How to plant seeds for seedlings in peat tablets? The secret of success is peat. Varieties of peat tablets

When the last snow comes down and the sun starts to warm more and more, the beginning gardeners have to grow seedlings. By itself, this process is quite time-consuming, but you can do it easier and save yourself from difficult work, while achieving high quality sprouts. This can be done by using pressed peat containers as landing containers.

A couple of decades ago, many gardeners had to plant seeds for seedlings in their existing materials. Under these goals, they adapted juice boxes, milk, yogurt cups, sour cream, and used and home-made devices. However, the characteristics of these devices did not meet the expectations of summer residents.

This also affected peat pots, which until recently had been very popular. Everything changed when extruded peat tablets appeared. Despite the fact that it is very convenient to plant seeds in such containers, and after sowing almost all the seeds germinate, they have one serious plus - these pots do not decompose in the ground for many months, since they are made from dense compressed cardboard.

Previously, the process of planting seedlings required a lot of effort, because you had to carefully cut the edge of the pot with a knife or other sharp object and carefully pull out the seedlings to put it on the bed. Not always everything turned out as planned. Therefore, if the owner provided proper care for the seedlings throughout the spring, she was often damaged during her transplant into the ground. As a result of the fact that many of the seedlings were injured, at the end of the season the harvest turned out to be less than what the summer resident expected.

Peat seedling tablets are dry containers, puck shapedmade of thin pressed wood material, inside of which is pressed peat. To make it easier to use pots, they are made using the most appropriate components that undergo a drying and pressing operation. After contact with warm water, the tablets begin to react and swell. As a result, their shape and size change. After that, they can be used as intended.

Instructions for use of peat tablets for seedlings

The process of using peat tablets involves the following actions:

  • additives;
  • fungicides;
  • growth accelerators.

Therefore, when using peat tablets for growing seedlings, you can reduce the risk of infection with various diseases and rotting.

Peat tablet features

The cylinder is in a thin net material, due to which peat retains its original shape during transportation, as well as during the cultivation and watering of seeds. Peat has optimum acidity for most plants. Average value ph ranges from 5.4 to 6.2. These tablets even after 5-10 years do not lose their original properties. However, for this they need to ensure appropriate storage conditions: they must always be kept in a dry place.

Peat briquettes are presented in stores of different sizes. They can have a diameter of 2.5 cm to 7 cm. However, experts advise choosing briquettes of 4 cm in size, since they are ideal for garden seedlings.

If you need to grow seedlings from small seeds, it is best to buy smaller diameter discs. If you plan to grow eggplant seedlings, peppers and tomatoes, then the largest briquettes are better suited for you.

What are the advantages of peat seedling tablets?

Peat discs are universal fixture   for growing seedlings. Therefore, they can plant everything that you want, not only garden, but also flower cultures.

Peat tablets are great for growing seedlings of tender shoots of petunia, lobelia, certain types of plants, which are not recommended for picking. Given that the tablets contain additives, a high percentage of seed germination is ensured. This moment is of particular importance if it is necessary to grow seedlings of expensive and rare crops, as well as seeds placed in the shell.

It is also advantageous to use these briquettes because stem and leaf cuttings are rooted in them. Thanks to peat tablets, you can save a lot of space, which is used to accommodate landings. This moment is of particular importance for the apartment, where there is not always enough space for seedlings.

Thanks to the peat containers, it is possible to arbitrarily choose the places to place the seedlings, change the seedlings in some places, if some have risen before others.

Given the price of briquettes, and one such a pot costs about 5 rubles, they are not suitable for growing a large number of seedlings. Peat disks first of all will be estimated by summer residents who need capacities for cultivation of seedling in small volume.

How to use seedlings pills?

Before sowing in peat briquettes seeds need to prepare:

In some cases it may be necessary cover the seeds sown. For this you need to use a special peat. After sowing, the seeds need to be slightly deepened inward, and only then high peat is placed on them.

For planting, you can use dry or wet seeds. In the latter case, they must be placed for 2 days in the water, waiting for their germination. In this case, they must be sown in tablets with peat very carefully, using a spatula or a thin wooden stick.

When the seeds are in pills, they must be well poured. When the shell becomes soft, the shell must be spread over the peat with a toothpick. With this technique, you can speed up the germination of seeds.

Peat tablets are great for growing strawberry seedlings. For sowing the seeds of this culture, you can use a match. To pick up a seed with a match, you must first moisten its tip. After that his transferred into the recess of the tablet. After waiting for the seedlings to appear from the seeds and they will get stronger, you can transplant them to a permanent place by placing them in the ground with a peat tablet.

Planting seeds in peat tablets

After sowing seeds, take the transparent trays into which the tablets are placed, after which they are carried away to a window sill or other warm place. For the role of the pallet, you can use a plastic transparent box from under the cake. If there is no suitable cover for the container, then a film is put on top of it, creating an optimal level of humidity inside.

It is best to put peat tablets in mini-greenhousesin which holes are provided for each tablet. Water accumulation can be avoided if the greenhouses are installed on special pallets. While the seedlings grow and strengthen, the optimum level of humidity should be maintained. In addition, they need regular ventilation, for which it is necessary to open the lid of the container.

Also, it is impossible to get strong seedlings without creating an optimal temperature. It is recommended to keep landing on the west or east window. The north side is not very suitable for growing seedlings due to too cold microclimate. At the same time, it is not the best solution to install it on the south side, because at lunch the sun starts to warm too much.

Gradually, condensate drops will form on the container walls, at such moments it is necessary to open mini-greenhouses. For effective removal of moisture is necessary to carry out airing at least once a day. Otherwise, you can encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold, which subsequently will lead to the death of weak plants. When the first shoots appear, the cover is removed. At this time, watering should not be very abundant. To do this, pour water into the bottom stand or use a spray bottle. When growing seedlings in room conditions, feeding is not required.

When using peat tablets for growing seedlings, the gardener will not have to pick one, so during transplantation it will be enough for him to transfer the seedlings directly with the peat ball. This method of growing seedlings is beneficial in that during the transplant, you can avoid damaging the root system of horticultural crops. This moment is particularly important in cases where you have to deal with seedlings with small shoots.

During the cultivation of seedlings need keep an eye on the cylinder. Having discovered that roots have appeared on it, know that the moment has come for transplanting plants into more spacious containers. It is very important not to miss this moment, because otherwise the roots are intertwined with each other and grow. In this case, the plants will not be able to grow and develop normally. If peat tablets placed in a retina are used to grow seedlings, then at the time of transplantation it must be cut to the root so that the seedlings can later take root well. However, in some cases it is not necessary to do this, provided that the peat is not placed in the net, but a thin layer of wood cardboard.


Despite the fact that today there are many methods available for growing seedlings at home, every year more and more beginners and more experienced summer residents choose the method of growing them in peat tablets. Knowing how to put in peat tablets, gardener gets rid of many difficulties. Its main advantage is that it is minimized during transplantation. root damage risk. This directly affects the future yield of the horticultural crop.

Astra is an autumn beauty that conquers everyone. It is not surprising that with the arrival of spring, many gardeners are wondering how to sow aster seeds on seedlings, when to plant and at what time to transplant to the ground.

Scientifically, a plant that grows in all household plots and gardens is called calistemma. According to legend, at the beginning of the 16th century, a French monk brought the seeds of this beautiful plant from China to Europe. There are many varieties of asters, both annual and most of which can be grown in different climatic zones.

How to choose the seeds for seedlings

  Due to the fact that there are a lot of varieties of asters, you should pick up seeds before you start growing asters seedlings.

This takes into account such parameters as the appearance and height of the bush, the structure and shape of the inflorescences (regular or terry), what type of branching the plant has, the color, the shape of the petals (needle or normal), and so on. As a rule, manufacturers of all the characteristics indicate on the packaging.

In addition, you should pay attention to the date of collection of seeds. The longer the term, the worse the germination. So it is preferable to buy last year's "harvest."

Seed sowing

Most often, asters are planted on seedlings in boxes, but you can immediately go to the ground.

Sowing in open ground

  Planting is carried out as soon as the soil warms up (as a rule, this is the beginning of May) to a depth of 0.5-0.8 cm, after preparing the seeds (they should be soaked in the germination accelerator). After 2 weeks, shoots appear.

When 2-3 leaves are formed on the stem, thinning of the seedlings is carried out, keeping the distance between plants of 10-15 cm. Seeds can be planted late in the autumn in the frozen ground (it is prepared beforehand), then sprinkled with dry soil. You can also plant seeds in December-January, placing them in the grooves and sprinkling with a mixture of dry earth, and above with snow. Of course, they do it in the absence of severe frosts.

As you grow, you should care for the young, conducting:

  1. Loosening the soil at 4-6 cm depth after rain or watering.
  2. Hilling 5-7 cm above ground until branching begins.
  3. Moderate watering (in the heat it should be abundant, about 3 buckets per 1 m 2).
  4. Control of water stagnation.
  5. Food, as a rule, three times: 10-15 days later after thinning, the appearance of buds and at the beginning of flowering.

Sowing for seedlings

  The instructions always indicate the time of planting seeds in the ground. But gardeners do not recommend resorting to this method due to the onset of late flowering and advise sowing asters on seedlings (as a rule, March-April), and later planting young stockings in the ground.

Just as in the case of landing in open ground, the seeds should be soaked in an accelerator. Asters are sown on seedlings in containers with a substrate when the end of March comes - the beginning of April to a depth of 0.5-0.8 cm, covered with earth and then covered with foil.

  The substrate can be used purchased or made independently by mixing humus, garden soil and sand. Do not forget to conduct disinfection with phytosporin or manganese. To bring the acidity to normal, you can with ash. The ideal temperature for germination is 18-25 ° C. Shoots appear after a week, and after 10 days, leaves form. During this period, asters are pickled into separate cups.

At the time of growth, seedlings should be provided with good lighting (preferably southern and south-western windows), regular watering (in the morning) and a temperature of 16-25 ° C during the daytime and 12-15 ° C at night.

1-2 weeks after diving, you can feed with special fertilizers for seedlings. You can use the mixture and saltpeter in the ratio of 15:20 g for every 10 liters of water. By the time of disembarkation, 2-3 feedings should be carried out alternating spraying of fertilizers with root irrigation.

When a 4-5 leaf appears, seedlings periodically begin to be carried out onto the glazed balcony so that it becomes tempered, and then to fresh air and sun, starting from 15 minutes with a gradual increase in time.

Planting seedlings in the ground

  Sowed earlier asters on seedlings are planted in the ground when 50 days have passed. At the same time, the height of the young must be 6 cm and there must be at least 5 leaves on each stem. The landing is carried out according to the weather. As a rule, gardeners are guided by the national omen, according to which the end of flowering of bird cherry indicates the absence of frost in the future.

Choice of location

Decide on the location of the beds should be in the fall. For long flowering it is best to arrange it on the sunny side. If there is no suitable place, you can break a flower bed in the penumbra.

Astra has no special requirements for the ground, except that it should be a normal pH, light and air-well.

The only requirement is not to plant home-grown aster seedlings, as well as seeds in the ground, where levkoy, tomatoes, gladioli, cloves, and potatoes grew before.

In the autumn, 2 kg of sand are introduced into the soil, ½ buckets of humus per 1 m 2 and dug in. In the spring, ammonium sulphate, superphosphate, and potassium salt are scattered 1 tbsp. l each for 1 m 2.

How to plant seedlings

  The first thing the plants are well watered and left for 30 minutes so that they are well removed from the cups. Transplantation is done with a “native” lump of earth into previously prepared soil or dug holes (not forgetting to pour water well) to a depth of no more than 20 cm, since the root system of asters is located close to the ground.

When planting, observe the distance between the plants. It should be at least 20 cm. This ensures the good development of asters.

It is best to plant asters grown in the ground when it is cloudy outside. So the plants will recover faster. In clear weather, the procedure should be carried out in the evening. After planting, the plants are well watered with water, trying not to fall on the foliage. Further care is carried out similarly to the method of planting seeds in open ground.

Video about planting asters for seedlings

Astra rightly deserved universal recognition due to its exceptional variety: the bushes from miniature to giant are decorated with inflorescences of various shapes of all colors and shades. Varieties of aster with a compact bush form are used in borders, and tall asters are magnificent in flower beds, competing with chrysanthemum. Aster blooms after 3-3.5 months after sowing, so it is better to grow it through seedlings.

Sowing one-year asters on seedlings
  Aster seeds quickly lose their germination, so for planting you need to use only fresh seeds. The term for sowing asters for seedlings is the beginning of April. For sowing, you can use it by adding washed sand (0.5 parts of sand to 5 parts of soil). Experienced flower growers prepare soil mixture for asters on their own. To do this, mix thoroughly, washed sand (2: 1: 0.5) by adding 0.5 cups or 1-2 tablespoons of dolomite flour for every 5 liters of soil mixture.

After that, the mixture must be sifted for an hour. After sifting, it is advisable to add 0.5 cups of perlite to the mixture. It allows the soil to "breathe" after watering, absorbs excess moisture, and then slowly gives it to the roots of plants. If the soil mixture for asters is not steamed, then it is imperative to put it in a container, spill it until it is completely wetted with a solution of fungicide or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. These measures should not be neglected, because aster seedlings often suffer from lodging, or caused by various types of fungal infections.

tillage photography

Prepare aster seeds for sowing. To do this, aster seeds before sowing need to be etched with a solution of any fungicide or mixed with a small amount of dry Fundazole, observing all safety measures.

photo of preparing asters for sowing

Distribute the prepared seeds evenly over the surface of moist soil, using a small sheet of paper folded in half. Immediately put the labels with the names of varieties.

photo of aster seeds

Sprinkle aster seeds on top should be well washed with sand (preferably calcined) with a layer of 0.5-0.8 cm. This will prevent the root collar of seedlings from sticking during watering and damage to the black leg. Watering from above is not necessary, because the moisture from the soil will gradually penetrate into the sand, and it will be moistened.

photo: protect the aster from watering when watering and damaging the black leg

Cover crops from drying out and place in a warm (+ 15 ... + 20 ° С) bright place. Keep the sand a bit wet all the time. If necessary, moisten it with an atomizer.

After 5-7 days, as soon as shoots appear, the shelter must be removed. At this time, it is especially important not to overdo it with watering. It is not scary if the sand dries from the top, because by the time the seedling root of the seedling will already grow into moist soil. If you still notice the first signs of a black leg, the diseased plants should be immediately removed from the earth in a lump, filling the hole with fresh soil. After this, re-spill the soil with the fungicide solution.

photo: shoots of asters

Aster pick
  With the formation of 2-3 true leaves, aster seedlings are ready for picking. To do this, you can use the previous composition of the soil (as for planting - read above), but without sieving. Add 1 tablespoon of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements to the mixture. To fertilizer evenly distributed, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed.

photo preparation asters for picking

Fill the pots or cassettes with the prepared soil mixture and compact a little so that the soil does not settle too much when irrigating. Make such indentations with a spatula in the pot so that the roots of the seedling can easily fit into them. If the roots are too big, you can pinch them a little. Place the seedling in the hole with a small depth so that up to 1 cm remains until the cotyledon leaves.

photo of aster picking into cups

Carefully compact the soil around the aster seedling so that it does not dislodge it with water.

photo of soil compaction during picking of aster seedlings

Carefully pour over the sprouted seedlings. Watering try to start from the edge of the pot to the middle, if possible without getting on the leaves. Set the seedlings in a bright place, make sure that at first it does not fall into direct sunlight. Temperature should not exceed + 20 ° С.

photo how to water aster seedlings

If you correctly filled the soil mixture with mineral fertilizers, then at first you can not worry about feeding aster seedlings. If planting seedlings for some reason is delayed, then feed it with any mineral ( Fertika, Agricola, Mortar   and etc.). With the advent of 4-5 leaves, begin hardening the aster seedlings in the open air.

Planting asters in the ground

It is desirable that when planting, the aster stem does not exceed 5-7 cm. The seedling should have 5-6 well-developed leaves and should be hardened. Overgrown plants will bloom badly. Asters hardened in the open air withstand short-term frosts up to -2 ° C. Astra grows well in sunny places, while maintaining a slight shading. A place to plant it every year needs to be changed, especially if in the previous summer the plants suffered from fusarium. The spores of this fungus persist in the soil for up to 5-6 years. The place where the gladiolus used to grow did not fit either, because they are subject to the same diseases as asters.

If the soil on your site has, and you have not made lime since the fall, then under the spring digging make 120-200 g of dolomite flour or one and a half cup of wood ash per 1 square meter. m square. Add extra peat and sand on very heavy clay soils. It is also necessary before planting 40-50 grams of complete mineral fertilizer ( Nitroammofosk) for 1 square. Stir thoroughly so that the fertilizers are evenly distributed in the upper soil layer. The bulk of the roots of asters is located at a depth of 15-20 cm. The aster does not tolerate at all.
It is best to plant aster seedlings in the evening. The distance between plants from 15 to 30 cm, depending on the variety. If for some reason the seedlings are too long when grown, then plant them at 2-3 cm. After planting, compact the soil around the plant as a hole for watering.

After planting, water the seedlings over the holes and grumble the soil with peat so that a crust does not form.
  Further care is watering, loosening and weeding from weeds. It is important to keep the soil loose. In the second half of the summer, the aster is fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus (20-30 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. M) contributes to abundant flowering and brighter color of the inflorescences, and potassium (15-20 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. M) significantly increases the resistance of plants to various diseases.

Tip: the most spectacular aster looks from single-sowing plantings of 15-30 plants in a group.

Annual garden flowers, as well as some perennials are grown through seedlings. This technique allows you to improve the germination of seeds and speed up flowering. There are many ways to grow flower seedlings and for each flower it is better to choose the most suitable one.

The list of garden plants grown through seedlings is quite long - it contains heat-loving crops and flowers that lack a short summer for a full cycle of growth and flowering.

Terms of planting flowers for seedlings are very different. Plants with a long period of germination and vegetation should be sown in February. Other crops need two to three weeks before landing in the ground. Tables 1–3 provide descriptions of the most common flowering plants and their preferred planting conditions.

In February beautiful annual flowering plants and some perennials are sown on seedlings - in this case they will bloom in the year of planting. When sowing flowers in February, it is important to ensure a stable temperature and good illumination, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and will be weak.

Table 1. Flowers that are sown on seedlings in February.

Culture nameSeeding and growing conditions

Perennial liana, when planting seedlings bloom in the first year. It winters only in warm climates. Seeds of medium size are sown in light peat soil in seedling boxes, followed by picking in pots. The optimum temperature for germination is + 18-22 degrees, germination time is up to 2 weeks. You can put in peat tablets, followed by transplanting in pots.

Seeds of medium size, sown at the end of February or early March in the seedling boxes along shallow grooves. Sprinkle with soil, moisten from a spray and germinate in a warm dark place. Seeds germinate within 1-2 weeks. Seedlings dive into separate glasses. Possible cultivation in peat tablets.

The seeds are very small, often sold in the form of dragees or granules. Granulated seeds are more convenient to plant in peat tablets, followed by planting in pots. Ordinary seeds are sown on the surface of well-moistened soil in the seedling boxes, covered with glass and germinated in diffused light in a warm place. Dive when shoots get stronger. The optimum temperature is + 22-23 degrees. The term germination of seeds - up to 2 weeks.

Seed size is average. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in growth stimulants, then dried. Sow in seedlings or peat tablets with a seal of 1-1.5 cm. The optimal time for sowing is the end of February, the temperature for germination is + 20-22 degrees, the germination period is up to 10 days. In the phase of 5-6 true leaves, the bushes pinch. The plant is light-requiring, you may need light.

The seeds are very small, like dust. Sow on the surface of a moist soil mixed with sand or snow. Germinated on diffused light under the film. Germination temperature - + 20-24 degrees, shoots appear within a week. The film is not removed until the plants are strong, watered from a spray. In the phase of 4-5 leaves, dive several pieces into the pot, 2-3 weeks before planting, pinch. Seedlings tolerate moderate shading, does not tolerate direct sunlight. Planting time - mid or end of February.

Small seeds are sown in the seedlings on the surface, for convenience, you can mix them with sand. Germinated under the film with regular airing at a temperature of + 22-25 degrees. Seeds germinate 10-15 days. Dive into separate glasses in the phase of 4-6 leaves. Watering moderate. The best landing period is the end of February or the beginning of March.

Seeds are small, hybrid petunias are usually sold in the form of granules. Granulated seeds are best planted in separate rassadnye cells or peat tablets. Sowing of ordinary seeds is carried out in seedling boxes over the surface of the soil; it can also be planted in snow. Germinated seeds in the light under glass, regularly moistening with a spray. Shoots appear within 10 days. The glass is removed after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves. Picks are performed after the appearance of a 5 leaf, after which the plants pinch to improve the growth of lateral shoots.

Seeds are small, sown in seedlings in loose soil with good drainage. Sowing is performed on the surface, lightly powdered with sand. Temperature before germination - + 22-26 degrees, the period - up to 2 weeks. The plant is extremely light-loving, in February and March you need light. Watering regular, but moderate. Pick into separate pots in the phase of 2-3 true leaves.

Seeds are small, sown in a mixture with sand over the surface of the soil, drainage from expanded clay is necessarily placed on the bottom of the seedling boxes. The seeds are germinated under a film or glass in diffused light at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​degrees for 5-10 days. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, dive into separate pots. Salvia needs a long light day - at least 12 hours, when landing in February, you need lights. The plant does not tolerate overflow, shoots can rot.

March is the time of sowing most garden flowers for seedlings. In addition to the crops described in table 2, in early March you can still plant lobelia and salvia if you did not have time to do it in February. At the end of March, with sufficient light, marigolds, dahlia, sweet peas and zinnia can be sown, and they will bloom in June.

Table 2. Flowers that are sown on seedlings in March.

Culture nameSeeding and growing conditions

Seeds are small, sown on the soil surface in boxes and germinated under glass or film. Seeds germinate up to 2 weeks at a temperature of + 22-25 degrees. Dive into separate cups in phase 2 of these sheets. Watering is moderate, first spraying, after picking - from a watering can. The optimal time for planting seeds is the third decade of March. Landing in the ground after the end of frosts.

Amaranth seeds are quite small, before sowing they are mixed with coarse sand. Sow in the seedling boxes, in the grooves, close up to a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm. Germinated at a temperature of at least +20 degrees under the film. Dive in the phase of two true sheets in rassadnye cells or cups. The plant is light-loving, you may need light.

Seeds of asters of medium size. Sow in the seedling boxes, in peaty soil on the grooves, in advance spilled potassium permanganate. The seeds themselves can also be etched with a strong solution of manganese - this will reduce the risk of disease of the seedlings “black leg”. From above, the seeds are covered with 1 cm layer of calcined river sand. Shoots at a temperature of + 20-25 degrees appear within 10 days. Sprouts swoop in the phase of two true leaves into separate cups or rassadnye cells. When growing asters seedlings, it is important to avoid overwetting.

Seeds are small, sown without embedding in the soil. Pre-moisten the soil in the seedling boxes, after planting, put them in a warm place and cover them with film or glass. Shoots appear after 2-3 weeks. Dive plants after they get stronger. Watering and temperature when growing seedlings - moderate.

The seeds of the left side have the average size, they are planted in seedling cassettes with a cell volume of 60-12 ml or in peat tablets. From above, the seeds are covered with river sand, germinated in the light. The temperature before germination is + 12-15 degrees, after the appearance of sprouts, it can be reduced to +10 degrees. Watering moderate. Levka poorly tolerates transplanting, so it is necessary to transfer it very carefully into a larger tank.

Seeds are small, when sowing it is better to mix with sand. Sow in the grooves with a seeding depth of 0.5-1 cm in a moist soil. From above cover with glass or a film and clean in a warm place. Shoots appear for a long time, up to three weeks. It is important to monitor their appearance and in time to put on a well-lit place. The temperature when growing seedlings of lion's pharynx should not be below +18 degrees. Dive seedlings in phase 2 sheets, with the appearance of 4-5 sheets pinch to form lateral shoots.

Seeds are small, sow them superficially on compacted soil in seedling boxes. Light is needed for seed germination, so the box is placed on a cool window-sill and covered with glass. The optimum temperature is + 15-18 degrees, after the emergence of shoots after 3-5 days it is reduced to + 10-12. Dive at the stage of 2-3 leaves. In spacious boxes, instead of picking, you can simply thin out the shoots.

Seeds are sown in seedling boxes or peat tablets to a depth of no more than 1 cm, sprinkled on top with dry soil without compaction. Germinated in the heat under the film, shoots appear after a week. Seedlings rearranged to a sunny place. Swoop in the phase of two leaves, without tightening - young shoots take root better. Tablets can be transplanted into pots or cassettes later. Watering with warm water, moderate.

Drummond Phlox Seeds "Pretty Woman in Crimson"

In April, they sow seeds of fast-growing flowers, which need no more than 4-6 weeks to pick buds. The seeds of these flowers are quite large, the plants sprout well, so you don’t need to hurry up with the planting - overgrown seedlings take root worse.

Table 3. Flowers that are sown on seedlings in April.

Culture nameSeeding and growing conditions

Seeds of medium size, sowing can be carried out from mid-March, but most often they are sown in the first or second decade of April. Marigolds are sown in seedling boxes, in grooves to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, watered carefully and put in a warm place. In the warm shoots appear after 5-7 days. Dive in the phase of two leaves into separate cups, after the appearance of 4-5 leaves pinch the top.

Sufficiently large seeds, germinate quickly. Before landing at night soaked in aloe juice or half an hour in "Epin." Plant seeds in wet peat soil in the seedling boxes, sprinkle with soil 1 cm, compacted. At a temperature of + 22-25 degrees shoots appear for 3-5 days. In the phase of two leaves, seedlings dive into spacious cups, pinch when a fifth leaf appears.

The seeds of sweet peas are large, in a dense shell, before planting it is desirable to scarify them - slightly damage the integrity of the shell. You can do it this way: place the seeds between two sheets of fine sandpaper, lightly press and roll. Then they are soaked for 12-24 hours in warm water, then placed in a damp cloth and removed in heat. Hacked seeds are planted in separate cups with a volume of 200 ml. Seedlings are grown at a temperature of + 12-16 degrees, watered regularly, pinch over the second or third leaf of each shoot.

Ipomoea seeds are quite large. Before planting, their shell is lightly punctured with a needle, then it is soaked in water for a day. Germinated seeds in separate cups of three seeds in each. The depth of seeding is 1.5-2 cm; at a temperature of + 18-20 degrees, seedlings appear a week later. As the root system grows, seedlings roll into larger cups. With the active growth of shoots in a glass you need to stick a support so that the shoots are not tangled.

Seeds are small, sown on wet soil surface or under a layer of dry sand. Germinated under the film at a temperature of about +20 degrees. Shoots appear during the week. You can dive in the phase of the first true sheet. Watering when growing seedlings is moderate. In case of poor lighting, additional lighting is required.

Zinnia seeds are quite large, so you can plant them immediately in individual cups, 2-3 seeds are permissible. The soil should be loose and moisture permeable. Seeding depth - 1 cm. At a temperature of + 20-22 degrees, seedlings will appear for 5-7 days. If the seeds are sown in the seedling box, they dive in separate cups in the phase of two leaves. Zinnia is not recommended to plant before mid-April - too adult seedlings do not take root well. For the formation of a lush bush, you can pinch it over a 5-6 sheet.

Growing roses in a greenhouse for sale is a profitable business, because the demand for the queen of flowers does not decrease even in the winter months. Depending on the region, the profitability can be 200% or more, and the payback period does not exceed two years. How to organize a business on flowers, so that it brings a stable profit, read in.

General techniques for growing seedlings

Despite the fact that different flower crops require different conditions for successful growth and flowering, the methods of planting seeds and caring for plants are the same for many crops. Below we describe the main methods of growing seedlings of flowers.

Seed preparation

Purchased seeds, as a rule, have already passed calibration, decontamination and stratification. Information on this can be found on the seed packaging. When self-collecting and harvesting flower seeds, all these operations need to be done by hand. Before preparing the seeds are sorted and removed garbage.

Seed sorting and trash removal

Step 1.   Some flower cultures require stratification - imitation of winter conditions. For this, seeds are sprinkled with soil in small containers or wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a plastic container. Clean the seeds in the fridge for 4-6 weeks. From time to time, inspect and moisturize if necessary. Stratification is necessary for asters, lavender, primroses, seeds of conifers.

Note! Sowing seeds in the snow is also a stratification method. It is suitable for small seeds of lobelia, petunia, cloves.

Step 2.   Disinfection is necessary to destroy pathogens of fungal and bacterial infections. To do this, the seeds are soaked first in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate, then washed and soaked in a solution of Fitosporin-M or another fungicide. After processing, seeds are sown for 2-3 days, they can not be stored longer.

Step 3. Soaking is used for seeds with a solid dense shell - Ipomoea, sweet peas, decorative beans, castor beans. Soaking is carried out in warm water (+ 35-40 ° C) for 6-24 hours. It is convenient to do this in a thermos - a constant temperature is maintained there. When soaking in a glass of water you need to regularly change to hot.

Step 4.   Scarification is another way to accelerate the germination of hard seeds. The top layer of the shell is damaged mechanically - with the help of emery paper, needle file or scratching with a needle. After that, the seeds are soaked.

Step 5.   Stimulation is carried out in a solution of "Agatha", "Epin" or "Zircon", in aloe juice, as well as in solutions of succinic or boric acid. After stimulation, the seeds give more friendly shoots.

Note! It is more convenient to carry out the treatment of small seeds by placing them in fabric bags.

Preparation of soil and reservoirs for seedlings

For the successful cultivation of seedlings of flowers requires two types of soil. In the stage of seed germination and the appearance of the first true leaves, the sprout takes nutrients from the seed. However, during this period, seedlings are very sensitive to fungal and bacterial infections. The main requirement for the soil for germination of seeds - its sterility, moisture and breathability. These qualities have a mixture of peat-based.

In the second phase of seedling growth, after picking, the root system begins to actively consume nutrients from the soil. Soil ground rich in humus or biohumus is more suitable for planting seedlings in individual cups. If the seeds are planted immediately in seedlings, then it is enough to sprinkle the planting holes and the soil surface with peat or calcined sand.

As containers for seedlings, you can use boxes, disposable cups and any other container of a suitable size. For the germination of thermophilic seeds that require a greenhouse effect, you can use containers with a transparent lid or special. The containers before planting must be washed and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Sowing seeds in boxes

Flower seeds are sown in various ways on the soil surface or in the grooves with the depth. Superficially sow small seeds that need light for sprouting (petunia, lobelia, ageratum, fragrant tobacco).

Pre-seeds are mixed with sand, so that they are evenly distributed. The finer the seeds, the smaller the sand particles should be. Seeds are sown over the entire surface, watered from a spray bottle and covered with a stack. Germinated in the light.

Seeds with embedment in the soil sown in this way.

Step 1.   Fill the boxes with soil, level it, with a ruler or other object press the grooves of the desired depth.

Step 2.   Sow the seeds in the grooves with the required interval.

Step 3.   Top cover with a layer of soil with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm.

Step 4.   Water gently from the watering can to moisten the topsoil.

Step 5.   Cover the box with a lid or film and clean in a warm place until germination.

Step 6.   Once or twice a day before the emergence of shoots, they raise a film to ventilate and remove condensate - the latter can be used to moisten the soil, allowing it to flow down the walls of the box.

Step 7.   Watering the seedlings when the topsoil dries out of a small watering can with distilled warm water.

Note! Planting seeds in seedlings or glasses perform in the same way, it is allowed to plant 2-3 seeds. Excess sprout can then be removed.

Plant picking

Plants usually dive in the phase of 2 true leaves - by this time sprouts are switching to root nutrition, but the root system itself has not yet grown, therefore it is almost not damaged during transplantation. Exceptions are plants with very tender stems, for example, lobelia. It is better to replant it after the appearance of 4-5 true leaves.

Step 1.   Prepare the seed cups and fill them with nutrient soil mixture, water and give the water to evenly soak the soil. In the center make a recess of 2-3 cm with a pencil or other object.

Step 2.   Poddevat sprout in the seedling box with a small spatula or a teaspoon stalk. Carefully remove it along with an earthy ball.

Step 3.   Place the roots with an earthy lump in the recess and press the soil on one or more sides, trying not to damage the root. If necessary, pour the soil.

Planting sprout in a separate cup

Cups with transplanted seedlings for a few days put in a warm place with diffused light. Water only when the topsoil dries out and very carefully so as not to overflow. After the seedlings take root, you can water it normally, feed and pinch.

Cultivation in peat tablets

Peat tablets are convenient for planting flower crops that do not tolerate picking and handling. They are extruded peat soil, which, when wet, swells and increases in height by about 5-7 times, its diameter remains the same.

Step 1. Tablets are placed in a container and pour warm water. Water is better to pour a little, 1-2 cm, and pour as the tablets swell. As soon as they stop soaking up water, its surplus is drained.

Step 2.   Soaked tablets are placed in a mini-greenhouse. In the center of the tablet there is a small indentation, if its dimensions are insufficient, the hole is widened or deepened. Pre-prepared or germinated seeds are placed in tablets. This can be done by hand, using tweezers or a toothpick (depending on the size of the seed). The pelleted and granulated seeds are then poured with water to full moisture. If necessary, fill the hole with peat soil mixture.

Step 3.   Cover the greenhouse with a lid or film and clean in a warm place, maintaining the temperature suitable for this type of seed. The lid is periodically removed for ventilation.

Sprouting seeds in peat tablets

Step 4.   After seed germination and the emergence of several true leaves, as well as a developed root system, the plants, along with the tablets, are transplanted into a larger pot or in a flower bed.

Note! Peat soil from which the tablets are made is not very rich in nutrients. Therefore, with long-term growing of seedlings in tablets, it is better to water the tablets with a weak solution of a complex flower fertilizer.

Sowing small seeds in the snow

Flowers with very small seeds that do not require embedding in the soil, it is convenient to plant in the snow. When the snow melts, the soil is moderately moistened with soft melt water, and small seeds along with it are buried to a small depth, as is the case in natural conditions. In addition, short-term stratification of seeds occurs, which contributes to friendly shoots.

Step 1.   Razadnye boxes filled with peat soil at 2/3, compacted it, but not watered. 2-3 cm of snow are laid on top, also compacted and leveled.

Step 2.   The seeds are scattered on the snow surface - they are clearly visible on a white background, because they are easy to evenly distribute.

Step 3.   Cover the box with a transparent lid, glass or film and leave in a warm place with diffused light. The cover or film is regularly removed and aerated the soil for 10–20 minutes. Condensate is removed. Watering the soil from the spray gun only when the top layer dries.

Note! The snow layer should not be too thick, otherwise the soil will get very wet and the seeds will rot. To prevent overmoistening, it is better to make drainage or holes in the box.

Seedling care

Before planting in the ground care of the seedlings is a regular watering, fertilizing complex fertilizers, pinching and dosochivanii. This should take into account the technology of growing each flower culture.

On the technology of growing seedlings of popular garden flowers can be found in the videos below.

Video - Growing seedlings of garden asters 16909 1

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    Growing petunia in peat tablets

    Planting petunia seeds in peat seedlings is an excellent result. It is very convenient, economical, significantly increases the germination of seeds and contributes to obtaining strong and healthy seedlings.

    Hard-growing and capricious petunia seeds in peat tablets develop much better. Moreover, there is no need to dive, you can immediately plant it in open ground or pots without any difficulties. The complex of nutrients contained in the tablets is another advantage that allows you to get luxurious plants, pleasing their lush flowering.

    The optimal time for sowing petunia seeds is from the end of January to the end of February. If it is not planned to light up the seedlings, then crops can be made in March. However, when sowing in the early stages, it is necessary to highlight the seedlings with fluorescent lamps, since the seeds germinate better in the light.

    How to use peat tablets?

    Peat tablets - a simple, clean and fast way to plant seeds and grow seedlings of flowers. It is a compacted small-fraction peat in the form of a tablet, wrapped in a net and micronutrient nutrients, selected in optimal proportions for fast and healthy growth of plants. The tablet is poured with water, and it swells up, then you can plant seeds in the recess above. The advantage is the natural qualities of peat - it is water and air permeability, along with the possibility of unhindered development of the root system of plants. Peat tablets for seedlings are of different diameters - from 2.5 to 4.5 cm.

    Some advise to remove the mesh from the pill - small plants grow better. This can be done with the help of small scissors. Stress during plant transplantation in this case is reduced to a minimum, so the root system remains undamaged, and the plant continues to grow and develop, it remains only to be watered in time.

    For the cultivation of seedlings of petunias, peat tablets suitable with a diameter of 3.5 - 4.5 cm are suitable, so that before the transplantation the roots of seedlings have enough space for development. For successful germination of seeds, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of water, air and to maintain the required microclimate parameters: temperature, relative humidity, light.

    Planting petunia seeds in peat taablets

    Putting tablets on a tray or in cassettes, pour them with water at room temperature. Literally before our eyes, in a matter of seconds, the peat tablets completely swell, while they noticeably increase in height several times, keeping the original diameter, turning into a peat barrel. After 5-10 minutes, the excess water is drained and placed with a toothpick or forceps into the recess in the upper part of each tablet one grain. Petunia seeds germinate only in the light, so they can not be buried in the ground. The light emanating from the window is still sufficient for germination.

    So, planting seeds produced. Now it is necessary to create optimal conditions for their development. Of course, you should remember about the dangers of direct sunlight and the danger of waterlogging of the substrate. Drying of the soil is no less destructive for them: only a day without irrigation can destroy the sprouts that have appeared. Moderate moisture and diffused light - this is the key to success in growing seedlings.

    Further care for petunia seedlings

    For seed germination, you need to create an airtight structure so that it is warm and humid inside; for this, tablets are placed in a greenhouse or mini-greenhouse. Capacity for seedlings is better to take, transparent and plastic, because it is least susceptible to the spread of fungi. It should be thoroughly washed and disinfected, rubbed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The greenhouse is closed with a lid (bag, film or glass) and placed on the windowsill.

    The optimum temperature for germination is 20 ... 22 ° C, then fog forms on the transparent lid or glass, but more often you will see drops there that need to be removed both from the lid and from the walls. If the temperature is too low (less than 20 degrees), except for mold, probably nothing will grow.

    As the tablet dries, you need to pour water into the pan. For irrigation, use soft or boiled water, since an excess of any mineral salts negatively affects the growth of petunia seedlings. It is necessary to carefully control the moisture content of peat, it should not dry out, should not be over-humidified. The sufficiency of watering can be determined by the appearance of a dark spot on the surface of the peat column. It is important that peat dries slightly between waterings.

    You should regularly remove the condensate with a paper napkin from the lid and from the walls so that the seedlings do not get sick with a “black leg”. He should not forget to ventilate the greenhouse for several minutes every day, it can be combined with the removal of condensate. If the peat tablets are over-humidified, then under them you can put a paper towel, when it is moistened - change.

    If direct sunlight hits the greenhouse, drops will form on the lid, even if the peat tablet is completely dry, this cannot be allowed (you can diffuse sunlight by placing a piece of paper on the glass).

    After the appearance of the first shoots (after 7-10 days), you can turn on additional lighting. This will depend on the quality of the seeds and the conditions of their germination. Without light, the development is slower and the seedlings are sick more often. The addition of a petunia at 12-14 o'clock is enough. In clear weather, the light can be turned off for several hours. In cloudy weather - leave on all the time.

    As mentioned above, do not allow waterlogging, so that the seedlings do not get sick with a “black leg”, as a result of which they can die. If the tablet turns green, blackens, or spiderweb fibers of white mold begin to form, it is urgent to get rid of pathogens. To do this, remove the foci of spreading the fungus with soft paper or cotton moistened with potassium permanganate. After that, it is advisable to water for some time with antifungal agents (for example, “Previcur” or equivalent) and then monitor the airing.

    After the appearance of the 2-3rd real leaflet, the greenhouse can be opened - at this time a small root should already develop in the plants. Petunia is fed when the second true leaf appears, with Kemira fertilizer or alternate Master for seedlings of vegetables and flowers, and Rost concentrate. Suitable and other complex fertilizer with a low nitrogen content. Avoid direct sunlight, which can be detrimental to fragile plants.

    Transplantation (transfer) of a peat tablet with petunia seedlings

    When the plants become crowded in their peat "house", tablets should be planted in small containers filled with loose nutrient soil for seedlings. Such a transplant is necessary, because more than one week may pass before disembarking to a permanent place, and the root system will increase in size all this time.

    Also suitable are ordinary plastic disposable cups with holes made in the bottom; can use cassettes. Transparent walls of the cup will allow you to trace the humidity of the earth, both on the surface and in depth. Still, it is better to remove the mesh from the peat tablet - there will be more space and freedom for further development. If the seedling is slightly stretched, the ground should be filled to the cotyledon leaves. When picking seedlings it is very important not to fall asleep the point of growth of the petunia, from which the leaves grow.

    After transplantation, seedlings need to be watered and put in a slightly shaded place for a couple of days. Then the seedlings are again provided with good lighting, and the temperature of the content can be lowered by several degrees. During this period, it is necessary to harden the seedlings, giving it fresh air for several hours a day. During the growth of petunia should acquire a well-branched root system.

    Growing strawberries from seed at home for beginners can be problematic. This process is laborious and requires a lot of effort and cost. This article will help those who want to grow strawberry seedlings from seed in their garden, but do not know how to do it correctly.

  • Strawberry seeds are characterized by resistance to various diseases and pests, as well as a long shelf life.
  • Step-by-step instruction of growing strawberry and strawberry seedlings

    Seeds need to choose from healthy bushes and well-ripened berries. The seed, located at the base and in the middle part of the berry, is considered to be large, characterized by a high percentage of germination and has a developed embryo. The harvest from such seeds will turn out tasty and beautiful. From the collected berries cut off the top layer of pulp and lay out on paper to dry. Then the dried mass must be rubbed with palms. The separated seeds are stored in a glass container.

    Three months before planting, the seeds undergo a stratification procedure. This will accelerate their germination. Spread the planting material onto a cotton pad soaked in water. Top cover with another wet disc. All this is placed in a plastic container with a lid. For the oxygen in the lid to make holes with a needle or other piercing objects.

    The soil is laid in containers, slightly trampling down, and moistened with a spray bottle. Spread the seeds on the surface of the ground with tweezers, a toothpick or a match, slightly pressed to the ground. Seeds remain on the surface, they do not need to sprinkle with soil. Daylight has a beneficial effect on the active germination of seedlings.

    After planting, the seeds are covered with a transparent lid and placed in a well-lit place without direct sunlight to prevent the seeds from drying out. The cover should be with holes for fresh air. They can be put on the windowsill, but in the midday hours it is recommended to cover from direct sunlight. Until the seedlings germinate, it is not recommended to open the lid, so as not to disturb the greenhouse microclimate.

    Water droplets that are collected from above, fall to the ground, thereby moistening the seedlings.

    Also, when sowing planting material in containers, experienced gardeners carry out the procedure of stratification of seeds directly in the soil for planting. For this, containers are filled with moist soil, leaving 3 cm from the top. Over it put a 3 cm layer of snow, slightly compacting the soil. Above the snow lay out soaked planting material. Planted seeds covered with a transparent lid and put in the refrigerator for 14 days. After a while, the snow will thaw, and the seeds will slightly sink into the ground. The melted snow will provide moisture to seedlings for 2 weeks. However, plantings should be carefully monitored, aired, and, if necessary, moistened.

    Strawberry seedlings care

    After two weeks, seedlings can be taken out of the refrigerator and placed in a warm, well-lit place, for example, on the windowsill on the east side. After the seedlings become stronger and let the first leaves, they dive into separate containers - cups of 5x5 cm. For this you can use both peat and plastic pots. Typically, this procedure is carried out when the strawberry seedlings will release at least 3 leaves.

    Peat tablets are poured with water and left until they absorb all the moisture and increase in size. They are then put on a pallet or any plastic box. In each recess in the tablet lay out one seed, pressing it slightly. Then the pan or cover should be covered with transparent polyethylene and put in a bright place, on the windowsill, protecting it from direct sunlight. During this period, seedlings are very important to ensure high humidity and prevent the tablets from drying out. To do this, periodically pour water, as needed. Stagnant water should not be.

    Seedlings growing scheme

  • After the seeds germinate, they are periodically aired, gradually adapting to fresh air. Also, they need to be exposed to the sun for 2-3 hours daily. Over time, you can put on the windowsill for a permanent stay.
  • If mold has appeared on the ground surface, it is not a problem. It can be carefully removed with a match, then well ventilated shoots and dry. The soil is recommended to treat antifungal medication.
  • In May and June, strawberries are planted in open ground. In order to strengthen the bushes and grow well, the first flowers are recommended to be removed. This contributes to the active growth of green mass and high yield. In addition, these bushes tolerate the winter easier. The first year of all the resulting mustache must be removed.

    Planting in peat tablets

    It takes a lot of plants to plant a large house: you don’t get bored in the shops, and you don’t always have what you want there. And for a balcony, a veranda and a terrace, annuals should be grown from seeds ...

    After I got married and moved to a new home, I proceeded to the “planting of trees”, and immediately regretted that I had not looked at how my mother grows flowers. It seemed very simple: you just need to throw a seed in a box, and then transplant a seedling.

    The secret of success is peat

    But alas, my first attempt to grow ampelous petunias from seeds ended in failure: the seeds did not come up! There were 3 frail shoots, but this is not the result! She told about her problem to a friend, she advised to buy peat seedling tablets and sow in them. Immediately after work, I went to the flower shop and bought a package of these pills. At home, she considered the purchase: dark brown flat "rounds" really looked like big pills. From above, they were wrapped in a fine mesh. I carefully read the instructions on the package, put the tablets on the tray, filled it with 1/3 of warm water and went about my business. When she returned half an hour later, the tablets on the tray were filled with water and turned into tall neat cylinders with a small notch on top.

    First results

    And I set about planting. In each groove pincer put 2-3 seeds. Then she sharpened the match and wrapped the recess. The tray was covered with plastic wrap to keep the crops warm, and put it on a sunny window-sill on the veranda. Not watered, as the cylinders were wet, and polyethylene delayed evaporation.

    On the 6th day sprouts began to appear! In all pills! I ran to the store and bought some more packages. This time she planted surfini, lobelia, Turkish carnation, snapdragon, marigold, salvia, decorative sunflower, gantry, asters, purslane - all the windowsills on the veranda made this wealth!

    Since I sowed 2-3 seeds in each pill just in case, I deleted the extra ones. Now my task was not to spoil things: to grow seedlings correctly and transplant seedlings into pots and drawers. With peat tablets it turned out to be quite simple: you don’t touch them at all for the first week, then you start watering. And I was absolutely not afraid that the jet of water would damage the tiny sprouts: they poured water into the pan, and the tablets sucked it in like sponges.

    Transplant without trouble

    When it came time to transplant seedlings, I managed very quickly, as I planted seedlings with pills. In the process, I saw that the peat cylinders were all intertwined with roots. Well, in another way, probably, it could not be: loose peat, and besides, it is saturated with nutrients and stimulants for the development of roots. The manual says that for the prevention of disease is in the peat tablets and antifungal agent. In any case, not a single plant got sick from me.

    I filled the pots and boxes with the primer at 2/3 of the height, put the plants together with the pills and sprinkled them with the primer. Very convenient, because not one spine was damaged. And then I only watered, fed and enjoyed the rapid growth of my flowers! When I subsequently loosened the earth in a pot, I saw that neither the nets, nor the pills themselves were anymore - they dissolved and mixed with the earth.

    Universal support

    At the same time, I began to grow indoor plants. Some bought ready-made in a store (in pots), got something from friends in the form of cuttings, the rest decided to grow out of seeds. And in each case peat tablets were useful to me. The seeds of the room sowed exactly the same way as the annuals - almost everyone has grown and taken root.

    Especially well in pills cuttings settle. I planted them in swollen tablets, covered them with polyethylene, put them on the window sill. The first week they had enough moisture, then they watered, sometimes they aired - and so on until the roots appeared.

    Peat tablets   sold in different sizes; for large seeds and cuttings I bought more

    (up to 70 mm), for small ones - small (27-42 mm). It is undesirable to put the tablets tightly on a pallet, since the roots of one plant can sprout into the next tablet, and then one cannot do without “operation”. In addition, it is imperative to pay attention to the acidity of peat tablets (indicated on the package). Most seedlings grow well in peat neutral acidity, but some (hydrangea, for example) love the composition more recently. Good luck to you!

    How to grow seedlings in peat tablets?

    Growing seedlings with peat tablets today is not only the most common, but also the most effective way. Such a device is perfect for breeding diverse crops, creating all the conditions for optimal seed germination and perfect rooting of cuttings. And now more about

    Peat tablets - how to use for planting seeds

    Varieties of peat tablets

    On sale there are many types of tablets for seedlings. Each has a main component - rammed small-fiber peat, to which manufacturers add various necessary components.

    The most common are tablets of humus and peat, which are mixed with:

  • mixture to stimulate growth;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • solutions to reduce stress when transplanting.
  • This environment contributes to maximum seed germination and rooting cuttings of various plants. The mesh coating of the finished tablet allows you to transport it without any damage.

    Improving the characteristics of the material for seedlings, manufacturers use peat of different quality, adding a variety of impurities. Produced tablets also differ in shape and volume. In most cases, the height of the product does not reach eight millimeters, and sizes in diameter range from two to seven centimeters.

    The best were peat tablets with a special coating of paper or mesh, additionally treated with fungicides to protect the first seedlings from infections with fungus.

    When buying a product, you should always pay attention to the acidity level indicated on the label, which is selected in accordance with the needs of a particular plant.

    For the best germination of crops, it is best to choose reputable non-cheap brands of tablets, the structure of which includes high-quality peat and all the proper impurities for favorable conditions.

    Perfect for growing strawberries from seeds.

    Preparing for landing

    Having determined the size of the mixture of peat, you should choose the appropriate capacity. This can be, as well as a separate container for each tablet, and a roomy pallet.

    When laying out peat tablets, it is necessary to leave gaps for free growth of the root system of an individual plant.

    The special grooves for seeds provided by the manufacturer must be on top.

    The prepared material is poured with warm water, which should completely cover the tablet. After fifteen minutes, the peat mixture will swell and become much higher, while maintaining the original dimensions of the diameter.

    Excessive liquid should be drained from the already fully formed substrate.

    Planting seeds in peat tablets

    Seeds are planted both dry and previously germinated. Planting takes place in several simple steps:

  • A pair of seeds is placed in the finished grooves and powdered with prepared humus or composition taken a little from the tablet itself.
  • Capacity for planting covered with a transparent coating, which is usually polyethylene or glass.
  • Put sowed capacity in a warm place.
  • A prepared small greenhouse is often ventilated.
  • Periodic watering is performed by spraying on the surface of the water.
  • Before the first shoots it is necessary to monitor the temperature and humidity. After wetting, it is advisable to leave the soil to dry slightly.

    When sprouts appear, the coating is removed and the container is placed in a sufficiently lit place, but a little cooler than the previous one. Watering is done by the capillary method - the addition of liquid from the bottom of the pan, because water can cause plant disease if it comes into contact with the stems.

    To land in the ground, the roots do not open, but are transplanted along with the tablet. Peat composition enriched with necessary components is further used as a fertilizer in already open soil.

    If several seeds were sown in one place, then before moving to the ground, sprouts are carefully separated, and the peat is evenly distributed.

    In peat tablets can be planted various plants. The material is well suited for sprouts with delicate thin shoots and for heavily diving crops.

    In ready-made tablets, gardeners have the opportunity to grow all types of vegetables, and gardeners can grow even the most difficult to produce and rare plants.

    Benefits of Peat Tablets

    With the advent of peat preparations, cassettes and a variety of pots made of plastic, filled with soil, were pushed into the background. The predominant advantages of seedling tablets are:

  • the crumbly peat structure, which makes it easy to branch out to the roots of different crops without restricting the approach to airspace and moisture;
  • the addition of fungicides provides reliable protection against all diseases and harmful bacteria;
  • plants do not require additional feeding in the first stages of cultivation, as the peat mixture includes all the required elements;
  • the root system is not damaged when transplanted to another soil;
  • tablets do not absorb excess moisture;
  • the finished product does not take up much space and is successfully used in small spaces;
  • in a peat mixture, seeds germinate a couple of days faster than in ordinary soil;
  • the roots feel free without being intertwined with each other;
  • maximum seed germination;
  • minimum labor costs.
  • Disadvantages of using peat tablets

    With a lot of advantages, the material from peat still has some negative sides:

    • the price of a quality product is quite high, which is especially noticeable with quantitative plantings;
    • constant moisture control, as peat tends to dry out;
    • the need for additional containers and other suitable containers.
    • When purchasing peat tablets, it should be noted not only reliable manufacturers, but also the shelf life and storage conditions of products, which is important for effective subsequent use.

      For the proper use of peat soil several points should be noted:

    • Peat tablets are operated only once.
    • Some seeds are left without sprinkling - otherwise delicate thin plants may not germinate.
    • Do not put the seeded substrate to the heater or the battery for heating.
    1. Cell for tablets are selected slightly larger diameter.
    2. In a single depression, several seeds are laid out only of those plants whose roots tolerate separation well.
  • It is important not to miss the moment of seed germination and to remove the transparent cover in time to avoid deforming the seedlings.
  • For growing seedlings it is necessary to increase the volume of the recess intended for seeds.
  • It is desirable to cut the coupling mesh before planting the sprouted culture and carefully remove it, since it does not always dissolve in the soil.
  • Peat tablets are the most suitable material for various vegetable and flower crops. Their rich composition provides seeds with all the necessary components for growing strong and persistent seedlings with a powerful root system.

    For best results, you only need to choose the right peat tablet for a particular plant and follow the instructions.

    Wishing you a rich and healthy harvest.

    How to use peat tablets. Planting and cultivation of seedlings in tablets. Photo, video

    Peat tablets are a simple, clean and fast way to plant seeds and grow seedlings of flowers and vegetables. How to plant seeds in peat tablets, read the article, see photos and video

    Peat tablets   they are peat pressed in the form of a small washer, stretched to the thinnest natural mesh on the sides. At the top of each peat tablets   There is a small recess for seeds. Height of such seedling pills   - about 8 mm.

    Before seed planting peat tablets   soaked in water. Literally in front of you, in seconds (see our video) peat tablets   swell and increase in height by 5 times!

    Seedling tablets are made from peat or coconut fiber. The qualities of these tablets are about the same, peat and coconut seedling tablets   are interchangeable. Soaked peat or coconut fiber - the ideal environment for germinating seeds. They perfectly retain water and the seeds in them do not risk falling victim to fungi (“black” leg, alas, a common cause of falling seedlings. which is grown in poor-quality soil mixture).

    How to use peat tablets

    Plant seeds   in special recesses in seedling pills   and gently cover 1-2 mm peat (coconut fiber) tablets .

    Put the peat tablets in a cassette or box for seedlings   (it is better to use electric propagators - heated boxes with a transparent lid). Sign and tag each row peat tablets. so that no further confusion arises.

    Details on how how to use peat tablets. in our special video: Peat seedling tablets :

    Article, photo and video. Oksana Jeter,