Dream interpretation rainbow in the sky is double. Why dream of a rainbow in the sky: interpretation from the dream book

A rainbow in the sky is a wonderful natural phenomenon, both children and adults are happy with it. How the dreaming multi-colored arc is interpreted can be learned from dream books.

Children's dream book

A rainbow in a dream is a symbol of hope for better times. If it is double, then the dream promises the fulfillment of all desires in the near future.

Slavic dream book

A rainbow in a dream is a symbol of upcoming abundance, fun, health, guests, weddings, good weather, good news and empty fears. If a bright arc spreads in the east, the dream promises a change in happiness and wealth; in the west - for good for the rich or unfortunately for the poor; overhead or very close - to a quarrel with friends or family, poor health, illness, and sometimes death.

Dream interpretation of Azar

Seeing a rainbow in a dream is a waste of time, sadness, deception and false dreams.


A dreaming rainbow is a sign of hope for joyful changes, a happy and successful period in life.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

A dream with a rainbow shimmering in the sky is a harbinger of wonderful and amazing events. An extinguished rainbow - to parting with loved ones or beloved.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

A rainbow seen in a dream signifies protection, joyful changes, hopes for future happiness.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

A dream with a rainbow is a very happy omen, a sign of good luck in love affairs. You will be able to make a harmonious pair with your loved one.

Dream interpretation of a bitch

Why does a rainbow dream: a colored arc - the promise of great happiness, sincerity and devotion in love; over the river - to long-distance travel, in which successful acquaintances and purchases await; over the field - to reciprocity in love and harmony in marriage; over the forest - to extraordinary luck; high - to a happy and successful marriage, prosperity and profitable business; low - to success in the started enterprise.

Esoteric dream book

A rainbow in a dream - to a variety of interesting events and vivid impressions, exciting travel.

Women's dream book

The dream book interprets the rainbow seen in a dream as a very happy symbol that promises mutual understanding with others, the end of all disagreements, support in business, obtaining a bountiful harvest, an unprecedentedly successful union of lovers.

If a rainbow stands low over trees with a lush green crown, this is a promise of indispensable success in all affairs; over your house - a harbinger of prosperity, peace and harmony in the family; above you is a sign of resolution of difficult issues, friendly support and reconciliation with old enemies.

A rainbow disappearing in the sky in a dream is a reminder of the need to pay more attention to loved ones.

The rainbow is a very rare but extraordinarily beautiful phenomenon. Seeing this natural phenomenon in reality usually brings a smile and delight. The appearance of a celestial arc in a dream has many interpretations. Most often, such a sign promises happiness and success in all areas of life. Ancient and modern dream books know what a rainbow dreams of. If you use these tips, you can change your life for the better.

General interpretation of sleep

To properly understand night vision, you need to remember it well. Therefore, it is best to record the dream immediately after waking up. It is necessary to note all the details of what he saw in order to unmistakably decipher the images that came.

Wait for happiness and a bright life

A colorful rainbow is considered one of the most auspicious symbols... She is called a harbinger of joyful events. Those who are lucky enough to admire the rainbow in their dreams need to put aside worries and fears, and tune in to positive changes.

You can safely expect in your life generous gifts of fate, which will appear in gratitude for past merits. Life will literally sparkle with all bright colors, allowing a person to enjoy amazing events and unexpected turns of fate.

Quarrels and partings are possible

In addition to a positive interpretation, there is also a negative interpretation of a rainbow in a dream. But such a sign can only be hintthat some of your actions are wrong. If you make the right decision in time, you can avoid bad events. For example, if you dreamed of a rainbow that gradually fades in the sky, then you need to start paying more attention to your family and friends. You have unfairly forgotten about the dearest people who most need your love and participation.

Sometimes a dull rainbow dreams before parting. Perhaps this is the only sure outcome of an unfavorable relationship for which you need to be prepared.

Who had a dream with a rainbow

You can successfully decipher the vision if you determine who dreamed it. R a colorful heavenly phenomenon in a dream promises such changes:

Interpretation from dream books

Seers who know many secrets of life help to decipher any dreams. Psychologists who study the activity of the subconscious can also answer questions about mysterious night visions.

Psychologist Miller's dream interpreter

Gustav Miller explains the rainbow symbol as a very good sign that will bring unprecedented happiness. You can safely implement your ideas and plans that were previously in doubt. The dreamer is predicted to be a huge success in any enterprise. Your ideas will receive support and fruitful rewards. Lovers Miller promises an unusually happy union. Romantic relationships will be harmonious and trusting.

If a rainbow has appeared over green trees, then the moment has come to fulfill your cherished dreams. Desires will definitely come true.

Clairvoyant Vanga forecast

The omniscient Vanga explains the rainbow as a double symbol. On the one hand, a rainbow dream in the sky is an auspicious divine sign that means forgiveness and harmony. This is a symbol that the dreamer is under the auspices of heaven itself, and all his undertakings will lead to success. A rainbow after a heavy rain appears as a harbinger of amazing events in life. On the other hand, an unexpectedly extinguished rainbow promises separation from loved ones, there may be obstacles on the way to the goal and other troubles.

Sigmund Freud's interpretation

In the interpretation of Freud's dreams, the rainbow symbolizes active development of events in personal life... You can safely enjoy a loving relationship that will remain happy for a long time. Now all the colors of love are available to you.

A man or woman who dreamed of a rainbow is subconsciously ready for a mature, open relationship. In such an alliance, lovers complement each other perfectly. Many more pleasant surprises will happen in their life together.

For a single man, a rainbow in a dream will be a good clue. Most likely, he chooses the wrong one. Instead of light hobbies, he needs to find himself a woman for life. Otherwise, the man will be haunted by apathy and depression, which will have a bad effect on business activity.

A rainbow in a dream may appear in the starry sky. This means that the couple lives with unrealizable dreams and are mired in illusions. If you do not make practical efforts to implement joint plans, the relationship promises collapse. Partners should value each other and live in the present, and not hope for a bright future.

Modern universal dream book

The interpreter in the modern interpretation also gives positive forecasts. In the dream book, a rainbow in the sky denotes false fear and vain experiences. You need to understand that your worries are unfounded, so you should say goodbye to anxious expectations. You dreamed of an image of a blessing from Heaven itself. So get ready for positive shifts in the areas of your life that interest you.

All people who are passionate about their careers will receive earned recognition. Your deeds did not go unnoticed, and people around you will soon appreciate them. You will receive the long-awaited reward for past achievements, just a little more effort remains.

I managed to overcome a difficult period in my life. Seeing a rainbow in a dream means a new round of life begins with good events... The dark streak is finally changing to a light one, and a series of joyful incidents is about to begin. The rainbow is like a bridge between the past and the future. She predicts cardinal changes in a person, his self-realization and prosperity.

Sometimes a rainbow image is dreamed of as a reflection of the desire to be in a good place. Your soul dreams of peace and well-being.

Decoding according to the family dream book

When a family member dreams of a rainbow, you can make a general forecast for everyone. The broken family ties will be restored again. Mutual understanding will improve between you. If your family has been haunted by losses and troubles for a long time, believe in their quick completion. From day to day it will happen that you forget about past problems and receive from life everything that was so lacking.

If a multi-colored arc in night vision spreads over your family's house - harmony and harmony will reign in it. You will act in the role of a real keeper of the hearth, with your wise decisions you will be able to earn the respect and love of your household.

The natural phenomenon gradually fades - to the loss of trust between relatives.

A rainbow has formed over your head - you can rely on the help of loyal friends. These people are always ready to support and will not leave you in difficult life circumstances. If the arc above you has disappeared, it means that someone from your family is holding a grudge. Give more warmth to your family and don't let anyone feel lonely.

Other explanations for the dream

The gypsy dream book says that a rainbow in the east is a good sign. The dreamer is waiting for a life in abundance, for the sick person - healing. The heavenly arc on the western side promises a stable profit for a rich person, for a poor person his financial situation will remain unchanged. To see a rainbow phenomenon very close - illness, sometimes death; disorder of relations with family and friends.

According to the biblical dream book: a rainbow is ghostly dreams, a waste of time.

The esoteric interpretation sounds like this: variety in life, many extraordinary events (travel, concerts, performances).

According to the lunar calendar of dreams: a phenomenon in the east - happiness, in the west - unhappiness.

According to the explanations of Terenty Smirnov: grace, in a bad sense - false news, deceptive optimistic mood, imminent destruction of illusions.

According to the numerological dream book: if seven colors are clearly distinguishable, you are now on the verge of a new life. You should say goodbye to the previous stage and on the new path listen to the advice of your mind and heart. Don't make big decisions this coming Sunday - put them off until the next few days, and you will only benefit.

An erotic dream book talks about meeting an interesting person. You will have bright dates in a pleasant company with a lot of positive emotions. On your initiative, a love union can develop into something more.

Sorceress Medea predicts good changes and justifies hopes for success.

What a rainbow looked like in a dream

In dreams, we often see fantastic plots. They are easy to understand with the help of dream books:

Remember the brightest color of the celestial phenomenon in your dream. You can easily find out why a colored rainbow is dreaming in the sky:

  • White - bright thoughts and innocent relationships.
  • Black - gap, sadness, death.
  • Gray is uncertainty.
  • Pink - love, dreams, fantasies.
  • Red - energy or danger.
  • Yellow is inspiration.
  • Orange - friendship, pleasure, luck.
  • Purple is wisdom.
  • Brown is communication.
  • Green - health, abundance, relaxation.
  • Blue - peacefulness.
  • Blue is an unknown threat.
  • Silver - magic, mysticism.
  • Gold - influence, wealth, fame.

Depending on the season and day of the week

Pay attention to the time of year and the day of the week when the dream was dreamed. This also matters when interpreting a dream:

A rainbow iridescent in all colors in most cases bears a good sign. Life will be transformed and will play with all colorful shades. You just have to enjoy this happiness and share the joy with others.

Attention, only TODAY!

A rainbow dreams to unprecedented happiness.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, then their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow spread over the trees promises success in all endeavors.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that the image of the rainbow symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow, then you will have separation from loved ones or from a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What Rainbow Dreams Mean

Seeing a rainbow in a dream - establishing mutual understanding with people.

If in a dream you see a rainbow, then your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end. If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this indicates that you can successfully resolve a conflict situation at the service. If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday, then you can overcome all family differences. A rainbow that dreamed from Thursday to Friday indicates a love adventure. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will settle all misunderstandings with your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book of men

What does rainbow mean in a dream

In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification. In general, to see a rainbow in a dream is a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive comprehensive support in your business, your efforts will end with excellent results. If a rainbow appeared in the sky right after the rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life. A rainbow, stretching low over the green crowns of trees, portends unconditional success in all endeavors. For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream - to an unusually happy union.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

Meaning of Rainbow Dreams

If you dreamed that you were sitting on a rainbow, then soon your old wish will come true.

To do this, sprinkle salt on yourself when you see a rainbow.

If you dreamed of two rainbows, then in the near future you will need to make an unpleasant choice. To avoid this situation, draw 7 colorful circles on your stomach and do not rinse for a week.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Interpretation

The meaning of rainbow sleep

Rainbow - For variety. There will be many positive impressions from extraordinary events such as the premiere, presentation, travel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Dream interpretation Rainbow

Rainbow - colorful stripes in the sky mean hope for the best. If the rainbow is also double, this indicates that all your desires will be fulfilled.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's dream book

What does it mean to see a rainbow in a dream

A rainbow in a dream is an unprecedented happiness.

For lovers - loyalty.

Do you know how to remember the order of the rainbow color stripes? You know, of course, but just in case we repeat: "every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting."

Capital letters define the colors: red, orange, etc. And again: "how once the city bell-ringer broke the lantern." Check it out!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for girls

What Rainbow Dream predicts

A dreaming rainbow over the river means a long trip, which will turn into a good acquaintance and a good purchase. A rainbow over a field is a sign of mutual love and strong marriage bonds, over a forest - you will be extraordinarily lucky.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream meaning Rainbow

I dreamed of a rainbow - according to the Otavalos Indians. this is a bad sign.

If a rainbow is in the middle of a high-mountainous steppe ("paramo"), then this is to heavy rains, downpours, and even to an earthquake.

If you dreamed of the moon in the sky, which is located inside a semicircle of a rainbow, difficulties and problems await a white person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Shamanic dream book

To see a rainbow in a dream

If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors, the dream promises that your life will become just as bright and interesting in the very near future. You will not be bored in the company of a bore lover, on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only a great friend, but also a wonderful lover who can amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a real altruist in love.

Interpretation of dreams from an intimate dream book

What does rainbow dream mean

Seeing a rainbow in a dream is a forecast of unprecedented happiness. Your deeds will receive promising support, and the harvest will bring a bountiful harvest.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, it means that their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow spreading low over the green crowns of trees promises unconditional success in all endeavors.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

What Rainbow Dreams Mean

Empty fears, good news // bad weather; in the east - a change of happiness, wealth; in the west - good (rich) // misfortune (poor); overhead, beside oneself - illness, death, loss of friendship, change of state.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Veles

What does Rainbow mean in a dream

A rainbow is a great happiness.

Seeing a rainbow high in the sky is a very happy and successful marriage, prosperity and profitable business.

Low rainbow over the field - the business started will be successful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for the bitch

What Rainbow predicts in a dream

Seeing a bright rainbow: a sign of the end of troubles and a change for the better.

If in reality you find yourself in some difficult situation or are in difficulty: a dream encourages you not to lose hope, soon there will be a holiday on your street.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book of the twentieth century

Dream interpretation Rainbow

In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after the rain means that something wonderful and amazing will appear in your life.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow - this dream portends you separation from loved ones or a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Wanga

What Rainbow Dream predicts

A married man sees a rainbow - to happiness and well-being in the family.

A married woman means a long separation from her husband.

For an unmarried man, such a dream portends a quick wedding.

An unmarried girl is married to an intelligent, loving man.

A person in a long separation from his family sees a rainbow - to a quick return and meeting with relatives.

The patient - to recovery.

The culprit leads to poor health.

Soldier - to be sent to the front soon.

The peasant sees a rainbow - for a good harvest.

For a merchant, a rainbow is a symbol of trouble, unprofitable contracts.

A tourist in a dream sees a rainbow - to a successful arrival to the goal.

The emigrant sees a whole rainbow - to return to his homeland.

Sees half a rainbow - unfortunately.

Feng Shui Dream Interpretation

Dream meaning Rainbow

An atmospheric phenomenon foreshadowing improved weather. The symbol indicates the circumstances favorable to analysis, investments, changes, decisions that can lead to improvement, to earnings, to finding ways out of the situation. Development opportunity that requires detailed analysis.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free dream book

To see a rainbow in a dream

Seen on the east side, it means: contentment, wealth, restoration of disturbed health.

A rainbow on the west side is a good sign for the rich and bad for the poor.

Seeing a rainbow next to you or directly over your head marks a change in state, illness, and sometimes death.

It also means a breakdown of family and friendships.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why does a rainbow in the sky dream at night? According to the dream book, this is a very auspicious symbol, a harbinger of happy events, great changes. A vision in a dream promises luck, a successful course of affairs, a happy marriage, but sometimes it warns of an illness or a quarrel with a husband (wife).

Great happiness lies ahead

Dreamed of a colored rainbow in the sky, in which you distinguish all seven colors? This is a harbinger of the completion of one stage of life and the beginning of a new one. You need to be bolder, listen only to your heart, but be guided by reason.

Seeing a colored arc over your head in a dream means: unprecedented happiness lies ahead. For business people - support for their undertakings, for farmers - a rich harvest.

Why do lovers dream of a colored rainbow in the sky? The dream book promises: their union will be very happy.

Support from family and friends

Did you dream of seeing her in a dark sky? Now the dreamer is in a difficult situation, but very soon everything will change for the better.

Have you watched a rainbow in a dream on a dark, night sky? The dream interpretation suggests: under difficult circumstances, you can count on timely support.

A multi-colored arc in the night sky promises good advice from acquaintances, friends exactly when it will be very necessary. Rate it and try to be helpful to them too.

Life will sparkle with new colors

Why dream of a rainbow in the sky iridescent with all colors? The dream interpretation explains: great happiness is expected ahead, great luck. Life will literally be transformed, it will sparkle with beautiful shades. Enjoy this joy, but remember to share your happiness with others.

For a man, such a vision promises new opportunities at work, luck, and acquaintance with rather influential patrons.

The girl's dreaming plot foreshadows a stormy romance with an interesting young man. Perhaps she will meet her future husband. If the colors of the wonderful arc were saturated, bright - no negative will remain, there will be only positive emotions, emotional uplift.

Possible quarrel or illness

But if you saw a fading rainbow in the sky, a quarrel with a second half is possible, a deterioration in relationships.

Did you dream of being right under it? The interpretation of sleep is not very favorable: a disease awaits you.

The wildest dreams come true

Was it located over a meadow, a field? You can start new business, the period will be very favorable. Over the river, lake - portends a fascinating journey.

To see many rainbows in the sky in a dream means, according to the dream book, even the most unrealizable dreams will soon come true.

The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Rainbow - symbolizes hope for happiness and success.

A dream with a rainbow - portends a happy change.

American dream book

A rainbow is a very powerful sign, a symbol of joy, celebration, accomplishment. You have gone through difficulties, and here is the end.

If a rainbow in the middle of a high-mountainous steppe ("paramo") - this is a sign of heavy rains, heavy showers, and even an earthquake.

If you dreamed of the moon in the sky, which is located inside a semicircle of a rainbow, difficulties and problems await a white person.

English dream book

A rainbow is a good sign. It portends significant changes, but these changes are for the better!

Eastern dream book

Why does Rainbow dream in a dream from a dream book?

A rainbow is a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification, a sign of the presence of the Virgin.

The dream in which you saw how a rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain means: something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life.

Children's dream book

Rainbow - colorful stripes in the sky mean hope for the best.

If the rainbow is also double, this indicates that all your desires will be fulfilled.

Moon dream book

Rainbow: in the eastern side of the sky - a change of happiness; in the western, misery.

Love dream book

A rainbow seen in a dream portends you a successful marriage. So start preparing.

Small Velesov dream book

Rainbow - empty fears, good news / bad weather; in the east - a change of happiness, wealth; in the west - good (rich) / unhappiness (poor); overhead, beside oneself - illness, death, loss of friendship, change of state.

Rainbow, multicolored - abundance, fun, wedding, guests, health. Moreover, deception, empty dreams.

New dream book 1918

The rainbow is good news, false fear.

The newest dream book

What is Rainbow dreaming about in a dream?

Rainbow - the presence of paranormal abilities (prophetic dream). Lucky case.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

If in a dream you see a rainbow in the sky and clearly distinguish all seven colors in it, this means that some stage of your life has come to a logical conclusion. You are on the verge of a new life, be bolder and do not listen to anyone, let your heart and mind be your main advisor! And try not to decide anything serious next Sunday, any decision you make that day will not be the best.

Family dream book

Rainbow dreams - to unprecedented happiness.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow spread over the trees promises success in all endeavors.

Slavic dream book

A rainbow is for wealth, but if it is directly above your head, it is for illness.

The interpreter

The rainbow seen on the east side means: contentment, wealth, restoration of upset health; rainbow on the west side - there is a good sign for the rich and bad for the poor; to see a rainbow near you or directly over your head - signifies a change in state, illness, and sometimes death; also means disorder of family and friendships.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Rainbow?

Seeing a rainbow in a dream is a sign of unusual events. Things will take a promising turn, and the harvest will be generous and plentiful.

For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream is a prediction of their happy union.

A rainbow hanging low over green trees is a prediction of unusual success in any endeavor.

Dream interpretation 2012

A rainbow is a reflection of approval from higher forces, higher "I", subconsciousness. A reminder of the versatility of being and the need to rejoice.

Dream interpretation of Azar

Rainbow - false dreams, a waste of time

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Rainbow in a dream - this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after the rain means that something wonderful and amazing will appear in your life.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow - this dream portends you separation from loved ones or a loved one.

Dream interpretation for lovers

For lovers, a rainbow dream - portends a sincere and loyal relationship.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

To see a rainbow - change / hope for happiness, consolation.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Around the world, the rainbow is the most universal symbol of blessing. The rainbow blesses our beginnings, our relationships, and us. This is the message that the spirit sends you that you are going in the right direction and your work is blessed. This powerful symbol refers to joy, celebration, and completion of work.

If difficulties have fallen to your lot, this is a symbol of overcoming them. This is a sign of hope, which means that despair is over.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing a rainbow in a dream - establishing mutual understanding with people.

If in a dream you see a rainbow, your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end.

If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday, this indicates that you can successfully resolve a conflict situation at the service.

If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday, you can overcome all family differences.

A rainbow that dreamed from Thursday to Friday indicates a love adventure.

If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you will settle all misunderstandings with your friends.

Seeing a rainbow in a dream means that a happy event should happen to you in life, which will have a significant impact on your life.

If in a dream you see that a rainbow is standing over your house - this indicates that peace and happiness reign in your house, everything is safe in your family life.

If you see that the rainbow is gradually disappearing, you need to become more attentive to your relatives and friends, since their period of well-being can be replaced by a time of anxiety and doubt.

If you see a rainbow above you, your dream means that you will be able to solve even very difficult issues, support your friends and even come to terms with old rivals or foes.

If in a dream the rainbow above you disappears, one of your loved ones is greatly offended by your indifference and you will need to make efforts to restore the relationship.

If you see a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your dreams will soon come true.

If you are not married, it can mean a happy marriage.

Seeing a rainbow in a dream from Thursday to Friday is an unexpected gift.

And if you dream of a rainbow from Saturday to Sunday, this indicates that you are under the auspices of a powerful person.

Dream interpretation for bitches

A rainbow is a great happiness.

Seeing a rainbow high in the sky is a very happy and successful marriage, prosperity and profitable business.

Low rainbow over the field - the business started will be successful.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing a bright rainbow in a dream is a sign of the end of troubles and changes for the better.

If in reality you find yourself in some difficult situation or are experiencing difficulties - a dream encourages you not to lose hope, soon there will be a holiday on your street.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Rainbow - to communicate with those you love, to genuine joy.

Dream interpretation of birthdays of September, October, November, December

Rainbow - you will experience joy in a love relationship.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Rainbow - to pleasure, followed by disappointment.

Miller's dream book

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, it means that their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow stretching low over the green crowns of trees promises unconditional success in all endeavors.

Chinese dream book

If you see a red rainbow, luckily.

The sky and the rainbow are black - unfortunately.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Rainbow in a dream?

A dreamed rainbow over the river means a long trip, which will turn into a good acquaintance and a good purchase.

A rainbow over a field is a sign of mutual love and strong marriage bonds, over a forest - you will be extraordinarily lucky.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Rainbow is a false fear

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Rainbow - in a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification.

In general, to see a rainbow in a dream is a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive comprehensive support in your business, your efforts will end with excellent results.

If a rainbow appeared in the sky right after the rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life.

A rainbow spreading low over the green crowns of trees portends unconditional success in all endeavors.

For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream - to an unusually happy union.

To see in a dream how a rainbow goes out is a harbinger of separation from a loved one or loved one.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: Rainbow in a dream book?

Rainbow - reflects "rainbow", optimistic, but, more often, deceptive mood, illusions; collapse of hopes.

Rainbow is grace; unclear, muddy - news that will not be confirmed or will not appear in the best way.

Dream interpretation of signs

Rainbow - protection, joy.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a rainbow in a dream - to unexpected changes.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Rainbow is good news; false fear.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

A rainbow in a dream always means unprecedented happiness. All your love affairs will turn out well. The union will be happy.

French dream book

If you dreamed of a bright rainbow over your head, this is a very happy omen.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Rainbow - sadness, deception.

Universal dream book

The rainbow is a symbol of enlightenment. Do you want people to see the real you? Do you want to see the world or anyone else in their true light?

Seeing a rainbow in a dream is also a sign of the end of a dark, difficult period and the beginning of a calm and sunny one.

A rainbow can be - a bridge between what was and what is.

The rainbow also symbolizes the reward. Are you hoping to get a good reward for your work?

A rainbow can symbolize - a promise; if you get to the end, get a reward.

The rainbow also symbolizes dreams. Does the dream reflect your dream of being in a quiet and peaceful place where your wildest desires come true?

Gypsy dream book

According to gypsy beliefs, a rainbow in a dream promises unexpected happiness, especially when it comes to love relationships.

Esoteric dream book

Rainbow - for variety. There will be many positive impressions from extraordinary events such as the premiere, presentation, travel.

Erotic dream book

If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors, the dream promises that your life will become just as bright and interesting in the very near future. You will not be bored in the company of a boring lover, on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only a great friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a real altruist in love.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A rainbow in a dream book?

According to the dream book, a rainbow is a sign of good prospects in life.

If it is located at the very tops of the trees, everything that you take on will bring you incredible benefits.

It has already dissolved - you will part with those who are especially dear to you.

I dreamed that the rainbow had dissolved above your head - someone lacks your warmth and attention.

Why is the rainbow dreaming?

A rainbow means the existence of hope for the best in a person's soul. Also, this natural phenomenon suggests that the time has come to establish contacts with unfamiliar, but significant people who are able to qualitatively improve life by participating in some of its aspects.

If a person happened to see a rainbow in a dream, or even not one, but several at the same time, this promises a quick fulfillment of the most cherished desires hidden in the depths of the soul of every person.

In the event that the plot of a dream shows the ability to walk on foot on a rainbow, this means that you are on the right track to achieving your goals. Thanks to the right and competent actions, you can receive material and spiritual wealth as a reward for the skillful use of successful moments in life, as well as the acquisition of great and pure love.

You can understand why a rainbow is dreaming. It is necessary to recall the dream in detail, since even the smallest nuances can tell a lot.

So, the brightness of the color of a dreamed natural phenomenon affects the career in the most direct way.

In the case of a very bright glow emanating from the rainbow, you are warned against rash actions to change jobs in pursuit of seemingly more favorable conditions for you.

Along with the unusual appearance, both the size and the sequence of the arrangement of flowers are taken into account,

If you dreamed of a rainbow at a time when you are in a quarrel with someone, then this is a kind of omen of a speedy resolution of all conflicts and the coming of peace.

A rainbow seen in a dream, on Thursday night, regardless of the month and date, promises an improvement in material well-being and strengthening of family ties.

Dream interpretation two rainbows

Why do two Rainbows dream in a dream from a dream book?

To dream of two rainbows - the upcoming events will be marked by the need to make a difficult choice. The solution that your mind tells you will be unpleasant, but there is no alternative.

Felomena interprets a double rainbow in a dream as a good sign. Life will begin to change for the better, desires will begin to come true. Be confident, do not deviate from the chosen path.

Two rainbows

Dream interpretation Two rainbows dreamed why there are two rainbows in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Two Rainbows in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

A married man sees a rainbow - to happiness and well-being in the family.

A married woman means a long separation from her husband.

For an unmarried man, such a dream portends a quick wedding.

An unmarried girl is married to an intelligent, loving man.

A person in a long separation from his family sees a rainbow - to a quick return and meeting with relatives.

The patient - to recovery.

The culprit leads to poor health.

Soldier - to be sent to the front soon.

The peasant sees a rainbow - for a good harvest.

For a merchant, a rainbow is a symbol of trouble, unprofitable contracts.

A tourist in a dream sees a rainbow - to a successful arrival to the goal.

The emigrant sees a whole rainbow - to return to his homeland.

Sees half a rainbow - unfortunately.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

Seeing a rainbow in a dream - establishing mutual understanding with people.

If in a dream you see a rainbow, then your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end. If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this indicates that you can successfully resolve a conflict situation at the service. If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday, then you can overcome all family differences. A rainbow that dreamed from Thursday to Friday indicates a love adventure. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will settle all misunderstandings with your friends.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

A rainbow dreams to unprecedented happiness.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, then their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow spread over the trees promises success in all endeavors.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that the image of the rainbow symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after the rain means that something wonderful and amazing will appear in your life.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow, then you will have separation from loved ones or from a loved one.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification. In general, to see a rainbow in a dream is a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive comprehensive support in your business, your efforts will end with excellent results. If a rainbow appeared in the sky right after the rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life. A rainbow, stretching low over the green crowns of trees, portends unconditional success in all endeavors. For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream - to an unusually happy union.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

Seeing a rainbow in a dream is a forecast of unprecedented happiness. Your deeds will receive promising support, and the harvest will bring a bountiful harvest.

If lovers see a rainbow in a dream, it means that their union will be unusually happy.

A rainbow spreading low over the green crowns of trees promises unconditional success in all endeavors.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

A rainbow in a dream portends a change for the better and well-being. Such a dream also portends that your fears will soon dissipate. For lovers, a dream portends reciprocity or a happy marriage. But it is believed that a rainbow seen in a dream in the east or to your right portends happiness and prosperity. In other cases, it portends changes that may be less successful, i.e. not as you expected. To see a rainbow close to yourself or above your head is a sign of very imminent changes that promise fulfillment of desires, wealth and happiness.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

If you dreamed that you were sitting on a rainbow, then soon your old wish will come true.

To do this, sprinkle salt on yourself when you see a rainbow.

If you dreamed of two rainbows, then in the near future you will need to make an unpleasant choice. To avoid this situation, draw 7 colorful circles on your stomach and do not rinse for a week.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

A rainbow is a great happiness.

Seeing a rainbow high in the sky is a very happy and successful marriage, prosperity and profitable business.

Low rainbow over the field - the business started will be successful.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

Seeing a rainbow in the east in a dream is a good omen for both the poor and the rich.

It promises enrichment to the poor and health to the rich.

If a rich man sees a rainbow in the west in a dream, then this is a good sign.

Quite the opposite, sleep means to the poor.

Seeing a rainbow in a dream directly over your head or not far from yourself portends a change in life for good or bad.

Dream interpretation - Rainbow

I dreamed of a rainbow - according to the Otavalos Indians. this is a bad sign.

If a rainbow is in the middle of a high-mountainous steppe ("paramo"), then this is to heavy rains, downpours, and even to an earthquake.

If you dreamed of the moon in the sky, which is located inside a semicircle of a rainbow, difficulties and problems await a white person.

why is a rainbow dreaming after rain



Women's Dream Book Why Rainbow Dreams - In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, reunification. In general, to see a rainbow in a dream is a harbinger of unprecedented happiness. You will receive comprehensive support in your business, your efforts will end with excellent results. If a rainbow appeared in the sky right after the rain, it means that something beautiful and amazing will soon appear in your life. A rainbow, stretching low over the green crowns of trees, portends unconditional success in all endeavors. For lovers to see a rainbow in a dream - to an unusually happy union. To see in a dream how a rainbow is extinguished is a harbinger of separation from a loved one or loved one.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation Why Rainbow Dreams - Empty fears, good news // bad weather; in the east - a change of happiness, wealth; in the west - good (rich) // misfortune (poor); overhead, beside oneself - illness, death, loss of friendship, change of state. upset health; a rainbow on the west side is a good sign for the rich and bad for the poor; to see a rainbow near you or directly over your head means a change of state, illness, and sometimes death; also means disorder of family and friendships.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Seeing a Rainbow in a Dream - Seeing a rainbow in a dream is establishing mutual understanding with people. If in a dream you see a rainbow, then your quarrels and disagreements with others will soon come to an end. If you dream of a rainbow from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this indicates that you can successfully resolve a conflict situation at the service. If you dream of a rainbow from Wednesday to Thursday, then you can overcome all family differences. A rainbow that dreamed from Thursday to Friday indicates a love adventure. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will settle all misunderstandings with your friends.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family To see a rainbow in a dream - To see a rainbow in a dream means that a happy event should happen to you in life, which will have a significant impact on your life. If in a dream you see that a rainbow is standing over your house, this indicates that peace and happiness reign in your house, everything is safe in your family life. If you see that the rainbow is gradually disappearing, you need to become more attentive to your loved ones and friends, since their period of well-being can be replaced by a time of anxiety and doubt. If you see a rainbow above you, then your dream means that you can solve even very difficult issues, support your friends and even come to terms with old rivals or enemies. If in a dream the rainbow above you disappears, then one of your loved ones is greatly offended by your indifference and you will need to make efforts to restore the relationship. If you see a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then your dreams will soon come true. If you are not married, then this can mean a happy marriage. Seeing a rainbow in a dream from Thursday to Friday is an unexpected gift. And if you dream of a rainbow from Saturday to Sunday, then this indicates that you are under the auspices of a powerful person. Erotic dream book Dream book Rainbow - If you dream of a rainbow that shines in the sky and shimmers with all colors, the dream promises that your life will become just as bright and interesting in the very near future. Don't you have to get bored in the company of your lover? boring people, on the contrary, you will meet a person with a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. He will become not only a great friend, but also a wonderful lover, able to amaze you with his ability to give pleasure in bed, to be a real altruist in love. Overflow If you dream of a river flooding, overflowing its banks, such a dream portends that a very funny love adventure will happen to you. Your feelings for a new lover will really be endless, you will strive to impress him with