We learn to speak beautifully. How to learn to talk to people correctly and beautifully: techniques from psychology

Speech skills are just as important as a good education. Many people are interested in the questions of how to learn to speak beautifully, keeping the attention of the audience on oneself. A person who owns the art of oratory is able to lead the masses, he can easily convince the interlocutor that he is right.

It is very important to speak beautifully, confidently and competently. Oral speech is what distinguishes a person from an animal. Colloquial speech is mastered from childhood…. But one can be listened to for hours, while the other cannot keep the attention of the interlocutor even for a minute.

To keep the attention of the audience, you need to be confident, pronounce the words loudly and measuredly, highlight the main points with the timbre of the voice. Correspondence of facial expressions and gestures to the topic is of great importance.

Let's consider point by point how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully.

How to improve your vocabulary

To communicate on an equal footing with educated people, you need to have a sufficient vocabulary and know the interpretation of various terms.

Vocabulary happens:

  • passive - includes all the words we know;
  • active - these are words that we use in speech.

The active stock is always less than the passive one. Many words are used very rarely or not at all. To form a competent speech, you need to read more classical literature. Thanks to the works of Russian and foreign authors, speech acquires new, beautifully built turns.

Sometimes it is easier to express your thoughts in writing than verbally. When writing, there is time to think over speech patterns. Develop the ability to express yourself competently by retelling texts. The lexicon is replenished with new words when memorizing poetry, using new and rare words in colloquial speech.

Beautiful speech is formed when communicating with well-read literate people. To determine what is wrong in the story, it is recorded on a dictaphone. When listening, all awkward turns will be clear.

We learn to speak on any topic

There is often a pause in the conversation. The interlocutors begin to come up with topics for conversation, but nothing comes to mind. To avoid such embarrassment, you can come up with topics in advance that are relevant to everyone.

The conversation can be conducted on various topics:

  • weather;
  • gadgets;
  • trips;
  • dish recipes;
  • children;
  • work and evening entertainment.

For everyone, there are many topics that he likes to talk about. It is important to learn how to highlight the main thing and omit details that are not interesting to anyone. In the company of friends, it would be appropriate to tell an anecdote or funny story.

Being a professional in any field, but not having self-confidence, it is difficult to present the interlocutor with a story in such a way that he would be interested. Shy people speak in a low voice, even on topics they are well versed in.

The first step is to learn to speak beautifully and confidently in front of the mirror. After that, you need a small audience of several people. It is better to start practicing your oratory in front of close friends or relatives.

Even if you hone your communication skills in a small company, it will be difficult at first to speak in front of a significant number of strangers. To do this, you need to raise self-esteem and train self-confidence.

Gestures and facial expressions

Often people do not know what to do with their hands when talking with unfamiliar people. It is convenient to practice this moment in front of a mirror. A good effect in achieving correspondence between speech, facial expressions and gestures is achieved by recording your speech on video. When viewing, awkward moments will be noticeable that need to be worked out.

Public performance

Speaking to a wide audience is worse than death for some. They are terrified of stepping onto the stage, although they know that they are well prepared for the report. Even the best speaker can panic before speaking. It is important to be able to quickly get together and keep your emotional state under control.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently at public events?

  • Prepare the text well, memorize it and take notes on the main points.
  • Do not read from a piece of paper, but use flashcards highlighting the main topics and quotes, strive to say everything yourself.
  • Only speak on topics that you are well versed in.
  • To break up your presentation, share a few personal practice stories while pronouncing the phrases thoughtfully.
  • Do not be distracted from the main point of the report.
  • If you made a mistake, do not stop, continue speaking as if nothing happened or it was intended.
  • Use body language with your hands at chest level and your facial expressions consistent with the theme.

To calm yourself down before performing, you can create a relaxing ritual. For example, a few minutes before going on stage, close your eyes and imagine the sound of the surf. Take some deep breaths and present your success. The main thing is not to forget that the audience does not want the speaker to fail, they are waiting for a successful speech.

Exercises for developing a speech apparatus

The exercises for the tongue and lips will take no more than 2 minutes, but they will prepare the speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of words. Charging is performed in loose clothing that does not restrict movement. At the same time, they monitor their posture. The shoulders should be straightened, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the stomach should be tucked up.

Preparing for public speaking

  • Rub the palms and earlobes, this helps to activate the brain.
  • Biting the tongue is performed, moving from its tip to the base and back.
  • Exercise "Tiger yawn" is done for 60 seconds. The jaw is opened by 2 fingers, the tip of the tongue is hooked on the lower teeth. Make vibrating movements with the tongue. In this case, the jaw should not move. It will be difficult at first, but as the muscles develop, the vibration speed will increase.
  • They warm up the lateral muscles of the tongue, folding it into a tube. If it does not work out, start by turning to the right, then to the left, turning the tongue in the mouth 90 degrees.
  • They close their mouths. They lead the tongue along the inside of the lips 8 times clockwise, 8 times counterclockwise. Then the same exercise is repeated, only they lead the tongue behind the teeth and along the palate.
  • With a tense tongue, they rest alternately on the right, then on the left cheek, holding it in this position for several seconds.
  • They clink several times, then the tongue is pressed against the upper palate and abruptly released, a sound similar to a click is obtained.
  • A sharp tongue is pushed out of the mouth, then made flat and inserted into the mouth, lifting it to the palate.

Exercise for lips and cheeks

  • The lips are folded into a tube, then stretched into a smile.
  • Form a tube from the lips and make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Simultaneously scratch the upper and lower lips on the teeth, keep the mouth ajar.
  • Make movements with the cheeks, as when rinsing the mouth.
  • Throw back the head and perform the tongue and larynx movements, as when gargling. The exercise is performed silently.
  • To relax the larynx and ligaments, yawn several times.
  • They say a few tongue twisters memorized by heart.

The correct sound is formed by the palate, tongue and larynx. Exercise keeps your voice and sound-forming organs in good shape. When talking, there is no need to rush, the pace should be measured.

There are many cases where insecure people have managed to become good speakers. To achieve success, it is important to have a desire, to raise your self-esteem, to constantly learn and to persevere towards the goal.

The ability to speak beautifully is what distinguishes a person, as a rational creature, from representatives of the animal world. But it is very important to learn not only to pronounce individual words or sentences, but also to speak beautifully, because each of us knows that a person who talks like that can happen for hours. There are a huge number of nuances that should be considered, so improving your speaking skill takes a lot of effort and time.

Step 1. We build the right sentences

The first step in learning to speak beautifully is related to correct construction of sentences... If you are unable to build beautiful sentences on the fly, then at first it is advisable to practice writing everything down, including even individual thoughts and interesting words that fit the topic of the speech.

For example, you can describe in your personal diary all the events that happened during the day, but not in the form of small notes, but a lengthy story about all the events and dialogues.

This will help you learn how to build correct sentences and not run ahead of the story, describing everything in chronological order.

Step 2. How to increase your vocabulary

It is necessary to increase vocabulary. If, while reading or talking with someone, you notice an unfamiliar word, then you need to delve into the explanatory dictionary and find out its meaning, this will allow you to learn keep up the conversation with representatives of various ages, professions and social groups. You can even specifically look for rather difficult books that require an integrated approach, and not just created to be read and forgotten at the same time.

Step 3. Read more classic fiction

Read more classic fiction, not just yellow papers or ironic detective stories. Classical literature is good because it uses pure Russian, so it can teach new vocabulary and expressions, which is very useful.

In addition, constant reading changes the very course of a person's thoughts, he begins to think in a completely different way and, accordingly, talk in a different way.

Nevertheless, one cannot deny the importance of modern literature in all its manifestations - almost any book can give a new direction to the train of thought, and even a work that you do not like will help replenish your vocabulary.

Step 4. Ability to speak in public

Learning to speak beautifully with friends is one thing. But how to be and how to learn to speak beautifully in public? Where is the audience not 3-5 people, but 100-500?
If you have a speech in front of an audience or a responsible conversation, then don't rely on yourself, but it is better to think over every possible replica in advance and write it down. This must be done a few days before the event, then in 1-2 days it will be possible to revise your monologue and see in it completely new weak points that were not noticeable during the initial reading and writing.

In addition, you can ask someone close to listen to your speech, comment, then you can also see some flaws, which are invisible from the side of the author. In addition, close people will help to compose an approximate text of questions that may arise from the audience who listened to the speech - they should be answered in advance (at least create blank answers).

Step 5. It is necessary to train your gestures and facial expressions.

It is necessary to train your gestures and facial expressions. To do this, you need to talk to yourself in front of the mirror, you can record a conversation or monologue on video and then watch it, looking for weak points. Your own gestures may seem very silly at first, but this feeling will go away over time. Training does not mean that you need to learn how to hold a robot mask on your face, you just need to understand how people see you from the outside. This kind of pastime will take a lot of time, but in the end it will be worth it.

6 step. A wish

Without a strong desire and desire to achieve something, it is impossible to learn to speak beautifully.

When the first difficulties arise and there is no immediate result, motivation may not be enough, therefore, before starting classes, you already need to understand that this is not just "sitting, reading, talking", but really hard and daily work.

If you have very little free time at the moment, then it may be worth postponing training until more favorable times.

7 step. Overconfidence when talking

If the reason that you do not know how to speak beautifully is precisely in your natural shyness, then perhaps it makes sense to study and train self-confidence simultaneously with the course of beautiful speech. Even if you learn how to correctly express your thoughts in front of a mirror or close people, this does not mean at all that you will be able to express your thoughts in front of the public as coherently and beautifully. Skill control and control yourself can be useful in many life situations, so you shouldn't neglect it.

Step 8. Learn to highlight the main thing

A detailed story with all the details is good, but too tiring. Imagine you are reading a detective story. The intrigue has already appeared, but the climax has drowned in multiple descriptions and details. After 20-30 pages of such "descriptions" you will throw this book into the farthest corner and will never open it again, despite the fact that the story itself is very interesting. Even if the book had been finished, there would have been no pleasure from it. The same thing happens with speech. Whatever events you describe, boring can kill interest listener in the bud. Learn to highlight the main thing, get rid of unnecessary small details.

Perhaps they seem interesting and necessary to you, but it is worth thinking about whether they will be just as interesting to listeners.

The ability to speak correctly distinguishes any person from the crowd, it is not for nothing that it was people with such a gift that became the leaders of the peoples and could lead the masses. Although training will take you a lot of time, you can permanently master not only your vocal apparatus, but also understand exactly how to address a particular person, how to behave with familiar people, learn to control yourself in any situations and maintain a cool head.

You need to start practicing as early as possible, then the results will not be long in coming.

Public speaking gestures.

Attention, only TODAY!

Roman Shirokiy

Reading time: 8 minutes


Speech is part of a person's image. According to statistics, speech accounts for 25% of the impression of a person. The interlocutor pays more attention to literacy and beauty of speech, diction and voice. Let's talk about how to learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian and English.

Even if you only have to communicate with family members and neighbors, good speech will come in handy in life. When communicating with you, people will listen to your opinion and find it an excellent conversationalist.

Good conversation will help you in your career, increase your level of importance in the eyes of your peers, and build respect. Correct, beautiful and competent speech will help you to speak at meetings, conferences and other events.

The skills of competent speech should be owned by a person who holds a leading position or applies for it. The head is the face of the company, and only with the help of competent speech can he conclude contracts, find partners and lead the team. Poor vocabulary causes a lot of trouble at the wrong time.

Step-by-step action plan

Consider a time-tested algorithm that will help you quickly master the art of literate speech at home. Having reached certain heights, share your knowledge and experience with loved ones. Such skills will not hurt.

Video Tips

Using this algorithm, learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian or English at home. As a result, the interlocutors will consider you an educated and intelligent person. Speaking correctly and beautifully, you will achieve success in life.

Learning to speak Russian competently and correctly

The Russian language is difficult. It is not surprising that it is not easy even for a native speaker to master correct and beautiful speech. Fortunately, there are no unattainable goals, it is enough to set a goal.

Video instructions

If you don't feel like learning on your own, take a group public speaking course. By studying in a group, you will quickly polish your speech, which will become a source of pride.

Speak English Correctly

The English language pushes the boundaries of the picture of the world, but the school teaching method does not give the desired result. It intimidates with the level of difficulty and does not provide the knowledge necessary for a conversation with a foreigner.

Learning English literate is easier than learning spelling. The main thing is to remember the pronunciation of words and learn how to make sentences.

Skills for learning English

First of all, I will highlight the main character traits that will be needed to successfully achieve the goal. Then we will look at effective techniques and ways of mastering English.

  • Regularity ... Only a serious approach will bring results. Practice regularly to expand your vocabulary and phrases without forgetting what you have learned.
  • Honesty... Not everyone can boast of a propensity for self-study. If you are in doubt that it will be possible to organize training on your own, use the services of a tutor. With its help, learn English faster at home.
  • Perseverance ... A character trait necessary to achieve a goal. Learning to speak English is not easy. You will have to learn words, memorize the translation, and use them correctly in sentences. What to say about pronunciation. This will help audiobooks and the Internet.
  • Motivation... Remember, even a person with no positive characteristics can be successful. Desire is enough to overshadow negative qualities, since a thirsty person can easily step over an obstacle for the sake of a goal. Even laziness will not hurt.
  • Self-control ... To make learning effective, monitor yourself and measure the results objectively. Only you can determine when to repeat the material and when to move on.

Where to start learning

In none of the above points have I ever mentioned the need to have certain talents in relation to this language. This proves that, if desired, everyone will master the English speech.

Why do you need to speak correctly and competently?

If you learn to convey a thought competently, correctly and beautifully, you will always be heard, regardless of the volume of your voice. This truth has been proven even by the ancient Greek sophists, who were engaged in teaching.

Speech courses offer an assortment of teaching topics in this direction. Classes conducted by masters of oratory help listeners striving to achieve a great goal in life, to learn the wisdom of correct speech formulation.

Summing up the article, I note that the art of eloquence brings unimaginable benefits. The language is beautiful and rich, so support its beauty with literate speech, no matter where we are, on public transport, in a museum or on the street.

Many people wonder how to learn how to correctly express their thoughts so that the idea in question is clear to the interlocutor. Each person may have problems with the formulation of phrases for various reasons - from lack of concentration or readiness, impaired diction, lack of sufficient vocabulary. In this case, the skill of expressing thoughts can be quickly developed by following simple guidelines and exercises.

There are several factors that can significantly complicate the understanding of the interlocutor and his perception of words. These include:

  • excessive verbosity;
  • too little information;
  • poor vocabulary;
  • violation of the logic of the story;
  • excessive sarcasticity (the interlocutor may not understand the meaning of the ironic remark and interpret it in his own way).

It is necessary to analyze these points. This is especially important for people who have difficulties in learning how to express their thoughts clearly. Without this, a situation may arise when it becomes simply impossible to reach mutual understanding.

Components of literate speech

Speech is considered literate and clean if the following qualities can be distinguished:

Pronunciation should be even and confident. Make sure your breathing is not choked.

Important qualities for the correct formulation of thoughts

People may not express their thoughts quite correctly for a variety of reasons. This is usually due to the fact that the speaker has a limited vocabulary, which is not enough to correctly pronounce the phrase. A person may choose synonyms that are not entirely unambiguous in meaning, or use words that do not suit the style of the story. Speech diversity is a determining factor in learning how to express yourself correctly in conversation.

In the absence of this, choosing the right word can take the speaker some time. To avoid an awkward long silence, you need to train your speech function. To do this, it is important to use the following techniques (they are often cited in response to the question "how to learn to express your thoughts"):

  1. The quality of memorizing information should be trained. To clearly express your ideas, improve attention, as well as memory, learn poetry effectively, memorize the longest sequences of numbers, learn the lyrics of your favorite songs.
  2. It is necessary to increase the volume of a person's linguistic stock. Reading fiction can help with this. When a person reads books, he learns to formulate competently thoughts that can then be spoken (this will help anyone who does not know how to learn to clearly speak phrases that can immediately arouse interest in the interlocutor).
  3. Strengthening the concentration of attention on a specific thought. It is important to be able to concentrate on what needs to be said - this will help to reproduce the thought aloud without inaccuracies, accidentally spoken words, erroneous expressions.

It is especially important for the speaker not to lose attention or weaken it, as otherwise he may make mistakes in speech. To understand how to correctly express your thoughts, you need to eliminate the causes of the difficulties that have arisen.

How to improve concentration

The method of managing the concentration of one's own attention is not too complicated, but it can be effective for those who cannot find a way for themselves how to learn how to express their thoughts beautifully. You need to repeat the following combination:

  • Mentally say the word itself several times on which you want to concentrate, for example "cat".
  • To resort to visualization of the object in question (for example, speaking of a cat, you need to present in detail the details of its image, size, color, coat structure, age, temperament). Mental visualization is a powerful tool for training concentration, which in turn will greatly assist you in learning how to express yourself correctly.
  • Represent the actions associated with this word, for what and how you want to use it.

Concentrating in a public or crowded place is much more difficult. During a conversation, extraneous circumstances that do not depend on the speaker can interfere: the place of the conversation may be noisy or the listener may make a distracting movement.

Knowing how to maintain attention, and also not to lose the thread of the story, a person will be able to express their thoughts and phrases competently in any situation, regardless of the presence of distractions.

How you can improve the skills of correct communication

Speak beautifully at a professional level can be taught in acting courses. In such circles, the skills of correct stage speech, the placement of intonational accents, and pure diction are formed.

How You Can Improve Speech Quality With Poor Pronunciation

If a person independently wants to learn how to correctly express their thoughts, he can use tongue twisters and special exercises from speech therapists if the problem is poor pronunciation.

First, tongue twisters need to be pronounced clearly, not quickly, so that the trained sound does not merge with others and does not disappear. You can gradually increase the reading speed to develop diction.

The complex of speech therapy exercises includes simple actions aimed at setting sounds, increasing the mobility of the tongue. The following are especially commonly used:

  1. To improve the mobility of the tongue when speaking, it is recommended to translate the tip of the tongue several times alternately in 4 positions: rest it first on one cheek, then on the other, then translate it to the palate and bring the tip of the tongue closer to the root. Exercise increases the activity of the language when speaking - its correct position needs to be worked out in order to quickly learn how to express your thoughts correctly.
  2. You can also sing all the vowels one by one, smoothly moving from one to the other. This will improve the quality of pronunciation of the trained sounds.

After a short time, the person will improve diction and speak more clearly. This is the answer to the question "how to learn to build phrases correctly" if you have problems with pronunciation.

General ways to improve speech quality

There are some general tips that can help a person learn how to communicate their thoughts correctly:

There is a useful exercise to help you quickly learn to speak and express yourself correctly. Its essence lies in the fact that every day you need to take a simple object (cat, table, house) and describe it literally for several minutes, including means of artistic expression, ignoring the vernacular. With each new attempt, the monologue will lengthen and improve. Facial expressions can be additionally controlled in front of the mirror.

To control changes and shortcomings, you can record a speech on a dictaphone - when you listen to what has been said again, all inaccuracies will be heard. Structuring the statement helps to express your thoughts beautifully - highlighting the goal and main thoughts in the story. This will allow you not to say secondary things, as well as repeat yourself.

During a monologue, you need to be confident in yourself - then the speech will become clearer automatically. It is important to express yourself in simple, accessible words so that the listeners do not have problems with understanding - for this, you need to learn how to correctly express your thoughts.

You can also start a personal blog on the Internet or just a diary and describe the events taking place there - this will help you learn how to formulate thoughts.

How to clearly express your thoughts in a letter, by phone

The main difference between letters and oral speech is that the content of the message and the speech in it can be thought out in advance. In order to write down a thought clearly and competently the first time, effectively use the method of a writer - to imagine that a letter is a book that should be popular and successful. The quality of the speech determines the assessments of the written, and, therefore, its popularity.

This is especially true when writing work letters. Often, it is when writing formal messages that people ask themselves how to learn how to correctly express ideas and proposals.

It is important to follow the logic of the story without being distracted by lyrical digressions, commenting on what was said and emotions. Each proposal should have its own significance and value, carry useful information to clarify the statements in the previous proposals. To check the text for euphony and literacy, you can read it aloud. This is important in order to develop clear storytelling skills and understand how to express your thoughts correctly so that the interlocutor does not have problems with interpretation.

When communicating by phone or Skype, it is also advisable to think over the conversation in advance, structuring the main information point by point on a piece of paper - this will help to avoid unnecessary digressions.

It is important to achieve a balance between brevity and capacity - it is better to say a little, but to cover the subject of the conversation as fully as possible, without missing important details: this way it will be easier for the interlocutor to grasp the thought and interpret it correctly. You need to control the situation and ask the interlocutor questions to assess whether he fully understands the idea.

To express your thoughts correctly, you need to be not only well-read, but also have good diction, facial expressions, be literate, self-confident. Only then will people perceive speech easily. There are specialized courses for developing literate speech skills. Through simple exercises, reading books, and speaking tongue twisters, communication and diction at home can be improved. Everyone can learn to express their thoughts well.