Pure German Shepherd. Black German Shepherd: Description, Photos and Prices


Please note that the floor of your choice puppy   German shepherd dogs   determines the nature of the future pet. So, males are more aggressive and stubborn, so the owner sometimes has to show them his power and superiority. Bitches are more malleable, and they also get along better with people, especially with children.

Before you make your final choice, inspect a few German puppies. shepherd dogs   from different litters. Preferred to purchase puppygrowing in a country nursery in the fresh air.

Note: case puppy   German shepherd dogs   should be elongated, back - straight, neck - strong and long. Paws thoroughbred puppy   thick and strong. In no case should there be dewclaws on the paws.

Look at the little face shepherd dogs: it should not be pointed. In addition, the pedigree forehead puppy   German shepherd dogs   not wide The transition from the forehead to the face should not be pronounced.

Puppies up to 3.5 months ears should not have standing tips. The presence of this feature indicates that the baby has impaired phosphorus-potassium metabolism, as well as ossification of the skeleton.

Ideally, a German puppy shepherd dogs   should have a short waist and back, as well as wide hips and shoulder girdle. Pay attention to how close the paws are to the ground. puppy   while driving. With proper movement, a small shepherd dog carries its front and hind legs close to the ground.

Look at the eyes puppy: they must be the same, dark brown puppy   eyes bluish). Do not take the odd-eyed and light-eyed little sheepdogs.

Look in the mouth of the puppy: the bite should be only scissors. In this case, the gap between the incisors should not exceed 1-2 mm. Check for duplicated or intergrown teeth.

German puppies shepherd dogs   may be black (if the parents are black) or black and tan (if the parents are black-necked). It is considered: the richer puppy   The color is tanned the better. Although sometimes there may be light puppies in the litter, they are not used for breeding.


Take only a healthy puppy!

Helpful advice

Before you buy a puppy from a certain litter, ask when the bitch was a puppy for the last time: if less than a year ago, it is better not to take a puppy. It is believed that such a dog may have health problems.


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A little puppy in the house is always pleasant emotions and a bunch of various unsolvable tasks. We need to figure out how to wash it, how to feed it, how to comb and cut it, and in what quantities to give medicines and vitamins. But how to weigh a puppy? Can't you put it not scales?

You will need

  • puppy, scales


Very tiny puppies of dogs of dwarf breeds must also be weighed in order to understand how well they grow and develop and what size they will achieve in the future. There are certain standards for the ratio of the weight of dwarf species at a young age and their membership in the group: mini, standard or medium. To determine the weight of a small dog, you can use the usual grocery electronic scales, which are in each pet store or veterinary center. Such scales have a large surface and the puppy will not experience great discomfort when you put it on them. Try, however, so that it does not bother much, as this affects the readings of the instrument.

If the puppy is not dwarfy and the food scales simply do not fit, you can determine its weight in a simple and reliable way - using ordinary floor scales. Just stand on the scales, holding the puppy in your arms, and record the readings. After that, you need to weigh yourself without a dog and establish the difference - this will be the weight of your baby. The only drawback of this method of measurement is its approximation. After all, scales can accurately show only kilograms, but with grams many of them have difficulties. Although, of course, if you have modern electronic floor scales in your home, this problem will not arise.

You can also try to take a very large puppy up and weigh it on floor scales, but not everybody is shown such a procedure according to physical abilities and state of health. If you are a fragile miniature girl, and the puppy is almost the same height as you, of course, you should not try to charge him. For such cases, you can use industrial scales. You can find this unit in the hardware store or in the construction market. Scales are a spacious platform for weighing bags, large boxes and building mixtures. Often they are used in veterinary medicine to determine the weight of large animals. Try to negotiate with the owner of such weight and find out the weight of your puppy is very reliable.


In no case do not give medication "by eye". Determining the weight of a dog is a key point in calculating the required dose of the drug. Often, an error of several grams can cause the most serious consequences.

Helpful advice

In kennels and private breeders of dogs, as a rule, there are scales. When purchasing a puppy, be sure to ask the owner to weigh the baby so that you can immediately know how much food, vitamins or medication he needs. By itself, this information will not be relevant for very long. Do not forget that puppies grow very quickly.

It is not without reason that German Shepherd Dogs are often chosen to play the role of movie characters. These beautiful, strong, intelligent dogs have been serving people for decades. They are used both as service and for grazing, and they simply make them as best friends. But the education of German shepherds in no case can not be allowed to drift.


The German Shepherd is a smart and executive dog, so you will not have much difficulty with its training. But to make the process easy, learn the features of this breed. It is clear from the name of the breed that it was bred for grazing. Therefore, in the German Shepherd, the instinct of persecution is laid - these dogs love to chase animals, and sometimes people. At the very beginning of the training process, you must let the dog know that you are its commander, the "leader of the pack." In no case do not let the dog feel the main thing, do not let it control the process of training. If you do not fully control the dog, it simply will not obey the commands.

A dog must have only one trainer. If you take on this role, then you should do everything with it - walk with it, feed it, play with it and practice, do not transfer these duties to anyone. In addition, the more time you spend with the dog, the more trusting relationships will develop between you. If the dog trusts you, he will obey. However, this does not mean that the dog needs to be prohibited from communicating with other family members. This is permissible only if you train a service dog. If you just decided to train your pet to the main teams, let others play with him.

Since shepherd belongs to the shepherd dogs, she needs constant physical exertion. Let her run rather long distances every day, let her play with other dogs. If there is such an opportunity, organize classes in the pool - let it float. Without regular training the dog will feel bad.

Train your dog to the basic commands, such as “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Place”, “Fu”, “Near”. Remember that all these teams need to learn the animal as early as puppy age. The concept of a place a dog generally needs to be trained at the moment when you first bring it home. Show her the place where she will sleep and say: "Place!". From time to time carry there puppy   and remind him that this is his place. Very soon he will get used. To train puppy   commands "Sit" and "Lie", you have to first independently sit down and lay puppywhile uttering a command. In order for the puppy to remember the command “Near”, on a walk from time to time give him a command and carefully pull the leash towards you. Always encourage the dog for the task - German shepherds your praise is especially important.

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Helpful advice

Never punish a dog physically, do not shout at it, do not offend. Otherwise, no obedience you will not achieve, but aggression - easily.

The German Shepherd is a completely universal breed. It is acquired as a guard, but before you buy puppy   this breed needs to think it over well. A healthy puppy should be cheerful, with shiny hair and thick legs. Parenting begins with the first day of appearance puppy   in the House. Upbringing puppy   German shepherd dogs   - this is to impart to the puppy the necessary skills that will help in the future life and training of an adult dog.


For a start, teach him to mode. Feeding puppy   must occur at certain hours and in a strictly designated place.

At the initial stage of education, the study of all teams should occur in the form of a game. For each execution of commands, be sure to encourage puppy   delicious treat, but do not indulge it. Delicacy is given only for the performance of any method.

The very first team to which you should accustom him is his nickname. Usually this team is trained during feeding. puppyduring caresses and games. Then add the commands "To me" and "Place". Remember that training puppyYou can not overdo it.

From 2 months of age teach puppy   to the "Fu" team. This command must be given in a strong voice and aggressively. You should always push for its implementation.

From the age of 3 months teach puppy to the commands "Sit" and "Lie".

Begin to go for walks, teach puppy   to the team "Near". It is best to do this when the puppy goes for a walk, well walked. Gradually accustom puppy   to street noise, the movement of cars and trains. Walk more on busy streets.

Do not let strangers caress puppy. He should not care about strangers. Do not allow to tease puppy   and hurt him.

Helpful advice

The main role in the successful training is the owner's ability to find contact with his dog.


  • how to raise german shepherds

Chinese Crested - a dog with an unusual appearance and independent character. Such an animal needs a delicate treatment, properly chosen food and good care. To raise a good dog, it is important to choose the right puppy. Consider the characteristics of the breed - they are noticeable even at a very young age.

Breed standards

Choosing a puppy, pay attention to the exterior. This is especially important if you are interested in a dog for exhibitions or breeding. A good puppy has a proportional build, a flat back without deflection and a fairly light head. Paws must be set straight, turning of the hock joint inward is not allowed.

Make sure the bite is correct - Chinese snacks often occur in Chinese crested. Be sure to talk to the breeder - a conscientious seller will provide you with complete information about the parents of the puppies. It is advisable to learn about past litters - usually puppies of some parents are similar, especially with regard to size. When planning a pet show career, choose larger puppies - they look more effective in the ring. If you are planning to buy a dog for breeding, find out how the pregnancy proceeded from her mother, whether the puppies had enough milk.

Down and naked dogs: whom to choose

The peculiarity of the breed is the presence of so-called “puffs” in some litters - dogs with long silky hair. These animals look very original and are easily involved in breeding. However, naked dogs are more common at exhibitions, and they usually get prizes. The question of price is also important. The most expensive is the naked bitch, and the cheapest option is a feather dog. But if you do not dream of exhibitions and breeding, choose a dog that will seem more likeable to you.

Evaluate the skin and coat of the animal. The skin of many puppies is covered with spots. They can keep a bright pattern or brighten - it usually depends on genetic predisposition. By the time of sale (age about 3 months), the exact shade of wool can be determined by the roots of hairs. Spread the fur on the withers of the “puff” or on the crest of a naked dog — most likely, in a few months, its skin will acquire exactly this color. It is important and the amount of wool. Naked puppies with a magnificent mane, a tuft and socks on their paws look very impressive. Such a dog will require trimming before the show, but after putting the hair in order it will look charming.

The nature of the future pets

Chinese Crested is a gentle, but at the same time active and curious dog. Choosing a puppy, give preference to the most sociable animal from the litter. It is important that he is not afraid of people, willingly communicate, do not be shy. It is believed that large puppies are more balanced, and small, having round eyes and a shortened face, are cowardly and prone to tantrums.

Consider and gender differences. Chinese Crested bitches are more socialized, they are distinguished by their calm disposition and accuracy. Males can be aggressive. Taking into account the nature of the pet is especially important for those who are planning a dog show career - for aggression or cowardice an animal can be removed from the ring, even if it will have a flawless appearance.

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The most universal, among all breeds bred in the history of mankind, is the German Shepherd. The police and the army of the whole world use German Shepherd Dogs for patrol-guard and investigative work. These dogs serve as guides for the blind, and help the farmers with cattle. Moreover, the shepherd is both a reliable protector and a great friend for the whole family.


Sheepdogs have a strong nervous system, acute instinct and hearing. The muscles are well developed, strong and dry bones. For a shepherd dog, the typical gait is lynx. The weight of an animal ranges from 30 to 40 kg. In males, height at withers is up to 66 cm, in females 55-60 cm.

The head of the German shepherd should have a wide skull and a wedge-shaped face of the same length. Nose is always black. The eyes are medium in size and almond-shaped, usually dark brown.

Lips dry stretched, tight to the teeth. Strong teeth without deviations from the normal bite, 42 teeth in the complete set. Ears of medium size, with wide base, set high, erect.

The body of the dog is somewhat elongated. The breast is oval-shaped, deep and not wide. Tightened belly. The back is strong and straight, sloping down to the base of the tail.

The front limbs should be straight, the back - with wide and strong hips. Paws are compact, with rounded arched toes. The claws are black and short, the pads are well developed. In puppies, dewclaws of the hind legs should be removed by a veterinarian at the age of 5-7 days.

German shepherds come with short or long hair. In addition, there are long-haired shepherds, their wool is much longer and to the ridge is divided by parting. Usually a coat with a thick undercoat, stiff and close-fitting.

The color is different, including black with tan or gray markings. It happens solid black or gray, and also gray with brown or light markings. Only when the puppies appear on the guard hair can the future color of the dog be accurately determined.

The tail is of medium length and low set. In the calm state of the animal hangs down, slightly curving in the form of an arc. During movement or arousal of the dog, the tail is slightly raised. Artificially shortened tail is not allowed.

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This breed of dogs has a high physical and intellectual activity. Sheepdogs require close attention from the owners.

In puppies 4-6 months of age, the ears are in a hanging or half-hanging position.

Helpful advice

Advantages of German shepherds are extraordinary intelligence and appeasability. With early started and proper training, a shepherd can become an obedient and loyal friend for the whole family.

A German Shepherd puppy is rarely confused with another breed. And yet you need to know the external signs that are worth paying attention to when choosing first.


Muzzle and torso

The nose of a puppy of a German shepherd is wet and shiny. It can be warm or cold to the touch. During sleep, the puppy's nose is always dry and hot. But after 10 minutes after waking up the nose again becomes wet. Look at the puppy's face: it should not be sharp. The bite of a shepherd puppy is only scissors.

The back should be straight and unstuck, and the neck moderately long and strong. If the puppy is like a little fat bear, then there is more chance that he will grow up healthy, big and strong. But if the puppy is more like a miniature adult, then most likely it will grow small, which is unacceptable for this breed. Puppy skin fits loosely: there are no folds on the body. All puppy mucous areas are pink.

Wool color

Puppy color is very dark only on the back and head. Often he creates the impression of a black cloak and mask. Paws of a puppy are usually light: brown, beige, red-brown. But for a healthy puppy too light color is not typical. Black and brown are traditional colors. However, the color may be gray. It is not very popular. Sheepdogs with gray color are bred only by true admirers. On the body of a German Shepherd puppy may be small white or yellow marks on the chest. With a weak pigment in the puppy's coat, there are bright claws, a red tip of the tail, very bright eyes, and there is no mask on the face. The length of the puppy's coat should be small. In this case, the coat is necessarily shiny.

Eyes, limbs and ears

The puppy's eyes should be clean and without purulent discharge. Carefully inspect the puppy's front legs: they should be straight when viewed from any direction and stand parallel to each other. Paws at a puppy are round and well collected, pads on them should be rigid. The claws are necessarily strong and dark in color. Hind limbs slightly set aside, parallel to each other when viewed from behind. A healthy puppy tail has no cones and kinks. When probing the base of the ears, there should be no unpleasant smell: it is a sign of otitis. The eyes of a monthly puppy may be bluish, but then they turn brown. Up to 3.5 months, the ears of a German Shepherd puppy should not have clearly standing tips. This is a sign of impaired phosphorus-potassium metabolism.


Often it happens that the puppies in the same litter looks the same. And although homogeneous litter is a good indicator, the choice in favor of one puppy is rather difficult to make. First of all, pay attention to the behavior of babies. The puppy most active in food and play is the healthiest. Try to name the puppy, the one who comes running first is the leader in the litter.

The first one and a half or two months of life the mother takes care of the German Shepherd puppy, feeding him with its milk, cleaning it from dirt, dust and excrement. A little puppy learns behavior from her mother and her brothers. But as soon as they take him out of the litter, all care falls on the owner. For a child, he should become not only the second “mother”, but also a friend and teacher. It is easy to care for a German Shepherd puppy if you know some aspects of this breed.

Not superfluous moment will be removed at the time carpets from the floors. This is necessary, because at first the puppy will meet the needs of the house.

Place in the house

Bringing the puppy home, immediately determine his place. It should be in a calm and quiet corner, away from heating appliances and drafts. For a German Shepherd puppy place you can use a small thin mat or mattress. If your dog will be kept outside, you should take care of the aviary in advance. It should be spacious, with a dry floor and a booth for sleeping and rest. Make the aviary so that the sun does not fall there all day, otherwise the dog will be hard.

Never disturb a puppy if he has gone to his place. This is only his territory, where he will feel secure and calm and will be able to relax from the games. In the new place of the puppy, you can put something from your old clothes, so that your pet gets used to the smell of the new owner. So you can do with a thing taken from the litter. A puppy can miss its brothers for several nights, and its smell will soothe it.


Nutrition puppy German Shepherd, perhaps the most important thing in his care. It affects the health and growth of a puppy, its beauty, intelligence, intelligence and activity. Baby of this breed in two months should be fed at least 5 times a day, and then monthly to reduce the number of feedings. At three months, feed already 4 times, from 4 to 6 months - 3 times, and from seven months go to the “adult” mode - two meals. Food for a large breed puppy should be rich in protein, fiber and carbohydrates.

If you feed a dog with natural food, then in no case should it be the food from the owner's table. Cook food separately: add meat, vegetables, herbs, vegetable oil to cereals. Feed your puppy from aluminum or enamelware. It is desirable that the bowl was at the level of his head and “grow” with him. For this purpose, pet stores sell special stands for large dogs. The food in the bowl should not be cold, let it be warm or at room temperature. Do not forget to give the puppy water. Several times a year, conduct vitamin courses. For a puppy, this is an important period when his young body needs a lot of calcium and mineral supplements. If you intend to feed your pet dry food, carefully choose the composition, taking into account the peculiarities of this breed.

Facial care

Care for the appearance is also important when keeping a dog at home. It is not necessary to wash a German Shepherd puppy until it reaches three months. After this age, the baby, and the adult dog, can be washed no more than 2-3 times a year. In the summer you can let him swim in the river, if he so wishes. Frequent washing spoils the look and structure of the wool, making it dull and tough. The peculiarity of the German Shepherd breed is that she, although she is a smooth-haired one, should often be combed out. This should be done with a special brush, and it is desirable to teach them from a young age. Combing out the old wool, cut off the formed mats as well.

It is known that the ears of the German Shepherd puppies are not worth it initially. They are thin, tender and hang. Only after a while the cartilage will harden, and the ears will stand up as it should. Therefore, it is undesirable to touch them, you should gently stroke the puppy without touching the ears. Clean the inside of the ear should be once a week with a dry swab. From there should not smell anything, and nothing should flow. In the opposite case - contact your doctor. Also, from a young age puppy you need to teach to cut the claws, so that later he was not afraid of this procedure.


Walking with a German Shepherd puppy should be started after all vaccinations. Before walking home teach him to the collar. Just wear it and distract it with a game. It is worth going for a walk after each feeding, thereby accustoming him to coping with the need on the street. Start walking for 5 minutes, adding time and loads every day. For this breed, exercise is important for each walk. On the street, wait first, until the puppy does his work, and only then go run and play. In this way, he will understand why he is being deduced. Over time, teach a puppy to a leash and a muzzle. It is also worth thinking about his behavior on a walk, if necessary, adjust the training.

Up to 4 months, carry the puppy upstairs in your arms. Do not allow it to rise on its own, as this may damage the ligaments and the spine. If you walked under a rain, wipe your baby with a towel at home, but do not dry it with a hairdryer.


The German Shepherd is a very intelligent and obedient animal. With its ingenuity and education, not a single breed can compare. But without the help of the owner, the baby will not understand what he can and cannot do. Education can begin as soon as the puppy begins to live with you. Calling a puppy is, let's command "Ko me." Call him always nicknamed.

Remember: what you forbid, you forbid forever. For example, this applies to sleeping on the couch or feeding pieces from the table. If the puppy is naughty, punish him immediately at the moment of misbehavior, otherwise he will not understand anything and will only be offended by the owner.

For the German Shepherd Dog, the one who trains him becomes the main person in the house. Therefore, for the best obedience to participate in this need the whole family.


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Tip 9: Moscow Watchdog Shepherd: Breed Features

Moscow Watchdog is Russia's national pride. Due to its spectacular appearance, balanced character, good protective qualities, she becomes an excellent friend and watchman.

Moscow Watchdog is a breed of dogs that appeared relatively recently in Russia. It was bred in our country, therefore it is included in the list of national breeds. Such a dog is an excellent guard and at the same time does not cease to be a beautiful and affectionate dog.

Breed description

The basic physical data of the Moscow guard dog is active, has a voluminous and well-developed musculature. The head is massive, which gives the breed a rough exterior. The cheekbones and occipital protuberance are well developed, the cranial part of the head is somewhat longer than the muzzle.

Big lips are characteristic, and dog bite is scissors. There is a wide forehead and rather small eyes, framed with pigmented eyelids. Small triangular ears are located not at the eye line, but slightly higher.

The Moscow guard dog has a harmoniously developed body with a distinct withers and muscular neck. For the breed is characterized by a straight back, wide chest, protruding forward, taut belly. The dog's body is covered with a thick and tough woolen coat, which helps the dog to be without problems in the cold winter.

Moscow guard dog always has dvuhmastny color. The most common is red with brown, perhaps a combination of tones such as red with black, red and white, but the dog's chest is always white.

According to the standards, the growth of this breed should be at least 68 cm, but the dog may be slightly higher. The average weight is 45-65 kg.

Breed features

The breed is characterized by a balanced character and the absence of signs of aggression. No wonder that Moscow guard dogs are often called intelligent breeds. Such a dog quickly gets used to its owners and becomes a devoted friend for life.

This breed is not afraid of cold and heat, so it feels great in nature. It is also amenable to training. But it is necessary to practice with a dog from an early age and training should be regular.

The main feature of the dog is a great love for vegetables. But it is important to ensure that at least 2/4 meat food and пищи herbal ingredients are present in the diet.

So, the main features of the Moscow watchdog breed include: discreet and submissive nature, the presence of pronounced guard instincts. These animals are friendly and independent, reliable, loyal to their owner and his family, not showing unmotivated aggression.

Many people think that black german shepherd- this is some kind of special shepherd. In fact, nothing special, except the color of wool, in this shepherd is not. This is the most common German shepherd, a color called zonarnym. Many have not even heard of such a name, but it is. In general, the classic zonar color is considered gray, but it happens that such a pair of dogs gives birth to an absolutely black puppy.

Moreover, even German shepherd dogs of black color can give birth to black puppies of a German shepherd. Usually puppies of this color are a bit more expensive than their “standard” brothers. And this, you guessed it, is also related to their unusual color. Still black german shepherds   not as large as their “standard” counterparts, but they are more mobile and aggressive.

It is thanks to this character trait that such dogs have become very popular in the police and army units. They are very good looking for explosives, weapons. They make excellent guards and bodyguards, but precisely because of their mobility and temperament, these dogs, unlike their black-clad brothers, are not suitable for the role of the show class and are not suitable as guide dogs - these are exclusively working dogs.

Actually, the differences of black German shepherds from other German shepherds end there. So now let's give a characteristic black german shepherd. And let's talk a little about the history of this wonderful breed.

No wonder the German Shepherd is the most common breed throughout the world. This dog has proven itself a loyal friend, a brave guard, intelligent and loyal animals. The dog is disciplined and balanced, like a true burgher, but at the same time never mind playing and gets on well even with children and old people. Intellect Shepherd is also beyond praise. And if we add to the listed original color - in front of us the black German shepherd dog will appear in all its glory.

Black color is allowed by the breed standard, but is extremely rare. After all, at the stage of the formation of the German shepherd dog handlers selected two or three color puppies as the “most beautiful” representatives of the breed. Such a selection has led to the fact that the typical “German” today “wears” the “fur coat” of a black (reddish-brown with black) shade. Black representatives of the breed statistics has only 3% of the total. That, however, does not prevent whole communities of dog breeders from giving preference to the original black shepherd dog.

It is quite difficult for a dog to inherit such a color, since recessive genes are responsible for it. But it happens that black children appear in blackjacket in litter if black ancestors were noted in the gens.

German Shepherd Dogs are characterized as medium to medium-sized dogs with a strong build. Black representatives of the breed are usually somewhat larger than the black-clad “brethren”.

A good sign is considered a uniform color with a glossy sheen. The presence of a bright undercoat, stains, insufficient saturation of color - all these are evidence of the impurity of "black blood". Such characteristics do not speak of degeneration, but they are grounds for limiting the breeding and exhibition "activity" of the dog.

It is possible to draw conclusions about the shade of wool only when the “fur coat” “matures” with the pet. There are cases when, with the invariance of the overall black tone of the hair, the hair lost color saturation or shine.

As for the rest, the “German” black color differs little from the standards of the “traditionally” painted shepherd dogs: it has the same expressive appearance and body, which provides excellent working qualities.

Characteristics of the black shepherd dog

  The German shepherd of black color is somewhat more energetic and aggressive, and under the condition of proper upbringing it is even more strict and disciplined than its black-clad “sister”. In the role of the service dog she will not be equal. Therefore, the police, rescue and military prefer to deal with black shepherd dogs.

But the role of guide dogs is better served by more restrained by nature black-faced dogs.

In general, the “Germans” are reliable defenders and excellent “family” pets. These intelligent animals are ready to give their lives for their owner, without hesitation a single second. The nobility of the German shepherd knows no bounds and does not depend on its color.

The high intelligence that these animals are endowed with allows them to “soberly” assess the situation and in case of danger for the owners to take action on their own, without waiting for the team. One can make legends about the fearlessness of a German shepherd dog - it’s not for nothing that so many books have been written and films have been shot that glorify the mind, devotion and fearlessness of the breed. At the same time, “Germans” will never display inadequate aggression towards people or other animals: these are surprisingly balanced dogs. Even in the photo, the black German shepherd seems to personify calmness, confidence and courage.

The dog has an extremely high attachment to the owner, as well as a desire to serve people. By the way, it will become obedient to obey only one person, and will simply protect and delight members of his family. For children, this is a great nanny who will not give anyone any offense.

  If the German Shepherd is separated from his beloved master, the dog may become depressed and even get psychosomatic diseases. There are cases when dogs of this breed died from separation. And since black dogs are more temperamental than black-clawed ones, they usually get a stronger blow to the psyche. If you expect a long trip, in which you can not take a pet, assign him to protect any important object or person. Service and the ability to benefit - this is what can distract a pet from anguish and save his health.

The puppies of the black German shepherd are adorable “lumps of fur”, but they need to be trained. For such a clever animal, you can choose several courses, your pet will easily master them. In the process of education do not show aggression to the dog, it will help you grow a faithful friend.

In general, dog breeders appreciate the "Germans" for a number of fundamental character traits:

  • fidelity;
  • restraint;
  • hard work;
  • high responsibility;
  • nobility.

"German" - a dog who will not bark without a reason or aimlessly run around the yard. This is an unusually disciplined and prudent dog.

Care features

The black German shepherd is unpretentious, and therefore lives quietly even in Spartan conditions. But, so that the pet does not grieve, it must always feel loved and needed.

Pay enough attention to health: the dog shows physical activity and proper nutrition.

The dog's diet should include the following foods:

  • meat;
  • bones;
  • foods rich in protein.

But the use of pasta can lead to excessive weight gain. Also, from the dog's menu should be excluded potatoes. Watch the volume of food: the dog should eat in proportion to its weight.

And the last. If you would like to buy a black German shepherd puppy, remember: because of its “unusualness”, a pet of extravagant color will cost you about 50% more than its black-haired relative.