How and when is it best to repot the plum?

Transplanting plum in autumnwill enable the root system to take root successfully in a new place. Next spring, the young plum will develop effectively, which will ensure a good harvest of fruits in a short time. Agrotechnics recommend using for transplanting plum saplings no older than five years.

Terms of plum transplanting in the fall

When is it best to replant the plum in the fall?   Plums transplanted in the second half of the autumn period. In October, the air was already cooled, and the ground was not frozen. A new tree will avoid the danger of sprouting shoots that can be destroyed by frost. And be able to take root in the warm enough for this land.

Preparing for a transplant

Plum saplings are prepared for transplantation as follows:

  • Watering. Under the drain poured up to five buckets of water.
  • Digging Plum digging, digging around the trunk. At the same time, seventy centimeters recede. And cut a cone-shaped piece of land, plunging into the depth of the same seventy centimeters.
  • Transportation. Plums with earthen cones are separated from the ground, trying to keep the clod around the roots intact. The bottom of the plum is wrapped with a film or bag, tied with wire (rope). Packed seedlings are delivered to the transplant site.

How to transplant the plum in the fall

Technically, plum transplantation is simple:

  • Pit parameters. The size of the pit should be a few tens of centimeters wider and deeper than the earthen cone around the roots of the plum.
  • Top dressing. The bottom of the pit is filled with compost.
  • Installation Plum is lowered into the pit, setting so that the area of ​​the "root collar", the space between the root and the trunk, is at ground level.
  • Backfilling. Plums fall asleep, filling the hole completely. Simultaneously with backfilling it is watered until the soil is moistened.
  • Wind protection Thin plum strengthen, tying to a strong Coke.
  • Mulching. Place under the plum sprinkled with soil and cover with a layer of ash mixed with peat or sawdust.

You can talk about the beneficial and taste properties of the plum for a long time, these trees are found on many garden plots.

However, like any plant, agricultural technology has its own characteristics. Planting plums in the fall is the best option for the tree to stick well and abundantly bear fruit. Why is it better to plant it during this period, how to prepare the plot, than to feed, how to prune and protect from pests and diseases? It is important to understand these issues in order not to be mistaken with the variety and methods of cultivation in a particular region.

There are often discussions about when to plant a plum in spring or autumn? In the autumn period, intense sap flow ceases. The seedling is in a state of rest at rest, therefore it tolerates the transplant better, gets used to the new place, and will not suffer immediately after transplantation from the summer exhausting heat. In the autumn period, it rains more often, so you can do without additional watering.

Rational planting time in the fall

When to plant plants? It is important to plant before the onset of frost. For Central Russia, the seedlings are placed in a new place at the end of September. In Siberia and the Urals, it is desirable to have time in the first week of September.

If the planting material is purchased late, it is better to plant the tree under the slope and transplant in the spring. In this case, requires intensive watering during the summer.

Varieties and their descriptions

Breeders for a long time deduced varieties with different ripening terms. Fruits differ in color, taste. Currently such varieties are popular:

GreengageIt has large yellow fruits, exquisite taste with late ripening
JulyHigh yield, large fruits of purple-red hue, early fruiting
Zarechnaya earlyWinter-hardy tree with an early harvest, violet fleshy fruits of an oval form, ideal for house preparations
East souvenirTree with juicy dark red fruits in the shape of a heart, sweet mid-season
Golden ballThe plant has bright yellow fruits with peach flavor with early fruiting, is top to taste.
SkoroplodnayaBegins fruiting 2 years after planting, reddish fruits ripen in early summer
SvetlanaThe variety is suitable for the northern regions, the fruits are not large, but with high taste
RomainMid-season grade with red fruits and tasty pulp.

Optimal conditions for growing

After planting, the first 7 years of fruiting is weak, after 12 years there is a period of greatest yield. Based on such physiology, it is necessary not only to acquire, but also to create living conditions. On this depends the correct growth and acceleration of the onset of intensive fruiting.

Lowlands are not suitable for trees, in which cold air accumulates in the spring and autumn, it has a detrimental effect on plants. A good place will be the border of the plot along the fence or near the house, which will protect from the wind, but not in the shade. Drought is bad for fruiting, irrigation is organized in dry periods. The optimum soil pH is in the range of 6.4–7.2.

Plum is afraid of high standing of groundwater. Therefore, if they are at a depth of less than 1.5 meters, you can plant a plum in the fall in specially prepared high beds or organize water drainage from the site.

Moscow regionPlanting and care: if the winter is snowless, it is important to warm the roots. To do this, in the fall before the frosts around the trunk throw a mound and cover with grass or sawdust.
Leningrad regionIn areas with high groundwater levels, drainage should be organized: drainage ditches are dug around the perimeter. It is necessary to mulch the tree trunk with peat or hay.
Middle bandHow to plant a plum in the fall in central Russia? To do this, it is important to choose or create conditions for growth and reproduction: humidity, soil quality, protection, to deal with pests and diseases.
SiberiaIt is necessary to grow varieties that can withstand the harsh winter on the southern and south-western slopes, in places protected from the wind.
UralIn this region with frosty winters, it is necessary to choose zoned varieties, to prepare the plant, as described below.

Correct site selection and

soil preparation

The site should be protected from drafts: trees should be located near fences or buildings. The soil should not be acidic and waterlogged. If the place does not match the plant's physiology, a special technology is used: high ridges are created, fertilizer is applied, protective shields are erected.

It is necessary not only to plant the plum in the fall, but also to prepare the soil. A mixture is required for each pit:

  • top fertile soil;
  • humus - about 15 kg;
  • potassium salt not more than 15 g;
  • superphosphate within 100 g

Dolomite flour - 0.5 kg is added to the acidic soil.

How to choose planting material

The best option for buying a tree is specialized nurseries that implement stock plants with grafted varietal cuttings. Such seedlings earlier start flowering and fruiting. Main settings:

  • height up to 150 cm;
  • trunk height to branches - 50–60 cm;
  • age - about 2 years;
  • trunk diameter at a height of 12 cm from the vaccination site - 1.5–1.8 cm;
  • at least 5 roots 25–30 cm long

Planting seedlings

Step-by-step guide developed by an experienced gardener:

necessary to prepare the soil in the garden. It is good to dig up the ground not only in the place of the future pit, but also around it. Planting plums in the fall begins with the choice of the optimal place, the proper preparation of the land;

before you mark the plantation of planting seedlings should take into account the size of an adult plant, what shape and height will be the crown. In any case, the distance should not be less than 3 meters from each other;

photo: ©

a landing pit is needed with a diameter of at least 80 cm and a depth of 60 cm; it is being dug two weeks before the planned landing. For better drainage, sand is poured at the bottom. Filled with fertilized soil is not fully. In the center of the pit they drive in a peg, it is intended to become a support for the young plant;

before planting, gardeners carefully inspect the plant and prune bad roots;

photos: ©

place the seedling, straighten the roots, so that the root neck is located slightly above ground level (after watering, it will sit a little lower);

fill the roots with soil without fertilizer, so as not to burn them, fill all the voids and gently stamp down. Then water, loosen the soil and grind so that moisture is not lost.

photo: ©

After that, the question arises: care for a plum in the fall?

Departure after landing

Planting and care in the open field includes timely feeding, pruning, watering and protection from pests and diseases. In the first year without fertilizers can do. The plant will be in the spring and the whole summer season to use the fertilizer applied before planting.


Every year pruning, which forms the crown. In April, in the northern regions in May, a healing trimming is carried out. This is the best time for such works. Removed branches that grow inside the crown, cross each other, shoots growing from the root. Shorten the upper branches to reduce the crown. It improves growth, fructification and further reproduction by shoots.

Disease prevention

Gardeners get rid of gum and white rot by early pruning. Thinning crown prevents perforated spotting. Processing Bordeaux liquid eliminates fruit rot, coccomycosis, leaf curl, bacterial blotch, moniliosis, this minimizes the care of plums in the fall.

Pest protection

During the spring awakening of the plant, harmful insects appear. To protect the garden you need:

  • plant healthy seedlings;
  • cut off damaged branches;
  • planted under the crown wormwood, marigold;
  • in the mornings, gardeners shake sawmill out on the bedding;
  • wood ash is added to the tree trunks, this will protect against aphids;
  • sprayed after flowering with Inta-Vir (3 tablets per 10 liters of water);
  • make trapping belts;
  • cover up cracks and wounds on the trunk and branches;
  • sprayed with the drug "Insegar" from plum stolonozhki.


We found out how to plant a plum in the fall, let's talk about dressing. Fertilizer is applied annually, which includes ammonium sulfate. For acidic soil use ammonium nitrate. Trees can not do without organic matter: you can use cow manure diluted in water at a ratio of 1:10. As well as using humus for mulching, it not bad improves the growth of both seedlings and adult plums. Annually spring foliar feeding is carried out with 0.5% urea solution.


Planting plum in the fall includes watering: 2 buckets of water, but only if there is no heavy rain expected. Plum does not like waterlogging. Since spring and throughout the summer, it is important to organize timely watering.

Preparing for the winter

The plant needs help to survive the winter, because the plum likes comfort:

  1. whiten the trunk;
  2. prikopat circle;
  3. to tie a plant with sacking so that rodents do not damage;
  4. if weather forecasters promise a little snowy winter, they fall asleep with a thick layer of fir paws, sawdust;
  5. peppermint is attached to the stem and branches, which rodents do not like;
  6. branches are tied together so that sleet does not break them.

Interesting! "For the Urals and Siberia, in the open air, they make a shield shelter to protect them from the wind."


In the video, an experienced gardener tells and shows in practice how to plant a plum in the fall.

Despite the fact that the plum is a “characteristic” tree that loves a good top dressing and watering, protected places, using the above tips, you can grow it even in difficult conditions of the North and the Urals.

Transplanting fruit trees is necessary for various reasons. Often you have to reschedule the site and move the plantings to another place in order to free up space for construction. Sometimes it is necessary to transplant a fruit tree with transportation from one garden to another. In any case, the question arises: how to transplant the plum in order to minimally injure the roots and provide it with a fast survival in a new place?

The best time to transplant

You need to decide when you can repot the plum. It is best to do this before the start of the active phase of the plant, that is, in early spring before the start of sap flow or in late autumn, when the foliage has almost fallen. The optimal time in the fall in the middle lane - until October 20, remains approximately 25-30 days before the onset of severe frosts.

Is it possible to transplant the plum in May? It is permissible to transplant fruit trees in the late spring and summer only in the most extreme cases: this year you can not wait for fruiting, and if the roots were seriously damaged, then the plant will be restored next year and will not produce fruit.

Young trees of no more than 4-5 years old are the most suitable for transplanting; saplings of 1-2 years best take root. Old trees have an extensive root system, while they slowly grow young roots, and it will be difficult for the tree to take root in a new place. An important condition for increasing survival is transplanting together with an earthy clod, this allows you to save the maximum number of roots.

Often on the forums the question is whether it is possible to transplant overgrown plums. If the tree was grafted, then it does not make sense to transplant the young processes from the root system: the fruits on them will still be small and sour. If this is originally a good-quality tree with large fruits, the shoots can be separated from the root system and transplanted to a new location.

Preparing for plum transplanting

Transplant pits in the fall are prepared in about 20 days, for spring transplant they need to be dug in the fall. The width of the pit should be about 80 cm more than an earthen coma. So, in order to plant a 2-year-old sapling, it is necessary to dig a hole 70x70 cm in size and about 70 cm deep.

A drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay is poured at the bottom - it will protect the roots from stagnating water, especially if the groundwater lies on the site close to the surface. In addition, a layer of compost is poured at the bottom of the pit, after which it must be sprinkled with a thin layer of earth so that the roots do not directly contact the fertilizer.

Sapling must be properly prepared for extraction from the ground and transplanting. To do this, you need to pour 4-5 buckets of water under the barrel, then carefully seed a seedling around the circumference. It is necessary to carefully cut a cone-shaped lump of earth with a depth of about 70 cm, after which it is carefully removed from the pit.

How to transplant plum in the spring

Let us consider in more detail how to transplant the plum to a new place. The prepared seedling is delivered to the transplant site with the maximum safety of the root system. If you need to transport the tree over a long distance, the roots are wrapped with several layers of matting or thick film, for transporting a large tree the roots are placed in a box made of planks.

Transplant into the prepared pit is carried out as follows:

  • Roots must be inspected before planting. Patients who have rotted damaged roots are pruned with shears, the place of the cut is covered with wood ash. If the roots are dry during transportation, they should be well moistened with water, this will improve the survival rate of the tree.
  • The root system together with the earthy lump is placed in the pit so that the root neck (the area between the root of the tree and its trunk) is flush with the ground.
  • Pit fall asleep nutrient garden soil. At the same time it is watered, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the soil.
  • The landing site must be mulched to protect the root system. For this, the space around the trunk is covered with a layer of earth, peat and sawdust.

Mulching is especially important for autumn transplantation; it helps protect the roots from freezing in winter. In regions with a relatively warm climate, winter transfer is sometimes used: a clod of frozen ground is cut out along with the root system and installed in a new place. After thawing and the start of sap flow, the tree may begin to bear fruit next summer.

When planting young seedlings need to provide him with reliable support for growth. To do this, a stake is driven into the pit on the north side of the trunk, to which the plant should be tied.

Care of transplanted plum

When deciding when to replant a plum - in the fall or spring, you need to take care of creating comfortable conditions for a young or adult tree. Plum is a moisture-loving and heat-loving plant; when planted in the shade, the yield is significantly reduced. When deciding where and when a plum can be transplanted, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the soil. Plum does not like places with dense ground, in which moisture stagnates, it is advisable to find for it a well-lit area with loose soil.

In the first years after planting, the branches of a young tree grow unevenly, so they need to be cut regularly to form the correct crown. In the first year after transplantation, it is not necessary to apply fertilizer under the roots; a layer of compost placed under the root system during planting is sufficient. In the third year, potash and phosphate fertilizers are introduced into the soil in the fall and nitrogen fertilizers in the spring to increase green mass.

If the soil is too acidic, ash or dolomite flour is added to it. Active watering is needed in the first half of summer, each tree requires at least 5 buckets of water. If the year was fruitful, it is necessary to install supports under the plum branches so that they do not break.

Knowing how to properly transplant the plum, you can ensure a good harvest in the next year after moving to a new place. The plant will quickly restore the root system and will please the owner with abundant fruiting.

Plum - moisture-loving tree; loves bright lighting and protection from the north winds; does not like the soil with high groundwater. The roots are horizontal, growing at a depth of 20-50 cm, only a few go to great depths. In adult plums, the roots extend 1–1.5 m beyond the perimeter of the crown — this must be taken into account when transplanting: digging damages most of the root system. This leads to homozy - a disease when cracks with expiring gum (resin) form on the trunk. Transplanted plums older than 4 to 5 years old do not survive well and are ill for a long time, so it is not advisable to move them.

The optimal time for plum transplantation is early spring, when the buds have not yet begun to swell, or autumn, from mid-September to October 20 (for central Russia, in other regions, the transplant dates are shifted according to climatic conditions).

Planting pits for spring planting are prepared in autumn, for autumn plant - 15 to 20 days before work. The size of the pit - 60 - 80 cm larger than the root ball of the tree. For a 2-year-old sapling a pit of 70x70x70 cm of any shape is sufficient. When digging, the upper layer of the earth is cast aside; the bottom of the pit loosened on the bayonet.

With close occurrence of groundwater at the bottom of the pit, drainage is made of broken bricks, expanded clay, and stones. Then pour the top layer of soil, 1 - 2 buckets of humus, 1 kg of ash, all mixed and poured two buckets of water.

Sometimes transplanted to a new place grown up undergrowth. If an adult tree was grafted, then the works will not be justified: the berries on the sapling can be small and sour. But if the mother tree was also grown from overgrowth, and the quality of its fruit is decent, then it makes sense to dig out a sapling. In dry weather, its near-stem circle is well watered, dug at a distance of 40 cm from the trunk, trying to damage the roots as little as possible. The excavated seedling is placed on the cellophane by its roots and is well packaged if transportation is required.

It is best to buy in the nursery an annual sapling with a closed root system. But seedlings and with an open root system take root pretty well, if their roots were carefully packed and not dried. Before planting, their roots must be carefully inspected: rotted and diseased roots cut off. For some time, the seedling can be placed in a bucket of water.

When transplanting a plum tree with an open root system, the ground is poured into the hole to create a small cone in the middle. In the middle of the pit drive a stake; on the north side of it is placed a sapling. It is more convenient to carry out the work together, so that one person would hold the sapling, and the second could gently spread his roots along the surface of the earth cone, so that they would not be bent, and fall asleep with soil. Plum root neck should be 5 - 7 cm above the top edge of the pit. While planting the soil, the seedling is shaken lightly so that all the gaps between the roots are filled. The land is carefully protected: at the edges of the pit - denser, at the trunk - easier.

When a specimen with a closed root system is transplanted, peat, humus, fertilizer and fertile soil are poured on the bottom of the pit, on top of the drainage. Everything is mixed, rammed and watered. From above establish a sapling in such a way that the root neck is slightly above the soil surface. The gaps between the edges of the pit and the earthy clod are covered with fertile soil and trampled. A peg is driven in along the edge of the pit.

A seedling is wrapped in a string, overlapped with an eight and tied to a peg. Along the edges of the landing pit make a hole and pour into it 1 - 2 buckets of water from the "Kornevin". Pristal circle is covered with a thick layer of humus or peat. After transplantation, the plum is watered weekly with fertilizers that stimulate rooting. In spring, the seedling is cut to a height of 1.5 meters. To plum abundantly fruited, at least two trees are planted at the same time.

Plums of 4 - 5 years a year before transplanting 70 cm from the trunk, in a circle, they dig in a groove 50 cm deep; the roots are cut off. The groove is filled with humus, sand, peat with the addition of ash; compacted and plentifully watered. During the summer, watered several times; a lot of suction roots grow on the trimmed roots.

A year later, the plum is again dug around the outer edge of a previously dug groove, trying to preserve the young roots. Gradually deepened, chopping the remaining roots and forming an earthen clod with a thickness of 70 cm. The tree is tilted and sackcloth is brought under it, then it is rolled over onto the underlying material. The roots are wrapped so that the earth does not crumble.

Before planting, measure the depth of the landing pit to match the thickness of the root ball. Drain in a hole can be lowered straight from the jute sacking - in the ground it will gradually decompose. The pit is filled up with soil, and 3–4 cokes are driven in and driven into it, to which a plum is attached to the stretch marks. The trunks and bases of the skeletal branches are wrapped in moss or sacking, which are moistened with water for 2–3 weeks. The transplanted tree is regularly watered with "root". In the spring, the conductor is trimmed to a third of the length and 2 to 3-year increments. With good care, plum can begin to bear fruit the next year.


It is possible to replant a tree only in strictly certain terms. Prepare the tree and the landing hole in advance. The best time for this work is the end of November - the beginning of December. The optimal temperature for a transplant is minus 2-3 degrees. You can also plant a tree in early spring, when the earth is still frostbitten.

A fruit tree, which is 7-10 years old, must be transplanted with a clod of earth. It should have a diameter of about 100 cm and a height of 70 cm. Roots that go beyond these boundaries should be cut off with a sharp ax. Often they are sawed off with a hacksaw. All ends of the roots must be stripped with a sharp knife. Learn, the crown of a tree can be cut only in spring, before the buds swell. The transfer date does not affect this.

Plum, which is more than 5 years old, needs to be transplanted especially carefully. First you need to dig out the grooves from three sides 50 cm from the trunk. Their length should be at least 60 cm, and the depth - at least 50 cm. Fill the pits with loose nutrient mixture. It should consist of 40% of rotted manure, 20% of sand and 35-40% of the land of the upper fertile layer. Manure and organic residues will eventually decay, while emitting gases. Upon reaching the surface many tiny holes will form. This will ensure the path of oxygen to the roots. This will have a positive effect on the survival of the transplanted tree. Tamper well and fill the grooves with water. The base of the branches is recommended to be tied with sacking. About a month this strapping need to moisten with water.

During a year plum   water regularly and protect from pests. A year will be enough for a powerful beard of small suction roots to grow on the cut roots. By the end of August, when the growth of shoots will be stopped, it is necessary to trim the crown.

Transplantation of a tree may be necessary in the case of a new building in its place, expanding a recreation area or a playground. For the success of transplanting a large tree you need to know the important details of this work.

You will need

  • Strong shovel, pruner, clay, charcoal, fertilizers, water.


Replanting normally tolerate conifer trees. For example, pine, thuja, fir, spruce and many others. When transplanting the tree will have to dig along with the roots. Consider that some trees develop roots that go far to the sides. If they are disturbed, the tree can then be very sick. Before transplanting, dig a trench around the tree in a width of 30 cm and a depth of at least 60 cm. Cut the roots in the trench with a sharp device or cut with a pruning shears. After that, sprinkle the roots with charcoal or cover with garden putty, clay. Pistol circle loosen and add fertilizer. Now the tree is ready to transplant.

Choose a location for a transplant. It should be comfortable for the tree: in the shade or in the sun, with wet or, on the contrary, arid soil. Prepare a landing hole 15 days before the transplant. Digging a hole, pay attention to the condition of the soil. If it is very depleted, replace it with fertile. The average depth of the landing pit: 1 meter. Greater penetration is not desirable, as the root system may rot from this. The width of the pit determine the width of the earthen coma on the roots. Before changing to the bottom of the landing pit, fill the humus.

Proceed to planting a tree: insert a sturdy shovel into the dug trench and try to push it under the roots. If not, remove more soil on both sides of the plant. Try again to loosen the grip of the roots with the soil. When you see the roots released, move the tree to the burlap spread next to it. Bind a tree with sacking: so you keep an earthy ball on the roots. Now it is desirable to moisten the burlap with water.

Grasping the edge of the burlap, transport the tree to the new pit. Untie the burlap and firmly place the tree in the pit of earth. Throw a hole in the prepared soil and well tamp so that there are no voids inside. After this, water the tree and firmly tamp again. If there are air pockets in the soil, the tree can easily budge. For watering one bucket will be enough. After watering the tree every three days for 1.5 months. Put the mulch in the tree circle: this will allow the soil to stay wet for a long time.

Deciduous tree transplant in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. Rowan, horse chestnut, bird cherry, apple, irga, plum, quince, pear and many others tolerate transplant well. To protect the bark of a transplanted tree from drying out, tie moss, bark, rags, a layer of straw or cardboard to it. In the spring of the previously transplanted tree, be sure to shorten all unnecessary ramifications. If it is possible to priten the tree after transplantation, be sure to do it. So the root system will recover faster and come in line with the aboveground part of the tree. Also, after transplantation, additional irrigation with root formation stimulants is recommended - “Heteroauxin”, “Root” and others.


Before digging up the tree, mark the side of the plant that was facing north. And when transplanting plant a plant in the same spatial arrangement.

Helpful advice

If you are planting a plant from the forest, grab a couple of buckets of earth and mix it with a garden one.

Plum - one of the favorite fruit crops of gardeners. Its varieties differ in the form of fruits. The elongated oval fruits are in the Hungarians, and the spherical fruits are in the green leaves. However, planted trees may not bear fruit or die. The reason for this often lies in the improper planting of seedlings, and the plum is very demanding on the growing conditions.

You will need

  • - seedlings;
  • - stakes or wire;
  • - garden tools;
  • - tags indicating the grade.


Choose a place for the seedling on the site. Plum prefers moisture-retaining, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.5-7.2. Does not like the plum tree of the winds, and in low places flower buds can be damaged by frost. Pick a warm, well lit place. Well, if the wind will be drained from the wall of the house or fence.

Plum is planted mainly in autumn or spring (plants with a closed root system can be planted in summer). Prepare the soil. Remove perennial weeds and apply mineral and organic fertilizers. In open places, provide planting stakes, and if you plan to form trees in fan shape, then pull the wire system.

Choose a good planting material. Remember, for the best survival of the seedling it is necessary that it meets certain requirements: the length of the roots is at least 30 cm, there should be no cancer growths on the roots and trunk, without nodules in the inoculation site. The length of the trunk is not less than 60 cm, the thickness of the trunk is 2-2.5 cm.

Dig a planting pit of such a width and depth that the straightened roots of a sapling can be freely accommodated in it. A pit of 40x60 cm is enough to drain. Fold the fertile top layer of the earth separately. In the other direction, remove the lower less fertile soil layer. Arrange drainage at the bottom of the pit.

Inspect plum roots. All broken, crushed and torn ends cut off with a sharp knife or shears. Carefully place the seedling on a mound of fertile land piled into a hole. Gradually pour the ground to the roots. Try to wake up the soil between the roots and evenly fill all the gaps. The tree will be much worse to take root if there are voids between the roots.

The root neck of the tree (the place of transition of the trunk to the roots) should not be underground. To do this, put a sapling slightly higher than necessary. Over time, the soil will settle, and the root of the neck will be in place. Tie up plum   to cola or to wire. Liberally water the tree.

It is necessary to place saplings in a row, not less than 3-4 m from each other. Keep tree trunks clean. Land under seedlings can be mulched. If you plan a garden under vegetation, then mow the grass regularly.


Remember to loosen the ground around the plums with caution, because the root system of trees is very close to the surface.

Helpful advice

Be sure to hang tags on seedlings indicating the type and date of planting.


  • how to plant a plum in the fall in 2017

To refresh the water in aquariumit is not enough just to drain the old one and pour fresh from the tap. Over time, a special microclimate is formed in the tank, due to the abrupt change of which the fish may become ill or die. If you do not want to harm those who are so diligently nurtured, while draining and filling the aquarium, follow a certain sequence of actions.