Estimate decoding of columns. Features of drawing up estimates in construction

In most cases, the preparation of estimates is carried out by professional estimators, and various auxiliary specialized programs are almost always used. Therefore, problems often arise with how to read estimates without having the appropriate knowledge in this area. Despite the fact that the document in question often has a rather impressive and cumbersome appearance, it is quite possible to analyze the estimate without being an estimator at all. To do this, you need to be guided by some basic rules and recommendations - estimate work

Drawing up estimates will become a much simpler process if you entrust this task to professionals.

Types of estimate documentation

local estimate or local estimate. The most common document that is drawn up at almost any facility under construction or when performing any work. There are a large number of different variations of it, the most common are the following documents, which differ in the number of columns in the form -

16th column. The most complete and detailed version of the estimate (along with the following), used in cases where a full-fledged project is being developed, an integral part of which is estimate documentation;
17th column;
11th column. This type of estimate has been the most common lately. Its widespread use is due to its ease of perception, which distinguishes it from the options described above. At the same time, the estimate contains all the information necessary for making a decision;
7th column. It is used when using the resource method, which is especially common during the construction of private facilities or when performing a small amount of work;
object estimate. Compiled on the basis of local calculations for individual types of work. It is necessary on large objects to determine their full cost.
Despite the fact that the above versions of forms for various estimates are officially approved, in practice, various variations of them are quite common. However, the general principles for deciphering estimates, which are described below, do not depend on these minor adjustments.

We read the estimate compiled using the basis-index method

The basic index method, without a doubt, is the most widespread in modern conditions. The easiest way to decipher the estimate compiled using it is to look at the example of the most detailed 17-graph. The fact is that the much more common option, containing 11 columns, is much simpler and contains almost the same information, only in a more compressed form. Having dealt with 17 columns, reading the estimate of 11 will not be difficult.

Local estimate 17-graph 17-graph

Word Local estimate 17-line form (download in Excel)

Decoding the estimate header is quite simple. It contains “I approve” and “Agreed”, which are signed by the responsible persons (most often, managers) of the contractor and the customer, respectively. The date is indicated.

This is followed by the title of the document, the name of the object and its main parameters, obtained as a result of drawing up the estimate in question, including the final cost, wage fund, labor intensity (with a separate highlight of the labor costs of drivers). The calendar period in the prices of which the calculation is performed is also indicated here.

The header of the table consists, as noted above, of 17 columns:

“Item No.” – the number of the estimate item; as a rule, either continuous numbering is used throughout the entire document, or starting for each section with one;
“Justification” is the code of the estimated price applied. Taken from GESN-2001 or TER-2001, depending on which regulatory framework is applied;
“Name”, “Unit” change." and "Col." – the name of the work being assessed, the units of measurement in which its volume is calculated, and their quantity. The data to be filled out is taken from the work sheet drawn up on the basis of the project, or the defect sheet (when performing repair work);

“Unit cost, rub.” - consists of four columns, the first of which indicates the total price of the work per unit of measurement, and the other three - its components, namely the main salary of workers, EMM and salary of machinists. The data is taken from the corresponding prices;
“Total cost, rub.” - also consists of four columns of similar content, but the values ​​for filling them are obtained by calculation - by multiplying the volume of work by unit prices;

“Labor costs” - the next four columns contain the labor costs of the main workers (per unit of measurement and total) and machinists (also per unit of measurement and total).

Deciphering the final part of the estimate (“the tail” as the estimators themselves often call it) does not present any problems. Depending on the agreements between the customer and the contractor, it may consist of a varying number of lines, but usually includes:

conversion index to current prices. As a rule, the latest one published by Gosstroy is used. They are applied to the total cost obtained from the estimate;
expenses for temporary buildings and structures and unforeseen expenses (standards are taken that take into account construction conditions);
VAT. This item of the estimate does not need to be deciphered;
“TOTAL according to estimate.”

Other types of local estimates made using the basis-index method use, in most cases, almost the same columns and components of design and calculation.

Reading the local resource estimate

The resource method is used mainly in private housing construction, when constructing small objects or performing work when the customer is an individual or a private investor, and the contractor is a team of workers or a small construction company. Therefore, there are no uniform forms of budgeting for all, however, to decipher the document in question, it is still possible to highlight some main points and elements.

Local resource estimate 7th column

Word Local resource estimate. Form (download in Excel)

The header of the local resource estimate is compiled, as a rule, in the same way as in the option described above when calculating using the basis-index method. It contains approval and agreement by the managers of the contractor and the customer and basic data on the facility.

The table consists of estimate columns, the name and explanation of which is as follows:

“Item No.”—the number of the estimate item;
“Rate code and resource codes” - a feature of the estimate compiled by the resource method is the listing of the resources used for each type of work. To designate them, the codes indicated in the regulatory estimate base are used;
“Name of work and costs”, “Unit of measurement” and “Number of units” - these three columns contain information on the work and costs that are carried out to complete them, the units of measurement used in calculating volumes and their quantity;
“Price per unit of measurement” is the actual price for each type of work. It is taken in the amount agreed upon by the customer and the contractor. Can be obtained on the basis of current regulatory frameworks (GESN, TER) with the corresponding price increase indices;
“TOTAL costs” is an indicator that is calculated by multiplying the volume of each job and the resource used to complete it by the corresponding price.
The final part of the estimate is compiled in the same way as in the case of using the basis-index method, so deciphering it does not present any special problems. As a rule, unforeseen costs, expenses for temporary buildings and structures, and VAT are taken into account. By agreement between the customer and the contractor, other similar types of costs may be included.

Reading the object estimate

The object estimate consists of almost the same elements as the various local options described above, which makes its decoding quite simple.

Object estimate Object estimate

Word Object estimate. Form (download in Excel)

“Agreed” and “Approve” are placed in the header of the document, where the managers or responsible persons of the contractor and the customer, respectively, must sign.

Below is basic information about the document itself, including:

name of the construction site;
name of the estimate and object;
the main parameters obtained as a result of the estimate calculation, namely:
the total cost;
the amount of funds needed to pay for labor;
calendar period in the prices of which the calculation was carried out.

The table header consists of the following main points:

“Item No.” - item number of the object estimate;
“Number of estimate calculations (estimates)” - the number of the local estimate included in the object;
“Name of work and costs” - types of work for which local estimates have been drawn up;
“Estimated cost, thousand rubles.” - includes columns containing the cost of construction, installation or other work, as well as equipment, furniture and inventory, and the “Total” column. Data is taken from the corresponding local estimates;
“Funds for wages, thousand rubles.” — information on this indicator is also in local estimates;
“Unit cost indicators” is a column that in practice is filled out quite rarely and is mainly of a reference nature.

The final part of the object estimate is compiled in the same way as in other options, so its interpretation is quite simple. In most cases, unforeseen costs, expenses for temporary buildings and structures, and VAT are taken into account. By agreement between the customer and the contractor, other similar types of costs may be included.

Local estimate is a primary estimate document drawn up for individual types of work (costs) based on the volumes that were determined during the development of working documentation. The need for a local estimate arises in cases where the final costs and volumes of work have not yet been determined and they need to be clarified, or when they cannot be determined sufficiently accurately during the design, which requires clarification of the volumes, methods and nature of work already during construction.

Grouping by sections when preparing local estimates

The construction local estimate is a table indicating the list of works, the code of these works and the costs of implementation. A document is drawn up (in general, for one type of work), based on:

  • customer's initial data,
  • nomenclature and quantity required according to the working documentation of equipment (inventory), as well as data from drawings, statements of quantities of construction and installation work, equipment and materials, defective statements, specifications,
  • scope of work and main decisions on organizing installation, taking into account explanatory notes to design materials,
  • estimate standards in force at the time of drawing up the document,
  • market prices (tariffs) and transportation costs for equipment, inventory, furniture.

Local estimates are prepared for general site works and for buildings (structures).

  • General site works. An estimate is created for vertical planning, for the installation of networks, roads, MAFs, landscaping, etc.
  • Buildings and constructions. Estimates are prepared for construction work, including special ones, for internal plumbing and electrical lighting work, for electric power installations, installation of equipment, instrumentation (control and measuring instruments), low-current devices, equipment, etc. When designing by several organizations at complex facilities and in the process of formation Based on the estimated cost of launch complexes, it is possible to draw up several local estimates for one type of work.

Data in estimates is grouped into sections according to different principles. This can be grouped by structural elements of objects or by a technologically determined sequence of types of construction work, taking into account their characteristics. Estimated calculations for buildings and structures allow for division into zero-cycle work - the underground part and into above-ground stages. Sections are detailed depending on the typology of work (costs).

Thus, the section of construction work will include calculations of excavation work, construction of the foundation and basement walls, frames, floors, floors, roofs, load-bearing walls and partitions, etc. And special construction work involves carrying out estimate calculations of the foundation for certain equipment, channels and pits, insulation , lining, protective coatings, etc. Internal plumbing work includes estimates for water supply, sewerage, ventilation, air conditioning, heating. And the equipment installation section includes process pipelines, metal structures related to equipment installation and the installation of process equipment itself.

Methods and methods of calculation

The general initial data in the preparation of local construction estimates are:

  • A list of calculations of the volume of work or a resource sheet of design and regulatory materials.
  • Local specific conditions for construction of facilities.
  • Pricing terms agreed with the customer.
  • Design data for the construction organization, which includes labor costs, machine work time, etc.

For this purpose, 4 methods are most often used, the first two of which are the main ones.

  1. Resource method. It is defined as an estimate in real (current) or projected prices of all resources that are needed to determine the estimated cost of construction work. The method is widely used as providing the closest approximation to the real market situation, since the cost of resources is calculated based on current prices in effect at the moment. The method involves the creation of 2 documents: a local resource statement and a local resource estimate (budget calculation).
  2. Basis-index method. When preparing estimates in this way, base prices are multiplied by certain updated index coefficients, which allows them to be brought to the current level. Updated index tables are intended for the preparation of investor documentation, for interaction between contractors and customers when creating price proposals and calculations for objects with an unbroken construction cycle, as well as for integrated calculation of investments and planning.
  3. Resource-index method. It is a combination of resource methodology and the use of an index system for estimated resource prices.
  4. Method based on integrated standards. The methodology also includes the use of indicators of analogue objects.

To simplify shift calculations, there are special programs (for example, “Estimate Calculator”, “WinEstimates”). Depending on the calculation methods used, the results will be presented in various forms of the document, differing in tabular composition. The calculation made using index coefficients reflects the value of the coefficients in individual columns of the tabular section. Since estimates are compiled at the base or at the current price level, the table header indicates which price level was used for the compilation (including the date). The estimate, an example of which is given below, is a sample of calculations for general construction work:

With a relatively small volume of the range of resource indicators, Form 4 is used, and with a relatively large range - Form 4a. At the same time, a local estimate compiled using the resource method involves both the creation of a local resource statement (Form 5) and a local estimate calculation.

Reflection of the cost of resources in local estimate documentation

The cost of work (expenses) in local estimates can be given in two types of price levels:

  • Basic level. Indicators are determined on the basis of estimated standards and prices in force at the time of drawing up the estimate.
  • Current price level. It is also called forecast, since the purpose of its presentation is to establish the most current real prices either at the time of drawing up the estimate documentation, or directly at the time of construction.

The peculiarity of bringing prices according to databases is that in order to work with these databases they must be updated by indexing. Prices are taken from the corresponding collections, where a norm code is indicated for each item (line) of the local estimate. It is formed by sequentially adding numbers to the code from the numbers of the collection, section, table in the section and norm number in the table.

The price here is the cost of various works (construction, installation, etc.), which is set per unit of measurement and fixed for a certain date.

And unit prices are the totality of resources necessary to perform any type of work, presented in monetary terms. Such unit prices, depending on the type of work, are combined into collections, which present prices for construction, repair, installation, commissioning, and maintenance.

Prices, as part of the system of estimated standardization and pricing in construction on the territory of the Russian Federation, are developed at the basic price level, the state of which is fixed as of January 2000.

Collections of prices for construction and repair work, commissioning, installation of equipment according to the stage of application are divided into the following groups:

  • Federal unit rates (FER). On their basis, sub-level regional collections are developed. They contain prices for all work carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation. Developed at the price level of the Moscow region - the 1st base region.
  • Territorial unit prices (TER). The collections include unit prices applicable for construction in local conditions within the region - an administrative entity of the Russian Federation. The information reflects the level of salaries established for the region in construction, materials, operation of mechanisms, etc. In this regard, TER more accurately reflects the cost of construction work in the region.
  • Estimate and regulatory bases.

Thus, if the region has been approved and territorial prices are in effect, then TER-2001 is used when preparing estimates using the base-index method. If such regional prices are not approved, the federal level FER-2001 prices are used. When applying the resource method in preparing estimates, they use GESN (abbreviation for State Elementary Estimate Norms). Depending on the type of work, a marking letter is added to the main abbreviation - GESN:

  • GESNr – for repair,
  • GESNm – for installation,
  • GESNp – for commissioning works.

For the actual construction work, GESN-2001 is used. However, neither GESN, nor FER and TER apply to work related to the maintenance of buildings, including utility networks, security and fire alarm systems, and those systems that are not related to construction and installation work. The cost of such work is determined by local or departmental standards for technical operation, which are approved, respectively, either by local governments or by ministries and departments. The procedure for applying these price lists falls within the competence of federal executive authorities and the enterprise operating the engineering system.

Local estimate, or local estimate calculation– a form of primary estimate documentation, which is a detailed deciphered calculation of the volume of work and costs that have not been definitively determined and are subject to clarification.

In local estimates, as a rule, data is always grouped into sections by individual structural elements of a building or structure, as well as by type of work. The order of this grouping is regulated by regulatory documents. It is interesting that when drawing up such documentation for the construction or design of buildings and structures, a division of work according to the principle of underground/above-ground work may be allowed. Local estimate calculations are used in other Federal laws.

Sample local estimate and its explanation

Actually, there are a huge number of examples of local estimates. You can use one of them - this is a standard calculation for the preparation of elevator units.

It was compiled in the “Estimate Calculator” program, as evidenced by the markings in the upper left corner of the document.

As you can see, getting a sample is very easy. But often when receiving it (for example, downloading it from an auction), another question arises: how to read a local estimate? And in particular, how to read such an estimate compiled in a program designed for preparing estimates? After all, the local calculation seems to be specially designed in such a way that the reader cannot understand or calculate anything! Of course, it’s good to present such paper to an inattentive customer who will not try to delve into all these “ZP”, “EM”, etc., but will simply pay the bill. But what if you have to work on such a document yourself? You will definitely have to delve into this!

In fact, deciphering a local estimate compiled in the “Estimate Calculator” or another similar program is not such a difficult thing, although it is quite tedious. Let's try to work on it.

So, if you have already downloaded a sample local estimate, you can notice the following: the top of the document contains all sorts of introductory information (document number, who compiled it, what kind of work, the basis for compilation, etc., this is all clear and does not require explanation) . In the right corner, the following are usually indicated: the estimated cost (see “”), standard labor intensity and the salary of the main workers.

Standard labor intensity and wages of key workers

Standard labor intensity– these are the labor costs of workers (in man-hours), determined by the estimate for performing the relevant construction, repair and construction, commissioning, installation and other work.

Salary of main workers– wages of the main workers performing direct technological operations. This does not include remuneration for engineering and technical employees, bonuses and other payments.

This item has the largest discrepancies with actual labor costs. For example, in this sample the salary is worth the amount just over 3000 rubles(for all work in the estimate). For this money, at best, we will be able to hire one plumber, Uncle Vasya, and his assistant for one shift. As a rule, under government orders, wages are set at rates of about 1 - 1.2 thousand rubles for an 8-hour shift, whether it be a plumber, a loader or a vegetable cleaner. Therefore, hiring migrant workers for any work is more of a forced measure than a mandatory one.

Naturally, such an amount of work will definitely not be done in one shift (note that if you are a pure performer, and the contractor offers you a salary for the work no more than that indicated in the state local estimate, like honestly showing the estimate and throwing up your hands, you can send him away). Therefore, before playing at an auction, or simply agreeing to work according to this estimate, you need to calculate for yourself how much the real payment and standard labor intensity are indicated in it, and what the actual values ​​will be. And in order to calculate this, you need to a) estimate how much all this can actually be done; b) add a couple more days to be on the safe side. If in this situation everything looks real, you can continue to study the local estimate.

Building materials and prices for them

In local estimates, prices for materials are determined by databases that are often not indexed for years. Therefore, some waterproof plywood, indicated in the estimate at a price of 14 thousand rubles per cubic meter, actually costs 38 thousand, and you won’t find it cheaper. This time.

Two. Most often, very, very large units of measurement are indicated in the estimate. Let me explain: the price for PF-115 enamel or NTs-233 paint is indicated as per ton. Example:

Units of measurement – ​​tons (t); number of units - 0.001486 tons, that is, 1.486 kg; unit cost – 78,538 rubles 91 kopecks; and the total cost is 116 rubles 71 kopecks (cost per unit is 78,538 rubles 91 kopecks multiplied by the number of units - 0.001486). Great. According to the estimate, one and a half kilograms of colored enamel PF-115 costs us less than 117 rubles. In reality, it will cost us from 120 to 200 rubles, not counting delivery costs. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice - in this case, the estimated cost is quite the same as the actual cost, but there can be a difference of 20, 30 and even 80%, and the volumes are larger.

Decoding local estimate tables

Everything is simple here: each estimate has numbered cells in which what is in the columns is written. The numbering goes on to each sheet, and the signatures, unfortunately, remain only on the first sheet. This is very inconvenient, but usually no one does them any other way.

Accordingly, we combine the “signed” table cells with the numbers in the columns, and get the result. For example, point 2 – “Dismantling of elevators”:

The first column – everything is clear. The second column is TERr 65-27-1 (if we look at the top row, we will see that this is the “Standard Code”, or, more simply, the designation of the database from which the prices were taken). The third column is the name of the work/materials with all sorts of incomprehensible additions. The fourth column is the unit of measurement. We have one in this case is 100 pieces. The next column is the number of units. Accordingly, if the unit of measurement is 100 pieces, and the number of such units is 0.01, then in reality we have in the estimate indicated 1 piece. That is, one elevator needs to be dismantled.

Next we have the “Unit Cost” column, divided into two cells: “TOTAL/basic wages” and “Operation of machines/including wages of drivers.” Let's call it "Column A". Accordingly, in the first cell we have the same amount indicated through a fraction (that is, only the main workers are used to dismantle the elevator, without other expenses). No cars or drivers are required, therefore zeros. This is where our columns end (they didn’t fit), so let’s move on:

The next column, “Total Cost,” is divided into three cells. Let's call it “Column B”. It is not difficult to guess that “Column A” considered the cost per unit, and “Column B” considers the cost per number of units. So the cost units according to our local estimate is 1052 rubles and 68 kopecks. And, if we have 100 units per unit, and the number of units is 0.01, then the cost per number of units will be equal to 1052.68 x 0.01 = 10.52 rubles. But in the salary column it costs 128.56 rubles - where does it come from? Maybe there is a mistake in the estimate?

And from there, if you look at the first picture and study the third column, you will see in it the note “Dismantling of elevators number: 1-5 Indices: workers' salary: 12.213, to materials: 10.908, (N.R. 74*0.85 = 63% = 80.99 rubles. S.P. 50*0.8 = 40% = 51.42 rubles).” Accordingly, if we multiply our 10.52 rubles by this index 12.213, then we will get exactly the required 128 rubles. Columns 11 and 12 do not seem to raise any questions.

Any local estimate is divided into sections (except for cases where there is only one section). For each section, a subtotal is summed up, and at the end of the estimate, a total is summed up. Thanks to this, estimates are easier to decipher and estimate the costs of individual types of work and materials.

Sometimes municipalities are wrong, putting in incorrect coefficients in calculations - this also needs to be monitored. There was a case when the estimate was 1.4 kg. paint, but in fact it was necessary to use 14 kg, since they simply “forgot” to put the index. If the error is not significant for you, then you can try to tender or take on the object for work. If it is significant, it is better not to take such an object, since the overconsumption of materials (if it occurred through the fault of the estimate preparer) will be very difficult to challenge and compensate, and sometimes even impossible. Arbitration can drag on for years, and compensation will be meager.

What to do if the local estimate contains empty tables

It happens that you download auction documentation, and you come across an estimate with empty tables, or even no tables at all. What does it mean? Most likely, this means that this auction is being done “for our own people,” and therefore the estimate was removed intentionally. Orders up to 100 thousand can easily be completed by local building workers or plumbers from housing and communal services for little money.

Accordingly, everything is being done to ensure that as few “left-wing” people as possible get involved in the tender, or better yet, that there are none at all. You can also check the documents on - sometimes they are there if they are not posted on other sites. It is better not to submit bids for an auction without an estimate or technical specifications, since it is not known what and in what quantity needs to be done there. However, you can submit request for clarification of auction documentation- It is your right.

Well, that's probably all. The material turned out to be quite voluminous, but it was not possible to pack it more tightly. I hope I clearly explained how a local estimate is read, how to use it, and how to understand what and how much it costs. You should always carefully study such documents, especially those with many positions, since they are full of all sorts of indices, coefficients and other amendments, which are very easy to get confused in.

Anyone who wants to build a house or renovate an apartment initially calculates how much it will cost him. For complete clarity, it is necessary to draw up a list of necessary materials and work, as well as their cost. Based on this, you can find out how much money you will need. And also decide whether to involve builders or do everything yourself. Not everyone knows how to draw up an estimate, what items to include in it and how to calculate everything correctly. Let's try to figure this out.

What is an estimate

An estimate is a document that systematizes all costs for upcoming construction or repairs. You can easily do this yourself, without having specially developed programs.

How to make an estimate on your own? All you need is Excel on your computer. Calculation of funds and materials must be done very carefully to avoid mistakes and exceeding planned costs. It should display everything down to the smallest detail.

Common mistakes

When drawing up estimates, many make mistakes, which then come to light and provoke unforeseen expenses:

  • Calculations are carried out without a preliminary inspection of the facility where the work will be performed.
  • Additional expenses that may arise due to force majeure circumstances are not included.
  • The full list of works and materials is not taken into account.

The main expenditure document for repairs or construction requires a serious approach and accurate calculations. Otherwise, you may get incorrect results.

What is necessary for competent budgeting

Before drawing up an estimate for construction or repairs, you first need to inspect the property. After this, you should make a list of all the work being carried out.

How to make an estimate correctly? You need to know construction technology. Without this, it is impossible to competently and correctly calculate and record all upcoming expenses. Therefore, we recommend that before drawing up an estimate, you study the sequence of the production cycle of the work that needs to be estimated. This will help to understand the need for operations and the need for building materials.

Main items of the estimate

Any construction estimate consists of three main items:

  • materials;
  • Job;
  • transport.

All other items (cost of electricity, equipment operation, etc.) are added to them.

The first position indicates a list of necessary materials for each cycle of work, unit of measurement, quantity and price. For example: brick, glue, plaster, cement, wallpaper, linoleum and others. This also includes “consumables” (brushes, rollers, gloves, etc.). Before making an estimate, find out the cost of materials directly in the store, or search on the Internet on sites specializing in the sale of building materials.

The second position includes a list of all actions performed. Here it is necessary to take into account both preparatory and finishing work, their complexity and the conditions in which they are carried out. For example, you need to cover a room with new wallpaper. To do this, you will need to carry out preparatory work: remove the old coating, clean the walls, prime them. The approximate cost of the necessary work can be found in the advertisements.

The “transport” position includes: delivery of materials, unloading, removal and removal of construction waste, indicating each item on a separate line. Information on the cost of these services is provided in the companies' price lists.

Drawing up an estimate for apartment renovation

How to correctly draw up an estimate in order to carefully plan renovation work in an apartment and complete it in a short time with minimal costs? First you need to decide what kind of repair you will do: cosmetic or major. The amount of materials needed and the amount of work depend on this. If you decide to carry out a major overhaul, the estimate should be divided into two parts:

  • repair and finishing works;
  • roughing and finishing materials.

How to learn how to make an estimate to avoid mistakes? To do this, you should inspect all the premises of the apartment, measure the surface area of ​​the walls, floors, window slopes, make a list of finishing and rough materials, determine the cost and scope of work for each room separately.


Let's give an example of how to create an estimate for repairs. Prices and material consumption are fictitious.

Repair and finishing works:

Work location

Type of work



Price per unit of measurement, rub.

Total amount, rub.








Laying tiles

Skirting boards



Sockets, switches


Consumables and finishing materials:




Price per unit

total amount

Starting putty

Finishing putty

Wallpaper glue

Acrylic paint

Tile adhesive

Skirting boards

Socket, switch




To get preliminary results of apartment renovation costs, you need to add up the totals from each column.

18819 + 7870 + 4000 = 30689 (rub.)

You should know that the final costs are always 10-15% more.

30689 + 15% = 35292.35 (RUB)

The principle of calculating construction costs does not differ from the estimate for repairs. Only production cycles and materials will change. How to create an estimate for construction with minimal costs? To do this, you need to carefully plan all the work, clarify what materials will be needed, and find out the prices.

Drawing up an estimate is a very important stage from which you need to begin any repair or construction. A correctly drawn up document will help you carefully plan and rationally distribute costs - both material and money. The main thing is to take the calculations seriously and perform them as accurately as possible.

A check of a particular estimate can be carried out by someone who knows how to read estimates. The more difficult and less clear question is how, which is compiled through a program specially compiled for this purpose. Checking the estimate is important for every customer of any type of work: construction, repair, etc.

The estimate is easy to understand, in which the customer indicated the list of proposed works in the usual way. However, the presence of ciphers, codes, and unknown names in the estimate often makes the estimates compiled in the program less accessible to the customer. How to read estimates correctly?

An estimate is a document, set out in free form, which indicates the costs of completing the work. To develop an estimate, fill out a table consisting of certain columns, namely: serial number, name of expenses, quantity, unit price, amount. The lines “taxes” and “organizational profit” should be viewed separately. The last line displays the amount of expenses under the general name “total”.

Any customer starting construction has questions: how to read a construction estimate and how to check it despite the fact that there is no special education? The hired construction team must provide a simplified version of the estimate. In it, the customer needs to control the cost of work and materials, view the list of works according to the project. In the estimate you will only see a preliminary calculation. At the initial stage of construction and, accordingly, checking the estimates, it is very important to agree on them. It would be nice to agree on prices for materials, but the difficulty is that they can change due to rising prices for gasoline or diesel fuel, cement, metal, etc. Thus, the increase in prices of materials is directly related to their production and delivery.

When carrying out renovations of apartments, cottages, companies, a local estimate can be drawn up for a separate area of ​​repair or construction. " How to read a local estimate? - you ask. Just like any other. Firms usually provide preliminary estimates for apartment renovations free of charge. Despite the fact that this is a preliminary estimate, it still indicates the prices for the work and provides a complete list of them for the customer’s information. A detailed estimate is submitted after concluding a contract for repair and construction work. The difference between may differ by plus or minus 10% under the same conditions and the same task.

Thus, after reading this article and other similar sources on our website, you will be able to master the issue in detail “ how to read construction estimates».