Planning a bath with a separate location of washing and steam. Planning bath with separate location of washing and steam steam 4 4 layout with dimensions

Probably, every person living in a private house or having a cottage outside the city, dreams of building a private bath, even if very small sizes. Compact and at the same time, a practical and comfortable bath of 4x4 m in size will become an ideal solution. The main thing is to carefully consider the location of all the necessary premises, then as a result, you can get a convenient and functional bath.


When making the planning of the bath 4x4 m, first of all, it is necessary to designate where all key rooms will be located: a steam room, a flushing room and a pre-banker.

At the same time, they certainly follow a number of nuances:

  • If you plan to build a small size, the best solution will divide the inner space into two equal parts. In one of them, you can equip a rest room, and the second part should be divided into two parts, in which a parilla and washing will be located. Under the steam room you can take a little more space, cutting the size of the washer.

  • The furnace can be installed in any of the premises, but it is very often for the purpose of saving free space, it is installed near the wall in the rest room. This issue is very important to comply with all the rules of fire safety.
  • It is advisable to supplement the planning of the bath with a small tambour, which will provide a comfortable stay in the steam room. Here you can install the stove, thus saving free space in other rooms of the bath.

  • The entrance to the bath can be equipped with any side - it depends mostly from the internal planning, as well as on the location of the bath on the site.
  • The transitions between the recreation room, the flushing and the steam should be as comforted as possible and ensure fast movement from one room to another.
  • There is no special requirements for the steam room and flushing rooms. However, for the convenience of removing drain pipes, it is better to arrange these rooms in such a way that the flushing room is closer to the waste pit.

  • In the bath, it is also necessary to provide for the availability of windows. One window of the window in a small bath of 4x4 m should be placed in a steam room and in the pre-banker, the size of the windows can choose any. Another window can be located in the flushing room - it will also perform as additional ventilation.

The dimensions of all rooms of the baths are determined by the existing free space. The steam room is better to do slightly, rather than a washing room, because there are often several people at once at once, while the washing serves only for rinsing the body and is visited in turn.

Requirements are also put forward to the steam room.

  • The gabarites of the steam should provide for at least 1 square meter. M places for every person who will sit in this room. The space required to establish interior objects and the organization of the passages is not included here - it must be provided separately.
  • The height of the room should be at least two meters to ensure a comfortable stay in the room of people of different growth. Also, this height allows you to provide optimal room heating.

The bath can be additionally equipped with a terrace or a porch - these designs are not mandatory and executed at the request of the owner.

Materials for construction

The selection of the foundation of the bath is carried out on the basis of the type of soil. Most often for the construction of a small bath, in which 4 people will be able to be at the same time, it is enough of a columnar brick foundation.

Bath walls can be made of logs. Suitable a ram with a size of 150x150 or 150x100 mm.

Blood is best done from metal tile.

Interior decoration

For the finishing of the pre-banker, as well as the washing room, the coniferous lining of pine, cedar or larch is perfectly suitable. And as a finishing material for the steam room, choose the lining trees cladding: linden or aspen.

For walls of profiled timber, you can not use any additional finish.

It is very important when performing the interior of the steam room, perform high-quality warming of the walls and the ceiling to minimize the heat loss.

Performing an internal finish, you can use the fantasy of the owner to fully and create a unique design of the bath interior.

Outdoor finish

If the walls of the bath are made of a bar, then to obtain a beautiful appearance it needs to be seized and treat the tree with a special substance that will protect the wooden material from rotting and ignition.

Outdoor finish can be siding.Such material will work perfectly for many years, and the walls will be reliably protected from the destruction of the environment.

The 4 × 4 bath project is an excellent solution for a small land. Compact building does not take much space, while it can be successfully located all the necessary rooms.

Of course, everyone wants to have a not just a bath, but a whole complex for recreation, has a number of advantages, still not in every site it is possible to put a major structure. But this is not the reason to abandon the bath at all, the compact version of 4 × 4 will fit even on a small area and will give you the opportunity to relax in the bath.

Bath 4 × 4: layout, photos, project options

Project preparation is an initial and important stage. It is from the correctness of its preparation that the quality of the construction itself is largely dependent. You can make a project yourself, find a ready-made option on the network or contact professionals. The advantage of independent preparation of the drawing or with the help of specialists is to record the characteristics of your site. On the Internet there are many projects of baths, but all common. On the other hand, choosing this option, you will save, and also sometimes you can see the result of the implementation of a project.

Thinking up the 4x4 bath layout, the first thing you need to decide where and which rooms will be located. In the bath necessarily the presence of three types of rooms: wage, washer and pre-bankers. Of course, it is advisable to make a rest room, but many prefer to connect it with a pre-banner to save space.

When drawing up a small bath project, the entire area is divided into two parts: one is isolated under the pair and washing, and the other is a rest room. The steam room is more washer or the same. A more convenient option is considered when the steamer is greater, since it usually has several people for 15-20 minutes, while the washing time is going alone and briefly.

The project of the bath can be one-story or two-storey. The advantage of the second is obvious - the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises will be greater, while the construction itself will remain as compact. In this case, on the second floor it is better to make a lounge or guest room, where you or your friends can stay for the night.

Shelves are better to make two or three-tiers. It will help to increase the capacity of the steam room and will enable several people conveniently sit down. In addition, it is known that from the floor to the ceiling steam room temperature of the room increases, so you can choose comfortable conditions for yourself, sitting on the bottom or upper shelf.

The bake for the bath is better to install the wall between the steam room and the pre-banner, in which case the pair will be more convenient to fuse.

In the washers, there are a bench, put the eared or mount the shower cabin. The room has a table and chairs in the recreation room. The pre-equipment is used as a locker room, so you need to make hooks for clothes. Also, if the place allows the firewood here.

Below are projects and photos of the interiors of the bath 4 to 4:

Bath 4 on 4: Construction Features

The construction of such a bath, like any other, includes a number of stages:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Construction of walls.
  3. Roof installation.
  4. Inner and exterior decoration.

Consider each of the steps more.

Step 1. Installation of the foundation

The type of foundation directly depends on the material from which the bath will be built. If you stopped on a bar, you can make a lightweight ribbon foundation, columnar or pile.

Rounded log, blocks and bricks are heavier materials, so the foundation is needed more reliable: a full tape or monolithic.

The type of foundation also affects the soil. If the groundwater is high, it is better to stop your choice on the pile or screw foundation.

After installing the foundation, it is necessary to make waterproofing. The most popular and easiest option is the runner, laid out in two layers.

Step 2. Wall Station

You can assemble the log house with your own hands from different materials: a bar, a rounded log, brick or aerated concrete. Each of the materials has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you look at the bath 4 to 4, then you can see that the majority prefers to build them from the bar. The timber is a convenient and practical material that gives a minimal shrinkage, has a fairly low cost, as well as a small weight, which eliminates the need to make a reinforced foundation.

Construction is carried out in stages. For the first crown, larger bars are used, and usually from larch, which has high operational properties. For the construction of other rows, wood is cheaper.

It is important to put the first crown as soon as possible to and the construction itself was even.

Step 3. Roof Installation

For the roof, any comfortable roofing material is suitable: professional flooring, Andulin, slate, tile. It can have a single-board or double design. If you do the roof with your own hands, then you will note that a single-piece roof will be much easier to collect.

Step 4. Internal and external finish

Before starting the finish, it is necessary to make hydro and thermal insulation.

For interior decorations, the lining is usually used. It can be placed both vertically and horizontally. It is suitable for decoration and walls, and ceiling.

If you used a tree for the construction of the bath, then the exterior finish can not be done. It is enough to polish the surface and coat with a special solution that protects the walls from insects, environmental impacts and will increase their fire resistance.

After the decoration you need to install the furnace, arrange the furniture.

The construction of the bath 4 on 4 does not require major financial investments and a large territory, while in such a building they will fit all the premises necessary for a comfortable rest. That is why the 4 × 4 ban's project is considered one of the most popular layout options.

Compact bath 4x4 m is an excellent solution for a small area. Even in the conditions of such a modest design, it is possible to quite successfully position all the necessary premises, having received a full-fledged, functional and convenient bath.

After reading the information below, you will learn about the most optimal options for the location of the interior of the baths of 4x4 m, the choice of rational dimensions of each of them, the features of the interior decoration, as well as additional associated nuances.

Drawing up a project of any bath, and the structure with dimensions of 4x4 m is no exception, begins with the designation of the location of the most important premises of the structure under consideration, i.e. Parling, waxroom and pre-banker.

Important! If the bath 4 to 4 will be built from logs (namely, this material is most often used in the construction of structures such a modest size), consider that the inner space as a result will be somewhat less compared to the outer. In the process of performing calculations, take away from the inner side of the log thickness used (in the case of a lip "in the paw), or add an additional 250 mm to this thickness (in the case of a slak" in the bowl "). This will allow you to maximally perform the required calculations.

For example, if the bath is built from a 400 cm long and a diameter of 24 cm, cut down "into the bowl", the internal dimensions of such a structure will not exceed 3x3 m. Consider these moments in advance, competently selecting the sizes of the logs and the Wagon method competently, focusing on the desired internal dimensions Bath.

By drawing up a project, remember the following important nuances:

In the process of designing a compact bath, you need to consider a number of additional important nuances:

Bath layout can be supplemented with a terrace or porch at the discretion of the owner. In general, with the design of the internal planning of the bath 4 to 4, it usually does not arise any difficulties. It is only necessary to first familiarize themselves with all possible nuances of the work performed so that in the future there is nothing to redo.

Bath layout options 4x4 m

Basic information

The simplest version of the bath is 4x4 m is a structure consisting of a single room that simultaneously performs the functions of the changing room / pre-banner and the wage. In the corner of the steam, the electric or ordinary wood-burning furnace is installed. The room is equipped with 2-3 shelves with a width of 50-60 cm or more, if free space allows. Along with this, such a planning option is extremely inconvenient, because it is much more comfortable when there is a wax and lounge in the bath. Moreover, in the space 4x4 m, it is possible to equip them.

The standard planning option includes a rest room that simultaneously performs the functions of the pre-banner and locker room, the steam room, as well as the washing room. The stove is usually shuting up in the steam room. As a result, the adjacent room (usually the rest room) is heated by heat emanating from the adjacent wall with the wall.

If a budget allows, you can also build a small house-bath with an indulgent 4x4 m. The first floor is discharged under the steam room and standard related rooms, and on the second you can make a billiard room, an additional rest room or even a full-fledged bedroom.

One of the most popular and successful options for the internal planning of the 4x4 m bath is presented in the following image.

The proposed project includes a built-up terrace with dimensions of 150x400 cm. The spaces are quite enough to install the compact table and chairs. In the warm season, it will be possible to pass the time for a cup of tea or another drink after visiting the steam.

The entrance leads to the pre-banker. This room can be used at the same time as a resting room, locker rooms, seats for storing firewood and other accessories. The stove is installed in the steam room. The door of the heating unit is removed to the pre-banker.

The installation of the furnace is carried out with the mandatory fulfillment of fire safety requirements: the walls around the furnace with a refractory material, a metal sheet of 10 mm is stacked before the furnace furnace.

Also very successful is the 4x4 m bath project, presented in the following image.

In accordance with the recommendation given earlier, the inner space here was first divided into 2 the same parts, one of which as a result was equipped with a spacious rest room. Other half again divided in half, removing one part under the steam room, the second - under the washing room. In this project, the furnace furnace is carried out from the oil.

If you wish, you can install the furnace at the walls of the steam room, adjacent to the rest room so that the aggregate firebox is carried out from the large room. At these points, the owner is guided by his personal preferences.

For a comfortable operation of the steam room in the cold season, the project can be recycled with a small tambour, as in the image below.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe inner premises of the steam room is determined in accordance with the estimated number of visitors. In general, the compact bath rooms in most cases are made minimal size to have enough space to install a shower cabin and, if necessary, toilet bowl. This option will allow you to take more free space in favor of the steam.

Advantages and additional planning options 4x4

Despite such modest dimensions, 4x4 m spaces are enough to arrange all the necessary premises:

  • parling;
  • earlings / Rest Rooms;
  • waste / bathroom;
  • terraces / porch.

The presence of an indoor terrace is a big advantage. First, an additional equipped place to rest appears. Secondly, in the presence of a terrace, the weather will not be able to overshadow the bath visit.

Along with this, if the space is limited to strictly considered 4x4 m, to equip the terrace will have to noticeably reduce the dimensions of the inner rooms. In general, the owner will still have to sacrifice something to the maximum efficient use of available expanses, and what exactly - each decides on their own.

Dimensions of indoor rooms

An important step in the preparation of internal planning of any bath is to determine the optimal dimensions of each room, taking into account the available space. Calculations are taken to perform in accordance with the estimated number of people who will be simultaneously in the equipped room. For example, 1-2 people will be more or less comfortable in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b3-6 m2, for 2-3 people need to be equipped with a room more significant size - an average of 4-8 m2, etc.

The information shown in the following table will allow you to quickly navigate and correctly determine the internal dimensions of each bathroom.

As noted, the main premises of any baths are the steam room, oil and the pre-banner, which is visible in the following image.

Key information regarding each of the listed rooms is shown in the following table.

Table. Bathrooms

Premium-based information

If earlier the pre-equipment was used mainly as a locker room, as well as places to store dry wood and other bath accessories, now this room is often equipped with a rest room. To do this, it is enough to place the table, chairs or a corner, as well as a TV and music equipment, if the place and that is, the need allows.
When calculating the Séda Square, follow the rule: 1 visitors are not less than 1.3 m2 of free space. At the same time, the positioned 1.3 m2 does not include a place occupied by furnishings and technical equipment.
To ensure the necessary level of air exchange and in general, the larger use of use, an adjustable window is set in the pre-tribbon.
Important! The door leading from the pre-banner to the steam room is set with the expectation to open strictly towards the first one.

The key functions of this room fully testifies its name. For maximum efficiency, the washing is equipped with both cold and hot water supply. Water heating is carried out by the oven, electric water heater or other available methods.
The design was washing up so that as a result of its visitor, a free space was given in the amount of at least 1-1.2 m2.
Complete set of oil remains at the discretion of the owner. For example, you can do and install a conventional pallet for pouring, but it is much more comfortable to place a full-fledged shower cabin in a washer.
The design of the main bathroom is carried out taking into account the many important nuances and additional points, including:
- the sizes of the furnace and the features of its installation;
- free space between the heating unit and the subjects closest to it;
- indicative number of people at the same time visiting the steam room;
- Dimensions of the shelves and their number, etc.
If you follow the current requirements, the steam room must be designed so that at least 1 m2 of free space will be given to each visitor if the person will sit in the bath during the bath. The specified quadrature does not include the space occupied by the internal furnishings of the steam room, passages, etc.
In height, the steam room is recommended to do at least 200-210 cm - this will ensure optimal heating indicators and will provide an opportunity to comfortably use the bath to each average visitor. With respect to the length and width of the steam, it all depends on the characteristics of the project. Along with this, it is necessary that either the length, or the width of the room exceeded the 2-meter indicator.

Separate attention deserves the issue of designing shelves as one of the key elements of the arrangement of the steam.

So, if the shelves lie, their width should be from 90-100 cm, and the length of being at least 180-200 cm - such dimensions will be comfortable for most visitors with the average body constitution.

If the steam spaces are not enough to arrange the "lying" shelves, you will have to limit the installation of shelves for seating. Recommended dimensions of such elements: Length - in accordance with the size of the steam room, width - 40-50 cm.

Ban plans with a separate parillery and shower: a - bath for 1-2 people with a pair sitting sitting

The lower shelves are traditionally made by the narrowest - in this part the steam room is the least hot, in view of which children usually sit down at the bottom. Make a project with the calculation to ensure that there is a minimum of a 1-meter gap between the upper shelf and the bath ceiling. The recommended distance between the shelves themselves is 350-500 mm.

Ban plans with coupled and shower: a - for 1 person; b-for 2 people; B - for 3 people:
1 - pair-shower; 2 - pre-banker; 3 doors; 4 - shelves for seating; 5-stand; 6 - furnace; 7 - bench; 8 - Shelkov-Lena; 9-layer; 10 - chair; 11 - Table

If desired, the owner can change the recommended dimensions at its discretion. It is only necessary to monitor that, according to the final, the wage was conveniently located in it and, at the same time, the main safety provisions were observed.

Possible shelves configuration options in the steam room are presented in the following image.

With regard to the internal lighting of steam recommendations, only 2:

    production materials and the design of lighting devices must be calculated on the use of baths;

    installation of lamps should be performed so that the steam room is light and light in the steam room, while not "beat" to visitors to the eyes.

We design the internal decoration of the bath 4x4 m

In addition to the nuances of the internal location of the rooms of the baths and their dimensions, it is necessary to pay special attention to the finishes of each room. Traditionally, natural and environmentally friendly materials are used in the internal arrangement of the bath, the favorite among which is wooden lining.

Materials for interior finishing works

Wood - natural material that meets all major sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for the internal arrangement of buildings and rooms with increased humidity and temperature indicators.

Wood, unlike all sorts of artificial "counterparts", in the process of heating does not allocate harmful components harmful to human health. In addition, natural material is characterized by excellent heat engineering properties, impressive indicators of durability and a relatively low value of temperature expansion.

However, not every breed of wood will be equally well to "feel" in the conditions of the bath. From a long time, Russian steam rooms were separated mainly with the use of larch, cedar and linden. Among the modern options, the Abashi tree uses greater respect - the lining made from this material is ideal for finishing the bathrooms from the inside. Basic information regarding the materials mentioned is shown in the following table.

Table. Properties of materials for decoration of bathrooms

Material material

In the process of heating, this material allocates a number of different essential oils, under the influence of which the air around is saturated with a pleasant smell. In addition, the allocated essential oils have a beneficial effect on the human body.
During the operation of Lipa, it does not lose its original color, which makes it possible to think much less about the need to re-repair repair and finishing works in the bath.
Materials rapidly gaining popularity for landscaping inland bathrooms. The tropical tree is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity indicators, contributes to the effective preservation of heat in the bath, almost without heating during operation.
The material has a visually pleasant yellowish tint and almost homogeneous texture, thanks to which the finished finish looks very beautiful.
The material "feels" perfectly in characteristic of paired temperature and humidity conditions. In the process of heating, the cedar wood highlights a pleasant aroma of needles.
When choosing a clapboard from a cedar, consider one very important point - low-quality material during operation can start intensively allocate resin, so the finish is recommended to be performed solely using high-quality boards designed specifically for the scheduled event.

The edged or tipped board made of hardwood wood is great for the ceiling. The coniferous breeds for finishing overlaps are not suitable - in the process of heating, many of them are isolated by a resin, the falling on the skin leads to the appearance of burns.

Walls in the steam room

Finishing the wage should be performed using wood as high as possible, because It is in this room that the most severe operating conditions are created.

Important! Performing the wrapper of the wrappers with the help of nails, the mount must be carried out according to the "Way" method. Directly boards after the sheaving are not covered, because When heated, any paints and varnish materials begin to allocate substances harmful to humans.

Designing the inner finish of the steam, be sure to arrange the arrangement of a high-quality thermal insulation layer - thanks to it, heat will be maintained as long as possible indoors, which will avoid excessive and inexpedient heating costs. The heat insulation is usually mounted in a complex with hydropara insulating materials, providing a longer service life of both insulation and finishing materials. If desired, you can buy a combination material that combines the functions of the insulation and vapor barrier, for example, based on mineral wool with a foil coating.

Parvesting is best to perform using hardwood wood. Among the Favorites - Abashi and Lipa. More budget and quite good option - aspen.

Paul in a steam room

Designing the floor, you can give preference to flowing or unconflated structures from wood or by capital concrete floor. Floors from concrete in completion are usually faced with tiles. The advantage of this option is longer than the life of the service life.

The boards require much more frequent repairs compared to concrete and tiles. If the wooden flooring is selected, it is better to take the edged or tipped board for its arrangement. Elements of flooring are attached to pre-equipped lags from a bar. The design of the floor is traditionally performed with some (usually 2 mm per 1 m) slope in the direction of the drain hole.

The decoration of the rest room is performed at the discretion of the owner - here the temperature and humidity conditions are not so extreme as in the steam room, therefore the choice is limited mainly by the owner's preferences affordable budget and features of the project.

Washing finish

Walls in the oil can be sewn with a larch made from larch, or any of the materials mentioned earlier. The main requirement is the finish must be the most resistant to moisture.

In view of the mentioned requirements, the most preferred finish option for the wax room is wood coniferous rocks, for example, cedar or pine. These materials normally transfer contacts with moisture, while maintaining key operational and aesthetic qualities for long years of service.

Video - Bath 4 on 4 Planning inside

Bath 4 on 5: Project and layout

Consider the construction of the baths of the most popular size. 4x5 dimensions are close to ideal. According to this, the instructions for choosing the planning and construction of the bath of this type will be interesting to many.

Preparing the project for yourself

Purchase the finished project of the bath, developed by experts and on it to navigate during the construction - a very convenient option. But not everyone can afford it, so everyone will have to develop themselves. The declared dimensions allow one to experiment with the location of the rooms. It is allowed to even create a separate room for the installation of a distribution panel and a small boiler room (if necessary). But for this it will be necessary to make partitions between the walls, which is often conjugate with the increase in financial costs.

Starting to detailed modeling of premises on a schematic figure, it is necessary to consider the location of the following rooms and additional items:

  • earbank with a rest room;
  • washing department and shower room;
  • pair and furnace location in it;
  • installation of ventilation products and chimney in the wall.

Planning premises

So that a large family is comfortable in the bath, you can make the layout, adjusting the inner space slightly. In this case, it is permissible to slightly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe steam room, thereby creating the opportunity to steam in it more people. Do not strongly underestimate the dimensions of the rest room. Donate a pair of squares of the washing compartment. Then it will be possible to relax a large company, steam, and take water procedures in turn.

How to equip a pre-banker?

This is a kind of airbag, between the cold on the street and the warmth in the washing department. Therefore, it requires a separate attention to the procedure for the insulation of walls. Do not underestimate its functionality. The pre-tribader protects the rooms from the cold and allows you to rest after the steam room. The perfect size in the bath with dimensions is 4x5 is a meter in width and 3-3.5 in length. At the same time, the entrance to the bath can be made from one edge, extinguishing the room itself by another door. Thus, the cold air will not fall into the rest room.

Create additional comfort will allow the furnace removed from the pre-banner. In this case, the entrance to the warehouse must be in the middle. The steam room and the room with shower are located on different sides, while the steam room must contact one wall with a rest room. On this side and establish furnace heating to work on the heating of two rooms. In addition to the correct location of the pre-banner and its interaction with other premises, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wall insulation necessarily double to minimized any heat losses;
  • high-quality lighting is needed not only in an artificial way, it is additionally necessary to install the window;
  • the location of the benches for recreation and hangers is worked out separately.

Making a warehouse

Layout allows you to make a separation of the wave relatively large. It is allowed to locate several leeks, subject to the use of direct water access. There are special requirements in the construction of this separation. For example, the area is calculated on the basis of 1 m / sq per person. A small decrease in dimensions is allowed if it is necessary to redeem the premises. The optimal size for the bath in 4x5 meters will be a washing room with dimensions from 1.8 to 2 meters. On such an area, you can arrange all the amenities, including benches for installing bath accessories.

In the washing department, ventilation is simply necessary. For large premises, you can make two products in the top of the walls or one full-fledged window. In some embodiments, the ventilation holes are located at the bottom and at the top to ensure a permanent air flow throughout the room. This is more necessary to ventilate the wooden floor. If the surface finishes are made by ceramics, then quite natural ventilation, without creating an additional tributary.

Right steam construction

Most importantly, the functional compartment in the bath. Increased steam requirements are placed. Given that in the bath 4x5 meters, a fairly spacious room is given, it is necessary to take care of high temperatures sufficient to conduct relevant procedures. Therefore, it is recommended to do a furnace-heater, pre-built in the estimated place of masonry foundation.

The use of devices operating from electric Tanov is not always justified in economic terms, which affects high energy consumption. Reduced consumption dependence can be doubled the heat insulation of the pair separation or additional installation of steam generators.

The correct design of the pair compartment includes the level of comfortable movement. Common bathrooms allow you to save on space and in some cases you can sacrifice the place in the washing and rest room to create space in the steam room. In this regard, electric furnaces will be more profitable. But for them they will have to separate the wiring. Icame it is more profitable, but it takes more space. It is necessary to find the optimal option. Because the room is designed for several people, there should be no discomfort, justified by the lack of space.

The form of steam room is the right square or rectangle depending on the location. In any case, it is necessary to work out the installation of the furnace so that it is in the opposite side of the shelves. If the furnace is token be from the pre-banner, then according to the location, paired places are designed in another plane.

What will we build from?

Considering the use of all possible options for the construction of a bath of 4x5 meters, to give preference to some one form is difficult. Average dimensions allow you to build construction on a frame basis, but at the same time you have to spend money on additional insulation and finishing. Brick bath, subject to masonry with ceramic stone, does not require an additional decor, but such buildings are also not distinguished by a high degree of thermal savings.

The best option will be a log building, but a good tree is expensive and therefore, additional finishes will be required, both outside and inside. The treated wood relieves. High natural high-power indicators allow you to abandon additional insulation of the walls. But for such privileges, you will have to pay the amount that is almost equal at the cost of construction of a brick bath.

Features of the structure

Despite the choice of material, a reliable foundation is required under the bath 4x5. There will be this ribbon base or pile option - they must be capital, made according to all regulatory indicators. Be sure to preliminary soil exploration, determining the depth of the base. Even the most reliable ribbon foundation flooded with reinforcement in several layers, subject to passing at its level of groundwater, collapses literally for 2 years.

Having preferred a log house from raw wood, after the construction of walls under the roof, it is necessary to give the design to stand at least six months. Shrinking processes occurring during this period of time minimize small flaws. Warming work will be easier to be conducted, and besides after shrinkage, minimized the risk of faults of door structures and window openings.

Special attention is paid to insulation, because in contrast to the bathhouse of small sizes, the design with 4x5 dimensions will be harder to warm up, with poor isolated walls, floor and ceiling. Provided that the restroom will be equipped in the attic room, an additionally isolate the rafter system. Heating inside the attic and temperature differences, contribute to the condensate accumulation, which subsequently can cause manifestation on the wood of fungal deposits.

An option with the construction of a bath with dimensions 4x5 allows you to experiment with the location of the premises. But it is necessary to do it thought out not to harm the general microclimate necessary to create comfort inside.

Bani 4 for 4: Planning

It is not always necessary to build a large bath in the site if the territory is not very large, it is quite possible to do and smaller. If you attach a small terrace to the bath, then by installing a table and a few chairs, it will be pleasant to relax.

The size of the pre-banker allows you to put a wardrobe on clothes, bench and remove the flue door. Nearby, it is convenient to place the shelf for storing some firewood. Now it is easy to use as a rest room, as one of its walls is as much as 4 meters.

Ban 4 to 4 projects, made of logs or timber, are truly high-quality structures that combine efficiency and functionality. They are designed for a family with a middle sufficiency. At the same time, options for both simple single-storey and attic and a terrace are possible.

Bath design

The first thing from which any construction begins is the foundation. It is constructed depending on the type of soil. But most suitable refiner from the brick.

It is quite enough for such a relatively light design. Earthworks are in the preparation of the construction site.

Projects Ban 4x4 are distinguished by the fact that with modest sizes they interfere with all major rooms:

  • Washing;
  • Parilla;

If finance and the size of the plot are allowed, the bath can be supplemented with a terrace. It will serve as an extra place to relax.

It is advisable to build a bath near artificial or natural reservoirs so that after the pair, it was pleasant to plunge into cool water. Natural lakes or ponds must be at least 30 meters away, to avoid flooding.


The best bath is the one with all the walls of wooden - from logs or timber. They provide excellent thermal insulation, but at the same time paste air - there is a natural air exchange, regulating humidity.

In the room there will always be a pleasant wood fragrance, which appears within a few minutes after the oven will begin to stir.

  • A simple and durable ceiling for the washing room is a stevy, when the surface is triggered. At first, several layers of thermal insulation are first stacked on the ceiling bars, after which it is covered with boards on the side of the attic.
  • Between the steam room and the washer should be installed a capital wall, and not a shield partition;
  • The door from the steam room should not have locks.

Note! The floor in the washer must necessarily be dry and not slippery. And no cold elements except water. The air temperature is higher than in the pre-tribades, but lower than in the steam room.

Pair: Features

Will it with steaming lining? This question worries many who decided to build a bath on their own. It all depends on what material was used for construction. The timber requires an obligatory additionally thermal insulation.

But the log is different with a log, the direct influence has a log diameter:

  • 4-mM Bath Bath projects 4 mm thick do not need skin, they will keep warmly so good;
  • 150 mm - insulation makes it possible if it is important to save additional centimeters of the square, then you can not sneak. But then the heating of the steam room will last longer, and heat will continue less in time;
  • 100 mm - cladding and isolation is mandatory.

Shelves in the steam room should be placed at different levels to select an acceptable temperature. The price of arrangement of the parillers directly depends on its design - the usual rustic style will cost much cheaper than stylized.

For pair finishing, wood is used only by certain breeds - linden, cedar and larch, but today the list is expanded and the aspen and Abashi is allowed. They do not distinguish harmful substances, while maintaining beneficial properties for a long time.

Pregnant: Features

In the pre-tribades, it is advisable to make large windows, but highly from the floor, the higher the better. So that the cold air does not stretch along the floor. Tambour necessarily insulate, otherwise heat from the steam will be faster. The interior of the pre-banker must be organized with the fact that it will have to be undressed in it, that is, be sure to install hangers or wardrobe.

Certain requirements are imposed to the room:

  • Lack of drafts;
  • Good light, there is no need to organize an excessive muffler, like in a steam room. Better if the light is natural;
  • A sufficient area is needed, not less than 1.3 square meters. meters per person;
  • If a furnace is bred in the pre-banker, then the approach to it should not interfere with the rest of the rest moving along the bath.

The pre-tribingers can be made in a classic style using hardwood - alder, linden or birch, but coniferous spruce or pine is allowed to save. The resin of them will not stand out, as there is no high temperature.

Instructions for construction work recommends all bath rooms with impregnation. It will prolong the service life.


Bath size does not affect its favor. Reliefing the space correctly, you can achieve its maximum functionality. The project plays in this matter the main role - it contains all the information about what the bath will be, the material for construction and finishing, a clear interior plan (see the article "The project of Bani 4 by 4 to 5 - on the" medium "sizes as And on the "middle" class, everything is holding ").

Video in this article tells in detail about what features there is a bath of high square.

Projects Ban from Brous 3x4 - Drawing

The owners of small land plots have to constantly go on various kinds of fiction and tricks to compactly place on the existing territory all the necessary buildings, plantings and other elements.

Particularly relevant in such conditions is the issue of bathing the bath. Even if there are few places, with a competent approach, you can still build a full-fledged structure with all the necessary rooms: a steam room, a wax and pre-training book. For example, an excellent option for a small area is a compact bath from a bar 3x4 m: Wood is known as fully safe for humans, environmentally friendly material, and the construction of such a small design, provided that the proper planning does not require excessive efforts and financial costs.

After reading the information below, you consider the most successful version of the Bani project from the bar of 3x4 m, you can explore the necessary related drawings and generally get a number of useful information regarding the competent design of compact buildings of this purpose.

Despite more than modest dimensions, the bath with dimensions of 3x4 m has several advantages over more impressive buildings:

Bath 3x4 m: Project Basic Information

Under the condition of a competent approach, even on a modest square in 3x4 m, you can place all the necessary rooms by making them, while quite spacious and comfortable for visiting. Recommended dimensions are as follows:

  • restroom (at the same time will perform the functions of the pre-banner and changing room) - 2x3 m;
  • parik - 2x2 m;
  • washed (here you can, if necessary, install the toilet) - 1x2 m.

One of the typical variants of the three-dimensional model of a compact bath bar of 3x4 m is presented in the following image.

For greater ease of operation, the project provides for installation of windows in the wax and rest room. For a recreation room, such dimensions is optimally suitable window with dimensions 70x70 cm. You can use the product of more modest dimensions - 50x50 cm. The presence of windows will further save on the arrangement of ventilation channels. As a rule, natural air exchange for premises such a modest size is quite enough. If desired, the window can be made directly in the steam room (there is enough window with dimensions of about 50x50 cm, it is possible a little less) - due to this, it will be possible to be comfortable in the bright time of the day, without spending money on electrical lighting.

Installation of wooden windows on a dowel

The walls of the bath are erected from a wooden bar. Fits both profiled and glued material. Optimal dimensions for outer walls - 15x15 cm or 10x15 cm.

Internal partitions are equipped with the same material with a cross section of 10x15 cm. The recommended profile has a number of advantages:

  • the bath will be durable, warm and durable;
  • moisture will not be able to penetrate the crowns, which is also favorable on the service life of the bath and the comfort of its use for the user;
  • the atmosphere in the bath will be the most enjoyable and healthy (for construction, a timber has been used from coniferous wood, thereby ensuring the relevance of the approval).

So that in the steam room was warm, it is separated using foil or foil material, due to which a significant part of the heat generated by the oven is reflected in the inside of the room, allowing you to additionally save on the heating of the bath.

The most optimal option is insulation using a mineral wool insulating material with a foil layer. Among other things, the advantages of using such a material include the elimination of the need to arrange additional hydro-eyed layers.

The insulation is located in the space between the timber and the material of the trim.

As an finishing finish, it is customary to use the lining - this is the most rational option in terms of technical and operational, eco-friendly and financial characteristics. In terms of price and quality ratio, the leader is an urgent lining. If there is a sufficient budget, you can give preference to the trim from other materials, for example, Abashi.

The design of the outer walls and the inner partitions represents a single loghouse, which guarantees the maximum indicators of reliability, quality and durability of the finished building.

Helpful advice! If there is a desire and sufficient budget, the bath 3x4 m can be done with the attic floor. Additional space is perfect for the arrangement of a large rest room, a billiard room, a bedroom or another room at the discretion of the owner. A variant of such a building (top view) is presented in the following image.

The design is expedient to equip the foundation on the column - so cheaper. If the fittings of the soil on the site do not allow the use of "pillars", the tape concrete base is poured. In general, you can also use other options for supporting structures, for example, a pile foundation or even a monolithic slab - these moments are determined individually, taking into account the nature of the terrain and personal preferences of the owner.

The design of the floors in the bath 3x4 m, as a rule, is a double - such a solution allows you to equip the thermal insulating layer (most often from clay), which guarantees a more comfortable visit to the bath and rational consumption of energy resources.

The oven for heating the bath Each owner chooses at its discretion. In the steam room, such a modest size is the most appropriate option will be the arrangement of a standard metal heater or even the installation of a modern electric unit. If desired, you can build a brick oven, but it will significantly increase the final price of the project.

The most appropriate option to plan the bath 3x4 m is presented in the following image. It is he who takes the basis when compiling this material.

If you wish, you can build your bath in full accordance with the given drawing or make adjustments, for example:

  • change the quantity, dimensions and location of interior;
  • attach additional elements (usually this porch is either a terrace / veranda);
  • transfer the inner partitions;
  • change the installation sites of windows, doors, stairs (if provided) at its discretion;
  • remove the elements of the architectural ensemble you do not need.

Nuances design of the main elements

As noted, the optimal option for the base for such a sizes is a column foundation. The proposed project uses 9 blocks - one in the corners of the design and places of the intersection of walls and partitions, as well as an additional block in the center of the long inner partition or an outer wall that does not have intersection with internal partitions. As a basis, you can take the following drawing, adapting it to the configuration of the extraction bath.


For the construction of the walls of the bath 3x4 m, a conifer profiled timber is used with dimensions of 15x10 cm. The wall thickness will be 10 cm. In the regions with a cold climate it is more expedient to build walls with a thickness of 15 cm - this will increase the final cost of the project, but in the future will allow you to save on the heating of the bath. The technology of production of the profiled bar allows you to eliminate the need for its additional outer decoration (inside the room are triggered, in general, if desired, the owner can perform an outdoor finish).

First, the first crown is stacked over the support pillars. Technology is shown in the following image.

Between the crowns fit jute for additional sealing and insulation. The options for connecting the bar in the crowns are presented in the following images.

To fasten the crowns, you can use metal nails to the floor of the tree or wooden brazen. The necessary drawings and schemes for the preparation of the project are presented in the following images.

Recommendations for the design of insulating and finishing finishing works were previously provided. If desired, instead of a profiled timber, it is possible to use its glued analogue - this moment remains at the discretion of the owner.

In accordance with the project under consideration, the bath consists of 3 internal premises: rest rooms, wetting and directly parches. If desired, the bath can be re-reflected by changing the length of partitions and their location.

The material of the construction of internal partitions should be selected according to the material of the main log. So, if the outer walls are built from a profiled timber, to build internal partitions, it also needs to be used.

The optimal version of the roofing structure for the structure under consideration is a bartal roof with hanging rafters based. One end of the rafter barrows relies on the outer wall or the beam of overlapping. The elements of the rafter system are mounted in a step of no more than 120 cm. Optimally - 90-100 cm.

In the fields of the top joint, the rafter legs are sealed using a plank or a bar. For additional hardening of the compound uses a special wire. If the rafters are erected from the boards, the compound can be ensured using nails.

Supporting elements are constructed from boards with a thickness of up to 2 cm, depending on the chosen finish roofing coating, i.e. Estimated loads. From each side of the rafter, the 30-40-millimeter boards installed diagonally are additionally fastened.

To ensure the subsequent attachment of the finishing roofing, the bag is sure to lack the bar - its elements are attached to the rafters. The choice of a specific design of the crate (solid or rarefied) is selected in accordance with the installation technology of the finishing coating used.

The case is equipped with boards or timber. Most often, wooden bars are first attached to the rafters, on top of which the boarded flooring is carried out.

When choosing a fastening step, the crates should be focused on the features of the technology of laying the finish roofing material. For example, if the metal tile is selected, the elements of the crates are mounted in a step of about 350 mm. Over the craters are recorded Reiki counterbalaxseckers (fasten along the rafter, creating the required ventilation gap and ensuring fixation of the labeled insulating film material), and the selected coating material.

The finishing roofing is placed in the standard sequence:

  • the coating area is determined and the required amount of material used;
  • the selected material is equipped in accordance with the technology current for it;
  • installation of the shaped elements is performed;
  • corn beams are equipped;
  • streets are installed.

If the arrangement of the attic floor is scheduled, its windows are installed at the last stage of the above technology.

The solution to the choice of finishing roofing material remains beyond the owner of the entrance bath. Brief information about the most popular options are shown in the following table.

The modern market offers a huge range of finish roofing materials. Information about the finishing, which is most commonly used in the arrangement of the house bath, is given in the following table.

Table. Roofing materials

Material design

Flexible fibrous sheets made on the basis of cellulose fibers and bitumen impregnation. The material is widely popular in private construction, "bribing" is predominantly affordable price and fairly good performance.
Steel roofing sheets with a complex embossed surface. Characterized by high strength, transverse rigidity, carrying capacity and durability.
It is famous for excellent aesthetic indicators, practically not inferior to its natural (ceramic) analogue, long service life and a relatively affordable cost.
The shortcomings can be attributed unless the fact that the material is very much noise during the rain.
Plastic, durable, resistant to deformations, beautiful and generally perfectly suitable for completion of work on the arrangement of the roofing material.

Floors and overlap

Overlapping, like lags of the floor, is shutd up from a bar with a cross section of 15x10 cm. The recommended step of installing individual reference elements is 90 cm. If you wish, you can use a bar with dimensions of 15x5 cm, but in this case the lags will have to be secured with a 60-centimeter step.

The scheme of one of the most successful and frequently used options for the design of the overlap is presented in the following image.

For floor insulation, you can use clamzite or mineral wool. The ceiling is preferably insulated using mineral wool materials. Wooden lining is used to cover the ceiling, better - from hardwood (from such a material will not drop resin).

The floor in the bath can be wooden or concrete. Wooden designs are additionally classified on the flowing and not flowing.

In case of arranging the flowing wooden floor, the boards are mounted with some gap (usually about 3 mm). Water will be drained into the resulting intervals. The lack of construction consists in the impossibility of arranging the heat insulating layer.

An impacting wooden structure is subject to insulation, but requires a device of approximately 2-degree slope in the direction of the drain opening.

For the arrangement of roughing, the unedged board with a thickness of 18 mm is traditionally used. The finishing flooring is stacked from a tipped board with a thickness of 26 mm.

The main advantage of concrete design compared to the wooden is a longer service life. In addition, in this case, the possibility of styling the floor heating system appears, due to which it will be warmer in the bath and is generally more comfortable.

Standard concrete floor schemes in the bath are presented in the following images.

Windows and doors

The project offers the installation of two-sided windows with double glazing. The windows, as noted, 2: for recreation room (70x70 cm) and washing (50x50 cm). The location of the windows, as well as their number, can change at the discretion of the owner.

For installation in the interior, frame doors with a clapping in the form of lining are offered. Total interior doors 3: for wage, pre-bankers and wetting. At the request of the owner, laminated or pulp doors can be installed.

Installing windows in a bath


The traditional solution is a plain oven Kamenka. The owner can both buy one of the ready-made models, and make the oven on its own, having familiarized with the appropriate instruction. The somewhat most successful varieties of bass furnaces are presented in the following images.

Brick Kamenka

The bathing furnace is erected / installed on its own foundation. The depth of the base is up to 50 cm in relation to the floor of the steam or other room selected for the placement of the furnace. The foundation is traditionally laid out of the boob stone and poured concrete. On top of the hardened fill, a layer of rubberoid for waterproofing is stacked, on it - a series of bricks. From above the support brick row is placed the stove itself.

Important! In order to fire safety, the floor in front of the bath furnace should be covered with a metal sheet with a thickness of 10 mm. The distance between the flooded elements and the heated parts of the bath furnace should be at least 300-500 mm.

The safe and efficient work of the coat-stove is impossible without the presence of a chimney. As the basis for the project, you can use the drawing of the smoke system presented in the following image.

Materials for the construction of the bath on the discussed project

Summing up the foregoing, it is possible to make a table of the main construction and finishing materials necessary for the construction of a bath 3x4 m from a bar. Their number, as well as a set of additional elements, is determined individually in accordance with the characteristics of a particular project.

Table. Bath construction materials

Material content

Designing the procedure for performing work

The order of self-erection is the topic for a separate conversation. For better orientation and understanding of the possibility of the personnel construction of the considered design, the table shows the standard sequence of this work.

Table. Bani erection sequence

Stage of paperwork

Pre-implement the necessary preparatory activities:
- the playground is cleaned from garbage;
- the upper fertile ball of soil is removed;
- Marking is performed.
Waterproofing of the base is performed To do this, the upper planes of the poles are fused to molten bitumen, on top of which rubberoid is fitted and pressed.
Lower crown of timber
Walls are built on the project height The insulation is laid between the crowns, for example, jute.
It is equipped with a stevy ceiling
A rafter system is erected
Received roofing cake
Internal partitions are erected
Prepared openings for windows and doors with their subsequent installation.

Lags are mounted and the boardwalk is placed or concrete floor is poured

You have familiarized yourself with the most successful banner of the bar of 3x4 m and obtained the necessary information about the main stages of the project. The knowledge gained will help you independently plan the configuration of the future compact wooden structure or check the activities of third-party designers if you decide to refer to their services.

Good job!

Video - Ban Bar projects 3x4 - drawing

Optimal sauna: what is she?

The desire to have a private bath at the site visits many: it gives a unique opportunity to improve, relax and relax after a hard day. And if the bath is near the house or cottages, and you don't need to go anywhere - this way of rest is in general. But there are weight questions: where to put, how to expand how much and what premises should be, what size and what the foundation is to do, and another one more than one another. While let's talk about the planning of the bath on the site and inside.

Planning on the site

You need to start with choosing a place for the construction of a bath. It is necessary to rely on the data of the geological examination of the site: choose the best soils and the lowest location of groundwater. Then the foundation can be made inexpensive, and to stand at the same time the bath will be fine. Without such a survey, the site has to be chosen on "maybe".

In this case, it is advisable to immediately exclude the place where the subsorative water is suitable. They can be noticed at sunset. In the evening, inspect the plot. If there are places where the small midge goes the post in one place - the water is close at the bottom. There is a good well to dig a well, and it is impossible to put the house or bath.

By excluding all the wet places, you can try on dry sites to enter the planned building. There are also some limitations here:

  • before the well, there should be no distance less than 5 meters;
  • to the nearest residential building a distance of at least 8 meters;
  • toilet and compost pit should be located as far as possible.

If your site goes to the shore of the river or the lake, it makes sense to put near the bathhouse: it will be possible to dip and do not fool with the construction of the pool. Also, from the water branch, it will be possible to organize the flow of water, but with the assignment it will be necessary in this case to pour a head - so that the drains do not fall there. So the optimal location of the bath on the plot is an individual business.

Bath layout inside

The most common bath layout: entrance to the south, the windows of the rest room - west. Entrance to the south because it is used here before the snow comes down, and the snowdrifts are usually smaller. And the windows are made in the western wall, because most often soared in the afternoon and the setting sun illuminates the room.

But this is only the most common planning and no more. You can also have input and windows as it will seem more convenient for you: maybe you have a landscape in the east of amazing beauty, and west all that is visible - the wall of the neighbor's shed. Nobody will prevent you from entering the way you think.

What premises are needed in the bath

Around how to bathe in the bath, there are permanent battles. They apply to the number and volume of rooms. Approaches to this issue are several. Choose the one that you closer.


In this layout of the bath there is a small tambour. It will not allow the cold air to break into the room.

The first postulate - with the all-season use of the bath (and in the winter too) at the entrance to the bath there should be a vestibule. Otherwise, the rest room will quickly fasten: with each discovery of the door there will be a portion of cold air. There are no disputes. There are only a few options for the organization of the Tambura: it is blocked inside or attached from the outside.

If you want to bathe only in the warm season, the need for a vestibule disappears. In the summer, often resting after the steam room: on the terrace or porch.

Washing and steam room: separately or together?

But on the composition of the premises that are necessary in the bath, there is a dispute. Most adheres to the opinion that the steam room and the car wash should be separate. But since the bath sizes are usually small, these two rooms are small. For dry saunas, this is good: small volumes quickly warm up. And still separated from the wet steam in this case, the need: in the sauna should be dry. Not more than 10% humidity. A large amount of steam at a temperature of 100 ° C and above burns the nasopharynx and bronchi. Because if the bath is dry, then the sink must be separate.

Some supporters of moderate temperatures and high humidity are a mode that is characteristic of the Russian bath - believe that the washing and the steam room can be combined. There are several reasons for this:

  • The first is a temperature and humidity regime in a small amount of water in the size of the steam, the temperature and humidity regime changes dramatically. There is nothing you can do: a small volume, and steam literally beats, everyone who is in it. If you have the opportunity to make a steam room more, the question is not so acute.
  • The second reason is physiological. Pores open. If the washer is much cooler, during stay in it, they are closed again. The next time entering the pair, you have to spare them again. If the "washing" is a topchair located in the opposite corner from the shelves, then no "cooling" does not occur.

In principle, the second problem is solved: it is necessary to maintain a rather high temperature of 35-40 ° C, and there is enough humidity there. It will turn out in it almost "Hamamny" atmosphere. Under such conditions, you can relax. To do this, in the wedroom branch, they are treated, on which in a warm wet atmosphere rest after the steam. That's then the washer area should be big. And the rest room overlook only when you go to the steam room are no longer going.

The second approach to the part of the other: after the body warmed up, it should be cooled. Use for this contrasting procedures - cool or cold shower, douse, rubbing with snow, and the like. Then there is a separate washer with a cool atmosphere and needed. And here they put the font with cold or cool water. With this approach, in the steam room are quite long - for 10-15 minutes, because again it is necessary to warm up.

Ideally, to decide what's more suitable for you, you need to visit the bath of both types. In which of them you will be better, that is worth building.

Now, sum up. In the bath there may be two or three rooms. There may be a lounge, and separate rooms for the wage and washer. In another embodiment there is a rest room, and the steam room and the washing are combined in one room.

Dressing room

This room can be attributed to the category optional, but it is desirable. It is much more convenient if all things are collected in one place. But here questions and disagreements arise: where do the doors go. Options are usually two: in the rest room and in the washing room. Both options are imperfect.

If entering the dressing room from the rest room, then undressing, you will have to march through this room. If there is no one else in the bath, this is one, but if a campaign gathered, and someone is already resting, it is already a completely different knee.

The second option from this point of view is preferable: from the locker room immediately fall into the sink, and from there to the steam room. But then the crude air from the washing will inevitably be in the locker room. And raw air \u003d wet clothes. That is still pleasure. So you have to usually choose: walk in negligee through the rest room or after the bath put on wet clothes.

But more often, they still make entrance to the dressing room of the washing, and the problem of humidity solve good ventilation: they make two channels one below - for the receipt of fresh air, and the second is at the top - for the dignum of wet. To the top usually embed an exhaust fan (for wet rooms). So in a pair, natural and forced ventilation coped with high humidity.

Dimensions of premises in the bath

In addition to the composition of the premises, it is necessary to determine the size. Since it is most often done by three rooms - a washing and a separation steam room, then we will describe approaches to the choice of sizes for all three rooms.

Plain layout

The main thing when planning the bath is to determine the optimal size of the steam. It is clear that I want to save on a construction site and on firewood for a protest. But too small room is completely uncomfortable: and the bath overheats quickly, and feel like a cage.

It is reasonable to proceed most of how many people should be placed in the steam room. Moreover, the dimensions depend also on the type of steam room. In the surrounding no one is not particularly moving. Everything is grayly sitting in the gaps: at such a temperature you do not move away. Therefore, one meter is "sitting" one person. To lie, 2.2. So here. Determine how many people can sit at you, and how much - to lie. Then you consider the area of \u200b\u200bthe shelves, add a place to the stove and a little on the passage to the landing. Get minimum steam sizes for sauna.

In the Russian bath, mainly in the gods lie. And also, the banker waves through the brooms. Therefore, the sizes should be more.

For the width width and length, the width and length are chosen so that two or three can be comfortable - depending on how many people will be at the same time steam. We calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe required intelligence (one-width of 80-100 cm, length from 2.2 to 2.5 m), add the area for placing the stove, the screen around it, approaches and gaps, and we get the minimum volume of the steam room for the Russian bath. If the dimensions do not allow, leave one "sudden" place, be sure to place where the banker is worth, and, if possible, at least a small shelves for sitting.

In general, the more rational area in the steam room is used if it has no square, but a rectangular shape. And the furnace is usually on the long side. And even consider that from the furnace, even a closed brick screen (for the Russian bath it must be closed to the screen), before the shelves there should be a distance of about 20-30 cm, but better - more.

On the selection of ceilings and door heights, read in the article « The height of the ceiling and regiments in the bath and sauna ». Briefly, we can say the following: for conditioned steam steam (pairs mixed evenly throughout the volume) of the finishing ceiling not lower than 2.10 m, and for the pattering (the pair is assembled under the ceiling) not lower than 2.4 m.

Immediately let's say about the height of the shelves - this is another stumbling block when designing the steam. In general, each parameter is selected individually. If you caulate a womb "Under yourself", then the height of the police should be to the knuckles of the lowered hand. Become on the floor (on the grid or stool, if it is), omit the hand down. Where your knuckles are located, there must be the surface of the shelf.

If the shelves are planned somewhat, then the upper should not be closer to the ceiling than 115 cm. And more: the second above the first one - by 45 cm: then on the upper shelf you can not only lie, but also sit down (if you want to "Igniye" ).

You need to draw everything in size and all this should be placed in a wage in the "pure" form, taking into account the simplicity and insulation pie

But not everyone who will steam, have the same height. Therefore, make the palter steps. You can have several pieces of different heights for people of different growth: it is based on such a step when you need to climb the shelves. The same steps use a bunch: People have a different waist girth, and sometimes even in the fitted "under themselves" the steam has to get up to the step to be more convenient.

One small tip: Make steps wide. First, if necessary, it will be possible to sit on them, and secondly, wide and low more stable.

Dimensions are washer

Here there are two approaches: or try to do the minimum - this is if the sizes of the bath are limited, or plan the way as convenient and the resulting dimensions lay in the project. If we talk about a minimum, then you can do a small shower, over which you can still attach a tidy device. In this case, it is enough for a size of 1.5 * 1.5 meters. Closed, but not too.

For comfort and for the case, if you can rest in the steam room, you need to place here. Then, probably, you need to fade separately a shower room - this is 1.2 * 1.2 m (or more if you want). And enter one or two tilt (depends on the amount of soaring in one approach). Tops in size can be similar to shelves in a steam room, or a little different. There are already non-critical dimensions. The main thing is to be convenient to lie.

Some in the washing put the font. There are already small dimensions will not cost, and the sizes of the font can be different - from one and a half meters in diameter and Boohold.

Room size sizes

And again two options for planning even in the baths of the same size. Some try to harvest for a rest room as much as possible area, leaving for steam and washing minimum. This option is suitable if the bath is something like a club. Then the main action is precisely attempting in the rest room. And the room is highlighted, respectively, spacious.

But there are people who enjoy precisely the processes occurring in the steam room. And then the situation changes dramatically: the required minimum is given under the recreation room: hanger, table, several shops / chairs / chairs. Everything. But all the other areas are removed under the steam room.

Deciding with the size of all rooms and their location, do not be lazy to draw everything on the scale. You can do this on a computer using programs or in old-fashioned on paper in a cell. Just draw large, with the preservation of proportions, taking into account the thickness of the walls and simpleness, insulation and finishing. Then count the real areas that remained in the "pure" form. Exactly exactly: you are waiting for a surprise. And unpleasant. Very many square are selected all the stensels and walls. And on the remaining place will need to "enter" all objects. Especially a lot of difficulties arises with a steam room. So here be especially attentive. Most likely, a woman's ready-made plan will have to be repainted, and more than once.

Pay attention to the location of the doors. It is desirable that they are located as close as possible. Especially in the passing rooms. It's all in the same utility: all the passages can not be used. So they eat a decent number of areas.

In terms of safety

Consider the layout of premises in the bath must also be in terms of security. Therefore, it is advisable to make the way out of the steam room as simple as possible and shorter, without labyrinths. This is necessary in case someone became bad. The faster the person can reach fresh air, the better. Therefore, some projects provide for two doors in the steam room: one of the washing - for regular use, the second - in the vestibule - for emergency situations.

In order for as quickly as possible, it was possible to evacuate in the washer should be a window of decent dimensions - no less than 50 * 50 cm. And it should be opened inside (again the safety technique). And it is better not to save on size: small sizes will not give the required amount of fresh air required to carry out. And even through the small window it is difficult to get out.

Many, by the way, do not make windows in a woeful in the steam room, and are very mistaken. Now briefly explain why.

These windows are not needed for lighting, but for ventilation. In the steam room, two windows are needed - one in the wall opposite the door, the size of 40 * 40 cm or so. His top edge should be at the level of the parcel. The second window in the steam room is made under the shelf. It may be small - 20 * 20 cm.

All of them are needed for ventilation and drying the premises after use. Then you will not have any problems with wood and fungus. Open them also for temperature / humidity correction. Everyone is comfortable its condition, here with the help of the winds and regulate them. Learn more about where the windows and which sizes should be in the bath should be here, and in the article "What doors to choose for a bath and sauna" are about doors and their size.

The window in the washing and also evacuation output. You shouldn't forget about it too. Of course, we are trying to not break the rules, and put the stoves correctly, but it is better to be restrained.

So, suppose you have a bath 4 on 4. Planning inside, photos and sketches will help you optimally plan all the bathrooms on such a small area.

Bathrooms in Siruba Bani 4 on 4

On 16 square meters you will need to place the following bathrooms:

  1. Pair (main place in any Russian bath).
  2. Washing department.
  3. Pregnant.
  4. Restroom (if possible).
  5. Equipment (if possible).

What is good bath 4 on 4, layout inside, photo and schemes of which are presented on this page? In the fact that all the above rooms are fully posted on the square of just 16 square meters. m.

If you think that it is too small in the area, you can do the following:

  1. The rest room can be combined with a pre-tribader or generally endure a veranda bought to the bath. You can also relax on the terrace at the bath, unless, of course, the weather and climate allow.
  2. The furnace is not needed if you have a bathing stove straight from the paired compartment. That is, the furnace goes into the pair. Of course, in this case, the whole trash from the protest will be in the steam room - extra movements for cleaning chips and ash.

Bath 4 on 4 - photo planning inside

As you can see, the bath 4 to 4, the layout inside, the photo and the sketches of which are presented here, may consist of several rooms.

And maybe only one room in which all the above are combined. That is, in the same room can be combined with steam room, washing compartment and furnace.

And a cold milking festival can be attached to such a cut.

It is always that in the villages, and often build now.

Here are some photos of how the layout can be implemented inside a small bath 4 by 4 meters.

Owners of country houses are engaged in the improvement of their sites so that seasonal or year-round accommodation in this territory was as comfortable as possible. If the organization of the recreation area in the yard does not cause difficulties, then the construction of some objects needs increased attention. These include a bath: layout and design design, the calculation of the size of each room and the distribution of the area - all these issues should be solved even before the construction of construction.

K need to approach with great responsibility

If earlier the baths consisted of only one room, then the modern options for these structures include several rooms. Among them, there may be a washing, pre-banker, a recreation area, a pool, a billiard room, etc. In order for the owner in the future, the owner did not have to resort to the restructuring and adjustment of the building, at the design stage it is necessary to make all important marks in the drawings. The following points deserve special attention:

  • layout of indoor rooms;
  • water supply system;
  • wiring of the power grid;
  • sewerage and wastewater system.

Note! Having a detailed scheme, it is largely to simplify and speed up the process of selection and placement of furniture.

Bath Plan Development Taking into account the conditions of the country area

To create ideal conditions for recreation in the bath, you need to take into account some nuances that will avoid trouble in the process of operating the premises. It is desirable that the construction zone is located on soils with low levels of groundwater. Before proceeding with the development of the project, you need to immediately exclude all areas that do not comply with this condition.

5 7 meters outdoor terrace

If there is a well on the territory, the distance between it and the bath should not be less than 5 m. The minimum gap between the steam room and the residential building is 8 m. The farther from the bath there will be a compost pit and a toilet, the better. Specialists advise to make entrance from the south side. In winter, fewer snowdrifts are formed here, therefore, the likelihood of blocking access to. It is better if the windows will look at the West, which will contribute to the penetration of a sufficient amount of sunlight.

If there is a reservoir in the country area, building a bath at 15-20 m from it, it can be used instead of a pool. In addition, the presence of a river or lake near the structure will allow the system of water supply.

For small sites (3-6 acres), banning projects 3 to 3 will be suitable, photos of such buildings in abundance are present on the sites of construction companies. Even in such compact buildings, steam room remains the main premises. Under the organization of this room, the maximum possible number of area should be equalized - about 8 m². This is enough to install 2-3 loungers (shelves) and put the furnace-heater.

Other premises can be included in the planning of the bath 3x4 m and more (optional). The construction can be used for its intended purpose even in the absence of a billiard room or bathroom. The bath can not exist without a parley. For this reason, the separation of the internal space on the functional zones primarily depends on the size of the project.

If you want additional amenities, a small shower room can be included in the Bani Bani Project 3 by 4 m. After the steam room, you can wash off the dirt and refresh. For typical projects, the presence of a rest room that will be operated in breaks between steam sessions. It will take 4.5 m² for its organization.

Other rooms, such as a dressing room or a vestibule, will be alike. They are compact enough to fit in the 5-on-5 bath project along with the main rooms.

Note! The norm of the area for washing one person is 2 m².

Bath Design: Basic Rooms and Successful Examples

Even the smallest project cannot consist exclusively from one wage. In order for the bath to function normally, and its operating conditions provided comfort for a person, other premises should be included in the layout. For this purpose, the internal space of the structure is divided into small rooms, each of which operates its role.

In the design of the bath 5 to 6 m (taking into account the small size of such a building) to separate the space on the zone, optionally use the bearing walls. There will be enough light partitions made of wood. They do not need to bookmark the foundation and do not carry additional loads.

Thanks to the separation of the main space into several sites, it will be possible to effectively and quickly make warmers. In this case, other rooms will not be exposed to heating. This advantage is especially useful for the rest room.

The category of essential rooms includes a pre-tribbon. This room is used as an input gateway to the bath, not allowing steam cold air from the street. Here you can store firewood or other type of fuel. The pre-equipment is suitable for the arrangement of a small dressing room (locker room). If the layout is compiled correctly, you can easily get into the steam room, and in the shower, and the rest room.

Bath layout 3 on 5 m may include a fairly spacious pre-banner. Using partitions, it is possible to organize additional storage facilities and fuel. In the pre-tribades, it will be worth it a large window, but only if it is not in the steam room. The pair must only have one door that goes to the pre-banker. The pregnant itself can be connected with other premises.

Shower room on a bath diagram and its dimensional parameters

If a shower is present in the project, it is desirable to separate it from other rooms. This is due to several requirements. First, the temperature in the oil should be much lower than in the steam room. Secondly, the process of taking the soul is an intimate procedure, so the room is better to hide from prying eyes.

In order to save money on heating shower, it is possible to minimize its size. Square 2-3 m² will be quite enough. Such a shower will fit even in a miniature banner of 4 on 4 of the bar.

Helpful advice! If this room will be used exclusively for men's floors, the size of the oil can be reduced to 0.5 m². Thanks to this, it will be possible to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe rest room.

In the project Bani from Bruus 6, 4 m can be included a more spacious shower, installing there not only the necessary equipment, but also seats, for example, a shop. The lining will be suitable for the top half of the room, the lower part can be fed by a cafeter.

If the building is intended for family visits with children, it is desirable to take as a basis the project of a bar from a bar of 6x6 m. It will not only organize a comfortable and large wet, but also to equip it with additional departments intended for washing, etc. Shower, having a decent square may become the main premises in the bath. In this case, you need to take care of creating relevant conditions:

  • organize a high-quality ventilation system (forced and natural);
  • perform the correct calculation of the heating scheme;
  • organize a lighting system with an optimal combination of natural and artificial light;
  • calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room for the maximum number of visitors.

If there is such a planning of the bath 6x6 meters, you can exclude from the project and transfer to the house.

How to calculate the size of the steam room in the bath

The pair room is preferably located as far as possible from the entrance door. This room does not need windows. The size parameters of the room are selected taking into account the generally accepted standards. These standards are prescribed standards for the main points:

Article on the topic:

Projects, photos, features of frame baths. Frame-shield baths. Turnkey baths: prices where to buy. Mounting video.

  • construction material and finishing;
  • parameters of the ventilation system;
  • maximum number of visitors;
  • the power level of the heater (furnace), the degree of thermal return;
  • fire safety;
  • structural parameters of the room and ergonomics.

With regard to the height, the steam is obeying strict standards. This parameter should not go beyond the range of 210-240 cm. In this case, the length and width of the room may be within 190-235 cm and 84-115 cm, respectively. These sizes are considered minimal for small projects designed for one person. Of course, in projects BAH from a bar of 6 to 6 m and more dimensions of the steam rooms can be increased.

Helpful advice! If the bath is limited in size to save the area for organizing other premises, in the steam room you can install seats or arrange them with a cascade.

Development of the project Bani 3x4 do-it-yourself: photos and recommendations

Independently developing a building scheme is quite difficult, especially if it is a limited area project. In this case, it is advisable for help from specialists. To obtain an acceptable result, it is recommended to pre-sketch, reflecting all the wishes. Most often, the owners of country sites seek to save precious meters. However, far from everyone can save. In the desire to reduce the minimum costs, it is advisable to avoid using:

  • materials of dubious production;
  • materials that are not intended for the construction of Parims or do not have the necessary properties;
  • electrical appliances made with their own hands.

In addition, it is not necessary to accommodate for specialists who do not have the relevant experience. Perhaps self-taught masters take tempting low amounts, however, such maintenance can be badly ended with time and entail many additional costs.

Despite the projects limited in size 3x4 m, should not refuse windows. They not only provide access to natural light, but also can be used to ventilating the premises. For a tiny bath, the ideal option will be the openings of 0.4x0.4 m.

Original planning bath 3 on 5: photo inside and outside

If the bath with a size of 3x5 m will have a steam room and washing, which are arranged separately, the internal space of the structure should be divided by at least 3 parts. Under the organization of a zone designed for dressing and rest, it is advisable to take a plot of 2x3 m. The remaining space in the Bani's 3 project is divided almost equally equally. As a result, two rooms should be obtained, the dimensions of which are 3.4x1.4 m and 3.4x1.5 m. By composing a scheme of such a bath, we should consider where the water heating boiler will be installed. It is desirable that it is located as far as possible from the entrance door.

The project must contain a dressing room, even if it is a small size. However, the presence of this room is simply necessary. Moreover, regardless of whether there is a single room for a room for recreation or not.

Improve operating conditions in the bath will help the presence of a terrace. Most often in such projects for the construction of this element, 5x1.9 m is given. Of course, in this case the size of the interior will be slightly trimmed, but these losses will be insignificant. You can also not include the terrace into the overall plan of the bath. The developers often design it as an extension on the side of the building, which allows not to reduce the area of \u200b\u200binterior. The optimal size of the terrace in this case will be 3x7 m.

Helpful advice! In order to save the inner space, you can transfer the area for relaxation and rest to the terrace or organize a room intended for these purposes on the attic floor.

What does the optimal planning of the bath 4 on 4: photo inside and outside the building

Most often for the construction of small buildings, a log is used. Therefore, in real photos of the projects of the bath 4, 4 m can be noted that the inner space is obtained much less than the external dimensions of the construction. So that the calculations correspond to reality, it is necessary to take into account the size parameters of the building material, as well as the construction method.

If the bath assembly is carried out by the "in the paw" method, the log thickness should be between the inside of the premises. If the building assembly is produced "in the bowl", another 25 cm should be added to this indicator. For example, if logs are used for the construction of the bath, the length of which is 4 m, and the diameter is 24 cm, then the maximum size of the internal space will be 3x3 m. This nuance must be taken into account by constituting the planning of the future bath.

The scheme of this room is drawn up according to the principle described earlier. In the photo of the projects of the bath 4 for 4 interior, as well as the nature of the placement of rooms, most often simplified as much as possible. The simplest scheme usually consists of one room, which performs several functions at once. It replaces the pre-banner, locker room and steam room. In the corner, the wood or electric furnace is mounted. Also in the room is installed 2-3 shelves. The width of these elements is about 0.5-0.6 m.

The described layout option cannot be called practical and convenient. More comfortable conditions will be placed the bath, which has a rest room and oil. The space 4x4 m allows you to organize these rooms.

Helpful advice! It is advisable to install the stove in the steam room. Thus, the adjacent room with this zone will be heated at the expense of heat released by it. For this reason, specialists are recommended next to the parillery to equip a rest room.

If there is an additional budget, the 4x4 m in size can be increased due to. In this case, on the first floor there is a standard layout option, and the rest room, a billiard room or a bedroom is equipped at the top.

Optimal and practical projects Bar from Bruus 6 for 3 meters

Projects BAT 6x3 m are designed for simultaneous maintenance of 3-4 people, so it is desirable to remove under the arrangement of the steam room at least 6 m² of the inner area. The overall dimensions on average will be 3-5 m². There are no special restrictions on the rest of the rooms. In projects BAT 3 by 6 m, several rooms are usually equipped:

  • pair;
  • hallway;
  • washer;
  • restroom.

Some developers reduce the number of rooms, but specialists do not recommend doing it. Each of these premises performs its function. Washing and steam room belong to the category of mandatory rooms. If you get rid of the hallway, the entrance door will lead immediately to the rest room. In the summer, this placement will not cause discomfort, but in winter, the premises for relaxation will be exposed to drafts. If you exclude a rest room from the project, then the pleasures from the adoption of bath procedures will be much less.

To improve the living conditions in a bar from a bar, it is advisable to install wooden furniture. To create comfort, there will be a sofa, pairs of chairs and a small table. It will not prevent the TV or home theater in the rest room.

Beautiful planning bath 4 on 5: photo inside and outside

Planning such nuances as the type of foundation, the peculiarities of the roof, the material for the construction of walls and other depends on the conditions that the country area has, and the wishes of the owner.

In the photo of the Bani projects 5, 4 m in standard version, you can see the minimum set of rooms. In one-story buildings, as a rule, there is no pre-banker and a tambour. In such conditions it is impossible to exploit the bath in the cold season. The entrance door is usually located a lounge. It can be spacious. Square in 4x2.85 m will be enough to put in the room and the table or the seating shops. If you wish in a rest room, you can install a TV and other technique.

Following the recreation room, the wax is caught. The size of this room can be 1.8x2 m. Here are installed sink for washing of hands and washing, toilet, as well as a shower. From this room, you can get to the steam room, the dimensions of which are 2x2.1 m. It is installed in it, which is set to the construction of about 1 m².

Note! In the process of developing a project of Bani 4, 5 m must necessarily take care that each room is organized free and convenient access.

You can add a spacious terrace to the standard set of rooms. The optimal size of this zone is 1.5x4 m. If desired, the terrace is glad and turns into a comfortable veranda. This space can be used to organize an additional recreation area or install a bake barbecue here. At the same time, the entrance door from the terrace should be in the rest room.

Features of projects Ban from Bruus 4x6 meters with terrace

Projects of brusal baths 4 by 6 m with a terrace enjoy high demand among owners of country sites. Building such a building can be completed in just one season. Thanks to the use of modern technologies and materials, you can get a beautiful building with comfortable conditions, and at a fairly reasonable price. When planning a bath 6, 4 m in the building you can place the following rooms:

  • parilla (4 m²);
  • washing room (4 m²);
  • recreation room (8 m²);
  • open terrace (8 m²).

The presented sizes of the rooms allow you to simultaneously set up in a minimum of 6 people in the bath. This is not limited to this number of visitors. To heat the room, a metal furnace is suitable, equipped with a tank for heating water. From here the warm liquid will enter the washing room. The bath can have an autonomous water supply system or feed directly from a residential building.

To ensure comfortable conditions for the adoption of water procedures, the ceilings height must be at least 2.2 m. In the bath with such an area, you will need to set at least 3 windows. The size of the structures is 0.6x0.6 m. Since the bath is made of timber, it is advisable to use wooden windows, although the use of metal-plastic is allowed.

Bath projects 6 to 6: photos with examples of interesting layouts

The area that places the bath with a size of 6x6 m is considered optimal. This space is enough to organize inside all the necessary premises, install heating equipment and interior items (furniture). With such dimensions, the Bani project 6x6 m is able to simultaneously accommodate from 8 to 10 people. For one visitor requires about 1.1 m². This indicator can be used to calculate and plan all rooms in the bath. In this case, the structure may consist of the following premises:

  • pair;
  • washed;
  • rest rooms;
  • bathroom;
  • pre-banker.

The nature of the placement of the rooms may be individual, since only the owner knows how many people will be at the same time relaxing in the bath and how it will be operated. The project development can be started from any site of the building, the main thing is that the sewage pipe is located next to the drain pit and the dimensions, as well as the features of the oven design, were taken into account. It is desirable that the steamer was much larger than the oil. The rest room can be equipped with a swimming pool.

In general, the planning of the bath does not cause special difficulties. If you take into account the main standards and safety requirements, as well as to use the principles of rational placement of rooms, you can create a space that