Lunosemyannik Daurian: description, composition, properties, application and action of the plant. Grass, roots and rhizomes of Lunosemyannik Dahuri. Drugs, treatments and contraindications. Infusion, decoction and tincture of the Lunosemnik. Amur ivy. Lunosemyannik Daurian. Experience

A few years ago, I saw an interesting liana near a friend in the garden. Asked otvodochek, planted at home. It grows in my third year, it feels good, it winters fine. The name of the friend did not know, I had to go through the Internet in search of this plant. It turned out that this is a Lunosemanik Daurian. Its popular name: Amur ivy.

Lunosemyannik Dauri, Menispermum Daurian (Menispermum dauricum) - a perennial herbaceous, rhizomatous, dioecious plant 2-3 m high, with climbing stems. Rhizome yellow-brown, long, branched, with thin roots. The leaves are alternate, dense, dark green, thyroid or broadly heart-shaped, sometimes three or five-lobed. Flowers same-sex, small, greenish-yellow or greenish-pink, collected in axillary brush. The fruit is a drupe, black, globular, fleshy, with a flattened bone. It blooms in May - June. It grows on the edges of forests, rivers and streams in the Primorsky Territory, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, in Transbaikalia and in the southern regions of Eastern Siberia, near Irkutsk. This is the only plant from a very ancient Lunosemyan family that grows in our country. The rest of its species are found mainly only in the tropics and subtropics.
  In Russia, unfortunately, it is rarely grown.

In the Novosibirsk region, the annual green grassy growth of a Lunosemyanik, without having time to woody, usually dies almost to the root collar, without actually forming a trunk, as a result, the ground part of the plant rarely grows longer than 2 m. However, this does not affect the winter hardiness of the plant as a whole. Its rhizomes, roots and buds of renewal, hidden in the ground, like those of the grassy perennials, are very cold and winter-hardy, therefore they do not die and in the spring they give shoots again.
  In the southern part of the distribution range of increments that had matured and woody, which became grayish-brown, usually freezes to 20-40 cm only their uppermost end. Therefore, there Lunosemyannik grows in length to 5 m and even more.

The leaves are alternate, simple, dark green, thyroid, dense, smooth, leathery, with 3-7, usually 5 lobes, sometimes whole, up to 12 cm long, on long petioles. In autumn, the leaves become yellow-brown, very decorative. They look like ivy leaves.

Winter-hardy, resistant to spring and autumn frosts. But in the first years after landing, it is still desirable to shelter him for the winter in places where there is not enough snow. Resistant to diseases and pests. Gas and smoke resistant. Decorative effect becomes on the second or third year, when the shoots become numerous and quite long. It grows well in shady places. Propagated by seeds, root suckers, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. Easy to run wild.

Lunosemyannik Daurian is a medicinal plant.
  Harvest the grass during flowering; rhizomes with roots - in October.
  Rhizomes contain alkaloids (2%): dauricin, tetrandrin, amutumin, acutuminin, menisphelin, raurinoline, synomenin. The content of alkaloids in grass and leaves is less than in rhizomes with roots.
  It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antihypertensive effects; reduces the excitability of the autonomic nervous system. In hypertension, dauricin lowers blood pressure, increases the amplitude of heart contractions, and relieves spasm of the coronary arteries.
  Broth: 4-8 g of dry rhizomes and roots of a Lunosemyannik are boiled for 500 ml of water for 10 minutes, infused for 30 minutes, filtered. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for acute respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, gum disease, furunculosis, hemorrhoids, as well as for intestinal diseases.
  Tincture: the roots and rhizomes of the Lunoseminnik insist on alcohol (1: 8) for 15 days, filter. Take 15-20 drops for hypertension.
  Oil: crushed Lunosemyanik, mixed with vegetable oil, applied to the temples with a headache. A piece of Lunosemnik root is applied to a diseased tooth with a toothache.

Lunosemyannik Dauri

Lunosemyannik Dauri

There are not so many decorative lianas that can be cultivated in the Middle Belt and in the North-West of our country, especially suitable for the purposes of green building. Therefore, each new climbing plant introduced into the culture is highly desirable. This may well be, and in part already become, a Lunosemyannik Daurian or menispermum Daurian (Menispermum dauricum L.), a popular name - Dahuri ivy - curly semi-shrub liana. This is the only plant from a very ancient family of Lunosemyanovikov, growing in our country. The rest of its species are found mainly only in the tropics and subtropics. Lunosemyannik grows very quickly, durable, unpretentious. It is quite widely used in landscape design in Western Europe and the USA, but it still does not have varieties. In Russia, unfortunately, it is grown unnecessarily rarely, although its birthplace is our Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, the Amur Region and Transbaikalia. There it grows on edges, shrubby-forb meadows, riverine thickets. In the northern part of its range, and under similar conditions in culture, the annual green grassy growth of a lunacean seedlings, not having time to woody, usually dies, almost to the root collar, without actually forming a trunk, as a result, the above-ground part of the plant rarely grows more than two meters long. However, this does not affect the winter hardiness of the plant as a whole. Its rhizomes, roots and buds of renewal, hidden in the ground, like those of herbaceous perennials, are very cold and winter-hardy, therefore they do not die, and in spring they give shoots again. In the southern part of the distribution range, for growths that had matured and woody, which turned grayish brown, usually only 20-40 cm are frozen to the very uppermost ones. Therefore, there Lunosemyannik grows up to 5 m in length, and even more. Lunosemyannik dvudomen, blooms from late May to July. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, greenish-white, not decorative; collected in short hanging paniculate inflorescences. It fructifies irregularly, not every year, but abundantly. Fruits - black stone fruit with a diameter of about 1 cm, with one large semi-lunar flattened bone, ripen in September, poisonous, especially the seeds. The flesh of the fruit is juicy, purple, can be used as a dye.

Leaves are alternate, simple, dark green, thyroid, dense, smooth, leathery, from 3-7, usually with 5 lobes, sometimes solid, up to 12 cm long, on long petioles. In the autumn become yellow-brown. Very decorative. Very similar to ivy leaves. And since the latter does not grow in the North-West and in the Middle zone, the moon-seedman, if necessary, is quite suitable to imitate and replace it with vertical gardening. In decorative culture, in our country, this species can grow from the North-West to the Black Sea coast. Winter-hardy, resistant to spring and autumn frosts. But in the first years after landing in the Northwest, it is still desirable to shelter him for the winter. The soil is undemanding, but prefers fresh loamy-sandy. Resistant to diseases and pests. Gas and smoke resistant. Decorative effect becomes on the second or third year, when the shoots become numerous and quite long. It grows well in shady places. Because of the poisonousness of fruits and seeds, for decorative purposes, it is more expedient to plant only male specimens.

Propagated by seeds, root suckers, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. Easy to run wild.

Curative, as a medicinal raw material use rhizomes with roots, and the aerial part of the plant without fruits. Rhizomes and roots have a calming effect, reduce blood pressure, increase efficiency and well-being, relieve headaches, tone up the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism. Greens are used as a diaphoretic, painkiller, expectorant, diuretic, and fixative. However, the use of the moonseed for medicinal purposes requires caution, since all parts of the plant are slightly poisonous, although not as much as the fruits and seeds.

LUNOSEMYANNIK DAURSKIY - Menispermum dauricum L
   Lunosemyannikovye family - Menispermaceae Juss.

Lunosemyannik Daurian - grassy vine 2-5 m long. Stems are curly, wrapped around shrubs or grass, or lying (where there is no suitable support). In most parts of the Far East, the stalks are frosting to the ground, like those of ordinary herbaceous perennials, but in the Southern Primorye in shrub thickets there are specimens with a stem up to 3 m in length, frosting only 20-30 (50) cm. , corked, the diameter at the base of the stem 5-7 mm. The leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, thyroid, with 3-5 lobes, less often whole, 6-12 cm long, leathery, shiny. Plant dioecious. Flowers in short paniculate inflorescences, small, whitish-green. Fruits - black, juicy drupes up to 1 cm in diameter, with one large semi-lunar seed, with a dark purple juice, are poisonous. Seed with ribbed edge.

For therapeutic purposes, grass, roots, rhizomes and leaves are used. The plant contains 0.3% alkaloids: Acutumin, Acutumidine, Dauricin, Synomenin, Menisperin, Stefarin, Magnoflorin, Dauricinoline, and also Berberine, tannins, resins, triterpene saponins and coumarins. In the leaves - alkaloids: synomenin, disinomenin, stearin, acutumin. The stalks and leaves contain coumarins and flavonoids.

Herbal infusion is used in Tibetan and Chinese medicine as a painkiller and diuretic for nephritis. The roots tincture was drunk as a means of tonic work of the gastrointestinal tract, improving metabolism, with endometritis and cholecystitis. Decoction of herbs in Transbaikalia traditional medicine uses for gynecological diseases, as expectorant for pneumonia and diaphoretic in febrile conditions. Tincture and decoction of rhizomes reduce headache, reduce the excitability of the autonomic nervous system, improve health, increase efficiency.

Sinomenin has antipyretic effect. Drugs from the leaves of the Dahurian Lunosemyan reduce blood pressure and increase the amplitude of heart contractions, without having a significant effect on their rhythms.

It should be noted that the main active ingredient contained in the leaves is dauricin, and in the rhizomes - synomenin. Dauricin steadily lowers blood pressure and is recommended for the treatment of hypertension of I and II degrees. At the same time, the cholesterol content decreases and the amount of lecithin in the blood increases. Dauricin has 1/7 curare-like activity of tubokuranin. The synomene has anti-inflammatory effects and is promising for the treatment of rheumatism, back pain, abscesses and boils, as well as a general strengthening, hypotensive, sedative.

The plant is poisonous. There are cases of poisoning with berries, Lunosemyannik is one of the ornamental plants suitable for covering gazebos, fences and walls. However, taking into account the poisonousness of the fruit, only male specimens should be taken for planting.

Methods of preparation and use:

1. 2 tablespoons of dry crushed leaves per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drain. Take 0.25 cup before meals 3 times a day for hypertension.

2. 2 tablespoons of the grass of the Daurian Lunosemyanika in 200 ml of water, boil over low heat, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 0.25 cup for gynecological diseases, feverish conditions and as an expectorant for pneumonia.

3. 2 teaspoons of crushed dry roots for 1 cup of water, boil on low heat for 4-5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 2 tablespoons before meals 3-4 times a day.

This medicinal plant contains in its composition alkaloids dauricin, tetrandrin, synomenin, tannins, resins, coumarins and saponins. For therapeutic purposes, use the roots and rhizomes of the Lunosemyannika, less often - grass and leaves. The underground part of the plant is collected in the fall (in October), the above-ground part - in May-June. The roots are cleaned from the remnants of the earth and pieces of stems, washed in water and dried under a canopy in the open air or in well-ventilated areas. Grass and leaves are dried without washing, in the usual way.

Lunosemyanika application

Scientific studies have found that decoctions and tinctures of the rhizomes of the plant reduce blood pressure, have a calming effect, improve the well-being and performance of patients. Lunosemyanniki drugs reduce the symptoms and reduce the excitability of the autonomic nervous system.

Due to the content of the alkaloid dauricin isolated from the roots, Lunosemyanika-based drugs are also effective in hypertension stage I and II. In patients with already existing sclerotic vascular changes under the action of decoctions and infusions of a moonsemy, the amount decreases and the amount of lecithin in the blood increases. Thanks to synomenin, the plant's preparations help well at high temperatures. They have antitussive action and have anti-inflammatory effect. Lunosemyannik has good prospects as a remedy for treatment, abscesses, and back pain.

In folk medicine, herb prescribed for febrile conditions, gynecological diseases, as well as expectorant and diaphoretic; It is used for pneumonia. Tincture of the roots is used as a means of improving metabolism and tonic activity of the stomach and intestines, it is effective for cholecystitis and endometritis. Also, the herb is used as a painkiller and diuretic.

Lunosemyan broth:2 teaspoons of dried and chopped rhizomes need to be poured over with two 2 cups boiling water and cook on low heat for 10–12 minutes, insist for at least half an hour and strain. Take the drug advised three times a day and 1 tablespoon.

Lunosemyanika infusion:2 tablespoons of finely chopped dry leaves of the plant should be poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for at least two hours to cool completely, drain. Take the infusion three times a day at 0.25 ml.

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Lunosemyannik Dauri

It is a curly grassy shrub. Rhizome he has a vertical, non-thick. Smooth stems up to three meters high annually partially die. Beautiful leaves are arranged alternately on long petioles. Leaf blade ovate, three-five-lobe with a triangular tip. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, dioecious, same-sex, greenish-white, grow in small racemes.

This species of lunacean blooms from June to July, the seeds ripen in September. Its fruit is a black berry with a large single seed in the shape of the moon. The plant propagates by dividing rhizomes, layering and seeds. In the wild it grows in the Far East, in China and Japan. The plant hovers around high grasses and shrubs, on sand, scree along the banks of rivers.

Contraindications Lunosemyannika

In the Lunosemyanika all parts are poisonous, and the underground is much larger than the aboveground. That is why the use of drugs from it requires caution, accurate dosage and consultation with a doctor.

Symptoms of poisoning berries: nausea, indigestion, in severe cases - cardiovascular failure. The patient should immediately wash the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate or activated charcoal. Contraindications to the use of the plant are individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Other plant names:

amur ivy

Brief description of Lunosemyannik Dahuri:

Lunosemyannik Daurian (Amur ivy)   - This is a perennial dioecious herbaceous plant - shrub, creeper up to 4 m or more. Rhizome brown or yellowish, horizontal, strongly expanding in all directions and giving numerous roots and above-ground shoots.

Stems are curly, green, grassy, ​​dying off to the winter almost to the ground, wintering only their woody bases, on which green or reddish, unbranched shoots develop annually. Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, thyroid, dark green. The leaf blade is 5–17 cm long, rounded-angular, with a broad, or heart-shaped base; in the lower leaves, it is obscure pyatilopast, in the upper leaves, with three large sharp lobes resembling ivy. Inflorescences few-flowered, located in the axils of the leaves, racemes in loose plates, bearing up to 30 flowers, shorter than the petioles. Flowers are small, 6 mm in diameter, unisexual, inconspicuous, with yellowish or pinkish perianth. Calyx 4–6-sheet. Petals (6–12 pcs.) Rounded, shorter than sepals, with a small nail. Staminate flowers with 12–23 stamens, pistillate - with 3 pistils, sitting on a common stem (carpophore). Pistils with upper single-knotted ovaries and almost sedentary, curved stigmas. The fruit consists of 1–2 stones. Drugs are collected in a short brush, they are black, spherical, slightly reniform, single-seeded, fleshy, with a diameter of up to 10 mm. Bone reniform, flattened laterally, with a diameter of 8 mm, with a ribbed outer edge. It blooms in May - June, the fruits ripen in October.

Places of growth:

It is found in the Primorsky Territory, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory and Transbaikalia, in the southern regions of Eastern Siberia. It grows on the edges of forests and river banks, in coastal thickets, where the climbing vines of a moonseed are twined around the bushes. As a climbing ornamental plant is bred in parks and gardens.

Lunosemyanika preparation:

For medicinal purposes, rhizomes and roots are harvested in July - August. They are dug, cleaned from the ground and pieces of stems, washed and dried in a ventilated area or in the open air. Grass is also harvested in May - June, which is dried in the usual way.

The chemical composition of Dahuri Lunosemyanika:

The roots and rhizomes of the Lunosemyannik contain dauricin and tetrandrin alkaloids, in the grass - synomenin and acutumin. Alkaloids daurinoline, dauricinoline, o-methyldauricin, polmatin, acutumidine were also isolated. Leaves contain up to 1.8% alkaloids.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of the Dahurian moonseed (Amur ivy).

Pharmacological properties of Lunosemyannik Daurian:

The pharmacological properties of a lunosean are determined by its chemical composition.

Dauricin - antispasmodic anticholinergic action, lowers blood pressure. Sinomenin surpasses dauricin in ganglioblokiruyuschem action. Cinomenin has a similar effect, it also has antipyretic and antitussive action. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is promising as a remedy for the treatment of rheumatism, back pain.

Tincture and decoction of the roots and rhizomes of the Lunosemyannik have a calming effect, lower blood pressure, improve the working capacity and general well-being of patients, reduce headaches and reduce the excitability of the autonomic nervous system. Tincture of the roots is used as a means of tonic activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism.

The use of Lunosemyanika in medicine, treatment by a Lunosemyannik:

Lunosemyannik - one of the best drugs for the treatment of hypertension.

Clinical trials of dauricin isolated from the rhizome of a plant have shown its effectiveness in the treatment of hypertension of stage I and II. At the same time, in some patients who had pronounced sclerotic changes in the blood vessels, under the effect of the drug, the amount of cholesterol decreased and the amount of lecithin in the blood increased. Sinomenin is promising as a treatment for rheumatism, lower back pain.

In gynecological diseases, fevers, nephritis, pneumonia, diarrhea, as a diaphoretic, expectorant, painkiller and diuretic in folk medicine, Lunosemnika herb is used.

Dosage forms, method of administration and dosage of Dahurian seedling preparations:

Effective drugs and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made from the rhizomes, roots and herbs of a Lunosemyannik. Consider the main ones.

Lunosemkan grass infusion:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. dry chopped herbs, insist, wrapped, 30 min, drain. Take 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Decoction of the Lunosemyanik roots:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. dry crushed rhizomes and roots, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook in a sealed container on low heat for 10 minutes, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. Take 1-2 tbsp. l 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals with acute respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, gum disease, furunculosis, hemorrhoids, as well as with intestinal diseases.

Tincture of the Lunosemyanik roots:

Pour 100 ml of vodka 10 g of dry rhizomes and roots, insist 2 weeks, periodically shaking the contents, strain. Take 15-20 drops (with water), 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals for cholecystitis and endometritis and hypertension.

Lunosemyannik root:

A piece of Lunosemnik root is applied to a diseased tooth with a toothache.

Lunosemnik leaf oil:

Powdered lunosemyanik mixed with vegetable oil in the ratio of 1: 3, apply to the temples with a headache.

Contraindications Lunosemyanika Daurian:

The fruits of the Lunosemyanik are poisonous. Poisoning with preparations of the Lunosemyanik can occur, if unknowingly, if desired, “eat” its berries, which are outwardly very attractive. As a result, nausea, vomiting, and disorder of the gastrointestinal tract functions. In severe cases, persistent cardiovascular failure develops against the background of a very severe general condition.

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to wash the stomach with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate) or water suspension of activated charcoal; saline laxative inside; as the manifestations of poisoning - symptomatic treatment.

Lunosemyannik use in the economy:

Used for vertical gardening.

As an ornamental plant it is sometimes bred in parks and gardens.