Dream Interpretation: why dream of drinking. Number magic

To summarize a dream in a generalized interpretation, in which you had a chance to drink something, dream books are not capable of it just for the reason that a lot of the interpretation depends on the drink used in a dream. In order to find out in more detail why there is a quenching of thirst or a libation, besides the “thirst quencher” itself, it is necessary to take into account many other factors: who they drank with, for what reason, from which and the like trifles.

What prophesies Miller

Discrepancies and petty quarrels, mainly because of material values, are to be experienced by that dreamer who in a dream drank Cahors in small sips from a broken glass, Miller's dream suggests.

In a dream, we felt a desire to get drunk in the company of friends, but at the last moment we suddenly changed our minds? This suggests that you will be able to significantly improve the financial component of your life.

Clarifying why you dream that you drink poison in small doses - no one and nothing can break you. But getting drunk and driving is risky.

Drinking water is a sign of grace

The largest number of interpretations, perhaps, belongs to water. Had a dream of drinking soda? Tempting prospects "loom" on the horizon, the Female Dream Book promises.

They drank water from a spring with a friend or lover - for a long period of happy coexistence. But drinking from a stream with an enemy is a sign of reconciliation.

Why dream that the deceased asks to drink, and you give him some water from the well? This vision promises peace and tranquility in the soul. But getting rid of negativity and “black” thoughts is the result of a dream plot in which you drink voditsa from a holy spring, says the dream book of Pastor Loff.

Trying to quench your thirst with a mineral water right from the bottle is a sign of unwillingness to wait.

If you dreamed that you want a drink, and at the same time choose between a fairly strong alcohol, do not forget to clarify what each of these drinks portends. So you drank:

  • moonshine - you have to overcome difficulties alone;
  • tequila - you will soon feel a craving for novelty;
  • rum - you want to relax, but nothing comes of it;
  • braga - to stomach disease;
  • perfume or cologne - to shame, moreover, to the public;
  • alcohol - you happen to defend your point of view.

Noble alcohol as a symbol of success

The dreaming picture where you drink cognac, sitting at the table, symbolizes a quick enrichment, declares Longo's dream book. But before you rejoice, specify: dreamed that they drank cognac, biting it with chocolate - a sign of comprehensive good luck, when you will have plenty of not only money, but also successful enterprises.

But to drink cognac and smoke means a leisurely, but quite successful business. See that you drink whiskey with your friends? Expect support from them, though more moral than monetary.

And those who drank viskarik in a dream with an opponent or with an opponent during a feast can be rejoiced, since this vision means the complete “reconquest” of the subject of passion from a competitor, Tsvetkov’s dream book broadcasts.

Drink low alcohol drinks: From fun to frustration

To drank all the savings, letting them down on a martini is a signal of rash acts. You are ready to make a mistake, so do not rush to act, gives a good advice Gypsy dream book.

But drinking liquor, or a cocktail based on it, is a sign of fun and joy. In a dream, you are offered to drink it at the Brudershaft with a stranger? Do something eccentric or absurd.

Drinking wine from a glass in a dream is a sign of refinement of nature. See that you savor wine with the boss, having a leisurely conversation? You will be promoted due to your intelligence and skills.

And one more thing: the wine in the dream was sweet - expect honors and recognition of your merits even from those who “have a tooth on you”. And here, the sour "cracker" is a symbol of vain expectations. Not everything will be as you would like.

Milk - To both suitors and sneakers

Had a dream that you wanted to drink sweet fresh or baked cow's milk directly from a can? This foreshadows the timely realization that one of the comrades is rubbing himself into trust with a mercenary purpose.

Drinking sour milk in a dream is an experience. Treating yourself to kefir is a temporary inconvenience and difficulty. Why do you dream that you drink koumiss? It speaks of spiritual uplift. And if you dreamed that you were enjoying delicious cream, then you should take a closer look at the man who is curling around you.

To give goat milk from someone’s cup in a dream to someone is a symbol of meeting a rich spouse with the help of a matchmaker. And here, to give yogurt from his own glass - to the appearance of a rival.

Juice, lemonade and other sweets are a sign of vital concerns

Do you want to drink raspberry compote in a dream? Medea's dream book assures us that this is a trip to visit. And here, the interpretation of sleep, in which you taste jelly, sitting at a table with a deceased cousin, prompts: remember it.

To ask someone to pour you a milkshake with your friends - this plot predicts getting into a comic situation with girlfriends. To drink a lot of syrup is to satiety with the joys of life. And if you drank it with a dead person, it means you realize that you allow yourself too much, enlightens Wangi's dream book.

Medications, or take care of your health!

Why do you dream that you had to ask for medicine? This is definitely a disease! And if you dreamed that you brew and drink a rosehip decoction, then you will visit the spleen and apathy associated with a lack of vitamins.

To take tincture of valerian is a sign of heart disease, which in reality, that in a dream, dream books explain. And if valerian was in tablets, then take this warning very seriously - get involved in the prevention of heart disease.

Taking pills for colds is a sign of general exhaustion of the body, says Miss Hasse's interpretation of the dream book.

Tea-coffee - a messenger of friendships

Did I have a chance to give tea to friends or acquaintance with tea from an iron mug or other metal utensils in a dream? What does this dream about, the Slavic dream book will tell: you are not afraid of enemies, your friendship is unbreakable.

Dreaming coffee portends friendly gatherings. And here, to see that enjoy cocoa - to pleasant surprise.

Human waste products as a symbol of change

The answer to the question of what is the dream of drinking breast milk is in the Wanderer’s dream book: to successfully complete the “long-playing” idea. Drank urine in a dream? This suggests that you are not inclined to trust generally accepted knowledge and other people's experience.

Did someone suck your blood in a dream? Be careful when you wake up, there is a risk of injury, predicted dream books.

Agricultural products: Follow the words and there will be success

Why can you dream that you drank a raw egg, the dream book of Nostradamus knows - you are waiting for new knowledge. Eggs were fresh in a dream? What you get carried away will benefit you. But if you poured a rotten chicken egg into your mouth, then try to communicate less with anyone in the near future - you will be inclined to say stupid things.

But what you dream about drinking vegetable oil is a symbol that everything will go as you planned. It’s even better to drink honey - you will succeed even where you did not expect. Hanging in a dream with a pickle - to unexpected profit. And drunk kvass promises cordiality and compassion.

The dream in which you drink well water on a hot day portends a safe course of work. Drinking water from a bucket - to an accident, illness or injury, from a glass - to the danger of a viral infection. Drinking in a dream from a jug is a sign of prosperity, from a glass or mug - to receive money and honor, from a glass or glass - to the scandal in the house. Drinking from a jug or a bowl - you will experience the joys and sorrows of secret love, drinking wine from a bottle - joy in friendship and strong family ties, from the horn - your desire will come true.

Drinking white wine is for fun, red for a long journey, champagne for a bargain.

If in a dream you are so tormented by thirst that you drink warm, dirty water - in reality this portends a disease that will affect your affairs. Drinking ice water from an ice-hole is a sudden awakening of love and passion. Drinking water from a spring - portends that you will not withstand the adverse situation prevailing in the team of colleagues, and decide to change your place of work.

The dream in which you drink goat’s milk means that you will marry a rich man in reality and you will never regret it. Drinking fresh cow's milk means that in time show insight regarding the true intentions of a person who is stuffing you as a friend.

If in a dream you drink kefir - this portends light losses and temporary inconvenience, koumiss - to spiritual enthusiasm and success in business. Drinking icy sour kvass from a jug - portends unpleasant experiences that will come upon you when you hear about a profitable bargain.

Drinking tea with lemon in a dream - in reality you will begin to indulge your whims, and everything else will recede into the background for you. Drinking beer to the disappointment of a loved one, lemonade - to an acquaintance that spills out in love.

If you drink Coca-Cola - in reality strengthen your health, if fruit drinks - you will be offended, cocktail - amaze others with an extravagant trick. Drinking oil - to the disease, salt solution - to wealth.

  Interpretation of dreams from

The ancients said "in aqua sanitas", which meant "health in the water." Does the dream book think so? Why do you dream of a clear or cloudy liquid that you drank in your dream?

  • Drinking water in a dream is a great sign. The most common interpretation of this dream is considered to be: life without a disease awaits you, or healing from an ailment that is exhausting you at the moment.
  • Why dream of drinking water, standing on all fours? Your subconscious mind warns: you are too selfish, and if you yourself do not remove the imaginary crown from your head, it will make life, and in a form that is very unpleasant for you.

What was that water like?

  • Clean, transparent. Sleep means health, and if the water was also spring water, then good luck in business. Everything that you have in mind, you will successfully implement.
  • Muddy, dirty. And this, on the contrary, is not the best dream. Soon something will upset you to tears, even more to apathy and universal gloom, and only relatives or friends will be able to pull you out of the abyss of sadness.
  • Salty. You will find bitter disappointment. You may be crying over someone.
  • Warm. You will have a very friendly relationship with your relatives. If it was boiling water, the dream warns of an approaching disease. The hotter the water, the worse the disease will be.
  • Cold. According to the dream book, drinking water from which already reduces the cheekbones - to health ... unless, of course, it was clean at the same time.
  • It was holy water. Such a dream promises you good health, and not for a month or two, but for many years. However, this dream has another interpretation: you are pure in soul and complete peace in you.
  • Soda. Was she transparent, clean, pleasantly cool? Fate gives you a good chance. But do not hesitate for a long time, immediately grab it with both hands, otherwise the next such case will have to wait oh how long.
  • Lemonade, sweet water. Life promises you many joys and pleasant moments.

Where did you get it, drank it from?

  • From a glass (less often - from a glass). Was she transparent? This is not the most auspicious dream. It is believed that he wants to warn you about a disease during the treatment of which you will spend a lot of nerves.
  • Was she of poor quality, muddy? A gloomy streak awaits you, lingering and sad.
  • Did you share your glass with another person? This dream means that other people will soon reveal your secret.
  • Out of the bottle. Drinking clean water from it is a good sign. God (or fate, or just mother nature) will send you a lot of strength, and you can turn mountains.
  • From the bucket. This is not a good dream; it promises trauma or an unpleasant disease. After it, you need to think carefully before climbing a steep rock for a photo shoot or buying meat products from your hands. Also, a similar dream says: take care of your nerves, a black bar starts in your life.
  • Just with hands. You will meet closely with a pleasant person. Perhaps even you will love him, and he will reciprocate.
  • From the crane, and it was a clean, peacefully running stream? This is a good sign: you are a harmonious person, and your life will suit you, cheerful and eventful.
  • You bent over the tap, and the water was "lazy" to flow from there? Your subconscious mind hints to you that it is time to fill your life with drive or pleasant events, you have too dull and monotonous it.
  • Was the tap water dirty? Fear the gossip that your enemies will maliciously release into the "masses", dreaming of ruining your good name.
  • From the well. Drink delicious village water of excellent quality - to fulfill your most cherished dream. Does the chance hope for a miracle warm in the depths of your soul? Soon this hope will light up a bright bonfire!
  • From the spring. Drinking clean water - to health (less often - to spiritual renewal). Also, such a dream can promise you mutual love.

Did you feel thirsty?

  • There was a thirst, you drank some water, and this thirst was over. An excellent dream, he promises the fulfillment of a secret desire.
  • You wanted to drink, poured clean water into yourself, but the thirst still did not go away? In real life, some kind of desire torments you (or maybe it will be a love passion), but you still can not “get drunk” with this feeling completely.
  • Thirst still did not go away, and the water was dirty? You swallowed your drink in huge glasses (bottles, sips), and still could not get drunk? This means that in real life you will make titanic efforts to get rich - and all of them will be futile.

Interpretation of famous authors

After many interpretations, collected from little-known dream books, as well as popular beliefs, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with two author's transcripts of dreams. Will they coincide with the traditional interpretation, or will they open up new facets of your sleep?

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  1. Drinking in a dream is good, and no matter what you revel in - water, milk or wine. Dream means: you dream about love, success, and maybe even about children.
  2. Drinking from a bottle is our unconscious desire to become small again so as not to solve anything, and our mother “raked” all our problems for us.
  3. But this same dream can be interpreted in a different way: perhaps there is an overly caring mother next to you, for whom you, at 35, are a “sweet little son”. You want to isolate yourself with all the fibers of the soul from such parental (or maybe friendly?) Inconsideracy.
  4. Have you seen a friend drink from a horn? You subconsciously consider him infantile.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

  1. The famous esoteric is sure: to feel thirst in a dream - in your life there will be troubles that you will have to deal with immediately.
  2. Drinking clean, clear water - soon you will do some good work.
  3. If in a dream you drank a cloudy liquid, beware of the disease.
  4. It was not water, but kvass? Sleep promises the dreamer much health.

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  Dream Interpretation - Water

Seeing clean water in a dream - to well-being and pleasure.

If the water is muddy - danger awaits you.

They saw that water has flooded your house - you will fight, resist evil.

I dreamed that water was decreasing - succumb to a dangerous influence.

If splashes of water fall on you in a dream, then passionate love will awaken in your soul, which will bring you happiness.

Nostradamus attached great importance to the image of water in dreams. He believed that drinking warm water in a dream was a danger sign from a powerful enemy.

Cold water means peace of mind and the presence of loyal friends.

Holy water dreams of health, sinlessness.

Walking on water is a success.

Seeing that the water evaporates is to improve the weather.

To scoop up water - to long occupations and big efforts.

Shedding water in your room is a hassle and trouble.

And the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga considered water a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, development, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. This is how she interpreted dreams about water.

If in a dream you drank pure cold water, then in reality the world will be renewed and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection.

I dreamed that water was pouring down on you - a wave of cosmic influence was coming upon you, which is useless to resist.

If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great man and become famous throughout the world.

Turbid water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Wang urged to show kindness and patience, so as not to defile the soul with unworthy impressions.

If in a dream you saw how water floods your house, then in reality await the flow of news. One of them will significantly change your self-esteem and relationships with people.

Drowned in a dream - in reality you will resist the natural course of events. No need to do this, otherwise you will tear your health and shorten your life.

I dreamed of circles or ripples on the water - ahead of the change. Having hardly survived in a turbulent stream of events, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

Now let's see what D. Loff wrote about water. He believed that, regardless of whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that carries life, or an ocean that absorbs people, water is both a friend and an enemy. That is why it is so important to understand the role of this strongest symbol that appeared to you in a dream.

Very often, the appearance of water in a dream coincides with the highest point of feelings. Her image can enhance both a sense of peace and bliss, and anxiety and anxiety. Water either provides life or is fraught with danger.

Water is a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Managed water is the key to solving problems. Try to remember your dream: if you dreamed about a lake, did you see the entire line of the coast, and if it was a river or a stream - didn’t they come out of the coast? These are all examples of controlled water.

Uncontrolled water gives rise to a sense of anxiety. Boundless lakes and raging rivers reflect the uncontrollability of circumstances. Quiet deep water can also give rise to a sense of anxiety if its depth is fraught with danger and suspense.

An exception to this theory are water taps. Remember what you dreamed: was the crane controlled by you or someone else? If in a dream you tried to control the tap, but you didn’t succeed (or there was no water in the tap), then in reality you clearly feel your inability to cope with simple circumstances.

If someone else controlled the crane, then in real life you feel that your situation, whether it is good or bad, is determined by other people. This circumstance can make you feel both comfortable and uncomfortable, depending on who the management comes from.

  Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

thirsty - chores, urgent cares; clean water is a good thing; dirty - disease; kvass - health; to quench your thirst entirely - complete success in life, the longer you drink, the later success will come; invite to drink - longevity, health.

Had a drink

according to Miller’s dream book

If in a dream you are offered a sip of alcohol - this is a sign of rivalry or quarrel over small property. To think in a dream that you have stopped drinking or found that others have done it, portends that your current position in society will improve and material wealth will bring you satisfaction.

Wine in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Wine is a symbol of peaceful life, economy, prosperity, vice. Seeing wine on the table among other products and nearby weapons is a symbol that the world will be kept until the tradition of ancestors flourishes in the state - hospitality. Seeing pale pink wine in a transparent glass - a dream portends a dirty trick, deceit, murder through poisoning, which will be sanctioned by official services and arranged by familiar people so that no one suspects anything, especially if you are afraid of pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. Seeing huge vineyards and making wine by strong men with red hair - this dream testifies to a blood connection with Germany and the opportunity to go to live in a historic homeland, where success and prosperity, material wealth and prosperity are observed, observing local traditions. Seeing large antique amphora filled with wine means that you have to rack your brains before you decide to answer a question that will soon fill your mind and soul, but this is possible only if you maintain contact with representatives of previous generations and knowledge of the pedigree . To see that a person has been poisoned with wine is a symbol of the success that this person will bring to you. Be prepared for an abundance of random luck starting in 2001. To see the river of wine, from which wild and domestic animals drink and fall exhausted on its banks, is a sign that in the summertime an unusually favorable time will come for entrepreneurship, because a variety of people will be very peaceful and able to make compromise decisions. If in a dream you drink wine from a golden goblet - in reality you will be so passionate about your illusions that you will lose touch with the real world. To dream about how you spill wine on your clothes is to make a rash decision that will affect your relationship with the person on whom your material well-being depends. Drowning in wine is forced loneliness. If in a dream you are treated to wine - excessive frankness will only bring you harm, and your ill-wishers will give you reason to gloat.

Dreamed of wine

according to Miller’s dream book

To dream about how you drink wine portends you joy and strong friendships. To break a bottle of wine means that your love and passion will cross all borders. Seeing barrels of wine portends great luxury. Pouring wine from one vessel to another is a sign of diverse pleasures, entertainment and travel to famous places. Pouring wine - means that your work will be well paid. For a young woman to dream that she drinks wine is a portent of the fact that she will marry a rich and noble man. Going down in a dream to a cellar full of bottles and barrels of wine is a promise to you of the most pleasant experience.

What is the dream of wine

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to drink, but not drunk - fun, joy, money; to treat - a funeral or parting; spill - unfortunately; drinking alone - bad news, accusations; serve, pour - a quarrel; to try - new offers; buy (wine, vodka) - one's own or someone else's deception; unexpected betrayal; see get drunk.

The meaning of sleep about wine

according to Freud's dream book

If you saw or drank wine in a dream, this is a sign that in reality a fair amount of drunk alcohol may prompt you to have sex. It acts on you stimulating, arouses sexual desire, and under its influence you forget about all those principles that adhere to a sober head. Hmm, well, at least in this way you will enjoy it if you cannot do it otherwise.

What is the dream of cheese

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


Dreamed cheese

according to Miller’s dream book

To dream that you eat cheese means great disappointments and sorrows. For a while you should not hope for anything good. Cheese is usually a bad dream, prompting the mobilization of the spirit.

What is sour cream dreaming of

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

income, luck; for lovers - an ambulance.

Dreamed milk

according to Miller’s dream book

To dream that you are drinking milk means a rich harvest for the farmer and contentment in the house; for a traveler, it is a sign of a future successful trip. This is a very favorable dream for women. To see milk in large quantities means the wealth and health that await you ahead. Distributing milk - portends that you will show benevolence, seeking your own benefit. Shedding milk means that you will experience light losses and suffer from temporary disasters. The same effects in sleep, where you see unclean milk. Drinking sour milk in a dream means that you will be troubled by the suffering of your friends. To dream of people trying unsuccessfully to get milk, means that you should be careful not to lose something very important to you or the friendship of a high-ranking person. Drinking hot milk in a dream - portends a struggle, in the end of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires. To dream that you are bathing in milk means pleasure and company of close friends in spirit.

What is milk for?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


Why dream about a vampire

according to Vanga’s dream book

In a dream, a vampire is a symbol of terrible changes, fatal events that will bring a lot of suffering and blood. If a vampire attacks you in a dream, it means that in reality a cruel blow of fate will fall upon you, perhaps you will lose someone close to and dear to you. The dream in which you turn into a vampire portends that you yourself, through carelessness or excessive self-confidence, will put your life in danger, which can only be avoided by a miracle, if at all. Seeing a vampire drinking blood leads to a long and painful illness of a loved one. In a dream, killing a vampire - in reality, happily avoiding events that could cripple your life.

What is a vampire dreaming of

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

terrible anxiety, bad ambition, claim; if sick - recovery.

The meaning of sleep about thirst

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed how you felt thirsty, then in real life you are oppressed by unsatisfied sexual desires. It is possible that for some reason you have for a long time refrained from relations with a regular partner (partner), whom you do not want to change. One way or another, a dreaming thirst personifies your longing for sex. And it is possible that you have a situation where you want, but you can’t.

I had a thirst

according to Miller’s dream book

If you dream that you are thirsty, then you are striving for something inaccessible to you now, but if you quench your thirst in a dream by drinking a pleasant and tasty drink, your desires will be achieved. If you see other people who are thirsty and quench their thirst, then you will enjoy the location and affection of rich and influential people.

What is thirst for?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

ambition; appeased - success; from a source or well - success is above all expectations; the same from the fountain.

What is a dream about thirst

according to Vanga’s dream book

A dream in which you wander under the scorching rays of the sun in search of water means that all your thoughts and feelings are directed exclusively to the material side of life. Therefore, in reality, you lack spiritual communication and support. In a dream, you quench your thirst with cold spring water - this is a sign of spiritual purification and forgiveness. You are tormented by thirst, but the water you drink is cloudy and dirty. This dream is a warning, because in real life you tend to have fun at all costs. In this dream, muddy and dirty water symbolizes such a terrible vice, as drug addiction. You should be careful, as you have a tendency to this terrible disease. You dreamed of a terrible drought, people are dying of thirst, because all the water bodies are dry and you can not find a drop of water. For a drop of water, you are ready to give anything you want. Thirst becomes unbearable, it seems that the mouth is full of heavy and hot sand. You only think about where to find at least a drop of life-giving moisture. This dream portends an environmental disaster. Every year, military technology is becoming more sophisticated, and sooner or later it can end in disaster, not only for humanity, but for the entire planet.

Had a booze

according to Miller’s dream book

If a woman sees a funny drinking party in a dream, it means that she is involved in things that can discredit her, although she currently enjoys and enjoys it. If she dreams that, in spite of her efforts, she cannot get drunk with clean water, then she will not receive any joy or satisfaction from the enterprise into which she is persistently drawn into.

The meaning of sleep about champagne

according to Freud's dream book

Drinking champagne in a dream - this dream speaks of an imminent quarrel with a close friend (or girlfriend) over some trifle. In order to prevent a quarrel, you just need to not meet for a while. If you neglect the advice and do nothing to prevent a quarrel, then later you will have to grieve over this conflict, because reconciliation will not come for a very long time. Take a bath of champagne - you are tired of the routine and have long secretly been dreaming of some kind of emotional outburst, a change of scenery. according to Freud The organ-grinder, organ-grinder according to Freud Seeing a barrel organ in a dream is a sign that you have to listen to the complaints of some woman who does not have everything in her personal life. If a female representative had such a dream, then, in general, there will be nothing terrible - a cup of tea, a glass of cognac, and all the problems of your unfortunate abandoned or deceived girlfriend will be smoothed out. But men who saw the barrel organ in a dream need to be careful, because intimate conversation can go too far and there is a risk of getting bogged down in an adultery that is completely unnecessary for you. To play the barrel organ yourself - you should not so aggressively seek the location of the person you like. Intrusive attempts to make acquaintance can be perceived by him as an encroachment on freedom, and then no continuation will follow. A broken or very old, shabby barrel organ is a symbol of the fact that your family is not all right, and until the situation gets out of hand, you should deal with the problem that causes concern.

Why do you have a dream about champagne

according to Vanga’s dream book

Drinking champagne in a dream - in reality, fails because of their attitude to others. You can’t demand from people what they don’t want and shouldn’t give you. You yourself must be kind to them, then they will answer the same. If you are poured champagne in a dream, then this dream predicts to you that your dissatisfaction with the actions of other people will not bring you anything good. It is always easier to condemn than to help and encourage an incorrectly acting person. As long as you go this easy way, you will not receive rewards. The dream in which you open a bottle of champagne soon predicts a big quarrel through your own fault, as a result of which you will lose the trust and support of a rather influential person.