Didactic games for “Health Day. Didactic game "Who has who?

Didactic game "What are they made of?"

This didactic material will be useful for kindergarten teachers and parents.
  The didactic game is intended for children of preschool age.

Purpose of the game:  To improve children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality, and about the materials from which they are made.
  - To give ideas about the connections of objects of the world;
  - To acquaint with the products of human labor, and with Russian crafts;
  - Develop logical thinking;
  - To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe symbols of Russia;
  - Expand horizons, vocabulary of children;
  - To teach children to compare subjects, to establish causal relationships

Material:  large maps depicting material and empty spaces; small subject cards;
  The tasks of the game participants:
  Distribute items into groups: - Of stone; gland; thread; fabrics etc. 1. "Who is faster"  (2-8 children participate).
  To all subject cards to mix up. Big cards give each player one at a time.
  The task of the players is how fashionable it is to put them on their big cards faster. The one who first closes the big cards correctly wins;
2. “Choose and name”  (2-8 children participate). All players take one big card. The host takes a subject card and shows what is depicted on it, and asks the players what it is made of. Whoever has collected all the cards faster has won.
  Players will recognize the desired item.
3. “Believe-not-believe”  (2-8 children participate)
  Flip all cards face down. Players take turns opening 1 card, showing it to the others and asking, for example, “Do you believe me that the beads are made of fabric?” The players answer who answered incorrectly - he receives a penalty chip. The winner is the one with fewer penalties
4. “Guess”  (2-8 children participate)
  All subject cards are turned upside down. Players take turns taking one at a time, come up with a riddle about the subject (shape, color, what is needed for), the others guess and place on a large card.
  Whoever has a large card will be filled earlier - he won.

Didactic games are a type of training organized in the form of educational games that implement a number of principles of game, active learning and differ in the presence of rules, a fixed structure of game activity

In fact, this is the same didactic game “Call it in one word”, but in a somewhat complicated version. The child is required not only to name a group of similar objects (primarily for the purpose), but to assemble disparate objects from the pictures themselves into a group and arrange them in the correct shelves.

    Purpose: Differentiation and automation of sounds in words.

    Material: plot picture, on which 2 hedgehogs are drawn, holding pens from umbrellas (without top); top of umbrellas with pictures for differentiable sounds.

    Course of the game: the child is invited to: take one hedgehog with umbrellas with one sound, and another with another (umbrellas are laid out mixed up on a table).

    Read the first letters - it’s a very fun and entertaining, and at the same time developing reading skills game for children 5-6 years old. These are the simplest puzzles. Given rows of pictures. We call each picture, select with what letter the name begins, and collect the word from these letters, putting them in order from left to right.

    The game “IT - IT - IT” is a useful example of didactic games for the development of speech, contributing to the improvement of the sound culture of speech, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, as well as the development of logical thinking and the ability to form an explanation of their choice. The rules of the game consist in the correct selection by the participants of cards with images of characters and objects, the name and titles of which should be ordered in accordance with the male, female, middle clans. Cards are placed on a special field, separate for each kind. After sorting the cards by birth, the children should explain the choice made.

    The game will help to develop the visual memory of children. Print out cards, each of which draws several outlines of different objects. Have the child trace the contours with their eyes and determine which objects are shown in the picture.

    Labor education is the process of organizing and stimulating the labor activity of children, the formation of labor abilities and skills in them, fostering a conscientious attitude to their work, stimulating creativity, initiative and the desire to achieve higher results. Labor education of the child begins with the formation in the family and kindergarten of elementary ideas about work responsibilities. And we begin to form these ideas in the child, of course, through the game. These are the didactic games we present to you on this page.

    When playing, the child not only learns the world, but also learns to speak correctly. And to teach this will help an adult. Purpose of the game: Differentiation and automation of sounds in words Material: multi-storey house made of cardboard with cut out windows; Cardboard cards are the largest windows with subject pictures on one side and painted blue on the other.

    Upon admission to school, the psychologist will surely give the child the following task - to find the missing item in the picture and identify it in an empty cell, that is, find what is missing in this empty cell. The task is simple, even simpler than the game "Find Unnecessary", in which you need to know the generalizing names of groups of objects (common names), if you understand the logic. Each row or column should be followed by a certain sequence of images. The following figure is put in accordance with this sequence. But the simplest cards for the game "What is missing?" made on the principle that in each row there is a certain set of things, and in the last one is missing one of them. Let's play with the kids?

    It is important to pay attention to the development of the child’s speech in a timely manner, in particular to teach him to talk about something, that is, to make a coherent story. It’s better to start with something familiar, for example, from fairy tales that parents have read to the child more than once, and maybe the kid even knows them by heart. We bring to your attention cards with illustrations for popular children's fairy tales, according to which you can play with your child. At 3 years old, the child can print these cards or simply show on the screen. No need to cut. Tell a fairy tale, be sure to show with your finger all the events in the drawings.

    What should a preschooler know about animals? First, wild is an animal or domestic animal of the forest, north or Africa, that is, a habitat. Secondly, in what "house" the animal lives, if it is wild: it can be a hole, a den, a hollow or an animal does not make a house at all. Thirdly, what this animal eats. A fascinating story is what you need. And it is imperative to accompany this story about animals with pictures, because we know that visual memory helps a lot in teaching a preschooler. Let's talk with the child about wild animals and show the cards, so the kids are better interested in the topic and will remember all the details.

    Children in the senior group of the kindergarten already perfectly understand what a school is and what they have to learn to write and read in it. But, unfortunately, not all school supplies are familiar to children. The fourth extra game will help not only to introduce the children to various school supplies, but also to develop logical thinking and attentiveness. To play, you need to print the images. We cut each sheet into 4 cards. We ask the child: "What is superfluous in the row? Why? And why other things? What are they called?" We hope you find the game useful.

    It's funny to hear from the kids when they say “my dad” or “my ball”, but it ceases to be funny by the age of four or five, when the child has to figure out which words to use mine and with which mine. A didactic game will help teach this to a preschooler. Need to print cards. Cut pictures, respectively, cut. The child will take small boxes with objects and put them into a square white window on the appropriate card. Be sure to pronounce, for example: "my fish."

    So that the child grows attentive and that the school does not show violations associated with attention and the ability to concentrate it, it is necessary to deal with the child from a very young age, and not wait until he is 3-5 years old. Already in a year, you can offer your child such a game: find in the pictures all the birds or all the bunnies. The game improves the concentration of attention of the player, because you need to not only find all the necessary items, but also remember which kid has already shown and which ones have not.

    The purpose of these didactic games is to help adults - parents or educators - to prepare the child for schooling, to develop his memory, attention, thinking. On each page, the baby is invited to complete the task, the tasks are designed for children of 4.5.6 years of age (preschoolers). We hope that these entertaining mind puzzles will help your baby become more attentive and quick-witted.

    One of the important skills of a person that goes through his whole life and helps in many life situations is the ability to think logically and draw conclusions. Here is such a skill, as well as observation and speech, we will develop in a child of a preschooler in the game "What did the artist mix up with?" Being engaged, the child will develop visual perception, memory, coherent speech. The game consists of cards with pictures - fables.

    First, tell your child what a shadow is and when it happens. When any non-transparent object is under a light source, it casts a shadow. Show an example: turn on the lamp and place any toy under it. Why is this happening? The object blocks the light and therefore it is dark behind it, this is the shadow. Then print and cut the cards to play with the child. For each color picture you need to pick her pair - a shadow with the same silhouette.

    If the parent himself does not tell the child on time what this and that is made of, sooner or later the child himself will begin to ask them this question. It is perfectly! There is reason to discuss what is made of. There are so many substances around us and such a variety of materials that so immediately an adult can get confused in the explanations. We will help you.

    Not every adult understands sports and knows all kinds of sports well, can call Olympic, knows the names of famous athletes. And what can we say about children. We will correct this annoying misunderstanding. We offer you pictures with different sports, these cards are a combination of a cartoon character and a photograph of how this all happens in life. Pictures are bright and beautiful, they should not bore the child.

    Children are invited to play the didactic game "logical chains." You need to draw up cards in the correct sequence of actions. Cards are split, they need to be downloaded, printed, cut out on a dotted line and play with the child. With kids 2-3 years old, you can play online, then the child will simply point on the screen with your finger, and you will explain why this picture is first, second after it, and so on.

    We continue to develop the memory of our kids in the game. This time we bring to your attention a hidden object game. You are invited to print and cut the cards. In a large drawing, the child will look for those objects that are shown on small cards, and put them in place, as in a lotto. If it is not possible to print, you can play this game online, the kid will just find the necessary items and show you on the screen with your finger.

    Attentiveness, at times, fails many children and even adults, so you need to develop it from early childhood. Already at 2 years old, the baby should be aware of the concepts DIFFERENT and SAME, be able to find differences in the pictures and name them. Of course, the baby will not find 10 small differences, and should not! One major difference is enough. We learn different concepts - the same in pictures, they are designed specifically for kids and contain only one difference that a child should notice at least within 10 seconds. And then it will be even faster, you will see how the baby joyfully pokes a finger into the picture immediately after your request to find differences.

    Even the simplest things a kid has to learn, a lot needs to be understood and remembered, and parents and caregivers must help the child in this difficult process by teaching him in a playful way. The theme of our game today: "Where are whose kids?". It is necessary to print cards with the image of animals, mothers and their babies. Cards are cut in dotted lines. The goal of the game is to select from the picture the adult animal of his baby and kids. The child picks up, and the adult voices the name of the animal and its baby.

    In life, everything has its opposite: summer is replaced by winter, heat by frost, day by night, joy turns into sadness and vice versa. To make it easier for the child to put into words what he thinks, sees and feels, we will help him understand these opposites. Cards with pictures will help us with this. You can download, print and hang them on a stand or play with them so that the training is fun and without difficulty.

    In pre-school education, picture cards are very often used, and mathematics is no exception. As a rule, the number on them is accompanied by images of objects in the same quantity. So it’s easier for the child to remember the figure itself - it will count the pictures and will associate their number with it. On this page you can download and print beautiful cards with numbers and numbers from 0 to 10.

    The sooner you begin to engage in smart games with your child, the more successful his learning in the stake will be, the wider his horizons and understanding of all things and events will be. It seems to be, why should a small child learn the names of figures? And then, that they surround us almost everywhere. Take a look at the house - it is square, and the roof is a triangle. The round sun and the round moon are our faithful companions every day. The pyramid looks like a triangle, and the egg for breakfast is a bit like an oval. Studying with the baby figures broadens his horizons. And to help mom and teacher - our didactic materials, cards, pictures.

    The child perceives different colors, opening his eyes for the first time, and sees the world in colors. But what are all these paints called? There are so many of them and it seems that all the names can not be remembered. How to teach a child to distinguish colors and learn their names? About this in detail in our article.

    One of the seemingly rather difficult tasks for a four- or five-year-old child is the task of finding a missing figure in some regularity. But if you practice a little, the child will be able to identify the pattern easily, and, therefore, will easily pick up the missing figure. A six-year-old child has to cope with such a task in a few seconds.

    It is very important for the successful education of the child to give him, at an early stage, generalizing concepts, in other words "how to name a group of objects in one word." It is important not so much for the child himself - he will understand these concepts with life experience, but for his admission to school - this knowledge is carefully checked by a psychologist and, by their presence or absence, teachers judge the development of your child. So do not hit the face and learn all these concepts.

    Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle of figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts in a special way: 2 large triangles, one medium, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. As a result of folding these parts together, we get flat figures, the contours of which resemble all kinds of objects, ranging from man, animals to tools and household items. Puzzles of this kind are often called "geometric constructors", "cardboard puzzles" or "split puzzles."

    The educational visual materials "Find the Excess" are intended for children from 3 to 7 years. They allow you to develop logical thinking in the child, which is important in preparing for school. The child should not only answer the question "What is superfluous?" or “Who is superfluous?”, but also to motivate his answer, explain in detail how he chose this or that picture. Having learned to cope with such simple tasks, the child will be able to move on to solving more complex logical problems.

Salybaeva Angela Ramazanovna,


MBDOU TsRR d / s "Tanyusha"

Surgut district p. Fedorovsky

The leading activity of preschool children is play activity. A didactic game is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and fromindependent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child.
Didactic games contribute:
- development of cognitive and mental abilities: the acquisition of new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation, expansion of their ideas about objects and phenomena of nature, plants, animals; the development of memory, attention, observation; the development of the ability to express their opinions, to make conclusions.
- development of children's speech: replenishment and revitalization of the dictionary.
- social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game, cognition of the relationship between children, adults, objects of animate and inanimate nature takes place, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude to peers, learns to be fair, give in if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc.
  Didactic game structure  form the main and additional components. TO main components  include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result, and didactic material. TO additional components: plot and role.
  Didactic games include: 1. Familiarization of children with the content of the game, the use of didactic material in it (showing objects, pictures, a brief conversation, during which the knowledge and ideas of children are clarified). 2. An explanation of the course and rules of the game, with the clear implementation of these rules. 3. Show game actions. 4.Determining the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee (the teacher directs the actions of the players with advice, a question, a reminder). 5. Summing up the game is a crucial moment in guiding it. According to the results of the game, one can judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used by children in independent play activities. Analysis of the game reveals individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. And that means organizing individual work with them correctly.

Learning in the form of a didactic game is based on the child’s desire to enter an imaginary situation and act according to its laws, that is, it meets the age characteristics of the preschool child.

Types of didactic games:

1. Games with objects (toys).

2. Desktop-printed games.

3. Word games.

Didactic games -  vary in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, the role of educator.

  Games with items - based on the direct perception of children, consistent with the desire of the child to act with objects and thus get acquainted with them. IN in games with objects, children learn to compare, establish the similarities and differences of objects. The value of these games is that with their help, children get acquainted with the properties of objects, size, color. When introducing children to nature in such games, I use natural material (plant seeds, leaves, pebbles, various flowers, cones, twigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - which causes children a keen interest and active desire to play. Examples of such games: “Not make a mistake ”,“ Describe this subject ”,“ What is it? ”,“ What first, then what ”, etc.
  Board - Printed Games   -this is  An interesting lesson for children when familiarizing themselves with the outside world, the world of animals and plants, the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. They are diverse in types: “lotto”, “dominoes”, paired pictures “With the help of board-printed games you can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life patterns and make decisions, develop self-control skills.

Word games - This is an effective method of educating the independence of thinking and development of speech in children.   They arebuilt on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve various mental tasks: describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them according to the description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena.

IN  During the games, children clarify, consolidate, expand ideas about the objects of nature and its seasonal changes.

Didactic games - travels are one of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children.

Didactic game in experimental activity - contributes to the formation of children's cognitive interest in the environment, develops the basic mental processes, observation, thinking.

The joint activity of parents and teachers - individual counseling of parents, information stands, folders, thematic exhibitions with the proposed material - gives a more effective result in working with children.
  I use the following didactic games for the development of children's knowledge of the world around them, their systematization, and education of a humane attitude to nature:

Material used:

Games with items
  "What it is?"
  Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about inanimate objects.
  Material: natural - sand, stones, earth, water, snow.
  The course of the game. Children are offered pictures, and depending on what is painted on it, it is necessary to decompose natural material accordingly, to answer what is it? And what is it? (Large, heavy, light, small, dry, wet, loose). What can you do with it?
  "Who eats what?"
  Purpose. To reinforce children's ideas about animal food.
  The course of the game. Children get out of the bag: carrots, cabbage, raspberries, cones, grain, oats, etc. They call him and remember what animal eats this food.
  "Kids on a branch"
  purpose . To consolidate the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach them to choose according to their belonging to one plant.
  The course of the game. Children examine the leaves of trees and shrubs, call them. At the suggestion of the educator: "Children, find your branches" - the guys pick up the corresponding fruit for each leaf. This game can be played with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. Children can prepare material for the game.
  “Find what I show”
  Didactic task. Find an item by similarity.
  Equipment. Lay out the same sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. One (for the teacher) to cover with a napkin.
The course of the game. The teacher shows for a short time one of the objects hidden under a napkin, and again removes it, then offers the children: "Find the same on the other tray and remember what it is called." Children take turns completing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under a napkin are named.
  “What first - then what?”
  Goal. To consolidate children's knowledge about the development and growth of animals.
  The course of the game. Children are presented with items: egg, chicken, chicken model; a kitten, a cat; puppy dog. Children need to arrange these items in the correct order.
Board Games
  "It is when?"
  Goal. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena in nature.
  The course of the game. Each of the children has subject pictures depicting snowfall, rain, sunny day, cloudy weather, hail is coming, the wind is blowing, icicles hang, etc. and plot pictures with images of different seasons. Children need to properly decompose their pictures.
  The Magic Train
Goal.To consolidate and systematize the ideas of children about trees, shrubs.
Material.Two trains cut out of cardboard (each train has 4 wagons with 5 windows); two sets of cards with the image of plants.
Game progress:On the table in front of the children lies a "train" and cards with the image of animals. Educator. Here is a train and passengers. They need to be placed on cars (in the first - bushes, in the second - flowers, etc.) so that in each window one passenger is visible. The one who first places the animals on the wagons correctly will be the winner.
  Similarly, this game can be held to consolidate ideas about various groups of plants (forests, gardens, meadows, gardens).
  “Four pictures”
Goal.To consolidate children's ideas about the environment, to develop attention and observation.
The course of the game.The game consists of 24 pictures with the image of birds, butterflies, animals. The presenter mixes the cards and distributes them to the participants of the game (from 3 to 6 people) equally. Each player must pick up 4 cards of the same content. The beginner of the game, having examined his cards, passes one of them to the one sitting on the left. If he needs a card, he leaves it to himself, and transfers any unnecessary one to the neighbor on the left, etc. Having picked up the cards, each player stacks them in front of him with the drawings down. When all possible sets are picked up, the game ends. The participants of the game turn over the collected cards, lay them out in four so that everyone can see. The one with the most correctly selected cards won.
Word Games
  "When does this happen?"
Goal.Clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.
The course of the game.
  The teacher reads intermittently short texts in verses or prose about the seasons, and the children guess.
  “Find what I’ll talk about”
  Didactic task. Find items on the listed grounds.
  Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that all the hallmarks of objects are clearly visible to all children.
  The course of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher offers one of the guys: "Show on the table, and then name what I told you about." If the child copes with the task, the teacher describes another subject, and the task is already performed by another child. The game continues until all children guess the item as described.

Guess Who It Is?
  Goal. To consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic features of wild and domestic animals.
  The course of the game. The teacher describes the animal (its appearance, habits, environment ...) children must guess who they are talking about.
  "When does this happen?"
  Goal. Clarify children's perceptions of seasonal phenomena.
  The course of the game. Children are offered leaves of different plants with different colors, cones, a herbarium from flowering plants, etc. depending on the time of year. Children should be called the time of year when there are such leaves, branches, flowers.
  Outdoor games
  “What we take in a basket”
  Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about what crops are harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.
  To teach to distinguish fruits by the place of their cultivation.
  To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of people in nature conservation.
  Materials: Medallions with the image of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.
  The course of the game. Some children have medallions depicting different gifts of nature. Others have basket medallions.
  Children - the fruits, with cheerful music, disperse around the room, with movements and facial expressions depict a floppy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.
  Children - baskets should pick fruits in both hands. Prerequisite: each child must bear fruit that grows in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfilled this condition wins.
  Tops - Roots
  Did. task: to teach children to make a whole of parts.
  Materials: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.
Game progress: option 1. Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables in which the roots go for food, and in the blue hoop - those that use the tops.
  The child goes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable here. (in the area of \u200b\u200bintersection of the hoops there should be vegetables that use both tops and roots: onions, parsley, etc.
Option 2. On the table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tips and roots. Children of the first group take the tips, the second - the roots. On a signal, everyone runs scattered. On the signal "One, two, three - find your pair!"
  Ball game “Air, Earth, Water”
  Did. task: to consolidate children's knowledge about the objects of nature. Develop auditory attention, thinking, quick wit.
  Materials: ball.
  Course of play: Option 1. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, “magpie”. The child must answer “air” and throw the ball back. The child answers “water” to the word “dolphin”, “earth” to the word “wolf”, etc.
  Option 2. The teacher calls the word "air" the child who caught the ball should name the bird. The word "earth" is an animal living on the earth; to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.
Nature and man.
  Did. task: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what man is created and what nature gives to man.
  Materials: ball.
  Course of the game: the educator conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by human hands or exist in nature, and the person uses them; for example, wood, coal, oil, gas exists in nature, and people create houses and plants.
  "What is man made?" asks the teacher and throws the ball.
  "What is created by nature"? asks the teacher and throws the ball.
  Children catch the ball and answer the question. Who can’t remember skips his turn.
Choose the one you need.
  Did. task: to consolidate knowledge of nature. To develop thinking, cognitive activity.
  Materials: subject pictures.
  Game progress: subject pictures are scattered on a table. The teacher names a property or sign, and children should choose as many objects as possible that have this property.
  For example: “green” - these may be pictures of a leaf, a cucumber, a grasshopper cabbage. Or: “wet” - water, rossa, cloud, fog, hoarfrost, etc.
Where are the snowflakes?
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge of the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.
  Materials: cards depicting the various conditions of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
  Game progress: option 1 .   Children dance around cards laid out in a circle. Various water conditions are depicted on the cards: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
  While moving in a circle, the words are pronounced:
  So the summer has come. The sun shone brighter.
  It has become hotter to bake, Where do we look for a snowflake?
  With the last word everyone stops. Those who are in front of the necessary pictures should pick them up and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:
  Finally, winter came: Cold, blizzard, cold.
  Go out for a walk. Where do we look for a snowflake?
  Once again, the desired pictures are selected and the choice is explained.
  Option 2 .   4 hoops with the image of four seasons lie. Children should put their cards around the hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.
  The conclusion is drawn from answers to questions:
  - At what time of the year can water be in a solid state in nature? (Winter, early spring, late autumn).
Birds arrived.
  Did. task: to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bbirds.
  Course of the game: the teacher calls only the birds, but if he suddenly makes a mistake, then the children should stomp or clap. For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.
  Children stomp -. What's wrong? (flies)
  - And who are the flies? (insects)
  - Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.
  Children stomp. - the birds arrived: pigeons, martens ...
  Children stomp. Game continues.
  Birds arrived: Pigeons of a tit,
  Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwing, swifts,
  Storks, cuckoos, even owls
  Swans, starlings. You are all well done.
  Bottom line: the teacher, along with the children, clarifies migratory and wintering birds.
When does this happen?
  Did. task: to teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. Using the poetic word to show the beauty of the different seasons, the diversity of seasonal phenomena and people’s activities.
  Materials: for each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  Course of the game: the teacher reads the poem, and the children show a picture with the image of that season, which is mentioned in the poem.
Spring.  In the clearing, along the path, blades of grass break through.
  A creek runs from a tubercle, and snow lies under the tree.
Summer.  Both bright and wide
Our quiet river. Let's run swimming, splashing with the fish ...
Autumn.  Wilts and turns yellow, grass in the meadows,
  Only the winter fields are green. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,
  The wind howls in the field, Rain drizzles.
Winter.  Under the blue skies
  Magnificent carpets, glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
  One transparent forest turns black, And the fir through the frost turns green,
  And the river under the ice glistens.
  Did. task: to clarify children's knowledge of the flowering time of individual plants (for example, daffodil, tulip - in the spring); golden ball, asters - in the fall, etc .; learn to classify on this basis, to develop their memory, quick wit.
  Materials: ball.
  Course of the game: children stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws the ball, while naming the time of year when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child calls the plant.
What is made of?
  Did. task: to teach children to determine the material from which the item is made.
  Materials: wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell., Key, etc.
  Course of the game: children take out various objects from the bag and name them, indicating what each item is made of.
Guess what.
  Did. task: to develop children's ability to solve riddles, correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; clarify children's knowledge of berries.
  Materials: pictures for each child with the image of berries. Book of riddles.

The course of the game: on the table in front of each child are pictures of guesses. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and pick up the picture-puzzle.
Edible - inedible.
  Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.
  Materials: basket, subject pictures with the image of edible and inedible mushrooms.
  The course of the game: on the table in front of each child are pictures of guesses. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put the riddle picture of the edible mushroom in baskets.
Position the planets correctly.
  Did. task: to consolidate knowledge of the major planets.
  Materials: belt with sewn-in beams - ribbons of different lengths (9 pieces). Hats with the image of the planets.
  There is such heat on this planet
  It’s dangerous to be there, friends.

What is our hottest planet, where is it located? (Mercury because it is closest to the sun).
  And this terrible cold chained this planet,
  Heat did not reach her sunbeam.
  -What kind of planet is this? (Pluto, because it is farthest from all the planets from the sun and smaller than all the planets in size).
The child in the cap of "Pluto" is taken for the longest ribbon number 9.
  And this planet is dear to us all.
The planet gave us life ... (all: Earth)
  -In which orbit does planet Earth rotate? Where is our planet from the sun? (On the 3rd).
  The child in the cap "Earth" is taken for ribbon number 3.
  Two planets are close to planet Earth.
  Boy, name them soon. (Venus and Mars).
Children in the caps of Venus and Mars occupy the 2nd and 4th orbits, respectively.
  And this planet is proud of itself
  Since it is considered the largest.
  -What kind of planet is this? What orbit is it in? (Jupiter, orbit No. 5).
  The child in the cap of "Jupiter" takes place number 5.
  The planet is surrounded by rings
  And she was different from everyone. (Saturn)
Child - Saturn occupies orbit number 6.
  And what kind of green planet? (Uranus)
A child in the corresponding cap of "Neptune" occupies orbit number 8.
  All the children took their places and begin to revolve around the "Sun".
  Round dance of planets. Each has its own size and color.
  For each path is defined. But only on Earth is the world populated by life.
Useful - not useful.
  Did. task: to consolidate the concepts of useful and harmful products.
  Materials: product cards.
  The course of the game: to spread on one table what is useful, on the other - which is not useful.
  Useful: hercules, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.
  Unsuitable: chips, fatty meat, chocolates, cakes, fantas, etc.

  Used Books:

A.I. Sorokina "Didactic game in kindergarten."

A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten."

  “Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0002253, barcode (receipt No.) 62502669050070 Date of dispatch 12 December 2013

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra to publish their teaching material:
   - Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
   - Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

  Alla Boyarinova





Representatives of different nationalities visit our kindergarten: Chuvash, Russians, Tatars, Moldavians, Bulgarians, Armenians ... It is very important for us that they feel equal, know and love the history and culture of their people, know and understand the culture of other peoples. A group is a small family. And I want that in this family kindness, respect, mutual understanding and peace always reigned.

The didactic game is aimed at the formation of ethnic tolerance of children.


1. to form a concept of national composition; understanding of neighboring countries;

2. To cultivate the ability to show tolerance, respect for the traditions and culture of other peoples;

3. contribute to the formation of ethnic identity, a sense of national self-worth;

4. promote the development of goodwill, respect for peers of their own and other nationalities;

5. to form the idea that different peoples live in Russia, they all have their own culture, traditions

6. Form a tolerant attitude towards children around the world, introduce them to the traditions and customs of different nations, its history.

Activity progress:  the teacher lays out a planar model of the globe, around the petals with the image of various countries in a reduced form, in which people of different nationalities live.

Educator:"Guys, this" flower "is called" FRIENDSHIP ". See how many forests, fields, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, and much, much more on the petals. Each country is rich in its own way, the inhabitants of these countries are very hardworking, friendly and welcoming, and they are visiting us today.

The teacher uploads pictures depicting peoples of different countries.

Educator:  “But each nation has its own characteristics. I really want you to become travelers. Traveling simply is easy - they board a train and go, board a ship and sail, board a plane and fly. And the little ones? And it’s difficult for the little ones to do it, neither on the train, nor on the ship, nor on the plane alone. But how do they travel? Best of all with the help of our flower “FRIENDSHIP-PEOPLES”, and our guests will tell about their country, about big and small, but they are all equal! These countries are like sisters, and nations are like brothers! People of various nationalities are Russian, Tajiks, Uzbeks ... - brothers! You will learn about the life of every nation, its plans and traditions. It will be interesting trip! So, go! The Baltic states open the doors for you. Come in!

Children sit in the “bus”, and the teacher reminds us that our guests, representatives of different countries, are going with us, they will talk about their country, and we must find it on the “flower” of “FRIENDSHIP-PEOPLE”, the bus will stop and guests will go out.


“Estonia is land, islands, rivers. Rivers flow calmly and then suddenly stumble. From what? And they have it as people. If a person touches the threshold, he will fall. Rivers hit stone thresholds and fall, people say: “this is a waterfall.” Rivers flow into the sea, and over the sea there is a large cliff, it is called a clint. From this cliff it’s good to look into the distance. Today, Estonian fishermen sail not on fragile little boats, but on large modern ships, and not only in the northern, but also in the warm, southern seas. Here meadows turn green, on which many, many cows graze. Estonia is especially rich in valuable fossil fuels. Combustible gas, liquid fuels, chemicals and other valuable products are obtained from oil shale. Estonians not only know how to work, but also have fun. There is a holiday, a song festival in the country of Estonia ... The best singers come on this day to the capital of Estonia, Tallinn. The city flourishes with flags and becomes like a big ship. Fun and joyful in the country of Estonia.

ANALOGUALLY:  Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia.


“So, now you have learned more about each other. We continue to get acquainted. We will play with you now. ”

The game "Find a Friend" - the children are divided into two teams in groups and stand opposite. Children in one group are blindfolded with handkerchiefs, and they (blindly) seek a friend from another group. After the choice is made, teachers help to remove handkerchiefs, and children, communicating, get to know each other.

Educator:  I see you made friends, met? Find out your friend’s name? Let's check how strong your friendship is. The next game will help us with this.

The game "We can’t do without each other."

The teacher puts several obstacles in the way of children. The latter, turning to face each other, touch their palms and thus overcome obstacles (step over the cubes, crawl on a gymnastic stick, etc.).

Educator:  “Well done, I see that nothing can separate you. Now let's check if you can recognize your friend among others.

The game "Find a couple".

While fun music will be played, children should dance in different places on the island, but as soon as the music is silent, you need to quickly find your friend.

Educator:  “Well guys, I see that you got to know each other well, your friendship is strong.

Educator: “In parting, let's hold hands again, make a big circle and say our motto:“ Now we are all friends, together a friendly family! ”

Related Publications:

How does the independent plot - role play of older preschoolers change under the influence of the systematic formation of new playrooms.

  GAME “MEMO. MY NOVOSIBIRSK "(4+ didactic game) Teachers of MADOU d / s No. 500: Gazieva Yu. V. Pokhlamkova L.N. Currently exists.

  "Dress up the doll" Purpose: -Development of fine motor skills. -Expand knowledge of Russian folk painting. -To strengthen the ability to distinguish between painting by.

   I want to introduce you to the version of my game “What are the different fish”. This game can be started with children of three years and with increasing age.

A re-enactment for the Eighth of March for the children of the preparatory group “Moms are different, moms are important”  A re-enactment by March 8 for the preparatory group “Moms are Different, Moms are Important!” Leyla Alikhanova (Grandmother leaves, Grandfather is sleeping).

Didactic game

The peculiarity of the didactic game, according to A. I. Sorokina, is
combination of cognitive content, learning elements and pleasing children
gaming activities. The educational value of a didactic game lies in
the fact that she is included in the piggy bank of pedagogical tools of the teacher, gradually
assimilated by children and becomes the content of their independent activities.

Of course, in the first youngest group, children are not yet old enough for
in order to independently invent didactic games, but they can
success in using games created by educators and older children,
gradually mastering the world.

Of great importance in the didactic game of children 2-3 years old is

autodidactic, that is, a self-teaching beginning: they select the details and
stack objects as a whole (pyramid, nested doll); device of such items
directs the thought of children to achieve the desired result. Playing with
subject didactic toys (for example, with nested dolls), children endow
their human qualities, take care of them, put them to bed. In this way,
an object (toy) can perform a wide didactic function.

Didactic games specially organized by the teacher are good
fit into the occupation mode. Scenarios presented in this manual
didactic games that can be used in classes in various fields
knowledge and in various activities of children. Every area and every
the activity has its own specifics, a number of features, given which the teacher
will be able to fully reveal the abilities of children, open them ways of action
with objects, give an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious phenomena.

Physical education, as one of the aspects of personal development, is associated with
health, physical and mental state of the child, therefore, on physical education
activities and leisure didactic game allows you to achieve emotional
satisfaction in various types of motor activity, educates
need for physical activity.

Mental education allows the teacher to open the path to knowledge for the child
reality. Didactic game not only consolidates the knowledge gained
children, but also develops independent thinking, sensory abilities,
activates speech development, stimulates the development of curiosity.

Moral education is associated with the development of the child's norms of behavior, it
promotes familiarization with the moral values \u200b\u200bof society. In the didactic game
ideas about people's relationships are formed, the first experience appears
interaction, which focuses the child on an adult, peer.

Labor education is designed to satisfy the child’s need for
self-affirmation, in the knowledge of one’s own capabilities. Didactic game
allows you to arouse children's interest and respect for the work of people. For a child always
attractive game situation related to work, because he seeks through the game
become independent of the adult.

Art-aesthetic education gives the teacher the opportunity to develop
in a child the qualities of a creative personality (aesthetic perception and attitude towards

life, creative imagination and thinking), the foundations of which are laid in
very early childhood.

Didactic game in creative activities (design,
fine, musical activity, acquaintance with art
literature), according to T.from. Komarova, easily integrates a diverse
content (word, movement, music, image) that helps children
emotionally perceive and realize the images included in the game, understand them
aesthetic character.

Widespread use of didactic games in the upbringing and education of children 2-3
pet promotes them comprehensive development, makes more attractive that

the activity in which the teacher engages them.

Didactic game scripts


A game"Cats and Mice"

Didactic task. To teach children to imitate the easy running of the mouse; walk high

Game challenge.Play cat and mouse.

Game rule. Move so as not to wake (or, if necessary, wake) the cat.
Game progress

The teacher lets out the dummies ”for a walk while the cat (toy) is sleeping. Mice "go out
to walk "(run to the music). The teacher advises the mice to run easily so that they are not
heard the cat.

If the cat wakes up (terrible chords sound), then they need to run awayb mink (on the chairs).
Here comes a new mouse (toy). The teacher offers the children to show a new mouse,
how to go sneak so as not to wake the cat. The guys show - they all sneak together,
stepping softly.

Soon, the mice decide to wake the cat. They walk with their feet high and stomping. Cat
wakes up and catches mice

The game "We are soldiers"

Didactic task. Teach children to walk correctly while maintaining good posture.
Game challenge.Play a soldier.

Game  the rule.Act on the orders of the commander, make no mistake in the direction of movement.
Game progress

The teacher brings a drum and says that a parade will take place to the sounds of the drum, all the soldiers
go to the parade and show how strong and brave they are. The teacher gives  drum signal
(fraction), the march (audio recording) sounds and the children walk. The parade takes the commander (toy
bear). He gives commands (by the way, “march step”) and waves a flag. Children go in the direction
to the commander, then towards the drum at the command of the commander.

The teacher performs the song “We Are Soldiers” (music.yu. Elephant, words AT . Malkova):

Like our soldiers we go
And wave the flags and sing.
One two Three! We go,

One two Three! We sing.

Game "Get the Carrot"

Didactic task. Teach children to jumpb on two legs: with advancement, in place.
Game challenge.Treat the squirrel with a nut.

Game rule. You can “tear” a nut by touching it.
Game progress

The teacher brings a squirrel (toy) to the group. Squirrel asks the children to play with her. Under
children jump funny music like squirrels, trying to jump easily, on toes.

The teacher offers children to treat the squirrel with nuts that hang on the branches. Children
bounce, trying to tear the nut (jumping up from the spot), then they approach the squirrel and
aboutgive her imaginary nuts.

The child and the world

Game “Pick up clothes»

Didactic task. Teachdistinguish between children visually andtouch different materials;
to select clothes for dolls on this basis.

Game challenge. Choose clothes for dolls.

Game rule. Choose the right clothesDo not mix up.
Game progress

The teacher brings to gruppu dolls Varia and Boria. Tells the children: “The coupes cannot find their
clothes. After the walk, Varya and Borya threw their clothes on the sofa and forgot about it. ” Asks
children help dolls.

About the game “Pick a couple”. Children must select clothes for each doll.And fold in
separate cabinet (box). Vari has a striped hat on his headfrom wool, from Bori - blue
cap made of fabric. Children select clothes (scarf, coat, pants, dress, sweater): from wool to
a strip - for Varya, made of smooth blue fabric - for Bori and put in lockers.

Dolls thank children and sing a song:

Today we are very happy -
Everything is hanging in the closet, how to:

There is a dress and a coat.

Nobody scolds us.
We selected for Varya
Striped scarf.
Bori has a beautiful scarf,
Dark navy blue.

The game "Who is behind the tree?"

Didactic taskcha. Teach children to name animals and highlight their characteristic

Game challenge. Guess which animals came to celebrate the New Year..
Game rule. The animals will not appear if they were called incorrectly.
Game progress

The teacher shows children a pica bark on which a tree is depicted, because of which
the tails of animals protrude: fox, hare, wolf. Reports that the animals came to the tree to meet
New Year and began to discuss what gifts Santa Claus prepared for them. Beasts hid behind
tree and argue loudly what gifts they will have. The teacher asks the children to guess who
hid behind the tree.

Children, along with the teacher, reason and discoverthat by the tails you can recognize the animals.
In previous classes, the kids already met these animals and learned their main
omens: who has a short tail, who has a long and fluffy, etc. Children guess
hidden animals and call them. If the beast was guessed correctly, then it “leaves” because of the Christmas tree
(the teacher puts the toy on the table) and greets the children.

The game "What is growing in the garden"

Didactic task. To learn to distinguish vegetables by taste and appearance.
Game challenge. Guess which vegetables the hedgehog put in the soup.

Game rule. Dostdig vegetables and taste them,having examined their appearance and
  o touch.

Game progress

The teacher brings a hedgehog to the group and says: “The hedgehog has grown a crop in his garden
vegetables. Hedgehog is a good cook. He decided to make soup. I cut the vegetables, put them in a pot, and

then went on to call. When the hedgehog returned, he could not remember what vegetables he
cut on a plank. Help the hedgehog learn vegetables for soup. ”

The teacher gives the children a try on chopped vegetables: carrots, cabbage, turnips. Vegetables can
put in a deep pan so that the children take the vegetable without seeing it, ontouch and spotted on

game "On our plot »

Didactic task. Teach children to navigate the kindergarten areacall
familiar subjects, carry out errands.

Game challenge.Introduce the hedgehog to the kindergarten site.

Game rule. Do not confuse item names; come up with an assignment (at the prompt

Game progress

ANDgras are carried out for a walk.

The teacher "notices" near the veranda of the hedgehog (toy) and reports this to the children. Guys
surround the hedgehog, examine it.

The teacher asks the children to introduce the hedgehog to the site and show all the fun around.
Children take turns taking a hedgehog and showing him everything they want, calling the subject: a porch, a hill,
sandbox, sports facilities, swings, etc.
D. Hedgehog to “remember faster”, gives children
errands: transfer the bucket from the sandbox to the veranda; shake the doll on a swing;
train the bear on the crossbar; dig a sand with a spatula and make a small cake He asks
children to give him instructions. At the end of the game, the hedgehog gives the children some apples that
the teacher treats them at midday.

Speech development


Didactic task. Intensify children's speechimprove speech understanding
an adult; learn onomatopoeia.

Game challenge.Play with a horseshow your toys.

Game rule. Make no mistake calling toys; fulfill orders.
Game progress

The teacher brings a horse (toy) to the group and shows how it rides.

I AM love my horse,
I comb her hair smoothly
I’ll invite the tail with a comb
AND i’ll go on a visit.

BUT. Barto

The horse went to visit. (Fun music sounds, the horse gallops.) The horse came to the kids in
guests. I came to Sasha. (The horse nods to the child.) Came to Masha ... Will we treat the horse?
will we feed? Sasha will give the horse grain. (The teacher shows, then the child imitates
- substitutes palms with an imaginary grain.) Lena and Olya will also give the horse
grain ... The horse is very happy, says "thank you" to us. How is she screaming?
"Oh oh!"

Children are climbing as the horse screams. The horse approaches the children one by one, nods his head.
Children stroking a horse, clapping; the horse is jumping.

The teacher pre-arranges several toys on the table, then invites the children to show
horse his toys. Children show and name toys. If the child is mistaken, then
the horse beats his hoof in displeasure.

ATdispenser.Is tired horse, she needs to sleep. Shake the horseOSH !. Shake the horse, Eugene.
Everything, she sleeps.

A game "Bunny and squirrel"

Didactic task. To consolidate the ability of children to navigate in space;
improve understanding of adult speech; expand the dictionary.

Game challenge.Guess where are the toys; correctly determine the place where you need
to plant a toy.

Game rule. Do not make mistakes in actions.
Game progress

The teacher calls children to the Christmas tree under which the bunny sits.. About didactic
game "Who and where?"

The teacher asks the children: “Where is the bunny sitting?(Under the Christmas tree.)Then points to the squirrel at
branch and asks
: "Where does the squirrel sit?"(On the Christmas tree.)Then reports that squirrel jumped
for mushrooms and asks: "Where is she now?"
(Behind the Christmas tree.)

Educator . Suddenly a hare saw a wolf and ran away. Is it far from the Christmas tree or close? Why?
The squirrel saw the fungus under the tree and plucked it. Is it far from the tree or close? Why?
The teacher shows a dramatization:

Squirrel on branches jumps from top to bottom,
Squirrel, hold on to the branches with your paws.

Bunny , zayinka oblique, bunny jumps barefoot,
To bunny bunny, you need to knit slippers.

Then the teacher calls the children one at a time and suggests staging actions with toys:
the bird jumped on a branch, the fungus grows under the Christmas tree, the nesting doll is close to the house, the doll
sits on the couch, etc. A squirrel and a bunny stand on a table, and with the wrong actions of the kids
turn away.

game "Chanterelle, dance "

Didactic task. To teach children to distinguish by ear the sound of various instrumentscomrade;
imitate the sound of musical instruments. To develop expressiveness of voice intonation.
Intensify children's speech.

Game challenge.Invite the fox to dance; find out what instrument she is dancing to.
Game rule. Clearly call a tool; expressively imitate its sound.
Game progress

The teacher brings musical instruments to the group (pipe, spoons, bell),
calls them and asks the children to repeat the names. Then he reports that under the play of these instruments
loves to dance the fox. The teacher plays one instrument at a time and invites
to the chanterelle (toy): "Chanterelle, dance!" The chanterelle is dancing. The teacher exercises children in
onomatopoeia (do-do-do-do! knock-knock-knock! ding-ding-ding).

Then the teacher removes the tools behind the screen and asks the children to invite the fox to dance.
A musical instrument is played, the teacher helps the children turn to the chanterelle: “The chanterelle,
dance under ...
». Child continues: “Pipe!” If the instrument is not named correctly, then
the fox does not go dancing.

The game "Cow, Give Milk"

Didactic task. Improve intonational expressiveness of speech; develop
shallow motor
hands iku.

Game challenge.Ask for milk.

Game rule. Make no mistake so as not to anger the cow.
Game progress

The teacher shows the children a toy cow, which"Grazes in the meadow." Offers
affectionately call a cow: "Cow, burenushka, give me milk."

If the children call expressivelythen the ladybug replies: “Moo-oo-oo] Milk-oo-oo-oo!” Child
“Substitutes a pot” (palms) and drinks milk. If the baby is not enough

expressively and affectionately asks, the cow replies: “Mooooo! I don’t get it! ”Then the child
asks for milk again.

Option andgras.In the same way, the teacher can offer children to turn to the lamb for
wool, to the chicken for the testicle
to the goose behind a feather. Guys, received a gift from an animal,
show what they will do with it: knit socks (circular movements of the hands); roll an egg
(palm on palm); draw (hand movements in the air).

The formation of elementary mathematical representations

AND gra “Vegetable store”

Didactic task. Expand ideas about shape and size; develop skills
comparing items.

Game challenge. Being good sellers, choosing the right vegetables for buyers,
Game rule. Do not make mistakes when sorting goods, do not anger the director of a hedgehog.

Game progress

The teacher invites children to the new greengrocery. There are a lot of goods on the counter: beets,
potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. Invites children to work as shop assistants in a store. Director
the hedgehog of the store invites sellers and gives them the task: to lay out the goods in baskets so that
buyers could quickly buy it: pick round vegetables in baskets. If children
wrong, the hedgehog snorts angrily.

Option andgras.You can offer children to deliver vegetables from the vegetable base in cars at
kindergartens, shops (only select red vegetables; pack more vegetables
and smaller).

And rpa "Building a house"

Didactic task. To develop children's ideas about forme learn to correlate the amount
(one is a lot).

Game challenge. Build houses for dogs and cats.

Game rule. Choose a building material that will appeal to the dog and cat.
Game progress