Classes in the pool for children with an instructor. Baby swimming: theory and practice

Life originated in water, and the first moments of our baby’s development also take place in the aquatic environment. In the mother’s tummy, our child is in the amniotic fluid and therefore the aquatic environment is habitual for him. And when, after being born with a baby, they begin to swim in warm water, he feels joy and pleasure, like meeting an old friend.

The method of teaching infants swimming is based on the ability of infants to move in weightlessness. Infants have the instinct of swimming, and the water for them is even more natural habitat than air and earth, because they spent most of their lives, still intrauterine, in a state of "swimming."

Why is this useful?

Swimming from a very early age is one of the easiest ways to make a child hardened, healthy and physically developed. You will notice the positive effect of this work adored by children in a few weeks!

If you want your child to grow up: healthy, strong, resilient and cheerful, not whimper, develop properly, so that he can start to walk and talk early, teach him to swim from infancy.

When is it better to start classes?

Experience shows that if you start classes in the bath without delay (that is, 2-3 weeks after the birth of the child, when the umbilical cord heals) and continue them regularly, the child already in the fourth month will receive conscious active movements with his hands and feet.

Teaching infants swimming is based on the innate ability to swim. However, without fixing this swimming reflex to three - three and a half months to extinct. If a child begins to teach swimming before this time, when he still has the ability to stay on the water, reflexively hold his breath when immersed in water, he will quickly get comfortable in the water and will independently hold onto it and even dive.

Swimming lessons with kids

Classes with kids in our pool last a total of half an hour - an hour in the pool and half an hour in the sauna. It all depends on the children themselves, some are already tired after 15 minutes, and for many this time is not enough.

Water Activities:

  • Exercises for moms and kids.
  • Complex exercises designed for both kids and their mothers.

Land classes

  • Elements of dynamic gymnastics.
  • Sauna visit
  • Hardening procedures

Begin to bathe the baby

As parents are not afraid to bathe babies

Many mothers, especially if they have a firstborn, at first scared to bathe the child. After all, he is so small, fragile, helpless and slippery in water. The case is sometimes complicated by the fact that some babies do not really like immersion due to mom's insecurity. However, a child is born with swimming reflexes, which, without anchoring, can die away already by three months. Therefore, pediatricians are advised to start swimming in a small bath and then go into a large bath, and from two months in a special children's pool.

Important rules for parents:

  • calm and confidence in the movements of parents;
  • pleasure of swimming: classes should be held only if it brings joy to you and the child.

If you are not ready for “big” water - you can start with home procedures.

You can use the services of professional instructors. Instructors will be able to go to your home and help you master the techniques of bathing your baby, namely:

  • Basic grips and movements, how to hold and how to move a child in the water;
  • Explain the possible reaction of the baby to certain procedures;
  • Teach support that strain a particular muscle group;
  • With the help of an instructor you will be able to try all the supports and grabs, you will memorize them, as they say, “hands” and you will not be afraid.

Our trainers

   Julia Popova

To conduct classes in the pool, she has a higher education - she graduated from the Russian State Academy of Physical Education and Sports, and for advanced training she graduated from courses in infant swimming.
Experience:  long work experience with children of different ages.
  organizing and conducting swimming lessons, organizing holidays in the pool and in the hall for children of different ages. Conducting group and individual lessons in the pool. Conducting lessons in synchronized swimming.
Experience with pregnant women:conducting classes in the pool for pregnant women. Consultations after childbirth with departure to the house.
  carrying out individual children's patronage with departure on the house. Baby swimming at home and in the pool.
Personal achievements:  Master of Sports in synchronized swimming.

   Ekaterina Fomicheva
Infant swimming instructor and pregnant

To conduct classes in the pool has a higher pedagogical education, for advanced training she graduated from courses in infant swimming.
Experience: 12 years of teaching experience, more than 10 years of experience in swimming with children.
Experience with children of different ages:  organizing and conducting swimming lessons, organizing holidays in the pool and in the hall for children of different ages. Conducting group and individual lessons in the pool. Conducting water polo lessons.
Experience with pregnant women:  Conducting classes in the pool for pregnant women. Consultations after childbirth with departure to the house.
Experience with newborns:  Carrying out individual children's patronage with departure on the house. Baby swimming at home and in the pool.
Personal achievements:

Elena Ilyina

To conduct classes in the pool she graduated from the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Professional trainer-instructor in swimming.
Experience:  Work experience since 1999 - from kindergarten to fitness centers.
Experience with children of different ages:  organizing and conducting swimming lessons, organizing holidays in the pool and in the hall for children of different ages. Conducting group and individual lessons in the pool.
Experience with pregnant women:  conducting classes in the pool for pregnant women.
Personal achievements:  Candidate master of sports in swimming.

Olga Davydova
Infant swimming instructor and pregnant.

Candidate master of sports and professional swimming coach (RGUFK), has extensive experience working with children's swimming groups, primary education groups, groups who can not swim. She graduated from the advanced training courses of the FPC, psychological and pedagogical training of teachers and courses on infant swimming.

Swimming will bring pleasure and great benefits for the baby. In addition, during joint procedures, mother and child will become even closer and make contact. You can start classes in the bathroom almost from birth. But note that children's swimming in such an early swimming is not due to the work of the muscles, but due to innate reflexes.

If you want your baby to learn how to swim in reality, continue your lessons already in the pool. The optimal age for training in the pool is considered when the child is 6 months old. However, today special programs have been developed that are designed for swimming with babies in 2-3 months.

Learning to swim should start with a home bath and then go to the pool. Do it in two months or after six months, to decide parents. In any case, with regular classes, by the age of one year old, the baby will have conscious swimming skills. Swimming - the undoubted benefits for the health and development of an infant.

What is useful swimming for babies

Everyone knows that swimming has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems, on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of infant swimming:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the baby, straightening the arms, legs and fingers;
  • Cool water tempers and strengthens the immune system;
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory system of the newborn and the development of "deep" breathing;
  • Increased resistance to colds and infectious diseases;
  • Regular swimming stimulates blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on the lungs;
  • Water, which is denser than air, optimizes blood pressure, facilitates heart function and normalizes heart rate;
  • Diving and breath-holding activate the brain and flush the infant's nose from dust and bacteria. It prevents the development of allergies, is an excellent prevention of rhinitis and infectious diseases;
  • Swimming normalizes sleep and helps the baby to fall asleep faster. After the procedures, the child sleeps well and soundly;
  • The child gets used to temperature changes, which also has a positive effect on immunity and contributes to physical development;
  • Systematic exercises will help to form a correct and beautiful posture, a strong muscular corset for the baby's spine;
  • Studies have shown that the baby in the water relaxes and gets rid of fears, it becomes bolder and more confident. In addition, a child who can swim almost from birth, will not be afraid of open water.

Water treatments will help the newborn to quickly adapt to new living conditions. Interestingly, the exercises in the water is much more useful and effective massage. It strengthens and at the same time relaxes the muscles of the legs and arms, the back and the neck. It stimulates and improves the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, swimming with the baby strengthens the relationship and establishes contact with the mother, which has a positive effect on the psyche and emotional state of the baby. The newborn is less naughty, worried and crying.

However, there are also contraindications for infant swimming. The child can not swim with congenital heart disease and dermatitis, with convulsions and serious disorders of the nervous system. Swimming will become dangerous for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which require fixation of the limbs.

Swimming during a cold or a viral illness will only make things worse. Resume classes can be after full recovery. Before you begin systematic swimming exercises, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

Swimming rules in the bathroom

If there are no contraindications, feel free to start training. It is important to follow the safety rules and some recommendations for swimming in the bathroom. Then you will avoid problems and easily teach baby to swim. It is already possible to begin training from three weeks after the birth of the baby.

Prepare a bath before the procedure. It is enough to wash the plumbing with laundry soap before immersing the newborn. Once a week, treat the bath with soda, then rinse thoroughly with hot water. Do not use potassium permanganate and herbal decoctions. Do not forget that a child can swallow water, and these substances often cause a negative reaction.

Of great importance is the temperature of the water. The optimal performance for newborns will be 37 - 35 degrees above zero. Then the temperature is gradually reduced. But remember that children under three months can not swim at temperatures below 32 ° C!

The first bathing should last no more than 15 minutes. At the same time, when the water cools, no need to pour hot water! The body of the baby gets used to the new conditions and hardens, which favorably affects the child's immunity.

Never leave your baby alone in the bathroom! Two or three seconds are enough for the newborn to choke even in a small amount of water!

How to choose the temperature for bathing baby

You need to start bathing with a temperature of 34-37 ° C, which is reduced by 1-2 degrees every four days. But do not get carried away by hardening. Too cold water will only harm the newborn. The minimum temperature for three-month-old children is 32 degrees, and for babies up to one year - 25 degrees.

When the temperature is not suitable for the baby, he cries when immersed for a few minutes. If the baby resists and is naughty, go back to the previous indicators. Observe the measure and do not force to swim. When the baby is passive and does not want to move, the water is too warm. But if the child whimpers first, but then calms down and splashes actively, you have picked up the ideal temperature.

To measure degrees, you can use a special thermometer or use the old “grandmother's” method by lowering the elbow into the water. The skin in this place is softer, tender and receptive.

In addition, it is important to monitor the temperature of the air. Do not heat the bathing room too much. A large temperature difference will not please the baby and can lead to diseases.

Eight swimming exercises with the baby

The optimal time for swimming is 40-60 minutes after feeding. Breast milk has already been digested, but the baby is not hungry yet. The baby should not be tired, as he will cry and be capricious during the baby swimming. But if the child is calm and willingly performs the exercises, you can conduct classes before bedtime.

  • Support under the head

The baby lies on its back, and the mother holds the head under the head. Sometimes the smallest babies have to be supported with the other hand and under the booty. Very soon, with regular support, the baby will float on its own.

  • Chin support

In this case, the child is tum down almost upright. Mom supports her head so that her chin is on the palm.

  • Shocks and turns

Legs baby to the wall of the bath. He feels a foothold, pushes off the side and tries to swim.

  • Splashing

Mom puts the baby on her tummy so that he completely plunges into the water, and slightly supports her chin. Show your baby how interesting it is to splash. Lead your hand with the child on the water back and forth. Soon the crumb will independently splash, move legs and handles.

  • Sailing for a toy or catch up

Mom puts the baby as well as when tummy tumbling down, supports her chin. Before the baby put a bathing toy that you need to catch up. With each lesson, gradually increase your speed and distance.

  • Eight

When the baby learns to move in a straight line, they begin to swim, repeating the outline of the figure 8. The exercise is performed on the back and abdomen. Gradually increase the speed of movement and the size of the figure.

  • Swing

The baby is lying on the tummy. Mom supports her chin and nape to keep her head above water. The child is submerged and lifted with smooth movements, moved back and forth.

  • Diving

Children from birth can hold their breath, so do not be afraid of complete immersion in water. Start diving after the baby is used to the water and “swim” a little. First say “Dive” and blow in the face. Then the baby will close his eyes and hold his breath, and you dip him with your head for a couple of seconds. Repeat the session for 10 days. Then splashes are added to the key phrase and the breeze. Before you dip a child, we pronounce the cherished word, we blow and lightly sprinkle water on the face. When the baby gets used to the procedure, gradually increase the dive time to 6 seconds.

If you are concerned about the safety of your baby, at first use special inflatable circles for newborns or a cap with foam to support the head. Then the child can easily be on the water without mom's support. But such devices will not allow diving.

Swimming rules in the pool

Swim in the pool, you can start with two months. The main thing is that the umbilical wound is fully healed. It is better if you study with an instructor in a program specially designed for mothers and babies. However, you can do the exercises yourself.

In the pool, be sure to take three towels, one of which will be for the parent, the other for the baby, and the third will be used as bedding for the changing table. It is recommended to take your favorite baby toy, pacifiers and rattles. If necessary, they will help calm the baby.

The optimum temperature, as in the bathroom, should be 32-37 degrees. Begin classes with 10 minutes and gradually increase the time. The maximum time of baby swimming is half an hour. Before doing the exercises, let your baby get used to the water. You can spray the baby, but make sure that the water does not get into your eyes!

If the child is cold, take it out of the water and warm it with a towel. You can not leave the baby in the pool alone! During the voyage, talk and support the child so that he feels contact with the mother. This will give confidence to the baby.

Every parents want the best for their child. With the appearance of the newborn in most families, the question arises about the formation of immunity in the children, so that the child grows up healthy, strong and certainly cheerful. Therefore, at this stage it is important to organize everything correctly, in what swimming can help. After spending nine months in water, this baby liquid is considered to be a native medium. And because many families do not deprive the pleasure of their baby in the "adult world", enrolling with him in swimming lessons, because the pool for infants will greatly benefit the growing organism.

In general, swimming can be organized at home, which is suitable for a bath or inflatable pool for infants. From an early age, children attending classes in the pool are significantly ahead in the development of their peers.

Visiting the pool for infants, the children's body will be hardened. Swimming lessons contribute to the relaxation of the general muscle group, as well as the removal of the load from the spine. Those who attend such procedures babies sleep well and eat, which can please every mother.

Important advice from the publisher!

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When can I start classes?

With infants swimming lessons can be conducted from the first days of their lives. Pediatricians, who are training newly born babies, are advised to carry out the first procedures in the pool in the first 2-4 weeks after their birth. This time is considered the most appropriate, since in the period of the first three weeks of life, the child has an increase in weight, and his body begins to adapt to the environment.

In addition, the swimming reflex, like most congenital, is still "in place." It is necessary to begin training infants swimming in the pool to 4 months of age. Since by the time the swimming reflex can fade away. But you should not despair if there is no opportunity to visit the pool with the baby, because you can use an inflatable for this purpose. The main thing is to first read the relevant literature, and for the first lesson, invite an instructor.

Where is it better to teach a child?

A happy childhood for your child is the dream of all parents. Therefore, swimming has recently become quite popular. The best option is considered if in your city there are special swimming pools for babies. The instructors working there will assist beginners and assist in training.

However, if it is difficult to find or visit an institution of such a plan, it is always possible to carry out procedures in an ordinary bath. The main thing is to get acquainted with the relevant literature in advance and consult with a specialist.

Usually, in order for parents with infants to get into the pool for swimming, you must provide the following documents:

  • for infants, help from a pediatrician after visiting a neuropathologist;
  • for mother - a certificate from a gynecologist, a dermatologist, a therapist.

Also, the baby's mom needs to prepare in advance slippers and a hat, a swimsuit and other accessories. As for the child, in most cases there is no need to acquire the appropriate "equipment" for him. However, be sure to purchase special pants or diapers for swimming, so that the pleasure of bathing does not upset the “children's surprises”. Regarding the cap, there are also no mandatory requirements. Here parents are guided solely by individual wishes. Many young mothers who visit the pool for newborns do not use hats.

About the benefits of baby swimming

The benefits of baby swimming, about which many books have been written, for many parents becomes the main reason to attend water activities. Exercises practiced by instructors for this type of exercise can also be performed at home. Of course, a standard bath will be too small for this, but an inflatable pool fits perfectly.

In general, the positive effects of water procedures and swimming in the pool are the following:

  • physical and psychomotor development in newborns is faster;
  • muscles strengthen and muscle tone is normalized;
  • hardening;
  • harmonious development of the whole body of the baby;
  • increases immunity;
  • strengthens the baby’s cardiovascular system;
  • better develop lungs;
  • relieves tension and arousal;
  • raises the mood of the newborn and parents.

The first trip is a real event!

The first trip to the pool for newborns with your baby is an exciting event. It is worth a lot to take and not forget about many things. Therefore, the preparation is recommended to start in advance. For convenience, you can use a fairly roomy bag to put in it all the necessary accessories.

First of all, put there special swimming pants, spare diapers, and a towel. You can take a few toys so that as they get older they are associated with babies with pleasant moments and turn swimming into a fun game.

Also do not forget about passing accessories. They will be needed when it is necessary to change or remove diapers.

For the first visit to the infant pool, it is better that the newborn be completely healthy. Also pay attention to the rash, which may occur after the first lesson. In rare cases, chlorinated water can cause irritation to baby’s delicate skin.

The first visit should not be devoted to learning to swim. Usually, this event should be accompanied by familiarization with the new environment. Therefore, a newly born child must be put on his back and simply rolled on the water, constantly maintaining eye contact. A more comfortable and joyful stay in the water and swimming will make your voice, which accompanied the baby all nine months. With the right approach and the recommendations of instructors, addiction to the pool in infants will arise in 3-4 classes. Mom is the main thing is not to doubt and not be afraid of what to do.

Swimming pools for babies - this is a great pastime, which is useful not only for the physical and psychological development of the newborn.

Taking pleasure in water activities, the child will undoubtedly delight his mother. Therefore, a visit to the infant pool and swimming can bring the baby and mother closer together.

We are swimming at home

As previously mentioned, for the first swimming lesson, parents need to read the accompanying literature and invite an instructor. Bath or inflatable pool should be the first lesson filled with water 36-37 degrees by about two-thirds. During water procedures, the water will gradually cool down, but this does not mean that you need to top up with warm water. This kind of swimming, which is also practiced in infants' pools, accompanies the hardening of the body of your child.

The child should be immersed in the water confidently, communicating with him in a calm, soft voice and without interrupting eye contact.

So the newborn will understand that all is well. Teaching a child to swim at home using a bath or inflatable pool is not difficult. If the kid prefers to swim on his stomach, support him gently with his hand on his chin, as he has not yet learned to hold his own head. In position on the back is to hold the newborn head under the back of the head. The information proposed in the video will help to familiarize yourself with the basics of baby swimming.

Situations associated with diseases of infants after attending classes in the pool or swimming at home, occur extremely rarely. Basically, it is otitis. To avoid such undesirable consequences, it is necessary to carefully clean the baby’s ears from water after each procedure. In case of manifestation of other diseases, it is better to consult a doctor for consultation.

Newborn babies who attend baby pools or classes at home sometimes get swallowed. In such situations, you can give your baby enterosgel. This drug is an excellent alternative to activated carbon.

If your child feels fine, then this is not necessary.

If you plan to attend classes for newborns in the pool or to hold such activities at home using an inflatable pool, this is not only a commendable desire, but also a way to raise a strong healthy child with an excellent cheerful outlook. Swimming for a newborn from the first days of his life will benefit everyone.

The Kimberley Land Center invites babies to swim training. Interesting activities with my mother will leave unforgettable emotions. Our baby pool is completely safe and spacious enough.

Swimming with babies in the pool - the most important stage in the development of the crumbs!

Physical development of children of the first year of life is needed almost as much as breast milk. That is why caring mother daily massages the baby and bathes him. And that is why many mothers attend classes in teaching infant swimming in a specially equipped pool.

Water treatments and swimming in the pool for infants are an integral part of adaptation to the outside world. It is in the water that the child learns to coordinate movements, his muscular system is strengthened, and hip joints dysplasia (a very common disease of the musculoskeletal system) is many times better amenable to correction.

Infant swimming in the pool makes physical development directed, allowing the child to develop in all directions - mothers are happy to note the more rapid physical development of their babies. They used to sit down and start walking. And if the peers of your baby have not yet strengthened the muscular corset, their spine is difficult to keep the body in an upright position, then our youngest visitors define these terms themselves. They feel the support of their parents, the strength of their bodies, and they sit down. Then they get up. And when the friends of the baby make hesitant steps, you try to keep up with your briskly walking child, who from the first months of life mastered baby swimming.

These are fairly obvious benefits. But besides this, the moms of our visitors note that babies after exercising in the pool for infants are falling asleep faster and harder, they are much less likely to suffer from colic and flatulence. During wakefulness kids are in a good mood, they are not naughty.

It is difficult for a kid lying in bed or on your hands to come up with developmental activities. This is not the kindergarten age, when a child can already be given to different circles and sections. Therefore, you need to try to fill this deficiency infant swimming. The pool for kids is perfect for such purposes!

If you move away from physical development and evaluate baby swimming from a practical point of view, then such exercises in the pool from an early age gently, without stress and cold water, temper the baby’s body. This means that the beginning of a visit to a preschool institution ceases to be associated with parents with an endless stream of respiratory infections and sick leave.

All exercises are conducted in a fully prepared pool with a geyser, a fountain and slides. We carefully monitor the microclimate - the temperature regime of air and water is maintained at an optimal level.

There is also no need to worry about water quality - we use absolutely safe cleaning and disinfecting compounds. All classes in the pool for infants are conducted under the supervision of experienced instructors and trainers, taking into account the characteristics of each child.

Our baby-swimming lessons for babies are convenient for residents of Moscow living in the SAD and South-Western Administrative Area (in the south-west): Sevastopol, Kakhovskaya, Varshavskaya, Nakhimovskiy Avenue, Balaklavsky Avenue, Chertanovskaya, Leninsky Avenue, Kaluzhskaya, Novye Cheryomushki, Trade Union.

Every parent wants the baby to grow up healthy and comprehensively developed. Today there are a lot of developing methods for infants, allowing to realize the desire in life. Including baby swimming. Is it really such a useful activity or just a tribute to fashion when you can start swimming, at home or in the pool - there are a lot of questions. It is time to find the answers to them and provide the newly-made moms and dads with all the necessary information, because any mistake can harm the beloved crumb.

What is baby swimming

As you know, in medicine, attitudes towards various kinds of developmental activities are rather ambiguous. That's swimming is no exception. On the territory of the USSR, we learned about this technique thanks to Igor Charkovsky, a rescue instructor who in the 60s made a special tank for water activities with his premature daughter. By 3 months, the baby not only strengthened her health, but also significantly overtook her peers in the development. Charkovsky began to advise maternity homes on the introduction of infant swimming into practice. However, after a couple of years, the technique was recognized as dangerous and was banned. And only at the end of the 70s baby swimming was started up again, thanks in large part to the book about swimming of newborns, released by the chairman of the swimming federation, Zakhari Pavlovich Firsov.

Baby swimming is a type of developmental activity for babies.

How old do you start

Having experienced the excitement of the first swims, you probably noticed that your baby is happily splashing in the bath. And the more courageous parents are also the fact that if the little one is put under the water with the head, he will hold his breath and will feel quite comfortable. The explanation for this is a congenital reflex, thanks to which the baby remembers that time spent in his mother's belly, swimming in a liquid. However, by 3-4 months, the reaction in water will begin to fade away, so it will be much more difficult to accustom the toddler to swimming. Conclusion: you need to start swimming with babies in 3-4 weeks.This is due to the fact that

  • the wound on the navel is already tightened;
  • butuza will start to gain weight, adapting to the environment that is still unfamiliar to them;
  • congenital reflexes are not yet extinguished.

Principles of infant swimming

The success of classes depends on how well the preparatory work will be carried out. If you compile a list of principles of swimming with babies, then, apart from the already mentioned, you can start with 3-4 weeks, you can select 4 positions.

Teaching methods for newborns and babies

Swimming with infants should be systemic, that is, not only regular, but also relevant to one or another proven method. At the moment there are 3 popular work systems, each of which has been tested by more than one generation of infants.

Firsov technique

The purpose of the work on this system is that by the year a peasant should:

  • stay in the water for 20-30 minutes;
  • dive shallowly (behind a toy or just like that);
  • be able to jump from a low bridge into the water without panicking.

Work on achieving this goal is proceeding gradually. It begins with an explanation of the baby that he will swim, then the baby is lowered into the water, and after the period of adaptation to the water of the child is completed, supporting him under his tummy or back, he is placed on the water.

Charkovsky's technique is very controversial, be careful!

It is worth noting that this training system was designed for premature babies, so that it may not be suitable for children born on time. The principle of Charkovsky in surprises and sharpness: the baby is quickly immersed under water with his head, then taken out and immediately without delay immersed again. One lesson takes at least 30-40 minutes. For a short moment of diving, the baby manages to take a breath, but at that time, while there is no oxygen in the body, the brain is fed in a more intensive mode due to the body’s response to danger. Such stresses help to develop more physically and mentally.

The technique is widely criticized among specialists for its danger to the brain - as a result of prolonged diving, the baby develops hypoxia. Independently implement the Charkovsky method in practice is difficult and even dangerous for the life of the child.

Technique of Vladimir Guterman - the most popular today

In the 1960s – 1970s, the author worked in the largest open-air swimming pool in Europe, Moscow, where he observed children in therapeutic and sport swimming. Later this experience was systematized into its own method. It consists of 4 stages:

  • up to 3 months of age (massage, gymnastics, simulating swimming, the actual occupation in the water);
  • from 3 to 6 months (the baby is explained how to swim, show the elements of exercise, support), so to speak, the conversational stage;
  • from 6 to 9 months (children swim independently, dive);
  • from 9 months little swimmers swim, dive for toys.

Advantages of this activity for babies

Having thought about swimming with the baby, parents should clearly understand: their goal is not to bring up the Olympic reserve, but to strengthen the health of the toddler. Swimming allows you to achieve very good results in this, namely:

  • teaches a child to water temperature drops, which helps to strengthen immunity, and therefore, reduces the risk of catching a cold;
  • helps to shape the muscle corset and determines the correct posture in the future;
  • significantly faster (in comparison with massage and strokes) improves the motor system, that is, strengthens / relaxes the muscles of the arms, legs, back, neck, and this, in turn, will allow the baby to sit down faster, start crawling and walking;
  • to absorb more oxygen, the body releases red blood cells that increase hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • the maxillary sinuses are cleaned, harmful bacteria and allergens are washed out, which reduces the risk of a runny nose;
  • it has a calming effect on the baby, he falls asleep faster and stronger, without creating additional anxiety for mommy, associated with frequent awakenings at night;
  • being in the water, the child learns to express herself with gestures, movements, that is, the mother begins to better understand her crumbs;
  • teaches baby without fear of water.

The main principle of swimming with the baby - the process should be fun

Arguments against: possible harm

Any medal has a reverse side, and swimming is no exception.

Note that the arguments relate to cases where classes are conducted according to all the rules. And transfer harm from swimming in violation of accepted norms can be infinite. This also includes child mortality due to careless treatment of a baby in water.

When swimming is necessary

Unfortunately, a lot of tots is born with deviations in health. But some of these violations are successfully corrected by swimming:

  • muscle hypertonus (excessive muscle tension);
  • muscle hypotonia (weakness of the muscular system);
  • low weight (less than 2.5 kg);
  • dysplasia, arthrosis of the joints;
  • congenital defects in the musculoskeletal tissue;
  • torticollis;

Swimming is very helpful in hip dysplasia.


It is very important to pay attention to situations when swimming lessons for a child can aggravate the already serious health problems:

  • violations in the work of the musculoskeletal system, when the fixation of the arms and legs;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • purulent dermatitis;
  • seizures due to neurological disorders.

Doing housework

Kids are very sensitive to the mood of adults, so start classes in a good mood. And more: you should be comfortable.


Do not expect that you will stay for a long time, bending over the bath, - put a chair. Prepare a clean diaper or soft towel to wipe the little swimmer after class.

It is interesting. In the absence of drafts, pediatricians are advised to slightly wet the skin of the child and carry it to the room naked - this is one of the elements of hardening.

So that young parents are not nervous, you can use an inflatable life ring or a special cap with a foam pad as a means of safety. All actions with the baby in the water must be accompanied by a calm and confident voice.

Communication with water should begin with immersion of the handle, and then the feet of the toddler. And do not forget to accompany all actions with your comments.

Support for the baby can be done in two versions: under the head (the baby lies on the back, and the adult picks up his head under the neck) and under the chin (the baby lies on the water on the tummy, the chin on the adult's palm).

You can support the stomach and under the chin, and behind the head


In fact, swimming at home can be just as exciting as in a pool. You just need to find the right exercises. It is important that they are approved by the pediatrician.

All swimming exercises must be approved by a pediatrician, and ideally also a surgeon and a neurologist.

“Twists and Kicks”


  1. Legs karapuz closer to the walls of the bath.
  2. After the baby feels supported under the legs, he will push off, and then turn over from his back to his stomach.

The help of the parent in this exercise is reduced to a minimum: to support the crumbs in the process of push and coup.


Exercise is performed while lying on the water on the tummy. Supporting the kid for the chin you need to show him what funny circles on the water are formed from splashing.

“We are catching up with the ships”

Children love to catch up with toys in the water.


  1. Put the baby on the stomach, support for the chin.
  2. Before the toddler expose the toy.
  3. We try to reach it, saying: “Look, our boat is swimming away, let's catch up!” Over time, you can add speed and increase the distance to the target.


This exercise can be started when the baby has mastered movement in a straight line.


  1. We spread the child on the back or tummy, supporting accordingly.
  2. Picking up a suitable speed, we imitate the figure figure 8.

"Ride on a swing"


  1. We spread the child on the stomach, support the chin.
  2. We make sure that the head remains above the water, and imitate swimming back and forth, up and down. To do this, immerse and lift the baby with smooth movements.

“We dive!”

Exercise causes fear in some parents, but children, as a rule, are not afraid of it, moreover, some even look forward to it.


  1. We start with the theoretical stage. For 10 days, we regularly pronounce the word “We dive!” And blow our baby in the face. Scarce instinctively closes the eyes and hold your breath.
  2. Add a little water: after pronouncing the phrase, splash the toddler in the face with some water.
  3. We say the key phrase and for 1-2 seconds we lower the baby under the water with his head. Gradually increase the time under water to 5-6 seconds.

It is interesting. Diving begins only after the baby has already bathed a little.

How to teach your baby to swim at home in the bath - video

Swimming in the pool

Depending on their preferences, parents choose classes in the pool group or individual.


It is very important that the baby is properly assembled in the pool. Have to take:

  • bathing panties (for very small ones this may be a special diaper for bathing);
  • towel is warm and large;
  • a hat that you put on immediately after class, so as not to chill ears;
  • means for bathing children to wash off the pool water after class;
  • swimming circle (just in case for your own comfort);
  • toys for the baby, which he likes, are valid in the pool.

Swimming gear - photo gallery

A bathing cap can be done independently: it is enough to fix the foam blocks on the rim. Lifebuoy in the bathroom is needed more to calm the parents than for the baby. The bathing cap will not wet your hair, but it is unlikely to protect you from getting water in your ears.
   Many manufacturers of products for children produce special swimsuit-diapers.

Everything you need to know about swimming

If the child is accustomed to the coach, he reacts well to him, then the mother may not enter the water at all, but observe the process at the side.

The first classes are best done with an instructor.

An average pool session lasts about 90 minutes. Of these, 20-25 go to the preliminary warming massage of the baby. True, the first lesson lasts only 10 minutes, each subsequent workout time is added, and in a month you will come to the average time.

Exercises for training in the pool are identical to those used in training in the bathroom.

It is interesting. Swimming can be combined with hardening. To do this, some parents pour cool water over the pupils after class, but this procedure brings pleasure to few of the wards. Therefore, doctors recommend simply letting the calf dry, not wiping it - this is also an effective method of hardening.

A set of exercises with an infant in the pool - video

Advantages of swimming lessons at home and in the pool - table

In the bathroom In the pool
Comfort for the child A newborn baby is still getting used to the new environment, so children under one month are recommended to practice in a special baby bath with their mother nearby. So the child will feel the presence of the mother nearby, and a small space will not cause fear. Very often, newborn babies get scared of big water, extraneous sounds, noise. Indeed, in the pool are engaged not only they, but also other children. That is why it is recommended to bring children into the pool at the age of two or three months.
Trainings Doctors recommend starting early swimming exercises only in the presence of a specialist. When mom gets a little comfortable, you can do it yourself. But often at home to call a coach is problematic and expensive. In the pool, you can choose an individual schedule, choose your favorite instructor and be completely sure that the classes will be held correctly and with benefit.
Security Very often, mothers who try to do baby swimming on their own do not know the principles and methods of practice. Water can get into the lungs of an infant, and this is life threatening. In the pool classes are held only under the supervision of experienced professionals, so the child and mother are completely safe.
Exercises in groups Very often, the kids do not want to swim on their own: they are scared, uninteresting, etc. At home there is no opportunity to do exercises with several children. In the group, the child pays attention to his peers. When a baby sees that others are swimming with pleasure, he is not so scared to try new tasks and exercises himself.
Conditions In this regard, the home bath comes out on top. Mom can prepare boiled water without chlorine, wash the bath well or a large bath well, and can be sure that no infections are dangerous for her baby. Often, chlorine, which disinfects water, causes allergic reactions, problems with respiratory organs and digestion, when swallowed water from the pool. There is a risk of catching some kind of infection.

Opinions pediatricians

Doctors are mostly very positive about infant swimming. However, many of them advise all the same to do at home to reduce the risk of harmful microorganisms in the baby's digestive tract, as well as on his skin. Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, as his colleagues, insists that swimming is useful only when it is carried out with the observance of all precautions, and the baby is in good spirits. In addition, pediatricians often emphasize that bathing in cool water promotes good infant sleep and is also an important step in the hardening process.

Doctor Komarovsky about swimming for babies - video