Do-it-yourself shelving in the garage - a reliable and durable design at no extra cost! Canister locker Paths for neat summer residents.

It just so happened that a garage is not only a house for an "iron horse", but also for files, clamps, screws, bolts, screws, drills, drills, hammers, axes, grinders, engine oil, technical fluids, old rusty discs and other useful and important things. In addition, the garage is the last refuge for an old bicycle, suddenly grandchildren will ride on it, an electric kettle that broke down last year, a worn-out chair from the living room, nightstands with torn off doors and other furniture left over after repairs. Does this sound familiar? It turns out almost a communal apartment. So, in order to calmly drive in a car, not being afraid to run over self-tapping screws lying in bulk on the floor, or on a jigsaw that fell from the bedside table, you should think about installing shelving for the garage and placing all the usefulness on them so that they do not interfere and at the same time were readily available.

Have you ever been to "exemplary" garages, where you go and understand that you do not mind staying here to live? At home, a man may throw his dirty socks around and not know where his things that he wears every day are, but his garage is not a place for chaos. Everything should be there in its place, neatly laid out and, if necessary, even signed, in the first accessibility zone. To rationally accommodate all the inhabitants of the garage, you will have to use the space from floor to ceiling, equipping racks and shelves. How to do this is of interest to any zealous owner.

What are the garage racks

There are several shelving designs that are advisable to install in the garage:

Stationary shelving represent a frame of vertical posts and horizontal crossbars, on which the shelves are attached. Such racks are designed to withstand maximum gravity, so all the pressure of the weight of loaded racks falls on the floor, the shelves are fixed in them, which is called "tightly", and the vertical racks are additionally attached to the wall using brackets. Most often, metal shelving is used for the garage, but if you do not plan to store too heavy things, then wooden ones can also be made.

Prefabricated - collapsible racks They differ from stationary ones in that the vertical posts in them are made of perforated metal, so that using bolts, nuts and mounting angles, the shelves can be attached to them at any height. It is this type of shelving that the modern market offers in abundance.

Garage racks: photos - examples

Mobile shelving equipped with wheels, so that they can be moved from place to place without first unloading. This design feature imposes certain restrictions on the permissible weight. Such racks can be purchased ready-made and assembled as a designer yourself.

for storing "small things". A small vertical rack, somewhat reminiscent of a CD rack, can be used for screws, bolts, nails and for small hand tools, keys, screwdrivers, etc. Having scrolled the rack around its axis, you will have access to any tool, you will not have to search for a long time or get it out, shifting the rubbish that is unnecessary at the moment.

Hanging shelves hardly belong to the classical understanding of the word "shelving", but for the rational use of space in the garage, they are irreplaceable. All unnecessary or infrequently useful things can be stored on shelves along the entire garage under the ceiling, above the level of the car, at such a height that would not interfere with the free passage and maintenance of the car. Hanging shelves are attached to the wall using special fasteners. The weight that such shelves can withstand is much less than that of a stationary rack. But if you plan to store only light parts and tools, then sometimes the entire rack along the wall from the floor to the ceiling of the garage is made hinged.

When choosing which garage rack to prefer, you need to focus on the amount and weight of the cargo with which you are going to fill it, as well as the amount of free space that can be used for storage.

How to make a shelving in a garage

As with any important business, making a storage for "useful things" begins with a project. First of all, we look around in the garage, take a look at all its contents with our master's eyes and find out what size rack we need. We measure the free space. The ideal solution would be to free completely or almost completely one wall of the garage and leave it under the rack. The height of the shelves depends on the dimensions of the cargo to be stored. For example, the bottom shelf of the rack is always made high to accommodate "rubber", canisters and more.

We calculate how many shelves we need and what depth. Stock up on sizes and draw a sketch on paper. Most often, such racks are made for the garage:

Length of a rack along the entire length of the wall minus 5 - 10 cm for ease of installation.

Height shelving from floor to ceiling.

Shelf width(the distance from one vertical support to another) depends on the weight of the load and should be no more than 1.5 m. The most common option is 1 m.

Shelf depths 50 - 60 cm is enough to store most of the tools and things. A large depth is impractical, since it is inconvenient to reach from a depth, but racks of a shallower depth of 30 - 40 cm are suitable for hand tools and fasteners.

Shelf height it is made from 25 cm to 60 cm between the higher shelves and about 80 - 100 cm - the lower shelf for storing bulky items.

When the sketch with the required dimensions is ready, it's time to think about how to bring this idea to life.

Prefabricated garage shelving - a minimum of hassle

The easiest way to get a shelf is, of course, to buy one. Gone are the days when everything was in short supply, you had to dodge and do from what came to hand. The modern market is ready to provide racks for every taste and color. And the latter in the literal sense. Ready-made prefabricated racks are made in different colors that can fit into any interior, for example, imitation wood.

Prefabricated racks are made of galvanized metal coated with paint and varnish or polymer coating. The shelves are also made of galvanized sheet metal. Perforated racks allow shelves to be installed at any height. The indisputable advantage of metal racks is their resistance to corrosion, the influence of high humidity, mold, as well as complete fire safety. After all, barrels and cans with fuels and lubricants are stored in the garage.

The designs of some types of shelving allow the use of a different type of shelves: wood, chipboard or plywood. For prefabricated garage racks, the price depends on their capacity and width. Most often they are made in the following sizes: width 900, 1500 and 1800 mm.

After purchasing such a rack, you only have to assemble it into a single structure, for which you will need pliers and a screwdriver. All elements of the rack are assembled as a Lego set, and fasteners: mounting angles, bolts and nuts are included.

Important! It is more convenient to assemble the finished rack in a horizontal position and then lift it up.

First, we assemble the vertical racks, and then we attach the shelves to them at the required distance. Please note that, despite the fact that it is more convenient to store large-sized items directly on the floor, for greater stability of the structure, a shelf must be attached to the bottom of the rack, it will serve as a spacer for vertical racks.

Metal frame rack with wooden shelves

If ready-made shelving options do not suit you for one reason or another, and you want to make garage shelves with your own hands, then it makes sense to immediately do it "for centuries", i.e. use the most durable materials that can withstand enormous loads.

For vertical posts, you can use a metal corner with a shelf from 30 to 50 mm or a rectangular profile (easier to work with) with a larger side of 40-50 mm.

To fix the shelves, a frame should be made of a metal corner with a shelf of 15 - 25 mm. The shelf frame can be welded to the uprights or drilled and bolted. The second method, although it has a dubious advantage: it will be possible to change the height of the shelves, but it is more laborious. If the farm has a welding machine and an inverter, it is still better to weld the rack.

The shelves can be made directly from a wooden board from 15 to 25 mm thick (the thicker, the stronger). But you can also use chipboard, laminated or ordinary plywood. Wooden shelves will need to be painted or even pre-oiled to protect them from fungus and moisture.

  1. First of all, we stock up on all the necessary building materials, according to the drawn drawing.
  2. We cut the metal to the required size using a grinder (trimming can be done at a metal warehouse, but this service is paid there).
  3. We mark the vertical racks, put marks where the shelves are to be attached.
  4. We weld pieces of the corner, which serves as a frame for the shelves, to the uprights. Be sure to control the horizontal position so that the tool does not fall off the shelves later.

  1. When the entire metal frame is ready, it must be primed and painted to protect it from corrosion.
  2. Next, we cut the wooden shelves. They can be placed both along the frame and across. But the second option is more stable, so the shelves will bend less.
  3. We try on the shelves to the frame, if everything converges, there is no need to file anywhere, then before fixing them we first treat them with impregnation or paint.
  4. After the shelves are dry, we fasten them to the frame with self-tapping screws, tightly fitting them to each other.

That's it - the rack can be loaded. For greater stability, you can attach it to the wall with brackets to the vertical posts.

Wooden racks are made only if they want to save on metal, but wood is cheaper. Then, for vertical racks, a beam of at least 100 mm thick is used (if the rack is from floor to ceiling), and for shelves, a board of 15 - 25 mm, plywood or chipboard.

A wooden rack is a structure, although it is strong, but its carrying capacity is much less than a metal one, and even a fire hazard is great. It can be used to store small tools and materials.

To fix the shelves to the wooden frame, metal fixing angles (the same as in prefabricated structures) and M5 bolts 60 mm long are used.

How to make a hanging shelf under the garage ceiling

Special brackets are used to mount the hinged shelves, which can have completely different designs. Our task is to select those that are able to maximally compensate for the pressure of the load and distribute it over the surface of the wall (along the bracket), so as not to concentrate at one point.

We measure and draw a strictly horizontal line on the wall, along which we will attach the brackets. It is best to fix it with anchors, and not with self-tapping screws, so it is safer. After all the fasteners are installed, you can lay a shelf - wood or plywood on them. We attach it to the brackets with self-tapping screws.

For greater structural strength, you can first attach 15x15 mm corners to the brackets, and already a wooden shelf on top. This trick will only affect the fact that the shelf will not bend under the weight of the load.

A rack is an integral attribute of a garage if the car owner likes to do it himself and repair his car. When installing the rack, it is important to place it on a flat surface, i.e. it is desirable that there is a high-quality cement-sand screed on the floor. It is better to plaster the walls before installing a stationary rack.

The garage is used not only for its primary functions, but all kinds of building materials and tools are also kept in it. Often, sports equipment finds its refuge here, and, of course, a wide variety of things that have become obsolete in the house, but left to be stored "just in case." The picture is quite familiar to many owners. But so that these and similar items do not impede the exit and entry of the car, it is necessary to equip a rack in the garage, where you can place all the things. In addition to convenience, this will keep things tidy and everything will have its place. Installing racks is quite simple.


Before starting the direct work, it is necessary to draw up a project. After looking around in the garage, estimate the number of items that will be placed on the shelves. The size of the structure depends on this. Further free space is measured. The optimal solution is to free completely or at least at least one of the walls of the garage for shelves. Their height depends on the size of the cargo that will be placed. If a rack is being made for wheels in a garage, then the lower shelf is left high. This allows you to accommodate "rubber", canisters and other bulky things. Next, let's look at how to make a shelving unit in a garage.

Construction parameters

Calculate the number of shelves required, as well as their depth. It is better to choose the size with a margin. Sketch on paper. 5-10 cm are subtracted from the total length of the wall for easy installation. This is the horizontal dimension of the future rack. The height occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling. The distance between the two supports (vertical), that is, the width, depends on the weight of the load. It should not be more than 1.5 meters. Usually they make 1 m. Do not make too deep shelves. After all, it will be very difficult to get something from the depths. 50-60 cm is enough for most things and tools. For small accessories, you can make a depth of 30-40 cm. The height of the lower shelf is from 80 to 100 cm, in other cases, 25-60 cm is enough, depending on the expected filling.

Metal rack in the garage. Design features

You can install a ready-made rack in the garage. However, it may not fit in size, for example. In this case, it is better to install shelving in the garage with your own hands. The work should be done immediately with high quality, using reliable and durable materials. It is necessary to choose durable components that will not break under the pressure of a large load, and will also be resistant to mechanical damage. When making uprights, it can be used with a shelf from 30-50 mm. A profile with a rectangular section, the large side of which is 40-50 mm, is also suitable. The latter option will be less difficult to install.

To fix the shelves, you need to make a frame. It can be made from a metal corner with a 15-25 mm shelf. The uprights and frame can be connected in several ways. Most often, welding is used for installation, or holes are drilled and the structure is bolted. The latter option implies the possibility of changing the height of the shelves, but it requires a lot of effort in installation. If you have a welding machine and an inverter, then it is more convenient to resort to welding. The shelves themselves can be made from boards with a thickness of 15-20 mm. The thicker they are, the stronger and more durable the structure. However, you can also use chipboard, ordinary or. Before installation, they must be painted, as well as additionally "oiled". This will prevent the growth of fungus and keep out moisture.

From preparation to business

When the plan and all the components are ready, all the necessary tools are collected, you can begin to install the rack in the garage. With the help of a grinder, metal is cut to the desired size. You can contact a metal warehouse, but the service will be paid. Then the estimated location of the uprights is marked. Marks are also made for the attachment point of the shelves. Sections of the corner are welded to the uprights. They will serve as a frame for the shelves. It is imperative to control the horizontal position. After all, they must be even, otherwise the tool will roll. After the installation is completed, it is primed and painted. This will protect the structure from corrosion. The second stage is cutting wooden shelves. Their location can be both along and across the frame. The latter option does not allow the shelves to bend, which means that the whole structure will be more stable. Attach the shelf to the frame. If they fit perfectly and there is no need to resize, then you can proceed with the installation. However, before that, the components are treated with impregnation or painted.

Finishing touches

After waiting for the shelves to dry, they can be screwed to the frame using self-tapping screws. The fastening must be tight. To provide greater stability, the rack in the garage is attached to the wall with brackets for vertical posts. This completes the installation, and you can use the shelves as intended.

Wooden shelving in the garage. Installation features

This option is considered budgetary. If there is no desire or opportunity to spend money on metal, then you can resort to this method. But with the device for vertical racks, a beam of at least 100 mm thick must be used - provided that the entire structure is placed from floor to ceiling. For shelves, plywood or chipboard with a thickness of 15-25 mm is used. Made of wood, the structure is robust but has a low load capacity. In addition, there is a risk of fire. Typically, such a rack in a garage is designed to store small tools and materials. To fix the shelves to the frame, you also need M5 bolts, the length of which is 60 mm.

Additional under the ceiling

When choosing brackets, it is necessary to focus on those that will compensate for the pressure of the load and will distribute it over the entire surface. This will avoid concentrating the weight at one point. The design of the brackets can be very different. A horizontal line is marked on the ceiling. On it, in fact, the brackets are attached. It is safer to use not self-tapping screws during installation, but anchors.

After completing this installation, you can install the wood or plywood shelf. It is already attached with self-tapping screws. To add strength to the created structure, you can use corners of 15x15 mm, then place a wooden shelf on them. This will avoid sagging under the weight of objects. Before installing the rack in the garage, it is advisable to plaster the wall. In this case, the floor covering must be even. A garage rack is an important indoor fixture. It will be a good helper for any car owner.

At the summer cottage, the owner is given the opportunity to experiment in terms of landscape design, to implement the ideas proposed by various folk craftsmen. Especially those gardeners and amateur gardeners who like to visit hotels in Lazarevskoye, who have a desire to rationally use every square meter, can give free rein to their imagination. Interesting homemade products for a summer residence begin with arranging the beds.

Few of the real owners do not dream of making optimal use of the available free space on their personal plot. For this, in the arsenal of the summer resident there is a non-standard solution called vertical beds.

Garden beds

A variant of beds from hanging on a wire, on chains of drainpipes or on long poles. They will be comfortable mainly for spicy herbs and ornamental plants. When designing, two points must be taken into account. Firstly, the length should be such that the beds do not clutter up the territory and do not interfere with the movement of the owners. Secondly, the place where the structure is installed, with a minimum wind intensity to avoid destruction.

Stages of creating pipe beds:

  1. Cut all pipes along the entire length into two identical halves. Close each blank on both sides with plugs.
  2. Put metal holders on the containers.
  3. Drill holes for metal fasteners.
  4. Pull a wire, strong rope or metal cable through each hole, and then securely fix it with fasteners.
  5. Lay out the bottom of each container with a drainage layer of expanded clay, on top of which to pour soil.
  6. Planting plants.

The tubular containers do not need to be suspended in the manner suggested above. They can be simply installed on the crossbars of a wooden U-shaped structure.

Polyethylene beds

By itself, plastic wrap is not particularly durable. Therefore, the optimal polyethylene thickness is considered to be at least 0.2 mm.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut two pieces of rectangular film. In this case, the length is slightly larger than that indicated in the drawing, i.e. Leave 1.5-2 cm for an allowance. The bed should have a diameter of about 20 cm.
  2. By connecting the bottom and sides of both pieces of polyethylene (by melting or stitching), forming a kind of bag.
  3. Attach a handle at the top, which should support the weight of the suspended bed along with wet soil and plants. Moreover, each watering with water increases the weight of the bed.
  4. Having prepared the fertile soil together with fertilizers in the necessary way, pour it into a bag.
  5. In a horizontal direction, with twenty centimeter intervals, make cuts in which to plant seedlings.
  6. Moisten the plants periodically and apply fertilizers.

Such beds are not only easy to design, but also not expensive.

Paths for neat summer residents

Track made of car tires

This is a very economical version of the path that can be laid out in the garden or in the garden. Even a woman can make such interesting and useful homemade products. It will take very little time to make it.

Use a sharp and powerful knife or saw to cut off the side parts of the tire.
Cut the formed ring, level and spread on the ground.
Paint the corrugated surface, then sprinkle evenly with fine stone chips on top.

Bottle Cap Tracks

The tracks, laid out with simple and almost free material, look original.
Plastic lids can be painted in different colors.
Creation of a concrete base: build a formwork along the dug shallow trench, fill in a layer of rubble and tamp it. Pour mortar (water, sand, cement and glue) into the formwork.
Without waiting for the concrete to harden, press the corks into it.

Homemade products for the garage

Almost every household has plastic cans for any kind of liquid. They make various useful things, tools. Interesting homemade products for the garage will help organize the space and put things in order.

Canister shelf

In addition to a five-liter plastic canister, you will need a thin board or plywood.

  1. Wash the canister thoroughly.
  2. Along the entire container with a sharp (in height) knife, cut it into two identical halves.
  3. Make shallow cuts on the plank or sheet of plywood that will serve as the base. It is convenient to perform such an operation using a woodworking machine.
  4. After applying glue (according to the instructions), insert the lower part of the plastic container into the grooves.
  5. Spray paint evenly on the surface from a can. The design is designed only for storage of parts with low weight.

Canister rack

For the proposed rack design, you will need 40 plastic canisters.

  1. Cut out a stencil from the cardboard in the form of a rectangle, the dimensions of which should be slightly smaller than the cross-section of the canister.
  2. Use a sharp knife to pierce the canister at the top.
  3. Attach a paper stencil tightly to the hole left with a knife and draw a contour around it with a marker.
  4. In each canister, cut a hole along the contour with scissors.
  5. Fold the canisters in rows with the same length, connecting each of them with a rope.
  6. So that the rows do not crumble during operation, they must be additionally tied around the entire perimeter.
  7. A homemade cabinet can be placed against the wall itself, then it will be possible to drill holes in several places and attach it with dowels to it.
  8. Place some heavy objects in the bottom row to stabilize the cabinet.

Retractable drawers can also be made from canisters. In this case, the holes are cut in the side. Knock down the rows of shelves from the boards so that the canisters-drawers fit right in there. The canisters should be opened with the handles outward.

Circular saw blade storage cabinet

The peculiarity of such a cabinet is that each pull-out shelf has a very low height, since the shelf is designed only to store one circle. These are very useful and interesting homemade products. Technical tools and accessories will be convenient for every man to store.

The manufacturing process is reduced to the following stages:

Make a rectangular wooden frame.
Mount grooves for shelves on the lateral vertical sides.
Make sliding shelves from plywood, chipboard or wood so that they fit closely into the grooves.
Attach stop strips to the front of each shelf. When all shelves are pushed in, then there should be small gaps between adjacent slats.

Open cabinet for storing drills

Different attachments for power tools (cutters, drills, bits, etc.) will be neatly sorted, each can be quickly found if necessary.

The open cabinet is a wooden board. At some distance from each other, horizontal wooden blocks with vertical blind (top) holes are screwed into which nozzles will be inserted.

Screwdriver holder

By analogy with the previous design, you can make a screwdriver holder with your own hands. The difference is that for the manufacture of horizontal shelves-holders it is necessary to use plywood strips in which to drill through holes or make cuts, the dimensions of which should correspond to the cross-sections of screwdrivers.

Interesting do-it-yourself homemade products can be easily made from scrap materials. This will save you money and create extraordinary things.

A summer cottage is the territory where you can give yourself freedom to carry out numerous experiments and dream up to your heart's content. This manifests itself not only in interior design, but mainly in the design of the garden or vegetable garden. Inquisitive and resourceful owners have not been guided by expensive and standard methods for arranging their sites for a long time, since there are many alternative solutions for virtually all areas of activity.

There are several types of vertical beds that optimize the use of free space. Non-standard designs are an excellent opportunity to create an interesting design for a garden, a vegetable garden, a summer cottage.

This type of garden bed is mostly used for growing ornamental plants or herbs.

Materials for making:

The length of the drainpipes is regulated in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the site. However, cumbersome beds should not be made, as they can complicate movement across the territory.

Creating a garden bed

Stage 1. Create a container. To do this, we take a drainpipe, cut it in half lengthwise and put on special plugs on both sides.

Stage 2. We take the prepared metal holders, put them on the resulting frames for the beds.

Stage 3. We make holes in the pipe. They are made in those places where metal fasteners will be located.

Stage 4. We pass a cable or a strong rope through the holes made.

Stage 5. We fix the cable / rope with fasteners.

Stage 6. We fill the resulting beds with expanded clay and soil.

Stage 7. We plant the plants in the beds.

Stage 8. We hang the pipes to the chosen place. Sometimes a special wooden crossbar is placed for this, or rather a construction in the shape of the letter "P".

Step 9. Alternatively, you can make a special design for the pipes.

Important! A bed of drainpipes is not resistant to strong gusty winds, so you should choose a place for it that is not blown from four sides by winds. Otherwise, the frame will quickly collapse, nullifying all your efforts.

A bed made of a plastic bag is another modification of vertical beds. It is extremely compact, functional and externally interesting. You can make such a bed in a couple of hours.

Materials for making:

  • durable plastic wrap;
  • sewing machine;
  • priming;
  • seedling.

In order for the bed to be solid, it is recommended to pay special attention to the thickness of the polyethylene film, which in this case will act as the "frame" of the structure. The minimum film thickness is 0.2 mm.

The process of creating a plastic bed

Step 1 . We cut out 2 rectangular film segments, the size of which corresponds to the size of the created bed. An allowance of one and a half to two centimeters should be left on each side. The recommended bed diameter is twenty centimeters.

Step 2. Sew the rectangles together, leaving only the upper part of the bag unconnected.

Step 3. Sew a handle to the future garden bed, the strength of which will support the weight of the bag filled with soil. It should also be borne in mind that when watering, the weight will increase.

Step 4. Fill the bag with fertilized soil.

Step 5. We make horizontal cuts on the bag in twenty centimeters increments. They are necessary in order to plant seedlings in the garden bed.

Step 6. We plant seedlings.

Step 7. Water the soil regularly and add the necessary fertilizers.

With these simple steps, you can get a cheap and useful garden bed.

An integral part of every summer cottage is a compost heap. This is the place where all kinds of biochemical reactions take place that ensure the creation of fertilizers.

To create fertilizers that will satisfy all the requirements for them, you should carefully consider several key steps: creating a container and directly making the correct compost itself. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Stage 1. Take eight support posts of the same length.

Stage 2. We treat the lower part of the wooden posts with engine oil or tar.

Stage 3. We dig the posts into the ground so that they are reliable and stable. If the compost bin will be located next to the fence, then 4 posts (i.e. one side) can be attached to the fence. This will avoid having to dig 4 holes.

Stage 4. Between each two adjacent posts we nail the crossbeams so that we end up with three independent sections. Be sure to leave slots that will function as ventilation holes.

Stage 5. In two sections, we nail the boards horizontally to half the height of the posts. In these places, it is planned to create two small doors.

Step 6. The remaining section will have a large door, so only one plank should be nailed down. It should be located at the very bottom in a horizontal position, that is, like a regular crossbar.

Stage 7. Installing the covers. You can use one large solid board for this.

Stage 8. Install the pre-prepared doors.

Stage 9. We provide doors with handles and latches.

Stage 10. We process wood using special impregnations.

Step 11. Paint the box any color that suits your preferences.

Many gardeners mistakenly believe that any component can be dumped into a compost heap. In fact, to create the right biofertilizer, you need to carefully select the "ingredients".

Among the mandatory components of a compost heap are the following:

  • peat;
  • ash;
  • needles;
  • tree branches;
  • leaves;
  • hay or grass;
  • wood ash;
  • plant roots;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, etc.

All elements are randomly mixed on the heap. To speed up chemical reactions, it is recommended to cover the pile with a tarpaulin (this is especially true in the absence of a box).

Trips to the country house with the family involve the presence of entertainment elements on the site that will delight children. The most common way to keep young summer residents busy is with a swing.

Building a swing yourself is not an easy task, but quite doable. Of course, you can always take a stick, tie it with a rope and hang the structure on a tree, but this can hardly be called a full swing. True craftsmen prefer to build comfortable structures with a comfortable seating position.

Constructive components:

  • two logs;
  • strong rope.


  • diameter of logs - 85 mm;
  • length of logs - 700 mm;
  • distance between ropes - 500 mm.

Making a swing

Stage 1. We stretch the ropes between the logs.

Stage 2. We wrap each log with ropes.

Stage 3. We release the ropes out.

Stage 4. We tighten the ropes by 3 knots.

Stage 5. We fix the swing on the tree.

Important: such a swing is designed for only one person.

Garden path from scrap materials

There are several types of garden paths that you can easily do with your own hands.

Step 1. Remove the sidewall from the tire using a knife or saw.

Step 2. Cut the tires.

Step 3. We line the space with grooved stripes.

Step 4. We paint the path with paint.

Step 5. Sprinkle with stone chips.

This is an economical option for those who do not want to rack their brains and spend time on a full-fledged garden path. The tire track is usually used for vegetable gardens, as it easily fits into the ground.

Stage 1. We paint the corks in different colors.

Stage 2. We dig a small trench.

Stage 3. We drive in supports to strengthen the future track.

Stage 4. We build the formwork using boards.

Stage 5. Install spacers along the edges of the trench.

Stage 6. We place crushed stone deep into the trench and carefully tamp it.

Stage 7. We make a mortar from sand, cement, glue and water.

Stage 8. Pour the solution into the trench.

Stage 9. Press in the plugs in random order. Even multi-colored stripes look interesting.

These are the easiest and fastest ways to make a garden path without purchasing expensive materials.

DIY tools

The expression "everything will come in handy on the farm" turns out to be as relevant as possible when it comes to canisters. From this plastic container, you can make a large number of irreplaceable tools that are actively used in the process of summer cottage work.

To make this tool, we only need a sharp knife and the container itself.

Stage 1. Cut off the bottom of the canister.

Stage 2. We mark the cut line for the scoop on the container so that the handle from the canister is the handle of the future tool.

Stage 3. Cut off excess material.

As a result of these simple steps, we get an excellent scoop with a comfortable handle.



Stage 1. Carefully wash the canister so that there is no smell left in it.

Stage 2. We cut the canister vertically into two parts.

Stage 3. We make a groove on the plank using a woodworking machine.

Stage 4. Apply glue to the plywood and insert into the bottom of the canister.

Stage 5. We paint the resulting shelf with a spray can.

Of course, such a structure will not withstand a lot of weight, but it is quite suitable for storing small parts.


  • 40 cans;
  • scissors;
  • rope;
  • paper;
  • marker.

Stage 1. We pierce the upper part of the cans with a knife.

Stage 2. We make a stencil out of paper.

Stage 3. We apply it to the canister, outline it with a marker.

Step 4. Cut out large holes with scissors.

Stage 5. We put the prepared cans in several rows, tying each row by prying the rope under the handles of the containers.

Stage 6. We tie all the rows around the perimeter for greater strength.

Stage 7. If the cabinet is planned to lean against the wall, then we drill it to the surface.

Stage 8. We put heavy objects in the bottom row - stones or bricks.

The result is a fairly spacious and functional rack that will help get rid of the issue of storing many small parts.

Be resourceful and courageous in bringing your ideas to life. Good luck!

Video - DIY homemade products for giving

Video - We do it ourselves for a summer residence

Almost every man has a toolbox in his home or garage. Therefore, it is worth keeping them in perfect order. How best to do this, a new review will tell. Surely everyone will be able to find in it examples of the organization of storage that interested him.

1. Plastic canisters

Cut canisters are perfect for storing nails, screws, bolts and nuts. And in order not to dig for a long time in search of what is needed, it is better to mark the containers.

2. Wooden shelf

The narrow, perforated wood shelf is a great place to store your screwdrivers.

3. Stand

To prevent pliers from being scattered throughout the garage, make a special wooden stand for them.

4. Railing

A thin metal rod is perfect for hanging paint brushes.

5. Individual cells

From the remains of PVC pipes, you can make convenient cells for safe storage of a small power tool.

6. Wooden shelving

A homemade wooden rack for storing wrenches will allow you to forget about the clutter and tedious search for the right tool forever.

7. Open locker

An open wooden cabinet is perfect for storing spray paints, which are often scattered randomly in the garage.

8. Mobile stand

A small stand on wheels is perfect for storing hand tools. Such a rack is very compact and will allow you to always have the right tool at hand.

9. Wooden stand

Stylish wooden stand with shelf that is suitable for storing a variety of different tools. Such a product will not only help to streamline hand tools, but will also become a real decoration of the male monastery.

10. Homemade rack

An unnecessary pallet can be turned into a handy stand for storing garden tools, which often take up a lot of garage space.

11. Hanger

A simple wooden block with metal hooks will permanently solve the problem of storing a power tool.

12. Clothes hangers

Simple manipulations with an ordinary clothes hanger will turn it into a convenient organizer for storing electrical tape and tape.

13. Storage system

Forks, shovels, rakes and other garden tools are not very stable and also take up a lot of space in the garage. Sturdy wooden wall hooks will help you place your garden tools along the walls of your garage or shed.

14. Folding table

A homemade wood folding table and wall mounted hand tool storage rack is a terrific idea for small garage owners.

15. Glass jars

Ordinary glass jars with metal lids are perfect for storing various little things. For greater convenience and reliability, the lids of the cans should be screwed to the shelves.

16. Vertical storage

The average garage looks pretty cluttered. A competent organization of storage systems will help to solve this problem. Instead of another closet, equip the walls with various shelves and hooks, which will neatly accommodate a variety of things, from tools to huge boats and bicycles.

17. Magnets

Magnetic tape or individual small magnets are a great idea for storing bits for screwdrivers, drills, and other small metal parts.

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