order.

8. Your colleagues and co-workers annoy you

Labor strife, infighting and whispering are often relevant for a particular place of work. If you regularly feel irritated about this, this is a big minus. This feeling is humanly understandable. Firstly, it greatly distracts from the work process. Secondly, it spoils relationships between different departments, groups of people, or, for example, you quietly begin to hate the sales manager who is most indignant in the smoking room. Agree, all options do not promise anything good.

Remember that work stress permeates every area of ​​our lives. Many people bring accumulated negativity home and splash it out on their wife, children and cat, spoil relationships with friends and become unreasonably hot-tempered. If you notice this happening to yourself, move away from the source of stress.

9. Most of your co-workers and bosses are hired from outside.

If you're wondering whether the company will support your growth in the next couple of years, look around: has anyone around you achieved promotion within the team? Or does the company simply hire new managers when the old ones leave?

Think about whether to change jobs if your managers and colleagues do not climb the career ladder, but come and go to the company “from the outside.” Most likely, your prospects in this place are very weak.

10. Your company is no longer profitable.

Everything is very simple here - if your company is experiencing major financial problems, you will also experience them. If a company cannot pay bills and fulfill obligations on time, its poor position will sooner or later affect its employees. Even if a collapse does not occur and you manage to stay afloat, there are almost no prospects for increased salaries and impressive career growth.

In addition, the difficult situation means tightening resources and increasing the burden on staff. In order to reduce costs, the company begins to eliminate some resources: equipment, software, employees, departments, etc. And, most likely, this means that you will have to work “for yourself and for that guy.”

The obvious result of structural or financial problems is also the downsizing of the company. If people are leaving your job due to layoffs, you will probably be one of them sooner or later.

Prepare for any outcome in advance: study promising offers, monitor the market, think through your actions in the event of losing your job. Most likely, you will definitely find the best option and the question of whether to change jobs will not be too painful for you.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Everyone sometimes has bad work days or even bad weeks. But if when you hear the word “work” you break into a cold sweat, maybe you need to think about quitting?

Today we will tell you the main signs that it is time to change jobs.

15 reasons to quit - signs that a job change is close

  • Are you bored at work?– if your work is monotonous, and you feel like a small cog in a huge mechanism, then this position is not for you. Everyone feels bored at work sometimes, but if it happens every day for a long period, you may become depressed. Therefore, you should not waste your working time on online games or shopping on the Internet; it is better to start looking for a better job.
  • Your experience and skills are not valued– if you have been working in a company for several years, and management stubbornly does not pay attention to your knowledge of the business and useful skills, and does not give you a promotion, you should think about a new place of work.
  • You don't envy your boss. You don’t want and can’t imagine yourself in your manager’s place? Why then work for this company at all? If you don’t like what the result may be at the finish line, leave such an organization.
  • Inadequate leader. If your boss does not mince words when communicating with his subordinates, ruining not only your working days, but also your free time, your resignation letter should be written without delay.
  • The company's management does not suit you. The people who run the company are the creators of the work environment. Therefore, if they openly annoy you, you will not last long in such a job.
  • You don't like the team. If your colleagues annoy you without even doing anything bad to you personally, this team is not right for you.
  • Are you constantly worried about money issues?. From time to time, every person worries about money, but if this issue does not leave you alone, perhaps your work is undervalued or your salary is constantly delayed. , and if a compromise is not found, quit.
  • The company is not investing in you. When a company is interested in the development of its employees and invests money in this, work is much easier and more enjoyable. It is in such a working atmosphere that you can see the responsibility of employees and the trust of management. Perhaps you shouldn't stay if you don't have it?
  • While working your physical and emotional state has changed for the worse. Look in the mirror. You don't like your reflection, it's time to change something. If a person likes his job, he tries to look his best, because appearance and self-confidence are closely interrelated. But fear, stress and lack of enthusiasm have a negative effect on a person’s appearance.
  • Your nerves are on edge. Every little thing throws you off balance, you try to communicate less with colleagues, then you should look for a new place of work.
  • The company is on the verge of bankruptcy. If you don't want to leave the company you've dedicated many years of your life to during difficult times, you risk being caught in a mass exodus. And then it will be very difficult to find a new job.
  • You realized that the time has come when you just need to leave. If the thought of quitting has been spinning in your head for a long time, you have discussed this issue several times with relatives and friends, it’s time to take the final step.
  • You are unhappy. There are a lot of unhappy people in the world, but this does not mean that you should be one of them. How much do you need to wait before you start looking for a new job?
  • You constantly leave work for 15-20 minutes. earlier, while telling yourself “no one is working anymore, so they won’t pay attention to you.” When management goes on a business trip or on business, you hang around the office doing nothing, which means you are not interested in this position and should think about a new job.
  • You've been rocking for a long time. When you come to work, you drink coffee, discuss gossip with your colleagues, check your personal email, visit news sites, in general, do anything other than your main duties, which means that your job is not interesting for you and you should think about changing it.