Turnkey house on the sea with animals. With a dog at sea

1. Transportation of animals by train:

From August 1, 2014, new “Rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo baggage by rail” are in force in Russia. Changes affected the transport of pets.

From now on, you can travel with a dog or a cat only on commuter trips (electric trains), and in long-distance trains - only in a compartment car: normal, not in SV, and without “extra comfort”. And for a trip with a large dog will have to buy all the coupe. An exception is made only for guide dogs: people with disabilities can ride with them in all types of carriages, without buying a special ticket, but the animal must travel in a muzzle and collar and not depart from the accompanying passenger.

With a passenger on the long journey one passenger has the right to take one large pet or two small pets, with the purchase of each individual ticket. To travel by rail, a small pet will need a special (convenient and safe, with dimensions of no more than 180 cm), a box, basket, cage or container, which the Rules prescribe to place on the ground for hand luggage. For large - enough muzzle and leash.
   When traveling by train, “animals are not required to animals, but the dogs need a muzzle and a leash, and ordered to keep cats“ under the supervision of their owners or accompanying ones ”. The rules also stipulate the price of the “dog” ticket in the train: not more than 25% of the fare for an adult passenger on the same route.

One thing in the Rules for the transport of pets by rail remained unchanged - for travel and in long-distance trains and commuter traffic to pets, veterinary documents are required.

2. Transportation of animals by plane:

Uniform rules for the transport of animals by air are not in any country - everything is at the discretion of the airlines. But still a few general provisions exist. As a rule, one small four-legged friend can be taken on board, but only in a special carrying, of small dimensions and with a strong lock. The container should be convenient for the animal: during the entire flight it is forbidden to leave its limits. For large animals, the airlines will offer space in the luggage compartment and only on the condition that the four-legged passenger has a convenient large container. Its size should allow the animal to stand up to its full height and rotate 360 ​​degrees. The bottom of the container must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material. Even if the animal is quite small, the plane will have to pay for its journey on board: the cost of services can be specified on the airline websites.

This question is now very relevant in the modern world, especially in Russia. Many go on a hitchhiking holiday to the sea, as public transport is now quite expensive. “To take or not to take a dog with me?”, Many people ask this question, because sometimes there is no one left, and in hotels for animals it is very expensive (from 500 rubles and more per day of stay in such hotels).

Of course, the average person can not afford it, so you have to take the animal with you. This article will provide tips only for those cases when you go to sea by hitchhiking. These tips are designed for many years of riding experience with a dog and take into account all the mistakes.


The first thing I want to start with is that any trip, climate change is a huge stress for a dog (dogs tolerate a tropical climate very badly, for example, our dog (French bulldog breed) sometimes refused to go out because of the heat , and suffered, as they say, until the "last").

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to leave the dog with people whom it knows (yes, I emphasize this, because with strangers the dog will, again, be stressed (therefore I absolutely do not recommend leaving the pet in various kinds of hotels for animals)) leave.

If, nevertheless, you leave the dog with no one, then the first thing to do is to choose in advance the place where you will live in the south (indeed, this is very important, since all people are different and in fact, following from many years of experience, housing, they accept with the dog, very little (even with small children they are not accepted everywhere), because people disdain or simply do not like animals, therefore you should phone and agree in advance, having discussed everything in detail (just call, because anything can be written on the website but in fact be wrong)).

A machine

Now I want to give some recommendations on the machine itself. The machine should be big enough (since things are still being recruited a lot (also noticed by experience), and the dog should also be placed so that it is no less comfortable than you.

For example, we always have a full car (i.e. 5 people), so the dog rides in the trunk (the trunk is combined with the cabin, it is big enough, so our pet has enough space there). Of course, small dogs can go in the carrier, but the big ones already need to allocate an entire place.

It is also desirable, of course, that there is an air conditioner, since an open window will not help you, because dirt and dust fly from the road, it is very stuffy (especially in traffic), and when you enter the Lipetsk region (speaking of Russia and the M4 highway), then the climate is changing, and, accordingly, it becomes even more uncomfortable.


Unfortunately, veterinary clinics are found there quite rarely and only in large cities (in the villages on the Sea of ​​Azov there are none at all), so it’s better to take care of such things in advance (and even more so for those dogs that have any diseases, take certain pills — in such cases, you must consult with a veterinarian and be examined before the trip).

We are going to the sea

Now you need to collect the dog on the road. Be sure to stock up with as much food as you can (count from your daily diet), don't take much more than you need, but you shouldn't risk it too.

It is better to take a little more, which is certainly enough (I repeat, this is all done because, like veterinary clinics, there are very few pet stores on the sea, even if there is, then everything is much more expensive).

Also do not forget to take with you bowls, bedding, leash and collar, you can take some toy, but do not overdo things, it is also better to have a first aid kit with candles and antibiotics just in case (for dogs that have diseases, do not forget buy the right medicines plenty).

On the road, be sure to take a bottle of 2 l of plain water directly to your pet. Check if you took everything before leaving, because of the turmoil and excitement you can forget something (this also applies to other things).

Now you can safely go. Now the main travel tips. It is necessary to make stops every 5-6 hours, even if under normal conditions the dog suffers for a long time, then do not forget that the car is shaking, which affects the body, plus the dog needs to drink and walk, since in any case everything becomes numb.

But! I draw your attention to the fact that it is not advisable to feed the dog on a trip, even if it is scheduled. It is better to do this before traveling for 5 hours (count the time better from dog mode so that the dog has time to go to the toilet “big” before the trip, otherwise the pet will have discomfort on the way, and, accordingly, you).


On the trip, pay as much attention as possible to your pet, because, as already mentioned, the pet is under stress, so your attention is important to it, so it will feel much calmer.

Do not forget to regulate the air conditioner not only for yourself, but also for the animal, so as not to overcool it and not to make such troubles with the health of your pet as from cold and ending with supercooling of body parts, and even worse, nerves.


Upon arrival, first walk with the dog, look around, walk only where it is not prohibited.
  The second thing is to immediately determine the place of the pet in the new dwelling (it should not be under the gun of the air conditioner (it was already mentioned above)), but should be supplied with cool air.

Feed and water your pet as soon as settled.

Walking on the sea

I also want to add that it is undesirable to walk with the dog during the day from 13:00 to 16:00, when the sun is at its peak. It is best to walk early in the morning (at 7-8) and in the evening, after sunset.

You can also bathe your pet in the sea, but do it not on the general beach, as not everyone is pleased to watch it, and do not overdo it with a swim. Be sure to follow the dog in all crowded places and do not let go of the leash. And, of course, follow her condition throughout the entire vacation.

Observing these simple tips, your vacation will be successful and without incidents.

The long-awaited vacation time is a vacation. And if any unforeseen force majeure arises, you should not change plans. And they can be different, including if there is no one to leave their four-legged pet. But it is worth thinking about how to take it with you. And the problem is solved! Let's talk about rest with dogs on the sea.

Problems in finding a home

The main problem faced by tourists, going on a trip with his four-legged friend, is the choice of housing. Most recreation centers, even in their rules indicate that the settlement of those who came to rest is carried out without pets. If you try to rent a house in a private boarding house, then not everyone wants to take tourists with dogs to rest. And the visible reasons for this are enough.

If this is a private boarding house, then the owners do not want to have problems with their other guests. An important reason for refusal can be a fear for the safety of furniture in the room and its condition after the departure of the rest with the dog. The complexity of cleaning is also one of the reasons for the refusal of housing with animals.

That is, when searching for housing you need to be ready for such turns of fate. But do not despair, and you can always find where to go to sea with a dog, where there are accommodation options with animals.

Room reservation for holidays with a dog

When booking a room at the recreation center, where you know about allowing arrival with animals, be sure to inform the administrator about the features of your dog. Important information is the breed, size and education of the dog. Tourists with small dogs can be taken on holiday without any problems. If, for example, a dog of the Labrador breed, then without prior agreement you can receive a refusal from the settlement upon arrival.

In hotels of the resort and recreation centers, in which they are strictly related to sanitary and hygienic standards, there may be a demand for an animal veterinary book with all vaccinations. This should be taken into account before going to sea with a dog.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that a dog stays in a separate hotel for animals on the territory of a recreation center or hotel. This is practiced. But at the same time, the animal is not allowed in the owners ’accommodation room.

Rules of rest on the sea

If you are going to rest on the sea with a dog, you should get acquainted with the rules that should be followed:

  • Going to rest with a dog, you need to take with you its accessories: bowls, towels, toys. You can not use dishes and towels, issued at recreation centers for people.
  • Dog walking is prohibited in the resort guests ’recreation areas. In the absence of walking places, the owners must clean up after the animals.
  • It is forbidden to be an animal in the points of eating.
  • The dog must be on a leash outside the room. As for big dogs, she should have a muzzle.

Recreation at the Sea of ​​Azov

To relax on the Azov Sea with a dog, you need to go to Yeisk. In the city there are two hotels where pets are allowed. This is the Grand Hotel Soho.

Hotel Berdyansk family type, near the beach. Clean rooms, nice friendly staff. What is important, on the ground floor there is access to a separate courtyard, where you can walk the dog. Accepted to the hotel after checking the documents for a pet. The passport must have vaccination marks.

You can come to the Sea of ​​Azov by car. In there is a base of active recreation. They accept to live with a dog, too, if there is a mark about vaccinations. An animal is charged 10% of the room price. Living conditions without frills. There is everything for recreation and owners, and animals. Best of all, the dog transfers the car. Many go to the Sea of ​​Azov and go on holiday with a dog by personal transport. In the train, the four-legged friend is uncomfortable even in a separate compartment. For him, this is stress.

Rest on the sea is better with a dog in the early hours, or in the evening, when the beach is the least of the people. No matter how good she was, but even the owner can not be completely sure of the behavior of his pet. Especially in a foreign environment for the dog. Therefore, the best option is to find places on the “wild” beach area. Here, no one will interfere with rest, and the dog will be calmer without undue attention.

Rest "savages" with a dog

There is a very good rest option with your four-legged friend, which can suit many owners of large dogs. Tourists with them do not really want to take a rest for the above reasons. But you can organize your holiday by traveling to the Sea of ​​Azov by car with a trailer. A trailer is a car house that can be rented. Usually - this is a house with shower, toilet, refrigerator and four beds.

The convenience of such a home on wheels is that it is not tied to a place of rest. large, places with wildlife and wonderful warm sea is enough. Yes, and the dog will feel in nature at home. But there are also campgrounds, where you can perfectly “throw anchor” a few meters from the sea. The same village, Dolzhanskaya, has several campsites on the coast.

To the Black Sea with a dog

The desire to relax with your four-legged friend is very understandable, especially since this is not only a friend, but also a family member since the very first day of his appearance in it. How to go on vacation without him? The dog loves its owner so much that it is simply a betrayal to rest without it, leaving it to its loved ones.

It is very problematic to stay with a dog in a hotel and a private mini-hotel when relaxing on the Black Sea. But there is a small village in which you can rent a room with all the amenities in the private sector. In addition to all conditions (almost like at home) there is a split system, that is, you will be saved from the heat. City beach 80 meters from the property. For cars there is parking. For provisions for dogs you can go to Anapa and buy meat or food for every taste.

In Bolshoi Utrish in the private sector receive guests with dogs. Judging by the reviews of dog owners, many people come to the village with their four-legged friends. On the beach in the summer there are a lot of people having rest with Labradors, sheep-dogs, hunting dogs, not to mention decorative ones. The ratio of vacationers without animals to dogs is very positive. But you need to be prepared for obsessive attention from their side or children to the dog. If she is not a fan of undue attention, it is better to keep a pet on a short leash and in a muzzle, if it is a big dog.

Rest in Adler with a dog

Adler is no exception on the subject of hotel accommodation. In principle, if you listen to representatives of the administration of hotels and recreation centers, they too can be understood. They worry about all the tenants, and among them may be allergic to wool.

Moreover, communicating in networks, you can find the same owners of dogs with whom you can spend your holidays in Adler by the sea. The private sector is its own leisure advantage. This is primarily the presence of a yard where a dog can walk. With the owner-private owner you can always agree on an annual arrival, since for them in the resort towns the delivery of housing is the main source of income.

Rest with a dog in the Krasnodar region

Very few hotels on the Black Sea coast in the Krasnodar Territory, which are ready to accommodate guests with dogs. Particularly difficult are the accommodation options for owners of hunting, service and fighting breeds. Go to rest, leaving his pet imprisoned in the aviary, probably, not one owner of the dog can. Moreover, for large dogs need special care and maintenance.

Unfortunately, but the hotel complexes in the Russian resorts can not afford to maintain a dog handler for the care of four-legged guests. So you have to, going on vacation with a dog on the sea in the Krasnodar Territory, be content with options for resort accommodation in the private sector. They do not want to take guests in hotels of the region with guests with small dogs, explaining their refusal to unplanned expenses for cleaning the room where the animals lived. Of course, the service in resorts hotels leaves much to be desired. Moreover, on holiday with dogs on the sea abroad, there is usually no problem with accommodating guests with their pets. Many hotels adhere to the rule "for your money - every whim."

Dog friendly hotels

It is gratifying to find out that, although sporadically, hotels are beginning to appear, albeit of a closed club type, which welcome guests with their beloved dogs. This is Aquamarine Hotel & SPA in Tuapse district, providing residents with services of 4 * level. The placement of the dog is for a fee, but it will be with its owner, will delight him with his presence throughout the rest. Traveled to rest in the car, the hotel Aquamarine will provide a place on a comfortable guarded car parking.

In the hotel you can come with a dog in the presence of documents of the veterinary service. Guests are accommodated in special rooms designed for pets. The hotel has a tariff for additional cleaning and disinfection of rooms during their stay and after leaving the room. Whatever holiday you choose, let it be enjoyable.

Those who tried on the honorary title of dog lover know how difficult it is to have a good rest somewhere in the resort, having a pet at home. Immediately the question arises, what to do with your beloved dog. Of course, it can be left to relatives or, at worst, on a reliable overexposure, but anyone who has ever met a friend after separation will never forget the pet’s sad and reproaching eyes.

There is another option for a comfortable rest for everyone - any dog ​​owner can simply take a pet with him, sharing the joy of traveling with a four-legged friend. Many consider this option too complicated and financially costly, however, there is nothing wrong with traveling together with a dog, if, of course, you observe certain rules.

Choosing a place

A vacation trip with a pet is not the case when you need to hope for chance. Before you begin the voyage, thoroughly prepare for the trip. The first thing to do - the choice of a place of rest. In addition to the objective climatic and natural factors, you must be extremely interested in the question of whether tourists are welcome with dogs in a place of rest. According to the experience of holiday-makers with pets, it can be said that abroad to four-legged vacationers are much more friendly and loyal than in domestic resorts. According to statistics, the most ardent dog fans live in Croatia and Bulgaria. Here, your four-legged pet is surrounded with care and attention not only by the hotel’s maid, but also by the seller of souvenirs or the guardian of order who will not fail to pat behind the ear of a cute dog.

In any case, try to find out in detail all the nuances of the pet's stay on vacation before departure:

  • Can I leave the dog in the room.
  • Is it possible for an animal to run in a fenced area.
  • Are dogs allowed to swim on a common beach and, if not, is there a special beach for dogs.

Fortunately, in almost any resort there are mini hotels or private houses, the owners of which do not mind your holiday with your pet.


When planning your trip, try not to go on holiday to another part of the world. Most of the small breeds are quite difficult to tolerate acclimatization, in addition, air travel can cause serious stress to your pet.

It is better to collect in advance the necessary information for travel and crossing the border. This list is slightly adjusted depending on the place of destination, but in general, the owner should have the following set of documents:

  • Veterinary passport with a mark on rabies vaccination (rabies), made no later than a month and not earlier than a year before departure.
  • Mark in vetpasport on acaricidal-helminth treatment since the time of which no more than 3 months have passed.
  • Mention in the vetpasport about the procedure with the chip number (even if the animal has a stamp).
  • Form F-1, which is issued in the state veterinary hospital on the basis of all the above documents. Attention, the validity of such a certificate is 5 days, so you need to take it on the eve of the voyage.

If the purpose of travel is not very far, it is best to go to the resort personal. Being on wheels, you will not only be able to take your pet to your destination without any problems, but also to be as mobile as possible, choosing deserted beaches or quiet wilderness areas away from popular holiday destinations.

Kohl with your own car you did not work out, you can try to get to your destination by train. The advantages of this method of movement include the relative cheapness and sufficient space for maneuvering the dog on the road. Cons - time spent on the trip.

An airplane is not only the fastest, but, in some cases, the only possible way to reach distant resorts. Most airlines require that animals locked in a cage should be transported in the cargo hold of the aircraft. However, if you are the owner of a decorative trifle, the weight of which, together with the cage does not exceed 8 kg, you can easily take your pet with you to the salon of the Airbus.


Those who rest on the seashore for the first time should know that dogs, like people, can suffer from climate change, unusual water and food. Therefore, at least for the first time, feed your pet with homemade food (dry food that you can take with you is best for this purpose) and drink bottled water.

Another important point of your preparation for the holidays. In addition to compulsory vaccination, which is required for crossing the border and just being transported by train and plane, it is worth knowing which animal diseases are characteristic of the area where you are going. And depending on the data obtained, you should update the standard vaccination card or add a couple of additional injections there.

Settling in a hotel or a house, walk around the neighborhood, find out where you can a dog and what beach you are allowed to walk with animals. Abroad, for this purpose, there are specially equipped areas of the coast, in our country the best option would be to find a wild coast, where resort visitors and fishermen do not wander.

When conducting reconnaissance on the ground, do not forget to find out where the nearest veterinary hospital is located and find out the time of its work. You should not think about the bad from the very beginning of the holiday, but if the unexpected happens, you need to know exactly where to go for help.

Unlike the owners, who are ready to hang around the whole day in the sun for the sake of a beautiful tan, our pets are quite difficult to tolerate ultraviolet radiation. Especially it concerns animals of decorative breeds and those whom nature has awarded with a magnificent woolen fur coat. The best time for dog exercise is morning and evening, when the sun's rays no longer heat the air like that. By the way, at this time there are not so many people on the beach, so your pet can, in addition to air baths, have time to take water procedures.

Frequent swimming in the sea, in addition to the absolute benefits for the muscles and the tone of the animal, brings some harm to his skin. It's all about salt, which dries and eats away the top layer of the dog's epidermis. Therefore, after bathing, having come home, be sure to wash your pet with running water, carefully rinsing out thick dog fur.

Going to rest, think carefully about where your four-legged friend will wait out the hottest hours. When renting accommodation from a private trader, look for houses with a shady, enclosed area where a dog could run. The lack of nearby farm animals and young children who may be afraid will save you a huge amount of nerve cells and cash.

When planning to leave a dog in a hotel, be sure to choose a room with an air humidifier. This is especially true for the southern countries in which the heat, due to dryness,. If the conditioner does not work out, a special cooling vest, or a rug made of the same material, will help alleviate the suffering of the pet. Such devices are not very expensive, and the benefits to the dog from them are huge.

Another aspect that should not be forgotten to discuss upon arrival is the cleaning of the hotel room maid in your absence. No one knows who will be more afraid - the employee of the hotel or your, not very sensitive, Kane Corso, but it is better if their first meeting, like all subsequent ones, will be held under your strict control. In foreign hotels you should just warn about this porter, in domestic hotels it is better to talk with the maid directly.

This is just a small set of the most important rules that any dog ​​owner, who decided to make an exciting voyage with a pet, can add. Do not be afraid of problems and unpleasant surprises. If you do everything right, your joint rest with your pet will turn into a pleasant and unforgettable journey, memories of which will warm your heart throughout the whole year.

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Guys, if you decide to go, first call Angela (it’s better to go there before you decide, it’s never too late to refuse), find out about your reservation, otherwise you may not get well. We called up this year just in case she made a reservation, she calls for a week, she learns about plans. Regarding the rest, we naturally went swimming early in the morning and in the evening later, the dogs got up early, so at 6-6.30 we stomped onto the beach. At this time the people no one even needs to go far. The minus of this place is that the pioneer is nearby starting from 8 in the morning they occupy their territory, this is to the right of the entrance to the beach, those who are not sob, just pass through them further and there is a lot of space, but with the dogs to the left, the beach is quite long. Closer to dinner, the people of course bring down crowds , but such heat comes, you don’t want it yourself, although in comparison with the Sochi region, they have a lot cooler, Angela has a lot of shade, there is greenery, and the mountain behind the garden begins, you can go far with the dogs. In the evening you can swim the place of the pioneers, they are somewhere in 6 go, but we still went further, although fools and here hwa talo, like a drunk crest with a family, got used to it, like I don’t want to go swimming with dogs in the same sea. They tried to turn it off good enough, then my patience ended, and I opened my mouth so that they decided not to mess with, they don’t like Muscovites, but and apparently they are frightened. But it was once, basically everyone is friendly. We still have a minus in the fact that the dogs didn’t want to go to sea, you start one, swim with a favor, and Anton, disgraced the title of bathing retrievers in general, only on the hands of her husband could drag him, and then faster to the shore rowed, the waves feared wildly, on the beach, almost with a howl away rushed, although the second dog was afraid of the noise. Therefore, sometimes we left them at home, went on our own. And Angela on the balcony is fine, shade, everything is covered with grapes, there is a breeze, there is an open veranda on both sides plochaetsya, water leave, to the fence of the balcony we tie on the length of the tape, everything is fine, the same went to dinner, and they say to us people rested with the dogs, they also went on excursions, quietly leaving the dogs at home. Yes, and no fear, Angela constantly someone at home, naturally in the yard. Very convenient shop Angelina is located You pass through the yard and everything, only when people’s peak begins on the beach, everyone walking by will come in and stand in lines. In general, we are pleased, very pleasant owners, they themselves had a shepherd dog, died 2 years ago, therefore they like dogs very much, do not shake that will scold on trifles. Large kitchen with dishes, refrigerators, beautifully decorated dining area, with tables, TV, DVD. In the evenings we mostly gathered on the veranda, plenty of space, a table, 2 chairs, a refrigerator, but also sit down well at Angela’s website. , you may have seen the photos, there is a staircase, and next to it is a palm tree, this is exactly what led to us. Well, basically everything, if anything, ask.

Guys, cool photo of events on the veranda, and you wrote that Angela gives this number to people with a dog. But what about the amenities?