Ministry of Fuel and Energy. Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation

Document's name:
Document Number: 504
Document type:
Status: Unplaced
Published: Meeting of the Acts of the President and, 1993, N 23, Article.215
Date of adoption: May 30, 1993.
Start date: May 30, 1993.
Execution Date: January 27, 1996.
Editorial date: November 02, 1995.

On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation

Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation


On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Fuel
and energy of the Russian Federation

(as amended on November 2, 1995)

Lost strength on the basis of
decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 27, 1996 N 60

Document with changes made by:

Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation


Approve the enclosed Regulations on the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers
Government of the Russian Federation
V. Chernomyrdin

Regulations on the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation

resolution of the Council of Ministers
Government of the Russian Federation
may 30, 1993 N 504

1. The Ministry of Fuel and the Znergetic of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia) is a central body of the federal executive authority, which leads to the operation and development of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation, as well as the coordination of the activities of independent enterprises and organizations of electric power industry, oil producing, oil refining, gas, coal, shale and peat industry, gasification and gas supply of gas economy, systems of oil products and main oil, gas and petroleum products, specialized engineering, construction, scientific, design and other enterprises and organizations (hereinafter referred to as enterprises of the fuel and energy complex) on issues related to its keeping.

2. Russian Ministry of Powerherego in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation" and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Resolutions and Regulations of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as This Regulation.

3. Russia's Ministry of Energy operates in cooperation with other central bodies of the federal executive.

4. Russia's Ministry of Powerherego exercises its work on the principles of close cooperation with the executive authorities of the republics as part of the Russian Federation, the regional, regions, autonomous formations, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg in order to coordinate and taking into account the interests of fuel and energy sectors and regions, promotes the specified authorities In the structural restructuring of the fuel and energy complex, the creation of new jobs, the development of industrial and social infrastructure.

5. The main tasks of the Ministry of Health of Russia are:

development and implementation in accordance with the current legislation of public policy in the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation;

ensuring the needs of the national economy and the population in various types of energy, their rational and safe (in the environmental and technological plan) of use and savings in all spheres of consumption;

ensuring the effective and sustainable functioning of the fuel and energy complex;

organization of the development of the main directions of development of the fuel and energy complex;

participation in the development and implementation of the state policy of the formation of market relations based on the development of the competitive environment, changes in property relations in the fuel and energy complex, the implementation of industry demonstration programs;

empowering the participation of the fuel and energy complex in solving the macroeconomic tasks of Russia, the integration of its economy into the global economic space, improving the efficiency of the export of fuel and energy resources, facilitating the attraction of foreign investment in the development of the complex, promoting investment activities abroad of the fuel and energy complex enterprises, use in the interests national economy of the possibilities of international organizations of the fuel and energy profile;

the implementation of state regulation of the activities of the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex by organizing development, approval in accordance with the current legislation of regulatory and technical acts, standards, norms and rules in the field of the organization, repair and construction of enterprises of the complex and monitoring their observance;

the decision to coordinate with the authorities of state authorities and the management of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government agencies of the placement and construction of large enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.

6. The main functions of the Ministry of Health of Russia are:

development of proposals for the formation and participation in organizing the implementation of sectoral demonstration programs, government target scientific and technical programs for the creation of new energy technologies and equipment, solving energy saving problems, the introduction of highly efficient, environmentally friendly and reliable technological processes, including based on the conversion of defense enterprises and engineering complexes;

development and conduct of state policy in the field of design and construction of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex;

ensuring the state energy supervision, state control and oversight of the rational use of oil, gas and the products of their processing, for the quality of peat in all areas of the economy of the Russian Federation, as well as the state supervision of the objects of the fuel and energy complex in terms of ensuring the safety of navigation, underwater and technical works , operation of hydraulic structures and prevention of pollution of the aquatic environment of oil;

ensuring measures to comply with the requirements of the protection of subsoil and other natural wealth in the implementation of the enterprises of the complex of economic activities;

coordination in accordance with the current Regulations on the licensing of the order, the terms and conditions of involvement in the development of existing and newly identified deposits of oil, gas and coal;

participation in establishing the main technical and economic indicators of oil, gas and coal for submission of licenses and monitoring the implementation of the conditions for the development of deposits on current licenses, as well as the expertise of calculations that substantiate the amount of reserved oil, gas and coal reserves;

ensuring the organizational and technical and economic conditions for increasing the environmental and technological safety of existing enterprises and compliance with the environmental and operational standards of newly introduced and reconstructed enterprises;

development of proposals for demonstration, socioeconomic development, effective price, investment, tax, concession policy, implementation of achievements of scientific and technological progress, ensuring reliability, sustainability, efficiency and safety of the operation of the fuel and energy complex; credit and financial regulation of the functioning and development of the complex;

development of proposals for legislative and regulatory acts, regulating the activities of the fuel and energy complex, participation in conjunction with interested organizations in coordination, implementation and monitoring of the execution of legislative and regulations on the fuel and energy complex;

participation in improving the economic mechanism for regulating the work of the fuel and energy complex in the context of the transition to market relations; preparation together with interested organizations of proposals for the creation and regulation of the economic and legal foundations of the development of market relations, direct commercial relations aimed at sustainable provision of the national economy and the population of the Russian Federation with fuel and energy, as well as reliable logistical supply of enterprises of the complex;

development of proposals for the formation of tariffs, prices, subsidies for fuel and energy resources and other products of industries of the complex;

organization and coordination of fulfillment of obligations under interstate agreements of the Russian Federation relating to the issues of the activities of the complex;

assistance in attracting foreign investors in the prescribed manner for the development of industries and enhance their export potential; assisting enterprises of the complex in the implementation of foreign projects;

participation in the development and holding of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of External Economic Relations of the Russian Federation and other Central Bodies of the Federal Executive Power Policy in the field of export-import operations;

creation in the prescribed manner extrabudgetary sectoral funds to finance capital construction, research and research and development, insurance and others;

creation in accordance with the current legislation of the currency fund for the purchase of equipment and materials of general industry;

preparation and organization of the execution of proposals for the establishment of quotas for export-import operations on the range of products of the fuel and energy complex, participation in the formation and distribution of quotas for transmission from Russia, gas, coal and products of their processing and electricity with bringing quotas to manufacturers of these products in accordance with the established procedure;

interaction with the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in order to create conditions for the safe operation of industries, working conditions in the complex industries, introducing new means and methods for preventing professional diseases, industrial injuries and accidents, development and approval in coordination with the relevant authorities (including trade union) sectoral rules and norms and control over their observance;

organization, coordination and control in conjunction with the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster Implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the effects of emergency situations in the Russian Fuel and Energy Complex system, the introduction of mobilization preparation, the implementation of civil defense measures ; ensuring reliable protection of public secrets, other closed information and special communication, the implementation of the methodological guidelines with these areas of work on the basis of unified national legislative and regulatory acts;

ensuring the methodological guidelines to the activities of the geological and surveying services of mining enterprises;

implementation through the sectoral system for monitoring measures to ensure the safety and protection of the subsoil, the execution of relevant acts of legislation at the enterprises of the complex;

creating, ensuring technical leadership and control over the activities of mining parts and detachments, as well as units of militarized security, which are included in the fuel and energy complex system, and approval in the prescribed manner of their deployment;

coordination of work of departmental and professional emergency units included in the Russian prevention and action system in emergency situations, during emergency rescue and other urgent works;

the management of the creation, ensuring the preparedness and operation of the departmental subsystem of the Russian system of prevention and actions in emergency situations in accordance with the established Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation on the Ministry of Power Playnergo functions;

participation in the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of personnel, employment, social security of workers, pension funds, development of labor relations on the basis of social partnership, preventing and resolving labor conflicts, youth and migration policies;

organization of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for enterprises of the fuel and energy complex; implementation within the competence established by the legislation and authority of the leadership of the sectoral system of educational institutions;

rendering enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of methodological assistance in the implementation of state social insurance and compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and tradeboles, the organization at the enterprises of the treatment and preventive care complex, participation in the preparation of proposals for improving preferential pension provision;

promoting the development and regulation of inter-republican, regional economic relations of enterprises of the complex with consumers of products and suppliers of material and technical resources based on business partnership and economic interest;

the implementation of the functions of the general supplier in relation to fixed objects constructed abroad in the technical assistance of the Russian Federation;

implementation of the analysis of the production and economic activities of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex with the provision of permanent information flows for the implementation of state regulation in the prescribed manner;

development of proposals for stimulating improving the performance and efficiency of labor, the mechanism of social protection and recommendations on the organization of remuneration of employees of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, participation in the development, conclusion and implementation of sectoral (tariff) agreements in accordance with applicable law;

organization of fire and preventive work aimed at ensuring the reliable and trouble-free operation of the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex;

7. Mintopenergo of Russia to perform tasks and functions assigned to it:

forms a unified strategy of the scientific and technical, industrial and technical and socio-economic development of the fuel and energy complex;

develops with the involvement of other ministries, departments and sectoral enterprises (joint-stock companies), the strategy of the development and use of hydrocarbon resources, the fuel and energy balance of the Russian Federation by fuel and specific consumers, organizes and coordinates the actions of industry enterprises (joint-stock companies) aimed at ensuring reliable and Sustainable supply of the national economy and the population of fuel, thermal and electrical energy, on behalf of the Council of Ministerial Government of the Russian Federation, production contracts with enterprises of the complex;

it develops together with other interested federal executive bodies the main directions of state policy in the field of energy saving, coordinates the most important work on improving the efficiency of energy use in the national economy and participates in the preparation of proposals for their financing (paragraph is further included by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 1995 N 1087);

deals in the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation with the involvement of other ministries and departments for the implementation of state-owned fuel and energy programs: on financial and credit and economic issues, including the draft budget application for financing the activities of the fuel and energy complex, developing measures to stimulate increased productivity and efficiency, according to the mechanism of social protection, to organize remuneration of employees of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, to regulate labor relations in the industries and other issues of the fuel and energy complex in accordance with applicable law;

creates an information bank of the data of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation on the basis of information received from the enterprises of the complex, and submits into federal economic authorities information on the basis of established statistical reporting;

creates and develops the means and systems of industrial and information and information communication branches of the fuel and energy complex;

speakers on behalf of the Council of Ministerial Government of the Russian Federation as a customer when placed in the established procedure orders for the supply of products, the production of work (services) for state needs at the complex enterprises and ensuring these enterprises with the necessary resources together with the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other interested organizations;

contracts with the heads of state-owned enterprises in the federal property and approves the statutes of such enterprises in the delegation of Russia's Ministry of Powerherego of these functions by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management;

it gives on behalf of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on the management of state property to draft decisions on the establishment, reorganization and liquidation of the facilities of the fuel and energy complex that are in federal property, and also develops proposals on the recommendations on the participation of the peculiarities of the enterprises of the industry, taken into account when privatizing and implementing powers owner;

participates in conducting project expertise and estimates for the construction of major, having inter-sectoral importance of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, as well as the most significant scientific and technical developments for the implementation of the tasks facing the complex;

presents to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Management of Public Property, the Russian Fund of Federal Property, Committees for the Management of Property and the Property Fund of the National-State, National-Territorial and Administrative Ordinary Educations to attract them in the prescribed manner to implement the powers of the state as the owner of enterprises ( shares in the authorized capital) as representatives of these bodies;

determines in conjunction with industry enterprises (joint-stock companies), the procedure for managing energy product pipelines and the federal energy system;

receives from the State Committee of the Russian Federation on statistics and enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. Statistical data on issues related to the competence of the Ministry of Health of Russia;

assigns industry honorary honors to the best employees, and also awards in the prescribed manner of advanced employees of the complex of the complex with appropriate breastplates, certificates of diplomas;

the conference and meeting convenes in the prescribed manner, organizes exhibitions on the problems of improving and developing the activities of the industries of the complex.

8. Ministry of Heads of Russia is headed by the Minister appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Minister has deputies appointed by the Council of Ministers by the Government of the Russian Federation. The distribution of responsibilities between the Deputy Ministers is made by the Minister.

9. Fuel Minister and Energy of the Russian Federation:

manages the activities of the ministry on the basis of uniqueness;

accounts for personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Tasks and Functions, establishes the degree of responsibility of the Deputy Ministers and members of the Board, heads of the Structural Units of the Ministry;

publishes, within its competence, orders, instructions and gives instructions, mandatory for the execution by subdivisions of the central office, as well as enterprises of the fuel and energy complex;

approves within the established number and foundation of remuneration of employees of the structure and staffing of the central office of the Ministry, the provision on its structural divisions, as well as the estimation of the cost of maintaining the central apparatus within the appropriate period approved for the relevant period.

10. The Russian Ministry of Energy is formed by the Board of Minister (Chairman of the Board), his deputies, leaders of the leading departments of the Ministry and enterprises, approved by the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation.

Russian Ministry of Powerherego on regularly conducted collegium seditions is considering the activities and operation of the fuel and energy complex. The collegium decision is carried out into the life of the ministry's orders.

11. The Russian Ministry of Energy is formed by the Scientific and Technical and Economic Council with sections on individual problems. The personal composition of the Scientific and Technical and Economic Council and the Regulations on Him are approved by the Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. The organizational and technical support of the work of the Council is carried out by the central office of the Ministry.

12. The Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation is a legal entity, has a seal with the image of the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation and with its name, settlement and other accounts in bank institutions.

13. The costs of the maintenance of the central office of the Ministry of Powerednergo of Russia are funded at the expense of the republican budget of the Russian Federation sent to the maintenance of the central bodies of the federal executive authority of the Russian Federation.

14. Russia's Ministry of Powerherego is located at: Moskva, Chinese travel, house 7.

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions

On approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation (with the addition of November 2, 1995) (the force on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 1996 N 60)

Document's name: On approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation (with the addition of November 2, 1995) (the force on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 1996 N 60)
Document Number: 504
Document type: Resolution of the Summin RSFSR
Accepted Council of Ministers of the RSFSR - Government of the RSFSR
Status: Unplaced
Date of adoption: May 30, 1993.
Start date: May 30, 1993.
Execution Date: January 27, 1996.
Editorial date: November 02, 1995.

(until 2008) Guide Subordinate Government of the Russian Federation Hasional office Government of the Russian Federation Minister Novak, Alexander Valentinovich Device Headquarters Moscow,
107996, GSP-6, Moscow, ul. Shchepkin, house 42
Number of employees 379 (for 2012) Subordinate authorities Russian Energy Agency
Key document Regulations on the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Website Notes Functions of the Ministry:
Control and supervision

Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Energy of Russia) - Federal body of the Executive Authority of Russia, which implements public administration in the field of energy and administered by the Government of the Russian Federation.


In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, state energy enterprises were privatized and transferred to private property. The Union Ministry was liquidated, the republican was transformed into Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, Later, transformed into the "Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation" (until May 12, 2008). After the privatization of state enterprises, the ministry performs the functions of counseling, observation, control and supervision.

Ministry of Energy of Russia (2008)

Formed on May 12, 2008 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 724 by the division of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation implements the development and implementation of public policy in the industry and regulatory regulation of the fuel and energy complex, including the electric power industry, oil producing and oil refining, gas, peat, coal and shale industry, products of their processing, renewable energy sources , the development of hydrocarbon fields based on the products on the sale of products and in the field of petrochemical industry, as well as law enforcement functions and functions for the provision of public services, on the management of public property in the production and use of fuel and energy resources.

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the Regulation on the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.


Full name Home authority End of authority Additional Information
Vladimir Mikhailovich Azbukin June 2, 2008 November 30, 2010 oversaw coal industry
Dan Mikhailovich Belensky 2010 2012
Alexander Ivanovich Dybov October 6, 2011 2012 supervised IT programs, the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the TECE industry
Sergey Ivanovich Kudryashov December 28, 2008 2012
Kurbatov, Mikhail Yuryevich june 2012. sentbian 2013 year oversaw electric power, issues of corporate government management in the fuel and energy complex
Stanislav Yuryevich Svetlitsky June 7, 2008 2010
Yuri Petrovich Senturerin, State Secretary November 12, 2010 2017
Andrey Nikolayevich Shishkin January 21, 2010 june 2012 year oversaw electric power
Anatoly Borisovich Yanovsky June 7, 2008 in the position oversees international cooperation and coal industry
Pavel Sergeevich Fedorov March 22, 2012 march 2013. supervised the innovative development of fuel and energy complex, tax and financial policies

changes in the leadership of the ministry occurred in the summer of 2012 as a result of the change of the Minister of Energy and the composition of the Government of the Russian Federation


The main functions are the development of public policy, the implementation of regulatory legal regulation.

Implementation of law enforcement and functions for control and supervision in the field:

  • ensuring the activities of the subordinate federal state unitary enterprises and government agencies;
  • providing energy security;
  • production and use of fuel and energy resources;
  • coordination of organizations for the development of forecasts for the development of electro- and heat energy (with the exception of nuclear energy), oil-producing, oil refining, gas, coal, shale and peat industry, gas supply and gas farm, petroleum product support, main pipelines of oil, gas and products of their processing, alternative energy ;
  • preparation of proposals for the development of investment projects in the field of fuel and energy complex, programs for the development and use of hydrocarbon and other fuel and energy resources, balances of fuel and energy resources, current and promising balances for certain types of energy resources and the adoption of measures to implement them;
  • development of proposals for the use of systems of main oil and gas pipelines, petroleum products and energy systems and the adoption of measures to implement them in the prescribed manner;
  • development of proposals in the field of energy saving and ensuring safety in the functioning and development of the fuel and energy complex;
  • the implementation of public policy on the development and implementation of product sharing agreements;
  • other functions.

Subordamental organizations and enterprises

  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "HoshRechnaya Autobaza" Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation
  • State Enterprise "Zuevskoe Enterprise to Provide Fuel"
  • State Enterprise Concern "Sevosetinneftegazprom", Vladikavkaz
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kirov Regional Inspection for Phone Quality" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Kirov
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design and Design and Research Institute for Automation of the Coal Industry"
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center of Operational Services" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Production Association for the automation of oil, oil refinery and petrochemical industry, "Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Trest" Arktikugol "", Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Energy Service Company"
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Departmental Guard" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Dispatch Office of the Fuel and Energy Complex"
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in the South Siberian Region" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in the Mid-Town Region" Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in Onego-Pechora region" Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in the Moscow Region" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Additional Vocational Education "Courses to improve the qualifications of management workers and specialists of the fuel and energy complex"
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Vocational Education "Kemerovo Regional Qualifications Institute
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Additional Professional Education "Institute for Advanced Studies of Steering Workers and Fuel and Energy Complex Specialists"
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Vocational Education "St. Petersburg Energy Institute for Advanced Training"
  • Federal provisional institution emergency-rescue formation "Far Eastern Anti-Fictional Military Part"
  • Federal State Institution Emergency Rescue Formation "South Russian Anti-Fictional Military Part"
  • Federal State Institution Emergency Rescue Formation "Northeast Anti-Education Military Part"
  • Federal State Institution Emergency Rescue Formation "West Siberian Anti-Education Military Part"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency" of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution "Situational Analytical Center of the Ministry of Energy of Russia"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution for the coordination of local development programs and solving social problems caused by the restructuring of enterprises of the coal industry, "Sotsugol"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution on the Reorganization and Elimination of Unprofitable Mine and Separations "GURSH"


  • Department of Administrative and Bar
    • Department of Control and Work with Citizens
    • Department Coordination Department
    • Department of Public Service and Personnel
    • Department of Administrative and General
    • Department of Interaction with Public Associations
  • Department of Mining and Transportation of Oil and Gas
    • Department of oil production
    • Department of production and gas transportation
    • Department of Development of the Oil and Gas Complex
    • SRP implementation department
  • Department of Oil and Gas Processing
    • Department of oil refining
    • Department of Petrochemistry and Gasochemistry
    • Department of Transportation of Oil and Petroleum products
    • Department of the Domestic Market of Petroleum products and Gas
    • Department of Petroleum, Gas Cheese Balances and Petroleum products
  • Department of Development of Electric Power Engineering
    • Department of Provision Policy and Control Infrastructure Industry
    • Department of Development of the Regulatory Base Industry
    • Department of Investment Planning in Electric Power Engineering
    • Department of Investment Implementation Department
    • Department of prospective development of electric power industry
  • Department of Operational Control and Management in Electric Power Engineering and Forecasting TEC
    • Department of Mobilization Training
    • Civil protection department
    • Division of regulatory regulation
    • Department of Heating Playground
    • Department of operational activities
    • The registry office of technical and economic indicators
  • Department of International Cooperation
    • Department of Europe and America
    • Department of Asia and Africa
    • Department of International Contracts
    • Department of the CIS countries
    • Department of International Organizations
    • International Activities Department
  • Department of Coal and Peat Industry
    • Department of Economics and Restructuring Coal Industry
    • Department of Development of Production, Processing Coal and Peat Industry
    • Department of Coal Market Development
    • Regulatory, industrial safety, labor protection and ecology in the coal industry
    • Consolidated Information and Analytical Department
  • Finance Department
    • Department of Budget Planning and Financing
    • Department of Accounting and Reporting of the Central Apparatus
    • Department planning and payments planning department
    • Department of Analysis, Accounting Methodology and Consolidated Reporting
    • Financial Examination Department
  • Department of Economic Regulation and Property Relations
    • Department of Property Relations
    • Corporate department department
    • Department of Economic Examination
    • Department of Industry Policy, Taxation and Tariff Regulatory Investigations
    • Department of Investment Policy and Planning Industries
    • FAIP implementation department
    • Department of control and revision work
  • Department of Business Management
    • Division of the organization of office work and archive
    • Department of Information Technology
    • Department of economic security
    • Department of Planning and Coordination of the Ministries
    • Protocolization department
  • Department of State Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency
    • Department of Summary Indicators and TEC Monitoring
    • Department of Analysis and Strategic Planning
    • Department of Energy Efficiency and Program Implementation
    • Department of Modernization and Technological Development
  • Legal Department
    • Department of Legal Activities and Preparation of Regulatory Legal Acts
    • Department of Legal Examination
    • Department of Forensic Claim
    • Department of placement orders
    • Department of Legal Support of International Activities
  • Security, regime and state secrets department

(until 2008) The management of activities is carried out Hasional office Government of the Russian Federation Headquarters Moscow,
107996, GSP-6, Moscow, ul. Shchepkin, house 42
Number of employees 379 (for 2012) Minister Novak, Alexander Valentinovich Subordinate authorities Russian Energy Agency
Key document Regulations on the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Website Notes Functions of the Ministry:

Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Energy of Russia) - Federal body of the Executive Authority of Russia, which implements the State Department in the field of energy and administered by the Government of the Russian Federation.


In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, state energy enterprises were privatized and transferred to private property. The Union Ministry was liquidated, the republican was transformed into Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, Later, transformed into the "Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation" (until May 12, 2008). After the privatization of state enterprises, the ministry performs the functions of counseling, observation and supervision.

Ministry of Energy of Russia (2008)

Formed on May 12, 2008 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 724 by the division of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation implements the development and implementation of public policy in the industry and regulatory regulation of the fuel and energy complex, including the electric power industry, oil producing and oil refining, gas, peat, coal and shale industry, products of their processing, renewable energy sources , the development of hydrocarbon fields based on the products on the sale of products and in the field of petrochemical industry, as well as law enforcement functions and functions for the provision of public services, on the management of public property in the production and use of fuel and energy resources.

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the Regulation on the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.


Full name Home authority End of authority Additional Information
Vladimir Mikhailovich Azbukin June 2, 2008 November 30, 2010 oversaw coal industry
Dan Mikhailovich Belensky 2010 2012
Alexander Ivanovich Dybov October 6, 2011 2012 supervised IT programs, the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the TECE industry
Sergey Ivanovich Kudryashov December 28, 2008 2012
Stanislav Yuryevich Svetlitsky June 7, 2008 2010
Yuri Petrovich Senturerin, State Secretary November 12, 2010 in the position
Andrey Nikolayevich Shishkin January 21, 2010 june 2012 year oversaw electric power
Anatoly Borisovich Yanovsky June 7, 2008 in the position oversees international cooperation and coal industry
Fedorov Pavel Sergeevich March 22, 2012 march 2013. supervised the innovative development of fuel and energy complex, tax and financial policies

changes in the leadership of the ministry occurred in the summer of 2012 as a result of the change of the Minister of Energy and the composition of the Government of the Russian Federation


The main functions are the development of public policy, the implementation of regulatory legal regulation.

Implementation of law enforcement and functions for control and supervision in the field:

  • ensuring the activities of the subordinate federal state unitary enterprises and government agencies;
  • providing energy security;
  • production and use of fuel and energy resources;
  • coordination of organizations for the development of forecasts for the development of electro- and heat energy (with the exception of nuclear energy), oil-producing, oil refining, gas, coal, shale and peat industry, gas supply and gas farm, petroleum product support, main pipelines of oil, gas and products of their processing, alternative energy ;
  • preparation of proposals for the development of investment projects in the field of fuel and energy complex, programs for the development and use of hydrocarbon and other fuel and energy resources, balances of fuel and energy resources, current and promising balances for certain types of energy resources and the adoption of measures to implement them;
  • development of proposals for the use of systems of main oil and gas pipelines, petroleum products and energy systems and the adoption of measures to implement them in the prescribed manner;
  • development of proposals in the field of energy saving and ensuring safety in the functioning and development of the fuel and energy complex;
  • the implementation of public policy on the development and implementation of product sharing agreements;
  • other functions.

Subordamental organizations and enterprises

  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "HoshRechnaya Autobaza" Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation
  • State Enterprise "Zuevskoe Enterprise to Provide Fuel"
  • State Enterprise Concern "Sevosetinneftegazprom", Vladikavkaz
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kirov Regional Inspection for Phone Quality" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Kirov
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design and Design and Research Institute for Automation of the Coal Industry"
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center of Operational Services" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Production Association for the automation of oil, oil refinery and petrochemical industry, "Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Trest" Arktikugol "", Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Energy Service Company"
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Departmental Guard" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Dispatch Office of the Fuel and Energy Complex"
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in the South Siberian Region" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in the Mid-Town Region" Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in Onego-Pechora region" Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Institution "Office for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in the Moscow Region" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Additional Vocational Education "Courses to improve the qualifications of management workers and specialists of the fuel and energy complex"
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Vocational Education "Kemerovo Regional Qualifications Institute
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Additional Professional Education "Institute for Advanced Studies of Steering Workers and Fuel and Energy Complex Specialists"
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Vocational Education "St. Petersburg Energy Institute for Advanced Training"
  • Federal provisional institution emergency-rescue formation "Far Eastern Anti-Fictional Military Part"
  • Federal State Institution Emergency Rescue Formation "South Russian Anti-Fictional Military Part"
  • Federal State Institution Emergency Rescue Formation "Northeast Anti-Education Military Part"
  • Federal State Institution Emergency Rescue Formation "West Siberian Anti-Education Military Part"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency" of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution "Situational Analytical Center of the Ministry of Energy of Russia"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution for the coordination of local development programs and solving social problems caused by the restructuring of enterprises of the coal industry, "Sotsugol"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution on the Reorganization and Elimination of Unprofitable Mine and Separations "GURSH"


  • Department of Administrative and Bar
    • Department of Control and Work with Citizens
    • Department Coordination Department
    • Department of Public Service and Personnel
    • Department of Administrative and General
    • Department of Interaction with Public Associations
  • Department of Mining and Transportation of Oil and Gas
    • Department of oil production
    • Department of production and gas transportation
    • Department of Development of the Oil and Gas Complex
    • SRP implementation department
  • Department of Oil and Gas Processing
    • Department of oil refining
    • Department of Petrochemistry and Gasochemistry
    • Department of Transportation of Oil and Petroleum products
    • Department of the Domestic Market of Petroleum products and Gas
    • Department of Petroleum, Gas Cheese Balances and Petroleum products
  • Department of Development of Electric Power Engineering
    • Department of Provision Policy and Control Infrastructure Industry
    • Department of Development of the Regulatory Base Industry
    • Department of Investment Planning in Electric Power Engineering
    • Department of Investment Implementation Department
    • Department of prospective development of electric power industry
  • Department of Operational Control and Management in Electric Power Engineering and Forecasting TEC
    • Department of Mobilization Training
    • Civil protection department
    • Division of regulatory regulation
    • Department of Heating Playground
    • Department of operational activities
    • The registry office of technical and economic indicators
  • Department of International Cooperation
    • Department of Europe and America
    • Department of Asia and Africa
    • Department of International Contracts
    • Department of the CIS countries
    • Department of International Organizations
    • International Activities Department
  • Department of Coal and Peat Industry
    • Department of Economics and Restructuring Coal Industry
    • Department of Development of Production, Processing Coal and Peat Industry
    • Department of Coal Market Development
    • Regulatory, industrial safety, labor protection and ecology in the coal industry
    • Consolidated Information and Analytical Department
  • Finance Department
    • Department of Budget Planning and Financing
    • Department of Accounting and Reporting of the Central Apparatus
    • Department planning and payments planning department
    • Department of Analysis, Accounting Methodology and Consolidated Reporting
    • Financial Examination Department
  • Department of Economic Regulation and Property Relations
    • Department of Property Relations
    • Corporate department department
    • Department of Economic Examination
    • Department of Industry Policy, Taxation and Tariff Regulatory Investigations
    • Department of Investment Policy and Planning Industries
    • FAIP implementation department
    • Department of control and revision work
  • Department of Business Management
    • Division of the organization of office work and archive
    • Department of Information Technology
    • Department of economic security
    • Department of Planning and Coordination of the Ministries
    • Protocolization department
  • Department of State Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency
    • Department of Summary Indicators and TEC Monitoring
    • Department of Analysis and Strategic Planning
    • Department of Energy Efficiency and Program Implementation
    • Department of Modernization and Technological Development
  • Legal Department
      Departmental awards
      • Gratitude to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
      • Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
      • Badge of the differences "Miner's Glory"
      • Honorary titles "Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry", "Honorary Oilman", "Honorary Neftekhimik", "Honorary Builder", "Honorary Minor", "Honorary Energy", "Honorary Worker of the Coal Industry", "Honorary Shakhtar"
      • The honorary title "Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex" (the highest departmental difference sign in labor).