How to use wallpaper in the decor of the ceiling. Ceiling decoration (41 photos): design options in the attic, in the frame house and city apartment, decoration elements

Then the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling begins to blur. What should it be like? Plain? Maybe with wallpaper for painting? Make a suspended ceiling or still traction? Or maybe decorate stucco molding  or art painting? Or maybe it wasn’t, but to open in the old fashion a whitewash? There are a lot of options and there is no one right. Each has its own sky and its own ceiling decor.

Useful! All the subtleties and nuances of the choice, design and installation plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen

Miracle paint

Ceiling painting  - One of the common decor options especially with a low ceiling. Traditionally, the use of lighter tones visually expands the space. The painting process itself is quite simple, but preparatory work requires special care. If you do not want thin cracks in the web to halve your beautiful ceiling in a couple of months, we recommend that you put a grid on the dowels, on which a layer of starting plaster is applied on top.

After finishing with a finish, sandpaper or grinder and applying a primer for a better setting, you can begin to paint the surface. For a uniform layer, use a roller. The ceiling is rarely dirty, so you can even use a soluble water-based paint, or more resistant acrylic or latex. In which case, it will always be possible to cover up the problem area without damage with a brush. The finished painted surface can be matte or glossy (an alternative to expensive stretch ceilings) depending on the type paints. To create relief, experts recommend using a special texture paint for jeans, felt or. In general, the surface puttied and prepared for painting is a real storehouse of various ideas.

If you think that a plain surface is too boring, then white paint as a source and a set of multi-colored tints will quickly solve this problem. Make two, three, ten different colors. These can be longitudinal or transverse stripes or combined variants in the form of a cell with large and small cells. For even symmetry, you will need masking tape and a bubble level. You can decorate the ceiling with a national flag. The old British Union Jack or star-striped from the United States is still in fashion. By the way, screen printing is a very popular phenomenon.

A brush, roller or aerosol plus a cardboard or plastic base - and creates a unique and exclusive exclusive, though plain and only on a flat surface. It can be funny inscriptions, self-portraits, floral patterns  and so on. Art painting on a painted surface, as on canvas, skillfully emphasizes the angles and the area around lamp. Exuberant flowering or intricate monograms are great concepts for hopscotch  or modern. But if you yourself do not perfectly master the skills of fine art, then the services of an invited master can be expensive.

Ceiling Decor: Decoupage

Decoupage Technique  It is used to decorate many surfaces, including the ceiling. Pasting the plastered surface in whole or in separate parts with applications from magazines, newspapers, photos  or even small items (multi-colored buttons, ceramic mosaic, beads, etc.) option is quite peculiar and precisely exclusive. More suitable for the avant-garde. For long-term use, the glued ceiling is opened with colorless varnish in several layers. As the adhesive base, acrylic compounds can be used. The disadvantage of decoupage is a painstaking workflow.


Paper, vinyl, cork  , velor and silk screen printing. Depending on the intended use ( bedroom, kitchen, children’s  etc.) the choice of wallpaper for the ceiling is enormous.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting with a finished texture - a popular option for the average budget. Large meter rolls will halve the number of joints, however, they will increase the load during gluing by the same amount.

One person is unlikely to cope with this task qualitatively, you need at least one assistant. The task is complicated by the fact that the thin non-woven base is rather capricious of various irregularities, therefore they are glued only to a carefully prepared surface. Flizelin can be used as a basis for further decor with paints.

, arches and stucco molding imitating palace luxury are firmly in the trend and are used even in small apartments.

Create a prominent bulge and volume, highlight corners or the base chandeliers  it should be neat and without fanaticism, otherwise the ceiling can be “sweetened” with a graceful decor even with a large quadrature.

Handmade flower or multicolored composition can refresh the monotony of such elements.

Adhesive ceilings

Polyurethane or polystyrene foam squares and rectangles are a good option for complex surfaces and an alternative to suspended or stretch ceilings. Even a beginner will cope with elementary installation with the application of adhesive or putty. Seams between the plates are also rubbed with putty. The material is light and well cut.

It is also worth noting the soundproofing qualities of such plates. A big drawback is color fading when exposed to direct sunlight, but it is quite easy to correct the situation by simply covering the plate with several layers of acrylic paint. Laminated tilewith improved moisture resistance, it is advisable to glue in the kitchen and a bathroom. Each cell can become a springboard for art painting or

The ceiling decor is an originality in the interior design, in many cases it supports the chosen style of the design of the room, or even the whole house or apartment, it is the sophistication and elegance demonstrated to the whole world. Some ceiling decor options are designed to add cosiness to the room, calm and relax nerves, promote relaxation - these are great for the bedroom. Other options on the contrary - add energy, call for action, promote creativity - living room, children's room, study. In addition, the ceiling decor is always unique in the design of the room, which is especially true for standard apartments. Active people, for whom uniformity is unacceptable, need this line most of all.

But there is one nuance that can turn many away from the ceiling decor: this decoration is quite expensive. And involuntarily you will think: is it worth it? Maybe it's better to go somewhere on vacation with the whole family? However, if you make the decor of the ceiling with your own hands, then you can get the desired elegant uniqueness, and significantly save money, because you have to pay only for the materials.

When it comes to decorating the ceiling with your own hands, ideas pour in, like from a cornucopia.

Another thing: whether these options are right for you, whether you can implement them. But in order to answer these questions, you must first familiarize yourself with the various ideas proposed by professionals and craftsmen, with different options for decorating the ceiling, and ways to turn the place for hanging the lamp into something original that meets your own emotional impulses.

There are several ways to do cheap ceiling decor with your own hands, which can be done independently:

  • painting the ceiling in various ways, including textured
  • pasting the ceiling with wallpaper;
  • processing the ceiling with decorative plaster in whole or in part;
  • decorating the ceiling with vinyl stickers;
  • ceiling decoupage in whole or in part;
  • screen painting of the ceiling in whole or in part;
  • fabric drapery;
  • stucco molding on the ceiling;
  • bamboo decorations on the ceiling.

Any of these options can be implemented independently. However, each of them has its own nuances and difficulties, so not everyone can fulfill all the options.

You may have to dwell on the simplest. But even the simplest options for decorating the ceiling can give the usual standard space originality and sophistication.

Ceiling painting

  Painting the ceiling is considered the easiest way to decorate, accessible even to those who have never been involved in any repairs. Painting has an additional bonus: the painted ceiling can subsequently be decorated further, for example, to make stucco molding, decorate it with vinyl stickers or screen painting. In addition, rollers with various patterns that can be applied to the surface to be painted are commercially available.

In order to paint the ceiling, the following accessories will be required:

  • an emery cloth with a handle for leveling the surface “an ordinary sheet will not work - it will be extremely difficult for them to overwrite small irregularities on the ceiling”;
  • soil roller;
  • paint roller;
  • brush;
  • cuvettes for soil and paint;
  • paint "it is recommended to use water-based paint";
  • priming.

Before proceeding directly to painting, a series of operations should be performed. The first of them is the alignment of the surface of the ceiling - the presence of small defects, various irregularities will adversely affect the quality of painting and, as a result, the appearance of the ceiling.

For alignment, an emery cloth with a handle is used - it erases the ceiling.

The next step is to apply the primer. After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to the painting.

Coloring can be done in various ways. A good effect is given by painting the ceiling in a color that matches the color of the walls - if pastel shades are used. High ceilings gravitate toward vibrant colors contrasting with walls. In this case, the best option is light walls with a dark ceiling - this combination of colors looks original and elegant. For a children's room, an interesting option may be a plasterboard ceiling with curly details, while the details are painted in a different color than the general background. For the bedroom, soft soothing colors are recommended, soothing and relaxing, preferably without patterns.

Wallpapering the ceiling

  Wallpapering the ceiling with wallpaper should be started if you want to get a bright picture on the ceiling, or any patterns, ornament, and so on over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling. If we are talking about a monophonic ceiling, then it is better to use paint. Also, do not use textured wallpapers - this design option is much easier to implement using decorative plaster. But painting the ceiling is not as simple as we would like, and wallpaper can very well help create the desired room decor.

In order to wallpaper the ceiling, you will need the following accessories:

  • sandpaper with a handle for leveling the surface "the same as for painting the ceiling";
  • soil roller;
  • glue roller;
  • ditches for soil and glue;
  • putty knife;
  • rubber roller;
  • glue;
  • wallpaper.

The first step is to prepare the glue: this is carried out in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. Then, using the sandpaper, the surface is leveled, small irregularities and defects are destroyed. After the surface is ready, the wallpaper is prepared - the necessary pieces are measured and cut, then they are smeared with glue and “insisted” for several minutes. After that, the wallpaper is glued to the ceiling, and a rubber roller is used to remove air bubbles that have fallen under the sheets.

Elegant small ornaments, both geometric and floral, look great in spacious living rooms combined with light walls without a pattern. But in kitchens and dining rooms with light walls, a floral bright print is more suitable, optimally a “flower meadow”, without pronounced repeating ornamental elements. Contrast strips can be used for “broken” ceilings - such a coloring smooths out unevenness, it is very good to use wallpaper of a similar pattern in the attic rooms. With the help of wallpapering the ceiling, you can visually expand the room - if you use wallpaper with a small ornament on the ceiling and one of the walls of the room. If the room has non-standard geometry "for example, in the attic, where the ceilings are of different heights, and in the middle of the room there can be a maximum height, and near the walls - much lower", then it is recommended to use the same wallpaper for pasting both the walls and the ceiling - this will smooth out the height differences.

Using vinyl stickers on the ceiling

  Vinyl stickers can achieve originality and elegance with minimal time and effort. In addition, the design of stickers available for sale is very diverse and is able to satisfy any, even the most refined, taste.

A bright kitchen will acquire a unique sophistication if colorful bright stickers are used on the ceiling. The ceiling in the bathroom can be decorated with marbled stickers or various marine motifs. In rooms with a lack of natural light, you can use acrylic 3D stickers with a mirror effect. And so on - you can fantasize unlimitedly. The limitation is only your own imagination and taste preferences.

In order to decorate the ceiling with vinyl stickers, you need a minimum of accessories:

  • rubber spatula;
  • vinyl sticker.

It should be noted that the ceiling should be flat. So, if there are any irregularities and defects on it, then you will have to use sandpaper with a handle - as in previous cases, to eliminate the unevenness of the ceiling. Also, all places where the stickers will be located must be cleaned of possible contaminants. Ideal - if the stickers are used after the ceiling has been painted and did not have time to get dirty.

After making sure that the surface for the sticker is ready, the mounting film is removed and the sticker is placed in the selected place.

Use for decorating the ceiling of decorative plaster

If you want to get a plain ceiling with a textured pattern, then this is optimally achieved using decorative plaster. It includes various components, which make it possible to achieve the desired effect, to obtain a textured, embossed surface.

In addition, you can use structural plaster, but in this case the relief alone will not work, it will need to be created using special tools with curly edges. However, despite the fact that the labor costs in this case are higher than when using decorative plaster, but the "palette" is larger - you can create a wider variety of relief options.

To make a textured drawing on the ceiling using plaster, you will need the following:

  • spatula with a smooth edge for applying plaster;
  • figured spatula or figured roller - if not a textured but a structural mixture is used;
  • skater with a fine skin;
  • paint - for painting the plastered surface "if necessary";
  • plaster.

The surface of the ceiling in this case does not need to be rid of any irregularities, as, for example, when painting or wallpapering. The only thing required is to clean the surface of any contaminants. Then apply the primer. After this, the plaster is applied - for this, an ordinary smooth spatula is used. If the plaster is textured, it remains to wait for it to dry and then lightly “pat” it with a skater. If the plaster is structural, then you have to use a curly spatula or roller to achieve the desired textured effect.

When the plaster has dried, the surface may be painted. You can paint the plaster in a single color, or you can use contrasting tones that differ from the main background.

Different tones and their intensity can create interesting effects. So, the golden paint, applied with a foam sponge on the textured surface of the plaster, will give the room the luxury of real baroque. The combination of decorative plaster with a contrasting color with smooth wooden "frames" will create the effect of the picture - like palace painted shades. In this case, it is good to use spotlights - they emphasize the elegance of the composition. In the bathroom, “marine” tones create a unique effect.

Also, various drawings and ornaments can be created from decorative plaster, but this, of course, is very difficult to do.

Decoupage on the ceiling

Most often, decoupage is used to make various souvenirs: caskets, key holders, original wooden boards for the kitchen, and so on. Large surfaces such as the ceiling are rarely decorated with decoupage. But this does not mean that this method cannot be applied at all in this case. Using decoupage turns the ceiling into a work of art.

If we are talking about decoupage with artificial aging “this option is ideally suited to country-style rooms, as well as decorated in antique style and the like”, then the ceiling surface can not even be leveled, it will only be sufficient to remove dust and dirt. If you need a clear, clear picture, without scuffing and artificial aging, then the ceiling will first have to be leveled with an emery cloth with a pen, then wiped, primed and finally sanded - that is, it is desirable that the ceiling is perfectly smooth and even. Such work is rather laborious, therefore decoupage with artificial aging and scuffing is most often used.

To obtain images, you can use special napkins - a variety of drawings and compositions are on sale for every taste and color. You can also use any pattern printed on a printer or photo paper.

In order to decorate the ceiling using decoupage, you will need the following:

  • izunok "napkin, photo paper, printer printout";
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brush for varnish;
  • rubber roller;
  • water and a sponge for its application "you can also use a spray bottle."

To obtain a picture with an aging effect, varnish is applied to a selected spot in the ceiling, a picture is glued to it, and then ironed with a rubber roller. After the workpiece has dried, the top layer of paper is soaked with water and removed. After the drawing dries, a top coat of varnish is applied to it.

Screen painting on the ceiling

  The most pleasant thing about the stencil is that to do a great drawing you do not even need to understand the art, but even have minimal drawing skills. So you can forget about school failures in drawing lessons with a clear conscience. Using a stencil, you can create both plain and multicolor compositions, it all depends entirely on your desire. Using a thick stencil, you can even get three-dimensional patterns. In this case, the drawing is not created with the help of paint, but with the help of plaster or putty, which is applied to the ceiling through a stencil with a spatula. Subsequently, such a volumetric pattern can be painted.

In order to decorate the ceiling with screen-painting, the following accessories will be required:

  • stencil;
  • masking tape - used to fix the stencil in the right place;
  • objects for applying paint "(brushes, sponges, roller");
  • cuvette for paint.

The description of the application of screen painting is simple, the execution is also simple, it requires only attention and accuracy. First, paint is diluted in the cuvette, then a stencil is fixed on a selected part of the ceiling surface, and then, through the stencil, the paint is applied to the ceiling. It’s better not to immediately brush the brush over the entire ceiling, but to paint small areas with a small amount of paint - this will prevent smudges and uneven tones.

Decoration of the ceiling with drapery fabric

  Fabric drapery creates a truly luxurious indoor effect. However, such a ceiling decoration is far from suitable for all rooms. So, rooms with high humidity and / or temperature are better not to drape with a cloth. That is, you should not use drapery in bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. Also, drapery with cloth in the children's room does not look too successful - too luxurious. But living rooms and bedrooms only benefit from this design.

Most often, fabric decoration is carried out using strips stretched either along or across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling. Also, a radial version of the drapery is often used, with the center being a lamp or a “button” that is fitted with fabric to enhance the effect. Recently, fabric-covered frames have begun to enter into fashion, which, for greater sophistication, supplement with backlighting by spotlights. Sometimes the frames are covered with silk fabric and painted using the batik technique - but for such a decor additional knowledge and skills are needed.

In order to fix the fabric on the ceiling in stripes, several methods are used:

  • the fabric is attached directly to the ceiling surface or to an installed frame, rails with Velcro;
  • the fabric is attached to the rails using a pneumatic stapler;
  • the fabric is fastened with special clips "just like stretch ceilings are attached."

When drapery drapes cloth over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling, time for preparatory work is saved - the ceiling does not need any preparation, removal of bumps, and so on. It is only recommended to remove dust and dirt from the ceiling surface. If only a part is draped or hanging frames with a fabric that cover only part of the ceiling surface are used, then the rest of the surface should be processed in such a way as to be combined with fabric draping. Paint, wallpapering, decoupage and so on can be used - any method of decorating the ceiling, up to the usual plain whitewash.

Decoration of ceilings stucco molding

  Stucco molding has long been a traditional way of decorating ceilings. Stucco molding has been used since ancient Greece and ending with our time - this option is always popular. The easiest way to decorate the ceiling with stucco is to create a socket above a pendant lamp in combination with baguettes or moldings around the perimeter of the ceiling. An interesting solution is the use of contrasting color in conjunction with stucco ceiling outlet.

If you wish, you can decorate the entire surface of the ceiling with stucco molding, but in this case it is not recommended to use stucco decorations on the walls, otherwise the room will be overloaded with stucco molding, which gives the opposite effect - instead of refined and luxurious elegance, you get the usual banal tastelessness. Therefore, with an abundance of stucco you need to be very, very careful.

The shops offer a wide range of different parts for creating stucco moldings, some of which are quite lightweight and can be attached to the ceiling using PVA glue. Heavier elements “for example, sockets” are attached to the ceiling using special mixtures. For very heavy elements, dowel nails are used, which are then masked with plaster.

If the assortment list of stores does not suit you, you can make stucco parts yourself from gypsum, but this will require molds.

Ceiling decoration with bamboo decorations

  The Asian and Egyptian style of room decor, which has come into vogue, tends to design bamboo stems not only walls, but also the ceiling space. The stores offer ready-made bamboo wicker modules that can be installed both on the entire ceiling area and partially, in combination, for example, with drywall or other ceiling finishes. It is strongly not recommended to mix bamboo decorations with options such as stucco molding or decoupage.

You can also use bamboo stems, rather than off-the-shelf modules. It is recommended to split the stems in half and glue them using PVA glue. Whole bamboo stalks are gathered into the grate with twine, then such a grate is fixed to the ceiling.

When decorating the ceiling using bamboo, one should take into account the general design of the room, the design of walls, floors and even furniture that is in this room.

In addition to the above basic options for decorating the ceiling space, you can use others. For example, lay a mosaic on the ceiling - craftsmen lay out real multi-figure paintings using both wine and plastic colored corks.

Nowadays, many people dream of decorating their ceiling with an original decor, since traditionally smooth ones have long gone out of fashion. There are a lot of ways to decorate the ceiling surface, so if you have skillful hands and a creative nature, the only difficulty that may come your way is choosing the right decor. To choose the most appropriate decoration for the ceiling of your interior, it is necessary, first of all, to study all the existing methods of this decoration.

Types of Ceiling Decor

With the advent of new decorative elements on the market, fresh ideas for decorating ceilings with their application also arise.

  1. Decoration with ceiling tiles, which are made of lightweight synthetic materials.
  2. Stretch ceilings, which over the past ten years have already become classics in their "genre".
  3. Decoupage of the ceiling is also not a new technique that has been used in construction and repair for more than one century. Previously more often used in the interiors of castles and palaces. Then the decoupage of the ceilings for some time remained without due attention and only now has returned in a new vein of application. Now, using decorative patterns and elements made of gypsum, as well as polyurethane, every second designer seeks to decorate the ceiling with such an exquisite decor.

Decoupage ceiling

Experts say that this particular type of decorative ceiling decoration is now at the peak of fashion and popularity.

Dceiling painting is performed using special templates, using which you can apply patterned stucco molding in the form of sockets (at the base of the chandeliers), moldings or baseboards. Stucco molding on the ceiling will invariably attract the attention of your guests with its ornate patterns.

Sockets - a stucco decoration element that is located directly at the base of the chandelier and creates a single composition with it. Sockets, as a rule, are sold in finished form - from polyurethane or gypsum. They have a variety of patterns and shapes and are easily glued to the base.

Moldings and borders for the ceiling very often decorate arches, mirror frames, walls of fireplaces, as well as create original wall panels.

Polyurethane moldings are attached to the ceiling with special styrofoam glue; during further use, they can be painted and washed.

Borders and baguettes for ceilings are also called ceiling skirting. This is a kind of the same moldings made of foam or polyurethane. The ceiling plinth is represented on the market by a huge variety of shapes and sizes. To choose the one that fits perfectly into your interior, pay attention to the pattern of the baguette and try to match it to other details of the room’s decor - for example, to curtains or handles on furniture.

How to prepare the ceiling for decorating with decoupage?

Before deciding on decoupage templates (moldings, sockets, baguettes), in the places where you are going to attach them, the ceiling should be perfectly cleaned and primed.

  In working on the ceiling decor, you will need the following materials:

  • styrofoam glue, which is used specifically for this type of finishing work;
  • small rubber spatula;
  • hacksaw;
  • marking pencil;
  • mounting knife.

The most difficult moment is the design of the corner joints, since the accuracy of the mating sections is very important here. In order not to encounter this problem, it is better to purchase ready-made polystyrene foam corners, which can be bought at any hardware store.

The adhesive composition should be selected based on what surface you are going to attach the baseboard (baguettes, moldings, sockets). If you are going to apply them to a prepared wall, then you can use a usual putty as a fastener. If it is supposed to be wallpapering, then it is better to use styrofoam glue, which was designed specifically for fixing such a decor. The disadvantage of this adhesive material is that it sets too long.

Skirting sticker order

Consider the step-by-step procedure for decorating the ceiling with a skirting board:

  • it is customary to start all work from the corner of the room;
  • first of all, you need to measure and cut the required length of the plinth;
  • on the inner side of the workpiece and on the slices to which other trims will be attached, apply glue;
  • firmly press the baseboard in the surface until excess glue appears on both sides of the workpiece;
  • with a spatula, carefully remove the excess glue;
  • we close all the cracks, in particular the joints between the strips, with putty;
  • wipe the finished decor with a damp cloth.

This is a fairly common type of ceiling decoration, it is of two types:

  1. Structural plaster - with the finished mixture, relief or patterns are created on the surface using tools such as spatulas, scallops, rollers. After the mixture has completely dried, such a ceiling decor can be painted in any color.
  2. Textured plaster. Its distinguishing feature is an unusual pattern that is created on the surface without the use of tools already during application. It is simpler to apply and does not require any special repair skills. As well as structural, it is covered with paint of any color if necessary.

Professionals advise using only water-based plaster for ceiling decor and applying only dispersion paints.

If you want to decorate the ceiling in Gothic or antique styles, it is best to use stucco molding.. Previously, similar surface decorations were created by classic gypsum, the modern stucco material is polyurethane. It is lighter, moisture resistant, flexible, does not turn gray and does not turn yellow during operation, and is also easier to apply.

In order to decorate the ceiling with stucco molding, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. Putty.
  2. Drill.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Narrow spatula.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Sandpaper.
  7. Glue intended for fastening stucco moldings.
  8. The stucco itself.

Step-by-step installation instructions for ceiling moldings

The stucco decoration on the ceiling is divided into two ways:

  1. Classical design: this view involves the creation of stucco made of gypsum or alabaster according to their own prepared templates. It is necessary to dilute the solution according to the instructions on the packaging, remove the lumps, mix it thoroughly and pour into the prepared form. Leave to harden for about 15 minutes at room temperature. You should not try to speed up this process with the help of heating devices, since stucco molding can crack. After the stucco molding is ready, it is removed from the mold and cleaned with sandpaper. Finished stucco products are fixed to the ceiling with liquid nails (you can also use PVA glue). When everything is set, the joints of the elements need to be sealed with a putty and cleaned after it has completely dried. After finishing the stucco molding, you can paint it if desired.
  2. Finishing with finished stucco molding: polyurethane or polystyrene decor elements are produced in the factory. This type of decor is made much easier compared to the classic, as stucco is bought ready-made and it remains only to stick to the surface. For fastening, liquid nails or a special adhesive solution for mounting stucco elements are also used. Experts advise to leave the purchased items in the room before installation, where you are going to glue them for several days. This is necessary in order for the material to “get used to” in the proposed temperature and humidity. Otherwise, if installation is carried out immediately after purchase, it may change its geometric shapes.

The process of creating a stucco outlet on a video:

Very bright and very original way of decorating the ceiling. It is convenient in that it can be easily done with your own hands, it is quite mobile - it can be quickly and easily removed if desired.

How to create “clouds” on the ceiling using fabrics:

  1. We choose fabric for a decor of blue color, it is better to give preference to tulle, tulle or organza.
  2. We stock up on a decorative rope, double-sided tape, plastic hooks and beautiful ribbons.
  3. In a random order we bandage the entire piece of fabric with a rope, the approximate distance between the dressings is at least 50 cm.
  4. We attach the hooks to the ceiling with double-sided tape.
  5. We pick up the fabric on the hooks in the places of dressings.

As you can see, the airy decor on the ceiling is pretty simple.

Fine decor

There is also such an unconventional solution for the decoration of the ceiling as wallpapering, large photographs, drawings and abstract paintings. This is a very bold finish, which is typical for modern interiors. In a similar way, the owners strive to emphasize their creativity and personality. Applying such a decor does not cause much difficulty, the main thing is to prepare the canvas, using modern technologies it is quite simple, and glue for wallpapering.

Art painting

This type of decor looks simply amazing. Previously, the talent of the artist was required for its application, now there are a huge number of special stencils with which anyone can decorate the ceiling surface. Stencils are attached with construction tape to the ceiling and painted with paints to taste.

In addition, there are special ceiling vinyl stickers on sale that can be used to create very intricate applications. They have a self-adhesive inner surface, do not leave marks on the ceiling, are easily glued from one place to another without loss of quality.

Vinyl stickers are ideal for masking cracks or stains on the ceiling, so as not to venture a global repair.

Modern on the ceiling from improvised materials

Possessing unlimited imagination, the ceiling decor can be made from the simplest materials and get a real work of art as a result.

  1. To make a similar decor at the base of the chandelier, you will need an old frame from a large painting or mirror.
  2. To freshen the selected frame, we paint in white.
  3. Next, we need a sheet of plywood, from which we need to cut a workpiece in the shape of a frame and make a hole for the chandelier in the middle.
  4. We put a synthetic winterizer on the plywood, cover it with a piece of fabric on top, stitch it along the edge and tighten it. Use a translucent fabric to make the design appear more airy.
  5. We fix the fabric sewn with synthetic winterizer on the panel with a construction stapler.
  6. We glue the panel to the ceiling, attach the frame from the top, which we prepared at the very beginning, it closes the fasteners with a stapler and gives the composition a finished look.

Whichever of the methods of ceiling decoration you choose for yourself, remember that this is a creative process and the final result will depend on your inspiration and imagination.

Currently, decorating the walls and ceiling in an apartment is becoming a very fashionable trend in the practice of repair work, due to which it is possible to completely transform the interior of the premises.

Repair measures, including the decor of the ceiling, if desired, can be made by anyone, even not particularly experienced in these matters, by a person. To do this, you just need to familiarize yourself with the possible options for decor, the technique of its arrangement and the material used for this. Many decorating ideas can be found on the Internet.


Today, the traditional smooth and perfectly even white ceiling is no longer considered fashionable and is increasingly decorated with modern decorative details.

The following methods can be added to the list of classical ways of decorating the ceiling, replenished as new decor elements appear on the domestic market:

  • the use of ceiling tiles made on the basis of light synthetic materials;
  • arrangement of suspended ceilings;
  • decoupage of the ceiling, which consists in using as a decor template elements from plaster or polyurethane.

According to experts, at present the most fashionable style of decorative decoration of the ceiling is its decoupage, which our article will be devoted to.

Decoupage of the ceiling is called a special style of decoration, which consists in decorating it with the help of special patterns made in the form of patterned stucco moldings (sockets, moldings or baseboards). This decoration method can be used in a variety of interiors. The stucco molding propagated under the template and glued to the ceiling looks rather original in any room, invariably attracting the attention of visitors.

Outlets are usually called decor elements that are installed directly under the chandelier and create a single composition with it. Sockets made of polyurethane or gypsum can have a variety of shapes and easily stick to the base of the ceiling.

Ceiling moldings or borders are usually used to decorate arches, walls of fireplaces or to create frames for mirrors, as well as original wall panels.

Polyurethane moldings mounted on the ceiling with a special styrofoam adhesive can be painted and washed if desired.

The ceiling plinth or the so-called fillet (border, baguette) is considered a type of moldings and is also made of polystyrene and polyurethane.It is recommended to choose this finishing material with a wide variety of shapes and sizes for the style of decoration of individual room decor elements (for curtains, for example).

Preparatory procedures

Before starting work on the decoration of the ceiling, its surface in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sticker for the outlet, moldings and baseboards must be carefully aligned, cleaned of dust and primed.

For all planned operations, you may need the following materials and tools:

  • special styrofoam glue;
  • mounting knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • small rubber spatula;
  • marking pencil.

The most difficult moment in the process of installing a ceiling skirting is the design of corner joints, the quality of which directly depends on the accuracy of preparation of joined sections.

The most acceptable solution to this problem is the use of ready-made polystyrene foam corners available on the market.

The choice of adhesive for a decorative skirting board directly depends on whether you glue it on a pre-prepared wall or mount it directly on top of the wallpaper. In the first case, experts allow the use of ordinary putty for fastening. Of the special adhesives, styrene adhesive designed specifically for attaching decor elements from polystyrene, polystyrene, and polyurethane is considered the most suitable. The only drawback of this remarkable adhesive material is the setting time that is too long.

Sticker order (using skirting as an example)

The process of decorating the ceiling (in the part of the plinth sticker) usually starts from the corner and is carried out in the following order:

  • first of all, we measure and cut to the desired length the workpiece of the corner ceiling skirting;
  • apply glue to the inner surface of the workpiece and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cut, to which the following strips are subsequently joined;
  • we put the baseboard to the installation site and carefully press it in the corner until its edges come into full contact with the planes of the wall and ceiling; while extrusion of excess glue should be observed on both sides of the workpiece;

  • using a spatula, very carefully remove excess glue;
  • fill the gap with putty (joints between adjacent slats);
  • wipe the finished baseboard with a damp cloth.


In this video you will see a selection of more than 50 amazing options for design ideas for ceiling design: