Lesson plan furniture in the DS. Educational tasks on the theme of "Furniture" for preschool children

  Julia Toshman
  Methodological development on the development of speech for children 4-5 years old on the topic "Furniture"

Methodological development for the development of speech for children 4-5« Furniture» .

Julia Toshman

Methodological development for the development of speech« Furniture» .

Methodical development. Educational region: speech development.

Explanatory note: Methodical development compiled for children   4-5 years old according to age characteristics children, not contradicts   educational standards and ensures the integrity of the educational process.

purpose development: speech development, memory, connected speech. The development of fine motor skillscoordination speech with movement. To nurture the ability to care for the furniture   and take care of her.

Equipment: toy furniture, subject pictures, cut pictures« Furniture» , calculating sticks for construction, a set of basic geometric figures, a tactile touch set for each child

Class progress

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher and the children are in a group with different toys and objects scattered on the floor of furniture.

Teacher -Oh guys, look- someone scattered everything. Let's help clean the group.

I’m going to make riddles now, who will guess, picks up the thing about which the riddle is and puts it on the table, and it sits in place.

1. The game “Speak the word”

If you want to sleep

Waiting for you in the bedroom (bed)

How nice to our Tanya

Wallow on (couch)

To rest your legs

Sit on you (chair)

Frosts are not terrible if

You are sitting in a cozy (armchair)

We'll have tea with pies

Over dinner (table)

Sweater, sweater, warm scarf

Gently fold in (cupboard)

2. Conversation.

Teacher-Children, look at the pictures and our toys, but how can all this be called in one word? (-furniture)

Furniture   - these are items made mainly of wood or plastic, furniture   can be covered with leather, fabric (shows pictures on a magnetic board-leather furniture, wooden).

Per furniture needs to be looked after, and who knows how to do this?

Wipe, wash, clean, repair, vacuum, knock out

3. Educator- And now, guys, tell me what a table is and lay out the figures you are talking about. If the table is round, what shape do you put on the table?

-(round, square, rectangular, oval)

Educator-And what is a sofa? Laying out pieces of fabric.

Soft, plush, leather.

Writing a narrative story using mnemonic diagrams:

Educator-And what is the bed?

Large, soft, wooden

And what is a chair?

Hard, soft, high, low

And what is the closet?

Small, large, open, enclosed, wooden

4. Cut pictures(in three parts)

Teacher - envelopes are in front of you, let's open them and collect a picture from the parts.

Educator-Tell me what happened?

The answers children:

I got a bed

Where do we put the bed?

In the bedroom

I got a chair

Where do we put the chair?

In the kitchen

I got a sofa

Where will the sofa stand?

Living room (hall)

I got a table

Where will the table stand?

In the kitchen

Educator-Well done children!

5. Finger gymnastics "Lot furniture in the apartment»

1, 2, 3, 4, compress and unclench fists

Lot furniture in the apartment

We’ll hang a shirt in the closet (bend your finger)

And in the buffet we’ll put a cup (bend your finger)

To rest your legs

We sit a little bit on the chair (bend your finger)

And when we slept soundly

Lay down on the bed (bend your finger)

And then we are with the cat

We sat at the table (bend your finger)

We drank tea with jam together (clap)

Lot furniture in the apartment(spread your hands)

6. The game "What's with what, friends?"

Teacher, now guys, we will play a fun game "Friend"

Chair "Friends"   with a crib or notebook?

Chair "Friends"   with a crib

Table "Friends"   with a chair or a dough?

Table "Friends"   with armchair

Cupboard "Friends"   with a shelf or a needle?

Cupboard "Friends"   with shelf

Armchair "Friends"   with a sofa or Ivan?

Armchair "Friends"   with a sofa

Shelves "Friends"   with a book cover?

Shelves "Friends"   with a book

Sofa "Friends"   with a couch or candy?

Sofa "Friends"   with a couch

Well-educated fellow, the guys coped with the task

7. The game “Call me sweetly”

Educator - Let's get back to our toy of furniture   and now everyone will call his toy affectionately. I'll start ...

as we call the big chair and the small ... (high chair)

A large sofa and a small ... (sofa)

Large closet and small (locker)

Big table and small (table)

Big bed and small (crib)

8 Educator. Now tell me what you need furnitureusing the word “To”.

A chair is needed in order to (sit)

A sofa is needed in order to ... (lie down, rest)

A bed is needed to (sleep)

A cabinet is needed in order to ... (store clothes)

A chair is needed in order to ... (sit, relax)

Educator - Well done!

9. Caregiver-Take the boxes with chopsticks and go out to me on the rugs.

Designing from counting sticks objects of furniture: table, chair, bed.

10. Exercise "Be careful"

Educator- I will list furniture names, listen carefully, as soon as I make a mistake and call not furniture, and another subject, you have to slam. Kids stand up and listen carefully: table, chair, yule, bed, shovel, sofa, chair, truck, wardrobe, disk.

What are we talking about today children?

ABOUT of furniture

And now we need to solve riddles

Four legs under the roof

And on the roof - soup and spoons (table)

I am comfortable, very soft,

You are not hard to guess-

Grandmothers and grandchildren love

Sit and lie down (sofa)

There is a back, not a lie

Four legs, not walking,

But always worth it

He tells us all to sit (chair)

At night, guys in me

Until then doze off sweetly

I don’t feel like getting up

What a thing am I (bed)

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Summary of a speech development lesson for presentation

Game educational activity for senior preschoolers. TOPIC: Furniture

  1. To teach to distinguish prefixed verbs in the speech stream, to practically use them in speech.
  2. To learn to remember and follow complex instructions with prefix verbs.
  3. Continue to work on the formation of dialogical speech.
  4. Expand the children's dictionary on the topic.
EQUIPMENT:   subject pictures on the topic; Pictures “entrance hall,“ living room ”,“ kitchen ”,“ bedroom ”.
I. Organizational moment.
  Children come to the table on which there are pictures depicting pieces of furniture, take turns calling them.
  - How can you call these items in one word?
  - What is furniture for?
  “Where is she standing?” (in the house, apartment).
  Pass to their places.
II. Actualization of knowledge.
  - I invite you to visit. I open the door and you find yourself where? (picture of the hallway).

  - In the hall.
  - What furniture do we see here?
  - Hanger, nightstand.

Go to the kitchen (picture of the kitchen). What kind of furniture is there?

  - I invite you to the room (picture of the room). What furniture do we see here?

  - What sofa? What armchair? etc.
  - Now let's go into the bedroom (picture of the bedroom).

- What furniture do we see here?
  - What is the furniture on which to sit mono. And sleep? What is a table for? How many legs does he have? And what kind of furniture in our group? Cabinet?
III. Grammatical categories. Prefix verbs.
1. Remembering, speaking and following complex instructions with prefixes.
  a) Go to the table, go around the table, go from the table to the door.
  b) Go out into the bedroom, go up to the bed and go to the group.
  c) Bring a watering can from a corner of nature, bring it to the table, bring it to the windowsill.
  d) Transfer the watering can from the windowsill to the table, take it out of the group, take it to the corner of nature.
2. The game "On the contrary"(conversion of prefixes according to the model):
  - enter the room - exit the room;
  - open the door - …,
  - go to the table - ...,
  - come to visit - …,
  - drive up to the gate - ...,
  - bring a toy - ....
3. The game "Lost words"   (arrangement of sentences with prefix verbs according to the plot pictures).
  - Roma in the house ... (enters).
  - Roma to the house ... (suitable).
  - Roma from home ... (exits).

  - Rum in a glass of water ... (pours).
  - Roma from glass to glass of water .... (overflows).

4. Game "Fix the mistake"(consolidation of understanding of prefixed verbs).
  - Children pour flowers in the flowerbed.
  - Mom is pouring soup on a plate.
  - Cooks pour casserole with gravy.
  - Vanya pours water from a watering can.
  - Tanya pours water into a glass.
IV. The result of the lesson.
  - What were we talking about today?
  - Who needs furniture?

  Marina Gurtsieva
  Summary of classes in the middle group on the topic "Furniture"

Summary of classes in the middle group on the topic« Furniture» .

purpose: Introduce children to their immediate surroundings; from the furniture, their functional purpose.


Refine and expand children's knowledge of of furniture.

Introduce children to parts of furniture.

Expand and intensify children's vocabulary by the topic« Furniture» .


Furniture shop, assembler, carpenter, assemble, wooden.


Subject pictures with an image of furniture.

Preliminary work:

Production story of furniture.

Course progress:

Educator: Guys to learn a lot of interesting things on our occupation, you need to be very careful. Today we will go to the kingdom of furniture. You want to know how do furniture?

When large trees grow, they are cut down and cut down by all branches. Thus, logs are obtained, which are loaded into trucks and sent to furniture workshopwhere do the details for of furniture. Pickers collect items from them of furniture: beds, chairs, tables, wardrobes. Ready furniture is sold in furniture stores.

Physical Fitness:

Chair and table, sofa, chest of drawers (bend your fingers, listing furniture) .

People call furniture! (show hand).

Our cabinet serves to (spread your arms to the sides).

To put clothes there! (arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest).

What is a bed for? (hands spread apart).

To sleep comfortably! (palms folded and under the cheek).

Furniture creates comfort! (turns with half-squats right-left).

And in the country, in the house, here! (spread your arms to the sides).

Educator: “What are the tables and cabinets?”.

The table at which they write, which one? (Writing.)

Dining table? (Dining.)

The table on which magazines and newspapers lie? (Magazine.)

A closet in which clothes are stored? (Wardrobe.)

A cabinet in which books are stored? (Book.)

Educator: Guess riddle:

You can sit on it

Kohl was invited to the table to eat.

Educator: What is it? (This is a chair.)

Educator: See what parts the chair consists of. The chair has legs. How many legs does a chair have?

Educator: There is a chair on the legs. The chair has a seat. How many seats does a chair have?

Educator: We are sitting on the seat. The chair has a back. How many backs does a chair have?

The back of the chair is needed in order to lean back.

Guess the next one thing:

Four legs under the roof

And on the roof - soup and spoons (It is a table.)

Educator: Look what parts the table consists of! The table also has legs, like the chair. How many legs are on the table, count?

Listen to the following riddle:

He is standing in the corner by the wall.

Oh huge he looks

But he is not punished at all

Mom stores things in him. (This is a closet.)

Educator: See what parts the cabinet consists of! The cabinet has walls, shelves, a door, handles. How many walls does the cabinet have? (Count together).

Children. Three walls.

Educator: How many doors?

Children. Two doors.

Educator: Listen to the following riddle:

At night, guys in me

Until then doze off sweetly

I don’t feel like getting up

What kind of thing am I ... (bed)

Educator: What parts the bed consists of! The bed also has legs and backs. How many headboards does the bed have? (two)

Educator: How many legs? (four)

Educator: Why do we need a bed? (to sleep)

That's right, we are sleeping on the bed, so it is soft so that we can sleep comfortably.

Total lessons:

Well done guys, coped with all the tasks.

Guys, today you are all engaged in a friendly manner, correctly answered all questions, well done!

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CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW SUBJECTS: furniture, chair, table, washing, drying, sofa, chair, sofa, dressing table, mirror, bed, stool, wardrobe, ironing board, dust, paintings, hanger, room, furniture store, shelf, kitchen, hallway , leg, back, seat, doors, carpenter, carpenter, armrests.

ACTION: stands, moves (re, oto, s), sits, walks, drops, lifts, wipes, loads, unloads, carries, sweeps, holds, throws, opens, closes, breaks, builds, tinkers, litter, watches, buys , put, lay, saw, plan, repair, hang, clean, care, protect.

SIGNS: wooden, high, low, long, smooth, short, wide, narrow, large, small, white, black, soft, hard, hard, light, dark, dining, kitchen, sleeping, children’s, toy, round, square, rectangular, glass, metal.

  Table (what?) - round, dining, coffee, festive, laid, wide, writing ...
  Armchair (what?) - soft, wide, comfortable, warm ...
  Room (what?) - large, bright, comfortable, children's, sunny, rectangular ...
  Sofa (what?) ...
  Mirror (what?) ...
  Kitchen (what?) ...

  One armchair, two armchairs, five armchairs.
  One bed, two beds, five beds.
  One chair, two chairs, five chairs.
  One mirror, two mirrors, five mirrors.

  It is a pier glass, there is no pier glass, take with a pier glass, put on a pier glass.
  This is a table, there is no table, put on the table.
  This is a chair, there is no chair, sit in a chair.

  Sofa - table.
  Stool - a chair (chair).
  Case - a curbstone (shelf).

Dear Parents!
Consider the furniture that you have at home with your children, talk about its purpose, the materials from which it is made.
  Help your child make a story - a description of any of the furniture items according to the model. For example:

  "This is a closet. It is large, wooden, brown. It has two doors, four legs. Inside it has shelves and hangers. They hang clothes and put clothes in it."

Invite your child to answer the questions:
  Where is the clothes stored? - The clothes are stored in the closet.
  Where do people dine? - ....
  What are you sitting on? - ....
  What does grandmother sleep on? - ....
  Where does grandpa rest? - ....

Play the ball game "Without what?" With your child to develop his ability to form the genitive case of nouns. For example:

If the table does not have a leg ... - A table without a leg.
  If the bed does not have a back ... - a bed without a back.
  If the chair does not have a seat ... - a chair without a seat.
  If the cabinet does not have a door ... - a cabinet without a door.
  If the buffet does not have a shelf ... - the buffet without a shelf.

Train your child in transmitting the rhythmic image of words. Offer to slander the words Cres-lo, bed, di-van, table, chair, wardrobe, co-mod, bu-fet together.

Every child living in an apartment or in a private house should know what furniture is used there and for what purpose. That is why they were created with images of furniture for children. They help the child develop visual memory, thereby contributing to a better memory of the objects depicted on them.

Didactic cards with furniture can be used in didactic games.

To this end, they divide pictures for children of furniture into two groups and give explanations for their actions. Then they call each item depicted on them and talk about its purpose in the apartment. For example, to begin with, consider the kitchen and the furniture that is installed on it. This hanging cabinets, and cabinets that are installed on the floor with many inside shelves, drawers, dining table with chairs. As an option, a soft kitchen corner.

Then they go to the living room and show the following matching furniture cards for the children. There, as a rule, they put a central furniture wall, a coffee table, a sofa or a couch, soft chairs or armchairs.

When they examine the bedroom, they use furniture cards with the image of a bedroom set, wardrobes, divided into two halves. One of them is presented in the form of shelves, and the other is for clothes that are hung in a closet on hangers.

Then they play in a playful way the situation of entering a new two-room apartment, in which there is nothing anywhere. Children themselves must figure out where the living room, bedroom and kitchen will be. Then they will have to choose from the total number of cards with the furniture depicted on them those that are most suitable for the decor of a particular room. In addition, children should explain why they chose these items.

You can also play in the furniture store, where among the many pictures the children will need to pick up some kind of headset.

As you can see, furniture cards help children learn about its types, as well as its purpose. Thematic cards with images of various furniture can be downloaded here for free. They are suitable both for individual use at home, and for kindergartens, early development schools, etc. Click on the pictures below to download and print furniture pictures for children.

A selection of materials on the topic

Picture Cards

You can download these cards in a common archive.

To consolidate the concepts of furniture here you can download free games on the topic of furniture for children:

in front of you there are thematic cards with the names of furniture and pictures, such as a table, chair, bathtub, armchair, telephone, refrigerator, wardrobe, clock, bed, TV, lamp, curtains, as well as cards with various types of rooms - living room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen. The task of the child is to sort into groups in which room the furniture should be. In addition, the child can learn to read on these cards, for example, to correlate cards with pictures and words with cards with pictures. Thus, such games form the baby’s logic, train his attention, perseverance, fine motor skills of the fingers.