Russian couples where the woman is older. Unequal marriage: when a woman is older

It is more usual for us when a man is older than a woman in a marriage or relationship. But women who married a much younger man claim to have discovered the secret of happiness. Maybe you should take a closer look at these couples?

Tina Kandelaki

The presenter and producer Tina Kandelaki was married for a long time to the same age as Andrei Kodrakhin, one of the owners of the Ascon clinic. But in 2010 they divorced, and in 2014 Tina married Vasily Brovko, who is 15 years younger than her. For a long time, the presenter hid the name of her husband and the very fact of the wedding, only thanks to the ring on her finger did the fans know that everything was in order with the personal life of the star, but finally everything became clear in May 2016. Thanks to Twitter.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears, who made the whole world hum Baby One More Time, is no longer a baby, she is 36, she has a not very successful marriage with Kevin Federlein and a string of novels (including with Justin Timberlake!) Her new boyfriend Sam Asgari is 24 years, recently she touchingly congratulated him on his birthday on Instagram. Sam calls her "the most beautiful woman in the world", and from their joint photos you can make a calendar for Valentine's Day.

Lera Kudryavtseva

When the presenter Lera Kudryavtseva married hockey player Igor Makarov, she probably could not think how many interesting things she would hear from people about their age difference. Lera at that time was 41 years old, and the groom - 28, last year they celebrated the fifth wedding anniversary. During this time, not a single interview was complete without a question about their marriage, and somehow the couple even recorded a video in which Lera appeared as an old woman (thanks to special applications!) Rumors about their divorce regularly appear in the press, haters are jubilant, but so far without reason.

Yana Rudkovskaya

A lot of questions, why he chose an older woman, were asked to the figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Eugene is 35 years old, and his wife, TV presenter and producer Yana Rudovskaya is 7 years older. Evgeny constantly repeats that it is not about age, but about how good it is for people together and tells about their home nicknames: his wife calls him Kotofey, and he calls her Kotofeevna.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman, one of the sexiest men on the planet, is now 49 years old. And his wife Deborra-Lee Furness is 62. However, the considerable age difference does not prevent the couple from living in a happy marriage for 18 years (Hugh and Deborra met in 1995, and got married exactly a year later) and raise two adopted children. In all interviews, Hugh Jackman calls his wife "the best mom in the world", declares that he fell in love with her in the very first minute of meeting and still does not know anyone more attractive.

Juliana Moore

Actress Juliana Moore, now 57, is happily married to director Bart Freundlich, who is 9 years her junior. Just imagine, they have been together since 1996, they have two children. Juliana admits that the initiative came from her, but now the most difficult thing is to find time to just be alone: \u200b\u200bnow shooting, then children, then everyday life. But, it seems, they succeed, otherwise they will not live 22 years!

Tina Turner

In July 2013, Tina Turner (now 78) married the producer Erwin Bach (now 61). Before the wedding, they met for 27 years, Turner brushed aside the standard questions: "We are already fine!", But then decided to legalize the relationship. They live in Switzerland, the singer even adopted the citizenship of this country, renouncing US citizenship.

Sam Taylor-Wood

Director Sam Taylor-Wood met Aaron Johnson when she was 42 and he was 19. He was the best fit for the role of John Lennon in her new film, and later for the role of her husband. They got married in 2012 and are raising four daughters (two common children and two girls from Sam's first marriage). Tricky questions are brushed aside - they say that age is a convention, and Aaron is much older and more serious than Sam at heart.

Joan Collins

The fifth husband of British actress Joan Collins (stars of the TV series "Dynasty") - producer Percy Gibson, her younger than 32 years. Once the actress was asked if the age difference bothers her, to which she replied: "If he dies, then he will die!" Can not argue.

More and more often there are couples where the woman is much older than the man.

Much is for 10-20 years.

Women after 40 years very often write about the attention of young men to them, but they are skeptical about this attention. "It is clear, he is looking for his mother" or "does not want to invest, wants everything to be given at once." That is, adult women often perceive themselves as a dubious object and see in the interest of young men a non-sexual motive, a desire to save energy and money. This is pretty disappointing. Both for the women themselves and for young men who quite often fall in love with adult women.

However, sometimes a relationship begins. But they end quickly. And if they do not end, women often quickly go into negative territory. And men fly out a plus. With older men, this does not happen so quickly and not necessarily. What are the reasons?

The main and main reason that adult women quickly go to the disadvantage with young men is that women, even adults, have absolutely no skill to build relationships from a leadership role. Even on an equal footing it turns out with great difficulty (in Europe it is already better). Mostly women are used to building relationships from below. They are guarded and they are slaves. A little girl or not a little.

The girl needs a dad. Even if it is her husband, he should be a little father to her. And if a man is older than a woman and more status, the role of a father is quite organic for him. This does not mean that he completely subordinates the woman, he delegates a lot to her, but the main word is behind him, the main leadership is his, he carries out the main care, economically and politically. It's not that a woman is a completely infantile fool and just slaps her eyes, they get rid of such women quickly, just a woman sees in a man someone stronger and smarter than herself. This is so traditional a picture for our latitudes that many women confuse the concepts of "older, more status man" and simply "man", they by default consider any man to be older and stronger than himself (intellectually, morally), even if he is younger and less so for now achieved.

This distorted view leads a woman to a disadvantage when a man is much younger. Pay attention, if a man is older and wealthier, and a woman looks at him from the bottom up, on the contrary, it evens out the balance. Those who think that all people always and in all situations should communicate on an equal footing, regardless of any differences, are smart just like those who want to take everything from everyone and share.

Talking on an equal footing with someone who is much more experienced than you is like talking about poetry with a philologist or about history with a historian, demanding equality of opinion. If you try to speak on equal terms, the dialogue will not work out, and if you are aware of their great competence, you can have a useful conversation, and for both parties, since the specialist is also interested in a fresh, unclouded, non-trivial look, but only if the interlocutor realizes the difference and does not think that "my grandmother said" is equivalent to "Academician Losev believed", both are interesting, but integrate in different ways.

The same is true outside the professional sphere. If you are older, you have more experience in everyday life and in relationships, you have more material and social resources, your role in the politics and economics of a couple should be the leading one.

Roughly the same demotivation occurs in a couple, where a woman is much older than a man, but behaves with him as the same age or even much younger than him.

Interestingly, it doesn't start right away. At first, as long as a woman is not too in love, she behaves normally, according to her age and social status. She realizes that in front of her is a younger and less experienced creature, perhaps talented, charming and full of strength, but still less competent in everyday life and in the sphere of social relations. He remembers that behind her shoulders there are various age stages, she was a student, and a specialist, and a boss, and a mother of a small child and a mother of a big one, had a long-term serious relationship, experienced breakups, divorces, losses, and he has the mentality of a young man. Even if a man has a crown and he is convinced that at 25 he is different from his peers, because he is much smarter, even if he is a sexist and thinks that women's experience is not like men's and a woman at 45 is still the same girl, he is still equally at the beginning of the relationship, he is aware that in front of him is a lady of his mother's age and reflects this. He does not feel equal, although he may strive for SZ equality, that is, he hopes to be important and significant for this woman.

Equality and SZ height is correct, this is balance. But if a woman paired with a young man does not take a leadership role, she loses balance and goes into a minus. More precisely, it can go into default. The main thing is that a man in such a pair always goes a plus, because he ceases to respect such a woman, even if he does not confess to himself.

I already wrote that adult women often speak with their young partners in children's voices, they give them funny children's nicknames, like a frog, duckling or pig. The name of such women is certainly Anyutka, Katyushka, Marishka and Manyurka. That is, even in couples with peers, there is not so much cleverness in addressing women as in couples where a woman is 20 years older. When I tried to deal with this phenomenon and asked those women, all as one stated that their young men just really want to dominate, young men are so desperate to go upstairs, strive to look mature and serious and do not want to deprive them of such joy.

Grown women with boys turn into old girls, both externally and in essence, and with older men behave adequately to their age. It is understandable. With older men, even at forty they feel young compared to his fifty (if a man is not a lover of young girls, but is satisfied with a ten-year difference), and with a boy, they want to look younger than him, and if he is thirty, that's all. almost adult women claim that he looks forty, and she, at forty-five, thirty-five, that is, younger than him by as much as five years. Here are how many complex digital perturbations occur in a woman's head, just to hide the difference. Paradox?

Initially, a young guy falls in love with an adult lady. He likes that she is older, he likes her look from above, her seriousness or philosophical irony, protection, not helplessness, he likes everything about her, including wrinkles that make her face more mature, and an authoritative tone, everything that emphasizes their difference , he really likes it. Otherwise he would not have fallen in love. If he wanted to be the same age, he would be the same age and was looking for. If he wanted to dominate, he would be looking for an inexperienced young girl. Most young men, having gone into a plus, tell their women that they actually want someone the same age and that they fell in love with her quite by accident. Yes, from the plus it looks like that. It seems to them that it was by accident, and now they already want the same age, because they are disappointed in adult women who behave like fools or hysterics. But initially everything was different. He fell in love, of course, not by chance, it was much easier for him to have an affair with a peer, but he chose an older woman.

And then she began to hide their difference, deciding that they fell in love with her despite age... This is the main reason for the inappropriate behavior of such women. They despise their peers. It seems to them that their peers are worse than young ones. They consider themselves exceptions (!), Thanks to the crown, of course. She is always an exception. Yes, she is forty-five, but she is 1) beautiful 2) sexy, therefore - an exception to the rule. And her peers - wallets, cannot be of interest to a young man, and she does not want to have anything to do with them. She stands out from their row (the key here is that she stands out from any row, always, the crown makes in any group, even in the age group, even in the sexual, even in the professional, feel better than the same).

And an adult woman begins to prove to everyone around that she looks younger than her man. Talk to these women, they will almost always say that their boyfriend looks older than them, especially when he is already in the black. These women see themselves as exceptions, that's the problem. If they were ordinary, normal adult women, they would behave like that, they would not be ashamed of their age, they would not try to get out of the line of their peers, they would look adequate and everything would be fine. But they see the attention of a young man as food for their personal (!) Self-esteem, instead of realizing that he just likes her age group. But phew, this is so sad, the crown cannot be gilded with that.

Noticing that his woman wants to feel like a girly, the guy tries to give her that opportunity. He begins to dominate and call her a pig, he wants to emphasize that for him she is a baby. Well, the more a baby she is, the more noticeable her gray hair and wrinkles, by the way. For her forty she looks great, but for eighteen ... I see. That is, women, trying to level out age, emphasize it and highlight how those who want to hide a large nose under naive curls make their nose several times larger.

The main rule of harmony: create an organic context for quality, do not hide it, do not clog it.

Accept the age-related misalliance and find the benefits in it, emphasize it and don't be shy.

The organic context for adult appearance is adult behavior. No baby voices, short skirts, helpless waving of eyelashes, no "daddy loves his girl?" which grown-up ladies love to say to their young husbands. (I still remember one lady who was 60+ and she used just such words to address her young lover).

If you're not in the know, you probably won't believe that this is exactly what many older women say. Predators are especially indicative in this sense. After some time of relationship, an adult lady turns into a child with a predator. With her older husband she did not turn, but with a young predator - yes. The predator differs from just a young man in that, on average, people fall in love with him more strongly. And the older a woman in love is, the more little girl she becomes. In non-predators, the same thing happens if the woman is much older and in love.

In general, I would like to say the following. If your man is younger (plus or minus 5 years is the same age), never forget about the difference and do not try to hide it, emphasize so as not to hide it imperceptibly for yourself, be proud of the difference, love your age, do not pretend to be a girl, but don't turn him into an old man. Otherwise, soon you will begin to have complexes and fall into negative territory.

And the young men wanted to say. Do not pretend to be daddies, please do not call your adult women Manushki and rats, it is better to play up the real difference beautifully. You don’t need to call your lady by name, patronymic and “you”, though ... But do not make them at least little fools. They will begin to annoy you yourself when you convince them that you seriously consider them your little ones at their fifty-five years.

Men who had relationships with women 10+ older? Women falling in love with guys much younger? How did the relationship develop?

According to the traditions that have developed among almost all peoples of the world, at all times men preferred to marry young girls. And this has been happening for many centuries.

Such a choice of a man was considered quite natural. After all, the spouse was considered as a breadwinner and a hunter. He was to support his family, and therefore he must already be an adult and an accomplished person. The young wife was assigned the role of a caring wife, giving birth to children for her husband and giving him a break from business.

Of course, these marriages were not always ideal. In the fact that a man was older than a woman, you can see both pros and cons. However, times have changed. Today, more and more often you can find such marriages when a woman is 10 years older than a man, or even more. Moreover, this is not particularly surprising to anyone. How strong are these alliances? What are the challenges for couples of different ages? Let's try to understand this issue.

The number of different age marriages

What does statistics say about families where the wife is 10 years older than her husband? According to her, the number of such marriages is steadily growing. For example, in the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow, 60 thousand new families are formed in just one year. Of these, almost 1,000 are marriages in which a woman is 10 years or more older than a man. The data of Moscow sociologists indicate that there are also a large number of so-called civil unions of different ages. There are five times more of them than those that are officially registered. Interestingly, the city of Philadelphia (USA) takes the leading place in the world in terms of the number of marriages of different ages, where the partner is older than the man.


What are the most common marital relationships with a woman 10 years older? In this case, not only age plays an important role. The psychological characteristics of each of the spouses are of great importance for building relationships in the family. Not the last are the personal characteristics of partners, as well as their existing system of values.

Experts are sure that you should not tie your relationship only to age. The fact that a wife is 10 years older is important only when it affects almost all areas of married life.

The strength of such a union to a large extent depends on the perception of age (both one's own and that of a partner), as well as on the distribution of leadership roles in the family. The feeling of mutual respect, as well as the self-esteem of each of the spouses, is also becoming important. And this, as a rule, depends on the level of culture that people have, on their life values \u200b\u200band attitudes.

The reasons for the development of relations

Why do men strive to enter into marriage of different ages? The woman is older and therefore more experienced. Many of the stronger sex just like it.

Very often brides turn out to be older than their suitors, if they have this Mature woman already knows exactly what she wants. She is distinguished by her openness and life experience. She does not hide her aspirations, and in this regard, a man is very interested in her in all respects. For him, such communication is also an excellent school of life.

In addition, the fact that a man fell in love with a woman 10 years older may indicate his unpopularity among his peers. In such cases, comfortable and very reliable relationships often develop for such young people only with mature ladies.

Material side

If a woman is 10 years older than a man, then she, most likely, has already taken place professionally and managed to achieve success by climbing the career ladder. A good job allows her to be financially independent and not need material support from her husband.

How is this question considered in psychology? A woman is 10 years older than a man, with her financial independence, she will certainly act as a teacher. Her partner will get the role of the apprentice. In other words, in such a relationship, desires unrecognized by both partners will always be realized. One of them (namely the woman) will strive for leadership, and the second (man) - for submission. In cases where both partners have just such motives, their relationship will be quite comfortable.

Intimate side

It is known that sexual relations play an important role in any marriage, including those of different ages. What does psychology say about this side of the question? A woman is 10 years older than a man, with an ardent temperament, needs the attention of her partner. Her desire to have an active sex life is far from always able to satisfy a peer. That is why, most often, on a subconscious level, such a woman starts looking for a young partner. Moreover, during intimate meetings, she is not at all a passive participant. Most often, such ladies act as an equal partner or even a leader.

Maternal instinct

How else can you explain the emergence of a relationship when a woman is 10 years older in a couple? The reason for this may be the hypertrophied maternal instinct. After all, such women are already independent and adults. Some of them could not realize themselves in motherhood, while others have grown up children and do not need their care. In this case, a young man can act as a child.

This type of marriage is considered complimentary. This name comes from the French word complementaire, which means "to complement". Relationships between spouses in such a marriage are built in the form of "parent-child". In other words, a woman is a parent in such a relationship.

What are the reasons for these marriages? They are rooted in the personality structure of the husband and wife. Typically, these are people who are addicted to relationships and have unmet needs for affection and parental love.

Risk factors

If an unequal marriage is concluded and a woman is 10 years older than her partner, then psychologists argue that such an age difference makes such a union more vulnerable. Of course, real feelings can arise between people. But it is known that all ages are submissive to love. However, not all of the most romantic, passionate, and vibrant relationships can pass the truth test. Some of them are destroyed under the influence of everyday life and everyday life, others are defenseless in front of the inexorable current time, the third have irreconcilable contradictions, and the fourth cannot withstand the difficulties that come with the appearance of a child. At the same time, psychologists are of the opinion that in families in which the spouse is younger than his other half, the chances of a happy existence decrease with an increase in the age difference between husband and wife.

Of course, marriages between peers are not immune from trials. And this is confirmed by the current statistics on divorces. However, in those unions where the age difference is expressed not in favor of the man, there are many additional risk factors.

Wife leadership

Should you build a relationship with a woman 10 years older? Many young men are attracted to such ladies by self-confidence, independence and independence. But it should be borne in mind that these qualities are not always a positive side for family life. In a house where matriarchy reigns, the man involuntarily plays a secondary role. Of course, for the time being, this may well suit him. However, after the spouse feels mature enough and self-sufficient, conflicts will certainly arise.

There is one more point related to children. If mom is 10 years older than dad and controls him, then the child will certainly feel the decline of the father's authority. Naturally, this will certainly affect his relationship with him. The self-esteem of a man as a father will also suffer.

Unequal roles

Sometimes, when a woman is 10 years older than a man, she begins to overprotect and teach her husband. And sometimes the wife tries to become the beloved "girl" for her lover. In this case, the relationship is disabled and cannot be harmonious. So, if a woman communicates with a young spouse as a mother, then in return she receives devotion and respect from him. In such a situation, the spouse does not seek to have children, because her husband plays the role of a child. Helping in the formation of her own "I", the wife often forgets about her interests and about her life. She focuses so much on the desires and feelings of her husband that she ceases to understand her desires and feelings.

According to psychologists, this risk can be avoided. But at the same time, a woman should not talk to her lover as if with a small child. It is not necessary for her to clearly emphasize the age difference, as well as her wisdom, success, experience, stress resistance, life experience. After all, husband and wife are first and foremost partners. And ideally, they should communicate as equals, based on the "adult-adult" model. Moreover, this should apply to all aspects of life.

Interest difference

If a woman is 10 years older, the compatibility of the spouses is sometimes called into question due to the fact that they are not representatives of the same generation. So, a young husband may like noisy companies, where he will strive with all his heart. Wife will love quiet evenings and home comfort.

Or she prefers theater, and he loves computer games, etc. If there are no common interests, then this fact will certainly make the age difference even more tangible. In this case, the spouses are likely to have significant disagreements.

Relationship to parenting

As a rule, a man is much later mature for fatherhood than a woman for motherhood. And if a wife is 10 years older than her husband, then this problem is even more aggravated. A mature woman has an urgent need to become a mother and have a child. But the future father, most likely, believes that he still needs to "live for himself", that he is "not ready" or "has not gotten to his feet."

Well, if a child does appear, then a man who is used to the gentle care of his beloved suddenly discovers that he lacks attention. This fact is a classic cause of intra-family conflicts.

Children from previous marriages

If a wife is older than her husband in a family, then she most likely already has experience in building marital relations. Most likely, she already has children. Of course, this situation is quite common. However, such a child, even without knowing it himself, is a kind of catalyst for marital relations. And if there are hidden problems in the relationship of the newlyweds, then they will certainly reveal and exacerbate them. Often, having a child separates two people who want to be together with all their hearts, but are unable to overcome the difficulties that have arisen together.

Women's complexes

According to psychologists, a woman who is married to a man much younger than herself strives to increase her self-esteem. And this is quite natural. After all, it is unlikely that a spouse who is not self-confident will be a good wife. She will begin to suspect a man of infidelity, will demand any proof of the sincerity of his feelings. In addition, her grievances will arise literally out of the blue. However, not all women are able to remain self-confident at the moment when signs of aging begin to appear, and the husband enters a period of attractiveness. It is also sad that many young spouses, over time, suddenly begin to realize that their marriage was unsuccessful and "trial".

School of Life

It has long been established that partners living together, over time, become very similar to each other, not only in character, but also in appearance. At the same time, the young spouse, due to his age, will experience greater changes than his soul mate. A man will make every effort to grow to the level of his betrothed. The woman will certainly help him in this, passing on her life experience, as well as the wisdom that has already come over the years. She constantly pushes and inspires her beloved to new achievements, while protecting and supporting him. Without wives to play the role of older friend, such men feel lonely. Psychologists note that it is in such pairs that the partner quickly achieves self-confidence, achieving positive results in an emotional state, as well as in climbing the career ladder.

The role of the young spouse is also important. He brings romance to family relationships, and also introduces his wife to modern trends, for example, those related to computer technology. Due to his age, such a husband will not limit the actions of a woman, nor will he instruct or reproach her. The wife will appreciate it very much. With such a husband, she will certainly feel self-confident, more free.

Based on this, it can be argued that a marriage in which a woman is 10 years older than a man is beneficial to both. The wife supports and "raises" her beloved, cultivating useful qualities in him and helping to get on his feet. For a woman, such a marriage is good because her life becomes filled with meaning. It boosts self-esteem through a sense of self-worth. When she is around a young man, she feels more confident, joyful, young and free.

How to achieve harmony?

Many psychologists are familiar with the mood of women who are married to young men. Such ladies, from the very beginning of the emergence of a relationship, begin to tune in to the fact that their union will certainly fall apart. Women are more than sure that they have only a few years of marital happiness ahead of them. And they agree to this. However, psychologists warn that such an attitude can lead to latent self-doubt. In this case, the woman will begin to feel nervous, feel powerless, or become depressed. The reason for all these conditions is the fear of losing the betrothed, which can force the spouse to make rather serious mistakes. Psychologists recommend never reminding a man that he is younger. In addition, the spouse should not give vent to her jealousy. Indeed, in this case, her partner will feel like a puppy, who is kept on a short leash. The absence of external negative emotions will help maintain love and respect in the family.

Often a woman subconsciously tunes in to an inevitable divorce, believing that it simply cannot be otherwise. Psychologists in this case recommend remembering that human thoughts are material. That is why they recommend giving a slightly different attitude, which will be more optimistic. Of course, the relationship in marriage will certainly develop, successively going through various stages. They simply cannot be permanently perfect. The transition from one stage to another is accompanied by a series of crises. And this is common in all relationships and couples, regardless of the age of the spouses. Of course, age difference can be a problem. However, it is the same for those families where the wife is older than her husband, and for those where she is younger than him.

Psychologists believe that it is not worth giving up on relationships that are believed to have no future. There is no single recipe for making decisions about whether or not to be such a marriage. Everything will depend on the specific case. After all, all ages are submissive to love. This feeling is not subject to any rules, and for it there are no boundaries. If a woman wants to be desired and loved and knows how to achieve this, then she will certainly keep the family. After all, unions created on sincere and mutual feelings cannot be hindered by any restrictions. Each couple has their own formula for love and ideal relationships that allows them to be together. But if this is not the case, then the age difference, which is significant, will only accelerate the separation.

The tradition of marrying a girl to a man who is much older than her dates back to several centuries. Then it was believed that a big age difference would indicate a long and strong marriage, and a woman, thanks to her older spouse, would feel like she was behind a stone wall. But times are changing. Increasingly, you can find a couple where the older woman is not the man. Last time I touched on the negative aspects of a relationship in which a woman is older. But there are many good things that I have not mentioned ...

What are the positive features of a union in which the girl is older?

The presence of a young man will certainly encourage a woman to take care of herself even better and better, choose stylish clothes and shoes for herself, do anti-aging procedures, give up bad habits, and go in for sports. Any woman understands that a young man needs to correspond, otherwise he can easily be taken away. A man, in turn, will strive to look his best, because next to a beautiful girl he will need to look dignified.

Paired with a more mature woman, it is easier for a man to realize himself in life, since his chosen one has more life experience, she is more serious and in many issues more perspicacious than him. The female sex begins to mature psychologically before the male sex, because in order to continue the human race, nature has endowed women with mental invulnerability and moral stability. Only next to a strong woman does a young man become truly courageous. A woman is able to give advice, warn her partner against mistakes and wrong steps due to her greater life experience. She will be able to warn the relationship from unnecessary scandals.

No matter how strange it may sound, a man is subconsciously tuned in to a relationship with a more mature woman. Remember, from childhood a man is brought up by women: mother, grandmothers, aunts, sisters; later they are nannies and kindergarten teachers and teachers at school. Therefore, it will be much easier for him to build relationships with an adult woman.

As a rule, women only come to understand their true destiny over the years. In their early years, many girls like to live in an atmosphere of idleness and entertainment, but with age, they increasingly gravitate towards family life. An older woman is better at keeping an eye on the cleanliness and aesthetic beauty of her home, she is more skilled in the culinary field and more responsibly approaches the process of planning and raising children. Over the years, the girl becomes more feminine. She will be able to organize for a young man the comfort and coziness he needs so much. Namely, due to the absence of the latter, young couples break up.

Star couples, where the woman is older:

A couple where the girl is older will have the highest sexual compatibility. Sexologists have long noted that the peak of female sexuality occurs at about 27-30 years, and male - at 21-23. His energy and ability to recuperate quickly goes well with her experience. Thus, both partners will be able to regularly receive maximum sexual satisfaction.

And at the end of this big topic, I would like to address couples where the partner is older:

1. Ignore public opinion. When a man is younger than a woman is a common occurrence in our time. Don't think about how your friends and family will react. The main thing is that you love and are loved and you feel good to be together.

2. Teach each other. The age difference is only beneficial to both parties. You can give your young partner a life experience, with you he will have a better chance of achieving high career results. And he, in turn, will charge you with energy and introduce you to the new trends of the modern world that you cannot learn from a man of the older generation.

3. Don't be jealous of your young partner. Jealousy arises from self-doubt. When a man is younger than a woman, there is room for constant suspicion. However, he chose you - which means that he needs you and only you. But at the same time, do not give him complete freedom, go to various events together.

4. Feel the lightness of the relationship. If a man is younger, he is not inclined to reproach you, instruct and limit your actions. He is easier on life, so you will have more fun. Plus, you will feel more confident and perfect around your boyfriend.

5. Don't be afraid to build a serious relationship. According to statistics, 53% of marriages in which the husband and wife are the same age break up after 2-3 years. The average duration of marriages where a man is younger than a woman is 12-16 years. But many couples live together for 20 and 25 years.

6. Enjoy your sexual relationship. Youth and experience combined will bring you many pleasant moments.

Many unions in which the girl is older than the young man lead to weddings and long, happy family relationships. Cast aside all doubts and love your soul mate, even if she is much younger or older than you. Do not pay attention to other people's opinions, as this is your life, and you should live it the way you want it.


The skater admits that he, like many men, used to love dating younger girls, but now he is not afraid to be led by his wise wife. The future spouses met during the preparation for Eurovision-2008, in which Rudkovskaya's ward Dima Bilan participated. Evgeni Plushenko and violinist Edwin Marton were involved in the artist's performance. The guys brought Russia victory in the song contest, and for Plushenko this triumph became a double celebration, because he managed to win Yana's heart too. Just a year later, the lovers played a magnificent wedding, and on the eve of Christmas 2013, baby Sasha was born in the family.

Madonna (56) and Timor Steffens (27)


It would be strange not to see Madonna on this list - all of the diva's last boyfriends were younger than her. The artist herself explains her choice simply: you see, her peers have been married for a long time and with children. From the last more or less serious relationship, we remember the dancer Timor Steffens, the difference with whom was as much as 30 years. Madonna met Timor at a New Year's party at the Villa Valentino Garavani. Their romance lasted seven months. Before that, the star met with another young and hot handsome man - 25-year-old Frenchman Brahim Zaibat.

Lera Kudryavtseva (44) and Igor Makarov (27)

The TV presenter and the hockey player are separated by 16 years, but the couple does not care about this difference at all - a year and a half ago, the SKA striker and the screen star got married, and six months ago they bought a house in the Moscow region. Lera admitted that after the wedding she really wants to change her lifestyle: to give birth to two more children (Kudryavtseva has a 25-year-old son) and learn to knit.

Sharon Stone (57) & David DeLuis (43)

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The age difference between Sharon Stone and David DeLuis is small by Madonna's standards - only 13 years old, but the couple looks very harmonious. The 43-year-old producer wears a beard and is slightly gray, while Stone looks many times younger than his years.

Alla Pugacheva (66) and Maxim Galkin (39)


Galkin became the fifth husband of the Prima Donna, who no longer hid her sympathy for younger men (the artist's previous husband, Philip Kirkorov, was 18 years younger than his wife). A couple of years after a loud wedding, in September 2013, Alla Borisovna's fans were surprised by the news that the artist had become a mother again. Of course, the singer did not give birth to her babies on her own - a surrogate mother helped her in this.

Shakira (38) and Gerard Pique (28)

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Despite the fact that Shakira is 10 years older than her husband (only 10 years!), This does not prevent them from building family happiness. The singer and the footballer met five years ago at the FIFA World Cup and gave the world two boys. Personally, these two evoke the warmest feelings in us.

Nonna Grishaeva (44) and Alexander Nesterov (31)


The artist's young husband works as a director for his wife and helps her develop a musical career. Answering the question about the age difference, Grishaeva admits: “With him I feel absolutely protected! And Sasha is very similar to my father. "

Deborra-Lee Furness (59) & Hugh Jackman (46)

Actor Hugh Jackman and his wife have been together for 20 years - this example is really excellent proof that the age of love is not a hindrance. The Hollywood handsome man is 13 years younger than his wife. That is, when they decided to get married, he was only 28, and she was already 41. Do you want to know what the secret of their relationship is? Jackman does not part with his wife for more than two weeks - such a rule in a star family.

Lolita (51) and Dmitry Ivanov (40)


Lolita Milyavskaya played her fifth wedding in March 2010. The choice of the artist fell on a tennis player and fitness trainer. As the artist says, Dmitry himself began to look after her - he invited her to personal training. But in the end, it was not sport that brought the future spouses, but misfortune: when Dmitry was hospitalized, Lolita began to take care of him, and then fell in love. Only two years after the wedding, Lolita met her adult stepdaughter: Ivanov has a 19-year-old daughter, Anastasia. The artist is not at all jealous of her husband for his first family. According to her, on the contrary, she likes his care and responsibility for the family.