Processing roses in the fall from pests and diseases: how it happens

It is a pity, but even the sharp thorns of roses and the tart smell do not save the shrub from all kinds of diseases and pests. Processing roses in the fall from pests and diseases is an important process. If the shrubs are left untreated, they may stop at the bud stage, or drop flowers altogether after they bloom. Description of diseases and photos of pests can be found in any encyclopedia and reference book with methods of dealing with them.

Every year there are new types of protective equipment. The most annoying thing is that even they are not able to completely get rid of such misfortunes, and not every professional flower growers can handle this.

The most famous diseases of roses and methods of dealing with them

Most of all, rose bushes are affected by pests in spring, and in summer and autumn they become infected with all kinds of diseases. It is them that we will consider.

  • . Very often young, rapidly growing branches of roses and foliage are affected by this disease. To get rid of such a disease, it is necessary to cut off the infected shoots in the fall, collect and then burn the fallen leaves. It is also necessary to dig the soil near the bush. At the end of November, it is recommended to spray with such a solution: three percent iron sulfate with the addition of three percent copper sulfate. In addition, preventive spraying should be used, using herbal and chemical preparations.

  • . It is recommended to collect and burn diseased leaves, cut and burn infected shoots, dig up the soil, spray the plant with chemical and herbal remedies.
  • . It is necessary to cut off infected shoots, collect fallen leaves and burn them, dig up the surrounding soil, spray bushes with Bordeaux liquid. We talked in detail about how to properly prepare the Bordeaux mixture, and the consumption rates of the working fluid in the article "".

Treatment of roses in the fall from pests and diseases should be carried out every year. Otherwise, the roses will simply die.

The most famous pests of rose bushes and how to deal with them

  • . In the autumn, it is recommended to dig up the soil around the bush so that the caterpillar gets to the surface of the soil and dies in severe frosts. It is also necessary to spray the plant with chemicals, cut and burn the shoots inhabited by pests.
  • . These pests appear in the spring. They bring severe damage to young shoots and leaves, they can even cause damage to buds that have not yet blossomed. The treatment of rose bushes against this pest is the same as for the rose sawfly.

To get the desired result, you should follow simple rules:

  • After treating the shrub with diluted vitriol, it should dry thoroughly. After that, it can be covered for the winter.
  • All twigs, leaves, shoots of a rose that are sick must be scrupulously collected and burned. Thus, disease fungi will not spread further than the affected bush.

  • After processing the plant, it must be fertilized with ash. Then you should dig the soil around the diseased shrub. After that, the roots will not be available for potential dangerous pests and diseases.

Processing roses in the fall from pests and diseases will allow the shrub to revive again in the spring: new young shoots will grow, the root will become stronger, bright buds will bloom and turn into beautiful flowers that I will delight their owners with their fragrance.