How to calculate heating correctly. Calculation of heating in a private house

Having an efficient heating system is the main condition for creating a comfortable atmosphere in the home. When calculating it, many factors are taken into account: the type of floors, the quality of thermal insulation, the location of window openings, the climatic features of the region, etc. Engineering calculations look very cumbersome and not understandable to the average consumer. To facilitate the arrangement of heating, a simplified calculation was created, with which you can independently make the necessary calculations.

How to calculate a heating system for a private house?

Since the home heating system consists of several elements, each of which must cope with its tasks by 100%, the calculations will concern all components separately. Of course, a simplified calculation will not give maximum accuracy, but the errors will not be catastrophic.

To arrange heating, we need to find out:

  • power of the heat generator - boiler;
  • number of radiators (batteries);
  • the performance of the circulation pump.

Only by correctly determining these indicators, we will be able to achieve effective heating of a private house, ensuring a comfortable temperature in the home even in the most severe frost. Let's consider each stage of calculations separately!

How to calculate a boiler for heating a private house?

Heat generators have various operating parameters, the main of which is the thermal characteristic - power. It is on her that they first of all pay attention when choosing equipment. Some people think that the main thing is to buy a device with performance not less than the required parameter. However, the use of overly powerful units will lead to an increase in heating costs, rapid wear of equipment, the appearance of condensation on the walls of the chimney and other unpleasant consequences.

Ideally, you need to correctly perform the calculations and add 20% to the resulting value. They will serve as a reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, a strong drop in air temperature outside or a decrease in the supply of fuel used. The calculations will be the same for all types of heat generators, the main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the room.

How to calculate a gas boiler for heating a private house?

If the ceilings in the dwelling do not exceed 3 meters, and the house itself is built according to a standard design, then the calculations of the power of the heat generator will not be very complex. But for calculations, we need to know the specific power of the unit per 10 m² of area, depending on the region of location:

  • warm southern regions - 0.7-0.9 kW;
  • the middle zone with a temperate continental climate - 1.0-1.2 kW;
  • Moscow region - 1.2-1.5 kW;
  • north - 1.5-2.0 kW.

Suppose we want to select a heating boiler for a 250 m² private house located in the northern region. The formula will help us to perform calculations:

M = P * MUD / 10, where

M - boiler power;

P is the area of ​​the heated dwelling;

MUD is the specific power of the boiler, which in our case is 2 kW.

Substituting the numeric values, we get: 250 * 2/10 = 50 kW... Therefore, the power of our heat generator must be at least 50 kW. If it is planned to install a double-circuit unit, which will not only heat the room, but also heat water for domestic needs, another 25% must be added to the resulting indicator.

How to calculate an electric boiler for heating a private house?

As we have already mentioned, the power calculation is relevant for all types of heat generators. However, there is an opinion that with the help of electric boilers only small areas can be heated. This is not so, because the modern market offers models that run on electricity, which are capable of heating up to 1000 m². The question is, is their use beneficial?

Often, electric boilers in large houses and cottages act as an additional source of heat, which is associated with the high cost of electricity and frequent problems with its supply. It is safe to say that this type of equipment is best used for heating small homes, otherwise the amount of utilities will be impressive. It is advisable to choose multistage models, the power of which starts from 6 kW, since they can significantly reduce electricity consumption.

How to calculate heating radiators for a private house?

We figured out the intricacies of choosing boilers, now you can proceed to the next step - calculating the number of heating batteries. This parameter is calculated for each room separately. Let's say we need to calculate how many radiator sections we need to heat a 35 m² room. For installation, cast iron heating devices with a power of one section of 190 W were selected, which is indicated in the passport.

  • the first stage of calculations: 35 * 100 = 3500 W, where 100 W is the standard power required for heating 1 m²;
  • second stage of calculations: 3500/190=18 sections.

Therefore, the heating system of our calculation room must include 18 radiator sections. However, these calculations cannot be called accurate, because there are heat losses, which must be foreseen at the stage of calculations. For this, correction factors are used. The easiest way is to multiply the resulting value of 1.1 if:

  • the ceilings in the house are higher than 3 meters;
  • some walls in the room are outside;
  • there is more than one window in the room;
  • the thermal insulation of the home is poor.

Coefficients 1,1 are entered into the formula when each of the above conditions is met.

How to calculate heating batteries for a private house with coefficients?

Suppose that the height of our design room is 3.3 meters, there are two windows and one outer wall:

  • the first stage of calculations: 35 * 100 * 1.1 * 1.1 * 1.1 = 4658.5 W;
  • second stage of calculations: 4658,5/190=25 sections.

The corrected calculations showed that we need 25 radiator sections for heating 35 m². Since there are 2 windows in the room, the number of ribs must be divided between them in order to reduce the loss of thermal energy.

How to calculate a pump for heating a private house?

As a rule, a circulation pump is introduced into the heating system of the dwelling, which accelerates the movement of the coolant through the pipes and increases the heating efficiency. To determine the required performance of this additional equipment, it is necessary to know the value of the upper point of the system, the area of ​​the room and the resistance of the heating network.

The easiest way to find out the resistance is by the type of radiators used:

  • cast iron - 1 m;
  • aluminum - 1.2 m;
  • bimetallic - 2 m.

In our example, the area of ​​the house is 250 m², from the pump to the upper heater, the height is 6 meters, we have cast iron batteries. We carry out calculations:

  • pump head: 6 + 1 = 7 meters;
  • the amount of electricity consumed: 250/10 = 25 kW, since according to the standard the required heat per 10 m² = 1 kW. We translate into other units of measurement: 25 * 0.86 = 24.08 kcal.
  • pump capacity: 24.08 / 10 = 2.41 m³ / hour, where 10 is the recommended temperature difference in the heating system.

According to calculations, to heat our house of 250 m², we will need a circulation pump with a capacity of 2.41 m³ / hour at a head of 7 meters. Ideally, the equipment should be three-speed, and the indicators we need - the characteristics of the second speed.

Knowing how to correctly calculate the heating in a private house, you can easily calculate the optimal performance of each element of the system. Of course, the calculation of specialists will be more accurate, but if you perform the work yourself, the above formulas will allow you to achieve minimal errors. Remember that the level of comfort in the home will completely depend on the correctness of the calculations!

Country house heating systems

It is not entirely correct to talk about a large number of modern heating options for private houses. The fact is that there are basic methods, and there are auxiliary ones. For example, water heating is the main one, and oil radiators, fireplaces of all types, fan heaters and IR emitters are auxiliary types. At the same time, after choosing the option for heating the house, the calculation and installation of systems must be given special attention. Here it is important to take into account all the elements and assemblies, which include the boiler, pipelines, valves and heat transfer devices - radiators.

The most important thing is to understand that the entire heating system will work efficiently and efficiently if the following criteria are taken into account:

  1. Correct calculation.
  2. The quality of installation work.
  3. The quality of the materials and components used.
  4. Competent operation.

If all four criteria are met, then long-term, efficient and reliable operation of the entire system is ensured.

Heating system calculation

We will not go into the jungle of calculations, but we will give a simplified version that meets all the requirements for the heating system of a private house. In this case, we will assume that all components and materials have a standard orientation. There are no cutting edge details, just standard processes. Plus, let's take a single-circuit system as the simplest one.

When calculating the heating system of a private house, it is necessary first of all to determine the full volume of the house, taking into account both residential and utility rooms. Why is it so? Let's look at an example of a corridor. No one will put heating radiators in this room, because the corridor is heated passively due to the circulation of warm air inside the premises.

To make the correct calculation, according to the scheme of the house plan, you need to calculate the areas of all rooms and add them up, getting the total area of ​​the building. Now this indicator must be multiplied by the height of the ceilings. The volume of the house as a whole will turn out. Usually, such calculations take no more than half an hour.

The output of the heating boiler must now be calculated. Usually, one standard indicator is taken into account, which regulates the dependence of the location of the house with the heat consumption per 1 cubic meter of the building. It is different for different regions, hence all the modifications. For example, for the European part of Russia, this figure is 40 watts. To find the power of the boiler, you need to multiply this constant by the volume of the house.

Attention! Experts say that the power of the heating boiler determined in this way will give a small error. Therefore, there is an additional factor of 20%. That is, the power received must be multiplied by 1.2.

First, it clarifies the indicator. And, secondly, it allows the boiler to constantly work not at full capacity, which reduces its wear.

Radiator calculation

Radiator calculation

The modern heating equipment market offers a small range of heating radiators made of different materials. Each material has its own heat transfer rate. For example, one section (fin) of an aluminum radiator has a heat dissipation of 150 W. This is a serious enough claim that this species will become the most popular.

To accurately determine the number of sections, it is necessary to calculate how much heat is needed to heat a particular room. Let's take a look at an example with numbers. Let's say a room has a volume of 30 cubic meters. So, you need to carry out the following mathematical calculations:

30 * 40 * 1.2 = 1440 W. In this case, it is necessary to round up to an integer value. That is, up to 1500 watts.

Returning to our aluminum radiators, each fin has a power of 150 watts. It turns out that you only need 10 compartments to heat one room. This means that one radiator in this room will be enough.

This example is based on the calculation of one room. Doing the same with the whole house is not difficult. You just have to do more calculations. This way you can accurately calculate the required number of radiators.

Choosing pipes for the heating system

Heating pipes

So, the calculation of the heating of a private house is ready, you can proceed to the preparation of materials. We start with pipes. There are three types of hot water heating systems:

  1. Steel.
  2. Copper.
  3. Plastic.

Steel pipes are already the last century, because they have a number of disadvantages. For example, enormous weight, difficulty in carrying out installation work (knowledge and experience are required, as well as the availability of special equipment, for which you will need a license), instability to corrosion, static electricity and a high price.

Copper pipes are of high quality. They can use a coolant with a temperature of up to + 200C and a pressure of up to 200 atm. But at the same time, you cannot install copper pipes yourself with your own hands. Here, as in the first case, you will need experience and knowledge, equipment and materials (silver solder, etc.). But the most important thing that repels buyers is the price of the product. It is very high.

And the most popular option today is plastic pipes. It is in these products that such two important indicators as cost and quality are combined in an optimal ratio. In addition, the advantages of plastic pipes are more than enough:

  • Ease of installation, requiring neither experience nor great academic knowledge.
  • Simple tools and equipment for installation work that even a beginner can master.
  • They make a 100% sealed system that does not allow a single gram of air to pass through.
  • Low hydraulic resistance.
  • Plastic is an anti-static material.
  • When exposed to temperatures, the material does not change its performance.

These advantages are quite enough. But it is the opportunity to carry out the installation with their own hands that today attracts many home craftsmen who seek to carry out some work on the construction of a house without the involvement of specialists.

Heating system installation

Calculation and installation of heating systems

The water heating system of a private house is based on 3 main units. These are the boiler, pipes and radiators. First of all, radiators are mounted. This process is simple and does not require a large number of tools. You will need a hammer drill and a building level. First, you will drill holes for the brackets on which the heating devices are hung. And the second will have to align them according to certain parameters.

Important! Remember one very important rule. All radiators in the house must be on the same level. A small deviation will lead to a difference in height, which will affect the effective circulation of the coolant. All radiator fins must be strictly vertical.

The location of the heating devices themselves may be different, but the main place that experts recommend is under the window. So the heat emanating from the radiator cuts off the cold air that comes from the window opening.

The next stage is the laying and installation of pipes. If you decide to install plastic pipes, then first purchase a special soldering iron. It is very important to properly distribute the piping in all rooms. You may even need to conduct hidden wiring. And the gasket diagram will show how many fittings will have to be purchased.

For those who will install the heating system with their own hands, there are several recommendations regarding working with a soldering iron. After you have melted the ends of the pipe and fitting, do not twist against each other when attaching. A loose joint may form, and this is already a leaky structure, which will cause future leaks. Practice a little on the waste material, take the time to do it. And yet - if at one attempt to connect two elements exactly you did not succeed, you should cut off the defective joint and re-solder it.

Additional devices

Grundfos circulation pump

A system with natural circulation of the coolant will work effectively if the total area of ​​the house does not exceed 120 square meters. If your house is larger, then you will have to purchase a circulation pump.

Many manufacturers of heating boilers provide for the installation of a pump directly into the design of the heat generator. But if your boiler does not have this unit, then it must be purchased separately.

On the market, circulating pumps are presented in a fairly large assortment, and all models and brands comply with existing standards and requirements. They consume little electricity, are quiet, and have small overall dimensions. The only condition that should be taken into account is the installation location.

For the circulation pump, there must be a return line, where the temperature of the coolant is not as high as on the supply line. What is the reason for this? The fact is that the pump design contains rubber products in the form of cuffs and gaskets. And under the influence of high temperature, they quickly fail.

Conclusion on the topic

What do we end up with? First, a mandatory calculation for a private house (meaning heating). Secondly, the use of high-quality materials, the installation of which you can handle. Thirdly, modern technologies that increase the efficiency of the entire heating system.

All three factors are important, and the absence of one of them will lead to the fact that the whole system will not work as you would like.

How to calculate heating? With a heating calculator! On this page, you can independently calculate the cost of heating, as well as find out what equipment you need to complete the heating system of your home.

The calculation of the heating system is an event that should be given special attention. It is necessary to provide for all the nuances associated with this: the presence of a chimney, the number of floors in your house, the type of heating boiler, the heating distribution system, etc. Remember, not only the final cost of the work, but the comfort and coziness of your home will depend on the correctness of the calculation.

For your convenience, this page provides a convenient user interface, thanks to which you can easily provide for all the necessary heating elements and calculate the final cost of installation work.

How to calculate heating in a house?

With the help of an online calculator, you can find out the approximate cost of installation work based on the following characteristic parameters:

  • the length and width of a private house along the perimeter;
  • number of floors;
  • presence / absence of a chimney;
  • the number and size of window openings;
  • heating distribution system (radial or two-pipe);
  • the degree of wall insulation.

The calculator for calculating the heating system, on the site is made in the form of a house in a section, where, using input fields and drop-down lists, it is proposed to set the parameters of the heated room. After you have made the choice of parameters, you just need to click the "Calculate" button. It is located at the very bottom under the visual plan of the house.

Heating calculation results

The result will not keep you waiting long. Seconds later, you will be presented with a detailed estimate of the work, including:

  • The cost of the necessary structural elements for underfloor heating (ball valves, manifolds, fittings, substrates and pipes, etc.);
  • The cost of the necessary structural elements for heating (fasteners, corners, pipes, heating radiators, radiator kits, heating boiler, etc.).

At the very bottom of the page, the full cost of the equipment for installation will be given.

For an individual and more accurate calculation, contact us

Remember that the program for calculating the heating system provides only an approximate price and is not a basis for collecting money from you. If you have any doubts about the calculation, call us and our specialists will give a qualified answer. Our competence includes all aspects regarding the calculation of the heating system in a private house, the number of window openings, the degree of wall insulation, the number of storeys and the layout of rooms are taken into account. For a detailed examination and clarification of the cost of work, it is possible to visit your facility.

Of all the currently known options for heating your own home, the most common type is an individual water heating system. Oil radiators, fireplaces, stoves, fan heaters and infrared heaters are often used as auxiliary devices.

The heating system of a private house consists of heating devices, piping and locking and regulating mechanisms, all of which serve to transport heat from the heat generator to the end points of space heating. It is important to understand that the reliability, durability and efficiency of an individual heating system depends on its correct calculation and installation, as well as on the quality of the materials used in this system and its competent operation.

Heating system calculation

Let us consider in detail a simplified version of the calculation of a water heating system, in which we will use standard and generally available components. The figure schematically shows an individual heating system of a private house based on a single-circuit boiler. First of all, we need to decide on its power, since it is the basis for all calculations in the future. Let's perform this procedure according to the scheme described below.

Total area of ​​the room: S = 78.5; total volume: V = 220

We have a one-storey house with three rooms, an entrance hall, a corridor, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. Knowing the area of ​​each individual room and the height of the rooms, it is necessary to make elementary calculations in order to calculate the volume of the entire house:

  • room 1: 10 m 2 · 2.8 m = 28 m 3
  • room 2: 10 m 2 · 2.8 m = 28 m 3
  • room 3: 20 m 2 2.8 m = 56 m 3
  • hallway: 8 m 2 · 2.8 m = 22.4 m 3
  • corridor: 8 m 2 2.8 m = 22.4 m 3
  • kitchen: 15.5 m 2 2.8 m = 43.4 m 3
  • bathroom: 4 m 2 2.8 m = 11.2 m 3
  • toilet: 3 m 2 · 2.8 m = 8.4 m 3

Thus, we calculated the volume of all individual rooms, thanks to which we can now calculate the total volume of the house, it is equal to 220 cubic meters. Note that we also calculated the volume of the corridor, but in fact, not a single heating device is indicated there, what is it for? The fact is that the corridor will also be heated, but in a passive way, due to heat circulation, so we need to add it to the general heating list in order for the calculation to be correct and give the desired result.

We will carry out the next stage of calculating the boiler power based on the required amount of energy per cubic meter. Each region has its own indicator - in our calculations we use 40 W per cubic meter, based on the recommendations for the regions of the European part of the CIS:

  • 40 W 220 m 3 = 8800 W

The resulting figure must be raised to a factor of 1.2, which will give us 20% of the power reserve so that the boiler does not constantly work at full power. Thus, we understand that we need a boiler that is capable of generating 10.6 kW (standard single-circuit boilers are produced with a capacity of 12-14 kW).

Radiator calculation

In our case, we will use standard aluminum radiators with a height of 0.6 m. The power of each fin of such a radiator at a temperature of 70 ° C is 150 W. Next, we will calculate the power of each radiator and the number of conditional fins:

  • room 1: 28 m 3 40 W 1.2 = 1344 W. We round up to 1500 and get 10 conditional edges, but since we have two radiators, both under the windows, we will take one with 6 edges, the second with 4.
  • room 2: 28 m 3 40 W 1.2 = 1344 W. Round up to 1500 and we get one radiator with 10 ribs.
  • room 3: 56 m 3 40 W 1.2 = 2688 W We round up to 2700 and we get three radiators: 1st and 2nd with 5 ribs, 3rd (lateral) - 8 ribs.
  • hallway: 22.4 m 3 40 W 1.2 = 1075.2 W. Round up to 1200 and get two radiators with 4 fins.
  • bathroom: 11.2 m 3 45 W 1.2 = 600 W. Here the temperature should be slightly higher, it turns out 1 radiator with 4 fins.
  • toilet: 8.4 m 3 40 W 1.2 = 403.2 W. Round up to 450 and get three edges.
  • kitchen: 43.4 m 3 40 W 1.2 = 2083.2 W. Round up to 2100 and get two radiators with 7 edges.

As a final result, we see that we need 12 radiators with a total capacity:

  • 900 + 600 + 1500 + 750 + 750 + 1200 + 600 + 600 + 600 + 450 + 1050 + 1050 = 10.05 kW

Based on the latest calculations, it can be seen that our individual heating system will cope with the load assigned to it without any problems.

Choice of pipes

A pipeline for an individual heating system is a medium for transporting heat energy (in particular, heated water). On the domestic market, pipes for the installation of systems are presented in three main types:

  • metal
  • copper
  • plastic

Metal pipes have a number of significant disadvantages. In addition to being heavy and requiring special installation equipment and experience, they are also susceptible to corrosion and can build up static electricity. A good option is copper pipes, they are able to withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees and a pressure of about 200 atmospheres. But copper pipes differ in the specifics of installation (special equipment, silver solder and extensive experience are required), in addition, their cost is very high. The most popular option is plastic pipes. And that's why:

  • they have an aluminum base, which is covered with plastic on both sides, due to which they have great strength;
  • they absolutely do not allow oxygen to pass through, which makes it possible to reduce to zero the process of corrosion formation on the inner walls;
  • thanks to the aluminum reinforcement, they have a very low coefficient of linear expansion;
  • plastic pipes are antistatic;
  • have low hydraulic resistance;
  • no special skills required for installation.

System installation

First of all, we need to install sectional radiators. They must be placed strictly under the windows, warm air from the radiator will prevent cold air from entering from the window. For the installation of sectional radiators, you do not need any special equipment, only a hammer drill and a building level. It is necessary to strictly adhere to one rule: all radiators in the house must be mounted strictly at the same horizontal level, the general circulation of water in the system depends on this parameter. Also observe the vertical arrangement of the radiator fins.

After installing the radiators, you can start laying the pipes. It is necessary to measure in advance the total length of the pipes, as well as count the number of various fittings (elbows, tees, plugs, etc.). To install plastic pipes, you need only three tools - a tape measure, pipe scissors and a soldering iron. Most of these pipes and fittings have laser perforation in the form of notches and guide lines, which makes it possible to carry out the installation on site correctly and evenly. When working with a soldering iron, you should adhere to only one rule - after you have melted and docked the ends of the products, in no case do not scroll them if it was not possible to solder exactly the first time, otherwise it may leak in this place. Better practice beforehand on the pieces that will go to waste.

Additional devices

According to statistics, a system with passive water circulation will function properly if the area of ​​the room does not exceed 100-120 m 2. Otherwise, special pumps must be used. Of course, there are a number of boilers in which pumping systems are already built in and they themselves circulate water through the pipes, if you do not have one, then you should purchase it separately.

On the domestic market, their choice is very large, besides, they meet all the necessary requirements - they consume little electricity, are silent and small in size. Circulation pumps are mounted at the ends of the heating branches. This way the pump will last longer as it will not be directly exposed to hot water.

An example of a one-pipe heating system with forced circulation: 1 - boiler; 2 - security group; 3 - heating radiators; 4 - needle valve; 5 - expansion tank; 6 - drain; 7 - water supply; 8 - coarse water filter; 9 - circulation pump; 10 - ball valves

From all of the above, it becomes clear that two or three people can easily cope with the installation of such a system, this does not require special professional skills, the main thing is to be able to use elementary construction tools. In our article, we examined an individual heating system assembled using standard components, their price and availability will allow almost everyone to mount a similar heating system at home.

Now what do you mean when it comes to calculating heating? There are a great many examples of arranging such systems. Moreover, the differences can lie both in the use of one or another source of energy (electricity or fuel) for conversion into heat, and in the technology of supplying this generated heat to the premises. But there is also an absolutely identical, unifying side of the issue.

We are talking about key indicators - how much of this thermal energy is needed for each of the premises of the house in order to guarantee comfortable conditions in it. And, accordingly, what total amount of heat needs to be generated for all housing as a whole.

That is, somewhat paraphrasing the heading “how to calculate heating in a private house”, further we will consider the question “how to determine the heat output for each of the rooms and for the whole house as a whole”.

The publication will offer three methods. The first is the simplest, but also, of course, the least accurate. The second is the most accurate, but at the same time the most difficult for an unprepared person. And, finally, the third - in which the advantages are combined and the disadvantages of the first two are leveled. It is sufficiently accurate, taking into account the specifics of the location of the house and premises in it, and at the same time - quite understandable even for a beginner. Moreover, we will also accompany this method with a convenient online calculator.

It is assumed that for full-fledged heating of housing with a ceiling height of 2.5 ÷ 3.0 meters and a sufficiently high-quality thermal insulation of all main structures, it is necessary to spend 100 watts of thermal energy for every one square meter of the room area.

100 W per 1 m² - many people think that way, although the resulting result is sometimes very far from the true

As a "derivative" of this approach, one can consider the "norm" and based on the volume of the room.

So, in a private house with high-quality insulation and modern windows with double-glazed windows, their ratio can be considered 34 W of thermal energy for each cubic meter of volume.

In a panel house of urban mass development, more heat will be required - 41 watts per cubic meter.

Simple and fast! We calculate by area (or volume) the required amount of heat for each room. And then summing up all the results will give us the total heat output that is required to heat the house. You can add about 20 or 25% of the operational reserve to it - and the answer is ready!

Indeed, it is not difficult. But how accurate is that?

Even a person who is very far from construction and heat engineering may seem suspicious of the too high "universality" of such a method. Agree, it's one thing to calculate the heating system for a house, say, in Khanty-Mansiysk, and another - for the same area, but in the Kuban. Not a word is said about the quantity and quality of windows, and this is one of the main "highways" for heat leakage from the premises. The state of the insulation system, the type of floors, what the room is adjacent to horizontally and vertically are not taken into account. And much more …

As a result of such calculations, two extremes may well turn out:

  1. One is very unpleasant when the heating system simply does not cope with its duties.
  2. Another is the excess capacity of the purchased and installed equipment, which almost always remains unclaimed. And this is extra costs for more expensive models of powerful boilers, for more radiators. And it is not particularly useful for equipment when it constantly works with a very large "underload".

In short, it is difficult to call such an approach rational. And the zealous owner will still prefer more accurate calculations.