Photo-gallery of bedrooms. Interior decoration of a small bedroom (real photos)

In every house (apartment) there is a special place where, after a hard day, you can take a comfortable posture, closing your eyes to relax to recuperate.

Deep, dreamless sleep is an important part of life, taking about a third of your life. Therefore, the design of the bedroom interior must be taken especially seriously.

Competent approach to bedroom decoration

Everything is important in this room, you should start with an assessment of the dimensions of the room and its lighting.

All further details of the interior must be thought out in advance: furniture, color palette, interior decoration, choice of materials. The harmonious combination will give you complete rest and a beautiful unusual interior.

When decorating a small bedroom, you should not overload the room with a lot of furniture. Bright or dark shades, large catchy wallpaper patterns are completely inappropriate.

There are many methods for decorating a bedroom competently. This is reading articles on the Internet, you can go to furniture stores. Designer advice will not hurt to define your own style and color.

Selection of materials for the bedroom

Let's analyze in detail the nuances of decorating a bedroom in an apartment (house). Modern materials are striking in their variety, they are different in texture, color and quality characteristics.

Depending on the tastes of the owners of the house, you can create a certain direction for the whole image: romantic, strict, mysterious or defiantly fashionable with bright extraordinary details.

An important criterion is the choice of soundproofing materials for decorating the walls in the bedroom. To remove sounds and noise, it is better to make the walls textured.

How to choose a style for a bedroom?

Rooms are decorated in any style, so the choice is huge for every taste. The most commonly used bedroom styles are:

  • classic;
  • minimalism;
  • provence;
  • modern;
  • high tech;
  • antique.

Let's take a look at some bedroom design ideas.

For the classics, there should be a harmony of beauty with the greatest functionality. Noble interior in pastel colors, which is traditionally chosen by most people.

To add respectability to the design, you can use luxurious decorative elements, marble or artistic parquet.

Young people prefer minimalism. It is characterized by the denial of "unnecessary" objects, only everything that can be attributed to the necessary.

Usually "cold" interior: white-gray shades, light blue or cream is possible. Furniture of only simple forms, no frills and any decor. Often monochrome interiors.

Provence is characterized by provincial French notes. Here, exquisite simplicity, taken from nature. Simple curtains, small patterns, ruffles and other finishes are possible. Furniture of simple massive forms, handicrafts in the decor, crafts, pictures. The primary colors are often blue and white.

Modern is a modern style, it is distinguished by flowing shapes. Colors range from pastel to bright shades.

Contrasts or bright accents in a light design are required. Each individual element of the interior must amaze with originality. These can be candle-shaped or street lamps. The design of the bed in the bedroom has curved shapes.

A round mirror with an ornament, stained-glass windows on the door will add a unique flavor to the interior.

Creative extraordinary personalities are increasingly choosing high-tech with supernova technologies and building materials. To emphasize the style, you need furniture of the same tone without decor. The severity of forms can be varied by large plants. For example, a ficus will fit perfectly in the corner of the bedroom.

Antiquity in the bedroom will require a lot of financial investment. These are imitation of columns, luxurious stucco molding, preferably antique figurines, old tapestries and other attributes of style. Clear forms, full harmony in light colors. Light colored natural marble is suitable for the floor.

Popular colors in the bedroom

The color of the interior must be determined at the beginning of the design. The psychological impact of color on each person is different.

Green shades - associated with spring fresh greens, they have a beneficial effect on any person. It is better to dilute them with warm paints.

Light and bright shades are beautifully combined. For example, yellow - the color of the sun will perfectly warm the room, especially for a bedroom with a lack of light. In a pair, you can pick up rich blue or brown shades.

Red is good for enhancing the sexuality of partners, but it is difficult to fall asleep with it. It is recommended to use cherry, raspberry or burgundy shades in the bedroom.

The best option would be to choose pastel colors. But it should be borne in mind that an excess of white will psychologically resemble a hospital. Therefore, they should not get carried away.

Which finish to choose for the bedroom?

Better to experiment with the ceiling: tension, mirror, rack, multi-level, etc. The main rule is that they should be at least half a tone lighter than the wall decoration.

The background will be the walls, so it is better to choose a solid color finish that will blend beautifully with other items. Accents can be bright and unusual in shape, color or material.

The floor is also better than one tone: linoleum, laminate, parquet. Window decoration in the bedroom is an important element, we focus on the chosen style.

Bedroom decoration photo

Each owner of his own home wants to equip the interior of his living space, which will have a zest.

What is its manifestation? First of all, in the originality, individuality of the interior, in something that goes beyond the usual traditions and ingrained limitations.

All people are unique, therefore, the design of housing should be unique.

For example, someone's bedroom is perceived as a place of complete peace on the seashore, then if you add a couple of elements reminiscent of a beach holiday, this room will become a very beautiful bedroom, according to its owner.

The character of the owner transforms the interior

If homeowners do not show character when arranging the interior, then even the most beautiful bedroom will not feel individuality. How does it manifest itself in the interior space?

First of all, it is important to study yourself as a person, for example, with the help of psychology.

If you are an active, efficient and adventurous person, then it is probably difficult for you to fall asleep quickly.

Therefore, a calm, darker palette of colors will suit you, a beautiful small bedroom with elements in the form of an ornate ornament, all this will add mystery to the design, soothe and help you fall asleep quickly.

For sensible and quieter individuals, light beautiful ceilings in the bedroom and walls decorated with natural motifs (wallpaper with picturesque nature, ikebana) are suitable in order to completely relax from mental work, and, as you know, nature helps well in this.

Naturally, here are just a few examples that demonstrate human characters and the most suitable interior for them.

We also offer you to see photos of beautiful bedrooms on the site, among the variety of which you will certainly find a suitable interior and equip your rest room that matches your character.

Decorating a modern bedroom

There are many options to transform your bedroom to maximize your comfort. Let's talk about the already equipped bedrooms.

First step. We look at the room differently. Take a look around in your own bedroom and write down the moments that you don't like in a notebook. Perhaps you do not like the narrow passage between the bed and the chest of drawers, or a very dark room.

Step two. We decide on one of the most delightful places. Most likely, in the process of the functional distribution of the bedroom and the role of the furnishings in it, you did not take into account the aesthetic aspects.

Therefore, forget about practical issues and immerse yourself in the creative process. Think of a place that has impressed you with its beauty. Perhaps it is a mountainous area or a magnificent castle that you have visited while traveling abroad.

Step three. This concludes the theory, we begin to revive the beautiful design of the bedroom.

If, nevertheless, you admire the decoration of an ancient palace, then, focusing on what you see, it will not be difficult to create a beautiful bedroom interior.

For this purpose, you can hang a canopy over the bed. At the same time, you can not exactly repeat the elements of the environment you like.

Most likely, a few embroidered pillows, as in that room, will suffice.

The scenic spot is a little more problematic. How to transfer the attractiveness of a place you like?

For example, if you have a good photo of this area, then order a photo wallpaper with this place to stick it on one wall surface.

And the rest of the walls can be painted with the general color scheme of an amazing landscape. An excellent addition would be a beautiful bed in the bedroom with a bedspread in a shade that matches the color of the walls.

Another example is the home interior from childhood. In this case, surround yourself with objects that are close to your heart.

For example, a traditional blanket. On a dresser or bedside table, put an old vase with wildflowers, of which there are many in the area where you ran as a child.

Beautiful curtains in the bedroom, the color of which you like from childhood, will not be superfluous. So you fill the room with the warmth and comfort of your father's house.

We have offered several options for making a beautiful bedroom. And if you have found something of your own, then immediately take action, creating the bedroom of your dreams!

Photo of a beautiful bedroom design

Organizing a bedroom space is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, therefore, when equipping the interior, many make mistakes that in the future affect not only the image of the room, but also your personal comfort.

Let's take a look at some of the most common bedroom decorating mistakes and find out how you can avoid them.

1. Too large chandelier

Unless you are the owner of a one-room apartment, and the bedroom in it also serves as a living room and a kitchen, installing a large lamp under the ceiling may be superfluous.

Intense flood light is most often not justified in the interior of the bedroom, moreover, it makes the room look like a reception hall, but not a relaxation room.


In the bedroom, the main one is not at all the overhead light, but additional, in the form of floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. It is these devices that should illuminate the room, but under the ceiling it is better to hang a neat lamp - a suspension, or a ceiling-type chandelier for two or three medium-powerful lamps.


2. Library near the bed

The passion for reading will always distinguish you as an intelligent, culturally developed and well-read person. And your own library is a current trend at all times. And yet, it is not recommended to place a large number of printed materials in the bedroom, especially in the bedside area.

Due to the dust that constantly settles on books, a sleeping person may have difficulty breathing and develop allergic reactions.



If possible, keep the number of books in the bedroom to a minimum, while placing them away from the bed, for example, on a rack or shelves against the opposite wall.


3. Mirror along the bed

One of the obvious mistakes in the design of the bedroom can be called a mirror installed in the immediate vicinity of the bed. Your reflection, at first, will amuse and interest, but soon you will feel that it instills anxiety and prevents you from sleeping peacefully.

Such mirrors include those installed in wardrobes, the structures of which are placed parallel along the bed, or large floor-mounted ones, installed opposite.


The mirror in the interior of the bedroom should be positioned in such a way that you, lying on the bed, could not see your reflection in it. For example, put a floor mirror against the wall at the foot of the bed, place two identical ones above the bedside tables, or use a mobile mirror in a frame with wheels that can be turned to any side.


4. Empty walls

Even if the bedroom is a room for relaxation, it would be a mistake to make a space out of it intended solely for sleeping. Ascetic furnishings, unadorned walls, boring furniture and bed linen - all this does not improve the mood at all, but, on the contrary, creates a gloomy mood.


The walls in the bedroom are a blank sheet that you can transform into something original, beautiful and unique to your own taste. Even if you simply paint one of the walls in a contrasting color, and decorate the other with several photos from the Internet, printed and inserted into frames, you can really transform the atmosphere of the room as a whole.


5. Too dark interior

You should not be deceived by the beauty of the thick dark tones of interior paint, because in the bedroom the rich color of the walls may not take root. It has long been known that dark blue, burgundy, blueberry, chocolate and black for the bedroom should not be used in large quantities, since such an environment will have a tangible effect and interfere with a cheerful awakening in the morning.


If you like a rich range, try choosing derived shades a few tones lighter, for example, instead of black or graphite, choose gray-brown, gray-gray for the walls, and blue can be replaced with cornflower blue or azure.

Don't forget to combine dark tones with lots of whites, creams, complementing shimmery accessories and vibrant decor.


6. Massive construction over the headboard

When planning a system for storing things in the bedroom, it is important to properly distribute the load, including the visual one. For example, if you mount part of the wardrobe closets above the bed, the person under them will feel anxious to fall asleep or just lie.


If the room does not have a better area for installing a storage system, you should nevertheless leave a free area above the head of the bed. It is better to install the main part of the cabinets on the sides of the bed, and one or two light shelves can be hung above it, but no more.


7. Incorrect bed position

The center of the composition in any bedroom is the bed, around which the rest of the furnishings are installed. But it happens that so little attention is paid to the bedroom space that they do not do it at all, taking care, first of all, of wardrobe, curtain textiles or wall decoration.

In particular, planning experts call the incorrect placement of the bed a mistake: at the entrance to the bedroom, headboard to the window, in the corner, etc.


Regardless of the size and shape of the room in the plan, you can find the optimal area for the location of the bed, ideally a wall perpendicular to the window, or a partition between the windows.

Also, it is better to set the sleeping place as far away from the doors as possible, so that lying on the bed, you feel comfortable, and sounds from the outside do not interfere with full rest.


8. Cold floor

In pursuit of the beauty of the floor, we often neglect some of its characteristics, such as practicality and durability. In addition, for a bedroom, installation of a floor from tiles, cheap laminated boards, or from a self-leveling self-leveling mixture is contraindicated.

Unless such materials are equipped with a "warm floor" system, other types of coatings should be used.


The ideal option, practical, durable, aesthetic and warm, is, of course, a natural wood coating. But due to its high cost, not many can use it. Alternatively, it is recommended to lay a parquet board, cork or soft and warm carpet on the floor.


9. Monotonous design

Several years ago, the use of a single fabric for sewing curtains, bedspreads and upholstery of upholstered furniture for the bedroom came into vogue. Today, decoration through the same type of textures is considered bad manners, and the interior of the bedroom is tasteless and bland.


Do not be afraid to mix materials, shades and textures of fabrics, accessories. Just remember that the combination of natural materials in one interior looks most stylish and expensive: velvet and silk, wool and cotton, knitted and jacquard products. In addition, decorative items of the color of precious metals will add a peculiar charm to the design of the bedroom.


10. Lack of proper storage system

For small bedrooms, it can be easy to choose a good wardrobe that would not only contain your entire wardrobe, but also would not take up extra space, hiding the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

But besides a poorly organized wardrobe area, there can only be its absence, which at the same time affects the cleanliness and functionality of the bedroom.


A simple design, consisting of shelves with brackets, rods and drawers sliding on guides, will help organize the space of a small bedroom. We recommend, at the same time, focus on the sections for the hangers, which will ensure the excellent appearance of your clothes.


The small size of the bedroom is not a reason to leave the interior boring and mundane. Original design solutions and the use of modern finishing materials of different textures and colors provide ample opportunities to decorate the bedroom interior at the proper level.

"Felix Mizioznikov /"

In order to properly organize the room, choose furniture, decoration, learn all the tricks and design methods, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information given in the article.

How to choose a style for a small bedroom

The task of choosing a style is of the utmost priority, as it must combine the elements into a single, coherent, harmonious composition. Both classical austerity and modernist solutions are appropriate here. The following are considered the most common styles.

Modern style

The modern style is always up-to-date, performed with a simple furnishings, no frills, with laconic forms. The emphasis is on the main element - the bed, as well as on lamps, sconces and a window.

Moderation is observed in wall decoration; it is unacceptable to pile up surfaces with a large number of paintings, photographs or panels. The color scheme is harmonious and discreet. The use of metallic, glass or mirror materials is encouraged.


Classic is a popular style for a small bedroom that does not lose fresh ideas. The dominant color is classic gray, pale pink and light brown shades, which are complemented by gilding, silver and black gloss. Particular attention is paid to textiles: smooth fabrics, pleasant to the touch, preferably natural.


French Provence for the interior will not leave indifferent lovers of romance and sophisticated natures. A light, airy atmosphere is created by natural textiles and ornaments in the form of stripes, checks or floral patterns.

For the walls, paper wallpaper with a discreet pattern is suitable, for decoration - natural materials. The highlight of the "rustic" interior is handmade wood furniture. Many designers use the aging effect in Provence for sideboards, chests of drawers, wardrobes, sideboards. This adds touch and coziness to the overall picture of the bedroom.


Minimalism is designed specifically for the organization of this type of bedroom. The main aspects are lightness, airiness of free space. Low furniture, wardrobes, spotlights and natural materials are typical.

It is imperative to use no more than three colors in the design, the brightest of which should fill the smallest area. The walls are made monochromatic, without any ornament or pattern.


Loft-style bedrooms are reminiscent of an attic, warehouse or production facility. Despite the unusual combination, there are many fans of this interior. A special feature is bare walls, heightened contrasts, transforming furnishings, natural cold shades.

A panoramic window overlooking the city is a great idea that will emphasize the overall impression of an urban interior.

When choosing from the proposed solutions, you should be guided exclusively by your taste preferences, not forgetting about the general stylistic orientation of the entire apartment or cottage.

Wallpaper in a small bedroom: what designers offer

The choice of wallpaper for sticking walls in a small bedroom is accompanied by small restrictions, namely: the absence of large patterns, too thin lines, oversaturation with too frequent patterns and patterns, a dark deep color.

It is better to choose shades of light or pastel, which contribute to peace and sleep, do not cause aggression. Vertical striped wallpaper from floor to ceiling is another plus for visual height correction.

Advice! Wallpaper with a voluminous texture is relevant in a small bedroom. Thanks to the play of light and shadow on the material, they visually enlarge the room and create an additional effect of volume.

It helps to liven up the design of a small space using photo wallpaper. Choose a picture of a photo wallpaper with perspective drawings going deeper.

It can be either a forest path or realistic skyscrapers. Modern products with 3 D - effect look great on the wall behind the bed, will certainly become an individual highlight of the bedroom, visually adjust the size of the room. A wide selection of such wallpapers makes it possible to realize any interior preferences.

What curtains are suitable for a small bedroom?

Curtains are an important element of the decor, therefore, they also require careful selection. In a bedroom with a wide window, it is recommended to purchase a wide curtain, from wall to wall. It is desirable that they hang loosely or are slightly collected.

To make the space higher and more spacious, it is necessary to choose a ceiling cornice that is not too bulky and massive. The style of the room plays a major role in the selection of curtains, since each direction has its own characteristics.

The presence of a dense pattern on the fabric of curtains is possible only in the absence of similar patterns on the wallpaper, so that the picture does not merge into a solid color spot.

Natural textiles for the bedroom are welcome, which breathes, letting in light and air, creating a pleasant natural atmosphere.

There should not be a lot of furniture, so as not to get a cluttered space. It is better to choose a bed without legs so that it looks smaller and more compact. The presence of drawers, additional storage places is a must.

The wardrobe and chest of drawers should be multifunctional and practical, taking up a minimum of space. The armchair can be chosen not too bulky, to match the common room, or contrasting or with bright pillows.

We arrange furniture correctly

The central place in the bedroom is the bed. It can be placed both in the center of the room against the wall, and in the overall composition, when furniture is placed around the perimeter of the room.

Think over the interior of the room so that there is room for free movement. You can place a nightstand or a glass coffee table near the bed. The cabinet can be built-in or small.

Advice! A large and wide bed is, of course, convenient, but inappropriate, in a space that is compressed in size. Considering the size of the room, choose a small or medium bed, or with a retractable design. A bunk bed is suitable for children's rooms.

A small bedroom cannot do without a mirror

The presence of mirrored surfaces is almost indispensable in a small bedroom. The effect will surprise you, because the reflection of objects will visually increase the surrounding space.

The mirror can be used above the bed in a horizontal strip. Mirror inserts on cabinet doors look interesting. Mirror chips can be present in the design of the ceiling or even a wall panel in a spectacular frame on the wall.

Ceiling decoration: what is important to know for this?

The ceiling for a small bedroom creates airiness and lightness, so the color is chosen from a light palette, in accordance with the general style solution.

The stretch ceiling is popular, allowing you to make interesting multi-level drops on the ceiling. You can mount it from a glossy pvc film, which partially reflects the objects below, or you can install a matte or satin version of pastel colors, contributing to calmness and relaxation.

We select lighting and lighting devices

Lighting is not necessary in the form of a central chandelier. Spotlights do an excellent job of their function. If you place them in levels or embed them in the ceiling, you get an interesting idea.

With the help of modern sconces and lamps, you can zone a room in the dark, delimiting a place for sleeping and waking.

Color scheme for small bedrooms

Light finishing options will make the small bedroom cozy, modern and comfortable. You don't have to use a pure white color; choose the shades to your liking, avoiding gloomy, gloomy palettes.

Focus on the side of the world where the windows face. The north side is harmonious with warm hints of color, the south - with cold shades. Bright decoration elements will liven up the monotonous boring atmosphere.

At the head of the bed, you need to organize a corner that attracts attention: a bright color, photo wallpaper or a cozy carpet.

Thanks to this, the calm, free, simple, no-frills style firmly stayed at the height of fashion.

When choosing an interior for a bedroom, you need to take into account all the wishes of those people who plan to spend their vacation there.

It is on the basis of their joint tastes and ideas that you can begin to plan the design of the bedroom.

Furniture, accessories, colors - all of these interior elements affect the overall look of the room and the atmosphere in the bedroom.

The atmosphere created in the bedroom with the help of a properly designed interior, in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of a person's rest.
Thanks to modern materials and the capabilities of specialists, you can make a unique author's design for the bedroom.

Choosing a style for the bedroom

The right style should suit all the inhabitants of the room.

Briefly about styles

  1. Provence

Provence-style bedrooms have a very gentle atmosphere and are suitable for romantic people who miss a simple, bordering on a rustic, but somewhat sophisticated interior. It features ruffles, sewing, natural fabrics and small floral patterns. Canopies are acceptable.

A large number of textiles and various pillows stacked in piles on chairs and beds are also an attribute of this style.

Also in the interior of the Provence style furniture with forged details is very well suited. Sentimental knick-knacks, as if casually placed in different parts of the bedroom, natural warm colors, antique furniture - and a Provence-style bedroom will become a decoration of the apartment.

This style is reminiscent of the French countryside in spirit and feel.

When choosing the Provence style, you should be prepared for a constant struggle with dust, since textiles, pillows and trinkets have a peculiarity to collect it on themselves. Therefore, creating a bedroom in this style, you need to be able to often clean, rewash and wipe the bedroom interior items, but, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice.

  1. Minimalism

The minimalism style differs sharply from Provence. However, this direction of interior design is preferable in terms of easy maintenance, and is suitable for those people who do not want to devote a lot of time to regularly keeping the bedroom clean.

The minimalism style is suitable for those people who do not want to devote a lot of time to regularly keeping the bedroom clean.

Choosing this style, it is worth giving up almost all the decor, and purchasing simple laconic furniture. Ideally, this will be a wardrobe, dressing table and bed.

A minimalist bedroom means a minimum of furniture: a wardrobe, a dressing table and a bed.

In order to remove the feeling of emptiness, designers use the following trick. In a bedroom decorated in the style of minimalism, you can focus on one single decoration; it should have strict, perfect lines and immediately attract the eye.

Correctly chosen decor object will make the minimalist bedroom interior perfect.
  1. Ethnic bedroom style

To decorate a room in ethnic style, you need to purchase furniture or other interior elements related to the design of objects of any nationalities. These can be rooms decorated in Japanese style or in the style of a Russian village.

Japanese-style bedroom interior.
Bedroom interior made in the style of a Russian village.

Choosing this style, you can embody the interior according to the customs of any nationality or by imitating their attributes, a bed, a bedside table, lamps and other items in the room. In order to emphasize the involvement in a particular image of the people of the world in the interior, furniture with traditional ornaments and patterns, paintings with folklore subjects, sculptures and household items as souvenirs are often used.

In order to emphasize the involvement in a particular image of the people of the world, furniture with traditional ornaments is used in the interior.
  1. Modern for the bedroom

Beauty and luxury, combined in this style, looks unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes it is not very easy to put bright colors and small details in the image of a bedroom, but if desired and being exactly confident in their taste, some people cope with this. Choosing a modern style for a bedroom, you need to be very careful about buying furniture and textiles.

In order to maintain the Art Nouveau style in the bedroom, the walls need to be painted in an even solid color, against which the color variety of furniture and other decor elements will look good.

And also a mandatory element is the minimum set of furniture in the room. An interesting version of the Art Nouveau interior is a combination of light gray walls and a properly selected non-standard bed design, flooring and a minimum set for lighting.

An interesting version of the Art Nouveau interior is a combination of light gray walls with furniture and floors.
  1. Classic

The classic style is the most relaxed of all. Familiar to almost everyone and suitable in most cases. He speaks of the traditional tastes of the owners and is simple to perform.

Furniture of a strict classical form, calm muted colors are welcome here, wood or materials imitating wood predominate from materials.

Interior design with increasing bedroom space due to the loggia

If the bedroom is small, but there is a loggia nearby, this is a great option to increase the area. You can arrange additional space in the form of a large niche. This bedroom looks very interesting. The opening formed from the exit to the loggia can be made in the form of an arch.

Divide the space of the loggia and the area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom with light partitions or leave the space free - this choice remains with the owners of the room.

If you manage to position the bed "facing" the arch, in which the loggia window is formed, you will get a great option, but provided that the window offers a good view. In order to be able to admire the picture from the window without curtains, the window should be tinted on the outside of the glass.

Interesting bedroom interior with a combined loggia.
If you have problems with the view from the window, you can decorate the window opening with beautiful curtains.

Interior design and colors

For the bedroom, the choice of color is very important. The bed is where a person rests, and the decoration around it should be conducive to rest and not interfere with sleep. Two color options can help create a sleep-friendly atmosphere.

The first option is muted shades of rather catchy colors. For example, burgundy, black, dark gray, brown, blue.

Muted shades of blue in the bedroom.

Another option is to choose delicate shades and decorate the bedroom in pastel colors. For these purposes, shades of pink, pale blue, light lilac, pale yellow and other pastel colors are suitable.

A bedroom made in light lilac tones will fill you with calmness and serenity.
Bedroom design in yellow colors.

When planning a design in bedrooms, experts rarely use bright flashy colors and large ornaments in decoration.

The exceptions are those cases when it is required to translate some ideas into design.

Interior design and elements

When adding the finishing touches to the image of the bedroom, you need to think about the little things that will complement the design of the room. For example, if the Provence style is chosen, it is worth providing the interior with several decorative pillows, it is permissible to install a floor lamp or a table lamp with the appropriate design.

When choosing a Provence style, do not forget about the decorative elements - pillows located on beds and armchairs. You can also hang a canopy over the bed.

If a minimalist design style is chosen, you need to look more carefully for the accent and the main decoration of the bedroom. With a minimum of furnishings, each item is striking and must look stylish and perfect from all sides, as it is often the main object of the interior.

It can be a large vase, an elegant sculpture with simple lines, or a painting with a corresponding image.

The bedroom should make you want to sleep, because this is the main purpose of the room, and how to equip it is a private matter of the owners of the room.

Video: Bedroom Design

50 bedroom interior photos: