The culture of philosophical thinking (February'15). New planetary thinking and Russia Planetary thinking




2. The main provisions of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere.

2.1. The organization of living matter and the biosphere of the planet.

2.2. Formation of scientific thought as a new geological force.

2.3. The transition of the biosphere to the noosphere under the influence of Reason and human labor.

3. Modern scientific concepts and ideas of V.I. Vernadsky.

3.1. Development of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere. Autotrophy.

3.2. Planetary science.

3.3. Structural units of the noosphere.

3.4. Neomobilism and ico-dodecahedral model structure of the Earth.

3.5. The new theory of ethnogenesis by L.N. Gumilyov.

3.6. Ethology.

3.7. Global ecology.

3.8. Human knowledge.

3.9. Cyber \u200b\u200bSciences.

3.10. Cosmonautics.

3.11. Universal evolutionism.

3.12. Synergistic analysis of historical development.

3.13. Humanistics and Bioethics.

3.14. Thinking universe.

3.15. Parapsychology.

4. General conclusions:

4.1. Classification of sciences and processes of synthesis of scientific knowledge.

4.2. Transition to a new civilization of conscious evolution and cooperation with the Cosmos.

1. Global problems and the acceleration of cultural development.

The formation of a single planetary thinking is a unique phenomenon in the history of mankind. It is a consequence not only of internal needs at the present stage of development, but also a consequence of the contradiction between man - nature, man - spiritual space (information universe). Internal and external processes and contradictions of the development of mankind take on the power of a general planetary character, enter the public consciousness in the form of global problems of mankind. The following global problems stand out: an energy-technical (military) disaster; ecological, food, demographic, fuel and energy crises; depletion of the gene pool of humanity and the biosphere as a whole; disease control; development of the World Ocean and Space, overcoming the backwardness of developing states, national conflicts, the growth of crime, drug addiction.

The lack of time, expressed in the fact that crisis phenomena are growing faster than their scientific understanding, which requires time to conduct fundamental research, dictates the need to accelerate cultural development (Pechchei A), develop common strategic approaches to solving global problems (Moiseev N.N.) ... A revolutionary shift in culture, a change in socio-political and economic relations on the principles of cooperation and cooperation, is the only available means of overcoming the global crisis. The most important moment in the formation of a single culture is the spread of scientific thinking (as pointed out by V.I.Vernadsky), the combination of science and humanism, the development of planetary-cosmic thinking, taking into account the originality of the regions and ethnic groups inhabiting them, the formation of new value attitudes and approaches (progress of morality), penetration into Western thinking of the worldviews developed in the East over millennia, a new deepened (spiritual) understanding of the place of man in the Cosmos as a Microcosm, as a conscious collaborator of Cosmic forces.

2. The main provisions of the teachings of VI Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere.

The 20th century was marked by a revolution in scientific knowledge, when three layers of reality appeared to man - the world of cosmic moats (megaworld), the world of planetary life (macroworld) and the microcosm of microscopic life and subatomic quantum phenomena. The study of planetary life as a whole was initiated by the Russian scientist-encyclopedist V.I. Vernadsky.

There are three layers in Vernadsky's creative heritage:

1) The organization of living matter and the biosphere of the planet;

2) Formation of scientific thinking as a special global phenomenon in the spiritual and cultural activities of mankind;

3) The doctrine of the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere under the influence of Reason (scientific thought of social humanity) and the work directed by it (Kaznacheev, see the list of references).

2.1. The organization of living matter and the biosphere of the planet.

The central doctrine is about the Biosphere. The biosphere is a specific concentric shell of life located in the earth's crust (up to 3 km), hydrosphere, and lower troposphere. The biosphere has a certain organization, occupies a natural place in the structure of the planet. Organization determines the movement of all its smallest particles (none of its material or energy points never returns to the same point in the course of time). To a large extent, the Biosphere is conditioned by the existence of living matter in it, its continuous material and energy exchange with the environment, reproduction. Vernadsky identified 7 types of matter in the Biosphere. Sharp material-energy and space-time differences of living matter from inert matter are summarized in 16 points.

The main differences are as follows:

Ability for unlimited reproduction - accumulation and growth of free energy in the Biosphere;

Biogenic deposits of former biospheres (almost all rocks and minerals);

Acceleration of biogenic migration of atoms in the earth's crust, accumulation of heavy metal atoms in it, including radioactive ones;

Evolution of living matter and the biosphere as a whole - cephalization as a direction of evolution;

The presence of an autarktic body volume; dissymmetry of the inner space (light polarization); specific isotopic composition;

Constant interaction with the environment, influence on the environment. The "ubiquity" of life is manifested in ancient sediments in geological layers, its given at once with all its biomass. Life as an integral part of the Cosmos, the same general essence as space, time, energy and others.

2.2. Formation of scientific thought as a new geological force.

The individuality of living matter in the aspect of the biosphere is first manifested in man. The appearance of man on Earth marks the beginning of a new geological era - psychozoic and anthropogenic. Human development is associated with the evolution of the biosphere as a whole and its direction - cephalization. Critical periods in the history of the planet are identified when a sharp change in the biosphere occurs under the influence of causes that go beyond the earth's crust. A person appears in one of these periods. Modern forests and steppes, large mammals appeared 70-90 million years ago. Man (not the genus Homo) began to stand out 25-20 million years ago. The antiquity of man allows us to talk about the blurring of the lines between geological and historical time. The rootedness of culture (speech, traditions, ways of thinking) in the natural and biological ties of the human ancestor.

The main stages in the formation of human civilization.

Fighting mammals, mastering fire, agriculture, cattle breeding (creation of an artificial living environment - the destruction of many species of plants and animals and the breeding of new cultural races). The formation of cities, state-political formations and science - 10-20 thousand years ago. Ancient civilizations and cultural centers - the Middle East, Egypt, India, China, Ancient Greece, the Pacific and American centers. Interaction of cultures over millennia.

Uneven development of science and civilization as a whole - scientific revolutions of the 6th century BC, 17th century, 19-20th centuries The scientific revolution is associated with the manifestation of the nature of our race: suitable socio-political and living conditions; the presence in close generations of gifted people.

Of all the creations of the human spirit (scientific worldview, artistic creativity, social and personal ethics, social life, philosophical and religious thought, technology), only science creates the real unity of man (the unity of culture, its goals and meanings, the possibility of socio-economic and political unity) ...

Science is not an apparatus seeking truth; the building of science is always logically imperfect. Truth cannot be learned logically, it is possible only by life, action is a characteristic feature of science. The value of people's life for the development of new ideals, the achievement of new harmony.

The growth of a logically consistent part of science - logic, mathematics, the scientific apparatus of facts, empirical generalizations.

Scientific thought is constantly embraced by philosophical, religious, artistic, technical generalization. The value of philosophy for science, the need for the development of the logic of natural science, where concepts such as a natural body, a living natural body, the meaning of symmetry and disymmetry are considered; to apply to the biosphere such concepts as entropy, reversibility of physical and chemical processes.

The modern upsurge of scientific creativity is characterized by: quickness, creative character, the opening of new areas of research. It is of a planetary nature, is a consequence of the entire history of the biosphere. The value of the history of knowledge for accelerating the scientific revolution, "to understand the past and foresee the future", the selection of new valuable scientific concepts.

At the same time, almost along the entire line of science, the main features of the picture of the cosmos are changing. The ideas about matter, about energy, about time, about space are changing. New concepts of the same basic meaning are being created. Our thinking is changing radically:

1) reality is divided into three layers - mego-, macro-, microcosm;

2) the 20th century is the century of scientific atomism;

3) irreducibility of atomic phenomena to a rigid structure, to geometric images (the discovery of the electron, the quantum of action, the principles of uncertainty and complementarity);

4) another idea, irreducible to movement, is the doctrine of symmetry (crystallography, captures chemistry and mineralogy, its importance in physics is growing). Symmetry determines the physical state of space;

5) the doctrine of relativity, a new concept of space - time;

6) chemistry - the identification of an atom and a chemical element. The discovery of radioactivity - the history of atoms;

7) a picture of the evolution of the stellar world. The area of \u200b\u200bchange covers the entire cosmos;

8) a leap in understanding the position of man in the world. In scientific truth, there is always the influence of a person's personality. For the first time, the antiquity of man and his culture is included in scientific knowledge; all manifestations of spiritual creativity merge into one whole. The turning point in the scientific understanding of space coincides with a profound change in the human sciences. For the first time, the interests of the masses entered the arena of state and political life. Socialism as the first popular movement under the influence of science.

The sciences of man merge with the sciences of nature; on the other hand, their object changes completely (parapsychology);

9) for the first time, the task of the scientific study of consciousness is posed (how can consciousness influence material processes?). The unity of all living things - from microbes to humans - has been proven empirically scientifically. The existence up to microbes of such manifestations of consciousness, which are sharply expressed in humans;

10) specialization of scientific knowledge by problems, and not by sciences. The history of knowledge more and more accumulates the experience of the development of all civilizations. The history of knowledge is accelerating the scientific revolution. We are at the very beginning;

11) the general course of development in time of the scientific revolution can be reflected by the diagram:

Mathematics - Physics - Astronomy

chemistry - physical chemistry

(electronic chemistry or

chemistry of films)

sciences (biology, anthropology,

human paleoethnology)

historical sciences

economic (opening conditions

economic thought


consciousness as a scientific


12) the beginning of a new rise in philosophical and religious creativity. Philosophy must recycle the entire amount of new scientific facts.

2.3. The transition of the biosphere to the noosphere under the influence of Reason and human labor.

The transition of the Biosphere to the Noosphere is a spontaneous, natural-historical process. It is up to the individual to make this process conscious. A broad future opens up before humanity if it applies the power of reason for creation, not destruction (including the power of atomic energy). A person must learn to think in the planetary aspect, and not as a separate family, personality, clan, state.

With his technical activity, man expands the limits of the biosphere, strives to enter outer space. The geological significance of man is constantly growing with the growth of scientific knowledge and scientific technology. The beginning of the formation of the noosphere, which will take a whole geological era, is associated with the following phenomena:

1 - the settlement of the planet, living conditions allow you to live in different conditions. Thanks to technology, a person penetrates into the lower layers of the biosphere and troposphere (aviation);

2 - exit to outer space;

3 - an explosion of scientific creativity. Science as the main factor in bringing people together;

4 - development of communications - transport, communications;

5 - the interests of the scientific masses for the first time came to the fore. The social revolution of the 20th century is a consequence of the scientific definition of the social tasks of mankind and the forms of its organization;

6 - the unity and equality of all people, proven by science;

7 - there is an opportunity to create favorable conditions (socio-economic and political) for the free development of the individual, the free development of scientific thought;

8 - it became possible to eliminate malnutrition, hunger, poverty, disease; increase life expectancy;

9 - the gradual formation of a single organization of human life - a single state-political and economic organization of mankind;

10 - the spread of science and its popularization;

11 - the spread of European culture. Dialogue of cultures;

12 - the civilization of a cultured person is a form of organization of a new geological force in the biosphere. Forming the noosphere, civilization is connected with all its roots with this earthly shell, which has not happened before in the history of mankind. At the same time, a person becomes more and more independent from other forms of life, evolves to a new life manifestation. A person faces one of the greatest practical tasks - the synthesis of food from its elements. This is one of the most profound forms of using natural productive forces. The splitting of the trunk of life is the emergence of an autotrophic mammal. The first stage towards the autotrophy of mankind is the mastery of autotrophic terrestrial organisms (before that, the geological influence of man was small). Human use of the energy of former biospheres. Man evolves to the manifestation of a new race with a more perfect mental apparatus, autotrophy.

Used literature:

IN AND. Vernadsky, "Philosophical Thoughts of a Naturalist", M., 1988.

"Space and time in animate and inanimate nature".

"Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon".

"Proceedings on the General History of Science".

3. Modern scientific concepts and ideas of V.I. Vernadsky.
3.1. Development of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere. Autotrophy.

The acceleration of the development of science, the geometric growth of new scientific data and facts, the differentiation of sciences and subjects of research with particular force raise the question of the main guiding ideas (paradigms of science). One of these ideas is the idea of \u200b\u200bV.I. Vernads-someone about the autotrophy of humanity. There are three main laws of noospherogenesis: 1 - the need for a reasonable and harmonious development of human society, 2 - purposeful management of the organization of the biosphere, the evolution of species, 3 - autotrophy.

Autotrophy integrates, includes both first laws. Autotrophy means an increase in human independence from the environment:

1) space exploration, removal of industry and part of agricultural production into space (KD Ursul);

2) the use of non-biospheric energy sources - atomic, thermonuclear;

3) the formation of an artificial life environment;

4) the synthesis of food and oxygen, the search for sources of vital energy in the deep structure of space.

Artificial and synthetic materials are being introduced into industry, everyday life, and construction; the synthesis of drugs, food additives - vitamins, trace elements and others - characterize the introduction of artificial synthesis into the human lifestyle. However, in matters of food synthesis, the following issues have not been resolved: the value of a certain isotopic composition of the organism, the presence of left and right isomers, the role of scattered atoms. The use of former biospheres (oil, coal, gas, wood, etc.) is not a development of autotrophy.

One of the essential moments in the development of autotrophy is the direct use of solar energy, thereby a person will master the energy source of green plants, which he uses for food and fuel. Also, a person learns to use the energy of the heat of the Sun, radioactive energy (atomic), nuclear. The issue of oxygen sources, in addition to the secretions of plants (decomposition of water, evolution of oxygen during the formation of the Earth's core), has not been studied at all.

The development of autotrophy is closely related to human evolution. Experiments of autotrophy, achieved by reason and labor, will have to return to a person by changing his bodily and spiritual organization (Florensky's position is that technical capabilities return to consciousness). If the emergence of reason stopped natural selection (translated it into group selection, i.e. the selection of social forms, forms of non-hereditary memory - the Teacher system, the first prohibitions as the basis of morality), then thinking itself becomes the engine of evolution for man. With the advent of reason, a person is responsible for the fate of his evolution and the associated evolution of the biosphere. Autotrophy means a revolution in the evolutionary development of man, a gradual transition to a new race. Apparently, there should be a sharp change in the thinking apparatus, in the way of feeding, breathing, reproduction. The idea of \u200b\u200ba new race develops not only in Western culture (for example, Nietzsche, Vernadsky), but mainly in the East (Aurobindo Ghosh), the theosophical theory of races. Theosophy distinguishes 7 races, as in the decomposition of the white ray of a trihedral prism. The current fifth race should be replaced by the sixth, in which the spirit will unite with the intellect, a person will be able to directly feel what is now considered abstract entities. Agni Yoga emphasizes the strengthening of the centers of the lungs, including for the direct use of the vital energy (prana) contained in the air.

In terms of changing the way of reproduction, Mechnikov's remarks about orthobiosis, Tsiolkovsky about pathogenesis are interesting. H.P. Blavatsky, on the basis of biblical sources, concludes that sexual reproduction appeared only in the third race.

Autotrophy is a kind of manifestation of the cosmic significance of human deeds. Man begins to overcome the created stratification of the cosmos (Kaznacheev), which is, as will be seen below, a characteristic feature of modern science. Autotrophy is associated with the anthropic principle, but here only a connection is stated.

The cosmization of human life, the expansion of the Biosphere into space, removes many ecological contradictions, reduces the pressure of human activity on the biosphere, which have approached their limits of violation of biospheric equilibria (ecological imperatives). To overcome the noospheric contradictions, it is necessary to use the highest mental, personal properties, all the potential capabilities of the personality (I.T.Frolov, N.N. Moiseev). The mobilization of the psychophysical properties of a person was named by V.P. Kaznacheev's "reaction of Prometheus" is to ignite the inner fire of the spirit.

The growth of autotrophy becomes a measure of a humane economy, its fundamental principle (N.N. Moiseev). Autotrophy is a powerful new stimulus for the integration of sciences, of the entire culture.

3.2. Planetary science.

The study of entropic and negentropic processes of the dynamics of noospherogenesis marks the formation of planetary science, space anthropoecology. Practically all fundamental sciences, natural and humanitarian, are united in the study of the planet as a cosmic phenomenon. The planet is being investigated from the point of view of biogeothermodynamics - the concept of Gaia, by biogeochemical, geophysical, biogeophysical, aerospace methods. The latter open up the possibility of constant observation of geological, tectonic displacements in the earth's crust; fault zones of the earth's crust and associated anomalies of geophysical fields are found. Climatic conditions (atmospheric currents), features (of the earth's crust) of precipitation, water circulation, accumulation of pollutants, and the possibility of tectonic activity are associated with field anomalies.

3.3. Structural units of the noosphere.

The ideas of the structure of the noosphere are developing:

1) identification of various spheres: anthroposphere, ethnosphere, technosphere, agrosphere, aerosphere, ethosphere, pneumatosphere;

2) attempts to figure out taxonomic units:

Solar-basin units (V.P. Kaznacheev);

A set of geobiocenoses (ecosystem);

Landscape-historical division (connection between territory and ethnic groups, its inhabitants, historical features of culture);

By types of civilizations;

Learning territories as the beginning of the formation of cosmopolises

Cities of the future, the emergence of a new cultural environment (J. V. Reisema).

3.4. Neomobilism and ico-dodecahedral model of the Earth's structure.

Attempts to combine cultural-historical, geological-biosphere and cosmogonic approaches. This is the theory of neomobilism in geology, as well as developing the theory of crystallization of the Earth's core sequentially along the ideal bodies of Plato (ico-dodecahedral model of the Earth, see "Technology of Youth", 1981, No. 1, 1982, No. 1). The origin of life is associated with the beginning of the crystallization of the core. The process of crystallization is associated with the evolution of the biosphere, the evolution of species, the emergence of man and the spread of culture from the tops of the dodecahedron and the icosahedron combined with it.

3.5. The new theory of ethnogenesis by L.N. Gumilyov.

Gumilyov's new theory of ethnogenesis is the theory of passionary tension, finding its source in the hard radiation of the center of the Galaxy. Impulses that reach the Earth at certain critical periods excite the genotype of a nation. This excitement at the level of consciousness affects passionate tension. It unites around itself an emerging ethnos.

3.6. Ethology.

The formation of ethology (Lorenz) is the doctrine of intraspecific aggression, which is also inherent in humans. The need at the moment to eliminate, to block aggressiveness through the formation of general planetary thinking. Aggression must be directed against herself. This becomes possible when a person's thinking is directed towards itself, towards the internal structure, self-knowledge.

3.7. Global ecology.

The center of synthesis of a new conglomeration of sciences, which can be called planetary studies, is, apparently, global ecology. On the one hand, ecology is the science of relations between open systems and the environment (it is this theoretical side of ecology that will play a leading role in the future), on the other, the biosphere as a whole and its relationship with other shells of the Earth (more broadly, with the structure of the planet ), as well as with the cosmic environment and the influence of deep space.

Considering the influence of space on the biosphere, one cannot be limited to the role of the sun. The founder of space biology A.L. Chizhevsky believed that life is to a much greater extent a cosmic phenomenon than an earthly one. "It is created by the influence of the creative dynamics of the cosmos." The results of the latest cosmological studies show that the structure and evolution of the biosphere were mainly predetermined by the initial conditions that existed before the present state of the Universe, and by the process of cosmogenesis itself. (NM Mamtsov, p. 256 in the book "Interaction between society and nature", Moscow, 1986).

An essential moment in the formation of global ecology is the spread of ethical and aesthetic relations not only in the relationship of people, but also in the relationship of a person to the entire world around him, living and inanimate. The concept of ethosphere is introduced, associated with humanism and bioethics (will be discussed below), with the principle of reverence for life, the inner need to help all living things. (A. Schweitzer, "Culture and Ethics", M. 1973).

Another important aspect of ecology is the need to take into account our ignorance in the development of common strategic decisions, which is a consequence of the lack of time - the imperative of our time (see above). The power of ignorance is becoming a tangible threat to modernity. Development of transcendental ethics.

3.8. Human knowledge.

Another formative, actively developing constellation of sciences is human knowledge. Consideration of the formation of the human problem in the center of modern natural science was started

B.G. Ananiev ("Man as a subject of knowledge", M, 1978, "On the problems of modern human knowledge", M, 1980).

Three essential features of modern science:

1 - transformation of a human problem into a general problem of all science as a whole, including exact and technical ones;

2 - differentiation of the scientific study of man;

3 - the tendency to combine various sciences, aspects and methods of human research into various complex systems, to construct synthetic characteristics of human development.

Modern human science numbers about 200 disciplines, which are organized into categories, classes and subsystems. These subsystems are:

a) the sciences of man as a biological species;

b) the sciences of humanity;

c) science about the relationship between man and nature; noosphere and space exploration;

d) human ontogenetics;

e) personality sciences or personalities;

f) the science of man as a subject of practical and theoretical activity.

Psychology is the center of the synthesis of human knowledge, it is also a means of communication between various systems, as well as natural and social sciences. However, progress in various disciplines studying man is associated with their further specialization and is not possible without the development of a philosophical theory of man. The forecast for the development of psychology includes:

1) development of psychodynamics;

2) a unified classification of all phenomena of mental development from psychophysiological functions to the mental properties of the individual;

3) the possibility of discovering the periodic law - the classification of mental properties, states and processes;

4) the discovery of the primary properties of the individual - objects of ontophysiology and developmental psychology - 1, sexology - 2, somatology - 3, typology of higher nervous activity.

An important feature is the development of theoretical, integral medicine. Discovery of bilateral regulation of the processes of nervous activity - non-hierarchical interaction of structures. This principle is used in the theory of self-organization of systems.

Let's note new scientific disciplines related to human science:

1. Ergonomics is a special science of labor activity, a special approach to technology as a set of amplifiers, converters, accelerators of human psychophysical functions.

2. Semiotics is a special discipline about sign systems. It is of great importance for the study of the mechanisms of culture.

3. Axiology - the science of the values \u200b\u200bof life and culture, the content of the inner world of the individual. Semiotics and axiology - philosophical sciences, acquire the features of specific sciences in the system of human cognition.

4. Heuristics is a general theory of human creative thinking (based on psychology, logic and the theory of knowledge, neurophysiology and biophysics).

5. Science of science - social and historical disciplines.

6. Psycholinguistics - the psychology of speech and communication in connection with the general theory of language.

7. Characterology - the combination of personality psychology with sociology and ethics.

These sciences are not only applied, purely scientific in nature, but also complex. It can be assumed that the approaches developed in these sciences can become universal, just as cybernetics, synergetics, and mathematical modeling became universal (cybernetics began as an applied science for the study of control in technical systems; synergetics - as the thermodynamics of nonequilibrium disperse systems).

c) the ability to transfer, transmit and perceive various types of information at any distance,

d) accumulates the history of past generations,

e) manifests itself through suggestive or manual influence,

f) is capable of short-term or long-term exteriorization from the body,

g) acts on the basis of a resonant mechanism, and its energy can be concentrated or scattered,

h) shields only by mental influence,

i) exhibits physical features similar to the gravitational field,

j) influences human behavior and functional state.

4. There is an information-energy field as one of the Earth's shells. A person is able to interact with this and other types of information and energy fields that surround the Earth. Parapsychology is one of the centers of synthesis and integration of modern knowledge, developing this general trend towards the unification of sciences in the study of human life in the Universe.

4. General conclusions.

4.1. Classification of sciences and processes of synthesis of scientific knowledge.

Based on the classification of sciences by B.M. Kedrov (BM Kedrov, "Engels and Modern Natural Science", Moscow, 1970), we will give a diagram of the basic, fundamental sciences.

1 - Logic.

2 - Mathematics.

3 - Mechanics.

4 - Astronomy.

5 - Physics.

7 - Geology.

8 - Geography.

9 - Biology.

10 - History.

11 - Sciences about the base and superstructure.

12 - Psychology.

A characteristic feature of the circuit:

1) similarity with sound (musical), colors;

2) a - at the same time, mathematics, astronomy study the near and distant Space:

mathematics is a set of conceivable worlds,

astronomy is the geography of stars;

b - geology, biology, base and superstructure sciences study planetary life,

c - these five sciences correspond to intermediate notes and colors;

3) 7 basic sciences that study the main structural levels of the Cosmos:

Logic is the source of development - struggle and interaction, complementarity of the principles that give the balance of rational action;

Mechanics - reflection (unfolding) - attraction (folding) - the process underlying the universe;

Physics - conditions for the transition from imaginable worlds (virtual) to real ones, the life time of which is much longer than the characteristic time of local interaction;

Chemistry - processes of development at the atomic level, processes of crystallization of supra-atomic structures;

Geography - belts of landscapes, the network of the geomagnetic field on the surface of the planet; the science of spatial differences and their interaction as the main process of the Universe: "thinking in primordial space", unconscious mind and nature;

History - the accumulation and selection of experience - the development of culture;

Psychology is the main processes of mental life, the dialectic of the internal and external, the individual and the whole (the condition of Immortality).

4) now it is possible to supplement the above scheme with the following fundamental sciences:

Parapsychology - the physical foundations of consciousness;

Philosophy is the ethics of the foundations of being;

Theosophy is the development of Reason and its evolution on Earth and in Space.

Then the scheme of sciences takes the following form:

1) Logical sciences - logic, dialectics.

2) Mathematical sciences - mathematics, mechanics.

3) Science and technology - astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, geography, biology.

4) Social sciences - history, the science of the base and superstructure.

5) Philosophical sciences - philosophy, abstract foundations of Being, ethics, theory of knowledge.

6) Psychological sciences - psychology, parapsychology.

7) Sciences about the "sacred", superhuman beginning of the cosmos - theosophy.

5) The main emerging constellations of sciences:

Logical sciences - the presence of a plurality of logics, including mathematical ones, requires a transition to continuous, continual logic, which would connect the existing logics into one whole, constantly interact with its foundations. (Bibler, Questions of Philosophy, No. 6, "From notes for future use").

Mathematical sciences - general systems theory, general information theory, cybernetics, mathematical modeling - are combined in works on artificial intelligence.

Natural sciences - cosmonautics centered on cosmology and rocket science, noocosmogenesis (V.I. Vernadsky), physicalist theories of the Universe, planetary science centered on ecology, cosmogony, unification of neomobolism and the ico-dodecahedral model of the Earth's structure, noospherogenesis - the transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere, bioosphere and humanism.

Social sciences are the general theory of civilization, the general theory of culture, the doctrine of the transformative activity of man, centered in general political economy and sociology.

Psychological sciences - human studies with a center in psychology, the physical foundations of consciousness (parapsychology), the general theory of education.

Philosophical sciences - philosophical theory of man, philosophical theory of consciousness, ethics of the foundations of being.

The following main trends are distinguished in modern philosophy:

a) "new metaphysics" - philosophy of life, existentialism and other related directions,

b) analytical philosophy,

c) Marxism (P. Riker, "Man", 1990, No. 3).

These three main trends correspond to the three structures of consciousness that Mamardashvili singled out and which stand out in history as the main paradigms in the formation of scientific knowledge:

The symbolic doubling of the world (Plato) - the world of ideas,

Rational solvability (Descartes),

Activity approach (Marx).

The appearance of these structures in the public mind played a decisive role in the transition from myth to modern scientific knowledge. The process of education of sciences, spheres of scientific knowledge can be represented as the passage of undivided knowledge of the myth through the triangular prism of the structures of consciousness and its decomposition into components of separate sciences. This process is historically long and is currently taking place. In the current situation, the development of a reverse process, a new myth-making is characteristic - the creation of universal theories of the development of space, theories of the Universe.
4.2. Transition to a new civilization of conscious evolution

and cooperation with the Cosmos.

Let us note other features of the current situation in science and the historical moment.

1. The principle of development permeates all spheres of knowledge, the general direction of the spiral of knowledge:

a) the history of the evolution of the Universe, the general theory of the Universe;

b) to the study of the more subtle and deeper levels of the cosmos, to the study of spiritual phenomena, the scientific study of consciousness, the knowledge of the physical foundations of mental phenomena.

2. Interaction of cultures West-East: the need to study the esoteric teachings of the East, the teachings of Yoga.

3. Crystallization, unification of sciences in the spheres of knowledge.

4. The description in one approach of the micro-, macro- and megaworld is accompanied by the determination of the place of man and Mind in the Universe, the prediction of the future, the direction of the processes of social, social, biological, political and economic development.

5. Further differentiation of sciences - the formation of related sciences - physical chemistry, etc., geophysics, physical geography, biophysics, etc., private complex sciences - bionics, new fields of research - mineralogy, heliobiology, space medicine.

6. Education of complex sciences - ecology, cybernetics, synergetics, general theoretical sciences - general theory of systems, information.

7. Transformation of science into a direct productive force.

8. Attempts to create common strategic approaches to solving global problems, ethics and culture as a way out.

9. Science turning to itself:

a) The history of the development of science and technology,

b) Science of science, forecast of the development of science.

10. Modern science is permeated with trends coming from the fundamental sciences and complex scientific disciplines:

a) rationalization, mathematization, technicalization of sciences, cybernetization,

b) cosmization and physicalization,

c) the 20th century is the century of scientific atomism,

d) humanization and anthropologization, greening,

e) historicism and evolutionism (the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment),

f) cultural philosophy and psychologism,

g) consideration of processes from the point of view of entropy - negentropy.

11. Study of the rhythmic structures of the structure of the Cosmos, planet, man, the spiral nature of evolution, ways of transforming structures, transition to new levels of organization.

12. New understanding of the unity of space-time, matter - motion, energy - information.

13. Coincidence of the conclusions of science at a certain stage of development with the conclusions of religious morality.

14. The problem of man becomes the main problem of all sciences.

15. The impossibility of managing complex systems - the direction of development, the transition to ethics, even greater complexity - aesthetics, personal attitude, balance of beauty and will.

16. The development of modern science (bifurcation processes, the impossibility of a mathematical description of individuality, vacuum physics, cosmology, non-dynamic interaction of possibilities in complex systems, etc.) raises the question of the relationship between the knowable and the unknowable, the observed and the unobservable in a new way.

17. Relativity of knowledge - until now, science was mainly geocentric - it studied the conditions of life on our planet, the transition to the study of other planets and the beginning of space exploration - the beginning of the Space Age.

18.a) Self-sufficiency of the Universe ("wheel of Being" - ancient India, endless cycle). The universe considers itself (and other universes) to be,

b) The beginningless process in the Cosmos - the appearance and interrelation of differences in space ("thinking in primordial space"),

c) The infinity of the spiral of the cosmic life of Reason. Cosmic Hierarchy (Brotherhood of the Reasonable) as the basic law of the Cosmos.

19. Awareness of the inseparable connection of man with the Cosmos at all levels of his structure.

20. The twenty-first century should become the century of psychic energy.

21. Humanity is approaching a new stage of development, a new civilization of conscious evolution and cooperation with the Cosmos. This stage requires from a person the highest tension of all spiritual and physical strength. The personality becomes the main resource of society, creativity - a mass activity. Despite this, the person must submit to the highest - the Spiritual source, "stop feeling sorry for himself", the person must cast aside himself, set aside petty, selfish interests for the sake of the Holy Spirit, the Common Good.

The principle of unity, following from the law of functioning of nonlinear structures: a system is viable (maintaining homeostasis) if it strives for unity with its center - the Creator, tense connections of the system's elements emanating from its center form its inner curved space. Humanity is approaching a new species leap: a gradual transition to a new race, to an autotrophic humanity.

22. The role of Russia in this process: Russia must show the world examples of community life, built on the principles of brotherhood and cooperation.


IN AND. Vernadsky:

1. "Philosophical Thoughts of a Naturalist", Moscow, 1988.

("Space and time in animate and inanimate nature".

"Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon").

2. "Works on the General History of Science".

3. "Technology of Youth", 1981, No. 1, 1982, No. 1.

4. N.M. Mamtsov, in the book. "The interaction of society and nature", M, 1986.

5. A. Schweitzer, "Culture and Ethics", Moscow, 1973.

B.G. Ananiev:

6. "Man as a subject of knowledge", M, 1978,

7. "On the problems of modern human science", M, 1980.

8. "Methodological analysis of physical knowledge", Kiev, 1985, ch.7.

9. N.N. Moiseev, "Questions of Philosophy", N3, 1991, "Man and Noosphere", M, 1990.

10. "Man", No. 3, 1990.

11. Ya.V. Reyzema, "Thinking Mind. Fundamental Categories of the Universe, Technologies of Public Mind", 1991, M.

12. Yu.V. Rozhdestvensky, "Typology of the Word", Moscow, 1969.

13. A.P. Dubrov, V.N. Pushkin "Parapsychology and Contemporary Natural Science", Moscow, 1990.

14. B.M. Kedrov, "Engels and Contemporary Natural Science", Moscow, 1970.

15. P. Riker, "The Man", 1990, No. 3.

16. I.T. Frolov "Human Perspectives". M., 1983.

17. V.P. Kaznacheev "Teachings of VI Vernadsky about the biosphere and noosphere", 1989.

18. L.N. Gumilev "Ethnogenesis and Biosphere of the Earth".

1.6. The problem of the formation of global (planetary) thinking of students and approaches to its solution

Global education is based on the concept that information about the world should be presented as essential for human survival in the human community and in nature, and the formation of an unbiased view of the world depends on the selection of facts from different fields of knowledge, on the strategy of cognition, on the involvement of various mental processes that condition the processing and exchange of information.

Globally oriented thinking is being introduced in schools, on the one hand, as an ideology of an unbiased perception of the world in all its complexity and diversity, and on the other hand, as a cognitive-communicative technology for teaching a lesson, reflected in curricula and programs.

The most famous approaches to building the curriculum of a global orientation school are based on the following principles:

· The presence at each stage of a “core” integrated course that combines academic disciplines filled with global content;

· Combination of concentricity and linearity in the curriculum for each discipline;

· The dominant feature of practical aesthetics in the “core” course at the elementary level, natural sciences at the middle level, and the philosophical and social aspect at the senior level; (emphasis on the development of intellectual operations at all levels); personal orientation of learning (the student is in the center of education);

· Creation of a gradually expanding thesaurus of concepts;

· Teaching self-expression through each of the disciplines;

· The organization of knowledge as the formation of pictures of the world in their diversity and unity.

If planetary thinking is formed within the framework of individual courses (for example, the course "Man and Cosmology", developed by the teacher of Rostov secondary school No. 15, RT Morozova) *, then the educational tasks may be somewhat narrowed. Usually the goal is to give a comprehensive scientific analysis of man as a socio-natural, cosmoplanetary being, in which the cosmic, biological, mental, social and cultural aspects of the individual are combined into one whole. In this case, the personality acts as an integrating factor of human nature, the roots of which go into the depths of the Cosmos.

Having chosen the concept of global education, the school should focus in its development on a holistic knowledge of the world around, understanding the state of planet Earth, understanding the processes taking place in the world, studying various cultures of the world, problems that the world community faces at the beginning of the 21st century.

One of the phenomena contributing to the birth of the direction of global education in the pedagogical theory is the modern global problems of mankind. Associated with them is the emergence in the public consciousness of anxiety for the fate of earthly civilization, the realization that it is necessary to form a view of the world as a diverse, but unified whole, where the well-being of all depends on the actions of each.

The concept of global education is in good agreement with the idea of \u200b\u200bits humanization and greening. Modern ecology is a way of thinking. A person must think globally and act locally, realizing that the fate of many depends on his actions. Forming an environmentally literate citizen is one of the main challenges of global education.

In the context of the implementation of the general goals and objectives of global education, it becomes relevant to determine the content and
inclusion of the aesthetic cycle system in the school curriculum. This process presupposes the integration of three main directions: aesthetic, historical and culturological proper, the interaction of which, taking into account the possibility of entering other blocks of disciplines (social, humanitarian, natural), makes it possible to ensure the formation of an integral conceptual picture of the world.

Comprehension of reality in all the diversity of its manifestations, consideration of both aesthetic and humanitarian, moral, ethical, environmental and other problems, identification of the relationship and mutual influence of various cultural subsystems ensures the globally oriented nature of these courses.

In general, the study of the subjects of the culturological block gives students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the achievements of world and domestic artistic culture, develop their aesthetic and artistic taste, the ability to navigate the cultural environment of modern society, and form ideas about the diversity and intrinsic value of different cultures. It helps children to freely determine their own worldview positions, to carry out a purposeful independent personal orientation in the modern world.

1.7. Prospects for the globalization of education

Today, global education is one of the most promising directions in the development of pedagogical theory and practice, allowing students to prepare for adaptation in a complex, constantly changing modern world with its many political, economic, environmental, social and other problems.

The effectiveness of a person's self-identification, its formation as a full-fledged member of the world community is largely determined by the level of education, and education is understood not just the acquisition of knowledge, but the formation of a worldview, spirituality, and an increase in cross-cultural literacy. The permanent nature of socio-cultural changes, which reduces the possibilities of traditional forms of cultural transmission, the lack of demand for the moral potential of society in the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the dominance of technocratic and scientistic ideas in science, leading to a fragmented perception of reality, actualize the search for a new strategy and content of human upbringing in the third millennium *.

Achievement of this goal can be carried out only under the conditions of the formation of a fundamentally different system of mastering reality, contributing to the formation of a conceptual integral picture of the world in the minds of students. At the same time, the identification and perception of cultural universals that provide a global perspective for the teaching process is organically linked to the ideas of humanization and humanization of education, which constitute the foundation of new pedagogical thinking.

It is obvious that the concept of global education, which aims at fostering a free creative personality capable of making constructive decisions and realizing responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and the world as a whole, provides ample opportunities for the development of the intellectual and moral potential of students, creative search, improvement of scientific and methodological skills and professional culture of teachers. Its implementation allows:

Place the personality of the student with his rights, freedoms and ideals at the center of the educational process;

To form in schoolchildren the ability to objectively assess the phenomena of reality, to independently analyze events and facts on the basis of synchronic and diachronic comparison, classification and integration;

Carry out targeted orientation of the individual in the world;

To form the intellectual properties of a person based on the ideas of developing education. The effectiveness of achieving this goal depends on the solution of a number of tasks, which include:

Development of the cultural consciousness of students;

Increasing intercultural competence;

Internationalization of the educational process;

Development of ideas about the world as an interdependent ecosystem;

Creation of optimal conditions for self-identification, social adaptation of the individual.

The ideas of global education that have been developing in the United States for two decades have been adapted by the Russian Center for Global Education Problems and are now being tested in schools in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, Cheboksary, Volzhsky, Sochi. However, the concept of upbringing (socialization) of the personality has not yet been developed, although the project is distinguished by the originality of the approach to a person as a cosmobiopsycho-sociocultural individual.

The model of global education, in its essence, not only does not contradict the main trends and principles of modern Russian pedagogy, but also contributes to its renewal by strengthening the humanistic potential, expanding the possibilities for mastering the cultural experience of a person. The process of globalization is associated with significant transformations in the field of politics, economics, finance, with the restructuring of almost all spheres of life of the world community. Research by the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRIDS) shows at least six trends that are shaping its overall direction:

1. The spread of liberal democracy, thanks to which the number of people who have received the right to openly and freely express their opinion and participate in politics has increased significantly.

2. The predominance of market forces in the economy. Economic liberalism has become the dominant ideology since the mid-1970s, while strengthening the power of some international elites, creditor countries and two of the largest international financial institutions - the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

3. Transformation of production systems and labor market. Industry today is based on small and flexible production systems, and workers prefer to move to the service sector.

4. The speed of technological renewal. The computerization of production and communication systems has a decisive influence on labor relations and generates new power relations within and between states.

5. Revolution in the field of mass media.

6. Dissemination of the so-called "consumerism ideology".

The industrialization of society generates a chain reaction that has a significant impact on culture: a person's everyday environment is becoming more monotonous and artificial, labor turns into just a means that allows one to acquire more and more material goods. Often the only outlet for a person is a TV or computer screen. Therefore, today they talk about "virtual reality", about the "virtualization" of society. The persuasive power of the media around the world is so great that news programs do not just report on events, but also have a certain impact on their course. At the same time, it is important to note that the dominant position on the air is occupied by the United States, whose English-language programs are broadcast all over the world. In Europe alone, the United States has 120,000 hours of television broadcast per year.

All globalization trends of our time are most clearly manifested in the urbanized environment - that is, in the urban sociocultural space, since urbanization plays a huge role in global cultural integration and is of paramount importance in the civilization process in the modern period.

The most important place in the modern culture of globalization, including the linguistic one, is played by the recently appeared Internet, the herald of which is considered by many to be Pierre Teilhard de Chardin * with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe "noosphere". The language of this new culture is Anglo-American, as most professionals and Internet users live in English-speaking countries. In fact, 99% of it is American contribution, all other shares are negligible.

The globalization of education is perceptibly penetrating into the life of higher education. Universal (coordinated) curricula are created that allow for mutual exchange of students, undergraduates, postgraduates; reciprocal bases of industrial practice of students and training of teachers are organized. For example, at the Ural University of Economics in the 6th semester (out of 8), it is supposed to include training at a partner university. Students apply in advance to the International Relations Department and draw up all the documentation necessary for study. The point grading system makes it possible to transfer points received at another university, and the level of proficiency in a foreign language allows you to actively participate in the educational process of the partner university and complete control tasks. Students must choose, listen to 3 disciplines and submit reports on them. The obtained certificates are sent to the international department of the University of Wiesbaden.

During the 7th semester, students of this specialty undergo a 4-month internship at a firm abroad. Based on the results of the practice in the 8th semester, a diploma project is carried out, its defense and state exams are passed. Of course, the choice of a country for foreign study and practice by students is directly influenced by both the economic and political situation in the country and the policy of the German government in relation to it.

There are no ideal educational systems: each national system depends on the socio-economic and political realities of the country and should not only rely on positive experience and trends inherent in society and education, but also take into account advanced international experience.

The analogues of commodity specialists in international practice are managers providing the market with high-quality goods, marketers, experts. Taking into account the integration of the modern Russian economy into the world economy, there is a need to coordinate the training of qualified specialists in the field of assortment and quality of goods by domestic universities and educational institutions of other states. In our opinion, the possible ways to strengthen and develop international cooperation are as follows:

Expansion of contacts in the preparation of specialists (participation in conferences, symposia, seminars, fairs, student exchange; training for teachers, lecturing; organization of practice, etc.);

Creation of international standard educational programs aimed at further development and improvement of training of commodity experts (managers, experts);

Exchange of educational and methodological literature and normative documentation used in the educational process;

Development of measures for the formation of a single interstate information and analytical center;

Development and implementation of programs for joint scientific research of national consumer goods markets, including marketing research; uniform methods for assessing competitiveness;

Exchange of regulations governing the requirements for the quality and safety of goods;

Consulting support of enterprises with the aim of producing consumer goods that best meet the demand of the population, updating and expanding their assortment, improving quality.

Combining the efforts of domestic universities and international experience in training commodity experts will contribute to the achievement of the strategic goal - to increase the intellectual and professional potential of specialists in this profile. This should become the main wealth of Russia in the advancing information technology society.

In recent years, in connection with the crisis of the traditional concept of socio-economic formations, historians and philosophers are paying more and more attention to the civilizational model of social development of mankind. As is known, such Western European thinkers as O. Spengler * and A. Toynbee stood at the origins of the civilizational approach. The theory of cultural-historical types, developed by the Russian scientist N. Ya. Danilevsky, played an essential role in its development. In recent years, numerous attempts have been made in Russia to modernize the civilizational paradigm (M. A. Barg, E. B. Chernyak, I. N. Ionov, A. M. Kantor, Yu. V. Yakovets, etc.). Researchers tried to modernize the formational approach, to introduce elements of other theories into it (L. I. Reisner, I. M. Dyakonov, and others). The concept of "civilization" can be defined on the basis of a systematic approach to the analysis of the studied phenomena. Representing society as a complex self-organizing system, consisting of certain elements, subsystems and relationships between these elements, one can agree with the understanding of civilization as an integral, self-developing system of essential relations between people, taken with the environment and created material and spiritual benefits and a system of values \u200b\u200b(E . B. Chernyak). With this approach, civilization can be understood as a structured self-organizing and self-developing system, the main components of which are human material and sign components.

Intercivilizational connections also have a complex, multi-element structure. Proceeding from the three types of elements that make up civilization as a system, intercivilizational connections represent the exchange of material structures, human aggregates and sign systems. Depending on which elements prevail in intercivilizational and interstate relations, the following types of these relations can be distinguished: foreign trade (commodity exchange prevails in external civilizational, interstate relations), migration (prevalence of exchange of people in the form of migration, tourism) and ideological and cultural ( predominance in one form or another of cultural and ideological expansion).

It seems that in the coming century - the century of humanitarian culture - migration and cultural exchange will increase, in which the pedagogy of higher and secondary schools should play a significant role.

Chapter 2 Forms of using network technologies in the context of globalization of education

The rapid development of telecommunication technologies, in particular the Internet, and multimedia in recent years, not only contributed to the emergence of increased interest in the use of computers in the educational process, but also led to the emergence of a new generation of education system - computer distance education. As shown in Figure 3 below:

Networked education, as one of the types of distance learning, is a rapidly changing and still largely hypothetical area of \u200b\u200bsocio-economic development, difficult to predict and apologetics, which suggests the importance of assessing alternative technologies and all kinds of "heating" public and professional interest in this area.

The main issues of network education include the development of new technological schemes, the modernization of methodological resources and the development of infrastructure. Consideration of topical problems of network education is taking place against the background of the ongoing process of job cuts in almost all developed countries in recent years, the acceleration of modernization under the influence of environmental restrictions on the content of many professions, on the one hand, and, on the other, due to the incessant technological development of mankind.

All this leads to a reduction in the life cycle of knowledge and skills, turns the educational function from one-time (as at the beginning of the century) and repetitive (in the middle of the century) into a regular one. The most striking example is information technology, which changes software and hardware platforms in one and a half to two years. In these conditions, the classical form of full-time education is becoming only a part of the general educational toolkit, and an ever smaller part. Outwardly, imperceptibly, but the indirect participation in the educational process of electronic media - first of all, television, and in recent years - also public computer networks * is increasing.

Unfortunately, education does not have comparable means for immersing a multimillion audience in the world of constructive and professional knowledge, therefore, the most important problem is the careful selection of such a set of information technologies that could increase the educational function in the face of budget deficit.

The use of a satellite or radio relay television channel for educational purposes for many years to come will remain expensive and not accessible to everyone. Although the prospects for the development of cable television, including those based on multifunctional fiber, in 5-10 years may lead to a decrease in the unit price of educational functions based on this technology. So far, it can be stated that direct TV projects in distance education have declined due to lack of funds even in prosperous Western Europe.

... (DL) showed that currently the world has accumulated experience in the implementation of distance learning systems (LMS). In general, the global trend of transition to non-traditional forms of education can be traced in the growth of the number of universities, training in new information technologies. If in 1980 there were 187 of them, then in 2003 there were about 1500. In the USA, more than one million people study in the DL system. So, ...

Education obtained by "traditional" methods. 9. Conclusions and proposals The main tasks of the experiment in the field of distance education, carried out by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, have been completed. During the experiment, the following main results were achieved: 1. It has been proven that with the availability of education obtained using distance learning technologies ...

Problems. The likelihood that the predicted events will actually occur depends on the quality of the experts, the scientific validity of their estimates and assumptions. Chapter 2 Forecasting the development of education on the example of the Novosibirsk region 2.1 Goal setting for forecasting the development of education The concept of innovative development of education in the Novosibirsk region is based on spiritual, cultural ...

Generations. Taking advantage of the destruction of the information countermeasures system in Russia, Western countries began to pursue an aggressive information policy in the post-Soviet space. Today it is necessary to clearly define the problems of shaping Russia's international image. I am sure that the perception of the state by the international community will play an important role in the formation of ...

Most of the representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples are very close to noospheric personalities due to their special attitude to the spirituality of this World, therefore, it remains only to globally convince other peoples who have departed from this absolute truth that only our position in relation to nature is correct; the very practical implementation of this statement and attracting more and more sincere adherents to this faith, especially under the flag of scientific ecology, will also provide a different level of responsibility, the requirements of each Finno-Ugric to his morality, for each of us in this case, as it were, will take on the most difficult the role of the Teacher of the world in relation to others, and above all "civilized", that is, technocratic peoples.

Immediately at the beginning I will make a reservation that although the title contains "Mari worldview", but due to deep generalizations under these words, which can be seen even from the epigraph to the article, one can safely understand the worldview of almost any Finno-Ugric people of Russia, and even not only the Finno Ugric, and not only Russia. Here the Mari is taken only because I feel better and know more in comparison with other ethnic groups about my native people, and this, I think, is quite understandable. It should also be quite understandable that animism and pantheism are the essence, for example, of the religious worldview of the Mari people, like the Komi, Udmurts, Mordovians, and so on. In fact, if you deeply understand, these words are synonyms, while, as you know, the first word meaning belief in the animate nature of all nature was introduced into scientific circulation by the ethnographer Edward Tyler, and the second, meaning that the whole world is God, by the philosopher John Toland ... That is, if I proudly say, let's say, that I am the last pagan in Europe, then first of all I mean this deep foundation expressed now. It is dominant and decisive, forming a special quality. In Christianity, too, it would seem, everything is permeated by God - the Father, but the servants of Christianity have already put this property in a secondary place, in the first place there is the Personality of God, the essence of which was cognized by the servants of this cult and especially the art that these servants used in their religion through the image of a person, which in the minds of the majority of believers in the street actually developed into the fact that even God the Father, not like Christ, is simply a Universal Titanic Person. Such a secret anthropocentrism in the minds has led to the fact that Christianity, in fact, has lost, has forgotten just about the spirituality of all that exists. Man, striving for God the Father through the image of the Son of God, strove for the same power, being thus established especially in nature. Hence nature is not a temple, but a workshop, hence the very strong, breakthrough technocratic development of Christian peoples, which as a whole became a truly geological force, hence the fact that "God died", which appeared from the pride of external successes already in the eighteenth century (and what to speak of a dead god now, after all, indeed, now “man has died”!). That is, it turns out, if we speak in general terms, and I have already written about this, Christianity is a personal religion. At the same time, since among Muslims, for example, God cannot be represented by a Personality, albeit the most contradictory and therefore infinitely rich, it turns out that Allah is theirs, as it were, the whole World as His Creative Essence. Thus, Islam (let the followers of the Prophet Muhammad not be offended by this, because this quality just means the deep vitality of faith, I will explain a little later why, more precisely, the reader himself will understand this idea from the logic of the entire article), in essence, a pagan religion, for sure just like, say, Hinduism. But Buddhism and Confucianism are again personal religions, but very skillfully directed, to a greater extent, not outside, but inside a person. As you know, for example, Zen Buddhism directly teaches its adherents that each of us can become a god ... Which, of course, will sound extremely blasphemous for a Mari, and even for Christians, not to mention adherents of Islam.

So, the extinction of a number of European peoples is connected precisely with this internal hidden anthropocentrism, which eventually became obvious, they have achieved such a development and such social conditions have been created for them that they seem to have already become perfections, gods, very pleased with themselves; this feeling in an ordinary person immediately leads him to degeneration and death. All average - in their intellect - social creatures, if given immediately too good conditions for life, immediately begin to lock themselves in their beautiful and very comfortable dwellings-little worlds, already trying not to allow anyone there and not even wanting to reproduce for fear that convenience get worse. This real phenomenon has already been verified by biologists by experiments on some social, herd animals. That is, an ordinary consumer should not create too luxurious living conditions that do not require efforts for life and development.

However, what is there to argue, all thinking people are well aware of this truth. These same progressive thinking people are beginning to talk more and more about the need for a radical change in the paradigm of life, not only for the whole of Europe and America, but even for all mankind, it is necessary to start teaching and training from childhood planetary thinking people, that is, people who evaluate itself only in relation to all life on the planet, which is rapidly degenerating and annihilating. It is necessary to begin the reform of educational schools to form the backbone of the noospheric elite. That is, it is necessary to begin to prepare from children not so much consumers as very responsible for all living things, which is generally a very difficult task, because in general it means the conscious creation of very highly moral people. A person who is very affectionate towards all living things can no longer be immoral. From love to nature, he will come to understanding man, and therefore to love for people ...

Yes, I didn't make a reservation. A very spiritualized and reverent attitude towards nature is already a serious pedestal of a truly moral person, a noospheric person, if you like. But the specified quality is obligatory, but not sufficient. Moreover, the Mari faith and worship of the Mari religion, albeit very sincere, does not at all mean at once that this person is already fundamentally moral, but sincere belief in the deification of all that exists already means that he has all the possibilities for this basis. was and so that he no longer slipped, say, to the egoism of insane and endless consumerism. That is, in other words, any people whose faith is the spirituality of all that exists and it is a particle of this spirituality, and its kind is its most important element, already has an incomparable advantage over other peoples and is closest to morality among them. He is especially close to her if he synthetically absorbed for centuries the best ideas of Christ as the inner Beauty of the person, as the need for compassion, as even the opportunity to sacrifice himself for the prosperity of the lives of others. This is the generic quality of Christ, because he came from the pagan Jewish people, whose faith he developed with his Essence and Power of the intellect.

So what is needed in order for our wonderful peoples of Russia to at first at least create the backbone of noospheric highly cultured and moral personalities who can only save the dying and going to death now life? Here, in order for the beginnings of morality to begin purposefully to develop correctly, it is necessary, as I see it, the following: 1. Make the ancient belief in the spirituality of all that exists as the basis of education, its kind of fundamental, operational, as they say today, environment. 2. Make learning to take care of all living things the most important skill, develop it from kindergarten, from the very first grade, through youth, through school zoological corners and circles, through school greenhouses and fields. 3. A very high level of knowledge of natural, exact and humanitarian sciences is needed, that is, genuine, and not imaginary and superficial education. This means that it turns out that very serious schools are needed, even better than in Soviet times, not to mention the present; schools with very developed, truly wise teachers are needed; we need schools where there is one teacher for ten people, and not for thirty, and a teacher who is profoundly wise in life, and not yesterday's student. 4. All general education schools should be aimed at fostering the need to be willing to learn and to be creative with knowledge, we need serious changes in approaches to students, we need to identify their inner aspirations and develop them into talents, we need a high detectability of the true talents of each child and their development. (From this point of view, I would like to especially note the reforms of school and higher education in Finland, according to which, for example, a bachelor's degree cannot be a teacher at school, but only a master's degree, since a bachelor has no research skills or, for example, when entering a university, they are immediately eliminated those applicants who clearly have one material motivation - see all this in more detail in the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” dated March 26, 2013.) This is the only way to interest a child in studies, to make him striving for self-development.

That is, only systematic work on yourself in the process of study, inspired by the development of your talent, coupled with the development of a sense of the need to take care of all living things, can lead to true morality as an internal basis, that is, to a truly noospheric personality. At the same time, the criterion of planetary thinking must be introduced already now into all laws of states (especially leading ones) and peoples. All constitutions must be rewritten taking into account the fact that man is only a living part of a living planet, the world, even the Universe. There is no need to teach that he is the master here, this is an extremely erroneous and deadly judgment-delusion. A person cannot know what will happen to him even in a moment - what kind of master is he ?! Yes, yes, a person actually has very few rights, because life itself already has a Great Right, but a person has a lot of responsibilities, and above all, through systematic work on himself and for people to develop internally. A person has only one right - only through such a path to become truly free. Freedom and the legal law restricting freedom should only lead to a new level of freedom, that is, the law and the development of laws should be such that they truly harmonize a person, so that he becomes ever freer in his inner development.

At the same time, it will not be difficult to verify the correctness of everyone's development, not so much by the ability to build a happily personal life, but also through personal creativity, because everyone in such a situation will strive to create, thus developing his faith-worldview, and there will be a possibility of high publicity of achievements. Moreover, the criterion of true creativity can only be its usefulness and necessity for many.

Now the next thing, in order to put the teaching in the way I say, our ancient faith must not just be restored, revived - this is absolutely not enough, and I have repeatedly stressed this indisputable truth! - and it is necessary to develop it truly and comprehensively! At the same time, everyone who thinks, especially the national intelligentsia, and through it and the entire people, must believe and accept that Thinker, a group, a school of Thinkers who can do this and have already begun to actually implement it. It is the modern pagan Faith - enriched Pantheism and Animism, armed with the latest achievements of all sciences! - it is necessary to establish general education schools! Here it is just not necessary to disconnect religion from the state, here it is necessary to make a truly beautiful religion the Essence of education, its entire viviparous platform. Someone here might think that, they say, Zenkin has finally agreed, he is clearly aiming at the Teacher and the prophets. No, this is not so, although I am already quite seriously now - it is necessary to complete a number of large works - I am thinking about the Book of Intimate Knowledge for the Mari, primarily for Mari children, and I am thinking about creating my own school. But these are still strategic plans. The most important task now before me is different - so that everyone, reading this article now, thinks hard, not only does he share its essence with others in his city, village or work, so that they think too. The people need to unite, including through the realization of what I am saying now. I'm still too lonely, although I know many wonderful Mari, but the point is that most of them are either driven only by their own interests and successes, that is, benefit, or just offense (that the wrong president, the wrong head of the republic, the wrong minister ... believe me, your head will change, but nothing will change with your approach!), and this is a sign of weak development. Actions only out of profit and especially from offense lead unambiguously to destruction! You need faith in your strength, you need a kind of royal (that is, which cannot be hurt, offend!) Unshakable greatness - without mistaken exaggeration - in understanding your power. Cast aside grievances, stand near, remember, restore the faith of the fathers (and not just rituals!), Start teaching this faith as a true truth at least to your children and grandchildren, start teaching them the spirituality of all that exists and the need to help all living things with your spirituality! Start teaching them, finally, Caring for life by your own example! Without this, nothing will come of it. Finally, try even through your children to find out what they think about what I am saying now. Tell them this! I assure you, among children, even those who are very beloved by their parents, there will not be a single one who would not like to increase their self-esteem value through belonging to a particularly beautiful religion and faith, through the awareness of community with a truly unique ancient people.

Yes, the most difficult thing in the world of people, ordinary ordinary people, is to find out and understand how powerful the intellect of the one who says something to you and who is now generally around you is. Because of our confidence in our minds, most of us are very hard of hearing others. Therefore, they need mass acceptance as a criterion. But it is here that mistakes and significant delusions begin, this is especially evident now, in our incredibly twisted time in history. Now everyone is hearing and thundering as well-known insignificant personalities, both in politics and in art, hearing and listening to such people is not only not useful, but also archival, corruptingly dangerous. All around lies and profanation! All around churching instead of sincere faith, around educated people instead of genuine scientists, around denationalization instead of the obvious need for nationalization, especially the nationalization of the ruble itself (and selling at current prices is crazy! 10.9% of ALROSA is being sold at 65 rubles per share, Rosneft is next , its 19.5% of securities are striving to buy up Chinese and Indian strategic investors at prices that even outraged the head of this company Igor Sechin, who believes that the fundamental value of his company in these auctions is at least twice understated, etc. see . RBK from 12.07.2016!), All around ...

But then why should I perform, then someone sarcastically asks, they still won't hear? No, just the majority of people are very tired of this lie and the omnipotence of thieves, hypocrites and deceivers, which means that they yearn for a truthful word that will make it possible to more or less understand everything and so truly resist and develop. So, I tell you, grab the magic wand - the spirituality of all that exists - and you will already go much harder!

Yes, many scientists are now talking about planetary thinking and the need for the emergence of noospheric personalities. A lot of works have already been written on this subject, but nowhere can you find how to objectively find out who is who, what are the exact criteria of noospheric intelligence? Is this and the other very wise and intelligent person truly moral? Is it possible to consider, even if he thinks planetary on paper, that this is a noospheric personality? Of course not, this is not enough. Many people write well and even kind of cleverly today, but many of them lie, or pass off lies as truth, or pass off someone else's truth as their own (believe me, there are very, very few people with their truths, and here it is enough to offer to verify clearly and clearly their priceless ideas ...). In fact, a truly developed noospheric personality - and I have already written about this, but I will not tire of repeating this truth - can only be considered a person who truly believes in the spirituality of the whole world, a very highly educated person who, thanks to his obvious talents, led - and very successfully! - by teams of people and was responsible for each subordinate, making jointly the product people need. At the same time, he sincerely cared about each of his employees, he created such excellent working conditions for them and such remuneration for work that he managed to provide everyone in need not only with food and clothing, but also with decent housing and education. That is, only by this obligatory practical criterion can we finally admit that you have a truly wise and highly developed Personality that you can trust. Before you is precisely the formed Noospheric Intelligence. So, everything seems to have been said, it remains only to find such people in every nation and believe them, give them the opportunity to become the true leaders of their nation. In order, finally, to take into our own hands, as the transhumanists, in whom all “civilized Europe now rely,” the vector of evolution. At the same time, these "wise men" clearly forget that man did not create himself and his body, therefore, it is hardly possible that human, reasonably directed evolution, which then obviously requires biological changes, is very, very dangerous due to the unpredictability of the consequences. The biology that we have, its basis has been formed over millennia, albeit after going through qualitative revolutionary changes, and the task is not really in this, not in capturing the vector of evolution, and even less in changing the essence of human biology (in his biology everything is already there to be harmonious and perfect! ), but in order to create through a cohort of noospheric personalities (no world secret government and no thieves' tricks with the help of the Federal Reserve System and other similar financial institutions, in fact, the ephemeral power cannot cope with this force, they are needed only to prepare humanity to a single Wise Board!) the society is the most humane and just, allowing everyone to develop freely and in many ways.

Alexander ZENKIN

(Ecology is OUR first planetary TASK).

PROJECT motto:

Realize, my FRIEND, the TRUTHS are simple!

By thoughts, deeds - affirm your STATUS,

That YOU are the CHILD of the Creator *, confirm with WORK!

Is it noble to fill a number of KALKS?


With healing HANDS - hug the PLANET,

And a new DAY - with a SMILE and HAPPINESS, reward!

Creator *, he is also the Creator.

The Creator comes from the word CREATE, that is, WORK, CREATE, CREATE.

Our Creator is an eternal WORKER.

Therefore, all of us are destined to follow his EXAMPLE.

Energy of planetary THINKING.

The state of HEALTH of our native PLANET is such that we all have to urgently change in order to stop the slide towards our own decline.

In order to see the scale of what is happening, we all should turn on and activate our dormant planetary (cosmic) THINKING.

Man is a CHILD of Nature and that is why, to ensure his presence INSIDE of Nature, he is predetermined - to KNOW natural laws and FOLLOW them.

Each PHENOMENON has its own CAUSES.

In order to undertake to bring the life of the surrounding Nature to EQUILIBRIUM, you first need to see the FIRST REASONS that led to an imbalance in RELATIONSHIP.

Our PRESENT and FUTURE are in our HANDS.


Why do we have such RATES of economic development?

And how do we need to change to transform our COUNTRY and our LIFE?

The comprehensive development of any country is ensured by the aggregate labor of its citizens.

What is the spiritual and physical potential of the country's population, exactly the same is the rate of development of the state.

It is difficult to argue against the obviousness of this fact.

And there is no sense in the objection.

Another thing is very important:

one). Where are the underlying REASONS for low rates of development?

2). How is it possible to ensure high RATES of economic development in the COUNTRY?

The first cause is the MAN himself.

For example, if a PERSON uses alcoholic beverages and expresses his THOUGHTS with the help of obscene WORDS, then his descendants will suffer from this up to the seventh generation.

This is the destruction program.

Anyone who doubts this can check it for any human ancestry.

All kinds of "bad habits", including abusive expressions, lead to deviations in the natural program at the genetic level.

As a result, a trail of destruction is formed, stretching up to the seventh generation.

This is the ESSENCE of degradation.

Why is this phenomenon widespread?

The answer lies in how great our KNOWLEDGE is.

Indeed, the worldview of the MAN and the level of his CONSCIOUSNESS directly depends on the volume of KNOWLEDGE.

The fact is that the behavior of a MAN is governed by his own level of CONSCIOUSNESS.

To clarify the SITUATION:

The level of MAN's CONSCIOUSNESS is his direct KNOWLEDGE about the World Order and about the laws governing all WORLDS and FORMS in the Universe.

A person who is aware of the CAUSES and CONSEQUENCES of the Universal EXISTENCE, knows his purpose and follows a predetermined ROUTE.

Since in educational institutions very little attention is paid to the study of the ESSENCE of the Universal BEING, the result of this is almost universal ignorance.

That is why 90% of the Earth's population are in a state of dormant CONSCIOUSNESS (or imaginary wakefulness).

The less KNOWLEDGE, the more predictable the behavior.

A person who does not know his purpose (for which he incarnated on Earth) will try everything, especially what is forbidden.

Here is all the MORALS and MORALS for you.

Lack of KNOWLEDGE - this is a universal trouble and great tension for the defenders of MORALITY and MORALITY.

A person needs KNOWLEDGE.

The most stable PERSON is a knowledgeable PERSON, since he ALWAYS knows what will follow any of his ACTIONS.

What is the difference between KNOWLEDGE and CONSCIOUSNESS?

Knowledge in its purest form is information.

CONSCIOUSNESS OF A MAN is his KNOWLEDGE, merged with the life FLOW and the life EXPERIENCE acquired by him.

The LIFE FLOW is a predetermined Divine GIVEN.

It is believed that MAN on planet Earth is free in his CHOICE.

This freedom of CHOICE is 30%.

And 70% is the life FLOW, conditioned by the WORLD LAWS.

That is, 70% is the WILL of the Creator, and the free choice of MAN makes up the remaining 30% of the total scope of possibilities.

There are 2 ways to develop LIFE:

one). Through SUFFERING and


Since humanity for the most part is in a state of dormant CONSCIOUSNESS, this explains all the problems and difficulties (including ECOLOGY) that it tries in vain to overcome.

Therefore, the closest TASK of humanity is - a natural transition to the path of KNOWLEDGE.

Namely, here to this TRIUNITY:

one). To the realization of your Divine origin.

2). To the realization of your GREAT SPIRIT, that is, to become GOOD and always act GREATLY (in accordance with your ESSENCE).

Man is a PART of the World SOUL.

And his physical BODY is an “instrument” with the help of which the SOUL realizes its life PROGRAMS.

3). To the development of your speech apparatus to a perfect command of the WORD.

The word is a "tool" for DEVELOPMENT and management of spatial REALITY.

four). The transition to a healthy lifestyle.

five). To the return of UNITY with Nature.

6). To the general acquisition of KNOWLEDGE about the spatial essence of the Universal BEING.

4, 5 and 6 points are a logical consequence arising from the great triune TASK of mankind.

Truths are SIMPLE - realize FOREVER,


Significant changes in CLIMATE in recent years directly indicate that Nature needs urgent recovery.

After all, the PRESENT and FUTURE of humanity directly depends on the state of HEALTH of the Earth's ecosystem.

Here are just a few FACTS that indicate that we all need to urgently change and take on the health of the surrounding Nature:

one). 40 million years ago, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere was 2 times more than it is now.

Moreover, in recent decades, the oxygen content in the atmosphere has been decreasing with ACCELERATION.

2). Over the past quarter century, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 8%.

That is, the AIR is becoming less and less breathable.

Residents of megalopolises suffer the most.

The result of environmental pollution are factors such as lethargy of PEOPLE, their rapid aging and poor THINKING.

3). Toxic SUBSTANCES accumulate in the body of marine fish due to pollution of the OCEANS.

In particular, 3 carcinogens were found in tuna, which act destructively on the HUMAN immune system.

WHO is already thinking about banning sea FISH for food.

Heaven knows where the POINT of no return is.

Why, we must be ashamed of the state of our Native Abode.

THEREFORE, the primary TASK of mankind is to improve the Earth's ECOSYSTEM.

Our immediate FUTURE directly depends on the HEALTH of the planet, that is, our ability to be present and welcome on Earth.

In order to correctly restore the ecological balance on the PLANET, KNOWLEDGE is also needed.

It turns out that only KNOWLEDGE is able to ensure the conservation of the surrounding Nature and LIFE itself.

The very first STEP is the complete restoration of FORESTS on the entire PLANET.

Thus, WE will stop the MOVEMENT towards our SUNSET and will begin to expand and deepen our PROSPECTS for the FUTURE.

Also required - the widespread creation of GARDENS and FOREST PARKS.

All vacant lots and ravines should be turned into the "service" of Nature and MAN.

Gradually replace potatoes with other vegetables, fruits and berries.

Fruits and berries are many times healthier than potatoes.

Blood vessels suffer from potatoes, which leads to oppression of the body and to weakening the power of the WILL of the MAN himself.

In the place of potato fields, GARDENS and vegetable and berry plantations should be laid.

Switch to electric transport for in-garden work.

Use solar panels to charge batteries.

To do this, build canopies with solar panels.

Drying and processing shops can be created under the canopy roofs.

With a creative approach, and even with the SOUL and LOVE, it is possible to turn human LIFE into an amazing and fascinating ACTION, moreover, in collaboration with MOTHER Nature.

After all, human generosity, attention and care await: FORESTS, all WATER BODIES and vast Earthly SPACES, including DESERT.

All FORMS of life - look with hope at the PERSON and at his BEHAVIOR.

Our entire blue-eyed PLANET counts on the fact that Nature and MAN are one RHYTHM with the same breath, heartbeat and a common striving for the shining FUTURE.

Our native PLANET is a living ORGANISM that gives birth to a variety of FORMS of life and ensures their DEVELOPMENT.

Planet Earth is a LIVING manifested Nature (at BIRTH or GIVING).

The result of the CONSCIOUSNESS of this DATA is - the UNIVERSAL triumph of PEACE on ALL of our native PLANET.

(((As soon as a PERSON - became ashamed of his consumer attitude to EVERYTHING around him and to LIFE itself, from this MOMENT - his CONSCIOUSNESS - WAKE UP))).

Just one PHASE explains:

one). What is CONSCIENCE and

2). What is the DIFFERENCE between sleeping and awakened CONSCIOUSNESS.

This KEY THOUGHT deserves to be placed - at the HEADBAND of every BED and on every DOOR.


Overcoming (solving) such a SITUATION is as follows:

In patient widespread dissemination of KNOWLEDGE about the ESSENCE of the World Order (universal BEING), as a single ENERGY FLOW named LIFE.

Understanding the laws and the whole ESSENCE of being, should become the first and, at the same time, TYPICAL universal KNOWLEDGE.

one). All researchers should always REMEMBER that all WORLDS and FORMS of life are LIVING entities.

2). All EXISTING, that is, FORMS of life, are EQUAL, in their presence, in the world space.

3). Dynamic EQUILIBRIUM in the Universe is provided by the interaction of all FORMS of life.

four). The development of LIFE itself is ensured by the MUTUAL USEFULNESS of all ESSENCES of the Universe.

five). In turn, the Universe itself is a living full-volume ESSENCE, which is a wave STREAM of development (the eternal flow of LIFE).

6). The predominance of the spiritual BEGINNING over the material BEGINNING in 2% (51 to 49), most likely, provides an IMPULSE of movement and DEVELOPMENT ("twisting MOMENT" of the life FLOW).

7). God the FATHER (sensual ASPECT - "God is LOVE"), God the SON (material ASPECT) and uniting them - God the Holy SPIRIT (spiritual ASPECT).

Spirit is information, that is, KNOWLEDGE.

For a stable PRESENT and a confident FUTURE, it is important - a universal UNDERSTANDING of a simple TRUTH:

The present is provided - with LOVE for LIFE and for our MOTHER named Nature.

In practice, this looks SIMPLE enough:

It is necessary to stop drilling the living PLANET and switch to renewable eternal sources of ENERGY.

The simple ESSENCE is that WE ourselves are ENERGY and, literally, float in the OCEANS, kindred to us, ENERGY.

Human, YOU are the SON of the Great Creator.


What else, YOU are looking for an IDOL?

Be for Nature - HELP, BROTHER,

Glad, in the Open spaces, YOU - every ATOM!

Great SOUL, doing great CREATIONS!