How to arrange a closet in the room? How to arrange furniture in a small bedroom

Apartment repair

On the one hand, wardrobes for clothes and other items usually have bulky dimensions than overload the situation, on the other hand, it’s not cool, but without them. The better organized storage areas, the easier it is to keep your apartment clean. In order to correctly position the closet in the room, it is necessary to get as close as possible to the selection of colors and materials and clearly consider the installation area of ​​this furniture element.

In this article we describe a number of options for the functional and successful location of cabinets and wardrobe in residential premises.

By the way - a few words about the color of the cabinet.  Until recently, it was decided to furnish rooms with headsets that include several furniture elements, decorated in the same style and tone. In modern times this is not fundamental. Nowadays design masters often give their choice to combinations from various groups and collections, which makes it possible to add a highlight to the interior. Choosing a closet for the room, do not try to focus on the sofa, dressing table or other furniture. The doors and facades of the closet in the room can be identical to the color of the wall or floor surfaces, as well as the shade of the doors. It is possible that other furniture in the room not only stood out slightly against the closet, but also contrasted sharply with it.

Most often, professionals try to position the cabinet in such a way that it does not catch the eye. Huge wardrobe does not have to dominate the room. If it is disguised as wall structures or turns into an element of a solid composition, it does not look like a heavy rock and does not create visual rejection.

How to install a closet in the room?

  1. From one wall to another

If you place the closet in the same room along the entire solid wall, it will harmoniously fit it into the interior. The cabinet will look like a wall. Preferably, its height corresponds to the height of the room, for example, a small gap, which is also possible, than to issue.

In order not to dominate the cabinet, it is completed with doors to match the surrounding walls. The second option is to install mirror doors, which will make it possible to visually enlarge the room.

  1. Create alcove

    If you place a pair of identical cabinets along the wall, leaving a significant gap between them, a small niche is formed. In the bedroom, most often in the formed alcove is placed the head of the bed or dressing table. In the hall alcoves in the interval between the cabinets are used for embedding, creating, installing a mini-cabinet, etc.

    Such an alcove is formed if you place the cabinet with a small gap to the next wall. The main thing is that the design of the niche clearly corresponds to its dimensions. This will make it possible to reproduce a harmonious composition, thus the cabinet will not look like a foreign heavy object.

    1. Along the edges of the opening

    Or the doors are usually not functional. The location of the cabinets in such areas refers to a very practical design "chips." Above the opening, an installation of a mezzanine arises, which, with its shape, will connect both cabinets into a complete composition. Under the window opening, a soft couch can play the role of such a connecting bridge.

    If the cabinets are located near the door, a deep opening is formed. Cabinets look like a kind of architectural element of the room and do not create visual congestion of the interior.

    1. From one side of the opening

    A similar variation is quite popular in those rooms where an interior door is installed at the edge of the wall. The cabinet is located from the opposite end of the wall structure and down to the door frame. With such furnishing, the wardrobe looks like an element of room architecture. The passage deepens, resembling a small vestibule, but this does not introduce serious inconvenience.

    There is also an option when first making a partition separating the wardrobe from the doorway, the wardrobe is placed in the resulting niche.

    1. In a niche

    One or a couple of cabinets are installed in pre-prepared niches, and become almost invisible. The protrusions formed as a result of the creation of niches are capable of being finished in the form of a TV-zone, etc.

    1. Small dressing room

    If the dimensions of the room are decent, the installation of a mini-dressing room will be a good option, especially when it comes to the bedroom. It is more comfortable, more functional and much better than heavy and bulky cabinets.

    Instead of arranging several extended cabinets, you can separate part of the room and form a dressing room - the room itself will be bright and airy as before.

    Sometimes it is not at all required to build in and “hide” cabinets. For such stylistic directions as retro, it is peculiar to equipment with heavy and low-looking cabinets, which in turn dominate the room. Naturally, you should not disguise such furniture - such cabinets emphasize style and add some nostalgic antiquity to the interior. Have these cabinets in the room in a prominent place.

The stage of arrangement of any room following after repair is the correct arrangement of certain objects. On the one hand, this is not such a difficult task, but on the other, it can cause a lot of problems and inconveniences, especially if the room is small, and there is a lot of furniture or you are interested in placing furniture in the bedroom in Feng Shui.

Here will be given a kind of instruction, thanks to which you will learn how with your own hands, you can conveniently arrange interior items in the bedroom.

Where to begin

To minimize possible errors, as well as to rationally arrange all interior items, create a project at the stage of repairing the room, indicating in it all the features of the placement.

Make it incredibly easy and does not require special knowledge or time-consuming.


  • blank paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Council To make the plan as realistic as possible, try to stick to at least an approximate scale.

Before starting the "arrangement" of furniture, put all the elements on your drawing:

  • a door;
  • window;
  • sockets;
  • switches;
  • radiators.

Put on the plan all the items you want to install in the room, exactly where you plan to put them:

  • bed;
  • bedside tables;
  • cupboard, etc.

We arrange specific pieces of furniture

The bedroom is an intimate room in which we rest, sleep, distract from problems and worries. That is why it is so important to create the right atmosphere of comfort and coziness in it, even if its area is 14 sq. M. Or only 12 sq. M.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to properly arrange such large interior items as:

  • bed;
  • cupboard;
  • bedside tables.

How to put a bed

Often it is the bed that occupies the main space in the bedroom, and therefore when installing it, it is necessary to provide such an arrangement so that it:

  • did not interfere with moving around the room;
  • located most convenient for a comfortable stay.

If we are talking about a single bed, then in this case you should follow at least two rules:

  • lying on the bed you should be free to see the entrance to the room;
  • to have such a bed must be strictly parallel to the wall.

To accommodate a double bed, you must follow the following rules:

  • put the headboard against the wall;
  • provide free space for passage on both sides;
  • in a rectangular room the bed is best to put across.

Council The bed should be placed at the head of the window in relation to the window and the incident light.
  However, do not forget that you need to keep a distance in order to prevent the negative impact of drafts.

Remember that the arrangement of furniture in a small bedroom provides for the location near the place to sleep only the necessary, necessary items. But note that the mirror in front of the bed should not be!

How to put a wardrobe

The wardrobe is undoubtedly the most:

  • large;
  • overall;
  • massive piece of furniture.
  • further from the entrance;
  • in the back of the room;
  • this will allow you to avoid the visual congestion of the room, and the wardrobe itself will not be evident.

Council The best option would be to use the built-in models, since they have an incredibly attractive appearance, but they do not take up much space with a solid capacity.

A good option would be to use it on the sash nearby.

This will give you several advantages at once:

  • after you dress, you can immediately evaluate your appearance;
  • mirrors will help to visually increase the space in the room.

Of course, the arrangement of furniture in a narrow bedroom has its own characteristics, and here the wardrobe will most likely have to be placed at the bottom of the bed, since it may simply not fit on the sides.

Storage systems, bedside tables and more.

There are also so-called storage systems that are great for things that we rarely use. They should also be located as built-in wardrobes or, in general, be used for these purposes as superstructures above wardrobes.

Storage systems differ from ordinary furniture in their compactness, but solid capacity. However, their price is not so high, and often even lower than that of a conventional built-in wardrobe.

If you have a window in the bedroom, then it is best to have soft seats around it. Especially if the seats themselves will be folding, which will give an opportunity in the space under them to place some not often used objects.

For smaller rooms there are certain guidelines for placement:

  • best used hanging models;
  • the best solution would be to install corner cabinets.

Feng shui principle

The principle of the arrangement of interior items Feng Shui is becoming increasingly popular in our country. It would seem that only the first wave of fashion began to calm down on him, as the second one immediately rose.

This method includes several basic directions and the first one concerns the location of the bed:

  • in any case it should not be put "feet" to the front door;
  • neither the headboard, nor the "legs" in any case should not be near the window;
  • if several beds are used in the bedroom, you should not move them;
  • there should be only one mattress on the bed.;
  • the bed should not be located in a straight line between the window and the door.

Feng shui attaches particular importance to sharp corners:

  • they should not be on the furniture at all;
  • if they do, they should not be directed toward the bed.

Council It is clear that today it is not so difficult to find furniture without sharp corners, but if you did not succeed in this, then you can hide them with the help of or ordinary drapery.

In conclusion

These are the main points of placement of furniture - as you can see, there is nothing difficult in this matter. Adhere to these recommendations, and in all the rest show imagination!

The video presented in this article will provide you with additional information, thanks to which you can create a pleasant atmosphere in the rest room.

Bedroom - the main place in the house for finding peace and accumulation of strength. The most basic rules for the design of the bedroom, we have already discussed in the article. What often remains behind the scenes, but directly affecting your comfort is the placement of furniture in the bedroom. And, of course, the main character here will be a bed.

Experimenting with the arrangement, first create a model - it can be both pieces of furniture cut out of paper on a smaller scale, which can be conveniently moved around the room-list, and computer versions. Our study of the most convenient planners read.

How to put a bed?

Placed by the headboard to the wall bed creates a sense of security. If the layout of the room does not allow to do this, then it is better to choose a high and solid headboard or to attach a bed with the back to the high furniture.

It is most convenient to put a double bed so that the aisles are on both sides. And if at a young age this rule can be neglected, then it is mandatory for the older generation. A single bed is best placed side to the wall, this will free up more room in the room. To the cold from the wall did not deliver discomfort, take care of the soft screen. They can serve as a sheet of insulation, upholstered with fabric to match the interior.

The passage to the sleeping place should also be thought out: the minimum distance between the bed and furniture along your path is seventy centimeters.

The bed placed by the window is romantic. However, in our weather reality, with such a plan, it is impossible to avoid a draft even in the summer, and in the winter it blows cold from the window.

Purely psychologically sleep opposite the door is also uncomfortable. The same effect will create a mirror that reflects the bed, although it will effectively expand the space.

How to put the rest of the furniture?

The standard set of furniture for the bedroom, in addition to the bed, includes 2 cabinets, a chest of drawers or a dressing table with a mirror and a wardrobe. More furniture unnecessarily loads space. If you have a separate dressing room, a wardrobe with books, a desk or a cozy chair can take the place of a wardrobe.

If space allows, first of all you need to determine the location of the bed and bedside tables. Wardrobe and chest of drawers on the remaining seats. Oblong furniture is better to put on a short wall, this is especially important for long and narrow rooms.

What to do if space is small?

Even if the size of the room leaves much to be desired, there is always a way out. The first thing you can do - buy a headboard for a bed with shelves inside. This will remove the cabinets. In extreme cases, you can make a wall shelf above the bed for items that should always be at hand. Let it be as narrow and unloaded as possible so as not to create a sense of danger. Or, surround the entire bed with shelves instead of thumbs - there will be more space for additional storage.

The next thing you can donate is a chest of drawers. Boxes inside the bed or under it will hold bedding, and storage for clothes can be easily arranged in a closet. If the dresser is more important for you than the cabinet, then the first can be taken larger, and the second can be replaced with a compact and open hanger-bar.

all designers always treat with special trepidation. The quality of sleep of the owner of the apartment depends on the right choice of colors and shades. Sound and healthy sleep is the key to a good state of health and mood for the whole day. So how do you turn a small bedroom into a cozy and stylish place? There can be a lot of solutions, but there is no universal answer to this question. First of all, one should proceed from the form of the room itself. For a narrow rectangular bedroom, accommodation will be an ideal way out. spacious wardrobeto be installed along the short wall. So you can transform the room and bring it closer to the shape of a square.

How to arrange the furniture in a small bedroom of 10 sq.m.

Such a small area makes it necessary to abandon many important things. For example, a wardrobe or. The latter can be replaced by small shelves. However, bachelors can donate size. A double one can be replaced by an ordinary single bed or a compromise and placed in the room "lorry".

The ideal option to help mitigate the room’s weaknesses is use of the podium. It will not only give your bedroom a modern and stylish look, but also combine several functions at once. Having laid on the podium, you can save on buying a bed. And all the necessary things can be put in drawerslocated inside. In addition, a similar design move will give the room a youthful and unusual look.

How to arrange the furniture in a small bedroom in Khrushchev

Low ceilings and small areas  - these are the two main problems of all model houses, which are called "Khrushchev". A large amount of furniture in such a bedroom can not be placed at all wishes. Designers recommend abandoning small ones and placing a bed in the bedroom, a bedside table. It is best to use that do not require decorative items. Eco-style, and even - great for Khrushchev.

If you do not know how to arrange the furniture in a small bedroom, photos of interesting and original solutions  will prompt you. The ability to transform the interior depends on the shape of the room itself.

How to arrange the furniture in a small bedroom with a cot

Young parents waiting for a lot of difficulties from the very first days. In the apartments seldom there are unused rooms, which easily turn into children. Therefore, the bed for the baby is usually located next to the parent in the bedroom. This allows not only to monitor the baby in the first months, but also not to miss the feeding time. Only here in the small bedroom to allocate space for very difficult. How to do it?

The easiest option  - abandon the bedside table. If you remove it, then the width of the bed exactly fit on the vacant space. Another way to highlight the required area - rearrange the cabinet  (or move it to another room). Unfortunately, this method does not always help.

It is very important to remember that normal passage width  is sixty centimeters. In the bedroom, where there will be a crib, we do not recommend you to save on the aisles, because mommy with her baby should be comfortable.

How to properly arrange the furniture in the bedroom can be seen on video. This article proposes to consider general recommendations on this issue.
  Bedroom, for the owner of any dwelling - the holy of holies. And the best option for placing furniture with their own hands affects the energy of this room and its comfort.

For any bedroom, the main object is the bed, which must also be given a central place. All other furniture only complements the interior space. Therefore, when planning placement in the bedroom items, you must first choose a place for the bed.
  This should be done taking into account the convenience of approaching it, the absence of drafts or, on the contrary, it overheated, the door should not touch the bed.

Tip: You need to buy a bed as large as possible that can fit in the room, and you need to take into account the installation of the rest of the furniture. It is better to take a wardrobe and chest of drawers more compactly than to sleep on a narrow bed.

The optimal set of furniture to design a comfortable bedroom, in addition to the bed:

  • Bedside tables or tables. Having such products is very convenient. In this case, no need to think about where to put the book, put a jar of cream, set an alarm clock or a glass of water.
      If it is not there, all things have to be put on the floor, which can lead to a periodic random attack on them, and you will have to get out of bed to the chest of drawers to get something.
  • Padded stool, upholstered bench or mini-couch at the foot of the bed. These elements are not a necessity, but they increase the level of comfort. On these items, straightened the bed, put a blanket, leaving other things.
  • Dressing table. This detail of the interior is needed for the ladies who are used to using it in the bedroom. It is better to install it against the wall with a window perpendicular, not far from the light.
  • Chest of drawers.
  • Wardrobe. It should not be put in the bedroom, where there is a separate dressing room. If planning allows, it is better to build a wardrobe in the room. If it is wall to wall in size, it will look like a wall.

Tip: If the cabinet has no mirrors in the door, it is better to put it in the darkest corner, where it is less noticeable.

  • If the bedroom is large, you can equip a recreation area. For this fit a free corner. To do this, you need: a comfortable chair with a pouf under your feet, a small table and a floor lamp. Here you can read or tie. As shown in the photo.

How to put the bed

There is an instruction for the correct location of the bed.
It looks like this:

  • The bed can not be put "feet" to the door.
  • No feet or headboard put the bed to the window. Otherwise, everything that gets into the house through the windows can fall on the head.
  • The bed is not located on the same line between the window and the door, otherwise the flow of Qi energy, which is not always favorable, will simply “stumble” about the one who is sleeping.
  • Do not place the bed under the ceiling beams in the corner of the room. Avoid sharp corners of large furniture aimed at the bed.
      If this is not achieved, you need to decorate the corners of the furniture with draperies or plants.
  • The bed of the spouses should not be reflected in the mirror.
  • The bed cannot be placed in front of or next to the toilet.
  • If a small double bed is to be placed so that it can be approached from two sides, and leave space at the foot of the footboard.
  • For a single and semi-double bed, it is enough to create free access to one of the sidewalls. In this case, it can be put and footboard, and sidewall to the wall.
  • Across the room is better to have a sleeping bed in an elongated bedroom. But if less than 70 cm remains between its footboard and the wall, it is better to arrange a bed for sleeping along the long walls.
      At the same time, there must be at least 70 cm near one and the other beds.
  • If the bedroom is 12 square meters or 14 square meters and is narrow, the bed can be installed diagonally. In this case, when installing a double bed, it is possible to freely approach from both sides and redraw the space when the room geometry changes visually.
  • Single beds are placed diagonally, then the passage to the window is cleared.
  • More intimate is making the bedroom setting the bed so that it is not visible completely from the entrance.

How to save space in the bedroom

When furniture arrangement is needed (see How to arrange furniture in a bedroom: various options) in a small bedroom, then some items simply have nowhere to put or need to save space and leave space free.
In this case, for some reason, you can refuse and replace it with another element:

  • Bedside tables replace bedside shelves. It is convenient to put lamps or other small items on them, which will greatly facilitate the interior.
  • A wardrobe with a dresser is perfect instead of a separate dresser.
  • A wall mirror and a shelf under it allow you to do without a dressing table.

Tip: In this case, you need to buy a pouf on wheels suitable in height and push it, say, under a bedside shelf, and if necessary, sit in front of a mirror - push it out, which will significantly increase the free space in the bedroom.

  • It is possible to refuse and from a case, it is enough to equip another place for storage of linen. For example, with drawers or a special lifting mechanism for a platform bed, they allow bedding to be placed in them.
  • It is possible to use with advantage and a padded stool with a folding seat.
  • Hanging cabinets are excellent replace the dresser and cabinet, which is very beneficial in terms of space.
  • A chair or a chair near the dressing table will replace the pouf, which moves under this table.

Tip: With a small bedroom instead of a closet, it is better to prefer a closet that needs less space between its sliding doors and other pieces of furniture.

What are the main mistakes made when planning a bedroom?

There are several basic rules that it is undesirable to violate when designing planning for the bedroom. This is due to the negative impact on human health, the price of which is much higher than the interior of the room.
The rules of feng shui include:

  • The bedroom should not have common walls with the bathroom or toilet, it should be well ventilated, kept clean and tidy.
  • It is extremely dangerous in the bedroom to store unused or broken things that take a lot of energy.
  • When placing a bed you need to pay attention so that during sleep the head is directed towards FU WEI.
  • It is necessary to avoid placing the bed under ceiling pipes or beams, which may impair human health.
  • The presence of a box is undesirable under a sleeping place, and when it is found, it is possible to store in it only things that are directly related to sleep, and are often used.
  • Be wary of using mirrors in the bedroom.  They can not be arranged exactly opposite the bed, window or front door. The main thing is that after waking up a person could not see lying in bed reflected in the mirror.
  • For a bedroom, the color according to Feng Shui is chosen according to the Ba-Gua Energy Map, and the features of all people living in the room should be taken into account according to their elements.

Designing a bedroom is an important point; this is a place where a person spends at least a third of life, and therefore the placement of furniture, and the design in the color of the bedroom should take into account all the individual characteristics of the owners.