What to do if a sparrow flies home. Beliefs about the sparrow bird in the house

Superstitions were formed at a time when people attached great importance to signs of fate. Despite the development of scientific progress, many still believe in omens. What does it mean if a sparrow flies into the window? Let us examine in detail the most common interpretations of the symbol.

Causes of fears

If a sparrow flies into a house, it always raises a lot of questions among residents. Popular beliefs say that the bird has a disgusting character.

There is a legend according to which the creatures gave away the location of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane by flying out of the bushes. During the execution of the Savior, they brought nails to the executioners, for which they were punished with invisible fetters on their paws.

A sparrow can fly into a house unexpectedly, so you should pay attention to its behavior. There are many factors responsible for the correct decoding of a particular action.

To a living space

Through the window

If a sparrow flew into a house through a window, folk signs warn of impending problems. Perhaps household appliances will break down or the neighbors above will flood.

If you arrive through an open window, your plans will be ruined. To eliminate the consequences, a person will have to get very nervous and come up with another plan.

If a sparrow flew into a private house in the evening, you should expect news from distant relatives. In apartments, such guests are rare, so the sign has a different interpretation. A calm, balanced bird warns of uninvited visitors, and a nervously beating against the glass warns of troubles. If there is sparrow blood left on the glass, you need to take a closer look at your surroundings: perhaps there is an enemy nearby.

If a sparrow flew into the garage and entered the car through the windows, the car owner is in danger: a serious accident is expected in the future or property will be stolen. It is advised to leave the vehicle for several days until the threat passes.

If 2 sparrows fly into the window, a person will have to gain strength and patience. When defending your own interests, you must be able to find compromises and make concessions. Fighting birds warn of obstacles on the way to the goal.

Other methods of penetration

If a sparrow flew onto a balcony or veranda, the sign promises communication with a new person. Is the bird jumping on the railing and chirping merrily? For a single woman, such an omen promises a quick wedding or meeting her future spouse. Our ancestors believed that the funny creature called the groom to the house with its cry.

An important warning is considered to be a bird entering through a pipe or ventilation hole, especially if it then escapes through the door. The most common interpretation in this case is the serious illness and imminent death of one of the residents. The Slavs closed the entrance and opened the windows so that the winged messenger could fly out in a safe way.

Did a sparrow fly into the house and sit on the mirror? A popular sign promises unpleasant news about the death of someone close. Any reflective thing is considered a mystical object that opens a portal to the other world. A nearby bird warns of a strong experience.

If a sparrow flies into an apartment or house through a window, circles around the room, and then flies away into the wild, you don’t have to worry. Any troubles will pass with minimal moral and material losses. Life will quickly improve, and with reasonable behavior it will become better.

A nest found in any part of the home portends a serious illness. For single people, the symbol predicts a quick wedding. A bad sign is a bird that has died in a building or been killed (by a person or animal). In this case, there is no way out of trouble.

To the workroom

Sparrows fly not only onto the balcony or into the apartment, but also into non-residential buildings. Everyone has seen scurrying flocks under the ceiling of supermarkets or indoor markets, but rarely thought about the meaning of the sign. The decoding depends on the behavior of the “messenger”, the time of day and the outcome.

If a sparrow flies into the office window, then most likely all employees will face minor troubles. The winged creature rushes around the room if in the future you have to work hard on an important project or presentation. Perhaps a restless customer will appear who will get on the staff’s nerves.

If it flies to a window or storefront, you should expect new customers. It is recommended to pay attention to the behavior of the individual. A calm, carefree bird promises successful sales, while a nervous bird peeping or knocking on glass attracts pointless troubles.

If a bird entered an office space and then sat down next to a woman, the employee can be congratulated on her upcoming addition. People who came to work and saw a sparrow fly in will be promoted in the future. And the feces left behind symbolize financial gain.

How to change an omen

What to do if a winged creature promises trouble for your home or office? The sign of a sparrow flying in does not necessarily mean something bad, but it is better to play it safe and light a candle near the icon of your saint in the church.

Under no circumstances should you kill a bird. No matter what news the sparrow carries, its death will not change anything. Any attempt to punish the messenger will result in negative consequences for the person.

If a sparrow flew into a room and died, it is wrapped in a rag or paper and taken out of the house. Afterwards, thoroughly wash the room and hands.

What to do if troubles start to come true? In this case, candles are lit near the icons for 3 days:

  • guardian angel;
  • Mother of God;
  • your saint.

When not to worry

If a sparrow flew into the house, this is not a reason for fear. Sometimes the plot of foreshadowing means nothing, it is natural animal behavior. Superstitious people are ready to look for a problem where there is none. There are a number of factors that explain the reason why a sparrow flew into the door or window of a house.

Our world is so multifaceted that a person will hardly ever be able to comprehend it completely. Magic, whether you believe in it or not, creates everything around you and is completely independent of living beings. Folk signs are magical clues that are available to everyone who does not adjust their own views to the created framework or create boundaries for the perception of the world around them. Signs from higher powers, warnings and advice - you can listen to them or ignore them, the outcome will be the same. What does the sign tell you about when a sparrow flew into the window?

Birds are harbingers

The sparrow is a bird that every child and adult knows about. The bird is found in villages, big cities and wastelands. Small and always energetic, sparrows herald the arrival of spring, and in summer they splash around in small oases even among the concrete blocks of noisy cities. If you still pay attention to signs, then how to interpret them correctly?

If one sparrow flew into the window, a small bird sat silently on the windowsill or cooed sweetly in the house, how would this help a person? The habitual behavior of pigeons or sparrows is unlikely to cause criticism from people, but their presence in the yard or house has long been considered a sign of upcoming news and imminent changes.

Signs associated with the sparrow and its behavior

Why does a sparrow fly into the house? Birds, like any living creatures, are drawn to warmth and often disturb people in search of food or shelter from bad weather. If a bird flies into the yard, it means that it just wants to hide from the heat or find food, but if one sparrow flies into the house or flies up to the window, then the bird wants to report something important. There is no point in protecting your apartment from an uninvited guest; it is better to understand the actions of the bird and analyze otherworldly signals.

Sparrow is a cursed bird

Why does a sparrow fly into the house? Small birds are considered cursed, devoid of good energy. According to legend, the birds were punished by the Lord and were deprived of the opportunity to walk because of their own meanness and deceit. Thieves and impudent people can only jump around and look ridiculous, without causing any respect or serious attitude. According to ancient beliefs, it was sparrows that brought nails that were driven into the hands of Jesus before his death.

“A sparrow flew into the window - expect trouble,” people said and were wary of the presence of a bird under the roof of a home.

Does this mean disaster is imminent? The interpretation of signs is not always unambiguous and the same. Each predictor understands the secret sign in his own way and interprets it based on his own experience. If a dove has flown in, the house should expect only good news or is preparing to receive dear guests. A home is a refuge for a person, his quiet haven and a place where negative energy has no place, and adversity is met with battle. Home protection is the primary task facing every owner. Sign with birds, expect good or bad? And is it worth the wait at all?

Sparrow in the house, what does this mean?

The sparrow flew into the house and carefully observed what was happening: this behavior of a bird is quite rare. Active by nature, birds cannot sit in one place and are in constant motion. Energetic birds do not make contact with humans and usually move away whenever people approach. Sorcerers and magicians, even healer grandmothers, who can still be found in rural areas, talk about why the sparrow’s behavior suddenly changes.

The sparrow flew home and does not want to fly away - this is a serious matter that should be thought about. Dwellings in which the mysterious “postman” may appear indicate future news and areas of life in which changes will soon occur. The house symbolizes spiritual harmony, and the office space symbolizes the work area.

Predicting the future by watching a sparrow

The messenger of trouble appears where it is needed most. Deciphering the signs, depending on the behavior of the bird, will allow you to avoid future adversity:

  1. A sparrow flew onto the balcony - you should observe the behavior of the animal, how restless it is or how playful it is. You can interpret such a sign as positive or negative, but making hasty conclusions is dangerous. The bird flies in reluctantly, as if under duress - don’t expect any good, but abundance awaits the house that the feathered guest likes (a positive sign).
  2. When a sparrow flies into the house several times. For a believer, such behavior of a bird is a bad sign, after which one should be especially careful and take care of the safety of all household members. There is no point in driving out the sparrow, and when the bird flies away on its own, it is best to clean the entire house. It would not be a bad idea to visit church and confess (sincerely repent of your sins). In cases where a bird quickly flew through all the rooms and began to hit the windows, what should you do? Help the bird get outside and not keep it in the house longer than it wants. Folk legends can be interpreted in different ways; what is much more important is what feelings the person himself experiences. If he is scared, then the animal is a bad messenger, but when his soul is calm, then there is no point in worrying.
  3. If a sparrow flew into a store. A bad sign that indicates future problems with trade and sales of products. After the bird flies away, it is better to close the door.
  4. A sparrow flew into a room where food was stored. The bird flies to the pantry window (directly flies into food warehouses) in anticipation of problems with suppliers or food procurement.
  5. If a sparrow flew through a window or onto a balcony. A messenger of death and great grief, the sparrow does not promise good events. One of the household members may be at risk, so you should show more attention to family members. It is impossible to harm the bird, because the bird itself is only a mysterious messenger that warns of danger. When a sparrow flew (onto the balcony) and flew out on its own, big changes are coming to the house, and problems with housing are possible.
  6. A sparrow flying into a house is not a new sign; a magician or simply an observant person can read it correctly. The sign should not be ignored, because the warning sent to household members was not at all accidental. Any disaster that will soon knock on your home can be prevented. It is also not recommended to feed the bird, because keeping the bad messenger for too long is dangerous. The sparrow flew in purposefully, because by nature birds are not attached to people. It is forbidden to treat an animal with aggression or try to drive it out (our humans take a long time to accept any omens with an open mind). Rash actions can result in serious problems in your personal life. Not wanting to stay under the same roof with the bird, a person can independently catch the “postman” and release him into the street (this is not the first time the bird has flown in).
  7. If a sparrow flew in at night, there is no need to be scared. Household members help the bird to get outside, and then close the windows and doors of the house. Sparrows can gather in whole flocks near the window and coo loudly; such a sign promises adversity in your professional life. The person at whose door the birds have gathered will hear gossip and rumors. The owner of the home can prevent problems; he just needs to make more efforts and be careful in choosing partners and associates.

Take a closer look at your employees and colleagues, are all your assistants sincere and faithful? If a bird has flown not only into the house, but to the window in the office or onto its balcony, you should reconsider your working relationship. Sparrows are not evil birds, they are only helpers who signal adversity. Whether to listen to otherworldly help or not, the choice remains with the person who believes in higher powers or the skeptic.

Sparrow flying into a window or door

Does it make a difference how the sparrow flew into the house? Magicians and sorcerers claim that nothing in the universe happens without a cause and consequences (a bird flies in for a specific purpose). It is necessary to listen not only to the sign, but also to pay attention to the circumstances under which the bird’s visit occurred. A sparrow has flown in and doesn’t want to fly away, what should I do? A similar question is often asked by women and men who do not know about mysticism or esotericism. If a sparrow has flown into the house, it is in a person’s interest to understand all the interpretations of such an important and dangerous sign. A sign that a sparrow flew in is a signal that soon too much strength and perseverance will be needed. Sometimes, while protecting the walls of his own home, a person has to make compromises or go against his own life principles. Sparrows promise a fierce struggle, which can affect several areas of a person’s life at once (the bird flew only once). How much effort is the owner of the home willing to give for the well-being of his own family?

If a sparrow flew into a living room, you cannot blame the bird for the misfortunes, otherwise it would be better not to expect otherworldly help in the future. It’s also not worth drawing premature conclusions; the behavior of an animal does not always relate to magical prophecies:

  1. Perhaps the bird is looking for a quiet corner or food (flies in bad weather).
  2. In summer, the behavior of birds is difficult to predict, and one should not rush to classify it as terrible news from fate.
  3. When several sparrows gather at the window, wait until the birds fly away, and then thank the higher powers for the warning.
  4. The room in which the birds cooed must be thoroughly cleaned, and if possible, the corners of the rooms should be sprinkled with holy water.
  5. The feathered species also arrives in winter, when the birds hide or fly away to warmer climes.

Small chicks can get into the home through a pipe. This sign is the most dangerous and cannot be interpreted in a good sense. A bird that has climbed into the oven (duct) indicates a serious illness of a family member living in the house. After such a visit, it is necessary to ventilate the room well, open windows and vents. The main condition for a happy future will be the attitude of a person who sees a sparrow in his own home. Sincere faith in the future is the best weapon anyone has.

Dead sparrow in the house

You can find an uninvited guest in the house not only hovering in the corners; sometimes the owner of the house or an employee, visiting the office premises, finds dead birds. What is the threat of such a sign? A dead sparrow is a terrible symbol; if you follow the traditional interpretation of the sign, trouble will not bypass your home. The animal should be thrown out as quickly as possible and the house should be immediately cleaned of any dirt that the bird brought with it. A sick bird flies under the door with a specific purpose - to convey bad news. Does such a terrible discovery mean that future events are irreversible? A sparrow flew into your work or office (the window or door to the toilet or passage room was not closed), which means future projects will not bring profit or success. There is no need to despair, because even failures lead a person to victory, which he can earn through perseverance and faith in the best.

Since ancient times, people have associated the appearance of sparrows with negative consequences. Birds are considered messengers of important news and upcoming significant events, but at the same time, these birds prophesy problems and misfortune, and promise trouble. Let's take a closer look at where the sign comes from and how it is interpreted - a sparrow flew into the house. The same applies to the sign when a sparrow flew onto the balcony.

It is worth noting that at different times such birds acted as harbingers of death and grief, and also predicted good events and the arrival of good guests.Is there a difference between whether a bird flew into an apartment or onto a balcony? Can it be considered a bad omen and a harbinger of trouble if a sparrow sits on the windowsill and knocks on the window?

The origin of the sign about the sparrow is associated with the following folk observations:

  • natural observation of wildlife;
  • superstitious parables and unpleasant stories;
  • belief in the transmigration of the soul of a dead person into a bird.

Previously, people observed the surrounding nature much more often and associated the actions of animals, birds, and weather with what would happen in the future. Based on such observations, a sign was born about sparrows that flew into the house. Naturally,that no matter the hallIf a sparrow enters the house or any other bird, the event will happen in any case. It doesn't matter whether this means the consequences will be good or bad. Arrivalbirds can also appear in a favorable light, when the sparrow is a messenger of good events and good news.

The idea that sparrows carry negative energy originated from an ancient biblical parable. Sparrows were considered thieving and dirty birds. The parable itself tells how the sparrows were cursed by God. Thieving birds secretly stole nails from the citizens of Ancient Rome. After which they carried these nails to the crucifix on which Jesus was crucified.

Another biblical story tells that sparrows betrayed Jesus to his enemies. It was by their loud chirping that the pursuers found his hiding place. The Lord cursed this bird. Her punishment was the inability to walk like all other birds and animals. If you carefully observe sparrows, you will notice that they do not move their legs, but only jump.

After such stories and legends, people have a strong opinion about sparrows as bad birds, displeasing to God. Therefore, if such a bird appears on the windowsill or flies into the house, then the most unpleasant associations will immediately arise. And there will be a dark stain on a person’s fate until you cleanse it.

What bad omens exist?

Centuries ago, our ancestors believed that a sparrow flying into a house was a harbinger of the death of one of the residents of the house. This knowledge and superstitions have been passed on to the modern generation of people. Some people pass down from generation to generation the story that birds contain the souls of deceased relatives. And if a sparrow flew into a house or onto a balcony, it was only to steal the soul of someone still living in the house. And if a sparrow sits on the windowsill and knocks on the window, then this only foreshadows imminent illness with a possible fatal outcome.

However, if a sparrow nevertheless flew into the apartment through the window, then you should not panic and try to kill it. Also, do not try to angrily drive him away from the windowsill or from the room. In this case, failures will haunt the household for a very long time. At the same time, it is believed that driving away a sparrow that has flown into the house means dooming yourself and your family to constant quarrels and failures in all endeavors. In ancient times, people caught sparrows that flew into the house and put them in a cage. At the same time, they were fed intensively and tried in every possible way to appease the bird. It was believed that these actions could deceive death and appease the harbinger of misfortune. But if you can’t drive away a bird, then how can you protect your home from the attacks of such a bad bird?

Ways to protect yourself from bad omen

When a bird flew into the house or sat on the windowsill, which none of the household members were prepared for, then action should be taken to expel it. Namely, it is enough to open the window or balcony wider so that the sparrow can leave the room on its own. To help the sparrow fly away from the house as quickly as possible, you can throw some grain or bread on the windowsill. The food attracts the bird, and it will quickly fly away into fresh air. It is quite possible that it was precisely because of hunger that the sparrow sat on the window. And not because he wants to take the soul of a relative. The foreshadowing of trouble becomes stronger from the fear that this misfortune will happen.

However, after the sparrow bird flies away from the room, the house should be cleansed of filth. For these purposes, you need to take a church candle and walk around the room through which the sparrow was flying three times. The procession with a burning candle should be accompanied by the reading of a prayer, as well as the sentence “Come for food, not for your soul.”

You can additionally sprinkle the apartment with holy water. In this way, you can get rid of the psychological pressure imposed by the negative sign of a sparrow flying into the house. To get rid of possible

Other interpretations

The sign with sparrows may differ depending on the superstition of people and their attitude towards life situations. You should not always think that a sparrow on the balcony or in the house will mean death and grief. Sometimes it is worth paying attention to what time of year the bird flew in and how this event occurred. In the winter season, birds began to bother me knocking on the window, this means hunger. You should simply place a feeder with grain nearby and then the birds will not disturb the apartment residents in search of food. Why worry once again if you can ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones by simply feeding the birds in the winter.

It is believed that if in the summer a sparrow knocks on a closed window more than once and then flies away, this means that bad news will soon visit the house. Even though the bird did not get inside the house. To calm your soul and turn the sign for good, you should perform a cleansing ritual with a burning candle and prayer.

People think that if A sparrow flew into the house - a sign that promises trouble: the bird will definitely bring bad news to its owner. But if this happened in a dream, then the prediction brings only good news.

Sparrows flying into a house promise bad news

How did the bird get into the house?

The appearance of an uninvited guest in the house is always noticed. When this happens, pay attention to how the bird was able to get into the home.

Out the window

If a sparrow climbs into a room through an open window, be vigilant. The sign promises problems that are not expected. Surprises can be everywhere:

  1. the phone breaks;
  2. a perfectly prepared event falls through;
  3. the neighbors above will flood;
  4. you will miss your plane or train.

The problems are completely different. You will have to find a solution very quickly, and maybe even run. But you shouldn't expect deadly events.

Through the door

A bird flying through the door is a sign that you should think about upcoming events. Such a visit from a sparrow portends expected troubles. If you feel that life has not gone according to the planned scenario, direct your attention and energy to improving your life.

  • get tested or reschedule your visit to the doctor soon if you are sick;
  • double-check your suitcase when getting ready to travel;
  • Re-read the solutions to the assignments again in preparation for the exam.

It is necessary to correct shortcomings in advance, an extra check will only be beneficial

Through ventilation

It does not bode well when a sparrow enters a house through a chimney or ventilation and leaves through the front door. For superstitious people, this predicts a serious illness with possible death or the death of close relatives.

People who have a fireplace in their country house often receive these guests, and nothing bad has happened. But if the bird gets into the room in this way, block its exit through the door, help the sparrow fly out of the open window or window. This way the bird won’t ruin your mood with its visit.

To the balcony or veranda

A sparrow that flies onto a balcony or onto a veranda promises news to its owner. They can be both good and bad. Don't wait for too important news - these birds don't bring it. The bird also predicts the imminent arrival of guests, but this meeting will not be fateful.

The meaning of the sign will change dramatically if the bird gives a voice. A chirping sparrow on the balcony of an unmarried girl invites matchmakers to her.

Nest in the house

If a migratory bird dares to settle in a house, the lonely tenant will acquire a mate. But a sign does not always carry only good meaning. Some say that this behavior of the bird can provoke a serious illness in someone in the household. The significance of the sign comes from the fact that birds carry many infections.

A sparrow may try to build a nest in a person's house

Dead sparrow

The worst news comes from a wounded bird flying into a window and dying directly under the roof of a house, on a balcony or threshold. A dead sparrow certainly does not bode well, but it does warn of illness in children, one of your family or colleagues.

The bird should definitely be buried. But try not to pick it up with your bare hands. Clean the place where she died well. A cleansing ritual will help rid the room of negativity.


Beliefs also differ depending on the place the sparrow visited.

A private house

In rural areas, people often keep their windows open in the summer and sparrows can sooner or later look into the house. In this situation, there is no need to grab your heart if the bird has become your guest.


For apartments in big cities, the significance of the sign increases several times. Sparrows are rather nosy and curious birds, but in the city their numbers are lower than in the countryside. The appearance of a gray guest in the apartments of high-rise buildings should cause surprise. Don’t panic; first figure out how the sparrow got into your home.

Shop or office

If a sparrow visited a store or office building, then the news, which will soon be announced, is intended for the entire team. It will be petty and stupid, foreshadowing meaningless vanity that will go unnoticed by management and will not bring any results.

This may also spell financial difficulties for the entire company.

If the bird leaves droppings during the visit, you can begin to rejoice; employees will soon receive a financial increase or a small bonus.

Another omen says that the person whose place the sparrow has chosen will soon have maternity leave, so it’s worth starting to save money for diapers.

How to ward off bad consequences

The negative impact can be minimized. Certain things are strictly prohibited.

  1. Scare and drive the bird out into the street. Better close the door and open the window. Allow the bird to find a way out and leave the room on its own.
  2. Catch and keep in a cage. Sparrows are already considered harbingers of bad events; you should not attract negativity into your home.
  3. Kill. The bird is not to blame for what is destined by fate. It only warns and gives a chance to change the future.

If a sparrow is preparing to leave the room so that it takes the bad news with it, it needs to be fed. To do this, pour grains, cereals or bread crumbs onto the windowsill, saying the phrase:

“Fly for food, not for your soul.”

You can say after the flying bird:

“As trouble came and went, it passed me by today.”

By listening to these tips, you can avert any troubles. But it is worth remembering that curing and releasing a wounded bird if it has flown to the doorstep of a house is always a good and useful thing. This can pay off possible troubles and various troubles.

By curing a wounded bird, you can neutralize the negative meaning of the sign

Dream about a sparrow

If a bird pleases you with a visit in a dream, expect new acquaintances or the appearance of a person from the past in your life. To find out the meaning, you need to remember the dream in detail.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a bird, then a marriage proposal awaits her soon. The appearance of a sparrow in a married lady’s dream predicts a prosperous family life. Such a dream warns men about gatherings with friends. And the young guy is guaranteed a new acquaintance with a nice girl.

A dream in which a bird flew through a window means a secret admirer will appear in reality; if through an open window, then a small romantic adventure is guaranteed.


There are many superstitions associated with the little bird. Whether to believe them or not, everyone decides for themselves, but there is no point in harming the bird. Better feed it in winter, and it will bring only good news.

There are many beliefs that sparrows are not just unlucky birds, but even those cursed by God. Once upon a time they committed a grave sin, for which every generation of birds pays. There are as many signs associated with these birds as there are beliefs about them. Basically, all signs are negative; they predict troubles and bad weather. But it is still worth considering this issue in more detail.

A sparrow flew out the window

The most common explanation for this event is the death of one of the residents of the house through the window of which the uninvited bird flew into. If you suddenly discover that an uninvited guest has entered your home, then under no circumstances drive him away, much less try to kill him.

The bird is the soul of man. Since she purposefully flew to you, then most likely for a reason. One of your deceased relatives sent you news that he will soon come for one of his relatives. If you begin to encroach on this restless soul, then trouble will inevitably touch you.

Wait until the sparrow flies out of the room naturally, then close the windows and go to church.

A sparrow flew into the house

Some people believe that a bird that flies into a house should be caged, and then it will not be able to cause harm. In fact, this is a big misconception, because the bird itself is completely harmless. It simply carries a message for you from the universe, or from the other world, as you wish.

Your task is not to chase a sparrow around the apartment, not to chase or beat the bird, and especially not to lock it in a parrot cage. If a gray birdie circles around the house and flies back, then it is quite possible that trouble will pass you by. Maybe she won’t find here the one she was sent for, or maybe the stupid creature has completely lost her way and flew to you by mistake. The main thing is not to panic and quickly forget about such a strange visitor.

Unpleasant consequences

If you nevertheless disobeyed and decided to tame the bird, then prepare for the fact that it will constantly attract bad luck into your home. With its presence, the sparrow will make you sad, bring enmity, disagreement and even illness into your house. If the bird that flies in flies away to freedom, then by ventilating the room, you can move on with your life in peace.

Signs appeared long before our birth, they were confirmed by stories and events, they were also refuted by many people. In folk superstitions about sparrows, of course, there is some truth, but nevertheless, one must not forget that these are just signs, unspoken remarks, unwritten truths. You can sacredly believe in omens and expect trouble from all sides, or you can consider them a simple warning and live in peace - all this is everyone’s business. But most importantly, remember that if a sparrow has flown into your house, you should not sit in it waiting to die. You need to continue living at your normal pace, but just be a little more careful. Since a warning has been sent to you, it means that you can ward off trouble on your own.